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News Release

ETA News Release: [December 31, 2003]
Contact Name: Lorette Post
Phone Number: 202-693-3984

Labor Department Awards $1.7 Million to Greater Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce for High-Tech Training
CINCINATTI, Ohio -- The U.S. Department of Labor's Employment and Training Administration has awarded just over $1.7 million to the Greater Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce to train 100 incumbent workers and 200 unemployed workers in information technology, advanced manufacturing, biotechnology, engineering technology and computer science.

"This Administration is committed to helping workers get the training they need to get good paying jobs," said U.S. Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao. "This $1.7 million grant will be used to upgrade the skills of workers."

Training will take place in Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky and will provide both bachelor-level certificates in programming and engineering and graduate level certificates in programming, network administration, advanced manufacturing, bioinformatics, biomedical engineering and engineering and tech management.

The project will target employed and unemployed workers with a focus on persons with disabilities. All certificate programs will consist of seven courses and an internship component for hands-on experience in a specific field.

Partner employers and training providers have committed to matching $1.4 million in cash contribution and $527,000 through in-kind contributions.

"This grant illustrates the kind of workforce development partnerships we are encouraging to address the challenges facing 21st century businesses," said Emily Stover DeRocco, assistant secretary of labor for employment and training. "When businesses identify the skills their workforce needs, educators and our public workforce system can be key players in preparing workers for the highly skilled jobs in high-demand fields."

This grant and others totaling approximately $49 million were awarded competitively to business-led partnerships nationwide to train workers for high-skill, high-tech occupations.


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Created: April 22, 2004