Agent Clofibrate Clofibrate Clofibrate Clofibrate Clofibrate Wyeth Wyeth Gemfibrozil Gemfibrozil Gemfibrozil Gemfibrozil Gemfibrozil Gemfibrozil Phenobarbital Phenobarbital Phenobarbital Phenobarbital Phenobarbital D-Mannitol D-Mannitol D-Mannitol D-Mannitol D-Mannitol D-Mannitol Clofibrate Clofibrate Clofibrate Clofibrate Clofibrate Wyeth Wyeth Wyeth Wyeth Wyeth Wyeth Wyeth Gemfibrozil Gemfibrozil Gemfibrozil Phenobarbital Phenobarbital Phenobarbital Phenobarbital D-Mannitol D-Mannitol D-Mannitol D-Mannitol D-Mannitol D-Mannitol Rat 48 48 48 49 49 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 60 60 61 61 62 62 49 50 50 50 50 51 51 51 52 52 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 59 60 61 62 63 63 63 CloneIndex Hyb 112 113 137 138 139 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 126 127 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 159 140 141 160 178 142 143 161 144 145 162 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 179 153 154 155 163 164 165 1 AA964379 "Rat beta adaptin mRNA, complete cds" 0.9838 1.0673 1.1341 1.0432 2.3599 1.6983 154.7108 1.3878 1.5115 0.95 1.2478 1.233 0.8695 2.348 1.312 1.3781 0.8863 1.9545 1.2237 0.9116 4.5646 1.6193 1.3834 1.5416 8.067 1.9767 5.006 7.3261 1.5393 18.41 3.182 1.4381 1.4057 2.6556 1.4016 1.7573 6.2896 1.9078 444.6884 2.8693 2.759 4.5437 0.9875 1.3856 2.0077 10.6142 2.2183 1.7492 1.8418 2 AA817697 R.norvegicus mRNA for ADP-ribosylation factor-like 1.0901 0.9671 0.9388 1.2274 2.6216 1.8386 1.515 1.3638 1.58 0.6609 1.3506 1.0125 1.501 1.1524 1.5186 1.4428 1.0226 2.5834 1.1752 1.6305 1.4087 1.5197 1.9727 1.2017 2.4191 14.9355 2.5203 3.1563 0.9744 3.2098 3.3103 1.1719 1.5469 2.1941 1.1275 1.8636 2.9025 1.924 4.4432 1.9587 3.0525 2.8359 1.0196 1.4793 1.6901 1.4847 2.1513 1.8586 1.6541 3 AA819161 R.norvegicus gene for desmin 1.0048 0.9115 1.2432 1.1324 1.4577 2.8717 97.6877 0.8129 1.0588 0.7947 0.9596 1.1272 0.7563 2.1477 1.4865 0.9823 0.9174 1.8513 0.7871 6.6475 1.57 1.2087 1.7648 1.2804 205.8064 3.2925 2.7156 243.7078 3.1797 1.1444 270.377 0.5618 5.9197 5.747 1.1812 1.6481 268.2455 2.4294 284.9937 384.6463 6.226 309.4991 0.7921 1.6484 2.616 0.6047 7.4211 3.8962 2.4981 4 AA819164 "Rattus rattus mitochondrial IF1 protein mRNA, comp" 1.0325 0.9567 1.0923 0.9913 1.1289 0.539 0.5538 0.5185 0.5295 0.8841 0.9861 0.8905 0.6876 0.8652 1.3135 0.7405 0.7453 0.5529 1.0652 0.8969 0.9136 0.8053 0.8576 0.8524 0.9793 1.1423 1.1104 1.0983 0.9009 0.3751 0.388 0.373 0.3147 0.3672 0.3858 0.537 0.5176 0.6928 0.7132 0.7899 0.6701 0.5031 0.3975 0.8315 0.7224 0.8678 0.9159 0.6977 0.8415 5 AA819165 "ESTs, Highly similar to HISTONE H4 [M.musculus]" 1.2395 1.1672 1.1203 1.299 1.2134 0.8911 1.0582 1.5515 1.3445 1.8381 1.9408 1.8242 1.4221 1.4246 1.9444 1.2929 1.1963 0.7605 1.0393 1.2298 1.2099 1.4391 1.2911 1.1598 1.8536 1.3695 1.1519 2.0796 1.6239 1.2064 0.9687 0.6407 0.7457 1.0736 0.8202 0.7967 1.8714 1.908 2.5862 1.963 1.4426 0.8603 0.6832 1.1387 1.4348 1.6035 1.3552 1.4985 1.3518 6 AA819178 R.norvegicus NTT mRNA 1.1642 1.0798 1.2774 1.1572 1.4268 1.0673 1.1185 1.3164 1.2678 1.2174 1.2952 1.148 0.8964 0.9238 1.1306 1.0692 0.9499 0.907 1.3516 0.9814 1.0996 1.1577 1.1509 1.1132 1.0531 1.047 1.0432 0.9805 0.8525 1.111 1.3181 1.1036 0.8998 1.1047 1.0764 1.0193 1.1767 0.8392 0.9945 0.7885 0.8999 0.7699 0.6995 0.8989 0.888 0.9203 0.9042 0.9414 0.8448 7 AA819187 Rat mRNA for ADP-ribosyl cyclase_/ cyclic ADP-ribo 1.0308 1.0655 0.9582 1.7617 1.2155 2.3104 10.3397 1.1499 1.3667 2.7624 0.9985 0.4118 0.6956 0.8405 1.2207 0.8465 0.8632 1.091 0.8016 0.3092 1.216 1.3862 1.3565 1.3896 144.2391 2.1368 2.958 204.893 65.9194 0.8476 199.5166 0.9039 1.4939 4.1161 1.2374 14.1352 142.9731 2.3601 213.4309 199.2194 2.8453 216.2524 1.4887 2.5467 13.1163 0.9031 5.0219 10.6686 3.5632 8 AA866304 "Rattus norvegicus mRNA for BAF60b, partial cds" 1.1533 0.9479 0.9999 0.9271 1.0995 1.2626 1.1527 1.0175 1.019 1.4288 1.2454 0.9488 0.8942 1.8861 1.509 0.8668 0.7881 0.9474 0.9424 1.1216 0.8486 0.9756 1.1281 0.9034 1.506 1.7127 1.2846 1.6624 1.1634 0.9835 1.2759 0.8308 0.891 1.1571 0.9653 1.1425 1.0034 1.1416 1.4139 1.0172 1.044 1.0722 1.0076 0.8797 1.0882 1.368 0.864 0.9685 1.0651 9 AA817767 Rat gamma-enteric smooth muscle actin isoform mRNA 1.1185 1.0221 0.9959 0.8366 0.9719 1.4115 1.3015 0.8199 0.9353 1.6226 0.8709 0.975 0.6637 0.9293 1.0919 0.9131 0.8231 1.0696 0.8871 0.9116 1.044 1.2949 1.161 0.9318 0.8943 1.2152 1.1725 1.1951 1.0343 0.9488 0.8908 0.8386 0.838 1.0099 1.0878 0.8067 0.636 0.6696 0.9742 0.6981 0.828 1.172 0.8833 0.7669 0.5234 0.712 0.9036 0.8499 0.8617 10 AA819153 "Rat phenylalanine hydroxylase mRNA, complete cds" 1.0284 0.9263 0.8283 1.2839 3.4356 1.097 1.1694 1.159 1.2799 1.4973 1.1535 0.7021 0.637 1.023 0.7722 0.7001 0.652 0.5796 1.128 0.9969 0.7705 1.0268 1.6445 1.1984 1.4265 24.563 1.6247 2.5272 0.7113 0.7244 1.6241 0.6982 1.1205 1.0123 0.6613 1.2398 1.2207 0.7609 1.7627 0.8583 2.1006 1.0511 0.6799 0.9293 1.0479 1.6587 1.5848 0.9256 0.9533 11 AA818337 "Rat inositol-1,4,5-triphosphate receptor mRNA, com" 1.0891 1.129 0.9632 1.3556 1.1932 1.1 1.328 0.9377 1.2201 1.2236 1.2093 0.9801 0.6356 1.1339 1.3482 0.937 0.7914 1.3334 0.9611 0.9882 1.0207 1.3757 1.1233 0.8887 1.9171 1.1468 1.2885 1.5912 1.2392 1.5714 1.6823 1.2076 1.2084 1.7147 1.3348 1.2425 1.4892 1.2687 1.6474 1.1798 1.1773 1.6097 0.9726 1.194 1.107 0.8237 0.9985 0.9617 0.9082 12 AA818339 "Rat liver glutathione S-transferase Ya subunit, cl" 1.3033 1.2037 1.4655 0.9438 1.1939 0.2588 0.2648 0.8718 0.8742 0.9423 0.9733 0.8139 0.6991 4.6551 6.1582 4.4389 4.8606 6.0157 1.2552 1.1383 0.8823 1.0855 1.5641 1.4493 0.9694 1.1161 1.0736 1.0469 0.9745 0.4447 0.3801 0.356 0.2157 0.2709 0.2468 0.2656 0.8668 0.8963 0.7165 4.5395 4.5444 5.1647 4.0695 0.902 0.7086 1.2458 1.1061 1.0466 1.0866 13 AA818350 "Rat tryptophan-2,3-dioxygenase mRNA, complete cds" 0.8443 0.9424 1.0659 0.9915 1.0544 0.9603 1.1127 0.8178 0.9268 0.9536 1.0432 1.2437 1.2828 0.8132 0.9622 0.7634 0.8663 0.7347 0.8609 0.6975 0.8623 0.8133 0.9478 0.9583 1.1311 0.9917 1.1849 1.1059 0.9666 0.9799 1.0912 0.8953 0.9908 1.2774 1.1392 1.0111 1.2175 1.0726 1.297 1.1149 0.9926 0.8999 0.579 0.956 0.9383 1.0241 0.9101 0.8657 0.971 14 AA818371 "Rat Na+,K+-ATPase alpha(+) isoform catalytic subun" 1.0663 1.093 1.21 0.7743 1.0918 0.8528 0.8895 1.0598 0.955 1.1159 1.0767 1.0594 1.0436 1.0474 1.0524 0.8403 0.9225 0.8948 1.1869 1.2278 1.0352 0.9643 1.1194 1.0169 1.0115 1.1108 1.5586 0.9882 1.0912 0.9404 0.9741 0.9854 0.6643 0.8864 0.8325 0.9205 1.2402 1.3033 1.195 1.1404 1.0201 0.9313 0.942 1.1908 0.9863 1.0465 0.9613 0.9929 0.9456 15 AA817804 "Rat PCB-binding protein mRNA, complete cds" 1.4077 1.6709 1.0322 2.0847 4.8004 62.3552 83.7439 1.9108 3.5096 2.7407 12.3603 4.984 125.9882 329.2944 1.0023 1.8416 1.0866 13.219 0.6515 0.9116 1.6123 2.5979 58.621 12.396 175.0032 3.3545 1.6268 234.7092 3.1586 4.7382 5.817 2.4301 3.3301 2.7106 1.5748 6.0608 176.9813 2.6017 296.9788 399.954 102.4125 261.7099 1.4708 3.4861 9.8507 7.6715 4.8731 5.565 8.1698 16 AA817801 "Rat protein kinase C zeta-subspecies mRNA, complet" 0.9001 0.839 0.8459 0.9839 0.8258 0.7479 0.609 0.8183 0.848 0.8398 0.8024 0.7639 0.8575 2.1358 0.8325 0.8126 0.9228 0.7464 0.8919 0.9116 0.9234 0.877 0.7553 0.8036 1.3809 1.7998 1.5138 1.996 1.0686 1.4504 1.1573 1.0946 0.7908 0.9419 0.8331 1.1105 1.4057 1.0893 1.256 1.3629 1.2237 1.1174 0.9155 1.199 1.2583 1.2422 1.3485 1.1966 1.1601 17 AA817808 Rat mRNA for steroidogenic acute regulatory protei 1.1926 1.3043 1.0384 1.7451 1.9855 4.5072 4.0117 1.5356 1.6439 1.2214 2.2387 2.9987 2.6088 3.5879 1.8455 1.9463 1.1129 3.73 0.5409 1.2598 1.4176 1.0583 2.4868 1.2293 205.4297 2.2344 0.9596 232.913 2.7452 2.4467 3.5284 1.349 2.2878 1.9459 1.2047 1.0551 221.1078 1.5704 294.1451 11.2495 6.7186 290.7005 1.7268 1.9576 7.9114 3.1019 2.0804 3.3782 5.659 18 AA817825 Rat mRNA for petidylglycine alpha-amidating monoox 0.888 0.7522 0.8605 0.8187 1.0743 0.5947 0.6889 0.6068 0.6458 0.7261 0.8789 0.8436 0.751 1.0851 0.6778 0.7883 0.8185 0.8551 0.7493 0.8591 0.8733 0.8873 0.8819 0.8603 1.4907 1.1998 1.225 1.3869 1.0873 1.328 2.5013 0.6591 0.7533 2.7408 0.6202 0.8046 1.9254 0.9718 1.331 0.8575 1.0071 0.9374 1.1344 0.885 1.7198 1.0582 1.1066 1.2007 1.1644 19 AA817828 Rattus norvegicus RNA polymerase II transcription 0.6394 0.7543 0.6949 0.7926 0.8173 1.101 1.0517 0.688 0.6959 1.1327 0.9758 1.0968 0.982 0.9506 0.9398 0.7366 0.7867 0.5563 0.6173 0.7089 0.8086 0.728 0.9023 0.793 0.9078 0.7253 0.8268 1.9854 0.6396 1.644 0.8797 0.6259 0.7799 0.9263 0.6855 0.8236 0.8543 0.9647 0.9825 1.1015 0.7719 0.7543 0.4552 0.6526 0.9506 1.018 0.8073 0.9316 0.9119 20 AA817843 Rat CCAAT binding transcription factor-B subunit ( 1.1525 1.0836 0.5385 1.4738 1.7658 1.405 0.9743 1.1002 1.3371 2.5808 1.2897 1.0519 1.0768 1.0537 0.6418 0.9299 1.0688 1.6306 1.231 1.5702 2.5768 1.496 1.9822 1.3405 2.3004 1.9035 0.8654 4.7492 1.2367 2.3996 268.648 1.7768 1.4865 9.7469 1.2707 1.92 283.056 1.5433 3.0735 1.43 1.3144 1.2305 6.2164 1.1581 4.5731 1.7753 2.0424 1.4343 1.5956 21 AA817847 R.norvegicus mRNA for ribosomal protein L4 0.9407 0.919 1.0233 0.8857 1.008 1.7552 1.656 0.9932 0.97 0.9929 0.9956 0.9348 1.068 1.0409 1.1631 1.0125 1.025 1.02 1.0111 0.9297 1.0079 1.0065 0.8733 0.9134 0.9099 0.9091 0.8942 0.8671 0.8628 1.592 1.5486 1.4126 1.1664 1.4265 1.4759 1.5631 1.1251 1.1034 1.1524 0.9853 1.025 1.0753 1.0002 0.8691 0.6906 0.8868 0.8092 0.8317 0.8152 22 AA817866 "Rat glutamine synthetase (glnA) mRNA, complete cds" 0.7894 0.8334 0.7931 0.629 0.6721 0.3304 0.3147 0.4315 0.452 0.5054 0.5544 0.4154 0.3914 0.4742 0.326 0.2617 0.2708 0.2722 0.8551 0.7809 0.5687 0.5688 0.8277 0.9013 0.6273 0.4388 0.5537 0.4609 0.527 0.3525 0.3427 0.2975 0.3293 0.4456 0.3778 0.2993 0.4811 0.487 0.421 0.2335 0.2189 0.2239 0.284 0.6543 0.5661 0.8362 0.6413 0.6419 0.6158 23 AA817910 Rat short chain acyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase (SCA 1.0471 1.0787 1.0113 0.9712 0.8816 1.277 1.358 1.1624 1.152 1.0012 1.0258 1.1061 1.0382 0.7574 0.8665 0.7956 0.8197 0.8726 0.9277 1.0567 0.9586 0.8321 0.9073 0.8212 0.9621 0.863 0.7585 0.8924 0.9064 1.2208 1.2002 1.4056 0.8693 1.1187 1.1235 1.1151 1.196 0.9328 0.9294 0.8402 0.7817 0.8653 0.8515 0.9627 0.9042 0.9006 0.856 0.8678 0.9094 24 AA817918 R.norvegicus mRNA for unknown protein (PIPPin) 1.6379 1.372 3.7252 91.9471 1.7584 91.9867 0.7314 4.5345 99.5534 53.8271 2.0586 1.7803 4.3858 2.6171 1.4739 1.4252 1.0862 93.8276 0.6782 0.9594 1.2113 2.8938 54.0457 2.2575 0.7448 0.8433 0.8234 0.7521 0.7737 151.9116 0.6701 0.8183 0.6109 0.8256 0.7806 0.8925 0.75 0.8368 0.8247 0.8155 0.153 0.8646 0.8336 0.8808 0.7994 1.6855 0.0514 0.1095 0.7979 25 AA817928 Rat mRNA for thy-1 antigen 0.9362 1.4003 2.2024 1.3133 1.5542 6.5625 68.4273 1.4835 1.8553 1.2252 1.151 1.3622 0.5962 4.1061 1.073 1.5043 1.3612 2.8332 0.9185 0.9116 1.6775 1.3144 1.7467 3.4098 213.04 3.0365 4.9208 265.8688 1.7461 1.6684 24.4855 1.0615 1.9132 4.2494 1.4532 1.995 204.8186 3.0637 243.0339 8.0482 6.1022 365.3224 0.9916 1.516 3.178 4.5639 12.0487 2.4343 2.1064 26 AA817938 Rattus norvegicus dopa/tyrosine sulfotransferase m 1.2351 1.1464 1.3681 1.3795 103.7964 3.5003 2.4803 1.7526 2.3449 0.725 2.3214 1.2006 1.5178 2.7866 1.239 1.9547 1.1149 4.745 1.1811 1.1695 3.295 1.7321 1.0725 2.0252 3.8107 456.1722 3.2607 2.4671 1.2646 113.9761 320.1147 1.2336 2.2277 2.0951 1.1342 3.9301 3.7614 2.0371 460.3081 2.9049 6.2868 23.7287 1.3317 1.2568 1.8042 2.136 20.4548 3.9709 3.0191 27 AA818077 Rattus norvegicus placental lactogen-I variant mRN 0.9001 0.839 0.8459 0.9839 0.8258 0.7479 0.7314 0.8183 0.848 0.8398 0.8024 0.7639 0.8575 2.7405 0.8325 0.8126 0.9228 0.7464 0.6684 0.9116 0.9234 0.877 0.7553 0.8036 218.2884 1.905 1.3788 275.7732 1.3717 0.9018 1.825 0.4529 0.9403 1.1258 0.7412 1.1246 201.9695 1.3748 14.4329 3.5414 3.7812 286.7885 0.7045 1.5612 2.0076 0.9987 3.8175 2.4602 1.8785 28 AA818082 R.norvegicus mRNA for myr5 1.1027 0.9299 1.0827 0.9745 1.3575 0.9405 0.8539 0.8178 1.0955 0.9574 1.0622 0.9333 0.7824 1.0001 1.0894 0.9794 0.8586 1.0605 1.174 1.1285 1.0728 1.4258 1.5421 1.0212 1.718 1.3778 1.2162 1.6455 0.9962 0.6329 0.9996 0.7976 0.6634 0.861 0.7779 1.0033 1.1368 0.9993 1.4198 1.2235 1.4437 1.1301 0.8181 1.0507 1.2539 1.3123 1.4292 1.6093 1.4013 29 AA817946 "Rattus norvegicus rsec15 mRNA, complete cds" 1.1516 1.1097 1.0868 1.1071 0.9972 1.5851 2.1019 0.9543 1.2106 1.1524 1.3387 0.8873 0.7 1.5581 1.1664 0.976 0.7641 1.1626 0.7373 1.1399 0.9473 1.4901 1.5789 1.1755 3.263 1.1896 0.912 3.0811 1.645 1.0996 1.6018 0.7014 1.0954 1.1919 0.9652 1.2199 4.8203 1.5346 6.8951 3.0628 1.717 3.7392 0.963 1.0913 1.7261 1.5101 1.4511 1.4978 1.5426 30 AA817961 Rat hepatic lipase mRNA 1.1305 0.8372 1.1349 1.1954 1.7127 1.167 1.2038 1.0732 1.1573 1.2199 1.2771 1.0171 0.7554 1.0532 1.5482 0.9368 0.9521 0.891 0.9552 0.9089 0.845 1.2827 1.2762 1.1958 1.585 1.1198 1.0562 1.3718 1.1311 0.5923 1.2022 0.6793 0.8454 1.1014 0.991 1 1.2198 1.0621 1.7125 1.1 1.4787 1.0389 0.8881 0.8833 1.3673 0.8678 1.2952 1.105 1.1607 31 AA817957 R.norvegicus mRNA for presenilin-2 1.1389 1.1155 1.073 0.8759 0.9461 0.6621 0.7194 0.8321 0.8075 0.8694 0.8901 0.8151 0.7112 0.85 1.2803 0.9618 0.8316 0.8394 0.9024 0.9574 0.9817 0.9852 0.8872 0.7974 1.2095 1.1014 1.31 1.388 1.4875 0.8284 0.6589 0.5965 0.5284 0.7126 0.6548 0.6649 0.9488 0.7695 0.9264 1.0291 0.9414 1.0586 0.9321 0.9154 0.8956 0.5805 0.991 1.0245 1.0794 32 AA817963 Rat negative acute-phase protein alpha-1-inhibitor 1.2395 1.089 1.4218 0.919 1.6289 0.5923 0.5563 0.9127 0.9688 1.1175 1.3193 0.7276 0.3953 0.8132 1.0107 1.0743 1.0537 0.9384 1.3108 0.8986 1.1848 1.3258 1.2255 1.248 1.3546 1.1819 1.1257 1.2653 1.1414 0.5784 0.5273 0.3925 0.5628 0.703 0.7002 0.5774 0.9663 1.0473 0.7762 0.7438 1.1417 0.8222 0.6098 0.8182 0.919 1.1075 1.1447 1.0765 1.1335 33 AA817965 "Rat mRNA for CRP2 (cysteine-rich protein 2), compl" 1.2445 1.2241 1.2136 1.2611 0.9288 0.6747 0.8054 0.5466 0.6082 0.7916 0.9778 1.0669 0.8563 0.5779 0.7837 0.6214 0.6309 0.6049 1.157 0.8816 1.1105 1.2765 0.9349 0.8663 0.8978 1.1526 1.1942 1.1475 1.1355 0.4206 0.4096 0.4435 0.2765 0.3593 0.342 0.5405 0.5562 0.7226 0.7926 0.5369 0.4976 0.494 0.5025 0.8379 0.7794 0.7607 0.9176 0.9542 0.9751 34 AA817972 "Rat liver mRNA for proteasomal ATPase (MSS1), comp" 0.747 0.688 0.7577 0.6667 0.7981 1.886 1.7926 0.8372 0.8574 0.8807 1.0122 1.1804 0.9995 0.523 0.7715 0.463 0.4595 0.4208 0.7987 0.8184 0.9041 1.1489 0.7655 0.7536 0.7283 0.6014 0.5942 0.5672 0.5485 1.837 1.7643 1.7577 1.272 1.4952 1.6897 1.5665 0.8401 0.8109 1.1985 0.5005 0.4483 0.3756 0.3803 0.6197 0.7672 0.667 0.7008 0.714 0.7845 35 AA817997 R.norvegicus (Sprague Dawley) mRNA for ribosomal p 1.0033 0.9063 0.9672 1.1232 0.9773 1.4456 1.4692 0.9182 0.911 1.0282 1.0909 1.0498 1.0588 0.8107 1.2417 1.0198 1.0713 1.0598 0.9076 0.8402 1.0124 1.2695 1.0803 0.9681 0.9923 0.8374 0.8786 0.8931 0.8891 1.254 1.1395 1.3215 1.0544 1.361 1.4358 1.3323 0.8492 0.8659 0.9726 0.8198 0.9057 0.8702 0.9601 0.8516 0.8505 0.8366 0.9096 0.9394 0.9741 36 AA818226 Rat mRNA for cytochrome c oxidase subunit IV 1.0627 1.0559 1.0233 0.939 0.9964 1.2899 1.2776 1.0779 1.0314 1.0204 1.1063 0.9576 0.8195 0.7988 1.1917 0.861 0.8172 0.851 1.1899 1.0011 0.9553 1.1199 0.9459 0.9381 0.8141 0.8208 0.8848 0.8181 0.7605 1.0661 1.2317 1.164 0.9316 1.1163 1.199 1.041 0.8295 0.7295 0.67 0.6414 0.6206 0.6368 0.6609 0.7448 0.6944 0.8106 0.8294 0.7785 0.7668 37 AI058735 Rat nuclear pore complex protein mRNA sequence 0.2565 0.2818 0.2785 0.7046 0.7746 0.1158 0.0963 0.2835 0.2823 0.7773 0.9979 0.4501 0.4698 0.5786 0.3952 0.3274 0.3539 0.1779 0.9061 0.5366 1.2648 1.1183 0.6836 0.6439 1.1655 0.9965 1.035 1.4197 0.8284 0.5611 0.5986 0.5026 0.4041 0.4944 0.4931 0.6615 0.9085 1.0905 1.023 0.9883 0.8166 0.6501 0.2938 1.1587 1.7191 1.0216 1.51 1.3969 1.3918 38 AA818024 "Rat hydroxysteroid sulfotransferase mRNA, complete" 0.1995 0.1932 0.1925 0.5494 0.6823 0.0691 0.0724 0.2269 0.2091 0.7262 0.7537 0.3496 0.3372 0.3959 0.2951 0.2756 0.3135 0.159 0.9525 0.912 1.159 1.0278 0.6059 0.5778 0.6296 0.7014 0.7323 0.634 0.6206 0.1603 0.1254 0.1212 0.1417 0.178 0.1603 0.1088 0.2436 0.8182 0.3827 0.3207 0.3297 0.1603 0.1482 0.8407 1.077 0.6261 1.2041 1.2238 1.0736 39 AA818043 "Rat cytochrome P450 mRNA, complete cds" 0.3866 0.386 0.4204 0.7957 0.8768 0.0383 0.0419 0.4456 0.4565 0.7179 0.765 0.5585 0.5751 1.3658 1.4685 1.5368 1.5221 1.4544 1.05 1.2067 1.1809 1.0894 1.0456 0.9667 0.8602 0.5283 0.5408 0.5239 0.5087 0.0829 0.0711 0.0757 0.0557 0.0755 0.0693 0.0984 0.5372 0.856 0.8247 1.7381 2.1734 2.0369 1.2425 1.159 1.2162 1.1369 1.0575 1.0555 1.0211 40 AA818180 "Rat mRNA for RAC protein kinase beta, complete cds" 1.2717 1.1479 1.069 1.0091 1.147 1.0851 1.1632 1.2557 1.0789 1.2019 1.0816 1.0101 1.0783 1.4667 0.9249 1.0568 1.0653 1.5889 0.9888 1.1848 1.2861 1.1938 1.8343 1.1203 1.1742 1.1488 1.0875 1.4641 1.009 1.7171 1.2273 0.9041 0.8034 1.0311 0.8923 0.8777 1.5229 1.092 1.246 1.0539 1.1288 0.986 1.1828 1.0405 1.5018 1.0922 1.3639 1.2113 1.1351 41 AA818188 "Rat peroxisomal 3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase mRNA, comp" 0.8797 1.0175 1.1376 1.1666 1.1037 2.5056 5.4353 1.4138 1.4235 0.7768 1.5192 1.3038 1.0991 1.6609 1.2423 1.1832 1.1131 1.8275 0.6618 1.0785 0.7796 1.0664 1.1483 1.0524 2.1282 1.136 0.665 2.1461 0.9622 1.9105 1.2982 0.9045 1.0067 1.3824 0.992 1.0908 292.4894 0.9651 2.3665 1.1222 1.157 2.6147 0.9811 1.1392 1.6372 1.4712 1.2104 1.4184 1.6064 42 AI044818 Rattus norvegicus (clone 71) triosephosphate isome 1.5233 0.9762 0.5528 1.4181 1.5311 2.1151 1.255 1.1435 1.2671 2.0517 1.3172 1.0236 1.2066 1.5832 0.781 0.9816 1.0207 2.3125 0.847 2.4263 1.213 1.2551 2.617 1.1549 1.3945 0.9422 1.2539 1.6437 0.9912 1.9102 18.0856 0.9286 0.8583 1.2334 1.0283 0.9874 1.8246 1.1943 1.5916 1.0695 1.3021 1.0605 1.3535 0.9243 2.0393 1.3335 1.2513 1.2061 1.1717 43 AA818379 "Rat major alpha-globin mRNA, complete cds" 1.0545 0.8434 1.1075 1.7845 1.3185 3.1289 80.9892 2.9503 3.3689 2.221 1.7918 1.2697 1.7006 0.974 1.1034 1.0016 1.1582 2.5992 0.612 0.8646 0.7324 1.508 31.3587 1.1058 1.4476 0.9015 0.9505 1.3844 1.1306 1.2339 0.743 0.6445 0.6558 0.7158 0.6095 0.6399 1.493 0.8659 1.0733 1.2652 0.9238 1.2686 0.9459 1.0154 1.0463 1.0453 0.9593 1.1483 1.1278 44 AA858938 "Rattus norvegicus interleukin-15 mRNA, complete cd" 1.3337 1.1267 1.416 1.5713 1.3968 2.3577 1.1703 1.2698 1.427 3.4442 1.1618 0.9178 1.4511 1.0288 0.6405 0.849 0.9965 1.4003 0.7554 0.9858 1.1868 1.038 0.891 1.0767 1.3431 1.2076 1.3151 1.2808 1.2039 0.5344 0.5346 0.5889 0.5645 0.6526 0.687 0.5145 0.9616 1.0953 0.6747 0.7336 1.0695 0.8277 0.8894 0.905 0.9962 1.1449 1.2168 1.1017 1.1324 45 AA858945 Rattus norvegicus Sprague-Dawley Ras-related prote 0.8063 0.8302 0.8912 0.8515 0.877 1.0571 1.1444 0.8272 0.8771 0.8277 0.9265 0.9889 1.0366 0.9451 1.0602 1.0189 1.0494 1.0577 0.8507 0.4451 1.0405 0.9548 0.9796 0.854 0.8895 1.0373 0.872 1.043 1.1167 0.424 0.4495 0.5033 0.3578 0.4713 0.426 0.5742 0.594 0.7062 0.7749 0.6308 0.5667 0.5748 0.5448 0.8869 0.8483 0.7597 0.9252 0.9016 0.8988 46 AA858948 "Rattus norvegicus kynurenine 3-hydroxylase mRNA, c" 1.5079 1.691 1.8809 1.4128 1.6468 0.4706 0.4516 1.3817 1.2269 1.2635 1.0897 0.8855 1.0281 1.0205 1.062 0.8862 0.964 1.1254 1.3422 1.2157 0.9545 0.9121 1.491 1.2638 0.8313 0.5963 0.6307 0.6067 0.7612 1.6409 1.5161 1.6782 1.0816 1.2857 1.5555 1.3458 0.9128 0.831 1.2108 0.5348 0.5206 0.4264 0.4888 0.7092 0.8135 0.7406 0.7335 0.7488 0.7458 47 AA858952 "Rat adenine phosphoribosyltransferase (APRT) gene," 1.0058 0.9907 0.9868 0.9349 0.8233 1.2713 1.421 0.875 0.8873 1.0366 1.0182 1.075 0.9108 0.8541 0.988 0.9942 0.9084 0.8368 0.8089 0.9897 0.896 0.7384 0.9298 0.8624 0.8793 0.7941 0.7028 0.8509 0.8292 1.0303 1.0152 1.016 0.9457 1.1926 1.1538 1.1577 0.8657 0.8122 0.8446 0.8257 0.8801 0.8752 0.8013 0.8185 0.8156 0.866 0.8409 0.8457 0.8464 48 AA858957 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for 14-3-3 protein theta-su 1.2192 1.1614 1.306 1.053 1.2023 1.4841 1.5013 1.2082 1.0696 1.1509 0.9442 0.9664 1.0592 1.0848 1.2226 1.2123 1.2092 1.2996 1.0837 1.077 1.1315 1.081 1.2479 1.1149 0.8388 0.8973 0.8322 0.8613 0.8589 1.3118 1.1844 1.2962 0.9837 1.2089 1.1784 1.0589 0.9166 0.7418 0.8024 0.7393 0.7345 0.7569 0.8012 0.8534 0.7726 0.7793 0.8536 0.8032 0.7826 49 AA858958 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for 14-3-3 protein gamma-su 0.9434 0.874 0.8903 0.9881 0.9217 1.2817 1.3299 0.9032 1.0048 0.9572 0.9672 1.1479 0.9419 1.3642 1.3344 1.2242 1.0722 1.3256 0.8478 0.9116 1.1119 1.2405 1.0294 0.9281 1.1211 0.9178 0.8734 0.9476 0.8338 1.2276 1.488 1.3482 1.2615 1.4974 1.4303 1.3069 1.1403 0.9347 1.4334 1.2036 1.2839 1.3879 1.0745 0.8559 0.8892 1.2819 0.8615 0.8847 0.8905 50 AA858959 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for H(+)-transporting ATPas 0.7479 0.8168 0.7778 0.8094 0.8777 0.7892 0.7023 0.7347 0.7441 0.8576 1.0859 0.9098 0.787 0.8025 1.1438 0.8857 0.9138 0.8378 1.0309 0.9073 0.9845 1.0058 0.9064 0.8546 0.7294 0.8233 0.9041 0.7917 0.6817 0.7584 0.7299 0.7251 0.6316 0.7845 0.767 0.7099 0.6189 0.7079 0.7315 0.7546 0.7834 0.7644 0.7762 0.709 0.8368 1.057 0.8341 0.7781 0.7947 51 AA858962 Rat retinol-binding protein (RBP) gene 0.7785 0.7441 0.8122 0.6401 0.7109 0.6869 0.6371 0.6595 0.7307 0.7676 0.8233 0.8234 0.7271 0.5305 0.82 0.5561 0.6365 0.7372 0.8681 0.7411 0.7402 0.8208 0.6734 0.6251 0.6689 0.6906 0.6885 0.6691 0.6179 0.6523 0.5984 0.7136 0.5111 0.651 0.678 0.5988 0.6577 0.6444 0.6388 0.4636 0.5785 0.6676 0.5443 0.6388 0.6163 0.5449 0.7149 0.687 0.7042 52 AA858966 Rat cytochrome P450 PB1 (PB1 allele) mRNA 0.792 0.8011 0.8581 0.6736 0.8582 0.5766 0.5632 0.7756 0.8452 1.0179 1.064 0.758 0.6604 10.6054 2.9009 2.7053 2.6047 2.518 1.0512 0.9341 1.0107 1.0774 0.8749 0.8878 0.7426 0.6016 0.6645 0.6175 0.5667 0.4598 0.4546 0.439 0.3349 0.4074 0.4393 0.4709 0.823 0.8363 0.7525 1.9943 2.7606 2.4756 1.802 0.741 0.7642 0.7841 0.8167 0.777 0.7785 53 AA858972 "Rattus norvegicus thiol-specific antioxidant mRNA," 0.9017 0.8468 0.8507 0.8096 0.7807 1.1237 1.0883 1.0037 0.9757 1.0114 1.0259 1.0318 0.9469 1.6553 1.4586 1.1131 1.0277 0.9577 0.9741 1.014 0.971 1.0083 0.9222 0.8117 0.8611 0.8183 0.9053 0.8845 0.7915 0.9477 0.9428 0.8449 0.774 0.9319 0.9269 0.9773 