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Study Description

Conservation Genetics of Spotted Owls

Status: Completed

Spotted owls are mostly non-migratory, long-lived birds whose populations have declined in mature forests of western North America. They are classified as three subspecies: California, northern, and Mexican. Northern and Mexican spotted owls are listed as threatened under the U.S. Endangered Species Act, and California spotted owls are not. In partnership with many others, the USGS has been collecting and analyzing information about spotted owl genetics for over a decade. The distinction of the northern spotted owl as separate subspecies from California and Mexican spotted owls has been reaffirmed. Genetic information also indicates a zone of mixing between northern and California spotted owls in a portion of southern Oregon. This suggests that the range of California spotted owls extends farther north than previously described. Management agencies used these and other genetic information to review the status of the northern spotted owl, and in combination with population estimates and habitat assessments, to consider management options for all three subspecies.

Related Publications:

Funk, W., Forsman, E.D., Mullins, T.D., Haig, S.M., 2008, Introgression and dispersal among spotted owl (Strix occidentalis) subspecies: Evolutionary Applications, v. 1, no. 1, p. 161-171. [Highlight] [FullText] Catalog No: 1975
Ishak, H.D., Dumbacher, J.P., Anderson, N.L., Keane, J.J., Valkiunas, G., Haig, S.M., Tell, L.A., Sehgal, R.N., 2008, Blood parasites in owls with conservation implications for the spotted owl (Strix occidentalis): Public Library of Science - Biology, v. 3, no. 5, p. online e2304. [Highlight] [FullText] Catalog No: 2004
Funk, W., Forsman, E.D., Mullins, T.D., Haig, S.M., 2008, Genetics Show Current Decline and Pleistocene Expansion in Northern Spotted Owls: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2008-1239, p. 12. [FullText] Catalog No: 2112
Funk, W., Forsman, E.D., Mullins, T.D., Haig, S.M., 2008, Landscape Features Shape Genetic Structure in Threatened Northern Spotted Owls (Strix occidentalis caurina): U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2008-1240, p. 12. [FullText] Catalog No: 2113
Funk, W., Mullins, T.D., Forsman, E.D., Haig, S.M., 2007, Microsatellite loci for distinguishing spotted owls (Strix occidentalis), barred owls (Strix varia), and their hybrids: Molecular Ecology Notes, v. 7, p. 284-286. [Highlight] [Abs] [FullText] Catalog No: 1574
Haig, S.M., Beever, E.A., Chambers, S.M., Draheim, H.M., Dugger, B.D., Dunham, S., Elliott-Smith, E., Fontaine, J., Kesler, D.C., Knaus, B., Lopes, I.F., Loschl, P.J., Mullins, T.D., Sheffield, L.M., 2006, Taxonomic considerations in listing subspecies under the U.S. Endangered Species Act: Conservation Biology, v. 20, no. 6, p. 1584-1594. [Highlight] [Abs] [FullText] Catalog No: 1546
Haig, S.M., Allendorf, F.W., 2006, Hybrids and policy In Scott, J.M., Goble, D.D., Davis, F., eds., The Endangered Species Act at Thirty, Vol. 2- Conserving Biodiversity in Human-dominated Landscapes: Washington, DC, Island Press, p. 150-163. [Highlight]  [FullText] Catalog No: 1550
Haig, S.M., Forsman, E.D., Mullins, T.D., 2004, Subspecific relationships and genetic structure in the spotted owl: Conservation Genetics, v. 5, no. 5, p. 683-705. [Highlight] [Abs] [FullText] Catalog No: 1294
Haig, S.M., Wagner, R.S., 2001, Genetic considerations for introduced and augmented populations In Johnson, D.H., O'Neil, T.A., eds., Wildlife-habitat relationships in Oregon and Washington: Corvallis, OR, Oregon State University Press, p. 444-451. [FullText] Catalog No: 961
Haig, S.M., Wagner, R.S., Forsman, E.D., Mullins, T.D., 2001, Geographic variation and genetic structure in Spotted Owls: Conservation Genetics, v. 2, no. 1, p. 25-40. [Abs] [FullText] Catalog No: 1034

Conservation Genetics of Spotted Owls
Spotted Owl Microsatellite Analysis (1990-2006)
Spotted Owl Sample Data (1990-2006)
Spotted Owl Mitochondrial Sequence Data (1990-2004)

Haig, Susan M. - Supervisory Research Wildlife Biologist
Phone: 541-750-7482
Email: susan_haig@usgs.gov

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