Geophysical Fluid
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Vis > data > netcdf > grads2nc


     grads2nc infile.ctl [ -n ] [ -r ] [ -v | -q ]


     grads2nc converts a data file in GrADS format to the more portable netCDF
     format.   It  is quite simple to use and handles most structures in GrADS
     files.   However,  grads2nc  currently  does   not   support   multi-file
     templates, station data, GRIB data, and initial file headers.  It assumes
     the control file format for GrADS 1.5.x; older or newer versions  may  or
     may not parse correctly, but they will probably be fine.

     During conversion of a file, the output netCDF file's X and Y  dimensions
     are   given   a   "units"   attribute   of  "degrees_E"  and  "degress_N"
     respectively.  All the Z dimensions are given units of "level".  All  the
     variables  are  given units of "unknown" since there is no consistent way
     of extracting this information from the GrADS control file.   The  actual
     data  values  are  simply copied through to the netCDf file; they are not
     modified in any way.


          The input GrADS control file.  The data file it references must also
          be available.
          The output netCDF file.

     -n   Use the shell's setting for "NETCDF_FFIOSPEC", otherwise it will use
          the built-in default of "cachea:896:2" (Cray only).

     -r   Finds the actual  minimum  and  maximum  values  for  each  variable
          instead of using the default "valid_range" of -1e+37 to 1e+37.

     -v   Verbose mode; print extensive progress information.

     -q   Quiet mode; no progress output.


     grads2nc uses John Sheldon's NCIR library  to  write  the  netCDF  files:


     Programming and design by Hans Vahlenkamp (, NCIR library by
     John  Sheldon  (  -  Geophysical  Fluid Dynamics Lab / NOAA,
     Princeton University Forrestal Campus.

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last modified: July 14 2004.