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Radiosonde observations at Pt. Reyes and cloud properties retrieved from GOES-WEST

Inoue, Toshiro MRI/JMA

Category: Field Campaigns

Low-level cloud formed off the west coast of continents plays an important role in general circulation and climate. Marine Stratus Radiation Aerosol and Drizzle (MASRAD) was conducted at the ARM mobile site deployed at Pt Reyes, California during April to September. Here, we studied the relationship between meteorological parameters observed by GPS sonde and cloud properties observed from GOES-WEST during the MASRAD intensive operational period. Cloud properties are retrieved from VISST (Visible Infrared Solar-infrared Split window Technique). The vertical profile of stability, relative humidity (RH) and wind speed observed by GPS sonde are used to compare with the cloud properties. The difference between clear and overcast is summarized as stability is stronger, RH is higher below the inversion level and wind speed is weaker on overcast case. Similarly, the difference between optical thickness is summarized as stability is stronger, RH is higher below the inversion level and wind speed is weaker on optically thicker cloud condition. It is interesting to note that the stability near surface is stronger on cloud free condition than overcast condition.

This poster will be displayed at the ARM Science Team Meeting.