0.9603 0.8734 0.8948 0.9333 0.8828 0.8725 0.8878 0.7889 0.7809 0.782 0.7733 0.7808 0.767 54 AA866381 "Rattus norvegicus mRNA for hnRNP protein, partial" 0.8253 0.8579 0.8903 0.861 1.3285 1.3135 1.3023 0.9196 0.9094 1.2063 1.1961 1.0251 0.8412 1.0233 1.4042 1.1921 1.1826 1.1301 1.1438 0.8786 0.9065 1.4083 1.1215 1.0834 0.8347 1.1619 0.9401 0.9518 0.8232 0.8853 1.1486 0.8094 0.8729 1.0872 1.1394 1.1359 0.8091 0.821 1.0093 0.7574 1.1473 1.0427 0.9243 0.7169 0.9537 0.8755 1.0174 0.9483 0.9828 55 AA866389 R.norvegicus mRNA for lumican 1.2039 1.0314 0.7377 0.734 0.9805 1.4432 2.2294 0.6936 1.919 2.6367 0.8161 1.0138 0.939 0.6141 0.8849 0.5657 0.5365 1.5091 0.5618 0.9116 0.7716 0.7925 1.4773 1.7717 152.699 1.9662 1.8796 13.2362 1.5629 2.738 8.9607 0.4783 0.6658 2.3983 0.8145 1.5879 177.4432 1.3968 238.4629 54.1906 2.7204 287.6325 1.3267 1.391 3.5201 0.2896 2.5277 3.6181 1.5786 56 AA866390 Rattus norvegicus retinol dehydrogenase type III m 0.7965 0.7988 0.788 0.814 0.981 0.4203 0.4219 0.7137 0.7816 1.0636 1.1185 0.9166 0.7224 0.6153 1.25 0.8149 0.8003 0.6577 1.2917 1.0719 1.0133 1.1457 0.9251 0.9662 0.832 0.8785 0.9585 0.9257 0.8455 0.3318 0.3261 0.2752 0.2228 0.2957 0.2607 0.3757 0.6035 0.7829 0.8017 0.6337 0.6371 0.5298 0.5357 0.7172 0.7473 0.702 0.9413 0.8989 0.8889 57 AA866397 "Rattus norvegicus SC1 protein mRNA, complete cds" 0.9069 0.9726 1.0919 1.7032 1.0847 0.922 9.7069 0.7861 0.9684 0.8356 1.1347 0.9812 0.6756 0.7062 0.9637 0.7348 0.7303 0.9265 0.6607 0.4061 0.9753 1.0654 1.1688 1.0583 2.1884 1.0888 1.1528 1.9687 0.9324 0.9364 0.8351 0.4139 0.6648 0.9445 0.6579 0.67 1.5859 0.9533 3.2473 1.8512 0.9642 1.3405 0.8257 0.9269 1.7312 1.156 0.69 0.7847 0.8419 58 AA859021 Rat BRbeta mRNA for B-regulatory subunit of protei 1.2018 0.7673 0.89 1.2359 4.8188 73.3368 15.086 2.9383 5.2166 0.2482 1.8691 0.8432 1.695 3.0055 1.0237 0.9642 0.747 2.2363 0.7844 1.0527 1.2604 2.0996 15.4966 1.638 12.8877 5.3231 5.7836 3.4019 1.6473 9.2738 242.6938 0.7339 2.2129 1.6495 1.436 6.4426 5.6511 1.6821 201.4529 4.1711 247.07 154.8284 2.0314 229.1326 2.7948 2.17 229.9013 164.844 3.4157 59 AA859020 Rat insulin-responsive glucose transporter (GT) mR 1.0075 0.9431 1.1369 1.0379 1.0324 0.7865 0.8176 0.9099 0.9233 0.9754 1.1384 1.0223 0.8675 0.8248 1.2702 0.9559 0.9262 0.844 1.0298 0.9116 0.9136 1.214 0.9746 0.8538 1.097 0.91 0.9763 1.0803 0.9674 0.7835 0.7394 0.6966 0.5936 0.7672 0.7499 0.7305 0.9968 0.9708 1.1341 1.0326 1.0347 0.8695 0.8022 1.0371 0.943 0.9292 0.9096 0.9874 1.0617 60 AA859049 Rat liver carboxylesterase 0.5969 0.5438 0.5833 0.6416 0.8395 0.1896 0.2048 0.7845 0.782 0.9975 1.0867 1.0104 0.6885 0.7507 1.0176 1.3614 1.4503 1.4686 0.7977 0.5983 1.0375 1.259 0.9017 0.8683 0.7151 0.7416 0.8852 0.7046 0.7333 0.1467 0.1464 0.1328 0.1691 0.2069 0.194 0.1974 0.8301 0.8052 0.922 0.6937 1.2575 1.2383 1.1459 0.6068 0.8134 0.7279 1.0436 0.9595 1.0215 61 AA859041 Rattus norvegicus FGF receptor activating protein 0.9571 1.0536 1.2767 1.0631 1.3154 1.294 1.6757 1.0715 1.1175 0.8398 1.0797 1.7094 1.5144 6.179 1.039 0.9215 0.8942 1.1004 0.8713 1.1503 0.973 0.9933 1.4371 1.1391 1.4528 1.1226 1.444 1.7058 1.3776 1.0178 0.9838 0.9292 0.7466 1.0007 1.0152 1.2605 1.8648 1.2414 1.9341 1.4431 1.2203 1.2563 0.7782 1.0776 1.3693 1.3668 1.1643 1.0769 1.1623 62 AA859081 Rat extracellular signal-related kinase (ERK3) mRN 0.9001 0.839 0.8459 0.9839 0.8258 0.7479 0.7314 0.8183 0.848 0.8398 0.8024 0.7639 0.8575 0.7825 0.8325 0.8126 0.9228 0.7464 0.8919 0.9116 0.9234 0.877 0.7553 0.8036 0.6933 0.9013 0.927 0.7896 0.6755 0.8275 0.7784 0.8488 0.6499 0.7372 0.7724 0.7165 0.715 0.7524 0.736 0.6552 0.7587 0.8484 0.7246 0.7693 0.7166 0.7508 0.8435 0.8435 0.7645 63 AA859083 Rattus norvegicus Sprague Dawley protein kinase C 0.8227 0.7609 0.8658 0.8597 0.7765 1.0093 1.1145 0.7743 0.7777 0.7749 0.8169 0.8239 0.8222 0.777 0.702 0.8085 0.829 0.8957 0.9211 0.8896 0.9013 0.8143 0.8088 0.7837 0.763 0.7675 0.7221 0.7352 0.7016 1.0911 0.9148 1.1504 0.7631 0.9216 1.1481 1.0407 0.7514 0.7205 0.7105 0.7769 0.7926 0.8847 0.8637 0.793 0.7688 0.8145 0.7946 0.8184 0.7804 64 AA819242 "Rattus norvegicus glutathione synthetase mRNA, com" 0.7578 0.7887 0.9183 0.7278 0.8502 0.6964 0.7394 0.8128 0.7642 0.8048 0.7978 0.8412 0.7452 0.758 0.792 0.9605 1.0212 1.0174 1.0144 0.928 0.8717 0.8474 0.8068 0.9047 0.8248 0.8197 0.8289 0.8057 0.7009 0.7553 0.6903 0.7027 0.521 0.6275 0.7086 0.571 0.731 0.8316 0.7889 0.9096 1.1074 1.1467 1.1265 0.7993 0.8722 0.8764 0.8788 0.8341 0.8099 65 AA819244 Rattus norvegicus nuclear-encoded mitochondrial el 0.7439 0.745 0.852 1.1401 1.3173 0.3587 0.3375 0.7502 0.7125 1.1259 1.079 0.7964 215.013 1.4836 1.4383 1.4479 1.5792 1.8805 1.4051 1.3389 1.2463 1.0969 1.219 1.183 1.1699 0.9486 0.9344 0.9993 0.9702 0.4719 0.4022 0.4677 0.353 0.4462 0.5086 0.3273 0.7969 1.2777 0.9613 1.4424 1.6738 2.0938 1.6806 1.274 1.2286 1.5038 0.9979 1.0624 1.0064 66 AA819267 Rat fibrinogen gamma chain-a mrna 0.705 0.6847 0.7857 0.7943 1.0003 0.9179 1.0055 0.512 0.5263 0.7811 0.8363 0.7746 0.7049 0.8132 0.8406 0.6778 0.7288 0.5288 0.9858 1.073 1.1249 1.0806 0.8246 0.975 0.822 1.0992 1.1746 1.1395 1.1908 0.4034 0.4455 0.4285 0.3058 0.3828 0.412 0.8763 0.5533 0.7634 0.698 0.7001 0.6077 0.4927 0.5276 0.7478 1.0242 0.83 0.8846 0.8618 0.8527 67 AA819262 Rattus norvegicus 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase 0.9679 0.732 1.5461 1.3092 2.0016 2.023 2.5744 1.1513 1.1359 1.5305 1.451 2.256 1.3618 2.2202 2.2411 1.418 1.5692 2.3197 0.8728 0.9281 1.2544 1.009 1.433 1.1441 1.5357 0.7958 0.9306 1.7783 1.2462 1.3883 1.8078 1.5321 1.6896 3.235 2.0166 2.3409 4.2958 1.5947 1.8545 2.5631 1.5906 3.5221 1.836 1.5223 2.5672 2.1092 1.5393 1.8291 1.4859 68 AA819227 "Rattus norvegicus lymphotoxin (TNF-beta) gene, com" 1.7598 1.2029 7.0646 106.7438 2.6174 113.1107 3.1247 7.3734 23.0021 155.4689 1.2515 1.2948 1.9367 1.149 0.7817 1.727 1.1119 5.4083 1.5449 2.0273 0.7736 1.6918 71.6833 1.9332 150.7138 1.0452 1.6136 173.1384 1.1662 9.2539 0.7371 4.5783 3.1257 0.7293 1.361 10.8421 191.8666 1.7921 11.4384 2.9071 7.2894 5.8393 103.9789 1.4152 7.0666 4.4129 210.7782 2.1937 2.5645 69 AA956438 "ESTs, Moderately similar to Mxi1 protein [R.norveg" 1.1235 1.7195 1.6566 2.6737 1.5486 89.3405 93.0756 1.8713 1.7288 1.2908 2.5807 3.9951 4.5874 1.6264 1.071 1.1038 1.0115 494.4985 0.6503 0.4428 0.5589 1.4906 1.4053 1.1078 2.4392 2.5429 0.5863 9.4188 1.0675 3.3217 2.9681 1.1666 1.3276 1.6572 1.0295 3.0247 150.0253 1.5211 164.867 11.8977 3.0571 200.3325 1.2783 1.3857 2.5243 1.9482 1.9425 1.3872 1.4712 70 AA818144 "R.norvegicus C-reactive protein mRNA, complete cds" 1.1749 1.0046 1.1399 4.0906 1.2926 9.6238 10.6172 1.6616 2.152 1.5973 1.751 1.1816 1.4857 1.0727 1.0488 1.2035 0.8599 4.2781 0.871 0.8696 1.0478 1.3922 77.9342 1.1045 3.3289 267.8205 3.1283 204.3285 1.134 259.5851 2.2405 3.2494 1.786 1.542 2.4172 3.8836 5.7632 1.8912 3.7605 7.5338 218.9895 2.5851 139.1224 1.12 1.8171 1.9006 2.5709 6.6126 1.2952 71 AA818150 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for choline/ethanolamine ki 0.8086 0.8137 0.9206 0.8057 0.7176 3.911 4.1633 1.4598 1.2817 1.0187 1.0434 1.5991 1.5661 0.6843 0.7201 0.743 0.7206 0.8234 0.7951 0.8976 0.913 0.8081 0.8263 0.7644 1.1515 0.8116 0.3272 0.9544 0.8042 3.9537 3.5784 3.8532 2.6699 2.9394 3.4581 3.3691 1.5383 0.9392 1.409 0.8676 0.6907 0.7744 0.7759 0.8329 0.9038 0.8488 0.8106 0.8659 1.0491 72 AA818172 Rattus norvegicus neuroendocrine-specific protein 1.4151 1.3449 1.8812 2.0029 2.1853 3.4827 1.7071 2.9785 3.1059 2.0503 1.1799 1.3656 1.1283 1.0579 0.7986 0.9261 0.9476 78.6519 0.7597 1.0415 0.8919 1.0845 60.5663 0.8341 4.5267 3.1324 1.8366 195.1985 1.1962 367.1595 2.7802 1.2912 1.3134 1.6778 0.864 1.9664 9.2948 1.0283 5.2618 1.6375 1.8214 1.7908 2.2999 1.3334 2.759 1.238 3.4736 1.7178 1.8671 73 AA818100 Rat type-2A protein phosphatase catalytic subunit 0.8285 0.8263 0.8585 0.9409 0.9378 0.9486 1.0028 0.8084 0.9347 0.8617 1.0532 1.0074 0.8277 1.4249 1.1612 0.909 0.9055 0.9408 1.0265 0.441 1.1291 1.178 0.9391 0.8869 0.9167 0.8441 0.8732 0.8828 0.7709 0.9215 0.9453 0.9527 0.8623 1.0423 1.0063 0.986 0.9199 0.8669 0.9888 0.8682 0.9781 1.0528 0.8269 0.8629 0.9041 0.8116 0.8829 0.872 0.9073 74 AA818096 "Rat dihydropteridine reductase mRNA, complete cds" 1.4445 1.3211 1.5854 1.151 1.3199 0.906 0.881 1.1902 1.2875 1.0005 1.1257 1.072 0.9508 0.9577 1.4795 1.1041 1.0909 0.9881 1.5458 1.4741 1.0225 1.0021 1.2641 1.2131 1.0277 1.0626 1.1757 1.1899 0.9263 0.7068 0.8754 0.8096 0.7098 0.8594 0.8939 0.7938 1.2356 0.9391 0.947 0.8682 0.9575 0.9221 0.891 1.0069 0.7289 1.1175 0.9196 0.7974 0.8267 75 AA818097 Rat mRNA sequence 0.8885 0.9355 1.0253 0.916 0.9318 1.0552 1.1178 0.9187 1.0069 0.914 0.9934 0.9322 0.6528 0.7224 0.9797 0.9209 0.8099 0.9078 1.2356 0.9089 0.9402 1.0449 1.0433 0.9164 1.1287 1.0268 0.9871 1.3326 0.9398 1.2907 1.179 0.992 0.8547 1.0359 0.9763 1.0593 1.2088 0.8995 1.3077 1.0332 1.1056 1.1867 0.991 0.8342 0.9877 0.8115 1.2065 1.0881 1.0395 76 AA818108 "EST, Moderately similar to prostaglandin D recepto" 0.8353 0.8281 0.8741 0.9071 0.9858 1.3648 1.437 0.7722 0.8468 0.9127 1.01 0.9315 0.8299 0.7551 1.1384 0.9666 0.9486 0.9776 0.9904 0.8859 0.9468 1.0144 0.9615 0.9609 0.8176 0.9421 0.9188 0.845 0.6998 0.7244 1.2505 1.0126 1.0706 1.2694 1.3247 1.2465 0.7666 0.7102 0.8078 0.7229 0.8502 0.8139 0.8074 0.673 0.7535 0.8678 0.9345 0.9079 0.8574 77 AA818114 R.norvegicus (Sprague Dawley) rab4b mRNA for ras-h 0.862 0.8227 0.9064 0.7413 0.814 0.2607 0.2527 0.6669 0.6232 0.5484 0.5634 0.7342 0.6629 0.6663 0.6741 0.8231 0.8652 0.8165 0.9496 0.7504 0.9512 1.159 0.9254 0.8372 0.8028 0.6949 0.7939 0.7149 0.684 2.1706 0.2685 0.3067 0.2418 0.3032 0.3031 0.2747 0.6717 0.4889 0.7959 0.476 0.8769 0.8997 0.8163 0.7465 0.8539 0.7861 0.8409 0.8291 0.8364 78 AA818115 Rattus norvegicus alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase mR 0.875 0.7543 0.8943 0.7529 0.9126 0.1641 0.1693 0.5967 0.6299 0.4442 0.4717 0.7856 0.6938 0.4928 0.5563 0.846 0.8415 0.8186 1.0665 0.5041 1.0017 1.0104 0.9083 0.9592 0.7872 0.7893 0.7772 0.7522 0.7476 0.2121 0.2158 0.1936 0.2077 0.2717 0.2559 0.2042 0.6452 0.4359 0.7888 0.3811 0.8202 0.723 0.7164 0.6892 0.7804 0.804 0.9012 0.8136 0.8766 79 AA818124 Rat cytochrome P-450 (female-specific and growth h 0.9815 0.88 0.9977 0.6805 0.8324 0.7321 0.649 1.3797 1.2609 1.0352 1.0968 2.287 2.0812 0.6081 0.824 0.6467 0.7613 0.8334 1.4114 0.9116 1.0445 1.538 1.3977 1.2659 0.8747 1.1979 1.21 1.1593 1.1067 0.5456 0.551 0.3898 0.4602 0.5549 0.6529 0.6841 1.3313 1.0195 2.114 0.8431 0.8445 0.9541 0.8303 1.1499 0.9512 1.0943 0.8053 0.7847 0.8676 80 AA818125 Rat vacuolar protein sorting homolog r-vps33a mRNA 1.0717 0.9854 0.8797 1.2322 2.2598 1.0314 1.072 1.3618 1.5761 1.1176 1.162 1.3775 0.9784 1.2737 1.2928 1.1084 1.0452 1.0771 1.205 1.1842 1.171 1.3477 1.857 1.7675 1.4312 2.1623 1.978 2.2991 1.2225 1.5976 1.4643 0.8701 0.7957 1.1658 0.9161 1.275 1.8451 1.1285 3.3651 1.3546 2.1134 1.5859 0.9595 1.1674 0.644 2.2175 1.4102 1.1279 1.3222 81 AA819605 "Rat hydroxysteroid sulfotransferase a (STa) mRNA, " 0.2805 0.2736 0.2941 0.6735 0.6732 0.2203 0.1665 0.3841 0.3795 1.0181 0.9603 0.5014 0.4336 0.4907 0.654 0.376 0.3885 0.2487 0.9763 0.8895 1.0752 1.2621 0.6554 0.6016 0.6389 0.6226 0.6463 0.6137 0.5598 0.2303 0.1979 0.28 0.2177 0.256 0.2842 0.2036 0.3427 0.8027 0.4178 0.3733 0.3992 0.2122 0.15 0.8199 1.0952 0.5963 1.0527 1.0783 1.071 82 AA819620 "ESTs, Moderately similar to ORF [H.sapiens]" 1.3645 1.07 1.2228 1.0567 1.2004 0.9901 1.0129 1.2771 1.2344 0.9651 1.4784 1.1316 1.0246 1.0691 1.5295 1.1028 1.1462 1.2478 1.1994 0.9431 1.111 1.3633 1.1376 1.0584 1.1174 1.4071 1.4419 1.2992 1.1008 1.0831 1.1299 1.0491 0.8344 0.9875 1.0352 0.9794 1.2663 1.2145 1.1411 1.0857 1.1027 1.1997 1.2213 0.9649 0.9089 0.9486 1.062 1.0272 1.0677 83 AA819611 Rat insulin-like growth factor-binding protein (IG 0.9163 0.763 0.796 0.8571 0.8065 0.431 0.4317 0.4751 0.4937 0.8383 0.8519 0.788 0.6935 3.4553 0.9948 0.5908 0.6201 0.4957 0.8586 0.9116 0.7173 0.8927 0.6705 0.6201 0.856 0.8768 0.8745 0.8942 0.8968 0.4103 0.3899 0.4131 0.2661 0.3459 0.3167 0.4019 0.4837 0.7493 0.7137 0.6458 0.5937 0.4599 0.4362 0.8102 0.632 0.5908 0.7598 0.8146 0.8061 84 AA819612 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for profilin 0.7709 0.8057 0.7675 0.89 0.8803 1.001 0.9057 0.814 0.7943 0.8739 1.1026 0.8641 0.789 0.7939 1.2532 0.9806 0.9342 0.9185 1.027 0.9279 0.9027 1.1296 0.9674 0.9561 0.7406 0.8017 0.8627 0.8226 0.7248 0.7659 0.8297 0.8366 0.7154 0.8708 0.9358 0.7978 0.686 0.6848 0.6783 0.6755 0.7875 0.77 0.6517 0.6726 0.7414 0.7421 0.9041 0.8265 0.8066 85 AA819622 "Rat G-protein coupled thrombin receptor mRNA, comp" 0.8533 0.866 1.0252 0.8707 0.9445 1.1733 1.216 0.9011 0.8446 0.9631 0.982 1.0745 1.0833 1.0359 0.9417 0.855 0.9977 1.0278 0.9199 1.1233 0.9048 0.8877 1.126 0.9743 0.9423 0.8835 0.9632 1.0722 0.8173 1.0063 0.9477 1.002 0.7205 0.9156 0.9423 1.0092 1.0211 0.9214 1.051 1.0163 1.0203 1.1102 0.8096 0.9301 1.0144 0.987 0.9269 0.9823 0.9237 86 AA819624 Rat liver interleukin 6 receptor ligand binding ch 0.9001 0.839 0.8459 0.9839 0.8258 0.7479 0.7314 0.8183 0.848 0.8398 0.8024 0.7639 0.7601 1.4637 0.8325 0.8126 0.9228 0.7464 0.8919 0.9116 0.9234 0.877 0.7553 0.8036 1.1581 1.3473 1.3373 1.2956 1.096 1.4075 1.1506 1.2932 0.8446 1.0657 1.0353 1.2744 1.1081 1.0298 1.0795 1.1392 1.1386 1.1188 1.0962 1.179 0.985 1.0113 1.0577 1.0058 1.0155 87 AA819073 "Rat heart mRNA serine/threonine protein kinase, co" 0.9456 0.9504 0.9992 0.9451 0.8258 1.3272 1.2511 0.9177 0.8538 0.8916 0.9595 1.0177 0.9299 0.954 0.9941 1.0011 1.0039 0.994 0.8253 1.0446 0.9678 0.8854 0.9857 0.9965 1.2682 0.9367 0.7568 1.0341 0.9316 1.406 1.1228 1.2716 0.9788 1.1406 1.2079 1.1323 1.1061 0.8502 1.1338 1.1882 0.954 1.2156 0.9962 1.0464 1.0406 1.065 1.0373 1.0308 1.1098 88 AA819102 "Rat thymosin beta-4 mRNA, complete cds" 0.7674 0.8326 0.9406 0.9359 1.0431 0.4357 0.4452 0.6309 0.6327 1.0072 0.9697 0.9066 0.9489 1.2491 1.0165 0.8787 0.9962 0.8244 0.9915 0.8921 1.138 1.0105 1.1313 1.234 0.934 1.1101 1.2729 1.1675 1.0574 0.5116 0.57 0.4385 0.349 0.4998 0.3978 0.3985 0.6513 0.8142 0.8865 0.953 0.835 0.7234 0.7475 0.7471 1.0676 1.1337 1.3723 1.2403 1.1879 89 AA818983 "Rat mRNA for 90kDa-diacylglycerol kinase, complete" 0.8739 0.9592 0.9571 1.0369 1.2607 1.4036 1.3159 0.8748 0.9564 0.9929 1.0588 1.1985 2.0677 0.9811 1.0443 0.9112 0.8932 1.1272 0.8894 1.0164 0.9754 0.9785 1.1355 0.8876 1.3368 1.036 0.9583 1.6992 0.9258 1.318 1.0197 1.0884 0.8041 0.9086 0.9741 1.1014 1.2814 0.9848 1.3063 1.3534 1.2077 1.4071 0.8545 1.1469 1.2723 1.2482 1.0367 1.1011 1.0663 90 AA818995 Rattus norvegicus palmitoyl-protein thioesterase m 1.0949 0.9693 0.6157 1.0431 2.8591 0.8071 0.7405 0.8411 0.8662 1.2134 0.8881 0.9354 0.9412 1.3834 0.7507 1.4327 0.9616 1.6633 1.0218 1.498 1.1843 1.2064 1.1073 0.9377 1.3616 1.4548 0.945 1.6972 1.0529 1.5225 9.8357 0.8839 0.709 1.1151 0.8323 0.7301 1.2646 0.9673 1.0973 0.9721 1.1411 0.9539 1.3558 0.9696 1.5979 1.1996 1.5455 1.2918 1.3262 91 AA819007 Rattus norvegicus heart branched chain aminotransf 0.8801 0.9722 1.3752 0.9592 1.4736 1.1191 0.7132 1.2308 1.2654 1.1574 0.9527 1.3912 1.7858 0.9436 0.8593 0.9756 0.9601 1.7018 1.0377 1.1636 1.0693 1.2061 2.5328 1.5743 1.6908 1.0454 1.2087 2.2507 1.276 1.0584 1.912 0.7672 0.5251 0.6068 0.7008 0.8276 2.2955 1.143 2.6858 1.4627 1.8268 1.9324 1.3618 1.884 1.6581 2.1447 1.1221 1.1863 1.1707 92 AA819012 Rat mRNA encoding pancreatic trypsinogen II 1.3212 0.8727 0.5351 1.2352 1.565 3.6083 1.2206 1.4232 1.251 5.5209 1.4468 1.1831 1.8045 2.5838 0.7972 0.8743 0.9114 1.9068 0.6111 1.896 1.2877 0.9184 139.7283 3.4903 3.0544 1.2338 2.2564 3.7137 1.1383 2.1445 3.0862 1.505 0.8955 1.8492 0.9016 1.6092 38.7878 1.3207 2.9157 1.2601 1.784 1.2203 139.6024 0.9518 2.6096 3.2521 1.7503 1.365 1.6012 93 AA819022 "Rattus norvegicus beta defensin-2 mRNA, complete c" 0.7069 0.7491 1.1938 0.9842 1.1039 3.3675 2.0032 1.1737 0.8986 2.0857 2.5866 1.6558 4.2 1.4384 1.0205 0.7784 0.7204 1.0988 0.6583 3.2044 0.9011 1.2862 1.2264 1.0954 2.938 1.4986 0.8849 27.269 1.1183 1.3583 2.2718 1.4039 0.7997 0.9909 0.9053 1.4881 39.9423 1.5095 7.5414 3.3884 2.0255 4.8654 0.6664 1.7251 3.4531 1.6844 2.1836 1.9479 1.9188 94 AA819830 R.norvegicus mRNA for cytosolic epoxide hydrolase 0.5375 0.5075 0.6043 0.5023 0.5698 1.3916 1.4823 1.0896 1.0368 0.846 0.8568 0.6926 0.8252 0.5327 0.5019 0.0727 0.0853 0.5907 1.2597 1.1902 0.0944 0.088 0.0999 0.0794 0.7448 0.8433 0.8234 0.7521 0.7737 0.7244 0.7371 0.8183 0.6109 0.8256 0.088 0.8925 0.75 0.8368 0.8247 0.8155 0.8627 0.8646 0.2076 0.8808 0.7994 0.2492 0.793 0.7765 0.7979 95 AA819712 "Rat anti-acetylcholine receptor antibody gene, kap" 0.7583 0.74 0.787 0.8474 0.779 0.6368 0.634 0.7657 0.7894 1.0087 1.1361 1.0636 1.2433 0.5201 0.5235 0.4968 0.5228 0.6134 0.8989 0.9612 0.8502 0.8425 0.837 0.7686 0.927 1.4417 1.1512 1.3521 1.3393 0.6493 0.662 0.656 0.5848 0.7612 0.6903 0.683 1.0478 0.9833 1.0852 0.7649 0.57 0.7224 0.6329 0.9775 0.9151 0.8249 1.0172 1.0032 0.9308 96 AA819708 Rat mRNA for cytochrome c oxidase subunit VIIa (EC 0.9549 0.9865 1.0997 0.8979 0.9433 1.1193 1.1866 1.032 1.0009 0.9018 0.9569 0.8729 0.833 0.7293 0.749 0.8013 0.8149 0.7851 1.096 0.8918 0.9129 0.792 0.9153 0.8868 0.8282 0.8074 0.8427 0.8112 0.764 1.3357 1.2303 1.2655 0.9038 1.1777 1.0667 0.8754 0.9466 0.7562 0.7486 0.6328 0.6192 0.6074 0.6735 0.8014 0.8176 0.8016 0.8132 0.8065 0.7563 97 AA819719 Rat mRNA for the OX47 antigen 1.191 1.0121 1.1442 1.0717 1.0204 1.2194 1.3408 1.0877 1.1472 1.0031 1.1698 1.0247 0.9942 1.5477 1.6528 1.2046 1.2875 1.3099 1.0903 0.7222 1.1011 1.1541 1.0119 0.9069 1.0848 0.9822 1.2222 1.0213 1.1239 1.5609 1.4681 1.6674 1.1591 1.4295 1.4316 1.3129 1.2965 1.0125 1.1542 1.2207 1.3235 1.2905 1.2644 0.9914 0.9405 0.8821 0.8674 0.8928 0.9244 98 AA819897 "Rattus norvegicus synuclein 1 mRNA, complete cds" 1.7052 1.7195 2.8671 2.2667 5.3921 96.6851 84.6813 2.9716 21.7535 0.4701 2.0542 3.2402 0.9677 2.7745 1.4182 1.7888 1.2865 2.2433 1.6976 1.4473 1.7225 2.6165 70.469 4.1327 160.1557 394.7892 14.2018 233.5341 3.4948 0.7251 279.741 2.1291 2.7418 4.6426 1.9934 5.0704 258.8576 2.979 277.9238 4.2595 288.4144 265.3397 3.1582 2.9879 46.7625 2.7058 280.6826 254.3137 3.7845 99 AA819821 Rattus norvegicus lactate dehydrogenase-B (LDH-B) 1.0068 1.0185 1.1775 1.0037 1.1821 2.0093 2.4148 1.1977 1.6861 0.7459 1.381 1.4813 0.6306 1.2615 2.3861 0.9224 1.0386 1.9951 0.8562 0.3817 1.5562 1.0917 2.1623 1.4369 233.4682 2.3835 3.6925 246.0149 4.5523 358.6719 267.8598 1.2914 2.8592 5.6665 1.2922 0.6137 309.8431 3.0633 345.0791 15.3489 5.0033 380.9074 1.0774 2.0545 4.4528 1.433 5.0356 9.0552 2.0779 100 AA819818 Rat mRNA for phosphoinositide-specific phospholipa 0.9675 0.9171 0.9646 1.2136 1.6672 1.0512 1.191 0.9486 0.9835 1.6069 1.5855 1.0572 0.8929 1.311 2.1416 1.3748 1.4024 1.5042 1.338 0.8064 1.2472 1.3109 1.1822 1.1555 1.4949 1.7464 2.5898 1.742 1.6299 0.8978 0.8738 0.9328 0.7413 0.9472 1.0424 1.184 1.2061 1.5558 1.4008 1.6054 1.7963 1.5745 1.5096 1.2142 1.2264 1.1142 1.3362 1.2979 1.3186 101 AA818791 "Rat cretine kinase-B (CKB) mRNA, 3' end" 0.9052 0.821 0.8006 0.8286 0.8378 0.7077 0.7545 0.5793 0.9571 0.6789 1.0301 1.0295 0.8799 0.7654 1.2335 0.8422 0.7708 1.1088 0.7957 0.9116 1.1105 1.1867 1.3776 0.8987 1.8273 1.4108 1.0019 1.9164 1.1301 1.3566 1.1111 0.5434 0.6814 0.9221 0.625 0.7721 1.1298 0.9918 1.5542 1.2403 0.9896 1.2286 0.6585 0.9084 1.1332 0.6238 1.2446 1.2485 1.172 102 AA818795 "Rat alpha-crystallin B chain mRNA, complete cds" 1.2535 0.9838 0.9571 1.6703 2.0199 2.096 1.4322 1.02 1.5634 0.586 1.1014 0.752 0.7288 1.6585 1.2415 1.3459 1.0101 1.4584 1.1026 1.0016 0.8491 1.188 3.8003 1.5508 2.0469 3.578 1.7959 2.3954 1.0453 1.9027 2.8825 1.0162 1.0904 1.6271 0.9012 1.3803 1.6466 1.0903 2.026 1.4815 2.4429 1.7834 1.251 0.9587 1.5032 1.6732 1.3531 1.3179 1.3491 103 AA818799 R.norvegicus mRNA for CD25 0.9165 1.0141 0.9049 1.2475 1.0013 1.6422 62.2026 0.8145 0.9613 0.8348 0.8152 1.0768 1.1141 1.9886 1.3888 1.2667 0.8577 2.0419 0.709 0.3627 0.8538 1.0225 1.198 1.3819 15.1624 1.3946 1.348 223.5637 1.6613 1.2226 240.6824 0.7194 0.82 1.0007 0.8536 0.8549 5.4459 1.5685 209.1645 256.4304 2.1686 7.347 2.1003 1.371 1.9841 1.7672 1.459 1.6806 2.0961 104 AA818830 R.norvegicus mRNA for calcium-binding protein 0.8857 0.8384 0.8111 1.2809 0.9749 0.7513 0.6835 0.8769 0.8523 1.1834 1.1135 0.9956 0.9922 0.9097 1.2525 1.0132 0.9471 0.8336 1.0988 0.627 1.0821 1.3253 0.9188 0.8877 0.9207 0.9596 1.0914 0.9707 1.0374 0.6924 0.6662 0.5733 0.5722 0.691 0.6461 0.6627 0.8597 1.0699 0.9166 1.0311 0.9103 0.7983 0.8262 0.8912 0.9809 0.8821 0.9189 0.9936 1.0634 105 AA818824 "Rat drs (a gene down-regulated by v-src) mRNA, com" 1.1663 1.4597 1.8057 1.5927 1.2053 1.6769 75.6299 0.797 1.2705 0.9127 0.9371 1.0613 0.8626 0.8589 0.9529 1.0185 0.8725 1.3548 0.7303 0.8991 0.9344 1.0918 1.4487 1.4454 208.0278 1.3637 1.3596 209.4494 1.5629 1.9193 2.8191 0.6817 1.2011 2.3488 0.9078 1.2195 179.4964 1.9995 235.3629 4.2266 2.706 3.1744 0.8792 1.1605 3.0561 1.5888 1.3796 2.2361 2.2249 106 AA818843 "Rattus norvegicus postsynaptic protein CRIPT mRNA," 0.9772 0.8662 0.8514 0.9541 1.0823 1.5489 1.4814 1.0811 1.1048 1.0823 1.003 0.9111 0.9504 0.9264 0.7659 0.8668 0.8594 0.8621 0.9931 0.9361 0.9469 1.1362 1.0068 0.9766 1.2322 1.0419 1.436 1.1065 0.9199 1.5778 1.7592 1.4793 1.4531 1.8662 1.793 1.4996 1.2099 0.9502 1.1459 0.9139 0.9077 0.8224 0.7534 0.8913 1.1197 0.9682 0.9648 1.0274 0.9349 107 AA818847 "Rat anti-acetylcholine receptor antibody gene, gam" 1.3849 1.7714 2.1591 4.2374 1.5509 6.5037 117.4137 3.446 3.1254 2.9612 2.1864 4.3187 1.747 2.9406 1.3176 1.3856 1.1901 3.2184 0.9687 0.9116 1.1314 1.2297 7.053 2.4686 203.3949 4.4852 3.9686 272.333 58.7297 334.4823 286.4198 1.3554 1.99 3.7943 1.4667 4.1394 220.1085 2.1322 350.3028 290.2797 11.4436 259.4854 1.3758 1.9759 5.6754 7.1301 10.4286 11.0457 2.8138 108 AA818855 Rat kidney mRNA for proton-coupled peptide transpo 1.2759 0.9221 2.0159 4.7994 25.1859 99.1131 10.0577 3.3609 3.2142 1.4391 1.1023 1.1313 1.9874 1.297 0.8325 1.0741 0.8994 1.3338 0.8802 1.1839 0.6582 1.9958 4.6383 1.7278 10.4375 396.9184 2.6977 4.3593 1.8888 4.9333 263.3391 0.7615 1.5271 2.6286 3.6068 3.4646 249.0058 1.6686 228.9293 3.2287 255.1081 