Latin America and the Caribbean V Regional Meeting San Antonio, Texas

27 November 2007

[en español]

The Fifth Meeting of GLOBE Country Coordinators in the Latin American and the Caribbean Consortium (CLAC) took place in San Antonio, Texas on 27-28 July 2007, preceding the 11th GLOBE Annual Conference. In attendance were Country Coordinators and representatives from Argentina, the Bahamas, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, and Uruguay.

Star photo

The main objective of this meeting was to elaborate the Regional Plan of the GLOBE Program to the Latin American and Caribbean Consortium, as well as to identify at least one objective for each of the CLAC committees. This meeting was significant because it provided a forum for participants to:

Country updates and reports were presented by representatives from Argentina, the Bahamas, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Trinidad & Tobago and Uruguay. Country Coordinator for Mexico, Ms. Guadalupe Pardo, kindly presented on behalf of Mr. David Solano who was unable to attend.

The following is a list of the 2007-2008 CLAC Working Committees and their goals:

Since the Country Coordinators from Bolivia, El Salvador and Puerto Rico were unable to attend the conference and to select their preferred committees, their committee appointments will be determined at a later date.

During the V Regional Meeting, despite multiple viewpoints and approaches, GLOBE Coordinators from fifteen countries worked collaboratively to achieve their goals. With so much to accomplish, participants often had to be reminded to break for lunch and then worked late into the evening long past their planned meeting times in order to ensure that everyone had a stake in the process and that their overall objectives were met. Enduring friendships, dedication to student research and learning, outstanding country presentations of the many GLOBE challenges and successes, all serve as reminders that CLAC is making history not only at a national and regional level, but worldwide.

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