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You are here:Home About FTA FTA Budgets Fiscal Year 2006 FTA Fiscal Year 2006 Apportionments and Allocations Changes and Corrections; Announcement of States Selected for Participation in Section 5310 Pilot Program

FTA Fiscal Year 2006 Apportionments and Allocations Changes and Corrections; Announcement of States Selected for Participation in Section 5310 Pilot Program

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Number 71 FR 5909

Note:  ERRATA - Notice containing corrections to Table 11

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Department of Transportation


Federal Transit Administration


FTA Fiscal Year 2006 Apportionments and Allocations Changes and
Corrections; Announcement of States Selected for Participation in
Section 5310 Pilot Program; Notice

[[Page 5910]]



Federal Transit Administration

FTA Fiscal Year 2006 Apportionments and Allocations Changes and
Corrections; Announcement of States Selected for Participation in
Section 5310 Pilot Program

AGENCY: Federal Transit Administration (FTA), DOT.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: This notice revises program apportionment or allocation
amounts published in the December 20, 2005, FTA notice entitled ``FTA
Fiscal Year 2006 Apportionments and Allocations.'' The revisions are
required because Public Law 109-148, the Department of Defense,
Emergency Supplemental Appropriations to Address Hurricanes in the Gulf
of Mexico, and Pandemic Influenza Act, 2006, mandates an across-the-
board rescission of one percent of every program, project, and activity
in fiscal year 2006. In addition, this notice identifies other changes
or corrections to the December 20, 2005, notice. The notice also
identifies the States selected for participation in a Section 5310
Pilot Program.

Administrator or Mary Martha Churchman, Director, Office of Transit
Programs, (202) 366-2053.

I. Funds Available for Obligation

    The ``FTA Fiscal Year 2006 Apportionments and Allocations Notice
published in the Federal Register on December 20, 2005, was based on
the full year funding level for each program or project, and amounts
available for obligation by grantees based on the 2006 DOT
Appropriations Act (Pub. L. 109-115). On December 30, 2005, the
President signed into law the ``Department of Defense, Emergency
Supplemental Appropriations to Address Hurricanes in the Gulf of
Mexico, and Pandemic Influenza Act, 2006, Public Law 109-148; hereafter
called the 2006 DoD Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act, which
affects the FTA FY 2006 program funding levels published on December
20, 2005. Title III, Chapter 8, Section 3081 of the 2006 DoD Emergency
Supplemental Appropriations Act requires a one percent across-the-board
rescission of any program, project, or activity in FY 2006.
    FTA has applied the one percent rescission to all FTA programs and
projects. Accordingly, all apportionment and allocation tables
contained in the December 20, 2005, notice have been revised. The
revised tables are included in this document and show the amounts
currently available for obligation by grantees, after the one percent
reduction. The revised tables supersede those contained in the December
20, 2005, notice.
    This document is posted on the FTA Web site at
this location.
 It is also available by calling the regional office.

II. FTA Changes and Corrections

    Several significant changes and corrections were made to the
apportionment or allocation information in addition to the adjustment
for the one percent rescission. The following changes and corrections
are brought to your attention.
    1. The New Freedom apportionments to the States for small urbanized
areas and rural areas, in Table 17, were revised to correct an error in
the formula apportionment methodology.
    2. The revised Job Access and Reverse Commute apportionments to the
States, in Table 16, correct an error in which the amounts for Maine
and Massachusetts were transposed.
    3. The States identified for two Bus and Bus Facility projects were
incorrectly identified as Minnesota and Texas but have been changed to
show the correct State, which is Michigan. (See Table 11)
    4. The revised New Starts allocations in Table 12 reflect a
technical correction in the 2006 DoD Emergency Supplemental
Appropriations Act to increase the amount appropriated for the Dulles
Corridor Rapid Transit project. The revised allocations reflect a small
increase in the amount of the project management oversight take-down
applied to each project.
    5. Changes were made to Table 19 to include three additional
extended earmarked projects for the Bus and Bus Facility and New Starts

III. Announcement of States Selected for Participation in Section 5310
Pilot Program

    Section 3012(b) of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, and Efficient
Transportation Equity Act--A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) authorizes a
pilot program allowing up to seven States to use for operating costs
not more than 33 percent of the funds apportioned to them annually
under Section 5310 in FY 2006-2009. Four of the seven States are named
in SAFETEA-LU: Alaska, Minnesota, Oregon, and Wisconsin. On November 7,
2005, FTA published a notice inviting proposals from States interested
in participating in the pilot program. From the proposals received, FTA
has selected three other States for participation in the pilot:
Louisiana, North Carolina and South Carolina.

David B. Horner,
Chief Counsel.

[[Page 5911]] -- Table 2

[[Page 5912]] -- Table 3

[[Page 5913]] -- [[Page 5924]] - Table 4

[[Page 5925]] -- Table 6

[[Page 5926]] -- Table 8

[[Page 5927]] -- Table 9

[[Page 5928]] - [[Page 5946]]
-- ERRATA - Notice containing corrections to Table 11
-- Table 11 - ERRATA Changes Incorporated
-- Table 11

[[Page 5947]] - [[Page 5948]] --Table 12

[[Page 5949]] -- Table 13

[[Page 5950]] -- Table 14

[[Page 5951]] -- Table 15

[[Page 5952]] - [[Page 5926]] -- Table 16

[[Page 5957]] - [[Page 5962]] -- Table 17

[[Page 5963]] -- Table 18

[[Page 5964]] - [[Page 5965]] -- Table 19

[FR Doc. 06-961 Filed 2-2-06; 8:45 am]


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