204.3663 1.9297 1.8477 11.7235 2.435 187.3247 1.8162 2.1492 109 AA818858 "Rat cyclophilin mRNA, complete cds" 1.0277 0.8366 0.9436 0.987 0.8833 1.2374 1.2869 0.9668 0.8815 0.8987 0.9829 1.0691 0.9977 0.9019 0.9642 1.0227 1.0155 0.9568 0.939 0.9495 1.0405 0.8875 0.869 0.8333 0.8402 0.7764 0.7955 0.6998 0.7217 1.1507 1.115 1.2834 0.9842 1.2306 1.2547 1.0539 0.8463 0.9083 0.7883 0.9141 0.8229 0.8059 0.7355 0.8551 0.8581 0.8121 0.7405 0.732 0.7156 110 AA818904 "Rat mRNA for ID3 protein, complete cds" 0.6469 0.473 0.4455 0.5514 0.5708 0.3224 0.3231 0.3795 0.4047 0.6155 0.8402 0.5951 0.4032 0.4181 0.3981 0.7576 0.744 1.0703 0.8431 0.7751 0.7735 0.6944 1.3866 0.8964 0.9814 0.6695 0.7248 0.6447 0.6982 0.4646 0.5987 0.3177 0.3915 1.15 0.3222 0.2953 0.708 0.5746 0.5986 0.4253 0.5357 0.635 0.7749 0.6161 1.0668 0.8709 0.7803 0.8475 0.8213 111 AA818951 Rat mRNA for pituitary pyruvate kinase 0.8822 0.7283 0.8781 0.8499 0.9842 0.9831 0.9474 0.6829 0.7541 0.9238 1.0248 1.2472 1.0135 0.7386 0.7425 0.8646 0.8302 1.5112 0.7194 0.9445 0.991 0.9635 1.8762 1.0651 205.587 1.2062 0.8234 365.6011 1.7253 1.0385 1.9088 0.9001 1.203 1.3458 0.7627 0.9538 283.8081 1.4994 3.9652 5.1926 1.5426 1.7791 1.1121 1.5937 2.6219 2.9697 1.3082 1.9775 3.295 112 AA818960 Rat serum albumin mRNA 0.7801 0.7966 0.9491 0.7411 0.915 0.4591 0.5072 0.7799 0.8313 0.7246 0.793 0.7141 0.6548 0.5559 0.6589 0.5272 0.5298 0.4398 1.0717 1.0722 1.0655 0.9173 0.8401 0.9095 0.848 1.0018 1.0434 0.9733 0.9654 0.6284 0.6009 0.6975 0.4875 0.5427 0.5383 0.532 0.8764 0.8012 0.7614 0.6428 0.522 0.4234 0.4726 0.819 1.015 0.8889 0.8291 0.775 0.8221 113 AA818968 Rattus norvegicus mitochondrial intermediate pepti 1.2163 1.1405 1.3909 1.1774 1.4783 1.9375 1.7635 1.41 1.4445 1.095 1.1878 1.2174 1.4946 1.1124 1.0532 1.1386 1.1345 3.1222 0.8286 1.0218 0.861 0.8874 1.7543 1.1031 41.5597 1.5123 1.8121 2.3122 1.4667 1.8527 4.2201 1.2386 1.5961 1.8441 1.2772 1.8669 498.9756 2.0846 3.3561 2.7338 1.9655 1.8539 1.4393 1.3142 1.4737 1.8223 1.1214 1.1697 1.5805 114 AA818455 "ESTs, Moderately similar to translation initiation" 0.7057 0.7964 0.588 0.7453 0.8753 1.0009 0.8209 0.9605 0.9341 1.1459 0.9549 1.1813 0.9714 1.185 0.9648 1.0033 0.9486 1.008 0.8163 0.8664 0.6914 0.7785 0.8043 0.8855 1.1203 0.9035 1.1792 1.0487 0.836 1.3078 1.9302 0.7929 0.9704 1.3365 0.8823 0.9174 1.8617 1.1668 1.317 1.0339 1.3371 1.2321 1.1962 0.8501 14.3882 1.063 1.0304 1.006 1.0929 115 AA818487 "Rattus norvegicus cyclophilin B mRNA, complete cds" 0.822 0.8462 0.8817 0.9998 0.9202 1.063 1.2347 0.916 0.8851 1.1514 1.2068 1.0229 0.9379 1.127 1.1015 1.0391 1.0883 1.0453 1.0304 1.1452 0.9484 0.9269 0.9018 0.8206 0.9304 1.0556 1.0734 1.0792 1.1311 0.8758 0.802 0.9104 0.7952 0.9031 0.9362 1.1051 0.9826 1.0704 0.9283 1.1013 1.0722 1.1065 1.0218 0.9954 0.9289 0.8624 0.8582 0.8806 0.8566 116 AA819911 Rattus norvegicus integrin beta-1 subunit (integri 0.7556 0.7891 0.8559 0.6896 0.8731 1.0464 1.0143 0.847 0.8127 0.9192 0.9308 0.929 0.9345 1.0079 1.0169 0.9957 1.0527 1.0594 0.8958 0.9168 0.9257 0.8517 0.9047 0.8019 1.1848 0.9751 1.0524 0.9536 0.931 1.2215 1.7278 1.1327 0.8806 1.3857 0.9836 1.1519 1.5326 1.2181 1.3648 1.1937 1.2351 1.1065 1.1512 0.924 1.2061 0.9325 0.9649 1.0962 1.0072 117 AA818375 "Rat mRNA for prolactin-like protein D, complete cd" 1.157 1.3204 1.6229 1.7224 1.1672 82.0049 93.9655 2.2596 3.0295 1.5694 3.5898 1.697 3.9419 241.238 1.0146 2.5666 1.2411 1.6211 0.6159 1.1952 1.1819 1.4542 2.9762 1.5698 161.768 3.7951 0.7384 207.0622 5.5266 2.2073 5.4374 2.1099 2.789 2.824 1.4843 2.4682 215.6588 2.3039 244.617 313.3835 6.0276 222.9232 3.0747 3.4278 4.3685 10.3078 2.227 2.2297 3.5205 118 AA818383 Rat mRNA for phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase p85 bet 1.0018 1.0593 0.9467 0.9992 1.0483 1.1206 0.9258 1.0272 0.9549 1.1048 0.8491 0.7891 0.8635 1.2411 0.9357 0.8398 0.9487 1.2482 0.8459 1.0664 0.8723 0.9293 0.6211 0.8821 2.2419 0.5803 1.7844 2.3656 1.1333 1.2803 1.6698 1.0335 0.9286 1.1814 0.8709 1.0285 3.9643 1.3089 1.9316 1.1493 1.0598 0.961 1.4244 0.9406 1.8243 1.1062 1.105 1.2466 1.1922 119 AA818398 "Rat Y-b3 glutathione-S-transferase mRNA, complete " 1.5652 1.7508 1.952 1.2443 1.2375 0.887 0.7965 1.8722 1.7474 1.4054 1.3933 1.5185 1.5169 1.037 0.9406 1.0743 1.0833 1.3855 1.089 1.3996 0.717 0.619 1.1116 1.0699 2.0004 1.0872 0.5363 1.4246 1.3088 1.0718 1.0837 0.892 0.9168 1.0602 0.8202 0.854 2.628 1.3329 1.8641 1.1325 1.0872 1.4322 1.3592 1.1627 0.8712 1.358 0.6377 0.773 0.8528 120 AA818499 Rat cytochrome P-450-LA-omega (lauric acid omega-h 0.8546 0.9958 0.9716 0.7662 0.9595 1.293 1.2894 0.9303 0.8927 0.9991 0.9926 0.9535 0.8967 0.8412 0.9462 0.979 1.0796 0.9266 1.055 0.8481 0.9509 0.7849 0.8748 0.9773 0.8794 0.9123 0.9293 0.9404 0.8497 1.1634 1.1145 1.2046 0.8293 0.8932 1.2567 1.0449 0.9393 0.9848 1.0238 0.9591 1.0447 1.1001 1.2036 0.8649 1.1894 1.0189 1.0179 1.0598 1.018 121 AA818513 "Rat S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase mRNA, compl" 0.9001 0.839 0.8459 0.9839 0.8258 0.7479 0.7314 0.8183 0.848 0.1893 0.8024 0.7639 0.3296 2.4989 0.8325 0.8126 0.9228 0.7464 0.8919 0.3389 0.9234 0.877 0.7553 0.8036 1.6233 0.9843 1.7378 1.4787 1.3456 1.3292 1.3235 1.0311 0.8679 1.2054 0.9288 0.9928 1.7157 1.1342 2.0617 1.4952 1.5401 1.7376 1.0027 1.1331 1.2465 1.3049 1.2178 1.3001 1.2443 122 AA818532 "Rat gamma-preprotachykinin A mRNA, complete cds" 1.1774 0.8855 1.5113 1.9235 5.4708 1.9727 1.7807 2.4332 1.9012 0.2979 1.2694 0.8403 0.5341 3.6811 1.0358 0.9144 0.7935 1.1663 1.0519 1.0684 1.0219 1.1817 7.1417 4.2407 20.4293 9.1306 3.0038 4.2673 1.0341 0.435 11.9034 0.7309 1.4274 1.9386 1.0694 2.7286 45.1694 1.5802 10.502 1.7285 4.5294 5.9262 0.9961 1.6547 2.6623 1.6595 248.2315 2.3836 2.1561 123 AA818531 "ESTs, Highly similar to helix destabilizing protei" 0.9142 1.0641 0.8049 0.8983 1.1661 2.4075 2.2542 1.1986 1.65 0.9553 1.1584 1.2469 1.0393 1.0721 1.3629 1.0116 0.904 1.45 0.9829 0.3535 1.7703 0.9828 1.4644 1.2278 2.7569 1.6465 1.9239 2.7809 1.7809 2.899 3.3782 1.6659 1.425 2.3734 1.6604 2.1708 1.872 1.27 2.8131 1.6394 1.2466 2.2683 1.1076 1.1757 1.2204 0.989 1.1739 1.3884 1.1014 124 AA818412 "Rat cytochrome p-450, phenobarbital-inducible, mRN" 0.818 0.965 1.1098 1.0516 1.1854 1.0332 1.0133 1.5697 1.4075 0.8287 1.1393 0.9832 0.8381 9.4887 8.9183 14.0939 12.033 12.3453 1.1734 0.9797 1.0634 0.9355 1.037 1.0102 0.9967 0.9592 1.0063 0.9549 0.8459 1.3655 1.2503 1.1276 0.8789 1.0563 1.2427 0.9961 1.2141 0.8511 1.0045 10.4702 15.7139 13.1131 9.3711 0.8351 0.8633 0.8099 0.8765 0.8153 0.7581 125 AA818413 Rat mRNA for sulfated glycoprotein 2 0.9683 0.872 0.949 0.738 0.9009 1.1075 1.0083 0.896 0.8527 0.8963 0.8379 0.9661 0.8743 1.1054 1.5691 1.3148 1.2599 1.3672 0.8784 0.9116 1.0319 1.2068 0.9421 0.9215 0.7832 0.8962 0.898 0.8612 0.9334 0.9911 0.7548 0.7957 0.6936 0.8436 0.8771 1.0546 0.8914 0.8265 0.9636 0.9871 1.2537 1.2987 1.405 0.7352 0.8631 0.7454 0.8945 0.8676 0.936 126 AA818422 "Rat glutathione S-transferase mRNA, complete cds" 0.9278 0.9004 0.9591 0.8703 1.0267 0.7185 0.7267 0.9062 0.901 1.1634 1.2417 0.8943 0.6388 0.8132 1.4977 0.9473 0.9113 0.9074 1.2457 1.1125 0.9574 1.0165 0.9949 1.0374 0.7786 0.8625 0.9885 0.8119 0.7348 0.6609 0.6846 0.5509 0.6156 0.7278 0.6929 0.5947 0.6594 0.7464 0.6317 0.8081 0.6957 0.6892 0.5685 0.7075 0.6963 0.7639 0.8014 0.7181 0.6672 127 AA818424 "Rat major beta-globin mRNA, complete cds" 0.8847 1.2587 1.2438 8.2823 1.5838 2.3519 17.8981 1.5385 1.74 1.3266 1.239 1.01 1.0408 1.8417 1.5662 0.8845 0.8302 1.1916 0.8553 0.917 1.08 1.2097 1.8068 1.2998 3.5608 1.8306 1.8268 3.9552 0.8839 4.1429 2.0646 0.5295 0.9675 1.2089 0.7926 1.1139 88.202 1.0384 188.294 4.3119 1.5552 228.677 0.5362 1.0554 1.4546 1.4845 1.3822 1.1673 1.2982 128 AA818427 Rat kinesin light chain A mRNA 1.0792 0.8524 1.0867 1.0513 1.2142 1.4068 1.2314 0.9728 1.1682 1.0831 0.91 0.9042 0.9321 0.9797 0.8406 1.0539 0.942 1.0482 0.7945 0.8695 1.2032 1.5029 0.824 1.0048 0.0647 1.9527 1.7189 0.1479 0.0043 1.2959 2.3702 0.1302 1.1031 1.3304 0.2343 0.3861 0.2225 0.1827 0.1172 0.8155 0.1154 0.8646 0.9463 0.8808 0.2396 0.8678 0.3045 0.1481 0.1172 129 AA818440 Rat mRNA for beta-alanine-pyruvate aminotransferas 0.5295 0.4964 0.4959 0.6037 0.6972 1.5961 1.6238 0.7465 0.7687 2.0142 2.0042 1.5033 1.328 0.644 0.8701 1.2776 1.1282 0.9008 1.4385 1.1449 0.9641 1.2481 0.5261 0.4729 0.7031 1.1804 1.3021 1.3424 1.2954 1.0842 1.0012 1.0776 0.8113 1.0155 1.0753 1.5748 0.7945 2.019 1.6598 0.6631 1.1809 1.0359 1.0107 1.2866 1.0297 0.4934 0.3554 0.4025 0.4337 130 AA818441 "Rattus norvegicus ferritin-H subunit mRNA, complet" 0.9947 0.9691 1.1012 0.8056 0.9113 0.8088 0.796 0.8408 0.9141 0.9375 0.8532 0.8466 0.7784 0.9066 0.9388 0.9467 0.9413 1.015 1.2783 1.0108 1.0221 1.0899 1.0661 1.0561 0.7418 0.6892 0.7488 0.752 0.7104 0.7901 0.7782 0.8101 0.6174 0.7272 0.8344 0.7605 0.8471 0.693 0.6629 0.7054 0.7546 0.8074 0.7368 0.7103 0.7347 0.8195 0.8389 0.7383 0.7456 131 AA818442 "Rat ribosomal protein S11 mRNA, complete cds" 0.8635 0.8438 0.9142 0.8463 0.8617 1.3282 1.4034 0.7852 0.8036 0.9528 0.9616 0.9545 0.8748 0.7692 1.2066 0.937 0.9447 0.9294 0.9962 0.6062 0.9779 0.9647 0.9053 0.8635 0.8217 0.7515 0.8048 0.7932 0.8076 1.0849 1.0408 1.0663 0.9539 1.2174 1.2159 1.143 0.6939 0.7821 0.8233 0.6997 0.7547 0.8504 0.7357 0.7392 0.7565 0.859 0.818 0.8594 0.8665 132 AA818443 "Rat dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP) mRNA, complete c" 0.9635 0.8693 0.9269 1.0201 1.2954 0.5571 0.5587 1.0699 1.121 1.3927 1.1702 1.141 1.0096 1.495 1.8154 1.244 1.2681 0.9409 1.4995 1.0877 1.2861 1.4717 1.3809 1.4421 1.2262 1.2274 1.297 1.305 1.1758 0.6432 0.6496 0.5294 0.5007 0.6761 0.6349 0.5997 1.2048 1.191 1.5865 1.4159 1.3986 1.046 0.9881 1.1862 1.3338 1.3479 1.3111 1.3163 1.3174 133 AA818880 Rat mRNA for ribosomal protein L27 0.7876 0.8638 0.8752 0.9456 0.8626 1.2939 1.4799 0.847 0.8182 0.8256 0.8431 0.8855 0.9039 0.7938 0.8393 0.8783 0.9209 0.9524 0.9699 0.9214 0.9492 0.7647 0.9105 0.8729 0.839 0.7439 0.708 0.732 0.7372 1.1224 1.0767 1.2055 0.9603 1.245 1.2362 1.1015 0.7938 0.7719 0.7723 0.8207 0.8231 0.8927 0.8651 0.7984 0.8489 0.9009 0.7894 0.8125 0.7905 134 AA818896 "Rat cytochrome P-450j mRNA, complete cds" 0.8859 0.9591 1.1521 0.6993 0.9099 0.2781 0.2612 0.6799 0.6753 0.604 0.6324 0.5863 0.5657 0.1917 0.185 0.4606 0.5277 0.5668 0.9991 0.951 0.5037 0.4579 0.8175 0.9043 0.7665 0.4853 0.5013 0.4581 0.4835 0.2913 0.2698 0.3056 0.2345 0.2925 0.299 0.2364 0.7025 0.5671 0.5876 0.1659 0.4593 0.5583 0.5271 0.6649 0.4385 0.738 0.7243 0.6813 0.6888 135 AA819745 Rattus norvegicus growth hormone receptor/binding 1.048 1.0697 0.9941 1.096 1.1082 1.3043 1.3412 0.8248 0.8497 1.1261 1.0398 1.0515 0.9427 1.0746 1.2324 0.7817 0.778 0.5609 1.2836 1.3632 1.3682 1.1971 1.2004 1.0847 1.0506 1.2265 1.3648 1.219 1.1367 0.8951 0.8517 1.0185 0.7109 0.8933 0.9202 1.1427 0.9277 1.1697 0.9871 1.1789 0.8001 0.5628 0.5418 1.2433 1.2148 1.2153 0.9229 0.9662 0.9466 136 AA819756 Rattus norvegicus Sprague Dawley cytochrome P450 a 0.9766 0.9772 1.1439 1.1103 1.3796 0.5016 0.4818 1.0494 1.0341 1.0756 1.1265 1.0338 0.96 0.7256 0.7728 0.9145 0.9588 0.7286 1.1684 1.1056 0.9888 0.8937 0.8659 0.9313 1.177 1.2357 1.3565 1.2395 1.3278 0.5474 0.5403 0.54 0.6203 0.7517 0.7685 0.4557 1.0243 1.0354 0.9897 0.6599 0.8905 0.6705 0.7402 0.8384 0.9163 0.8465 1.1119 1.0512 1.0522 137 AA819765 "Rattus norvegicus ribosomal protein L21 mRNA, comp" 0.9308 0.9402 0.9223 0.8086 1.0126 0.9219 0.7411 0.8563 1.0139 1.0885 0.9275 0.9443 1.0178 0.82 0.8831 0.8376 0.8283 4.7861 0.5678 0.8024 0.705 0.8637 4.1259 0.9856 4.2134 1.1265 1.8082 1.2789 1.2731 0.7386 1.4472 0.621 0.7029 0.8129 0.6912 0.9586 239.5018 1.2742 3.6069 3.4065 1.0613 1.1108 0.9607 1.124 2.3637 1.9048 1.1659 1.4196 1.5613 138 AA818617 Rattus norvegicus golgi peripheral membrane protei 1.0128 0.9724 0.6733 1.0128 1.0008 1.3433 0.9275 1.0478 1.1074 1.3531 0.8471 0.8432 1.0451 0.9674 0.9182 0.8778 0.9081 0.9755 1.1987 0.9145 0.9049 0.8651 1.1202 0.9839 1.5285 0.8965 1.0667 1.5435 0.9931 1.3819 1.9233 1.357 2.0451 2.6185 1.0463 1.1011 3.0881 1.4278 2.2304 1.033 1.0884 0.9439 1.3016 0.9906 218.4463 1.3884 1.256 1.3092 1.2759 139 AA818620 EST 1.1534 0.8863 2.6637 1.457 1.6451 59.4299 88.2379 22.9247 2.9656 3.3436 1.6456 4.2139 2.2524 3.0395 0.8247 1.3539 1.0217 4.7678 0.4725 1.7753 0.6081 1.073 2.7834 1.8116 112.326 4.2149 0.6902 137.3134 1.4581 7.1196 147.5985 1.5867 4.5787 2.0939 1.1476 205.8342 116.6121 2.0239 175.3791 213.7649 180.7754 123.8276 1.7688 3.3631 12.0303 624.3751 7.4012 2.219 3.7101 140 AA819293 Rattus norvegicus soluble guanylyl cyclase alpha 1 0.8464 0.7624 0.8834 0.7561 0.8069 0.6538 0.623 0.746 0.8276 0.9452 0.7934 0.7012 0.7192 1.2776 0.6501 0.7734 0.8289 1.3833 0.9937 0.9041 0.7672 0.7229 1.4224 0.8667 1.3307 0.5751 1.3698 1.7342 0.9994 0.9895 1.8342 0.6174 0.7054 1.4211 0.6008 0.8569 5.3066 1.0706 1.4141 0.8603 0.918 0.9205 1.3208 0.9084 1.1825 0.9005 1.007 1.1026 1.1579 141 AA819287 Rattus norvegicus branched-chain alpha-ketoacid de 1.0697 1.0329 1.0231 0.961 0.7595 1.2792 1.4263 0.8279 0.7875 0.7309 0.7428 0.935 0.8092 0.9626 0.6945 0.9388 0.8303 1.0679 0.757 1.0688 0.8843 0.8673 0.9196 0.8215 1.6138 0.8981 0.5477 1.0629 0.938 1.2612 1.2466 1.2321 1.1141 1.2125 1.1159 1.0902 1.4898 0.8428 1.0882 1.1011 0.7456 0.9353 0.9159 0.913 0.8082 1.2034 0.8847 0.919 1.4188 142 AA818536 Rattus norvegicus vascular endothelial growth fact 0.9001 0.839 0.8459 0.9839 0.8258 0.7479 0.7314 0.8183 0.848 0.8398 0.8024 0.7639 3.1437 24.751 0.8325 0.8126 0.9228 0.7464 0.8919 0.9116 0.9234 0.877 0.7553 0.1072 1.125 1.0649 1.287 1.3663 1.1684 1.3415 1.1616 1.0921 0.7748 0.9512 0.9248 1.0025 1.4451 0.9935 1.0961 0.9086 0.9833 0.993 1.1894 1.086 1.1345 0.9269 1.0381 1.0684 1.0739 143 AA818542 "Rattus norvegicus NonO/p54nrb homolog mRNA, partia" 0.9245 0.8762 0.9918 1.3366 1.4246 1.89 1.652 1.2637 1.1826 1.0892 1.1057 1.2895 1.5059 1.9629 1.3789 1.459 1.4083 1.6252 1.0086 1.1743 1.2034 1.1734 1.4511 1.1624 1.8428 1.1856 1.1228 1.6407 1.2217 1.8038 1.5661 1.4911 0.6109 1.5376 1.5733 1.4478 1.7851 1.2167 1.9701 1.7848 1.7259 1.6874 1.5922 1.2327 1.1755 1.4735 0.9734 1.08 1.2025 144 AA818247 Rat PYBP2 mRNA for pyrimidine binding protein 2 0.8818 0.8538 0.8382 0.819 0.9181 0.9812 0.9541 0.7055 0.7074 0.7491 0.7683 0.8223 0.7628 0.7123 0.8186 1.0329 1.0998 1.0938 1.0825 1.0661 1.0117 0.9228 1.0197 1.0326 0.8665 0.8315 0.96 0.8145 0.799 1.0565 1.0911 1.0419 0.8607 1.072 1.0244 0.8098 0.8005 0.6865 0.795 0.7284 0.8585 0.8381 1.0749 0.8182 1.007 0.8562 0.9947 1.0173 0.9777 145 AA818265 Rat mRNA for beta-2-microglobulin 0.9001 0.839 0.8459 0.6731 0.8258 0.7479 0.7314 0.8183 0.848 0.8398 0.8024 0.7639 0.8575 4.2426 0.8325 0.8126 0.9228 0.7464 0.8919 0.9116 0.9234 0.877 0.7553 0.8036 1.0167 1.1807 1.2692 1.1285 1.0866 0.7403 0.7031 0.8145 0.5357 0.658 0.6825 0.7514 0.8619 0.9484 1.0189 1.0214 1.0452 0.7673 0.5823 0.9417 1.0386 1.0237 1.1016 1.1212 1.0833 146 AA818276 Rat mRNA for preproenkephalin (A) 0.9009 0.9329 0.9627 2.0126 90.2884 2.2743 2.1715 1.3933 1.6282 0.3223 1.2288 1.0202 0.577 2.4825 1.4734 0.842 0.7957 1.1987 1.0784 0.7232 0.9023 0.9995 1.5818 1.6071 1.9987 2.3323 2.4188 1.8788 1.2899 0.517 4.3251 0.935 1.2312 1.2581 1.1637 1.6022 2.4161 1.0729 4.2791 1.1753 3.0569 1.6959 1.2078 0.8988 1.5561 1.1832 2.0479 1.2426 1.6604 147 AA818277 "Rattus norvegicus mRNA for Tim23, complete cds" 0.8665 0.6259 0.8949 0.8166 0.8365 0.9628 0.9678 0.9294 0.9278 0.9563 0.9595 0.851 0.849 0.8616 1.2378 0.9493 0.9012 0.9352 0.9286 0.7427 0.8483 0.8668 0.8305 0.8058 0.8894 0.8251 0.8433 0.8685 0.899 0.9194 0.9618 0.966 0.7601 1.0251 1.0034 0.913 0.9578 0.8783 0.9298 0.8864 0.9106 0.9462 0.9009 0.8968 0.8932 0.7271 0.8081 0.8538 0.83 148 AA818313 "ESTs, Highly similar to Non-Myristoylated Rat Adp" 0.8518 0.8454 0.8266 0.8049 1.3185 0.8457 0.9412 0.8791 0.9051 0.8564 1.126 0.9017 0.8314 0.8454 1.21 1.0339 1.0032 0.9641 1.0114 0.7546 0.9876 1.0421 0.9863 0.8599 0.8531 0.9423 0.9436 1.0192 0.8539 1.0869 1.0219 0.8451 0.7597 0.983 0.9377 0.8483 0.7598 0.8426 0.9041 0.8953 0.9555 0.8743 0.9753 0.7155 0.8955 0.8131 0.8173 0.9253 0.8462 149 AA818332 Rattus norvegicus kidney-specific protein (KS) mRN 1.3464 1.3441 1.4052 0.7397 0.5662 2.2187 5.9269 1.2918 1.4098 0.8066 0.8763 2.2524 2.3944 1.1535 0.515 0.6228 0.7262 2.0357 1.2594 0.5249 0.6841 0.4929 0.6416 0.7478 1.227 1.3611 1.2616 2.0318 1.1717 1.5733 1.3763 1.0384 0.88 1.311 1.1417 1.9686 1.8392 1.1039 5.2978 1.3206 1.0308 2.8299 2.2881 1.3196 0.7893 0.8433 0.771 0.8584 1.0207 150 AA818329 R.norvegicus cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzym 1.2955 1.4919 1.4108 4.9509 2.7158 84.3744 81.4778 7.7056 12.3916 1.2386 1.2615 1.9393 1.1247 2.9953 0.8235 1.7597 0.9214 1.8162 1.2264 1.6245 1.5846 1.3415 1.6093 0.8036 5.2964 0.7582 6.557 4.7867 1.3988 7.5587 300.8127 1.2332 2.6426 2.5012 1.4341 3.0916 226.2921 2.2696 231.3277 3.5504 7.3286 241.6499 1.6913 2.061 2.2383 1.4043 232.8847 216.3692 2.1657 151 AA818756 "Rat Ly6-B antigen mRNA, complete cds" 1.5074 0.9699 1.0933 1.901 1.1357 4.3183 129.6855 1.0988 1.4897 1.2844 1.5243 1.2088 0.8745 2219.264 1.3725 1.2443 1.0084 1.203 0.6137 1.4739 1.3675 1.297 3.0413 1.7642 205.1782 6.3157 1.6606 20.9821 2.0159 342.1544 3.2254 1.0349 1.199 1.9329 1.1373 1.3647 177.4662 1.5919 262.0956 4.9384 2.9773 249.8279 0.806 1.1206 2.0004 2.5093 28.2642 2.0303 2.2574 152 AA818770 "Rattus norvegicus serine protease gene, complete c" 0.8889 0.9243 0.7871 0.9088 1.0557 1.0166 1.0466 0.8104 1.0464 0.9564 0.8775 1.0538 0.8718 0.9553 0.8146 0.9374 0.9137 1.0656 1.0143 0.7206 1.0438 1.0549 0.9736 0.9919 0.9293 1.0395 0.9748 0.9539 0.8153 0.9206 1.1311 0.8605 0.9075 1.1471 1.0502 1.0106 0.7927 0.7561 0.9072 0.9032 0.774 0.7213 0.7323 0.8299 0.8991 0.8586 0.8394 0.9191 0.8678 153 AA818723 Rat mRNA for the cysteine proteinase inhibitor cys 0.9237 0.8747 0.8091 0.7116 0.6687 0.8222 0.8213 0.7273 0.731 0.8698 0.883 0.8051 0.7777 0.677 0.9453 0.7268 0.7526 0.6737 0.7998 0.4925 0.8648 0.9237 0.8496 0.7923 0.6635 0.8076 0.8431 0.8503 0.7872 0.7802 0.6695 0.6696 0.6083 0.7874 0.7889 0.6162 0.5677 0.6606 0.6886 0.6173 0.6043 0.5912 0.5415 0.5772 0.699 0.8034 0.7398 0.7681 0.771 154 AA818677 "Rat heavy neurofilament subunit (NF-H) mRNA, 3' en" 1.2093 0.891 1.7894 1.7877 7.9292 12.2677 10.0847 2.1835 3.1792 1.2516 1.0599 0.779 0.7899 0.94 0.7226 1.1302 0.8079 1.4845 0.9334 1.2187 0.9475 1.4581 11.8508 2.1287 186.5325 297.8156 3.079 4.2951 1.3146 422.395 212.7486 0.6719 1.4075 2.1919 1.2829 1.1182 19.2434 1.584 6.8045 2.1764 14.1995 10.2562 1.4808 1.4734 2.9832 2.0433 209.7005 2.6074 1.4192 155 AA818680 "Rat ornithine aminotransferase mRNA, complete cds" 0.919 0.867 0.9375 0.7321 0.7633 0.1477 0.1415 0.4042 0.41 0.9193 0.841 0.2925 0.2526 0.3268 0.3368 0.5455 0.5323 0.5091 1.4763 0.9116 0.6436 0.7543 1.3044 1.1591 0.7013 0.6794 0.7319 0.6924 0.735 0.0897 0.117 0.0735 0.0867 0.1151 0.1135 0.1307 0.419 0.7538 0.2689 0.211 0.5248 0.4802 0.435 1.2652 0.5528 1.2321 0.8427 0.8566 0.9127 156 AA818691 "Rat muscle regulatory factor mRNA MRF4, complete c" 0.9743 0.7874 0.9577 2.3766 1.8377 2.5763 4.2497 2.4671 1.7982 1.2885 0.8192 0.8401 0.5729 1.2103 1.5959 1.0682 0.7422 1.3074 1.1338 1.0981 0.8927 1.4148 2.0651 2.3806 2.2886 396.1163 1.5162 2.5167 0.9658 1.2715 2.3777 0.5706 1.0707 1.2833 1.1292 1.822 2.0858 1.2338 4.9095 1.2212 7.2888 2.0894 0.9614 1.168 1.9676 1.4145 1.7509 1.3547 1.71 157 AA818706 "Rat vitamin D binding protein (DBP) mRNA, complete" 0.9454 0.9053 1.058 0.8955 0.954 0.4042 0.3877 0.6443 0.6132 0.8398 0.7308 0.6112 0.6561 1.0845 1.0056 0.6803 0.7636 0.6923 1.3337 1.3797 1.0527 0.9638 1.0225 1.0072 0.8571 1.0013 0.9453 1.0492 1.0505 0.3464 0.3236 0.4081 0.2654 0.3404 0.3674 0.4224 0.7098 0.8071 0.6989 0.8542 0.8462 0.7664 0.6553 1.1993 1.0934 1.0779 0.9546 0.9729 0.9408 158 AA818709 R.norvegicus mRNA for ribosomal protein L36 0.7912 0.9878 1.0513 0.8372 0.8906 1.3636 1.3318 0.8794 0.8683 0.8771 0.8695 0.944 0.917 0.7758 0.8817 0.7799 0.944 0.8187 0.8291 0.8013 0.8265 0.6915 0.7995 0.8298 0.8286 0.8362 0.9422 0.9038 0.7697 1.1232 1.217 1.0775 1.0261 1.4101 1.1701 1.0007 0.8202 0.7095 0.804 0.6812 0.7263 0.7605 0.7947 0.659 0.8032 0.8026 0.9256 0.8564 0.8501 159 AA818637 Rat mRNA for transthyretin 0.587 0.6107 0.6652 0.7327 0.7993 0.1829 0.1709 0.6261 0.5169 0.966 0.9677 0.7889 0.7253 0.9651 1.1398 0.5919 0.6333 0.3924 1.0719 0.983 1.1179 0.9409 0.8088 0.773 0.6807 0.7224 0.8234 0.702 0.6044 0.1605 0.1534 0.1962 0.1349 0.1744 0.1803 0.154 0.4729 0.8117 0.6423 0.9346 0.533 0.3771 0.2856 0.859 0.9057 0.7886 0.8042 0.8005 0.7444 160 AA818636 "Rat beta-galactoside-alpha 2,6-sialyltransferase m" 0.8986 0.8947 1.0105 0.8449 0.9706 0.4449 0.5057 0.6729 0.7136 0.9497 0.8868 0.7874 0.7161 1.062 1.0048 0.8202 0.8042 0.6722 1.4341 1.247 1.1894 1.0285 0.899 0.9125 0.8957 0.9562 1.0125 1.0293 0.9142 0.6011 0.5909 0.5394 0.4185 0.7375 0.5356 0.4864 0.8973 0.8622 0.7949 0.9908 0.7731 0.5951 0.6997 1.0422 1.0522 0.8993 1.0673 0.9934 1.0062 161 AA818640 "ESTs, Highly similar to 40S RIBOSOMAL PROTEIN S18 " 0.8187 0.9388 0.9993 0.9017 0.909 1.8332 1.9603 0.9218 0.9254 0.852 0.932 0.9594 0.8319 0.9698 0.9671 0.9623 0.9865 1.0088 0.9136 0.5669 0.8451 0.749 0.8447 0.8466 0.8057 0.667 0.564 0.7227 0.6836 1.4747 1.3068 1.4801 1.2118 1.565 1.5253 1.5394 0.8272 0.7411 0.7786 0.7805 0.8429 0.9678 0.9656 0.7292 0.7845 0.7434 0.7966 0.78 0.782 162 AA818647 "ESTs, Moderately similar to MYELOID DIFFERENTIATIO" 1.1666 0.9843 1.3588 3.8369 1.9412 3.8677 3.0354 1.9421 3.2036 2.7655 1.5065 1.6871 498.4319 2.321 1.3875 0.898 0.8573 70.7183 1.1566 1.088 0.7266 0.8993 55.5331 1.1544 2.7176 0.6909 1.5425 3.022 1.2517 5.1167 359.8451 1.1833 1.3205 1.3923 1.0873 1.8246 11.9947 1.6569 3.3405 1.4344 3.38 1.5878 3.2728 1.0172 1.7405 1.7284 1.4722 3.415 1.1452 163 AA818673 "Rat mRNA for argininosuccinate lyase, complete cds" 0.4225 0.4102 0.3922 0.4759 0.4402 0.3361 0.3176 0.3348 0.3516 0.701 0.7616 0.5207 0.4849 0.386 0.3808 0.8323 0.8469 0.5876 0.7722 0.8309 0.9118 0.8712 1.066 1.0582 0.4353 0.6924 0.6124 0.6529 0.7039 0.3892 0.2033 0.2473 0.3011 0.3721 0.4032 0.2966 0.3415 0.6606 0.4214 0.3363 0.7828 0.5614 0.5915 0.6534 0.7412 0.9957 0.777 0.7975 0.7581 164 AA818665 "Rat sperm membrane