Geophysical Fluid
Dynamics Laboratory

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Vis > data > conversion > netcdf2vis5d > NetCDF to Vis5d via Ferret

NetCDF to Vis5d via Ferret

This vis5d functionality of Ferret turns out to be a cinch to use -- for example, the following launches a vis5d session with the annual-average temperature field for the world ocean:

	 setenv PATH :/usr/local/vis5d+/bin
	 yes? use levitus_climatology
	 yes? go vis5d_write temp.v5d temp 
	 yes? go vis5d_start temp.v5d
The Ferret developers have written several scripts to interface with vis5d (see /usr/local/ferret/go/vis5d*.jnl). To use these, one needs to append /usr/local/vis5d+/bin to the PATH. We could eliminate this step by adding the following links in /usr/local/bin:
The shell script that uses Ferret to "convert" a NetCDF file to Vis5d is nc_to_vis5d.

The results are in /home/atw/mytest/vis5d. All the work was done by get_data.jnl, which regrids all the variables to a common grid with even spacing in latitude (apparently Vis5d can't handle irregular y-axes).

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last modified: February 20 2004.