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Employment & Training Administration

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ETA News Release: [Sept. 19, 2005]
Contact Name: David James
Phone Number: 202-693-4676

U.S. Department of Labor Issues Regulatory Relief Advisory for Katrina-Impacted States
WASHINGTON -- The U.S. Department of Labor today announced regulatory relief options available to states involved in the delivery of re-employment services to residents left without a job by Hurricane Katrina. In an advisory sent to state workforce agency leaders, the Department outlined a defined set of options permitted under the Workforce Investment Act of 1998.

"To help hurricane survivors reclaim their lives as quickly as possible, we want to do everything we can to expedite the delivery of reemployment services," said Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao. "We are working closely with impacted states to encourage creative solutions at the state and local levels to be as responsive as possible to workers' needs."

Current law spells out circumstances under which the Secretary may waive certain statutory and regulatory requirements. States also may submit workforce flexibility (work-flex) plans to waive requirements that apply to local areas.

"While the flexibility is more limited than we want, the U.S. Department of Labor wants to ensure that state officials know the provisions available to assist them during this challenging time," said Assistant Secretary of Labor for Employment and Training Emily Stover DeRocco. "To the extent current law permits, we are equipping state officials with the tools and resources they need while allowing them to customize solutions for the unique situations found in affected areas and host states."
The U.S. Department of Labor's Employment and Training Administration also has created an online link for finding employment at either or through America's Job Bank at For more information on the Department of Labor's employment and training programs, please visit  


U.S. Labor Department (DOL) releases are accessible on the Internet at The information in this news release will be made available in alternate format upon request (large print, Braille, audio tape or disc) from the COAST office. Please specify which news release when placing your request. Call (202) 693-7765 or TTY (202) 693-7755. DOL is committed to providing America's employers and employees with easy access to understandable information on how to comply with its laws and regulations. For more information, please visit

Created: September 19, 2005