protein (YWK-II) mRNA, 3' end" 1.0183 1.0422 1.148 0.9369 1.0697 0.6186 0.5869 0.8515 0.8143 0.9029 0.9042 0.8797 0.9539 1.0724 1.2219 1.0241 1.0228 0.9793 1.3155 1.2923 1.0953 1.0227 1.0951 0.9973 0.9899 0.8534 0.8287 1.0074 1.0054 0.7036 0.6149 0.6718 0.4918 0.6528 0.5892 0.6251 1.0286 0.9738 1.0585 1.2256 1.004 0.8016 0.8753 1.1845 1.122 1.0067 1.1476 1.1599 1.1767 165 AA819128 Rattus norvegicus guanine nucleotide binding prote 0.8917 0.9364 0.9115 0.8319 0.7757 1.0407 0.9606 0.841 0.7755 0.7041 0.7662 0.8835 0.7667 236.9667 0.7168 0.7998 0.727 0.8099 0.8029 0.8958 0.8 0.7361 0.8539 0.7918 1.0205 0.7978 0.589 0.8275 0.8344 0.8626 0.8677 0.9269 0.8123 0.9355 0.8773 0.8261 0.9488 0.7451 0.8262 0.765 0.7407 0.8293 0.7933 0.7752 0.8171 0.9262 0.7816 0.8239 0.8468 166 AA819138 ESTs 0.9001 0.839 0.8459 0.9839 0.8258 0.7479 0.7314 0.8183 0.848 0.8398 0.8024 0.7639 39.2387 1.5118 0.8325 0.8126 0.9228 0.7464 0.8919 0.7242 0.9234 0.877 0.7553 0.07 1.0594 0.8837 1.081 1.0816 1.0316 1.0433 1.1201 1.1027 0.7714 0.9763 0.9005 0.7339 1.3774 0.9931 0.9951 1 0.9139 0.8539 1.024 0.9084 0.8644 0.894 0.7754 0.8453 0.8535 167 AA819042 "Rat (clone pRHx1) hemopexin mRNA, complete cds" 0.6427 0.6658 0.6783 0.7008 0.7529 0.9189 0.8655 0.5567 0.5465 0.8979 1.0626 0.8362 0.7108 168.14 1.3973 0.8652 0.934 0.7029 1.0619 1.0474 0.8849 0.7778 0.865 0.8944 0.69 0.8956 0.7948 0.8593 0.8971 0.4455 0.416 0.4909 0.5283 0.5709 0.6011 0.817 0.5609 1.0214 0.7404 1.2211 0.8809 0.7128 0.668 0.7678 0.816 0.861 0.7886 0.7807 0.7382 168 AA819052 "Rattus norvegicus retinal protein (RRG4) mRNA, com" 0.8591 0.913 0.9819 1.1573 1.1672 1.7067 1.2883 0.9097 1.1529 1.7056 1.0454 0.8948 1.4889 1.5243 1.3542 1.0444 1.0217 1.3732 1.2432 1.0312 1.27 1.1372 1.6538 1.2511 1.4209 2.1839 2.7919 2.852 0.9715 2.1038 1.601 1.3272 0.9311 1.2246 1.0745 1.3995 2.0181 1.1607 1.4363 1.6992 1.64 1.1998 1.6863 1.064 2.2598 1.3961 1.7168 1.3931 1.442 169 AA858763 "Rat aspartyl-tRNA synthetase alpha 2 protein mRNA," 0.9001 0.839 0.8459 0.9839 0.8258 0.7479 0.7314 0.8183 0.848 0.8398 0.8024 0.7639 0.8575 1.5304 0.8325 0.8126 0.9228 0.7464 0.8919 0.9116 0.9234 0.877 0.7553 0.8036 0.9395 0.8559 0.935 0.849 0.7713 0.5179 0.4782 0.6382 0.4382 0.5391 0.5684 0.6064 0.7936 0.8749 0.8504 0.6874 0.7957 0.7942 0.63 0.8836 0.8623 1.0002 0.9193 0.9202 0.9103 170 AA858764 "Rattus norvegicus MAP kinase kinase (MKK2) mRNA, c" 0.8341 0.8875 0.8874 1.096 1.0435 0.5024 0.4868 0.7433 0.8398 1.0057 1.2662 0.9413 0.7757 1.0884 1.5487 0.841 0.7825 0.6071 1.5346 0.7598 0.9648 1.0768 1.0002 0.9689 0.9961 1.1272 1.2335 1.009 0.7274 0.4719 0.5346 0.5846 0.4433 0.5602 0.5789 0.5412 0.8461 0.9156 0.8489 0.9006 0.7901 0.6067 0.4882 0.9114 0.9192 0.8426 0.9535 0.853 0.8635 171 AA858770 Rat ornithine transcarbamylase mRNA 2.1236 2.1229 2.4305 1.8961 2.2279 1.0221 1.0922 1.8118 1.7168 1.568 1.7147 1.2705 1.1769 1.6248 2.0777 1.2752 1.3497 1.1933 1.6181 0.9116 1.1708 1.0826 1.4698 1.3102 2.294 1.9582 1.9322 2.2344 2.0817 1.4295 1.081 1.0743 0.7987 1.015 1.0287 1.2214 2.1429 1.6931 1.7616 1.6426 1.6703 1.559 1.4667 1.8999 1.2337 1.1584 1.2109 1.2151 1.2106 172 AA858779 Rattus norvegicus zinc finger transcription factor 0.894 0.879 0.7426 1.0864 1.6193 2.4578 2.33 1.2325 1.5195 0.7536 1.4353 1.2172 0.8184 1.7602 1.3419 0.8419 0.8179 1.0969 1.1659 1.0135 0.9559 1.1829 2.6917 1.3858 2.4544 2.3555 1.5423 2.0071 1.0746 2.6701 4.4853 1.2102 2.3508 2.9525 2.1325 2.4743 1.82 1.4831 3.0868 1.5551 2.7102 1.4102 1.0377 0.9692 1.7195 5.0516 1.5649 1.4007 1.6323 173 AA819309 "Rat guanidinoacetate methyltransferase mRNA, compl" 1.0543 1.1095 1.0659 1.1636 0.9292 0.4137 0.418 0.9238 0.8968 1.2655 1.2416 0.9914 0.8677 1.7049 1.7737 1.0301 1.0619 1.0596 1.2214 0.8098 0.9019 0.801 0.8641 0.9318 0.9167 0.7983 0.7433 0.7851 0.7704 0.4766 0.3969 0.4442 0.3304 0.425 0.4162 0.3533 0.7731 0.9469 0.8655 1.0864 0.8999 0.9714 1.0146 0.8905 0.737 0.8036 0.6669 0.6819 0.6851 174 AA819336 "Rat cathepsin H mRNA, complete cds" 1.0567 0.9957 1.1338 1.3645 1.6155 0.6672 0.6843 1.1375 1.1439 1.1262 1.1586 0.8805 0.8709 0.9896 1.0839 0.846 0.8943 0.8106 1.7393 1.3221 1.1088 1.157 1.0881 1.0553 1.3763 1.0115 1.1337 0.9241 0.9557 0.7134 0.6664 0.6802 0.444 0.5254 0.5401 0.715 1.2035 1.0367 0.9269 0.8312 0.853 0.7587 0.7891 1.3254 0.9086 0.9693 1.08 1.0573 1.0939 175 AA819335 Rat mRNA for mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase (E 0.9199 0.9791 0.9363 0.9366 0.9034 0.9944 1.02 0.9206 0.9558 0.974 0.918 0.964 0.8866 0.8027 0.9819 0.8349 0.84 0.8205 1.0069 1.0368 0.988 1.0492 0.8741 0.7777 0.8975 0.8042 0.7759 0.7867 0.8075 1.8691 0.981 1.0997 0.7997 1.0004 1.0215 0.9714 0.966 0.8116 0.8361 0.754 0.7567 0.8315 0.827 0.8644 0.785 0.7692 0.7232 0.7618 0.8191 176 AA819343 Rat mRNA for gamma atrial natriuretic peptide prec 1.1185 0.9367 1.3553 1.1561 2.1916 1.0748 0.9339 1.1208 1.3233 1.1402 1.0421 1.148 0.8384 1.2813 0.74 1.2053 1.0045 1.1077 1.3289 1.0913 1.1702 1.2389 1.1989 1.2386 1.7546 2.4086 1.8922 1.7799 1.1073 1.0822 1.3281 0.86 0.7776 1.0069 0.9169 1.3033 1.7584 1.1119 1.6301 1.5911 1.6558 1.3532 0.956 1.2277 1.4673 1.2166 1.7204 1.5485 1.3926 177 AA819345 "Rat parvalbumin mRNA, complete cds" 0.4687 0.4318 0.471 0.8244 0.9253 0.1411 0.1129 0.5619 0.5699 0.9271 0.9285 0.7002 0.5508 1.4454 2.1283 1.7231 1.9792 1.7517 1.4083 0.9116 1.296 1.3034 1.2007 1.0226 0.8729 0.6125 0.6191 0.5689 0.5506 0.1412 0.1343 0.2043 0.1147 0.1286 0.1484 0.1986 0.6382 0.8993 0.698 1.5101 1.8273 1.7064 1.4866 1.049 1.1844 1.0167 0.9921 1.0523 1.0733 178 AA818579 "Rat cysteine dioxygenase mRNA, complete cds" 1.0693 0.994 1.1569 0.92 1.0747 0.3192 0.3357 0.5888 0.6074 0.9662 0.9679 0.696 0.547 0.5732 0.7439 0.5357 0.5312 0.4605 1.2963 0.885 0.7947 0.8864 1.0466 1.0732 0.8781 1.0317 1.0268 0.9356 1.0047 0.4 0.3629 0.3675 0.3093 0.3748 0.4164 0.3135 0.6258 0.7872 0.6258 0.4785 0.4703 0.3926 0.382 0.9008 0.6219 0.9025 0.79 0.7278 0.7203 179 AA818592 "Rattus norvegicus mRNA for Rh blood group protein," 1.0858 1.1979 1.1383 0.9764 0.9926 1.018 0.9527 1.4566 1.3538 1.2377 1.2043 1.0671 0.8959 1.124 1.6983 0.9528 0.9503 0.8581 0.8982 0.9116 0.7673 0.9488 0.9782 0.8741 1.0543 1.0308 1.0391 1.1228 0.9686 1.0691 1.1424 0.9521 0.6763 0.857 0.8678 0.8727 1.2499 0.9369 1.1053 1.031 0.9582 0.8898 0.8496 0.9416 0.724 0.893 0.7599 0.7779 0.8671 180 AA818593 Rattus norvegicus phosphatidate phosphohydrolase t 0.9749 0.9323 1.1166 1 1.9383 1.1412 1.1451 0.956 1.1127 1.0006 0.8128 0.7502 2.3127 1.3857 1.033 1.025 0.9417 1.1637 0.6801 0.8374 0.8946 1.1587 1.4089 1.0257 1.4189 1.9735 1.3003 1.4721 0.9789 1.1098 1.4234 0.6959 0.8704 1.187 0.8787 1.1184 0.9917 0.8533 1.2091 0.953 1.2506 1.1239 1.0104 0.8519 1.0573 1.0228 1.042 1.0685 1.0084 181 AA818604 Rattus norvegicus heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) mR 1.1646 1.2383 2.2973 1.9498 2.9771 9.1379 13.0619 1.6386 1.4985 1.563 2.7771 1.906 2.4666 3.154 3.1246 2.4718 1.6716 2.8945 1.0047 0.9116 1.4259 1.86 74.9841 2.4436 8.1845 1.4804 0.9412 441.2917 1.658 1.7403 3.7729 1.9149 1.6377 1.742 1.6508 2.1683 88.6784 2.1694 4.0315 9.4386 5.0002 10.1488 3.1946 1.7348 2.5546 2.8006 1.5275 2.5537 1.9196 182 AA818610 Rat mRNA for ventricular myosin light chain 1 1.6746 0.8162 1.233 1.5999 1.3982 9.7885 2.1104 1.4613 1.446 5.2527 1.4427 0.8851 1.3221 1.381 1.1688 1.116 0.8723 24.0066 0.8211 1.7313 1.602 0.877 4.8585 0.9398 11.0127 1.9321 1.5683 86.3085 1.4646 13.3522 13.0827 2.0367 1.5163 4.6039 1.195 1.5654 3.08 1.6635 4.7788 1.5875 1.8688 1.3757 2.2602 1.0878 231.265 1.6224 2.3561 2.1996 1.2809 183 AA858866 "Rat 5'-nucleotidase mRNA, complete cds" 0.8716 0.9664 1.0433 0.8944 1.109 0.7924 0.7972 0.9991 0.9937 1.0232 0.9724 1.0064 1.1154 1.2483 0.9757 0.9208 0.9442 0.9294 1.037 1.1442 1.0093 0.9339 0.8836 0.8957 1.1016 0.9435 0.8234 1.0992 0.8465 0.8207 0.8509 0.8401 0.6257 0.9279 0.7772 0.9132 1.5593 1.1347 1.3313 1.2824 1.2091 0.9897 0.8348 1.3636 1.0546 1.1681 0.9498 1.0335 0.9747 184 AA858875 "ESTs, Weakly similar to TROPOMYOSIN, FIBROBLAST IS" 1.3687 0.9198 2.7307 2.9456 5.0369 2.5025 1.2491 1.582 3.3607 171.5981 1.346 1.1172 1.3719 1.1655 0.7294 0.9127 0.9338 3.4654 0.4471 1.8184 1.1435 0.877 2.1057 1.6039 177.0539 2.774 2.4718 209.5242 1.4758 4.7569 319.6386 3.0786 3.3167 2850.258 1.5661 3.4691 265.7823 2.2593 8.1447 4.0483 23.1656 4.8054 118.9429 1.4403 531.1605 3.3072 14.4692 2.5309 3.8436 185 AA858883 "Rat mRNA for RAC protein kinase alpha, complete cd" 0.9334 0.9381 1.03 1.0865 0.9621 1.0998 1.3333 0.926 0.9146 0.9659 1.1012 1.1551 0.9916 15.9371 0.9023 0.9302 0.9524 1.3692 1.0125 1.1334 1.0331 0.9835 1.0308 0.9618 1.1013 0.9378 0.8234 1.1522 0.9611 1.1909 1.2126 1.0637 1.1262 1.135 1.0021 1.1003 1.3193 0.9676 1.1162 1.151 1.0638 1.1343 0.9496 1.0061 1.1136 1.0615 0.996 1.0052 1.0206 186 AA858888 "Rattus norvegicus mRNA for class I beta-tubulin, c" 1.0532 1.0158 1.1332 1.0751 1.1666 1.3732 1.3769 0.6881 0.6694 0.7738 0.8207 0.912 1.001 0.9121 0.9295 1.1636 1.2231 2.1701 1.0606 1.0508 0.9558 1.0105 1.1727 0.655 1.1862 1.0113 0.9395 0.9426 1.0149 1.1998 1.1694 1.1378 1.0734 1.3803 1.4144 1.1779 1.0107 0.8077 1.093 0.9491 1.2416 1.3552 1.6878 0.9755 0.9537 0.7017 1.0019 1.1018 1.0152 187 AA866493 "Rat minoxidil sulfotransferase mRNA, complete cds" 1.9787 1.9184 2.0891 1.4874 1.3889 0.5602 0.5706 1.3939 1.3385 1.0985 1.1962 0.9764 0.9545 0.72 0.7992 0.7099 0.7144 0.7 1.6302 1.7329 0.8411 0.7819 1.0483 0.9664 1.2348 1.2591 1.1417 1.1661 1.35 0.7244 0.6522 0.7915 0.4417 0.5506 0.5628 0.5644 1.3579 1.1358 0.899 0.7281 0.7056 0.6414 0.6477 1.3287 0.7117 0.9028 0.6367 0.6623 0.632 188 AA858723 "Rattus norvegicus mRNA for Acyl-CoA synthetase, co" 1.0708 1.1614 1.1636 0.9712 1.062 0.7504 0.7798 0.8444 0.8347 0.9767 0.9383 0.8743 0.8119 0.8966 0.9967 1.0126 1.1537 1.2466 1.2567 1.2213 1.0002 0.8704 0.9225 0.9063 1.0975 0.9349 0.9972 0.8862 0.8974 0.7794 0.8334 0.8098 0.6318 0.9206 0.7447 0.6924 1.0282 0.9679 0.9079 0.9698 0.9973 0.9977 1.1472 0.9847 0.9099 0.8478 0.9475 0.9521 0.9255 189 AA858736 "Rattus norvegicus RGC-32 (RGC-32) mRNA, complete c" 0.9227 0.9704 1.1849 1.0227 1.218 1.5332 1.8274 0.9285 1.0093 1.0262 1.2241 1.3275 2.7296 6.6039 1.2195 1.1861 1.2162 1.6127 0.6875 0.9391 1.3281 0.9579 2.8125 1.0628 215.3061 1.2124 2.057 7.5873 1.9934 1.2919 2.4951 1.1859 0.9299 1.7051 1.1837 1.4691 325.3908 1.5703 5.6637 1.7333 2.0096 2.5775 1.4274 1.297 2.0637 2.2011 1.2682 1.5043 2.1039 190 AA858732 "Rat lysozyme gene exons 1-4, complete cds" 0.9001 0.839 2.456 1.3497 1.4047 0.7479 0.7314 0.8183 0.848 0.8398 0.8024 0.7639 0.855 2.5279 0.8325 0.8126 0.9228 0.8303 0.8007 0.7251 0.5226 0.456 0.7239 0.7738 1.18 1.0279 1.1887 1.0832 0.8847 1.4538 1.4447 1.3608 0.7322 0.9575 0.8272 1.1777 0.8928 0.8117 0.9018 0.4749 0.337 0.684 0.6819 0.5878 0.5391 0.7581 0.5412 0.5411 0.4801 191 AA858662 "Rat 14-3-3 protein zeta isoform mRNA, 3' end" 0.6146 0.6142 0.6851 0.9088 1.0361 0.6968 0.7059 0.6826 0.6032 0.9446 0.9733 0.8651 0.887 1.3825 0.8377 0.9566 0.9894 0.8643 0.805 0.8619 1.1458 1.0399 0.9371 1.0285 0.9636 0.8865 0.9029 0.9471 0.8968 0.6044 0.5689 0.5545 0.6109 0.6766 0.6731 0.7291 0.7101 1.0334 1.045 1.0094 1.0377 1.0143 0.9588 0.7603 1.1791 1.0468 0.9397 1.018 0.9863 192 AA858671 R.norvegicus mRNA for mammalian fusca protein 1.5336 1.0534 0.8459 5.777 1.2525 117.5595 2.619 2.9969 3.0739 7.0482 1.1345 0.925 2.8754 1.0677 1.1446 1.2745 1.1879 7.2159 0.4034 1.4006 1.5144 12.4671 0.8986 0.4633 155.9489 3.9291 7.073 198.9093 1.4299 15.2368 331.2007 184.906 2.3689 11.2364 2.1688 3.6486 194.312 2.4528 20.4645 3.5812 19.3168 3.6511 142.6979 1.4141 198.4883 3.3369 28.5348 5.9468 7.1374 193 AA858673 Rat pancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitor type II 1.1177 1.2486 1.5371 1.0619 1.0691 0.7682 0.8068 1.0226 1.2635 1.6157 1.3199 1.1373 0.809 3.2908 1.3099 0.9081 0.932 1.4184 0.9239 1.2367 1.4323 1.6542 1.4773 1.7318 4.9859 1.4068 1.7187 3.7287 2.0009 1.2715 2.6845 0.9232 0.8385 1.2465 0.7643 1.0389 2.153 1.7163 4.0687 2.2432 1.6864 3.1785 1.163 1.2589 1.6407 1.8692 2.0855 2.0762 1.7238 194 AA858694 Rat TTF-1 mRNA for thyroid nuclear factor 1 1.3571 1.3213 1.2642 1.7116 1.8181 1.249 1.3273 1.2035 1.3635 1.5455 1.4368 1.5414 1.1054 1.5314 1.5503 1.1167 1.012 1.1682 1.1875 1.1856 1.3666 1.4891 1.6725 1.3417 2.2914 1.8744 1.898 1.867 1.5326 1.8066 1.6953 1.0107 1.0766 1.5613 1.1689 1.2311 1.468 1.3586 1.473 1.2972 1.5033 1.0214 0.9913 1.1794 1.8031 1.5672 1.5024 1.5469 1.6592 195 AA859438 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for DAP-like kinase 1.3182 1.3109 2.4846 2.5604 1.6141 102.3751 81.8756 3.7188 2.1297 1.7413 2.6577 1.5001 1.0134 5.8654 0.8325 1.8551 1.1511 2.181 0.6421 0.3221 1.6881 1.2272 3.5622 3.6376 156.3669 4.1424 2.4721 230.1869 1.8862 21.3872 246.1149 0.8121 2.6223 5.5368 1.3665 2.384 166.5471 1.8728 218.3999 283.0068 13.0669 202.2331 1.5419 2.0654 12.7209 5.4668 281.962 4.1178 1.9746 196 AA858658 Rattus norvegicus 10-formyltetrahydrofolate dehydr 0.8091 0.8072 1.0863 0.9133 5.3455 1.2955 1.2343 0.981 1.0195 1.0937 0.8113 0.8896 0.6408 1.9575 1.3147 0.971 0.9386 1.3099 1.1425 1.0146 1.7687 1.1145 1.9365 1.1187 1.5679 2.5098 1.8589 1.5928 0.706 1.3295 4.2791 0.7482 1.4814 1.5687 1.0574 2.0108 1.5565 1.282 2.6902 1.5394 1.9163 2.5456 0.7988 1.0254 1.4298 0.9572 2.2661 3.3455 1.2104 197 AA858652 "Rattus norvegicus MHC class I mRNA, complete cds" 0.4909 0.429 0.8459 0.5552 0.7102 1.3787 2.6327 1.4353 1.5851 1.9098 1.5012 1.3849 1.4705 1.9367 2.8343 2.672 1.9216 0.6074 1.5351 2.933 0.5365 0.5842 1.5832 1.5082 0.6849 2.393 2.235 3.1398 1.675 1.4659 1.0351 0.8222 0.7181 1.0841 0.7211 1.1358 1.9741 1.4309 2.7797 2.9237 4.1572 0.4989 0.4146 2.4799 0.5314 1.5713 3.0724 3.093 2.8882 198 AA819520 "Rattus norvegicus mRNA for Tim17, complete cds" 0.8166 0.682 0.842 0.8394 1.0371 1.3073 1.3485 1.065 1.1435 1.1115 0.8904 0.9781 0.9419 0.7529 1.1324 1.0099 0.9758 1.1348 0.95 0.9338 1.0103 1.1444 1.2077 0.9906 1.0745 0.9855 0.9142 0.93 0.8229 1.5443 1.571 1.5013 1.2308 1.4436 1.4937 1.237 1.0396 0.8643 1.0328 0.8481 0.9456 0.9925 0.8835 0.8341 0.9863 0.5754 0.8825 1.1102 0.8537 199 AA819522 Rattus norvegicus Sprague-Dawley acidic calponin m 0.9903 0.9435 1.0089 0.8602 0.8693 0.5892 0.5409 0.6822 0.7215 1.0264 0.9115 0.6615 0.6319 0.732 1.0817 0.9105 0.9119 0.917 0.8107 0.7979 0.9339 1.1716 0.909 0.7789 1.0144 0.8566 0.9262 0.8939 1.0094 0.6239 0.5535 0.602 0.3952 0.5038 0.4698 0.5391 0.8271 0.9395 0.7402 0.8214 1.0083 0.966 0.947 0.8028 1.1955 0.8274 0.8885 1.0172 1.0744 200 AA866263 "Rat glucose transporter mRNA, complete cds" 1.0723 0.9888 1.1189 0.8189 1.0258 0.1542 0.1364 0.6675 0.6698 1.2445 1.0245 0.8707 0.6815 1.1448 1.2169 1.0942 1.1243 0.6861 1.388 0.9864 0.976 1.0756 1.0115 1.0458 0.8721 1.1422 1.1815 1.1329 1.0831 0.16 0.1594 0.1055 0.1752 0.2234 0.1804 0.1616 0.6732 0.9952 0.8456 0.9596 1.0467 0.6167 0.6058 1.0913 0.9114 1.0943 0.8546 0.8362 0.8403 201 AA866273 Rat protein phosphatase 2A-beta catalytic subunit 0.8274 0.8552 0.8813 0.8197 0.8638 0.8871 0.9704 0.8491 0.8428 0.9643 0.8815 0.9687 0.7115 1.1046 1.4033 0.9009 1.0011 1.0442 0.9229 1.2243 0.9596 1.0669 1.0017 0.8884 1.0385 0.9489 1.6535 1.0963 1.0144 0.995 0.7987 0.7503 0.706 0.8609 0.9083 0.8359 0.8449 0.8756 1.0764 1.2141 1.1095 1.2271 0.9659 0.8801 1.0603 0.961 0.9184 1.0033 1.0585 202 AA866220 "Rat liver catalase mRNA, complete cds" 0.8576 0.7634 0.8586 0.8638 1.2114 1.1552 1.0706 0.9603 1.0547 1.3247 1.0224 1.0353 0.952 0.9588 1.473 0.9345 0.9141 0.8887 0.9799 1.026 1.1718 1.4299 0.9514 0.9848 1.135 1.2424 1.4471 1.2332 0.9673 1.1909 0.9034 0.7627 0.8979 1.1716 1.0418 1.1033 1.0226 1.0735 1.12 0.9478 1.0383 0.9812 0.8625 0.9365 1.0619 1.1559 1.0267 1.0128 1.0442 203 AA866241 R.norvegicus gene for ribosomal protein S29 0.7281 0.9623 0.8459 1.3858 1.0907 2.0478 1.8509 1.0818 1.105 1.4492 1.3882 1.0362 0.8359 1.5617 2.2347 1.2528 1.2568 0.8856 0.8551 0.8865 1.4625 1.4307 0.817 0.8401 1.054 0.9092 0.8486 0.9809 0.9368 0.9187 0.7938 0.9063 1.4226 1.6965 1.717 1.1191 0.5991 0.727 0.6056 1.1458 1.2233 0.8985 0.8283 0.8369 1.2684 0.8003 1.1999 1.3028 1.071 204 AA866248 Rat AIRC mRNA for AIR carboxylase-SAICAR synthetas 1.1978 1.0432 1.5157 1.2974 2.0281 0.8559 0.6043 1.2079 1.4421 1.2582 0.9433 0.9556 1.9286 2.6355 2.487 1.6042 1.7001 2.8566 0.7124 0.8697 0.9261 1.1131 3.793 1.7786 2.1412 3.7289 1.8171 1.8732 0.8769 1.2705 0.7142 0.5742 0.9253 0.935 0.6757 1.2369 2.2425 1.476 3.6937 2.6736 3.5347 3.0579 2.4685 1.366 1.2041 0.8678 1.6356 2.0397 1.3059 205 AA819673 Rattus norvegicus YT521 mRNA for RNA splicing-rela 1.7557 1.0249 1.2799 1.7495 1.6784 6.6299 3.9877 1.4255 1.8376 2.4102 2.1581 3.4668 2.7342 0.8132 1.0328 1.5243 1.4822 7.8905 0.6215 1.4378 1.1487 1.2142 3.1001 1.3721 56.9704 1.4044 1.4441 445.7693 1.5917 2.0559 4.5783 1.4661 1.5875 1.7538 1.3328 2.1875 458.0934 2.277 12.5855 5.7376 3.293 4.0164 1.6335 1.6584 2.2888 3.1645 1.6041 1.9424 2.0345 206 AA819691 "ESTs, Highly similar to protein phosphatase 2A 55 " 1.3442 1.2527 1.6603 2.1571 1.3754 1.6348 1.4345 1.2443 1.4294 2.3851 2.0002 1.3709 2.2601 1.4048 0.8373 1.5023 1.3618 2.5869 0.9326 1.4034 1.0874 1.1812 3.5475 1.0782 2.8418 1.5007 2.6392 2.222 1.3764 1.9317 33.6767 1.3872 1.5409 3.9655 1.239 1.4204 58.0599 1.864 2.3684 1.3618 1.8786 1.5238 3.5953 1.2176 2.6917 1.6896 1.4293 1.7569 1.5313 207 AA900176 "Rattus norvegicus lens epithelial protein mRNA, co" 0.9233 0.9878 1.0041 0.8419 0.8133 1.2123 1.1433 0.7334 0.7908 0.7758 0.8259 0.8854 0.7772 0.7421 0.7336 0.8552 0.8824 0.9462 0.9165 0.9363 0.9387 0.9064 0.9198 0.8711 0.7887 0.8674 0.7861 0.8628 0.8992 1.0804 0.9923 1.2347 0.8391 1.0814 1.0851 1.2101 0.7885 0.7346 0.8205 0.7445 0.878 0.9829 0.9136 0.8006 0.8666 0.8273 0.8632 0.8436 0.825 208 AA819571 "Rat leukocyte antigen MRC-OX44 mRNA, complete cds" 0.8517 0.865 1.1491 1.17 2.7787 1.2773 0.9084 1.2057 1.7624 2.4466 1.3531 1.0002 0.834 0.7756 1.123 0.7643 0.8907 6.1907 0.9946 1.9124 1.5686 1.4219 83.6676 1.1875 2.876 2.4632 0.8234 6.3987 1.3154 5.8241 246.5445 1.4631 302.7732 1.393 0.8439 1.5676 204.2375 1.7206 2.3307 4.5734 3.675 1.7005 3.5871 1.2475 1.4464 2.0083 2.0937 8.9449 1.6691 209 AA900188 R.norvegicus (Sprague-Dawley) ribosomal protein S2 0.8808 0.9811 1.0332 0.8854 0.9126 1.3998 1.5574 0.8703 0.7579 0.8521 0.8759 0.8569 0.9159 0.8926 0.8746 0.8567 0.9616 0.8987 0.9077 0.822 0.9921 0.8049 0.8991 0.8936 0.9141 0.7899 0.7668 0.794 0.7672 1.2158 1.116 1.2485 1.0381 1.323 1.2625 1.3348 0.7606 0.8288 0.818 0.9105 0.935 1.0286 0.9244 0.809 0.9275 0.9385 0.8662 0.8699 0.8124 210 AA900189 "Rattus norvegicus mRNA, complete cds, similar to c" 0.8494 1.1166 1.1909 0.9793 1.2249 1.0243 0.9417 1.0208 1.0765 1.4484 1.0589 0.9447 0.9913 1.0589 1.2039 0.8125 0.9556 2.1179 1.1289 0.4844 1.0891 1.055 2.0903 0.9885 1.5478 1.3762 0.8234 1.9954 0.9664 1.36 2.8232 1.0397 0.9297 1.1922 0.8883 1.0084 1.8945 1.1762 1.536 1.756 1.4119 1.3473 1.3182 1.2823 1.8586 1.1789 1.325 1.2979 1.3869 211 AA819595 Rat corticosteroid 11-beta-dehydrogenase (DHII) mR 0.8102 0.7716 0.8107 0.5995 0.593 0.0993 0.1005 0.5086 0.4376 0.3666 0.3741 0.4434 0.4039 0.7012 0.6752 0.5104 0.5105 0.6117 1.0983 1.0832 0.7649 0.6937 0.9717 0.8727 0.5491 0.6662 0.6164 0.6119 0.663 0.1017 0.0956 0.0983 0.0547 0.0742 0.0624 0.1094 0.4923 0.4067 0.4307 0.6859 0.527 0.6019 0.5647 0.9689 0.6858 0.8541 0.7121 0.7345 0.7035 212 AA858975 R.norvegicus mRNA for transferrin 0.8005 0.7943 0.9455 0.6074 0.8428 0.2366 0.2345 0.7109 0.7288 0.9572 1.0298 0.8822 0.7098 1.497 1.701 0.9371 1.031 0.6833 1.3604 1.2626 1.1302 1.0732 0.9314 0.992 0.7341 1.0475 1.0683 0.9681 1.0573 0.267 0.2342 0.2766 0.2466 0.2842 0.3049 0.2079 0.7169 0.9588 0.8178 1.5576 0.9344 0.654 0.6483 0.9494 0.9983 0.8643 1.0166 0.9628 0.9276 213 AI385145 R.norvegicus mRNA for ras-related GTPase Rab29 1.0751 1.0705 1.1085 1.0616 1.0767 0.7868 0.6926 0.9699 0.8941 0.863 0.8764 0.9295 0.947 1.2866 0.7005 0.9368 0.8993 0.9717 0.9726 1.0914 0.8951 0.8401 1.2499 0.9501 1.5008 1.1735 1.2927 1.5093 1.1625 0.735 0.8913 0.6836 0.5572 0.9225 0.6014 0.8386 1.8951 0.9882 1.3286 1.0772 1.0548 0.9875 0.8454 1.0829 1.0156 1.2565 0.9589 1.0294 1.1398 214 AA858993 Rat liver mRNA for androsterone UDP-glucuronyltran 0.9001 0.839 0.225 2.1631 2.3491 0.1282 0.1305 0.2176 0.2207 2.1086 2.0431 0.9307 0.8575 0.8132 0.8325 0.8126 0.9228 0.7464 0.8919 0.9116 0.9234 0.877 0.7553 0.8036 1.7724 1.1295 1.172 1.1508 1.1259 0.5838 0.5401 0.4934 0.4468 0.527 0.5657 0.142 0.3852 1.8253 0.9301 0.5022 0.7153 1.8811 1.9701 1.3139 1.3397 2.0204 1.3084 1.2571 1.1881 215 AI385146 "Rat GTP-binding protein (G-alpha-8) mRNA, complete" 1.0801 1.0697 1.2116 0.9645 1.0396 1.024 1.0027 0.9332 1.0157 0.9759 1.0572 1.0182 1.0067 1.1484 1.3052 0.9915 1.1005 0.921 1.1174 1.0563 1.1191 1.0492 1.0979 1.0345 0.9778 0.9864 0.9421 1.0453 1.0817 1.0528 0.9549 1.015 0.8078 1.0799 1.023 1.004 1.0024 1.0167 1.0942 1.3152 1.1091 1.0307 1.0351 0.9949 1.1601 1.0774 1.0077 1.002 1.0131 216 AA859008 R.norvegicus MYR1 mRNA for myosin I heavy chain 1.0293 0.9268 1.9342 4.5355 66.2602 45.606 67.9669 10.6023 15.4866 5.6519 1.7446 1.5317 1.4847 0.6477 1.8257 0.8032 0.9752 76.0836 1.4877 5.2915 1.5326 5.8492 0.7553 1.9314 167.144 8.2427 0.8234 192.2812 1.6022 40.6555 279.3423 4.29 1.9188 2.1284 1.4542 19.6144 204.5367 5.8455 234.7131 329.1568 245.1772 11.9895 144.5206 1.6781 2.7055 5.1251 4.8168 208.3274 2.5042 217 AA858914 Rattus norvegicus skeletal muscle selenoprotein W 0.9507 1.0137 0.9068 0.9805 1.2175 0.7857 0.6809 0.7983 0.9862 0.8304 0.8055 0.958 0.8333 1.8718 1.4412 0.7625 0.8274 1.2809 0.8659 1.0845 1.3172 0.9933 1.2331 1.4269 2.6611 1.2878 1.7819 2.699 1.6155 2.3395 1.655 0.6686 0.7704 1.0615 0.7733 1.0281 2.3011 1.0869 2.7371 1.7766 1.5115 2.8713 0.8073 1.1835 1.3395 1.2691 1.7632 1.4512 1.266 218 AA858930 ESTs 0.6076 0.5756 0.6671 0.705 0.8491 0.3002 0.3208 0.6951 0.7312 0.8177 0.8336 0.5651 0.4628 0.7261 1.1222 1.0147 1.0133 0.8002 1.1513 0.9967 1.1149 1.1527 0.9506 1.0721 0.6652 0.7874 0.9159 0.764 0.6435 0.3545 0.3315 0.3181 0.2668 0.3306 0.3061 0.3077 0.6103 0.6372 0.4866 0.6346 0.8715 0.7381 0.6109 0.8256 0.9042 0.8253 1.089 1.006 0.9257 219 AA819435 Rat PRRHIS8 mRNA for ribosomal protein S8 0.889 0.9041 0.9548 1.076 0.958 1.7266 1.8645 0.9521 0.9669 1.1125 1.0032 1.0297 0.9483 