Geophysical Fluid
Dynamics Laboratory

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Vis > data > netcdf > ncstat


ncstat	[-d dim1,dim2,...]   [-s s1,s2,...]   [-f attname]  [-h	attname]  [-n]
     in_cdf out_cdf


     Computes a	statistical summary of the input netCDF,  in_cdf,  and	writes
     the  result to the	output netCDF, out_cdf.	 The set of desired statistics
     can be specified, as can the dimensions over which	to compute them.   The
     output netCDF will	be created if an only if the program is	successful.


     -d	dim1[,dim2,...]
	 Summary dimensions.  The set of dimensions  over  which  the  summary
	 statistics  are  to  be computed is dim1[,dim2,...].  Statistics will
	 only be computed for variables	that  contain  at  least  one  of  the
	 summary dimensions.  The default is all input dimensions.

     -s	s1[,s2,...]
	 The set  of  statistics  to  compute  is  s1[,s2,...].	  Each	output
	 variable  will	 be  named after its respective	input variable and the
	 statistic that	it represents:	the  first  part  will	be  the	 input
	 variable  name	 (e.g. "temp") and the last part will be an underscore
	 followed by the statistic name	(e.g. "_mean", yielding	 "temp_mean").
	 Except	for the	`fillcount' statistic, fill-values do not take part in
	 the computations.  Fill-values	are indicated by  the  presence	 of  a
	 `_FillValue' variable-attribute (see, however,	the `-f' option).  The
	 known statistics are:

     min Minimum value.	 The output variable  will  have  the  same  type  and
	 attributes as the input variable.

     max Maximum value.	 Similar to `min' above.

	 Mean value.  If the type of the input variable	is  double,  then  the
	 type  of  the output variable will also be double; otherwise the type
	 of the	output variable	will be	float.	The output variable will  have
	 the same attributes as	the input variable.

	 Count of the number of	fill-values.  The type of the output  variable
	 will be long.

     The default is all	statistics.

     -f	attname
	 The name of the  fill-value  attribute	 in  the  input	 netCDF.   The
	 default is `_FillValue'.
	 is `history'.

     -n	 Do not	create a `history' global-attribute in the output netCDF.


	 Temporary output netCDF: where	pid is the process-ID  and  seq	 is  a
	 sequence  number.  If all goes	well, the temporary output netCDF will
	 be renamed to the requested output netCDF.





     The constructed, temporary	output netCDF specification might be too  long
     on	some systems (the program checks for this).


     Steve Emmerson <>.

smaller bigger reset
last modified: July 14 2004.