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Evaluation of the intraseasonal and interannual variability of climate as simulated by a CSU Multi-Scale Modeling Framework

Khairoutdinov, Marat Colorado State University
Randall, David Colorado State University

Category: Modeling

A new kind of global climate models (GCMs), a so-called multiscale-modeling framework (MMF), has recently emerged. MMF-GCM replaces conventional cloud parameterizations with a small-domain cloud-resolving model (CRM; often called in this context a ‘super-parameterization’) inserted into each GCM grid-column to explicitly represent clouds and their effects. Recently, the Colorado State University MMF has been used to conduct a 16-year long AMIP-style simulation using observed monthly mean sea surface temperatures (SSTs) and sea ice extent from September 1985 to September 2001 as lower boundary condition. Simulated intraseasonal variability such as the Madden Julian Oscillation as well as the interannual variability associated with the El Nino/La Nino cycles in SSTs are compared to observations.

This poster will be displayed at the ARM Science Team Meeting.