0.8877 1.2916 0.9696 1.0087 0.9804 0.8812 0.7816 1.0378 1.1077 0.9741 0.8277 0.9547 0.8508 0.8563 0.8776 0.8568 1.6685 1.4296 1.6793 1.3555 1.6757 1.6867 1.6649 0.8789 0.9344 0.9836 0.8114 0.925 0.9883 0.9872 0.8321 0.8814 0.8779 0.9168 0.934 0.9259 220 AA819452 "Rat SM22 mRNA, complete cds" 0.8356 0.7821 0.9888 0.8871 1.3078 0.7008 0.6652 0.7267 0.8492 0.8036 0.6857 0.8551 0.6147 0.9379 0.8395 0.6248 0.6155 0.968 0.7088 0.8838 0.9201 0.896 1.0095 0.8615 1.1154 0.7463 1.3258 1.2843 0.7722 0.4808 0.9671 0.4791 0.7069 0.7578 0.5753 0.831 0.8068 1.0847 1.3497 1.0784 0.9181 1.0851 0.7995 0.882 1.211 0.9784 0.8933 1.9782 0.9043 221 AA819453 "Rattus norvegicus cytochrome P450 IIA3 mRNA, 3' en" 0.9251 1.0036 1.2993 1.3769 1.074 0.8996 1.0894 0.9908 1.0869 1.3266 1.0586 1.0083 0.7054 1.7916 1.6813 0.7712 0.6583 1.2522 0.7593 1.7633 0.506 1.126 1.3112 1.4256 2.2657 1.6209 1.6936 3.5683 1.0506 2.8004 1.122 0.8134 0.6749 0.8756 0.5936 1.1148 2.3993 1.2896 1.501 1.9001 2.0009 2.5637 1.5664 1.1496 1.2985 1.6987 1.6393 1.322 1.2909 222 AA819465 Rat apolipoprotein A-I gene 0.6464 0.6443 0.6804 0.5787 0.6047 0.0895 0.0932 0.4378 0.4544 0.7119 0.6026 0.5256 0.4376 0.6951 0.9402 0.391 0.3986 0.3473 1.189 0.9974 0.8934 0.9213 0.7308 0.7349 0.4817 0.5827 0.6268 0.5887 0.4955 0.0746 0.0681 0.0752 0.0776 0.0945 0.0918 0.0729 0.331 0.4112 0.338 0.501 0.2697 0.2573 0.1808 0.6069 0.6072 0.8678 0.6821 0.6067 0.6074 223 AA819467 Rat mRNA for alpha-1-protease inhibitor 0.7222 0.7114 0.612 0.5643 0.637 0.4185 0.3984 0.4557 0.4169 0.8358 0.7775 0.6362 0.4857 0.5812 1.0505 0.6026 0.7106 0.4997 0.9441 0.7813 1.0451 0.9831 0.8416 0.7671 0.5848 0.8002 0.7396 0.6942 0.7136 0.3439 0.3041 0.2606 0.3613 0.4623 0.3286 0.3893 0.3924 0.799 0.6261 0.6988 0.7194 0.4925 0.3788 0.7246 0.7995 0.7224 0.7658 0.7323 0.7867 224 AA819472 "Rat ferritin light chain subunit, mRNA" 0.5295 0.5227 0.5686 0.5673 0.6296 0.585 0.5706 0.4987 0.4902 0.8083 0.6259 0.6715 0.4928 0.8244 0.9835 1.0345 0.9826 1.0879 0.7771 0.454 1.1612 1.3198 0.8247 0.8377 0.4948 0.6166 0.656 0.5801 0.5292 0.6087 0.6057 0.564 0.6084 0.7207 0.762 0.4763 0.4118 0.4979 0.4531 0.593 0.7133 0.7831 0.6463 0.4452 0.8547 0.5987 0.9291 0.8137 0.8375 225 AA819358 Rattus norvegicus liver cytochrome c oxidase subun 0.9471 0.8993 0.8924 0.6863 0.6785 1.1864 1.0333 1.0352 0.974 1.0355 0.8788 0.9765 0.7644 0.7116 0.9042 0.6931 0.6837 0.6093 0.9014 0.9116 0.7364 0.7982 0.7345 0.7159 0.6248 0.5882 0.5838 0.577 0.5539 0.8071 0.8326 0.8291 0.6263 0.8288 0.8529 0.6672 0.6281 0.5841 0.5847 0.5855 0.4956 0.4568 0.3906 0.5517 0.5133 0.6277 0.5583 0.5492 0.5605 226 AA819363 "Rattus norvegicus rearranged IgG-2b gene, last 4 e" 1.1208 0.9468 1.2172 1.609 1.2898 3.0995 1.2931 1.0508 1.5545 2.3537 0.8873 1.2892 1.5993 1.3349 0.9463 0.4916 0.4479 0.8481 0.8014 0.9656 1.0363 1.1835 4.5532 1.3878 6.0307 44.5783 6.9434 7.531 3.0662 3.7556 2.1757 0.6222 1.2241 1.7266 1.0231 2.001 1.8167 1.7314 3.2667 1.5886 2.6962 2.0148 0.6778 1.1329 2.0152 9.2468 2.0976 1.5992 1.7211 227 AA819366 Rattus norvegicus dual-specificity protein tyrosin 0.3303 0.3774 0.3186 0.9648 0.7885 0.3399 0.604 0.5396 0.5016 1.1209 0.9671 0.7477 0.526 0.5232 0.7005 0.5252 0.5325 0.7233 0.6858 0.5396 0.645 0.6525 1.5418 1.3623 1.0182 0.5642 0.5918 0.6455 0.5947 0.2559 0.2139 0.1691 0.2272 0.3004 0.2435 0.2231 0.455 0.8071 0.5261 0.5806 0.5062 0.7896 0.7174 0.6859 0.6622 1.5059 0.7231 0.8052 0.8236 228 AA819385 "Rattus norvegicus ryudocan mRNA, complete cds" 1.3736 1.3146 1.3692 1.0071 1.1154 0.8608 0.788 0.8635 0.8855 1.2512 1.1252 1.3008 1.04 1.6626 2.5698 1.0761 1.1586 1.3142 1.5006 1.1411 0.9412 1.0097 0.8666 0.7487 0.9945 1.433 1.4572 1.4957 1.5362 0.8799 0.8323 0.8862 0.4542 0.586 0.6097 0.7151 0.7753 1.0306 1.1282 1.5091 1.0894 1.2029 1.1868 1.2252 0.7966 0.7137 0.7816 0.7541 0.8123 229 AA819392 Rattus norvegicus anti-proliferative factor (BTG1) 1.5435 1.6582 1.8182 1.7317 1.7337 1.3514 1.4189 1.3602 1.2741 1.0629 1.1342 0.8759 0.8763 0.9798 1.271 1.1338 1.2566 1.3527 1.5454 1.6149 0.8698 0.8073 1.1647 1.0121 1.6427 1.3247 1.2502 1.318 1.2248 1.4618 1.3629 1.6028 1.0871 1.1721 1.2753 1.4606 1.5793 1.1506 0.9784 1.3028 1.3078 1.3228 1.169 1.4098 0.8677 1.1813 1.1796 1.1909 1.1352 230 AA819477 R.norvegicus mRNA for serum amyloid P (SAP) 0.5493 0.5827 0.5577 0.6263 0.6785 0.2625 0.2721 0.5955 0.606 0.6298 0.6232 0.5331 0.4749 0.7713 0.6128 0.9149 0.9326 0.8094 1.1844 1.0496 0.9975 0.8353 0.8427 1.0277 0.5971 0.6369 0.7226 0.6341 0.6744 0.3075 0.2875 0.3018 0.2325 0.2851 0.291 0.2212 0.5304 0.531 0.4162 0.5848 0.7327 0.6676 0.7084 0.8128 0.8706 0.842 0.9531 0.8859 0.8605 231 AA819506 "Rattus norvegicus p41-Arc mRNA, complete cds" 0.8554 1.0662 1.0973 1.3149 1.5657 2.0154 3.5898 0.9368 1.0221 1.0701 1.2273 1.5269 2.7213 0.9743 0.8358 0.7084 0.7861 1.0275 0.8441 1.6972 0.8007 1.0048 1.0441 1.0122 1.7183 1.3953 1.2023 4.6798 1.0449 3.496 1.1838 1.0434 0.6942 1.1216 0.8658 1.9577 82.35 1.2051 3.7269 2.361 1.7442 2.9376 1.0128 1.1491 1.4002 2.4818 1.7461 1.4348 1.7602 232 AA819420 "Rat rhoB gene mRNA, complete cds" 1.255 1.3803 1.6245 0.9598 1.0339 2.2917 2.3123 1.1022 1.1601 1.3692 1.1542 1.2097 1.28 1.0622 1.2055 0.8284 0.8834 2.449 0.8926 1.085 1.0729 0.9253 2.3048 0.8849 2.0063 1.5539 2.5959 1.7378 1.0615 3.6249 10.3195 3.1021 30.3065 1.8986 2.2149 1.9304 4.1598 1.3551 2.2565 2.0239 1.1699 1.1902 1.2445 1.0346 1.7966 1.063 0.9993 1.4436 1.1198 233 AA819424 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for protein tyrosine phosph 0.854 0.9165 0.8797 0.8648 0.8686 0.8885 0.9901 0.8687 0.8677 0.8444 0.8762 0.9305 1.1079 0.762 0.8639 0.8579 0.8896 0.8447 0.902 0.9665 1.0951 0.8814 0.9901 0.9196 1.1005 0.8892 0.7654 0.8776 0.9727 0.7563 0.7118 0.7721 0.6436 0.8322 0.8232 0.8268 0.9065 0.8913 1.0205 1.0059 0.9485 0.8792 0.9152 0.9257 1.0425 1.0403 0.9452 0.9594 0.9768 234 AA819431 Rat mRNA for liver mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrog 1.0472 1.1768 1.1726 0.8076 1.0172 0.5498 0.5293 0.7957 0.7284 0.8167 0.8434 0.8607 0.7796 0.9218 1.0434 0.8182 0.9104 0.8141 1.1809 1.0848 0.9695 0.8866 0.9385 1.0137 0.9041 0.862 0.8234 0.8754 0.9037 0.4519 0.4716 0.4378 0.3931 0.5161 0.4595 0.3901 0.6718 0.7505 0.7152 0.7779 0.7396 0.715 0.7848 0.8163 0.8535 0.8215 0.9083 0.929 0.9053 235 AA866353 "Rat mRNA for N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase I, co" 0.8889 0.9238 0.8935 0.8529 0.7819 0.4806 0.4332 0.8861 0.744 0.8338 0.7838 0.8052 0.7391 0.6227 0.6651 0.6591 0.6395 0.6226 0.9204 1.1357 0.9736 0.8912 0.8859 0.8415 0.892 0.7006 0.6429 0.7602 0.6887 0.4437 0.4019 0.4738 0.348 0.3997 0.5159 0.4207 0.8886 0.7376 0.7265 0.7102 0.6101 0.6499 0.6325 0.9362 0.8934 0.9064 0.9541 0.9558 0.9204 236 AA866354 Rattus norvegicus vanilloid receptor subtype 1 mRN 1.0605 1.1649 0.2274 1.5168 0.986 2.7359 1.4744 1.6421 2.0813 1.7805 0.9978 0.8901 1.0585 1.6009 1.2007 1.0101 0.9054 1.3551 1.2245 1.4642 1.4236 1.1938 467.9199 1.4228 2.4118 4.1296 8.0531 225.6011 1.0706 1.7639 9.4135 1.9509 0.8881 1.7857 1.3628 1.7433 178.6641 1.128 2.5998 3.5609 3.3526 2.058 1.8553 1.3722 8.0242 1.907 3.265 2.5039 2.8867 237 AA866319 "Rattus norvegicus mRNA for acyl-CoA synthetase 5, " 0.5387 0.5902 0.5821 0.5091 0.6644 0.6644 0.6687 0.9083 0.9078 1.0124 0.9938 0.7755 0.9086 0.8495 0.9545 0.407 0.4766 0.441 0.7934 0.7569 0.5482 0.4902 0.6402 0.6243 0.9388 0.4251 0.4756 0.6246 0.5643 0.6931 0.6698 0.5245 0.4872 0.7337 0.6437 0.7542 1.0521 0.9038 1.3771 1.0876 0.657 0.6431 0.4852 0.7975 0.7005 0.8145 0.6248 0.7146 0.7058 238 AA866330 "Rat major beta-globin mRNA, complete cds" 1.0616 1.0576 0.3923 1.1578 1.5109 1.7383 1.6884 1.9871 1.8603 3.0249 1.2227 0.9625 1.073 0.9054 1.1815 0.8991 0.9905 3.1358 1.5548 2.0596 1.0739 1.2242 2.5034 1.2757 1.4625 0.6846 0.8234 7.7809 0.9018 3.2598 2.7049 2.224 1.164 1.3442 1.5466 1.45 125.7023 1.3927 1.7087 1.7875 2.1901 1.7912 2.1953 1.1481 2.9722 1.9829 2.2567 1.5077 1.6739 239 AA866334 Rat calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II gamma s 0.9422 1.0446 1.0929 0.9672 0.8806 2.4646 4.9558 0.9471 1.0885 1.0729 1.0073 1.1349 1.4858 1.5053 0.6654 0.951 0.7945 1.2437 0.621 1.4573 0.6512 0.9126 1.3008 0.9071 1.8822 1.1209 0.9367 3.3144 1.2169 1.508 1.9184 1.1084 0.8138 1.2032 0.9181 1.8126 2.8957 1.1022 2.5558 2.7158 1.2308 1.5897 1.0724 1.0452 1.2876 1.3411 1.3604 1.3236 1.4866 240 AA866337 "Rat mRNA for O-acetyl GD3 ganglioside synthase, co" 0.7769 0.8532 0.8437 0.5762 0.6443 0.4719 0.4441 0.9799 0.8693 0.8005 0.8171 0.8677 0.8898 0.6425 0.7093 0.6581 0.6902 0.7888 0.8499 0.9196 0.9447 0.8854 0.8489 0.8026 0.7388 0.6919 0.8234 0.7437 0.7523 0.5604 0.5569 0.4585 0.4249 0.6737 0.4302 0.4556 0.9909 0.8697 0.9163 0.6837 0.6851 0.632 0.7539 0.8042 0.9205 0.8091 0.7089 0.8075 0.7512 241 AA866338 "Rattus norvegicus 5-oxo-L-prolinase mRNA, complete" 0.8237 0.8648 1.0227 0.6551 0.8379 0.78 0.8376 0.9401 0.9717 0.8304 0.7681 0.9352 0.7472 1.0323 1.1252 0.7298 0.6458 0.8109 1.0885 0.3025 1.0835 1.0638 1.0266 0.8889 0.8549 0.7565 1.0111 0.8372 0.8634 1.0734 1.0318 1.0434 0.5874 0.7549 0.7107 0.761 0.9991 0.8122 0.8877 0.859 0.7161 0.8062 0.74 0.9281 0.8516 0.8532 0.9702 1.0211 1.0457 242 AA858801 Rattus norvegicus nuclear factor kappa B p105 subu 1.0086 0.895 1.2286 1.4376 2.3089 1.1026 1.2181 1.0635 1.1483 1.3331 0.9899 0.8019 1.1514 0.9205 1.4462 0.9053 0.9316 1.0879 1.1524 0.8409 0.8539 1.0196 1.5759 1.3114 1.5917 1.4769 1.9376 1.4432 1.1192 1.099 1.3425 0.8102 0.9793 1.202 0.9627 1.0025 1.205 1.0032 1.24 1.1105 1.3572 1.0647 0.9991 0.8964 1.1524 1.1606 1.2202 1.735 1.0472 243 AA858477 "Rattus norvegicus ribosomal protein S2 mRNA, compl" 0.8873 0.8748 0.9388 0.8832 0.8248 1.1502 1.1182 0.7809 0.7332 1.0168 0.9102 0.9442 0.829 0.7864 1.0725 0.8537 0.8369 0.8655 1.0287 0.9946 0.9716 1.1564 0.8738 0.8504 0.8024 0.7705 0.7626 0.7959 0.7706 1.0361 0.9071 1.0045 0.8729 1.0634 1.0943 1.0235 0.7158 0.8008 0.7889 0.6999 0.762 0.7682 0.8132 0.8099 0.7698 0.8139 0.8586 0.8673 0.8439 244 AA858489 "Rattus norvegicus Smad2 protein (Smad2) mRNA, comp" 1.17 0.7133 2.9444 0.9456 1.4967 2.3231 2.403 1.6058 1.6297 1.1905 0.8221 1.0829 0.607 0.8834 1.5209 0.7869 0.8015 1.4784 0.9539 1.247 1.1637 1.2603 2.3827 1.4263 6.232 96.4306 2.2358 2.7763 1.6548 1.0763 5.6036 1.2057 1.5797 1.9284 1.338 3.1208 2.7325 1.4221 4.7397 2.0181 2.9562 2.4723 1.4125 1.6716 1.9288 3.5615 1.7633 6.6384 1.4329 245 AA858513 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for gC1qBP gene 1.0201 1.0515 1.0208 1.4429 1.6102 2.0148 3.9962 1.2424 1.6315 1.1178 1.1289 0.9499 0.6969 1.8445 1.6949 0.9836 0.6697 1.1607 0.67 1.2755 1.3873 1.2886 1.2273 2.1949 15.0653 2.2407 2.9104 236.8382 1.7697 5.1294 3.3493 0.9918 1.5131 2.1436 1.0964 2.05 67.858 1.2334 135.1207 2.2458 3.1642 7.6761 0.7685 0.9044 1.6158 2.3464 3.3757 2.092 1.7583 246 AA858514 "Rat sulfated glycoprotein 1 (SGP-1) mRNA, complete" 0.9364 1.0694 0.8325 1.0849 1.0613 1.2723 1.2077 0.9087 1.0824 1.2901 1.0048 1.1709 0.957 1.0157 1.1599 0.8689 0.8671 0.735 1.0781 1.0861 1.1202 1.0341 0.9618 0.9621 0.8755 1.0274 0.9064 0.9749 0.8604 1.1199 1.013 1.1702 0.8696 1.0529 1.0863 0.9845 0.774 0.7058 0.8416 0.8827 0.93 0.8671 0.7129 0.9033 0.9151 0.8924 1.1591 1.2565 1.0247 247 AA858510 "Rat mRNA for prostaglandin E receptor EP1 subtype," 0.701 0.4948 0.6569 1.2725 1.0568 1.2405 1.1591 1.4391 1.3226 1.3666 1.1054 0.9402 0.5359 1.3701 1.4603 0.9065 0.9066 1.0263 0.8892 0.3198 0.8779 1.2247 1.2391 1.2517 1.7792 1.6655 2.4288 3.0301 1.5616 2.0283 1.3946 0.9947 1.3075 1.7897 1.3105 2.7923 8.5525 2.1471 4.9576 4.2002 2.7136 3.3082 0.6599 1.4445 2.1078 1.9655 1.4578 1.5085 1.5467 248 AA859423 Rat mRNA for glutamate dehydrogenase (EC 1.1925 1.1387 1.2433 0.8892 1.121 0.6071 0.5915 1.1942 1.2135 1.0997 0.8857 1.0132 0.8018 0.9336 1.1281 0.7164 0.7116 0.7036 1.1977 0.9249 0.8129 0.9057 0.9914 1.0446 0.9919 0.727 0.8507 0.7923 0.7693 0.8211 0.749 0.701 0.741 0.9452 0.9282 0.6105 1.1355 0.8468 0.9518 0.7616 0.6588 0.6036 0.583 0.8843 0.817 0.8678 0.9248 0.9228 0.9352 249 AA858453 "Rat aldolase A mRNA, complete cds" 0.8295 0.8118 0.8432 0.6927 0.835 1.8571 1.7539 0.9612 1.0152 1.101 0.8662 1.0383 1.0525 1.0832 1.8405 1.1726 1.101 1.1888 0.6596 0.807 0.769 0.9595 0.928 0.7411 0.9365 1.0071 1.2921 1.2154 1.0328 1.7628 1.4991 1.2998 1.3893 1.656 1.7438 1.4979 0.9884 0.8536 1.2879 1.1478 1.2424 1.4465 1.2354 0.7001 0.9346 0.8521 0.854 0.8646 0.9454 250 AA899279 Rattus norvegicus C kinase substrate calmodulin-bi 1.9896 1.6901 2.0747 1.2737 1.5741 2.0862 2.1012 2.0624 2.2536 2.6722 1.8704 1.4649 1.4745 1.5364 2.4471 2.0324 1.9456 2.5743 1.2936 1.5586 1.0046 1.1608 1.4421 1.3583 2.6727 1.6603 3.5051 2.3141 1.391 1.6995 1.9537 1.1499 1.2091 1.6849 1.1436 2.1063 2.4102 2.1142 2.1641 1.8453 2.6691 2.8416 2.7396 1.3376 1.396 1.2753 1.1634 1.0861 1.1455 251 AA899205 "Rattus norvegicus fracture callus 1 (FxC1) mRNA, c" 0.6798 0.6416 0.6295 0.8844 0.6795 2.196 2.4552 1.3925 1.2849 1.2893 1.0742 1.0898 1.0775 1.1412 1.802 1.4609 1.3259 1.5228 0.7852 0.5003 0.9955 1.058 0.8964 0.8929 0.7693 0.7152 0.721 0.8183 0.6332 2.2657 2.0493 1.7065 1.5848 2.0423 1.9402 1.7124 1.268 0.9128 1.0317 1.232 1.3489 1.4346 1.2084 0.7921 0.8888 0.8033 0.8381 0.8168 0.8304 252 AA899215 R.norvegicus mRNA for ubiquitin and ribosomal prot 0.9569 0.9033 0.9688 0.8996 1.1077 1.4833 1.5483 0.8965 0.9121 1.014 0.8908 1.043 0.8287 1.0086 1.1291 1.005 1.0533 1.0544 1.1043 0.8552 1.1059 1.093 1.0442 0.9902 1.0308 0.9538 1.0183 0.9092 0.9201 1.1571 1.1691 1.1583 1.1094 1.3581 1.3788 1.3103 0.8834 0.967 0.9439 0.8945 0.8991 0.9137 0.7161 0.8207 0.9265 0.6888 0.9749 0.9631 0.9832 253 AA899219 "EST, Highly similar to tubulin T beta15 [R.norvegi" 1.6075 0.9641 20.8206 0.9839 2.7506 88.3653 0.7314 10.0664 5.3452 0.8398 2.492 4.0111 201.7915 260.6414 0.7605 1.2857 1.1611 93.6848 0.6632 1.0429 1.0314 0.877 59.3808 1.6866 172.4061 1.9893 1.7696 229.3271 8.6936 5.7104 268.2251 1.8135 3.78 31.7176 1.8012 207.1832 198.3474 9.4897 272.9843 355.3994 317.0606 259.1175 4.6827 3.0639 244.0155 50.2803 3.365 5.6088 19.7221 254 AA899221 Rattus norvegicus pituitary tumor transforming gen 1.3845 0.9108 30.347 7.5022 1.2032 116.6847 1.376 2.1 6.3177 138.3806 0.9716 0.8676 2.6759 1.0433 1.5601 1.0217 1.0398 8.2328 0.8566 1.3035 58.0922 3.7393 3.4266 1.8132 4.5104 1.6037 2.2372 34.9535 1.6362 3.6857 266.3608 3.6719 5.2644 1.8256 1.8154 1.6584 217.3795 1.295 4.7214 2.1821 21.9873 3.012 37.6039 1.2588 173.2725 3.0529 10.2882 3.1822 3.3042 255 AA858569 "Rattus norvegicus neuronatin beta mRNA, complete c" 0.9381 1.7101 0.973 1.1839 1.4612 34.2781 85.3665 1.7846 1.7927 2.2111 1.7124 1.9655 220.8286 0.6177 1.1909 0.9196 0.9791 7.2422 0.5359 1.2476 0.6078 1.3769 6.2428 0.5248 146.9639 4.0308 0.8615 174.8923 1.6858 180.4948 7.9124 1.7559 1.2382 1.9705 1.1964 8.2153 167.0433 1.982 252.7768 71.8707 6.1978 231.7886 2.0064 2.0753 3.9102 5.6571 3.633 2.9226 4.4271 256 AA858574 R.norvegicus mRNA for lamin A 0.956 0.9682 1.0605 1.008 1.5872 0.7031 0.586 1.0278 1.0432 1.0843 0.9606 0.8746 0.8938 0.8295 0.9355 0.7473 0.7534 1.5649 1.4534 1.6503 1.4629 1.2134 1.5618 1.1247 2.1162 3.057 0.8234 204.2214 1.0672 1.8431 323.7743 2.4971 2.3345 1.1574 0.8699 2.5874 12.5686 1.4006 2.0918 3.6029 2.1365 2.6569 3.1997 1.4092 2.1561 1.2627 1.7763 2.5768 1.7233 257 AA858587 Rattus norvegicus CTD-binding SR-like protein rA1 0.9373 0.901 1.4593 0.9288 0.9664 1.7615 1.6956 1.2548 1.328 1.084 1.2125 1.32 3.0892 1.3963 1.0477 0.9496 0.9166 1.1768 0.7719 1.0671 1.1138 0.9789 1.1254 0.8938 7.8276 1.2937 0.8593 2.182 1.2816 1.6129 1.6501 1.2714 1.0547 1.4155 1.053 1.2799 2.8496 1.233 4.9642 2.4168 1.7019 1.8185 1.1687 1.258 1.5711 2.0097 1.2302 1.4819 1.5813 258 AA866448 "Rattus norvegicus mama mRNA, complete cds" 0.9876 0.9742 1.59 1.2891 1.8838 12.3404 2.6854 2.0808 3.7685 3.3458 1.0403 0.9316 1.1637 0.7562 0.9594 1.4152 1.0499 2.2793 1.3864 13.0843 1.701 1.4641 70.2381 4.8828 160.9026 7.3341 1.8535 186.3611 1.8589 4.124 44.3716 13.4226 1.4382 131.9872 2.1387 9.6182 194.1488 2.39 6.8697 13.0398 7.3034 3.6473 77.2642 1.5917 204.0793 2.948 4.1611 8.8562 4.6682 259 AA866458 "Rattus norvegicus muscle Y-box protein YB2 mRNA, c" 1.0076 1.0598 1.2219 1.1651 1.3119 1.2142 1.4726 1.0918 1.1876 1.2399 1.1758 1.038 1.3903 0.8262 1.1111 0.8604 0.9213 1.3704 0.679 1.069 1.219 1.075 1.8057 1.1719 15.9232 1.2734 0.7595 368.5413 1.455 1.797 2.5932 1.1873 1.1145 1.1904 1.0699 1.1477 433.9853 1.2259 3.8369 4.9945 1.2389 2.0483 1.1787 1.2178 1.6068 2.5102 1.3283 1.4723 1.9132 260 AA866450 Rattus norwegicus interleukin-2 receptor beta chai 1.2019 1.1715 1.5802 1.718 1.4163 35.8921 3.4823 1.4439 1.7962 2.3304 1.4109 1.2045 1.9308 1.7536 1.2032 0.98 1.0007 1.8237 0.9804 4.0422 1.5669 1.3583 3.9783 0.7194 3.3453 3.7909 2.0604 12.7953 1.1243 2.8229 3.5843 1.9608 1.3938 2.9911 1.6882 1.4333 207.9811 1.703 6.9544 3.0749 1.6194 1.9321 2.3649 1.1877 225.3703 1.7803 3.1985 2.7607 2.8378 261 AA866452 Rat mRNA fragment for cardiac actin 0.8104 0.833 0.8934 0.6836 0.7228 0.7395 0.7207 1.0343 0.9229 0.728 0.6927 0.8213 0.7763 1.0092 1.0104 0.7998 0.8377 1.1199 0.8543 0.9317 0.6841 0.6121 0.7894 0.756 0.8423 0.7053 0.6767 0.7018 0.6891 1.038 1.0365 0.8858 0.5784 0.7834 0.6774 0.6166 1.0902 0.7271 0.877 1.1199 0.7293 0.8892 0.8172 0.8581 0.8735 0.8361 0.6053 0.6498 0.6812 262 AA866455 Rattus norvegicus nuclear serine/threonine protein 0.8591 0.9767 0.6869 0.8588 1.0482 1.1164 0.9672 0.8622 0.8573 1.0962 0.8567 0.819 0.9646 0.9141 0.9885 0.7763 0.8756 1.1706 0.8911 1.1413 1.1028 0.9298 1.233 0.8347 1.2182 0.8295 0.8234 1.4349 1.0035 0.9764 1.7231 0.9241 1.0172 1.4912 0.9184 0.874 2.1079 1.0529 1.6324 1.1206 1.1015 0.9329 1.5686 0.9204 1.4162 1.0903 1.1207 1.124 1.0961 263 AA866466 "Rat cytokeratin 8 polypeptide mRNA, complete cds" 0.8585 0.9438 1.1451 0.913 0.9617 1.0848 1.3678 1.1162 1.0319 1.0671 1.1083 1.3324 1.2349 0.9675 1.1052 1.0382 1.0303 1.0573 0.799 0.8499 1.0619 0.8701 0.8531 0.9116 1.0107 0.8715 0.9454 1.1595 0.9391 0.9409 0.8097 0.7667 0.6106 0.9322 0.9135 0.9168 1.0019 1.0296 1.2441 1.1744 1.1149 1.1797 1.064 0.8467 0.9638 0.9942 0.9511 0.9386 1.0711 264 AA859654 Rattus norvegicus 8-oxoguanine-DNA-glycosylase (ro 0.8533 0.9593 1.035 1.2345 1.2769 1.6388 1.3307 1.297 1.5287 1.7153 1.1 1.0727 1.0309 0.7348 1.0141 1.0677 0.8884 10.0324 1.1739 1.4646 0.9738 1.3171 3.437 1.1905 3.6808 1.3807 0.4337 6.4111 0.9506 2.1865 37.8252 1.635 1.198 1.1207 1.0291 1.763 4.5193 1.8736 2.6441 1.763 1.5023 1.4522 2.0511 1.2737 1.6514 1.2767 1.4227 3.2175 1.4047 265 AA859666 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for mitochondrial dicarboxy 1.2626 1.3578 1.355 1.3171 1.0338 0.4951 0.5963 0.8014 0.8301 0.9877 1.023 0.8619 0.6663 0.8435 1.1504 0.9567 1.0152 1.0145 1.3081 0.8133 1.0288 1.0583 1.084 1.0151 1.1647 0.9193 0.9605 0.9808 0.9735 0.4399 0.3865 0.436 0.34 0.4373 0.3981 0.4753 0.8251 0.9566 0.7564 0.8558 0.92 1.0017 0.9853 1.0926 0.8456 0.9199 0.876 0.8891 0.9626 266 AA859664 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for thiol-specific antioxid 1.2807 1.1551 1.1773 1.1051 1.2259 1.1066 1.035 1.2461 1.1219 1.4933 1.1484 1.0907 0.9626 1.0234 1.5316 1.2886 1.3253 1.6434 1.0974 1.1134 0.9597 1.2456 1.1437 1.0052 1.0633 1.0913 1.1648 1.0285 0.9862 1.2066 0.9267 0.9899 0.8452 0.9722 1.0786 0.9913 1.1563 1.1216 1.0273 1.0447 1.289 1.6604 1.5249 0.9684 0.838 1.1837 0.9356 0.9427 0.9117 267 AA859670 R.norvegicus mRNA for RB13-6 antigen 2.1662 2.0774 2.1257 1.8151 1.6932 0.5533 0.6391 1.4581 1.5349 1.2489 1.0798 0.7381 0.6966 1.5715 1.8274 1.3697 1.3558 1.7386 1.2198 1.177 1.2536 1.1119 1.2666 1.0202 2.2809 1.8042 1.8621 2.1464 1.7732 0.7212 0.641 0.5869 0.6103 0.7827 0.6779 0.647 2.1323 1.2042 1.4041 1.7948 2.0706 2.2995 1.6757 1.3737 1.1623 1.5105 1.24 1.2787 1.3355 268 AA859674 "Rattus norvegicus 190 kDa ankyrin isoform mRNA, co" 1.0897 0.9158 1.4963 1.2454 2.1836 1.8655 2.2631 2.6806 3.4121 1.0964 0.7576 0.9351 0.6436 0.8132 1.5559 0.8479 0.7452 1.5644 0.9906 1.0975 1.0557 1.3869 1.4324 1.6402 20.5919 468.1749 1.8126 6.3417 1.4237 1.7036 301.7969 0.868 1.6317 1.8197 1.0651 3.8674 7.287 1.4857 9.8281 2.7001 4.0752 4.2545 1.5942 1.9258 2.5838 3.7865 3.4032 156.7476 1.4099 269 AA859607 "Rattus norvegicus mRNA for RANP-1, complete cds" 1.4798 1.4976 2.0445 0.9451 1.0724 1.0888 1.0261 2.6434 2.6867 0.717 0.7098 1.2262 0.832 2.5269 3.7036 1.8309 1.3782 1.4135 1.5523 1.3381 1.0884 1.179 1.0502 0.9297 1.6233 0.7082 0.8088 1.1885 1.0418 0.9544 1.0727 0.6037 0.7844 1.0827 0.8766 0.9525 3.9118 0.8637 2.4071 4.4174 2.0634 2.4612 1.5826 1.6231 1.2122 1.3117 0.8985 1.0221 0.9699 270 AA859622 Rattus norvegicus SNAP-25 interacting protein hrs- 0.9837 0.8548 1.2952 1.3241 1.681 2.1548 1.5354 1.3868 1.6452 1.2006 0.7753 0.8756 0.7985 1.6725 0.668 1.051 0.9287 2.6414 1.0755 1.0083 0.9462 1.1745 2.4713 1.4438 3.914 4.8573 1.7332 2.3193 1.5126 1.7385 2.8397 1.0988 1.2956 1.8103 1.2989 1.7156 2.0336 1.3022 4.0757 1.4882 2.9487 1.7468 1.6132 1.0172 1.929 0.8678 2.0703 0.9325 1.1652 271 AA859623 "Rat thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) mRNA, comp" 1.006 1.0735 1.5231 4.627 1.5059 73.7163 76.2411 10.6484 4.6314 2.1289 0.9967 1.0613 0.5251 2.4626 1.7624 0.9062 0.8618 1.2724 0.7419 0.5692 2.1452 1.7661 2.001 2.8527 126.5766 3.0774 16.9752 172.7583 1.6791 6.6764 178.6555 1.6375 1.7425 0.8256 2.0233 51.3855 140.1004 1.8852 204.1156 236.592 229.5572 148.9633 1.5364 2.0291 201.3302 37.7855 192.0529 197.9107 211.4572 272 AA859615 ESTs 0.8074 0.7242 0.7494 0.9495 1.1791 0.8911 0.8521 0.7491 0.9033 1.0222 0.709 0.9331 0.7752 1.7784 1.2749 0.6433 0.6388 0.8399 0.7769 0.6599 0.7056 0.8217 0.9043 0.5861 1.3542 1.2756 1.7215 1.2573 1.0179 3.4409 1.2285 0.7839 1.0305 1.4956 1.1544 0.7637 0.789 0.843 1.0738 1.0671 0.8618 0.8442 0.7385 0.6583 1.0507 0.8678 0.7703 0.8647 0.8069 273 AA859373 "Rat heart myosin light chain 2 (MLC2) mRNA, 3' end" 0.9019 0.9287 0.8459 0.8405 1.0524 7.4353 88.9026 1.745 2.7425 1.5937 0.8678 0.9214 0.5293 0.8132 1.0674 1.2004 0.9196 1.0413 0.76 0.4629 0.6 1.5014 1.562 1.6693 2.1595 1.8357 1.5313 3.7975 1.2465 2.2859 5.341 0.7336 1.3412 1.2465 1.2772 1.346 1.6795 1.2929 31.3976 2.7524 3.3197 6.8118 1.0193 1.3627 3.0216 1.7314 1.6589 1.4561 1.425 274 AA859385 R.norvegicus mRNA for vimentin 0.7344 0.6708 