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The Amache Japanese Internment Camp
Through Records at the Colorado State Archives

Ariel Photo of Granada Center from the Water Tower - Granada Relocation Center, Amache, Colorado.

Aerial Photo of Granada Center from the Water Tower - Granada Relocation Center, Amache, Colorado. Photo by Joe McClelland , 6/20/1943

The following is a presentation of records in the custody of the Colorado State Archives that document the Japanese Internment Camp at Granada, Colorado. These documents, publications and photographs come from several collections at the Archives. The Governor’s collection contains the official acts of Governor Ralph L. Carr, his correspondence with individuals and groups concerning the war and the Japanese, and many speeches that he gave. The Governor’s Council of Defense collection documents all aspects of World War II and is quite extensive. Many publications and photographs originate with this collection. We also have information from the war governor John C. Vivian, who followed Carr in 1943, but since we have been unable to research his collection in depth we are not including documents from his administration in this presentation.

In addition to the governors’ collections we also have information from various agencies. We include an Abstract of Votes from the 1944 General Election and excerpts from a report from the Department of Education, Superintendent of the Amache schools which documents the school system, the adult education available at Amache as well as many other aspects of camp life. There are undoubtedly additional agencies such as the Colorado Department of Labor and the Department of Agriculture for which we have records. We have also presented Liley Havey’s collection of watercolors that she graciously let us use on our site as well as photographs from our collections which include donations from the Optimists Club and Elaine Wischnowsky whose mother taught at the Amache school. As with any primary source, these materials may show the bias of the author. In order to balance your research you may wish to find more resources especially from the point of view of the Amache internees.  

Amache Homepage
Section I: Short History of Amache Japanese Internment Camp
Section II: Documents from Governor Ralph Carr's Administration (1939-1943)
Section III: The Amache Camp in Documents
Section IV: The Amache Camp Through a Report on the Educational System

More Granada Photographs                                                                Amache Teachers List 
Amache Watercolors by Lily Havey                                                  Japanese Internment Camp Links
Governor's Council of Defense Collection Homepage                    Governor Ralph Carr Collection


Last modified December 12, 2006