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High Performance ComputingPicture of Linux Penguin with double helix signifying open source solutions to bioinformatics problems.

Linux Clusters

The CBF has long provided higher performance computing by installing and maintaing Linux clusters for the scientific community. The availibility of inexpensive commodity parts, operating systems refinement, domain selective problem solution sets and new high speed interconnection hardware are certain to keep Linux clusters an attractive solution for computational biology


SGI worksations and servers are currently utilized to provide high throughput computing for molecular modeling.


The Cray XD-1 supercomputer operated and maintained by the CBF gives the NIEHS DIR community access to a truly significant processing environment. With a high troughput microprocessor interconnect and the addition of field programmable gateway arrays the Cray XD-1 has expanded the utility of the CBF. Current projects on the Cray XD-1 include performance tuning and model simulation of quantum effects computer models. Department of Health & Human Services National Institutes of Health
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Last Reviewed: May 04, 2007