0.633 0.7845 1.1719 0.6776 0.694 0.5622 0.7051 1.0161 0.7399 0.8091 0.8855 0.8278 1.0438 0.7015 0.7287 0.9701 0.8203 0.7214 0.9617 1.0266 0.8632 0.9289 1.0527 1.1334 1.3912 1.1796 1.0488 1.531 0.9004 0.5407 0.5787 1.4424 0.5124 0.6912 0.659 0.7919 1.0845 0.8426 0.8177 0.8782 0.92 0.6884 0.9978 0.9546 1.0324 1.0354 1.0486 275 AA858520 Rat follistatin gene 0.9867 1.0289 1.2098 2.4255 0.7619 3.4481 84.8484 1.632 1.7074 1.5234 1.3817 1.0827 1.5398 0.9887 0.8325 0.8273 0.7261 1.4787 0.6068 0.8825 1.4144 1.3579 1.7215 1.4283 229.3667 2.8187 1.6059 170.0731 1.2007 289.2227 248.7181 1.062 1.6508 1.9696 1.1668 2.4733 192.674 1.7872 220.4637 51.1367 3.7588 242.0195 0.8816 1.5316 2.8623 9.3693 4.0604 2.0011 2.1645 276 AA858525 "Rattus norvegicus mRNA for p47, complete cds" 0.8287 0.7488 0.8416 0.8442 1.0205 1.331 1.2738 0.8581 0.9233 0.9493 0.7512 0.8403 0.8072 1.0799 1.1371 1.106 1.0777 1.1138 0.8022 0.7293 1.0591 1.156 1.0135 0.896 1.0603 0.8881 0.9221 0.9772 0.9646 0.9641 1.1855 1.1196 0.9682 1.1683 1.2003 1.2177 0.9585 0.8343 1.0415 0.9873 1.0862 1.1845 1.2126 0.8018 0.9767 0.9485 0.9309 0.9931 0.9572 277 AA858553 "Rat plasma membrane Ca2+ ATPase-isoform 1 mRNA, co" 0.9691 1.4027 1.2507 1.344 1.2438 1.3168 2.2805 1.0143 1.2257 1.0934 1.4167 1.5617 3.1917 1.0695 1.1152 0.8344 1.0795 1.1491 0.8881 0.9698 1.103 1.1927 1.5707 1.222 1.6124 1.158 0.7963 2.0309 1.4178 1.3687 1.4793 1.3843 0.8777 1.1745 1.1108 1.5817 2.2237 1.2011 1.9784 1.9413 1.5997 1.8409 1.3057 1.2749 1.4784 1.7528 1.5619 1.2574 1.3356 278 AA875112 Rattus norvegicus long chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenas 0.6985 0.6821 0.7967 0.7458 0.8862 1.2914 1.2288 0.9693 0.883 1.0491 1.0658 0.9057 0.9247 0.6764 0.676 0.7303 0.8216 0.7723 0.9888 0.9507 1.0226 0.9571 0.8131 0.818 0.8061 0.8107 0.8234 0.7442 0.8684 1.5128 1.4191 1.614 1.6242 1.3304 1.297 1.3054 1.0713 1.2149 0.994 0.6726 0.8039 0.7309 0.7795 0.9167 0.8749 0.763 1.0441 1.0299 0.962 279 AA875115 Rattus norvegicus G-protein coupled receptor pH218 0.8632 0.9305 1.0574 1.0173 0.9888 1.2538 1.4361 0.8702 0.8889 0.9202 0.8882 1.251 5.299 0.8395 0.8842 0.9374 0.9206 1.0134 0.716 0.979 1.1012 1.0558 1.3281 1.0445 3.538 1.2582 1.0977 3.7546 1.3873 3.389 1.9232 1.3276 0.9441 1.2698 1.0628 1.6597 2.8053 1.064 0.8247 1.8421 1.9513 2.251 1.0901 1.1366 1.5004 2.194 1.2725 1.4009 1.63 280 AA899522 Rat mRNA for myosin regulatory light chain (RLC) 0.8517 0.8685 1.0002 0.8944 1.0411 0.9632 1.0237 0.8338 0.8339 1.0431 1.0425 0.9738 0.9829 0.8753 1.0021 0.9996 1.065 2.2368 1.2226 1.3897 1.1136 0.9934 1.947 1.0202 1.2051 1.13 0.8234 1.3302 1.0669 1.6112 2.509 1.1565 1.1074 1.1752 1.068 1.0046 1.4757 0.9983 1.1598 1.131 1.0549 1.0926 1.2401 0.946 1.2133 0.9916 1.0994 1.1219 1.0997 281 AA875128 Rattus norvegicus orphan nuclear receptor OR-1 mRN 0.9631 1.0385 1.0323 1.0809 1.2656 1.4613 1.6232 0.9918 1.0089 0.9946 1.0221 1.0955 1.5782 0.7335 0.8495 1.1271 1.0136 1.7138 0.817 1.0921 1.0025 1.077 1.3215 1.0205 6.8854 1.318 1.0202 2.3492 1.993 1.8887 2.9592 1.4622 1.406 1.6083 1.2547 1.4394 3.7255 1.1145 3.5643 1.9145 2.3366 2.8051 1.3847 1.273 1.5086 1.609 1.3693 1.7264 1.5384 282 AA899518 Rattus norvegicus cis-Golgi matrix protein GM130 m 1.273 1.1184 1.1707 1.269 1.6116 1.4866 1.4015 1.1531 1.0892 1.4058 1.3355 1.0275 1.1692 0.9939 1.0865 1.0413 1.0392 2.9905 0.7755 4.0144 1.474 1.3615 2.0605 1.7832 2.1692 1.8151 1.5648 3.393 1.5657 1.8143 3.2344 1.433 1.1586 2.4015 1.2923 1.4664 6.2339 1.3276 1.8237 1.5158 1.5734 1.2904 1.9819 1.1731 3.5601 1.3071 1.4831 1.9905 1.7107 283 AA875135 R.norvegicus (Sprague Dawley) ARL5 mRNA for ARF-li 0.927 0.908 0.9308 0.9787 1.1027 0.8767 0.775 1.0516 1.0024 1.1506 1.2621 1.2239 1.174 1.9794 1.1664 1.1204 1.3131 1.4613 1.3196 1.7014 1.2024 1.2161 1.673 1.2104 10.7698 0.9988 0.8234 3.7297 1.7764 1.1759 2.3627 0.9589 1.0261 1.0267 0.8136 1.0348 402.2042 1.5363 4.8486 4.3086 1.9997 3.1297 1.6277 1.8756 2.5465 3.6375 1.3101 1.4042 1.6961 284 AA859783 Rattus norvegicus large subunit ribosomal protein 0.8417 0.8495 0.8993 0.9214 1.1502 1.2301 1.2658 0.9335 0.9428 1.0902 1.0255 0.9573 0.9498 0.9715 0.9892 1.0565 1.1458 1.2244 1.1052 1.074 1.1973 1.0176 1.1912 1.1745 0.9666 0.8852 1.0338 1.0068 0.9139 1.2177 1.2159 1.1327 1.0721 1.5382 1.183 1.0578 1.0244 0.9284 0.962 0.849 0.9272 0.9925 1.1341 0.8853 1.2358 0.9909 1.0729 1.0662 1.0062 285 AA875140 "Rat alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) mRNA, complete cds" 1.1729 1.1417 1.2138 1.0442 1.1183 0.9734 0.9394 1.0899 1.0092 0.5899 0.6076 0.7477 0.7094 0.6633 0.6677 0.4375 0.4502 0.3527 0.8858 0.9404 0.793 0.7606 0.573 0.5083 0.993 0.7259 0.707 0.6733 0.7122 1.088 1.0089 1.2188 0.7703 0.9787 1.0504 0.8879 1.1289 0.629 0.7304 0.6412 0.4432 0.3564 0.3397 0.7568 0.7009 0.5361 0.719 0.7068 0.6922 286 AA859797 "Rat IgE binding protein mRNA, complete cds" 0.9465 0.8618 0.8502 1.0289 1.3761 1.9888 1.8335 0.7582 0.8897 1.431 1.1104 1.0166 1.0461 1.0015 0.4671 0.9525 0.9782 1.3252 0.7286 1.0755 1.3609 0.9976 2.6359 1.2378 5.1162 1.4153 2.9687 2.66 1.2405 0.9498 11.2863 1.7071 2.6786 6.4641 2.2377 1.488 185.6513 1.2654 3.2384 1.2369 1.4453 1.0238 13.8242 0.8072 5.0606 1.5733 1.6077 1.8748 1.8375 287 AA875142 "Rattus norvegicus 5HT3 receptor mRNA, complete cds" 0.9172 0.8756 1.0983 1.0463 1.7442 2.121 3.4989 1.217 1.1108 1.0955 1.0713 1.3664 1.2016 0.7748 0.678 0.7071 0.8895 1.2537 0.6235 1.0386 1.0226 1.1261 1.7089 1.2575 5.3187 1.4099 2.2029 3.8895 1.3681 2.7584 3.7587 1.9724 1.3507 2.2444 1.5498 2.2525 3.272 1.3077 1.2999 2.7271 1.3143 1.8868 1.1417 1.1645 1.7048 1.3212 1.4931 1.2582 1.753 288 AA859566 Rattus norvegicus clone N27 mRNA 0.5822 0.6061 0.6732 0.5838 0.6883 1.4481 1.4916 0.7016 0.7405 0.823 0.7694 0.9206 0.8592 0.6342 0.7909 0.7049 0.7461 1.0733 0.8819 0.8564 0.7648 0.68 1.0031 0.8854 0.7448 0.8433 0.0598 0.7521 0.7737 3.82 0.7371 0.8183 0.6109 0.8256 0.7806 0.8925 0.75 0.8368 0.8247 0.8155 0.8627 0.8646 0.8336 0.8808 0.7994 0.8678 0.793 0.7765 0.7979 289 AA859586 "Rattus norvegicus cain mRNA, complete cds" 1.1384 0.7701 1.1066 1.457 1.0807 1.7937 15.2658 0.9908 1.1367 1.2253 1.2375 1.1937 1.2092 1.2026 1.2522 0.8159 1.032 1.2217 0.7921 1.5857 1.3454 1.3081 1.6923 1.5706 227.4564 2.7218 1.6921 220.483 2.4911 10.7745 25.3729 1.2687 2.7361 2.8515 1.1999 2.0352 347.6974 2.4948 328.5024 11.2514 3.1833 402.708 1.2319 1.4645 2.5476 2.9935 6.2737 2.6515 2.152 290 AA859476 R.norvegicus mRNA for cofilin 0.8277 0.8157 0.8388 0.7914 0.9203 1.1104 1.0838 0.7384 0.7447 1.0935 0.9013 0.8806 0.8215 0.8338 1.3371 0.9537 0.9661 1.0669 1.0247 0.9027 1.0343 1.0821 0.9001 0.9447 0.7912 0.8864 0.926 0.8519 0.7743 1.1662 0.994 0.846 0.9241 1.1599 1.0114 0.9034 0.6649 0.774 0.8445 0.8156 0.7477 0.7844 0.7458 0.7126 0.8131 1.0302 0.8446 0.8118 0.8456 291 AA859471 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for 7-dehydrocholesterol re 0.8718 0.9323 0.9181 0.5065 0.528 0.6707 0.671 1.1706 1.103 0.6275 0.5458 0.9115 0.725 1.0406 1.4574 1.1732 1.0144 1.3753 1.2908 1.4821 0.9298 1.3686 0.8945 0.8383 0.7512 0.7585 0.7462 0.9901 1.0166 0.5297 0.5307 0.5017 0.4839 0.6403 0.6322 0.5952 1.2502 0.6326 0.9379 1.3015 1.0358 1.5732 1.4579 1.3718 1.1594 0.8347 0.8088 0.925 0.9336 292 AA859488 "Rat mRNA for calreticulin, complete cds" 0.84 0.76 0.7962 0.9774 1.0816 0.9995 0.907 0.783 0.8109 1.48 1.3036 0.8589 0.7203 1.2283 1.6254 1.1368 1.129 1.0554 1.0683 0.9462 1.0378 1.1953 0.8096 0.8481 1.0628 1.4091 1.6135 1.4097 1.489 0.5563 0.5791 0.5255 0.5231 0.6609 0.6163 0.8977 0.7819 1.2983 0.8331 1.07 1.0016 0.9619 1.0051 0.7963 0.8926 0.7243 0.8738 0.8909 0.9211 293 AA859478 "Rattus norvegicus Sprague-Dawley Ah receptor mRNA," 0.9231 0.9542 0.9723 1.0854 1.2175 1.0072 1.1622 1.1018 1.066 1.3828 1.2028 0.9193 0.8838 3.044 3.6492 3.3041 3.3692 3.2792 1.1327 1.1407 0.9093 0.9093 1.0277 0.8208 1.4292 0.9053 0.9921 1.0123 1.0098 0.776 0.7106 0.6119 0.5673 0.8149 0.6843 0.9452 1.2124 1.2171 1.0733 3.132 4.0387 3.826 3.4056 1.2456 0.8173 0.9495 1.0439 1.1368 1.1928 294 AA859498 Rat mRNA for cathepsin L (EC 0.8759 0.809 0.9169 0.8127 0.9254 0.5982 0.5986 0.4694 0.4997 0.7566 0.5776 0.6295 0.5444 0.6857 1.0429 1.6056 1.5724 1.3989 1.0493 0.9693 0.9263 1.1072 0.9798 1.0378 0.7858 0.9099 0.9955 0.887 0.9526 0.4786 0.4591 0.489 0.435 0.5633 0.5614 0.5863 0.4674 0.5919 0.5602 0.635 1.3187 1.1885 1.1505 0.6859 0.7171 0.803 0.9762 0.9467 0.9321 295 AA859496 "Rat GTP cyclohydrolase I mRNA, complete cds" 0.9121 0.8272 1.0009 0.7961 0.9569 1.7206 1.7637 1.048 1.0076 1.2093 0.9442 0.9986 0.9997 1.0012 1.3375 1.2374 1.1702 1.2021 1.0373 0.9833 1.118 1.3511 1.0055 0.9477 1.0717 0.9723 1.0044 1.1107 0.8808 1.5359 1.398 1.1268 1.2533 1.4583 1.4895 1.7113 1.0613 1.0519 1.3529 1.1429 1.2425 1.4473 1.0842 0.9783 0.9544 1.1174 1.0541 0.9347 0.9784 296 AA900471 Rattus norvegicus intracellular calcium-binding pr 1.3727 1.0742 1.4186 1.6958 1.4581 5.3956 2.679 1.2772 2.4394 1.5105 0.7945 0.7778 0.9523 2.4417 1.2484 0.7934 0.9399 1.1999 0.637 0.86 0.7767 1.195 3.562 1.7469 133.4697 390.4485 16.2813 5.0319 1.4586 2.8857 4.2862 0.9507 1.8616 2.3344 0.8712 1.8223 4.7611 1.7366 3.4462 2.3702 2.1485 1.9419 1.0739 1.0933 1.9716 3.8969 3.2892 2.3918 1.7032 297 AA900472 Rat electron transfer flavoprotein (ETF) alpha-sub 1.2653 1.1195 1.2368 1.3407 1.1478 1.3269 1.398 1.0936 1.1652 1.164 1.0788 1.1348 1.0856 0.9171 1.1603 1.0588 1.0888 1.1465 1.1702 1.2546 1.0862 1.384 1.082 0.9501 1.1086 0.8914 0.9085 0.8846 0.9078 1.4921 1.2969 1.4605 1.1409 1.3721 1.3982 1.2954 1.1383 1.0148 1.0243 0.8352 0.9982 1.0422 1.1222 1.0391 0.9551 0.9845 0.9876 1.0826 1.0366 298 AA900486 "Rat ATP citrate-lyase mRNA, complete cds" 1.5926 1.4133 1.7368 1.2019 1.3369 0.931 0.9671 1.6502 1.8348 1.2219 0.9668 1.1646 1.1823 7.0794 2.8997 1.2935 1.2101 1.0339 1.3551 1.2714 0.8217 1.118 1.4194 0.9459 1.5635 1.3436 1.4387 1.351 1.14 1.4144 1.5195 1.209 1.8408 2.0641 2.1433 0.973 1.865 1.3237 1.6728 2.2676 1.4596 1.1334 1.043 1.7438 1.6104 1.0774 0.8662 0.9969 0.9511 299 AA900482 "Rat agrin mRNA, complete cds" 1.0411 1.0206 1.0318 0.9948 0.9103 0.979 1.1866 0.9045 0.8641 1.146 0.9188 0.964 0.938 0.9784 1.3599 1.0784 0.9338 0.9959 0.9225 1.2112 0.9166 0.877 1.2397 0.8699 1.8535 1.2405 1.1985 2.9448 1.4001 1.1811 1.0192 0.7636 0.9203 1.0625 0.8335 0.9218 1.2349 1.1702 1.5005 1.7417 1.1452 1.1237 0.9607 1.075 1.1903 1.2617 1.2115 1.328 1.457 300 AA874802 R.norvegicus mRNA for histone H10 0.9736 0.8859 1.0948 0.9393 1.144 0.5895 0.5196 0.851 0.8282 0.96 0.7416 0.7898 1.2266 0.8132 1.1165 0.8416 0.727 1.0047 0.9876 1.1584 0.9275 1.0933 1.1153 1.0238 1.0657 1.5057 1.4972 1.1753 0.8472 0.5544 1.2386 0.5345 0.7071 0.9521 0.6971 0.7333 0.9967 0.8471 0.9975 0.8459 0.8885 1.0202 0.7559 0.9082 1.4352 1.0591 1.0307 1.1047 0.9711 301 AA874816 R.norvegicus mRNA for chaperonin 10 0.8024 0.7789 0.8562 0.9867 0.8977 1.7508 1.8639 0.9606 0.9745 0.8708 0.9628 1.05 0.8879 0.808 0.7843 1.0736 1.0541 1.131 0.8526 0.8539 0.945 0.8173 0.8052 0.8064 0.9068 0.7605 0.8564 0.7469 0.7949 1.5691 1.5645 1.7288 1.3723 1.7695 1.7018 1.5467 0.944 0.8332 0.8133 0.8498 0.8925 1.0623 1.066 0.7556 0.8372 0.8138 0.7462 0.7339 0.7452 302 AA859729 "Rattus norvegicus 3-hydroxyiso- butyrate mRNA, 3' " 1.4243 1.3422 1.6566 1.3073 1.471 0.8273 0.8837 1.1816 1.1412 1.0346 1.0533 1.0295 1.0191 1.2058 1.1119 1.2132 1.2727 1.3499 1.4543 1.2899 1.0202 0.8582 1.1533 1.1517 1.2934 1.343 1.2465 1.2505 1.3703 0.8846 0.9923 0.9789 0.6677 0.8652 0.8389 0.8283 1.3061 1.0933 1.1232 1.1712 1.2224 1.195 1.2922 1.1416 0.9918 1.0741 1.0679 1.0701 1.0682 303 AA859756 R.norvegicus (Sprague Dawley) ribosomal protein L1 0.8224 0.7938 0.9013 0.8023 0.7861 1.7128 1.5989 0.897 0.799 0.8807 0.8883 0.9568 1.4811 0.6397 0.7738 0.9171 0.9812 0.9432 0.8714 0.985 0.9231 0.7888 0.8993 0.8204 0.8218 0.7771 0.7976 0.7685 0.7834 1.3365 1.3386 1.4303 1.2759 1.636 1.5878 1.4109 0.807 0.8502 0.9037 0.7489 0.8148 0.8441 0.9178 0.7828 0.7979 0.7685 0.8078 0.8175 0.8292 304 AA859758 R.norvegicus epsilon 3 globin gene 0.5841 0.5544 0.4814 0.5964 0.6952 0.8461 0.6298 0.8021 0.7498 0.9252 0.8064 0.587 1.0529 0.727 0.9303 0.3631 0.3948 0.5189 0.7298 0.7917 0.4589 0.3769 0.9016 0.6099 0.4076 0.5292 0.4718 0.4716 0.3781 1.2878 0.5732 0.5366 0.2905 0.3133 0.2994 0.3883 0.5207 0.4244 0.431 0.6754 0.2663 0.356 0.31 0.4222 0.3827 0.5416 0.5136 0.5107 0.4331 305 AA859699 "Rat lung beta-galactoside-binding lectin mRNA, com" 0.9387 0.7957 1.1467 0.7596 1.0098 1.2953 1.2736 0.6452 0.8808 1.0401 0.8417 1.2572 0.9846 0.7797 0.8668 0.8174 0.7935 1.3811 0.5228 1.0277 0.8183 0.7256 5.0268 0.9079 129.9611 1.2 0.8234 1.8321 1.0985 1.9685 40.4016 1.0511 2.5313 1.4048 0.8186 1.4108 169.2475 1.3803 208.7621 266.7968 1.2338 2.2963 1.1324 1.2419 2.4065 2.3328 1.5992 2.5721 2.7887 306 AA859702 "Rattus norvegicus l-Afadin mRNA, complete cds" 1.0191 1.0557 1.3462 1.392 1.3711 1.9669 1.8542 1.1497 1.6062 1.8324 0.9667 1.1223 1.2335 1.0374 1.0096 0.9325 1.0819 1.4127 0.8713 2.2878 1.6308 1.1532 2.1021 1.4517 1.625 1.491 1.5521 3.6739 1.0885 2.3064 3.3244 1.7981 2.0289 1.877 1.2632 1.4221 2.3157 1.0898 1.6301 2.0705 2.8865 1.3477 1.8206 0.98 2.3722 1.3768 1.7208 1.5628 1.7765 307 AA859704 "Rat mRNA for adenylate kinase 3, complete cds" 1.1447 1.091 1.0741 1.0197 1.0535 1.1406 1.2205 1.2309 1.0882 0.9925 0.9629 1.0128 1.0409 0.9526 1.1019 1.3041 1.313 1.3754 1.2097 1.2226 1.0671 0.9 1.0704 0.9467 1.0528 0.9931 1.1435 0.9731 0.9263 0.9967 1.0891 1.1499 0.7891 1.03 1.0183 1.0359 1.1008 1.04 1.0325 1.0841 1.2675 1.2398 1.3211 1.0939 0.8865 0.9448 0.8845 0.8837 0.9257 308 AA900609 "Rattus norvegicus mRNA for MIFR, complete cds" 1.2501 0.8266 0.4889 1.2272 1.0464 3.8064 1.5313 1.1772 1.6533 2.934 0.9836 0.8926 0.9186 0.7959 0.846 0.8662 0.9219 1.3576 0.8198 1.5519 1.0861 1.5083 3.6491 1.318 44.6195 1.4611 2.0858 177.6831 1.8273 4.9732 226.8765 3.8717 3.6091 981.0887 1.8512 2.8007 152.2518 2.1391 9.2873 2.6371 4.8967 1.615 72.0549 1.6536 162.8005 0.8678 3.5009 4.937 7.0778 309 AA900622 Rat mRNA for ribosomal protein L5 1.0026 0.8653 2.0648 0.9865 0.9718 1.5393 1.7077 0.9207 0.9247 0.882 0.9528 0.8011 1.0147 0.9595 0.7939 1.0931 1.1179 1.2302 1.0524 1.1012 1.0794 1.0033 1.0661 0.9731 0.9149 0.9393 0.8715 0.8837 0.961 1.5155 1.3654 1.5603 1.2119 1.5468 1.6303 1.6662 0.9944 0.9967 1.0364 0.9767 1.1535 1.2538 1.3534 1.0074 0.9729 0.9605 0.9065 0.9677 0.9557 310 AA900686 "Rat mRNA for endothelin-converting enzyme, complet" 1.1783 1.4976 1.2273 1.0395 1.2036 0.8464 0.909 1.1998 1.0268 1.2159 1.1616 0.991 1.1084 1.0845 1.1315 0.8961 0.9564 0.9803 1.1475 1.1864 1.099 0.9365 1.0606 1.1409 1.1759 1.1998 1.0426 1.2261 1.2018 0.7244 1.7001 0.7587 0.6096 0.946 0.7214 0.8647 1.5641 1.3096 1.1851 1.0698 1.1671 1.0829 1.1142 1.2646 1.1927 1.17 0.9227 1.0274 1.0266 311 AA899042 Rattus norvegicus Sprague-Dawley transketolase mRN 1.1168 1.1673 1.1851 1.1254 1.087 1.4542 1.4359 1.3469 1.2224 1.1415 1.1503 0.9275 1.1388 2.3534 1.837 2.106 2.1551 2.5808 1.1438 1.1707 1.0431 0.9601 0.9132 0.852 1.2739 0.9915 1.0306 0.9794 0.9986 1.4828 1.3503 1.4409 1.1376 1.4557 1.5687 1.3179 1.4648 1.1062 1.3574 2.784 2.2167 2.9709 2.9905 1.1703 1.067 0.923 0.8593 0.9308 0.9796 312 AA899050 Rattus norvegicus vacuolar ATPase subunit F (vatf) 0.9858 0.9485 0.9305 0.8822 0.8811 1.3167 1.1129 0.7952 0.7867 1.2729 1.1554 0.8948 0.8253 2.2259 0.9795 0.9596 0.9461 1.3148 0.9777 0.6779 0.9166 0.7259 1.0986 0.8759 2.04 1.0865 1.0161 1.2697 1.073 1.2231 3.1747 0.9781 0.9661 2.8847 1.0279 0.9921 321.6293 1.2594 1.7053 1.0114 1.0018 0.8334 1.1004 0.9674 1.8553 1.0635 0.9342 1.2213 1.0769 313 AA899066 "Rat Rieske iron-sulfur protein mRNA, complete cds" 1.0199 1.0246 1.1588 1.0343 1.3607 1.5772 1.5351 1.0296 1.2386 1.0119 0.961 1.0951 1.025 1.0028 1.2156 1.0019 0.867 1.0471 0.8289 1.5595 1.0178 1.2609 1.2035 1.2326 1.8963 1.7606 1.3067 2.3352 0.949 2.3616 1.1023 0.8346 0.9454 1.1602 0.9168 1.0907 1.6523 1.0785 1.9196 1.223 1.7821 1.7749 0.9405 1.1783 1.351 1.2492 1.3149 1.2808 1.1875 314 AA860032 Rattus norvegicus microtubule-associated proteins 1.0401 0.9557 1.0726 0.7775 0.8519 1.0543 0.982 0.8872 0.8472 1.0806 0.8001 0.8158 0.6822 0.743 1.1748 1.0234 1.0056 1.1709 1.2545 1.1649 1.0197 1.0736 0.9387 0.9307 0.806 0.8533 0.943 0.8647 0.8372 0.7244 1.0764 1.0525 0.7968 1.0092 0.9966 0.9454 0.8298 0.796 0.7605 0.7408 0.8861 1.0098 0.9855 0.9208 0.7996 0.9501 0.8205 0.7984 0.8362 315 AA860061 "Rat cellular retinol binding protein (CRBP) mRNA, " 0.6111 0.5545 0.5738 0.8126 0.7913 0.3413 0.3242 0.9474 0.9723 0.5784 0.4972 0.6224 0.4868 0.6827 1.0515 0.578 0.5799 0.2824 0.8418 0.8243 1.245 1.3673 0.8414 0.8212 0.7928 0.6334 0.6528 0.658 0.6637 0.2283 0.2294 0.2433 0.2244 0.2943 0.2882 0.2856 0.8796 0.4982 0.4803 0.6133 0.4908 0.2494 0.2672 0.6719 1.0105 0.7702 0.4484 0.4773 0.4865 316 AA860001 Rat flavin-containing monooxygenase 1 (FMO-1) mRNA 0.9437 0.898 0.914 0.6936 0.8567 0.1021 0.0922 0.6549 0.7139 0.766 0.632 0.5716 0.5747 0.1702 0.177 0.4644 0.4535 0.3526 0.9255 0.6807 0.456 0.5103 0.9241 0.9645 0.8058 0.4955 0.5286 0.5143 0.5741 0.2022 0.1678 0.1232 0.1107 0.1804 0.0882 0.1157 0.7221 0.6886 0.5775 0.1683 0.4466 0.2719 0.2816 0.803 0.4825 0.9284 0.727 0.7631 0.7652 317 AA860013 "Rat ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) mRNA, complete c" 0.72 0.7381 0.7349 0.5292 0.6668 1.4695 1.5301 1.1999 1.2692 1.2668 1.046 1.2227 1.1817 1.0036 1.5971 0.9209 0.8224 1.0258 0.7232 0.9116 0.7102 0.935 0.8437 0.8723 0.7807 0.6119 0.64 0.8044 0.8359 0.9922 1.0068 0.9226 0.9699 1.3311 1.3021 1.0915 1.1587 1.0668 1.3345 1.2851 0.9488 0.9888 0.982 0.6935 0.774 0.7812 0.6133 0.7112 0.7866 318 AA859943 Rat clathrin-associated adaptor protein homolog (p 0.8943 0.7588 0.928 0.9404 1.157 1.4171 1.3805 0.9397 1.0176 1.3183 0.8285 0.9167 0.9077 1.1629 2.0009 1.1276 1.0852 1.2823 0.9958 1.0383 1.1504 1.3388 1.2658 1.1725 1.5411 1.4652 1.4271 1.3161 1.2545 1.5651 1.5994 1.1606 1.2793 2.691 1.3402 1.4577 1.3254 1.1975 1.5059 1.4594 1.4477 1.2637 1.2797 0.9895 1.3751 1.9707 1.1434 1.5818 1.1442 319 AA859963 Rattus norvegicus liver cytochrome oxidase subunit 0.9279 0.9474 0.9386 1.1081 0.8524 0.9754 1.0288 0.9634 0.9443 0.9481 0.9606 0.9668 0.7806 0.8087 0.9734 0.7956 0.7851 0.6196 0.9593 1.0234 0.8931 0.8793 0.8019 0.8122 0.8607 0.6831 0.7371 0.7133 0.7554 0.945 0.8624 0.9202 0.721 0.9179 0.8649 0.7423 0.7704 0.7814 0.6777 0.773 0.638 0.5504 0.4826 0.8226 0.7679 0.8163 0.7044 0.7604 0.7078 320 AA859955 Rat mRNA for mitochondrial processing protease P52 0.9567 0.9224 0.9854 0.9056 1.0172 1.4296 1.4151 0.9197 0.9037 1.0991 0.8772 0.9172 0.8593 0.9141 1.2473 0.9265 0.901 0.8542 0.9113 0.703 1.0764 1.1248 0.9623 0.8813 1.085 0.9444 1.193 1.0723 0.9587 1.1218 0.9321 1.056 1.0795 1.28 1.3113 1.2009 0.8696 0.9881 0.9877 0.8963 0.8873 0.8226 0.8484 0.8959 0.994 0.8576 0.9716 1.0474 1.0645 321 AA859984 R.norvegicus DCN mRNA for decorin 0.8438 0.811 0.8212 0.7499 0.7483 1.1434 1.4459 0.7368 0.8453 0.8463 0.7036 0.8517 0.801 0.602 0.8239 0.7757 0.8365 1.0378 0.7675 0.926 0.7732 0.8034 1.0959 0.9166 0.8839 0.8048 0.9467 1.0274 0.8986 1.3012 0.9924 0.7899 0.8208 1.0323 0.8908 0.9611 0.9359 0.859 0.955 0.8858 0.747 1.1558 0.9942 0.8262 0.8178 0.9929 0.6867 0.7908 0.8388 322 AA875038 "Rat mRNA for aldehyde reductase, complete cds" 1.0193 0.9873 0.9732 0.875 0.9139 1.0277 1.1975 0.9319 0.9154 1.1568 0.946 0.9985 0.8996 0.7428 1.3922 1.1617 1.1417 1.0929 1.1735 0.775 1.0703 1.2424 0.9606 0.9841 0.846 0.8319 0.996 0.8911 0.8707 1.0554 0.9788 1.0203 0.8952 1.095 1.0932 1.0102 0.872 0.8753 0.8748 0.8797 0.9288 0.9774 0.9704 0.8691 0.7994 0.8696 0.9463 0.9478 0.9412 323 AA875007 "Rat mRNA for alphaB crystallin-related protein, co" 1.0483 0.9829 1.143 1.2369 1.0729 1.5915 2.0939 1.026 1.4554 0.9646 0.8802 0.9422 0.9278 0.9313 1.3437 1.0437 0.8377 1.3345 0.7466 1.377 1.0275 1.1829 1.2133 1.2455 38.2163 1.2982 1.2844 225.0088 1.8479 1.9121 3.0806 0.6389 1.1295 3.0419 0.8878 1.1501 3.7557 1.4823 4.1366 5.9484 1.5879 2.8685 1.2262 1.2276 1.8993 2.2874 1.3332 2.1228 1.9048 324 AA875052 Rat mRNA for nuclear oncoprotein p53 0.959 0.8206 1.0076 1.1091 1.157 1.3994 1.4929 0.8733 0.8958 0.9617 0.8743 0.921 0.9222 0.7538 1.1882 1.183 1.1103 1.0762 0.9938 0.7347 1.1211 1.1923 0.9864 1.0239 1.0054 1.2207 1.1165 1.0386 0.8482 0.8893 1.2642 1.2189 1.2227 1.4196 1.5122 1.2527 0.7999 0.7677 0.818 0.8452 0.9324 1.008 0.9103 0.752 0.8504 0.8675 0.9621 0.9546 0.8897 325 AA875053 Rat pcRF104 mRNA for furin 1.1868 1.54 1.1861 0.8369 0.8646 0.7317 0.8009 1.1875 0.9536 0.932 0.9201 0.9877 0.942 0.6234 0.779 0.7409 0.8374 0.817 0.9549 0.9329 0.9828 0.8334 0.8801 0.8331 0.9016 0.8414 0.8233 0.8571 0.9296 0.7308 0.6427 0.7632 0.447 0.583 0.6375 0.6688 0.9299 0.8618 0.8984 0.8129 0.9167 0.9104 0.8842 0.9378 0.9242 0.8714 0.8573 0.8754 0.9223 326 AA875020 "Rat brain glucose-transporter protein mRNA, comple" 1.0571 1.3246 1.8323 1.0107 1.0049 0.7417 0.563 1.2163 1.2214 1.568 0.9313 0.8046 0.9522 0.9507 1.0448 1.2469 1.2302 1.7183 1.0284 1.3017 0.8967 0.8461 1.6431 1.1606 3.8014 1.5993 0.6292 287.2863 1.1652 0.465 1.4056 0.8262 0.9275 1.8361 0.7348 1.1048 5.2404 1.6433 3.6392 1.9189 1.8968 2.6022 2.7066 1.5984 3.5159 1.8856 1.3421 1.5605 1.5482 327 AA875068 Rat mRNA for polyubiquitin (four repetitive ubiqui 0.9721 0.8745 0.9661 0.8896 1.0183 1.0622 0.9625 0.9183 0.836 0.8204 0.8956 0.9026 0.8094 0.9275 1.1682 1.0272 1.0699 1.0151 1.0065 1.0448 0.9823 0.8533 0.8533 0.7772 0.9113 0.8071 0.8329 0.7768 0.8528 0.7209 0.7006 0.7928 0.6246 0.8332 0.8459 0.7794 0.8046 0.808 0.819 0.9121 0.9031 0.9188 0.9109 0.7088 0.7972 0.6784 0.7065 0.7262 0.7756 328 AA875070 "Rat alpha-prothymosin mRNA, complete cds" 0.7553 0.7013 0.7004 0.5679 0.6965 0.6251 0.5785 0.5508 0.5531 0.9278 0.9521 0.8082 0.8132 0.6954 0.6822 0.6868 0.7414 0.7603 0.9589 0.8928 1.005 0.931 0.8465 0.8428 0.7038 0.8496 0.9694 0.896 0.8892 0.4762 0.6992 0.4642 0.7683 0.9932 0.8369 0.5222 0.6268 0.8084 0.8033 0.639 0.5766 0.5723 0.7224 0.6918 0.9126 0.7783 0.8322 0.8385 0.8698 329 AA859861 Rattus norvegicus E11 antigen epitope (OTS-8) mRNA 0.7341 0.6816 0.7268 0.6211 0.8134 1.5475 1.5461 1.4326 1.1768 0.9987 1.1092 1.2892 1.3077 1.0809 1.0699 0.8039 0.8308 0.9878 0.6008 0.7596 0.7704 0.7101 0.7998 0.6582 0.8766 0.6481 0.8234 0.7742 0.6956 1.7372 1.4656 0.9245 