Geophysical Fluid
Dynamics Laboratory

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Vis > visualization > 2d > 2-D Packages

2-D Packages

Package Descriptions

NCAR Graphics


Ncview is a visual browser for netCDF data format files. Ncview displays a 2-dimensional, color representation of single precision floating point data in a netCDF file. You can animate the data in time (making simple movies), flip or enlarge the picture, scan through various axes, change colormaps, etc. Ncview is *not* a plotting program or an analysis package. Rather, its purpose in life is to view data stored in netCDF format files quickly, easily, and simply.
- short user spin-up
- fast cross-sectioning
- magnification capability
- a number of predefined color palettes, which can be inverted and "scrunched" to highlight high or low values
- animation (along least quickly varying dimension only)
- print capability
- can take a series of files as input (ie, sequence of snapshot history files)
- mouse <left-click> pops up a time-series graph for variables at that point
- animation speed control
- mouse-selectable colormap endpoints, with optional reset
- Optional Map overlay
- Option to filter out 1-D variables ("-no1d")

- no contour lines or vectors
- no legend/labelbar, axis/tic-marks, geography
- will not do X-Z or Y-Z crossections unless there is a 4th ("time") dimension
- does not handle unpacking of "packed" (8- or 16-bit) data
- the coordinate label for the "scan dimension" can lack precision depending on how UDUNITS is used to create a "friendlier" label; the actual coordinate value is correctly displayed in the plot window.
- overlaid map can get messed up if you switch to a varible with a different horizontal grid ---simply turn the overlay "Off" then back "On"



FERRET is an interactive computer visualization and analysis environment designed to meet the needs of oceanographers and meteorologists analyzing large and complex gridded data sets. FERRET can be used to analyze the outputs of its numerical ocean models and compare them with gridded, observational data. The model data sets are generally multi-gigabyte in size with mixed 3 and 4-dimensional variables defined on staggered grids.

FERRET offers a Mathematica-like approach to analysis; new variables may be defined interac tively as mathematical expressions involving data set variables. Calculations may be applied over arbitrarily shaped regions. Fully documented graphics are produced with a single command. Ferret provides well-proven scientific graphics styles, such as contours, scatter plots, and vector diagrams, and the ability to define new variables as mathematical expressions involving data base variables. Analysis is augmented by regridding capabilities and boolean operators to per form calculations over arbitrary regions. Ferret's data management is based on a simple, adapt able data model incorporated into standardized, self-describing, direct-access files.

NCAR Graphics

NCAR Graphics is a collection of graphics libraries that supports the display of scientific data via contours, area-fill, map overlays, X-Y plots, etc.
- plots are customizable to the N-th degree (NCARG's claim to fame)

- supported by a major development group with a long history and stable funding
- the "idt " metafile viewer is very versatile, and supports flipbook animation
- the new approach of setting "resources" and then "realizing" the plot is less error prone than the traditional subroutine-calling approach
- GUI promised in early '96 and prototyped up until version 4.1.x

- NCL is much wordier (albeit more informative) than, say, GrADS or MATLAB
- the GUI is quite nominal :
  • officially, overlays (eg, ezmaps) are not supported (though I've done it...)
  • data ingestion is only via NCL
  • officially, no way to manipulate colormap (though I've done this, too, to some extent)
  • no way to save the "state" of a plot (fix promised for early '96)
    1. Make sure your environment variables point to NCARG:
      # Linux x86 
      setenv NCARG_ROOT /usr/local/ncarg-4.3.1
      setenv NCARPATH /usr/local/ncarg-4.3.1/bin
      setenv PATH $:$
      # Linux ia64
      setenv NCARG_ROOT /usr/local/ncg/ncarg-4.4.1
      setenv PATH $:$/bin
    2. Startup NCL by entering :
    HINTS :
    Take a look at the following "starter" NCL scripts :
    - test2.ncl : contains some basic NCL that you can "select and paste" into the window where you are running NCL
    - basic_fns.ncl : some basic NCL functions used to set map characteristics, adjust colors, perform contouring
    - startx.ncl : used by "test2.ncl" to intialize an X-window, as well as a map, data, and contour "objects"
    - for_gui.ncl : contains some basic NCL that you can "select and paste" into the NCL Editor window of the GUI to get things started (setting colomaps, creating map/contour/data/text objects; also include sample NCL to access data files, take slices, overlay maps, etc.)


    The Grid Analysis and Display System (GrADS) is a command-line tool for accessing, manipulating, and displaying data on a variety of computer platforms. A scripting language also makes it suitable for batch applications. Gridded (or station) data is located within a 4-Dimensional space (usually longitude, latitude, level, and time) through a data description file. GrADS suports the UNIX byte-stream and GRIB data formats, and ingestion of NetCDF data is (minimally) available beginning with version 1.6 (beta).
    Data may be displayed using a variety of graphical output techniques, including contours, shading, vectors, scatter plots and geography. VCS can also be used to plot GrADS-compatible data.
    PLUSES :
    - animation of 2-D plots

    - plots are very customizable
    - mathematical manipulation / user function capability
    - reads GRIB data
    - reads netCDF data (though very nominally)
    - reads and plots station data
    - GrADS' data format is supported by a very limited number of packages

    - GrADS' data format handles only one grid per file (e, no staggered grids)
    NOTE :
    GrADS data files generated on Intel-based platforms (PC`s) will be "byte-swapped", i.e., the byte ordering is different. You will need to insert an "OPTIONS BYTESWAPPED" line in the control file. To use the data file in other codes, you can make a copy of the file with the bytes reordered using the byteswap utility.

    For more complete information, see Tony Gordon's GrADS Page.

    XGrads (tkgrads)


    XGrads is a graphical interface for the GrADS program written in the Tcl/Tk language. It provides point-and-click accessibility to most of the capabilities of GrADS, thereby almost eliminating the need for typing in commands. XGrads does not modify GrADS in any way, but just acts as a front-end passing information back and forth between its GUI and the command-line GrADS. All widget settings can be saved so plots are easily reproducible.

    Note: Although the program is officially called XGrads, the startup script has been renamed to tkgrads in order to avoid filename conflicts and emphasize it's graphical capability.




    In order to use tkgrads, first set up the environment variables and the path as described on the GrADS page. Be sure to replace all occurrances of "beta9" with "beta7" if a newer version of GrADS is preferable. Then run the program:


    smaller bigger reset
    last modified: January 08 2007.