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Maintaining History of the ARM Climate Research Facility Data

Koontz, Annette Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Sivaraman, Chitra Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Martin, Tonya DOE/Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Category: Infrastructure & Outreach

The Data Management Facility (DMF), located at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, is the central collection point for the ARM Climate Research Facility (ACRF) data for both ingests and Value Added Products. At the present time, the DMF provides data from 30 instruments and 20 Value Added Products. The DMF typically has 3 months of the most recent data and transfers data to the Archive on a daily basis. Historically, the metadata within the netCDF File Header Descriptions or Data Object Designs (DODs) from ingests and VAP’s is continually being revised. One of the goals of ARM is be able to provide a history of the DOD or datastream as it goes through various changes. The History of Datastream tool that is created at PNNL will provide information on the metadata changes and when these changes occurred. This essentially provides a history of the datastreams available at the DMF. PNNL will be providing this tool to the Archive and External Data Center (XDC) so we can maintain a history on all the datastreams. The process in determining and maintaining the history of the datastreams will be presented in the poster.

This poster will be displayed at the ARM Science Team Meeting.