0.9926 1.2614 1.1813 1.0367 1.6325 1.0136 1.6403 1.115 0.9361 0.9791 0.9262 0.7808 0.8035 0.9466 0.6946 0.7805 0.8454 330 AA859812 R.norvegicus mRNA for ezrin p81 1.0212 0.9091 0.6255 1.1043 0.8278 0.9832 1.113 0.7139 0.8822 1.2177 0.7549 0.8188 1.0578 0.8956 0.9076 0.6545 0.7592 1.1608 0.7526 1.1963 1.1643 1.0898 1.1868 1.0555 109.8787 1.3534 1.4079 6.197 1.167 1.5314 219.8362 1.2398 2.4759 6.751 1.2954 1.328 136.3028 1.5188 41.9908 1.3654 1.9886 0.9525 4.1165 1.1229 195.7654 1.7496 1.9052 2.7867 2.8748 331 AA859814 Rat mRNA for the cystatin beta 0.7204 0.7648 0.8101 0.8421 0.807 0.7829 0.8103 0.6468 0.6441 0.7758 0.8152 0.8161 0.7316 0.7487 0.7737 0.8233 0.7846 0.7032 0.7526 0.8242 1.018 0.8581 0.8199 0.8217 0.84 0.7073 0.7368 0.8779 0.7932 0.6092 0.6278 0.6879 0.5684 0.7455 0.715 0.6695 0.7441 0.7321 0.7857 0.8206 0.6549 0.7258 0.6879 0.7722 0.9561 0.8629 0.958 0.9489 0.9735 332 AA859824 "Rat Gal/GalNAc-specific lectin mRNA, complete cds" 0.7762 0.8744 0.8219 0.9956 0.964 1.0598 0.9176 0.9697 1.0212 1.1033 0.8876 0.8934 1.6128 10.0933 0.8697 0.7662 0.8049 0.9062 0.7306 0.8799 0.7943 0.8198 1.7491 1.0527 1.3597 0.8348 1.1437 1.4946 1.0658 0.7244 1.0481 0.807 0.5693 0.8092 0.7213 0.8711 1.4201 1.0628 1.2696 0.9943 1.0973 1.1318 1.0213 1.0059 1.3015 1.2953 0.9981 1.3593 0.9735 333 AA859825 "Rat liver alpha-2-macroglobulin mRNA, complete cds" 1.0486 0.992 1.0789 0.8113 0.8415 0.7327 0.8547 0.399 0.454 0.5158 0.4261 0.7631 0.3318 1.3202 0.622 0.6945 0.648 0.8044 0.5809 0.7616 0.7114 0.5884 0.8552 0.7491 2.6426 1.0275 1.3275 1.5242 1.1341 0.9954 0.8695 0.4095 0.5252 0.7667 0.6257 0.7669 1.4625 1.1939 1.2685 1.2372 0.9524 1.0363 0.7656 1.0125 1.0306 1.5165 0.896 0.9998 1.2233 334 AA859846 Rat gene encoding cytoplasmic beta-actin 1.0527 1.0578 1.0737 0.7132 0.8458 0.689 0.706 0.7168 0.6806 0.77 0.8322 0.8924 0.8619 0.713 0.8739 0.8546 0.9705 1.0902 1.2602 1.006 0.9193 0.7793 0.9537 0.9523 0.8046 0.8126 0.8802 0.9024 0.9644 0.6121 0.6819 0.6863 0.5798 0.7584 0.7855 0.5397 0.6767 0.7209 0.7801 0.6474 0.7838 0.8879 0.9493 0.8295 0.8709 0.8255 0.8406 0.8638 0.8622 335 AA859213 "Rat DNA polymerase alpha mRNA, 3' end" 0.9243 0.9783 0.9953 1.0491 1.1141 19.7493 24.4388 4.3515 3.5681 1.7053 2.0945 1.433 1.39 3.3855 1.7603 0.8365 0.8073 1.0254 0.6476 0.8168 0.8144 0.8469 1.0998 0.8529 2.101 1.1021 1.349 1.5206 1.1078 14.917 14.9673 15.4682 12.1883 12.454 23.8322 12.824 3.6032 1.2907 2.9743 4.2733 0.9483 1.0122 0.7629 0.9769 1.1097 1.5463 1.1388 1.2003 1.3644 336 AA859229 Rattus norvegicus ubiquitin conjugating enzyme mRN 0.9262 0.9234 1.0585 0.9782 0.9683 1.1869 1.2091 0.8449 0.8575 0.9577 0.9332 0.8823 0.8435 0.9735 0.9457 1.1274 1.1814 1.3915 1.1755 0.8643 1.034 0.8529 1.1578 1.1404 0.992 1.0424 1.0946 1.0152 0.9791 1.5965 1.2376 0.9306 0.9144 1.2727 1.0307 0.8881 0.9564 0.8857 0.8537 0.948 1.0682 0.9709 1.17 0.7937 0.9518 0.9548 0.9082 1.0063 0.8786 337 AA859231 "Rat alpha-tropomyosin 2 mRNA, complete cds" 1.0743 0.9471 1.1906 1.0278 1.093 1.0699 1.2658 0.8522 0.9895 1.0806 0.9805 0.9076 1.059 0.8535 1.1347 0.7703 0.7964 1.0206 0.7441 1.0671 1.163 1.1075 1.2173 1.0036 1.4201 1.1768 1.0377 1.9154 1.0464 2.1943 18.5912 0.7875 0.8261 1.1619 0.8736 1.073 1.4814 1.1516 1.8713 1.4738 1.4645 1.447 1.0598 0.9717 1.1071 1.4038 1.1406 1.1576 1.2035 338 AA859192 Rat testis-specific farnesyl pyrophosphate synthet 1.5709 1.4148 1.5399 0.9434 0.98 1.8103 1.7269 1.7515 1.703 0.8149 0.6536 1.0585 0.8385 1.87 2.3713 1.0101 0.9231 0.8429 1.7304 1.7055 1.1853 1.3239 0.7639 0.7359 0.933 0.6302 0.6481 0.5777 0.5763 1.2015 1.4674 1.4028 1.6487 4.2898 2.0978 1.4857 1.5925 0.6248 0.8735 1.6291 0.7815 0.6523 0.6944 1.2813 0.8614 0.6496 0.7667 0.7378 0.7824 339 AA859204 "ESTs, Highly similar to (defline not available 413" 0.9664 0.9339 0.9935 0.8591 1.0584 1.145 1.1031 0.9103 0.9895 1.1581 0.9114 1.0391 0.9797 1.088 1.4911 1.0741 1.0888 1.1259 0.9841 0.5834 0.895 1.0236 0.9866 0.8874 1.1384 0.9449 1.0502 1.1161 1.0265 1.0754 0.9942 0.9246 0.8716 1.1588 1.0993 1.0837 1.174 1.1127 1.2839 1.2912 1.3357 1.3172 1.0878 0.9783 0.9194 0.9441 0.9456 1.0218 0.9907 340 AA875267 "Rattus norvegicus mRNA for 2,4-dienoyl-CoA reducta" 0.9416 0.8573 0.9083 0.925 1.0525 1.405 1.4558 1.1681 1.2253 1.0807 0.9365 1.0911 0.8945 0.5086 0.6099 0.6417 0.6509 0.693 0.905 0.5243 1.0557 1.0612 0.9826 0.9736 0.9138 0.8027 0.8675 0.7551 0.7398 1.9118 1.8651 1.9301 1.303 1.6291 1.6932 1.4247 1.1351 0.8799 0.9461 0.4135 0.5414 0.5906 0.568 0.593 0.824 0.812 0.8204 0.7717 0.7464 341 AA875273 "Rattus norvegicus Arix1 homeodomain protein mRNA, " 0.8941 0.9114 0.9878 0.8645 1.0828 1.6901 1.7487 1.358 1.2614 1.274 0.9843 1.1732 1.0032 0.5797 0.9299 0.6592 0.6402 0.7126 0.7428 0.9116 0.9347 1.2989 0.9206 0.8904 0.9521 0.8043 0.8903 0.858 0.7674 1.985 1.716 1.4764 1.146 1.3943 1.5006 1.381 1.2418 0.9992 1.1858 0.5685 0.7277 0.81 0.6566 0.6893 0.8896 0.893 0.8344 0.8144 0.8194 342 AA875270 "Rat carnitine palmitoyltransferase I mRNA, complet" 0.3493 0.3139 0.363 0.3124 0.4391 0.5209 0.5157 0.6514 0.5992 0.7832 0.6099 0.702 0.554 0.3999 0.4749 0.5049 0.4436 0.4042 0.6392 0.604 0.8293 0.9169 0.7833 0.844 0.3585 0.3333 0.3526 0.3116 0.2963 0.6388 0.6242 0.5938 0.4864 0.6334 0.5626 0.4875 0.5756 0.5871 0.6347 0.2633 0.4311 0.3471 0.3505 0.437 0.677 0.783 0.6402 0.6001 0.6043 343 AA875282 Rattus norvegicus calpain-like protease (Capa6) mR 0.859 0.8993 0.8459 1.6316 0.874 2.4102 87.2806 1.1337 1.2931 1.2679 1.1486 1.4036 1.884 0.9141 0.7819 0.8642 0.7202 1.6365 0.881 1.3301 0.8334 1.2166 1.7926 1.2528 2.7305 1.5055 1.1728 233.464 0.9419 15.9836 2.8956 0.6295 1.0691 1.408 0.9266 1.3627 186.1242 1.247 243.2411 3.4444 2.2566 239.68 0.8807 1.4607 2.8515 1.3258 1.8651 1.7126 1.6327 344 AA875159 Rattus norvegicus focal adhesion kinase (FAK) mRNA 0.9955 0.9376 0.9568 0.692 1.0909 0.9207 0.9822 1.0539 1.4819 1.1864 0.8293 0.9196 0.8036 1.058 1.1433 1.0044 0.9591 1.1331 0.7731 0.8504 0.9828 1.1863 1.3584 0.9082 1.4603 1.1482 1.616 1.3897 1.0582 1.0204 0.8694 0.6614 0.9017 1.064 0.8245 0.9352 1.1595 1.3038 1.7013 1.2382 1.5131 1.1075 0.8455 1.2048 1.7306 1.0387 1.0254 1.4838 1.2839 345 AA875155 "Rat calcium channel beta subunit-III mRNA, complet" 0.7684 0.8535 1.1753 1.243 1.1802 1.9031 2.036 0.963 1.0614 1.0747 1.0635 0.9406 1.2925 0.7523 1.2963 0.7694 0.7258 1.0679 0.6611 1.2226 1.342 1.4019 1.4168 1.3056 1.6915 1.8485 1.2996 6.1294 0.8326 4.8687 1.1477 0.6161 0.8108 1.062 0.858 1.0942 1.5224 1.0379 1.8963 1.403 1.3703 1.5519 0.717 0.9078 1.4495 1.2619 1.5409 1.3724 1.3243 346 AA875163 Rat mRNA for ribosomal protein L35a 0.8979 0.8718 0.8299 0.8371 0.9345 1.4197 1.5157 0.8655 0.8662 1.0853 0.8531 0.9814 0.9067 0.7634 1.067 0.9055 0.8699 0.9349 1.0459 0.7609 0.9236 0.9482 1.0008 0.9874 0.9048 0.9036 0.9442 0.8988 0.8337 1.2673 1.2284 1.113 1.1136 1.3804 1.3471 1.2217 0.7259 0.7703 0.7827 0.6662 0.7201 0.801 0.6976 0.7644 0.7994 0.8865 0.9285 0.9336 0.8941 347 AA875174 "R.norvegicus mRNA for ras-related GTPase, ragA" 0.7931 0.7368 0.8008 0.8884 0.9258 1.0026 1.0801 0.8428 0.8768 0.9338 0.7861 0.9635 0.8781 0.831 1.3227 1.0432 0.8928 0.9338 1.0076 0.9082 0.9529 1.1829 1.0058 0.9141 1.0854 0.9059 0.7667 1.0473 0.9566 1.1492 1.1038 1.0573 1.0174 1.273 1.1702 0.9146 0.9748 0.8336 1.001 1.0661 0.9444 0.9966 0.8746 0.8877 0.998 0.9353 0.9128 0.9955 0.9535 348 AA874962 Rat mRNA for integral membrane glycoprotein gp210 0.967 0.8645 1.0143 1.0103 1.2909 1.8877 1.5056 1.4164 1.4757 1.2628 0.9208 1.2759 1.3084 1.2667 0.993 1.1995 1.0337 1.2247 0.7289 1.0832 0.7768 0.9437 1.0424 0.9537 3.8361 1.6441 1.2236 1.5219 1.1498 0.7244 2.2943 1.4053 1.9253 3.0864 1.8679 1.8331 2.0462 1.4496 1.9714 1.5608 1.6917 1.2995 1.1054 0.9162 0.7994 1.2808 1.1116 1.3962 0.9649 349 AA874973 "Rattus norvegicus nuclear protein E3-3 orf1 mRNA, " 0.9336 0.9235 0.9243 0.9841 0.9499 1.4537 1.5319 1.1464 1.0323 1.1628 1.0875 1.08 1.0303 0.6892 0.9674 0.9057 0.8689 1.2049 0.8584 1.053 1.0272 0.7822 1.1905 0.8921 2.1549 1.0433 1.046 1.2466 0.949 1.4277 1.5053 1.4239 1.0652 1.465 1.2221 1.3607 1.536 1.0998 1.3816 1.2369 0.9019 1.1038 0.9624 0.9678 1.0411 1.1655 0.8822 0.9333 1.1685 350 AA874974 Rattus norvegicus peroxisomal multifunctional enzy 0.8267 0.7677 0.9021 0.6833 0.873 1.3404 1.4198 1.0847 0.9984 0.9268 0.9358 0.9992 0.9868 0.8399 0.8541 1.0481 1.113 1.1008 1.1024 1.0101 1.0536 0.9341 0.9996 0.9853 0.7555 0.7451 0.7761 0.7293 0.7 1.3558 1.388 1.5966 1.228 1.4532 1.5837 1.2096 0.9718 0.9445 1.0018 0.715 1.0111 0.9224 1.0481 0.7675 0.8938 0.7867 0.8328 0.8431 0.8565 351 AA874977 Rattus norvegicus WAP four-disulfide core domain p 0.7062 0.595 0.6514 0.9771 0.9361 0.5969 0.5359 0.5836 0.6392 0.8305 0.6503 0.8469 1.3355 0.5539 0.6837 0.6135 0.6011 1.1033 0.5721 0.8967 0.8053 0.7963 1.3025 0.7249 29.2983 1.0271 0.8234 5.2281 1.0432 0.6767 1.6646 0.6094 0.8092 0.7647 0.5446 0.6372 200.602 0.6713 3.8003 2.0541 0.7213 0.8205 0.7011 1.013 1.0152 1.4711 1.1129 1.3519 1.9624 352 AA874997 Rat mRNA for ribosomal protein S8 0.9351 0.8741 1.0195 0.9107 0.9721 1.6042 1.6172 0.8071 0.8172 0.9051 0.913 0.9823 0.8676 0.6923 0.8427 1.1238 1.1597 1.1986 1.0858 1.0041 1.0137 0.9113 0.9884 1.0003 0.9346 0.8178 0.9195 0.8962 0.9824 1.4099 1.5677 1.5457 1.3979 1.6866 1.7313 1.4308 0.8439 0.8314 0.9125 0.7976 0.8984 0.984 1.2609 0.7844 0.952 0.934 0.9703 0.9981 0.9946 353 AA875071 "Rattus norvegicus Fos-related antigen mRNA, comple" 0.9603 1.0272 1.3793 1.1133 1.1895 1.786 2.591 1.3126 1.4924 1.1016 1.2591 1.1679 1.7776 1.126 1.2493 0.8731 0.9391 1.0641 0.6018 1.0261 1.0062 0.9325 2.7291 1.0712 215.924 1.4949 1.1065 4.0666 1.6035 1.7446 316.1198 1.5499 1.6005 2.2938 1.3894 3.6996 254.0496 2.2294 345.1414 37.2942 3.8738 2.8264 1.5341 2.1496 1.9581 3.5331 1.3694 1.9246 3.0544 354 AA875087 Rattus norvegicus intrinsic factor-B12 receptor pr 1.4105 0.7797 0.2186 5.429 1.6971 73.0784 0.7314 7.8179 81.1049 87.9298 1.0574 0.7632 1.4769 0.7956 1.3343 1.098 0.9423 1.8683 0.3882 2.7949 5.1113 2.1527 0.7553 1.4203 72.2797 15.379 6.2153 128.7728 1.1366 2.8752 183.7056 147.3469 5.686 37.4011 8.904 5.9555 154.6142 1.8285 151.7277 5.5695 169.8864 7.0867 67.1118 1.697 188.3289 7.0228 130.468 13.4091 195.3835 355 AA875099 Rattus norvegicus putative nuclear pore complex pr 0.9015 0.9562 1.0932 0.9572 1.008 1.4316 1.589 1.0039 1.0068 0.9966 1.009 0.992 1.0742 1.015 0.6806 0.8237 0.8836 1.078 0.8732 1.1341 0.8062 1.0335 1.0673 1.0055 1.0003 0.9024 0.7622 1.3484 0.844 1.4221 1.1758 1.2407 0.7706 1.1004 1.052 1.3847 2.0378 1.0941 1.7473 1.3442 1.2256 1.4719 1.1422 1.1441 1.3519 1.7224 1.0809 1.112 1.0448 356 AA875092 R.norvegicus mRNA for H36-alpha7 integrin alpha ch 1.1453 1.2024 1.0869 0.9299 0.9204 1.1946 1.4323 1.2447 1.4524 1.3616 1.2078 1.075 1.105 2.7233 1.0174 0.765 0.8554 1.1637 1.1918 0.9116 1.0809 1.0298 1.6085 1.1517 1.1933 1.1595 0.9428 1.5359 1.2618 0.7244 2.0755 1.6089 1.0957 1.237 1.3203 1.4758 1.6497 1.2339 1.472 1.2065 1.0435 0.9482 1.3266 0.9783 1.2956 1.3814 1.0621 1.5263 1.1826 357 AA875109 "Rattus norvegicus Lot1 mRNA, complete cds" 0.9328 1.723 1.9299 1.6899 26.4562 51.9378 0.7314 1.9549 2.7284 4.6199 3.1775 1.3802 2.5862 2.17 0.8201 2.0463 0.9726 2.3058 0.4802 1.3829 0.8076 2.3908 15.2181 3.1863 102.5197 6.4001 1.9242 143.5207 2.332 229.2844 171.3596 2.2426 3.3421 2.7765 1.2868 163.3164 119.1975 1.1777 170.8749 165.9473 144.6918 124.066 1.9725 16.4948 50.8458 2.162 5363.952 5.4932 35.4411 358 AA874828 Rattus norvegicus transcription factor Fra-2 (Fra- 1.1479 0.9699 0.8459 1.1633 1.6573 4.9355 1.9784 1.6816 3.1306 2.621 1.0807 0.828 1.0903 2.6259 0.9912 1.2061 1.5239 97.8695 1.1618 1.319 0.9987 1.8374 1.5681 0.6914 42.639 10.0015 0.5738 168.5296 1.6786 0.3507 229.1453 5.3059 1.8029 4.5419 1.9692 6.7413 149.1765 2.2561 12.6459 3.74 4.5968 3.6871 5.5607 1.6094 7.2618 2.2948 2.3796 2.897 2.2013 359 AA874837 R.norvegicus phosphoglycerate mutase B isozyme (PG 1.0437 1.0355 1.0488 0.9418 0.8633 1.2661 1.3024 1.1019 1.0047 0.9041 0.9008 0.8036 0.9398 1.2456 0.955 1.1763 1.1874 1.1791 1.0412 0.9755 0.9694 0.8972 0.9374 0.8469 0.9867 0.8419 0.9002 0.8509 0.926 1.2569 1.2878 1.4203 1.0226 1.3093 1.3474 1.1659 1.1607 0.9231 1.0819 1.1835 1.1797 1.2026 1.2149 0.9801 0.9258 0.8879 0.7793 0.8288 0.8211 360 AA874841 "Rat histidine decarboxylase (Hdc) mRNA, complete c" 0.9751 0.8228 1.1628 5.2076 3.1706 367.7781 63.0639 6.8516 8.8811 5.2148 2.795 1.7508 2.5385 4.408 1.6079 1.2981 1.2152 4.3902 0.6763 1.5109 1.2272 1.2054 83.7615 1.3895 179.179 2.7694 2.7033 286.8391 1.9181 5.6457 412.5814 61.0132 18.4049 566.3907 32.9362 37.5178 398.3877 3.2285 17.9545 6.2021 8.2972 2.5059 3.3 1.1109 15.2922 2.1544 3.2535 19.8037 6.7637 361 AA874853 "Rat matrix Gla protein mRNA, complete cds" 0.6686 0.6695 0.9667 0.8621 0.8006 0.8177 1.0949 0.5521 0.7835 0.8034 0.762 0.6518 0.9988 0.5652 0.8016 0.4804 0.5038 1.0363 0.6035 1.0202 0.8035 1.258 1.0768 0.9496 2.5841 1.4934 0.7974 6.431 1.3874 3.1566 2.1685 0.6589 0.7162 1.0193 0.6509 1.0148 1.6346 1.0557 2.2237 0.9419 1.3192 1.2368 0.8659 0.7725 1.1069 1.267 1.4099 1.2781 1.13 362 AA866415 Rattus norvegicus retinoic acid receptor alpha 2 i 1.2305 1.0612 1.2374 0.9699 0.9871 0.7365 0.6033 0.6998 0.9115 1.056 0.9021 0.8207 0.7615 1.1869 0.8138 0.8258 0.7452 0.9493 1.0765 1.2772 1.0898 1.1456 0.9046 1.0439 1.3599 1.307 1.1808 1.1694 1.1834 0.5065 0.8337 0.6557 0.5764 0.8417 0.54 0.7202 1.0134 0.9474 0.9371 0.884 0.8609 0.8407 0.8377 1.0558 1.0984 0.9396 1.1471 1.0258 1.0986 363 AA900546 Rattus norvegicus perchloric acid soluble protein 1.1799 1.2056 1.454 0.8533 1.1167 0.4058 0.4227 0.9582 0.8899 1.191 0.95 0.9861 0.8963 1.1506 1.517 0.9019 0.9921 0.7216 1.2634 0.9132 1.1784 1.1024 1.1755 1.1002 1.0079 1.1091 1.164 1.3177 1.2079 0.4059 0.3604 0.3669 0.2576 0.3405 0.3304 0.3963 0.8554 0.9566 0.9987 1.1123 1.0207 0.7828 0.6909 1.1762 1.0836 1.257 1.1821 1.1568 1.1889 364 AA900551 "Rat epoxide hydrolase mRNA, complete cds" 1.1232 1.1375 1.1183 1.2979 1.5228 0.9388 0.865 1.3005 1.3017 1.6158 1.3369 1.6739 1.4682 6.8912 9.4314 8.5159 9.0484 9.7103 1.0215 0.8096 1.7903 1.8417 1.3275 1.488 1.2663 2.2077 2.1066 2.0023 2.12 0.8782 0.8911 0.8472 0.964 1.2647 1.2431 0.8862 1.3351 1.2456 1.5287 6.743 8.3429 10.2087 8.5494 0.762 1.5465 1.2439 1.162 1.2725 1.198 365 AA866433 "Rattus norvegicus ubiquitin-like protein mRNA, com" 0.9604 0.9225 0.9539 0.9007 1.0033 1.3153 1.2002 0.8487 0.9216 1.2257 1.0681 0.9909 0.9982 1.0795 1.4549 1.1687 1.1578 1.1345 1.0136 0.7291 1.1028 1.1757 1.0109 0.9332 1.0438 0.911 0.9646 1.1054 0.937 1.0286 1.0038 0.9065 0.8667 1.0472 1.0624 1.024 0.8467 1.0046 0.9692 1.1261 1.0788 1.066 0.9509 0.9243 0.9552 0.9789 0.9533 1.0182 0.9714 366 AA900555 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for alpha-soluble NSF attac 0.9498 0.9703 0.9001 0.9434 1.0396 0.9936 0.988 0.8735 0.9254 1.3738 0.9127 0.9926 0.9595 1.3383 1.1541 0.9577 0.8689 0.9159 0.8034 0.8377 0.8496 0.9605 1.0161 0.9255 1.108 0.987 1.0786 0.9872 0.9225 1.0347 1.105 0.9375 0.8882 1.5009 0.8885 0.886 0.8769 0.9369 0.9754 0.9776 0.8765 0.8483 0.9459 0.7857 0.9056 0.9379 0.8313 0.9303 0.8754 367 AA866442 Rat somatic cytochrome c mRNA 0.8977 0.8802 0.9573 0.9467 0.8043 0.9268 1.0099 1.077 1.1514 1.0813 1.0124 0.9889 0.9559 0.812 1.087 0.8134 0.7868 0.8503 1.0296 1.0975 1.0078 1.1646 0.8837 0.7978 0.8337 0.7181 0.7388 0.7584 0.7449 1.4966 1.1975 1.3169 0.9016 1.1096 1.1075 0.9671 1.1986 0.9776 1.0678 0.8469 0.9039 0.9545 0.8647 1.0971 1.0054 0.9308 0.8775 0.9053 0.9003 368 AA874865 Rat testis cAMP-dependent protein kinase inhibitor 1.1871 1.087 1.3235 0.7991 1.2996 2.2236 2.141 1.1648 1.2147 1.0935 0.8087 1.1157 0.8127 1.0636 1.2085 0.9785 0.7977 1.2829 0.8284 0.7874 1.1792 1.1934 1.5818 1.1227 1.1505 2.2801 2.3649 2.0175 0.8258 2.1715 2.1626 1.3316 1.1888 1.2139 1.1423 2.2175 1.1049 1.0144 2.088 1.1929 1.4129 1.5264 0.8621 0.9692 1.1725 2.0788 1.2174 1.2583 0.9625 369 AA874940 "Rat enhancer factor I subunit A gene, complete cds" 0.87 0.8569 0.9111 0.7829 0.8453 1.3829 1.26 0.8291 0.8818 1.1368 0.9704 0.956 0.8554 0.9684 1.3583 0.7959 0.8189 0.7386 0.8708 0.8646 0.9938 1.1414 0.8434 0.8008 0.7585 0.7529 0.7959 0.7741 0.748 1.3431 0.9959 1.0834 0.9475 1.3055 1.1872 1.0709 0.7479 0.8042 0.8317 0.8896 0.7625 0.6931 0.7098 0.7728 0.8333 0.8819 0.7475 0.8065 0.8449 370 AA874954 "Rattus norvegicus C7-1 protein (C7-1) mRNA, comple" 0.8825 0.7782 0.8532 0.9715 0.9619 0.9531 0.9736 0.8049 0.8035 1.1125 0.9016 0.9427 0.8847 0.8969 1.179 1.0405 0.9837 1.0019 2.0945 1.4848 1.0824 1.1444 1.0487 0.9488 1.0226 1.0023 1.0626 0.9478 0.859 0.9192 1.2763 1.0124 0.9025 1.1003 1.0274 0.8707 0.7852 0.8831 0.8538 0.8324 0.8366 0.9414 0.8571 1.6497 1.015 0.8462 0.9765 0.9962 0.953 371 AA874955 "Rat clathrin light chain (LCB3) mRNA, complete cds" 0.7839 0.7141 0.7793 0.7661 0.7392 1.2475 1.227 0.7268 0.7991 0.8359 0.6846 0.9258 0.8123 1.2664 1.5968 1.5874 1.5514 1.654 0.7752 0.4965 1.17 1.1588 1.0366 0.8955 0.9736 0.7082 0.563 0.88 0.7964 1.1195 1.0411 1.0838 0.8207 1.0169 0.9735 1.1013 0.8259 0.7114 0.8394 1.3093 1.5568 1.7451 1.7494 0.763 1.0139 0.9466 0.8931 0.9439 0.9933 372 AA874884 "Rat heme oxygenase gene, complete cds" 0.7308 0.6841 0.7077 0.8521 0.9279 0.9975 1.0072 0.6785 0.7374 0.8707 0.7246 0.781 0.8973 1.1187 1.2875 1.3484 1.2588 1.0142 0.8753 0.797 0.9013 0.9548 1.2897 1.3145 1.341 1.7924 1.7071 1.5265 1.4658 0.7244 0.8935 0.7838 0.8995 1.2268 0.9827 0.9894 0.7578 0.8558 0.8699 1.0519 1.3071 0.901 0.9322 0.7808 1.0257 1.3794 0.9553 1.0134 0.9384 373 AA859289 "Rattus norvegicus mRNA for amphiphysin, amph2" 0.9468 1.1366 1.1522 1.2026 1.4254 1.8592 1.923 1.043 1.0986 0.978 1.0172 1.2493 1.2498 1.1808 1.1864 1.0553 0.9969 1.4072 0.7031 1.3169 1.0837 1.0578 1.7096 1.0406 195.6258 1.6696 1.4523 4.2553 1.7557 2.1436 4.1353 1.5603 1.5291 2.0545 1.3376 1.6799 234.9577 1.3424 11.4972 3.3413 1.9197 2.2319 1.2697 1.3517 1.8346 1.6352 1.8466 1.8889 2.8715 374 AA859305 R.norvegicus mRNA for tropomyosin isoform 6 0.9757 0.9982 1.2491 1.0482 1.3616 1.2667 1.1574 1.1226 1.137 1.1805 1.1413 1.0427 1.1129 1.0764 1.1847 1.3014 1.3879 1.53 1.3539 1.2071 1.1609 1.1323 2.7303 1.2774 1.7834 1.5461 1.2332 2.8366 1.3891 1.6726 1.8711 1.5526 1.151 1.6865 1.4271 1.4097 2.4978 1.346 1.8812 1.6141 2.0634 1.6853 2.4018 1.1424 2.8162 1.3554 1.4458 1.5926 1.4553 375 AA859299 Rattus norvegicus nucleolar phosphoprotein of 140k 0.9548 0.8415 1.0921 1.1697 1.2795 2.2757 2.7899 1.2763 1.2966 1.0958 1.1215 1.1018 1.4165 1.3184 1.0196 1.0388 0.883 1.7271 0.6625 0.9967 1.3245 1.1099 1.9538 1.1881 214.6213 1.377 0.8234 3.1255 0.9671 3.5039 84.6279 2.0966 2.4693 1.7898 1.461 1.8104 235.1025 1.333 353.9687 5.3564 5.5931 61.9158 1.2759 1.4272 1.8357 2.6216 1.6135 2.1975 1.9243 376 AA859300 "Rat proteasomes C2 component mRNA, complete cds" 0.8629 0.8283 0.9091 1.0231 1.0653 1.3494 1.4257 0.8995 0.9322 0.8935 0.8247 0.9537 0.9801 0.945 0.927 1.4861 1.5157 1.6787 1.0618 1.0577 1.125 1.017 1.0354 0.9319 1.0901 0.8977 0.9907 0.9108 0.8226 1.3655 1.8058 1.4676 1.2352 1.5442 1.3655 1.2515 1.1524 0.7859 0.9405 0.9551 1.4534 1.4247 1.6781 0.8163 1.319 0.9428 1.0512 1.0844 1.0197 377 AA859285 Rattus norvegicus macrophage migration inhibitory 0.9711 0.944 1.0307 0.7524 0.7438 0.7575 0.7728 0.8417 0.7735 0.8943 0.7759 0.9765 0.8418 2.4632 1.5902 1.5379 1.5216 1.0678 1.1568 1.2129 0.8316 0.7063 1.0114 0.8877 0.8141 0.7531 0.7571 0.8041 0.7225 1.0939 1.1086 1.0156 0.7648 1.0097 0.9725 0.664 0.892 0.7303 0.7446 2.3934 1.3239 0.8764 0.7377 1.0363 0.7566 0.8641 1.0594 1.0299 1.0107 378 AA899862 "Rat MHC class I RT1 (RT16) mRNA (u haplotype), 3' " 0.9112 1.0221 1.0055 0.8514 0.9263 0.9799 1.0209 0.8026 0.8174 1.1221 1.094 1.3277 1.352 1.1571 1.1284 1.0562 1.0758 0.7847 1.1201 1.0872 0.9636 0.8634 0.9726 1.1059 0.7935 1.3927 1.4533 1.4484 1.401 0.803 0.7668 0.7715 0.7521 0.8445 0.8058 0.8962 0.7619 0.9355 1.1416 0.9124 1.035 0.7242 0.7869 0.8246 0.9388 0.9291 1.1261 1.0553 1.0873 379 AA899878 Rat mRNA for zinc(2+) binding protein 1.0463 1.1239 1.0801 0.8506 0.8024 0.5112 0.4959 0.8334 0.8338 0.8378 0.8985 0.6588 0.789 0.7607 0.8126 0.8103 0.8016 0.7722 1.18 1.1373 0.9918 0.9056 0.953 0.9907 0.7931 0.8 0.729 0.8294 0.8688 0.4045 0.3911 0.4421 0.3328 0.4399 0.421 0.4619 0.7888 0.782 0.688 0.7855 0.7333 0.8126 0.7937 1.0228 0.8778 0.8804 0.8612 0.8631 0.865 380 AA899885 "Rat mRNA for phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase, comple" 1.0639 1.0312 1.3486 1.0551 1.1124 1.3642 1.3496 1.2372 1.1249 1.2491 0.9339 1.1727 1.099 1.0614 0.7921 0.8919 0.9338 3.127 0.9822 0.9431 1.0258 0.952 1.9528 1.083 1.7095 1.2666 0.8006 1.8189 1.2053 0.7244 2.1416 1.4808 1.1948 1.5399 1.2736 1.8175 5.554 1.2648 2.213 1.2254 1.2695 1.3463 1.4724 1.0645 1.6889 1.3229 1.167 1.8012 1.2501 381 AA874911 Rat assembly protein (AP50) associated with clathr 0.8733 0.866 0.8295 0.8992 0.7725 0.8071 0.8282 0.8052 0.7815 0.7353 0.7722 0.7211 0.88 0.7397 0.7436 1.1428 1.0567 1.3049 0.8816 0.9482 1.0053 0.9629 0.9075 0.8528 1.099 0.9338 0.8869 0.937 0.9756 0.879 0.8995 0.9634 0.6606 0.8954 0.871 0.8177 0.99 0.7618 0.983 0.9245 1.1382 1.3249 1.4332 0.8722 0.9925 0.8747 0.9379 1.0017 1.0453 382 AA874917 "Rattus norvegicus biglycan mRNA, complete cds" 0.7982 0.9041 0.7815 0.84 0.9224 0.6084 0.5177 0.6769 0.6592 0.7677 0.7608 0.7279 0.7818 5.1606 0.7746 0.7383 0.7999 0.8072 0.977 0.8229 0.7718 0.6915 0.6289 0.789 1.3305 1.0038 0.8692 1.2924 0.9137 0.5261 0.9694 0.6565 0.583 1.3397 0.553 0.6441 1.8367 0.9371 1.059 0.8146 0.9344 0.7429 1.0348 0.8307 1.2955 0.9458 0.9451 1.0523 0.9963 383 AA874918 Rattus norvegicus PAK-interacting exchange factor 1.1987 1.6209 1.4391 1.3113 1.822 2.2211 4.3304 1.848 1.6119 1.5553 1.38 1.4165 2.4665 2.7206 0.8996 1.8079 1.2958 2.6402 0.7608 1.0975 1.3971 1.2583 3.6768 1.0756 170.487 1.4425 1.8218 267.2658 3.8738 2.0425 308.406 1.5652 2.7438 1.7596 1.4489 2.3663 239.215 1.4053 292.7933 11.9735 7.6167 17.1811 3.7216 2.1439 2.7924 8.406 2.307 2.7252 3.4808 384 AA874919 "R.norvegicus mRNA for mismatch repair protein, MSH" 1.1095 1.2176 0.9248 2.0056 1.8903 2.5355 1.3361 1.1007 1.7083 2.0853 1.0708 1.0895 1.2434 3.8748 1.0339 1.1999 0.9643 20.8688 1.2321 1.2779 1.1806 1.1942 2.9633 1.1642 14.0497 1.2578 8.6048 249.6839 1.2365 1.4728 37.9143 3.3928 1.3841 4.5206 1.4816 1.8962 217.4103 1.5972 5.7407 