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A woodland scene
Industrial Fire Precaution Levels
I. Closed Season
Fire season requirements are in effect. In addition to other fire prevention measures, a Fire Watch is required at this and all higher levels unless otherwise waived.

II. Partial Hootowl
The following may operate only between the hours of 8 P.M. and 1 P.M.
  •  power saws except at loading sites
  •  cable yarding
  •  blasting
  •  welding or cutting of metal

III. Partial Shutdown
The following are prohibited except as indicated:
  •  cable yarding - except that gravity operated logging systems employing non-motorized carriages may operate between 8 P.M. and 1 P.M. when all blocks and moving lines are suspended 10 feet above the ground except the line between the carriage and the chokers
  •  power saws - except power saws may be used at loading sites and on tractor/skidder operations between the hours of 8 P.M. and 1 P.M.
In addition, the following are permitted to operate between the hours of 8 P.M. and 1 P.M.:
  •  tractor/skidder, feller-buncher, forwarder, or shovel logging operations where tractors, skidders or other equipment with a blade capable of constructing fireline are immediately available to quickly reach and effectively attack a fire start
  •  mechanized loading or hauling of any product or material
  •  blasting
  •  welding or cutting of metal
  •  any other spark emitting operation not specifically mentioned

IV. General Shutdown
All operations are prohibited.
NOTE: Where hauling involves transit through more than one shutdown/regulated use area, the precaution level at the woods loading site shall govern the level of haul restriction, unless otherwise prohibited by other than the industrial precaution level system. 
NOTE: The IFPL system does not apply on lands protected by ODF east of the summit of the Cascades. 
The following definitions shall apply to these industrial fire precaution levels: 
Loading sites: A place where any product or material (including, but not limited to logs, firewood, slash, soil, rock, poles, etc.) is placed in or upon a truck or other vehicle.
Cable yarding system: A yarding system employing cables, and winches in a fixed position.
Low hazard area: Any area where the responsible agency representative (WDNR, ODF, USFS, BIA, BLM) determines the combination of the elements reduces the probability of a fire starting and/or spreading.
Closed season (Fire precautionary period): that season of the year when a fire hazard exists as declared by the responsible agency official.

Waivers, written in advance, may be used for any and all activities Activities for which waivers may be issued include, but are not limited to: 
  •  mechanized loading and hauling
  •  road maintenance such as sprinkling, graveling, grading and paving
  •  cable yarding using gravity systems or suspended lines and blocks, or other yarding systems where extra prevention measures will significantly reduce the risk of fire
  •  power saws at loading sites or in felling and bucking where extra prevention measures will significantly reduce the risk of fire
  •  maintenance of equipment (other than metal cutting and welding) or improvements such as structures, fences and powerlines

Page updated: November 27, 2007

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