GLOBE Bulletin

November 28, 2007:
Malta: 111th Country to Join GLOBE!

On Thursday, 28 November 2007, Malta became the 111th country to join the GLOBE Program.

U.S. Ambassador to Malta, Molly H. Bordonaro, and Director-General Grace Grima, Quality and Standards in Education, of the Ministry of Education, signed the bilateral GLOBE agreement at the Ministry of Education. Ambassador Bordonaro signed the agreement on behalf of the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

Maltese schools that will soon take part in the program will join more than 20,000 schools with over 40,000 GLOBE teachers worldwide participating in GLOBE.

Please welcome schools from the Maltese archipelago — Malta, Gozo and Comino — to the GLOBE Program!

Malta photo
U.S. Ambassador Molly Bordonaro with Director General Grace Grima and Director of Curriculum Management Raymond Camilleri.

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