Geophysical Fluid
Dynamics Laboratory

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Vis > data > netcdf > ncextr


ncextract [-v var1[,...]]  [-g att1[,...]]   [-x gv]  [-e var,att1[,...]]   [-
     i var,att1[,...]]	[-cns] in_cdf out_cdf


     This netCDF operator extracts a subset of the data	from in_cdf and	writes
     it	 to  out_cdf.	One  can  specify  either  the subset to appear	in the
     output, or	the subset to exclude from the	output.	  If  no  options  are
     specified,	 then  this  operator  copies  the  input netCDF to the	output
     netCDF  (deleting	superfluous  dimensions).   If	 the   output	netCDF
     specification  is	the  same  as the input	netCDF specification, then the
     extraction	is performed in-place.	The new, output	netCDF	will  only  be
     created if	the program is successful.

     Input dimensions that are not associated with any	output	variable  will
     not  appear  in the output	netCDF.	 Note that this	feature	can be used to
     remove superfluous	dimensions from	a netCDF (`ncextract in_cdf').


     -v	 Variable-set.	The set	of variables (to be included or	 excluded)  is
	 the  (possibly	 empty set) var1,... This option may be	specified more
	 than  once.   As  a  convenience,  not	 specifying  this  option   is
	 equivalent to specifying all variables.

     -g	 Global-attribute set.	The set	of global-attributes (to be  extracted
	 or  excluded) is the (possibly	empty set) att1,... This option	may be
	 specified more	than once.  As	a  convenience,	 not  specifying  this
	 option	is equivalent to specifying all	global-attributes.

     -x	gv
	 Exclude the set of global-attributes (g) and/or  variables  (v)  from
	 the   output.	 (The  `g'  and	 `v'  may  be  specified  together  or
	 separately.)  In this mode,  those  entities  (variables  or  global-
	 attributes) which are in their	respective sets	will not appear	in the
	 output; all others will.  The default mode is include,	which extracts
	 from the input	only those entities that are in	their respective sets.

     -e	 Exclude attributes.  The attributes att1,... of variable var will not
	 appear	in the output.	This option may	be specified more than once.

     -i	 Include attributes.  The attributes att1,...  of  variable  var  will
	 appear	in the output if the variable itself will.  This option	may be
	 specified more	than once.

     -c	 Include coordinate-variables.	 All  coordinate-variables  associated
	 with  the  dimensions of the output variables will also appear	in the



     Delete, in-place, any superfluous dimensions in netCDF `':


     Create netCDF `out_cdf' containing	only variables `one', and  `two'  from
     netCDF  `in_cdf';	do  not	 copy  any global-attributes, but do create an
     output history global-attribute.

 ncextract -xg -v one,two in_cdf out_cdf

     Create netCDF `out_cdf' containing	all  variables	from  netCDF  `in_cdf'
     except  variables	`one',	and  `two'; exclude from the output netCDF the
     attribute `units' of variable `three' and	only  include  the  attributes
     `scale' and offset' from variable `four':

 ncextract -xv -v one,two -A three,units -a four,scale,offset in_cdf out_cdf


     *.tnc   Temporary output netCDF.  If all goes well, the temporary	output
	     netCDF will be renamed to the requested output netCDF.




     The constructed, temporary	output netCDF specification might be too  long
     on	some systems (the program checks for this).


     Steve Emmerson <>.

smaller bigger reset
last modified: July 14 2004.