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Methodology for Calculating Spectral Surface Albedo Using ARM MFSR and MFR Data

Gaustad, Krista Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Long, Chuck Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Category: Radiation

This poster will describe a methodology for identifying the best estimate downwelling and upwelling irradiance measurements for use in calculating a global and spectral albedo for the area located near the SGP ARM’s central facility 10m tower. The best estimate MFRSR downwelling global measurement is identified through comparisons between mfrsrE13, mfrsrC1, sirsE13, and sirsC1 downwelling global measurements. The poster will examine whether the best estimate of the individual six downwelling spectral measurements that correspond to the mfr operating wavelengths can be identified through comparisons between the mfrsrE13 and mfsrC1 measurements, or if available data does not allow completion of such comparisons, whether a weighting technique that equates the mfrsr global broadband irradiance to the sum of the individual mfrsr spectral irradiances can be used to develop a downwelling spectral best estimate as some combination of the values from the two sites, or an approximation can be calculated to fill in missing or bad spectral measurements. The quality of the mfr10m upwelling broadband irradiance will be assessed by comparing it to the co-located sirsE13 upwelling global broadband irradiance. While the upwelling spectral irradiances cannot be directly assessed, the poster will examine whether they can be evaluated by developing a relationship between the mfr10m upwelling broadband irradiance and the mfr25m upwelling broadband value and using these results to develop an estimate of the sum of the spectral measurements. The poster will lastly explore whether the resulting best estimate of the sum of the spectral irradiances provides a mechanism for estimating the individual upwelling spectral irradiances.

This poster will be displayed at the ARM Science Team Meeting.