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The SGP Aerosol Best-Estimate Value-Added Procedure and Its Impact on the BBHRP Project

Turner, David Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Sivaraman, Chitra Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Flynn, Connor Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Mlawer, Eli Atmospheric & Environmental Research, Inc.

The objective of the Aerosol Best-Estimate (ABE) Value-Added Procedure (VAP) is to provide estimates of aerosol extinction, single-scatter albedo, and asymmetry parameter at all times and heights above the Southern Great Plains (SGP) facility. This product is required by other efforts such as the Broadband Heating Rate Profile (BBHRP) and the Shortwave QME projects. We have developed an algorithm that provides these fields using a minimum of data streams. Data from this VAP has been used in the BBHRP analysis for year 2000, showing a marked reduction in the diffuse residuals in ice cloud scenes. Improvements made in the VAP in the past year will be presented, as well as an outline for future upgrades such as the incorporation of conditional retrievals into the ABE.

This poster will be displayed at the ARM Science Team Meeting.