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LES Modeling of High Resolution Satellite Cloud Spatial and Thermal Structure at ARM-SGP site: How well can we Simulate Clouds from Space?

Dubey, Manvendra DOE/Los Alamos National Laboratory
Chylek, Petr DOE/Los Alamos National Laboratory
Reisner, Jon Los Alamos National Laboratory
Porch, William Los Alamos National Laboratory

Category: Cloud Properties

We report high fidelity observations of the spatial and thermal structure of an individual cloud at high resolution (20 m) over DOE’s SGP site using DOE’s MTI satellite. These observations are compared with simulations using LANL’s new cloud resolving LES model with bulk microphysics whose dynamics is constrained by soundings at ARM’s Oklahoma site. We find that our simulations capture the shape, size, altitude and thermal gradients observed by the satellite. We identify spatio-temporal distribution of thermals as the key model parameter that leads to this agreement, and use ground based concomitant collocated micropulse Lidar measurements to constrain this.

This poster will be displayed at the ARM Science Team Meeting.