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W-band ARM Cloud Radar (WACR) Update and Status

PopStefanija, Ivan ProSensing, Inc.
Mead, James ProSensing Inc.
Widener, Kevin Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Category: Instruments

Two W-band ARM Cloud Radars (WACR) have been developed for the SGP and the ARM Mobile Facility (AMF) by ProSensing. The SGP WACR was successfully deployed in the same shelter as the MMCR in 2005. It is currently collecting co-polarization and cross-polarization spectral moments (reflectivity, Doppler velocity, and spectral width) along with spectra data. The AMF WACR will be deployed with the AMF in Niamey, Niger early in 2006. We will present ingested WACR data formats available from the ARM Archive, a selected comparisons of WACR and MMCR data at SGP, and data from the AMF WACR.

This poster will be displayed at the ARM Science Team Meeting.