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Evaluation of Simulated Clouds in the Community Atmospheric Model (CAM2): Over the Globe and at the ARM Site

Zhang, M.H.(a) and Lin, W.Y.(a), Stony Brook University
Thirteenth Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Science Team Meeting

We first compare seasonal climatology of the global distribution of ISCCP-type clouds in the NCAR CAM2 with observations from ISCCP. Model deficiencies in simulated clouds are highlighted. Model capability of simulating the observed response of different cloud types to ENSO is also discussed. We then use ARM cloud measurements at the ARM SGP to compare with the CAM cloud statistics at the same site. It is shown that several model deficiencies in the global cloud distribution are also present at the ARM site. Relevance of these model deficiencies to the interpretation of model cloud climate feedback is discussed.

Note: This is the poster abstract presented at the meeting; an extended version was not provided by the author(s).