2.7641 11.9586 2.1654 3.1126 1.35 210.6637 2.7774 2.6311 4.2805 4.0454 385 AA859340 R.norvegicus (Wistar) CaBP1 mRNA 0.9273 1.1903 1.0712 1.0985 1.2469 1.2089 1.3547 1.0044 1.2133 1.044 0.9705 1.057 1.0117 1.7429 1.1369 0.8627 0.8614 1.0721 0.8503 0.8595 1.0802 1.0934 1.2564 1.1885 4.2041 1.3896 1.2988 2.7909 1.4706 1.4365 1.9826 0.963 1.287 1.8379 0.9642 1.1808 1.8933 1.5489 3.2747 2.6157 1.4863 1.8734 0.9575 1.2885 1.7459 2.0454 1.281 1.6546 1.496 386 AA859360 "ESTs, Highly similar to equilbrative nitrobenzylth" 1.0694 1.0051 2.0226 1.85 2.0208 6.5191 4.8362 2.4172 1.9917 1.2171 1.0646 0.992 1.5687 2.4898 1.2842 0.9416 0.8391 1.253 0.7832 0.9877 0.8201 1.0552 3.2614 1.5421 9.9396 480.9523 4.2932 1.9299 1.0198 0.7244 3.7501 1.8259 1.7557 3.613 1.3421 2.305 4.1657 1.9745 3.3694 1.8473 4.5856 2.7163 1.1547 1.2891 2.5174 0.8678 2.4402 1.8892 1.2044 387 AA859354 "Rat G protein gamma-5 subunit mRNA, complete cds" 0.8617 0.7857 0.9363 1.0136 1.0733 1.1833 1.2746 0.7322 0.7563 0.9683 0.7599 0.9756 0.9194 2.4348 1.1688 0.7442 0.7652 0.8412 1.0761 0.9167 1.1702 1.2101 0.9691 0.9628 0.8977 0.9486 1.0016 0.9303 0.8334 1.1332 1.0021 1.0334 0.7815 0.9942 0.9717 1.0336 0.7217 0.7235 0.8672 0.8123 0.7144 0.7406 0.7064 0.847 0.9373 0.9261 0.8293 0.8388 0.843 388 AA859363 Rattus norvegicus amyloid beta-peptide binding pro 0.9909 1.0061 1 1.1182 1.1601 1.356 1.285 1.036 1.0745 1.2681 0.9796 1.0401 239.4051 1.0323 1.6154 1.2139 1.1758 1.2702 1.1525 1.1453 1.0083 1.1845 1.2388 1.1021 1.1464 1.2424 1.904 1.1245 0.8424 0.9827 1.3403 1.256 1.0602 1.4645 1.236 1.3043 1.0789 0.955 1.0921 1.0412 1.1421 1.0227 0.9901 0.8758 0.8403 1.8359 1.0619 0.8849 0.9196 389 AA899376 Rat mRNA for 41-kDa phosphoribosylpyrophosphate sy 1.0422 1.3446 1.2189 1.5909 0.9978 1.9227 9.8956 1.2265 1.3078 1.5334 1.3515 1.1941 2.8297 1.0354 1.1977 1.1504 0.9935 1.1324 0.9788 1.5 0.9429 1.297 1.4679 0.989 1.138 1.1404 0.9846 3.866 0.8854 1.5821 1.3018 0.74 0.9859 1.3679 1.209 1.1545 1.7283 1.0994 2.8888 2.0959 1.4168 1.7113 0.6949 1.2717 1.2733 1.1408 1.1117 1.1431 1.1941 390 AA875555 Rattus norvegicus microtubule-associated protein-2 0.9822 0.8932 0.9778 0.8765 0.9704 0.6138 0.5957 0.8884 0.9462 0.9741 0.8368 0.9133 0.8543 0.8432 1.0215 0.8487 0.8104 0.9757 0.9447 1.0052 0.9653 1.1467 1.1936 0.929 0.9563 1.1527 1.1048 1.2294 0.9073 0.8264 0.8444 0.5823 0.6875 0.7974 0.7245 0.6944 0.8684 0.9981 1.0172 0.9348 0.878 0.8506 0.8221 0.8556 1.0631 1.0446 0.9971 1.0208 0.9963 391 AA875581 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for myosin regulatory light 0.8554 0.839 0.9373 0.8592 0.8672 0.964 0.8538 0.8326 0.8525 1.1817 0.9787 1.049 1.0357 1.0449 1.5361 0.9874 0.9516 1.0068 0.9587 0.7076 1.0419 1.0698 1.1491 1.0251 0.9128 0.8842 0.8665 1.0844 0.8883 0.8002 0.7331 0.5425 0.6147 0.8562 0.6992 0.7161 0.7224 0.996 1.1416 1.007 0.9414 0.9799 0.8673 0.801 0.9332 0.9998 0.8964 0.8556 0.8927 392 AA900368 "Rattus norvegicus zinc finger protein mRNA, comple" 1.0869 0.9661 1.1273 1.1833 1.3301 1.2994 1.2078 1.0101 1.1066 1.0831 0.9189 0.9233 0.9621 1.6786 2.3721 1.8149 1.6317 1.5974 0.9158 1.1299 1.2618 1.3479 1.2508 1.2734 1.5008 1.7002 1.5547 1.4512 0.9952 1.0133 1.2486 0.8091 0.9056 1.1982 1.0699 1.0402 0.932 0.9801 1.0857 1.4476 1.6937 1.6411 1.4301 0.9215 1.2142 1.1859 1.265 1.2248 1.1485 393 AA900397 "Rattus norvegicus EF-2 mRNA, partial cds" 0.9055 0.857 0.8505 0.667 0.7759 1.4618 1.3371 0.8394 0.8715 1.0258 0.9113 1.0599 0.8752 0.6502 1.4125 0.8609 0.8433 0.8381 1.0244 0.834 0.9074 0.9634 0.8994 0.8406 0.7993 0.7212 0.7212 0.7792 0.7692 0.9599 0.8797 0.944 0.8679 1.1176 1.1847 1.2046 0.7764 0.8765 0.8593 0.7554 0.7488 0.7966 0.8152 0.7446 0.7734 0.8067 0.7731 0.801 0.8784 394 AA875291 R.norvegicus (Sprague Dawley) H-rev107 mRNA 0.9128 0.8946 0.9122 1.1914 1.385 1.1986 1.1369 1.4153 1.3597 1.6076 1.1688 1.1112 1.0263 0.8337 1.1298 0.7711 0.774 0.7316 1.0937 1.0093 0.7521 0.9075 1.6605 0.8887 1.1391 1.1797 1.207 0.982 0.868 1.0143 1.109 0.8426 1.0343 1.1835 1.1547 0.9523 1.1082 1.2681 0.9019 0.7068 0.6119 0.5567 0.5438 0.9512 0.8103 0.8303 0.9166 0.9396 0.8913 395 AA875311 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for collagen alpha 2 type V 1.0386 0.8729 0.7956 0.809 0.9202 1.1395 1.0204 0.8113 0.9639 0.8367 0.8383 0.9374 0.9742 2.0302 1.0981 0.8184 0.7328 1.12 0.7358 0.9116 0.9616 1.1305 1.4432 1.0276 3.8083 1.3821 1.4573 9.7724 1.132 1.9785 1.9094 0.6008 1.1478 1.4953 0.9246 1.0645 3.3825 1.3759 349.4965 4.7685 3.1236 428.7627 0.9304 1.1825 2.109 1.8635 1.3191 1.6454 1.5327 396 AA875354 R.norvegicus mRNA for ribosomal protein S15a 0.826 0.8843 0.8393 0.92 1.1228 1.6497 1.7912 0.8463 0.909 0.8398 0.8338 0.9359 0.8483 0.8996 1.2121 0.9262 0.926 0.9906 1.0913 0.9538 0.9839 0.9475 0.9189 1.0759 1.0321 1.1657 1.1338 0.9713 0.6985 1.2648 1.8376 1.4176 1.4932 2.3886 1.6293 1.6064 0.8698 0.8849 0.8953 0.7768 0.8969 1.0388 0.8079 0.7817 0.9595 0.8882 1.0774 0.8968 0.8526 397 AA875349 "Rattus norvegicus mRNA for DPM2, complete cds" 1.1262 1.021 1.029 1.1457 1.1032 2.8792 3.549 1.2051 1.1606 1.4053 1.4222 1.7301 1.8942 2.6223 0.76 1.2507 1.0514 2.0886 0.5978 0.8698 0.9455 0.8921 4.4982 1.2229 189.8205 1.136 1.4456 49.1966 1.5953 2.7787 344.9865 1.3676 2.0158 1.591 1.1568 1.8447 289.2971 1.6427 422.6951 5.1998 1.4739 2.8827 1.0001 1.3097 1.4638 3.1213 1.3498 1.9463 1.6849 398 AA875356 "Rattus norvegicus mRNA for 26S proteasome, subunit" 0.7532 0.7393 0.8467 0.8991 0.8935 1.0519 1.0274 0.793 0.8611 0.8472 0.7563 0.8869 0.8478 0.9923 0.8217 1.3072 1.2541 1.4449 0.962 1.0167 1.0884 1.0097 1.1424 0.9695 1.307 0.97 1.8014 1.0856 0.7923 1.6723 1.7085 1.0787 0.9749 1.7216 1.1018 1.1301 1.6508 0.9397 1.3119 0.9775 1.5013 1.3981 1.4279 0.8357 1.7945 1.2675 1.1743 1.3638 1.2618 399 AA875360 "Rattus norvegicus mRNA for HB2, complete cds" 0.8892 0.9415 0.9055 1.156 1.3151 0.6552 0.6211 1.1839 1.4723 1.3845 1.2711 1.1284 1.1442 214.257 1.4501 0.9316 1.014 0.9802 1.0755 1.3641 1.363 1.3123 1.193 1.0379 2.9648 1.6701 1.0917 2.1815 1.5198 3.5525 2.7153 0.6252 0.7305 0.8116 0.757 1.1209 5.7417 1.4147 3.2621 2.7159 2.2587 1.24 0.9191 1.7386 1.6942 2.3269 1.7708 1.958 1.1788 400 AA875380 "Rat glutathione S-transferase Y-b subunit mRNA, 3'" 1.3972 1.3843 1.5289 1.1609 1.0875 0.5561 0.5433 1.3315 1.3659 1.2848 1.2507 1.2243 1.4355 2.0071 2.0794 2.8053 2.931 2.7226 1.6916 1.7119 1.2203 1.0776 1.4141 1.7786 0.9861 1.1323 1.2975 1.012 1.0384 0.6308 0.5883 0.5832 0.6551 0.7604 0.7372 0.5441 1.2838 1.1072 1.2724 1.7513 2.6332 2.3185 2.5202 1.1307 1.095 1.3124 0.9929 0.955 0.9614 401 AA875382 "Rat calbindin D28 mRNA, complete cds" 1.0089 1.1268 1.4804 1.3502 1.1408 76.9296 76.8065 1.4626 1.4176 3.1527 1.2264 1.3716 1.9652 1.0808 1.3079 1.5114 1.0083 1.8616 0.5784 1.0332 0.586 0.9946 1.6893 0.9595 4.6213 1.9108 1.2779 131.4417 1.4971 3.9344 240.6174 1.2145 0.9763 1.5427 1.0069 4.6587 140.8297 1.1337 209.7832 8.8111 2.0164 15.7229 0.9244 1.5239 1.8652 2.7091 4.2581 1.9327 2.0369 402 AA875404 "Rat glycogen synthase mRNA, complete cds" 0.626 0.5986 0.6738 0.4638 0.5596 0.7258 0.7747 0.5803 0.5421 0.6669 0.6887 0.6433 0.6371 0.5915 0.629 0.5763 0.6133 0.6127 0.6088 0.7004 0.7339 0.6901 0.7902 0.8303 0.6292 0.6373 0.7233 0.5647 0.5871 1.1292 1.3402 1.0072 0.6133 1.0507 0.6908 0.7076 0.9505 0.8201 0.7535 0.6516 0.5973 0.5035 0.594 0.5924 0.8216 0.7732 0.5623 0.6338 0.6531 403 AA875446 "Rat mRNA for mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase, c" 1.1538 1.1962 1.1824 0.9389 0.7975 0.7512 0.7554 1.1091 1.0172 0.9813 0.9663 0.9217 0.8395 0.6327 0.7787 0.6567 0.6417 0.767 0.9413 0.6839 0.9951 0.8268 0.8634 0.8825 0.9469 0.9328 0.8032 0.89 0.8647 0.6341 0.6362 0.6412 0.5126 0.7052 0.6919 0.5747 0.8849 0.7478 0.72 0.6471 0.492 0.6806 0.6685 0.829 0.815 0.8399 0.6908 0.7029 0.7499 404 AA875456 Rat peripheral-type benzodiazepine receptor (PKBS) 1.0007 1.0663 1.026 1.393 1.4371 2.7074 2.0564 2.7892 2.4396 2.2721 1.4045 1.1928 1.1536 1.3965 1.2167 1.1499 1.214 1.4053 1.1619 0.9116 0.9467 0.8821 1.988 1.2552 4.0008 1.0449 1.4431 22.5287 0.9127 34.2479 28.4206 1.7123 1.1225 2.8321 1.5277 2.156 268.3749 1.4695 1.9441 2.4253 1.9728 1.2086 1.2936 1.3473 2.2452 1.5192 1.2511 1.8781 1.5819 405 AA875449 "Rattus norvegicus cyclophilin D mRNA, nuclear gene" 1.0431 0.9838 1.0654 1.0298 0.9571 0.786 0.7078 1.1712 1.0693 0.9282 0.9357 0.8023 0.7829 0.9847 0.9478 1.1894 1.173 1.2118 1.0374 0.8793 0.9667 0.9158 1.0801 1.0081 1.0447 0.8738 0.8685 0.9286 0.8677 0.8116 0.9245 0.8937 0.6105 0.8159 0.7818 0.6895 1.1876 0.8867 0.8492 0.952 1.0604 1.1183 1.0997 0.9714 0.9162 1.0206 0.5651 0.5923 0.604 406 AA875464 Rat MHC class I IgG Fc region receptor large subun 0.8087 0.8165 0.7786 0.8385 0.8681 0.8188 0.8953 0.7711 0.728 0.5598 0.5707 0.7819 0.8288 0.6864 0.7423 0.7988 0.8934 0.6307 1.0134 0.9766 0.951 0.8521 0.9089 0.8771 0.8287 0.8008 0.8996 0.8137 0.7874 0.8541 0.9399 0.8331 0.7257 0.9878 0.9065 0.7264 0.7281 0.4876 0.7407 0.6768 0.7036 0.4425 0.5833 0.6873 0.891 0.8 0.6139 0.6452 0.6213 407 AA875245 "Rat mRNA for HBP23 (heme-binding protein 23 kDa), " 0.731 0.7153 0.7534 0.8961 0.9076 0.9679 1.021 0.7903 0.7049 0.7757 0.7832 0.7767 0.7894 0.9627 0.8687 1.0411 1.1134 1.2207 1.0052 0.6694 0.9837 0.8709 0.906 0.8488 0.8452 0.8536 0.7478 0.7986 0.801 0.972 0.9578 1.0831 0.835 1.0014 1.1803 0.9542 0.7568 0.7356 0.7248 0.8892 1.102 1.2094 1.0994 0.8042 0.8818 0.8312 0.84 0.8506 0.8129 408 AA899829 "Rattus norvegicus mint 3 (mint 3) mRNA, complete c" 0.9931 0.9165 0.8906 0.9835 1.0376 1.0634 0.7314 0.8462 0.882 1.0034 0.9165 0.8301 0.8434 1.6558 0.8406 0.9686 1.0239 1.3317 0.7493 1.1914 1.0229 0.9324 0.8935 1.0573 5.0002 1.1065 1.228 1.44 1.5697 1.1935 3.8979 1.0941 1.0546 3.5822 0.9618 1.1695 270.4713 0.9912 2.7092 1.1877 1.2623 1.0011 4.5687 1.0674 9.746 1.4486 1.1646 1.4523 1.64 409 AA899830 "Rattus norvegicus Mta1 (mta1) mRNA, complete cds" 1.1912 1.698 1.4853 1.5789 1.2603 97.7354 95.8802 2.7376 7.7019 1.4138 1.2174 1.3667 1.5617 1.9837 1.1684 1.3649 0.881 17.71 0.6746 0.5199 0.9555 1.6353 8.7995 3.5683 147.2122 4.4116 2.5163 196.77 1.7904 311.424 229.6022 1.6045 3.5122 3.4004 1.7203 5.0162 193.8707 2.877 223.7127 329.2284 220.6967 186.6873 1.7644 2.5498 260.4793 262.2713 246.6628 218.1217 7.4921 410 AA899832 Rat mRNA for liver cytochrome c oxidase subunit VI 0.9001 1.1445 2.7887 93.2722 12.524 96.1309 96.5417 3.2056 8.9133 1.2779 0.8626 0.8325 247.5471 2.3993 1.2494 1.1181 1.3481 1.4894 0.8585 1.3114 0.9965 1.2992 74.3879 1.7192 124.5949 289.7534 3.5041 4.0074 1.1797 0.7244 193.7404 0.6556 1.5316 2.9324 1.3128 9.8636 198.6221 2.0221 4.8485 3.8435 183.5391 199.6932 1.4001 1.2265 9.1011 0.8678 8.5543 1.8482 1.6566 411 AA899848 "Rat phospholipase C mRNA, complete cds" 1.0088 0.827 0.8459 2.0382 2.3618 16.5202 84.5198 1.718 6.451 1.4367 0.852 1.1655 0.8372 1.5971 0.9256 0.963 0.8224 1.5945 0.5686 1.2168 0.5664 1.3623 2.537 1.8598 120.9629 1.5548 1.6904 154.4346 1.0264 4.8079 235.1256 0.6296 1.4792 2.0344 1.1807 2.2002 188.4624 1.5943 209.2211 229.8267 195.6471 143.2818 0.9447 1.8772 4.9588 5.2618 29.8913 3.3701 3.5525 412 AA899852 R.norvegicus mRNA for epithelin 1 and 2 1.4883 0.9127 1.328 112.5044 3.3088 108.4838 39.3567 5.0928 5.1853 1.3458 1.4331 1.0425 1.6328 0.7349 1.296 0.9505 1.2038 87.5545 1.3655 0.8815 0.9589 1.7711 8.5683 0.8036 127.9393 244.5481 2.118 2.4571 0.9105 0.7005 4.2878 0.9339 1.5398 1.0354 0.9451 2.7779 57.0448 1.0505 2.9625 2.1322 2.7775 19.3436 2.419 0.9397 2.1904 12.1632 184.1887 0.961 1.0759 413 AA899940 Rat neural receptor protein-tyrosine kinase (trkB) 0.9343 1.0423 1.4548 2.7036 1.4579 7.1203 104.3487 1.7683 1.9071 2.3348 1.5703 1.1205 5.9051 0.9987 1.2358 1.0412 0.9436 1.2554 0.6888 2.2509 0.9816 1.6553 1.7928 1.1459 2.2716 3.2338 1.6594 146.8161 0.9246 3.0424 3.0791 0.6653 1.8994 1.933 1.0747 1.8616 180.2066 1.5038 222.8823 3.7845 3.365 208.4806 0.8076 1.4531 3.1288 2.9243 2.7827 1.1344 1.3572 414 AA899998 Rattus norvegicus tuberous sclerosis 2 homolog mRN 1.0073 0.9847 1.0092 0.9859 1.2359 1.1442 1.0348 0.9953 1.166 1.2012 0.9533 0.9883 0.9787 1.2665 1.6652 1.0931 1.0605 1.0591 0.8376 1.0374 1.0618 1.1924 1.2053 1.1005 1.3732 1.4816 1.4749 1.3644 0.8662 1.0463 1.0713 0.7559 0.8546 0.9201 0.9054 1.0974 0.99 0.9741 1.1954 1.165 1.289 1.3122 1.1146 0.9534 1.1122 1.0886 1.1594 1.2038 1.0512 415 AA900007 Rattus norvegicus phospholemman chloride channel m 1.2319 1.1406 1.1133 0.9116 0.7907 0.8584 0.8081 1.2342 1.2151 1.2177 1.0729 1.1864 1.0204 0.6944 1.2266 0.8573 0.7754 0.709 0.9844 0.7985 0.7667 0.7951 0.9272 0.9513 0.795 0.6959 0.7091 0.7765 0.6894 0.5982 0.6188 0.6211 0.518 0.6507 0.642 0.5464 0.8327 0.8221 0.7634 0.5794 0.5016 0.5238 0.5013 0.6619 0.6333 0.7987 0.7126 0.7196 0.7687 416 AA875409 Rattus norvegicus type I procollagen C-proteinase 0.9152 0.8741 0.697 0.874 0.9656 0.8874 0.7989 0.5886 0.8763 0.8147 0.8628 0.8008 0.731 0.7697 1.0104 0.7262 0.7655 1.0471 0.8125 0.9562 0.9648 0.9054 1.105 0.8577 1.5498 1.3362 1.5543 1.2135 0.7833 0.8456 0.8477 0.5811 0.612 0.8815 0.6685 0.9631 0.8652 0.9167 1.0774 0.9065 0.7879 0.949 0.6157 0.888 1.3121 1.0219 1.0284 1.1543 0.9538 417 AA875418 "Rat guanine nucleotide-binding protein G-i, alpha " 0.7718 0.7439 0.7899 0.7622 0.8064 0.8154 0.7745 0.7284 0.7014 1.0237 0.8754 1.0147 0.9965 0.7765 1.3484 0.8571 0.7788 0.8199 0.8923 0.9008 0.9768 1.0997 0.967 0.8828 0.788 0.9133 0.8991 1.0341 0.9151 0.6807 0.6443 0.687 0.5965 0.7151 0.7092 0.7583 0.7476 0.9113 1.0419 0.8766 0.8133 0.8103 0.7886 0.8269 1.0395 0.9719 1.0016 1.0539 1.1787 418 AA875430 "Rat lens mRNA for aldose reductase (AR,EC" 1.2431 0.7988 0.8154 0.839 0.9634 0.8713 0.7899 0.6292 0.867 1.0493 0.8572 0.94 0.8486 1.2465 1.1684 0.7619 0.7311 0.8309 0.8962 1.0447 0.8481 1.0841 1.7819 0.8934 2.0724 1.5957 1.2937 1.5005 0.9515 1.3973 1.408 0.5872 0.7798 1.3553 0.712 0.8949 0.9308 1.0013 1.3143 0.9568 0.9638 0.9619 0.7601 0.9951 3.6525 1.7249 1.2406 1.4026 1.1346 419 AA875622 "Rattus norvegicus Nedd2/Ich-1 mRNA, complete cds" 0.9493 0.7692 0.8668 1.1359 1.0835 1.4293 1.8528 0.7924 1.1791 1.0022 0.8369 0.9694 0.8437 1.3697 1.4363 0.8896 0.7829 1.2014 0.5812 0.9701 0.9095 1.1248 1.3775 0.9558 210.8371 1.144 1.1151 97.0391 1.2774 2.0512 2.445 0.8923 1.4709 1.7918 1.1878 1.2429 2.8481 1.3848 7.5475 3.4237 1.7801 2.9862 0.8996 1.3403 2.8151 2.1015 1.474 1.9466 2.3588 420 AA875624 Rattus norvegicus follistatin-related protein prec 1.0446 0.8821 0.8169 1.0754 1.3725 0.9728 0.8023 0.7804 0.8921 0.8398 0.8843 0.8771 0.7578 0.9812 1.3069 0.8951 0.8192 1.1846 0.7619 0.9441 0.9193 1.1213 1.8034 0.881 2.326 1.952 2.1815 1.5075 1.0408 0.585 2.3149 0.7194 0.8641 1.2066 0.7428 1.1268 1.118 0.9808 1.4018 1.196 0.9682 1.2745 1.2262 0.9221 0.7994 1.6351 1.8696 1.051 1.0958 421 AA875655 Rattus norvegicus corticosteroid-induced protein m 0.9792 0.9114 2.7174 15.9144 2.7762 68.0928 0.7314 3.7791 3.579 2.3437 2.7352 1.701 157.6798 6.5137 0.7952 1.3062 0.8993 68.2139 0.5806 0.9106 1.1457 2.9272 155.9874 1.566 128.8464 2.542 0.8234 156.9993 41.2374 294.3143 250.6535 3.3346 164.089 2.5267 1.5053 7.564 177.8277 1.9112 234.9642 274.3617 222.196 170.3146 4.5509 4.2611 30.1762 160.9729 14.1585 34.209 34.8378 422 AA875659 R.norvegicus mRNA for alpha-internexin 1.11 1.1795 1.5177 1.5664 1.4121 6.3248 1.7573 2.047 1.7452 2.2567 1.0654 0.9235 1.159 3.1561 0.9204 0.9561 0.8236 2.3674 0.8458 0.9194 1.9492 1.223 2.8473 1.6058 2.2438 1.8546 0.8234 8.1681 0.748 0.7244 41.1024 1.6273 0.9581 1.7878 1.9931 2.4709 162.0735 1.0146 2.4211 1.9247 3.1314 1.5088 1.574 1.3241 4.2435 1.9251 2.3621 1.6974 2.5273 423 AA899443 Rat liver mRNA for heat shock protein (hsp60) 0.9627 0.9918 1.0887 0.8288 0.9897 1.0499 0.8527 1.2886 1.0981 0.9723 1.0865 0.9099 0.9991 0.8214 0.9152 0.6804 0.6715 0.7728 1.0237 0.7241 0.7265 0.6248 0.6531 0.6841 0.8684 0.8999 0.8386 0.935 0.8436 1.2192 1.2458 1.4153 0.8791 1.1307 1.2663 0.8637 1.047 0.9736 0.9303 0.7039 0.656 0.7415 0.5854 0.6901 0.6475 0.6187 0.6509 0.6501 0.628 424 AA875211 "Sprague-Dawley (clone LRB13) RAB14 mRNA, complete " 1.0733 1.3115 0.9884 1.0875 1.0626 1.2857 1.2205 1.2149 1.3038 0.9796 0.9244 0.8918 0.9987 1.1168 1.1793 0.9937 0.9795 1.1522 0.9593 1.0305 1.1397 1.0224 0.9615 1.0598 1.1602 0.9905 0.8234 1.1044 1.1492 1.1521 1.2117 1.2977 0.9041 1.2611 1.2614 1.0391 1.4251 0.8266 0.884 0.9184 0.9119 1.1251 1.4873 0.8361 1.1316 1.0218 1.1358 1.0555 1.0993 425 AA899448 R.norvegicus (Sprague-Dawley) mRNA for ribosomal p 0.8864 0.9541 1.0491 0.7896 0.8517 1.6741 1.761 0.993 0.9898 0.9429 1.01 1.0188 1.0544 0.9811 1.0024 0.9835 1.1231 0.9543 0.8538 0.6884 0.9531 0.8606 0.8597 0.9203 0.8937 0.6786 0.8159 0.8099 0.8846 1.1841 1.1214 1.045 1.0747 1.4051 1.3613 1.3173 0.8971 0.9382 0.9663 0.9926 0.9325 1.0209 1.1087 0.8051 0.9656 0.9667 0.8255 0.9008 0.902 426 AA875221 R.norvegicus mRNA for NAD+-isocitrate dehydrogenas 1.0916 1.1179 1.1608 0.9881 1.051 1.2723 1.295 1.2538 1.1255 0.9926 0.9052 0.7678 0.9883 0.8414 1.0618 1.0423 1.072 1.1579 0.9446 0.9157 0.9918 0.9615 0.9844 0.9437 1.0401 0.8275 1.1124 1.0184 0.964 1.1547 1.2687 1.354 0.9318 1.1275 1.2544 1.0383 1.243 1.0148 1.0324 0.8847 0.8634 0.9209 1.1059 1.0036 0.967 0.9048 0.8919 0.9031 0.9017 427 AA899456 Rattus norvegicus nucleosome assembly protein mRNA 1.0292 1.1979 1.0785 0.8618 0.894 0.9911 0.9015 1.4209 1.208 1.1197 1.134 1.0851 1.3282 0.6695 0.8444 0.6754 0.7601 0.718 0.8938 0.6345 0.7214 0.6351 0.8689 0.8279 1.0002 0.8651 0.6341 1.2415 0.5912 0.9192 0.7396 0.6352 0.5189 0.6274 0.6728 0.7258 1.2505 0.6341 0.9731 0.9348 0.7105 0.8667 0.5878 0.7612 0.734 0.9569 0.7834 0.7628 0.7189 428 AA875544 Rattus norvegicus (clone lambda-B5) nuclear pore g 1.0091 0.9105 1.054 1.1373 1.0801 1.571 1.2889 0.9073 0.8843 1.2396 0.902 0.9295 0.8238 0.9997 0.8646 0.9287 1.03 1.2888 0.6801 1.3528 1.0432 0.7965 1.2449 1.0511 2.4212 0.7159 1.3414 2.694 1.1906 2.9422 3.2186 1.2249 1.0997 4.8799 1.4399 1.3263 192.8956 1.227 1.9827 1.5929 1.2709 0.8939 1.5993 1.0698 3.6135 1.3194 1.0637 1.7555 1.4276 429 AA899102 Rat mRNA for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (Gd 0.7949 0.8566 0.8227 0.749 0.9475 1.5923 1.9358 0.851 0.8247 1.4133 0.9997 1.0049 0.9329 0.7659 0.8424 0.7283 0.7704 0.8719 0.7275 0.8612 0.7929 0.8728 1.364 0.8828 1.7559 1.0936 1.1245 2.7432 0.9601 1.187 2.7386 1.0142 1.1648 1.0296 1.1567 1.2785 3.3505 0.9562 1.4971 1.8205 0.9895 1.1174 0.7675 1.5938 4.1582 2.0447 1.0212 1.3005 1.2081 430 AA899106 "Rat cyclin D2 (VIN1) mRNA, complete cds" 0.9598 1.3262 0.9348 1.009 1.0633 2.3164 1.9544 1.0574 1.4423 2.6928 1.1147 1.1386 1.2544 2.0249 0.9892 0.6675 0.7864 1.2128 0.6864 1.0201 1.1439 0.8839 1.3675 0.885 2.6522 1.6942 0.5394 2.9705 1.0929 1.6842 232.3683 1.2286 0.9701 4.0219 0.9757 1.0741 158.2847 1.0152 2.4207 1.6847 1.7337 0.9445 1.8058 0.8352 40.5739 1.4508 1.4625 2.3642 2.7602 431 AA923932 "Rat regulatory protein (ICLN) mRNA, complete cds" 0.8787 0.8548 0.9838 0.9683 1.0938 1.468 1.5038 0.8606 1.0162 0.8019 0.9079 1.1432 1.0056 1.177 0.9959 0.9746 0.8978 1.2143 0.5812 1.6151 0.9224 0.8825 1.4517 0.9264 7.6823 1.2554 243.1226 2.9808 1.3585 1.7943 27.7823 0.8183 0.9119 1.1953 1.2342 1.5775 213.5534 1.0546 15.6552 2.126 1.7172 1.3344 1.0363 1.2644 1.4622 2.5895 1.1611 1.577 1.8216 432 AA923928 "Rat isoprenylated 67 kDa protein mRNA, complete cd" 0.99 0.7462 1.3398 0.9764 1.3555 2.4444 0.4045 0.7761 0.904 3.2406 1.1225 1.0177 1.2886 1.6856 0.9069 0.7865 0.737 1.2301 0.8048 1.7637 1.3459 1.3842 2.9781 1.5797 3.4918 1.4236 1.7589 4.6981 1.1357 1.4257 218.8604 1.216 1.4737 1.4643 1.2694 2.3947 189.612 0.8581 2.4848 2.1548 4.9455 1.3085 3.8547 1.2226 218.9125 3.4318 1.8635 2.6163 3.1485 433 AA923963 Rat 3-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/delta-5-de 1.8226 2.1438 2.2816 1.8123 1.6747 1.2932 1.2327 1.7978 1.8673 1.4072 1.051 1.5579 1.1082 2.6107 1.0417 1.2247 1.0481 2.1817 0.9127 0.9116 0.9411 1.8043 2.1796 1.7453 4.2981 1.987 0.8234 6.3093 1.7189 1.6061 1.5817 0.7549 0.6184 0.8097 0.6292 1.3617 5.7949 1.6039 5.4878 2.6814 3.7376 7.1688 1.4977 2.0672 2.5231 2.8061 2.1501 2.2219 2.0563 434 AA899129 Rattus norvegicus GTP-binding protein gamma subuni 1.0955 1.0195 2.0864 5.8371 2.1834 83.7283 58.6945 27.6987 6.8956 1.3517 0.8614 0.962 257.1945 2.4543 1.1538 1.0826 0.8536 3.1333 1.1978 1.226 0.7014 1.5743 2.3754 1.8291 125.8355 239.8778 4.3037 4.6898 1.0365 0.716 23.5831 1.2062 1.8176 2.5313 1.237 9.2265 17.4604 1.7303 8.857 2.9947 220.6167 165.2947 2.1698 1.715 186.0757 0.8678 174.2245 2.2301 1.73 435 AA899179 R.norvegicus mRNA for RNA polymerase II-like prote 0.9154 1.0556 1.0426 1.3068 1.1038 1.554 16.6028 1.0113 1.1096 0.955 1.0839 1.123 1.5219 0.8709 1.2289 0.8292 0.6616 0.8473 0.7236 1.1144 0.5425 0.9163 1.01 1.2322 1.3392 0.9727 0.8025 1.2957 0.6948 1.7951 1.1984 0.7549 0.8804 1.1307 0.9475 0.9424 1.1217 0.8246 1.7856 1.7174 0.8488 1.1988 0.6006 0.8599 1.1371 1.569 0.8858 0.9073 0.8384 436 AA899180 "Rat NAD(P)H:menadione oxidoreductase mRNA, complet" 0.7171 0.678 0.5034 0.7264 0.7687 0.9867 1.0193 1.4398 1.358 1.0026 0.8378 0.7874 0.7332 1.2559 1.8106 3.3073 3.0551 3.5605 0.7696 0.6738 1.4818 1.7037 0.7413 0.6996 0.9704 0.8265 0.8661 1.0099 0.782 0.7463 0.5265 0.4229 0.5866 0.7914 0.627 0.9845 1.4291 1.0578 0.9227 1.4286 3.3465 3.7277 3.5085 0.8981 1.6853 0.8916 0.9766 1.121 1.0636 437 AA899597 "Rat ribosomal protein L18 mRNA, complete cds" 0.6173 0.6557 0.7429 0.7205 0.7766 1.0843 1.009 0.7456 0.7374 1.028 1.0218 0.8886 0.8128 0.7382 1.0552 0.8018 0.8575 0.756 0.9127 0.971 0.7259 0.7343 0.914 0.9332 0.6564 0.7198 0.7345 0.7539 0.6287 1.0151 0.7692 0.7088 0.6975 0.8977 0.8608 0.8321 0.5642 0.8143 0.7592 0.6251 0.669 0.6894 0.6157 0.7786 0.6218 0.8789 0.6574 0.6192 0.6154 438 AA899306 "Rattus norvegicus PAR interacting protein mRNA, co" 0.9829 0.9297 1.0971 0.9038 1.5392 2.0185 1.9381 1.0912 1.3521 1.1263 1.0619 1.1301 1.0376 1.3561 1.8373 1.3138 1.3317 1.3266 0.8741 0.9872 1.0626 1.2767 1.26 1.0531 1.4133 1.7264 1.667 1.8788 0.8513 2.272 1.8356 1.4336 1.4737 1.8017 1.7278 1.9599 1.4467 1.1587 1.7592 1.4172 1.7277 2.1361 1.3047 0.9514 1.2643 1.1651 1.0636 1.0429 1.0686 439 AA899312 "EST, Highly similar to type III iodiothyronine dei" 0.9909 0.9978 3.4423 6.6187 1.3189 95.6362 78.0113 3.1001 4.1299 1.1596 1.3487 0.9007 15.7752 3.4962 1.4706 0.9077 0.8527 1.168 0.5615 1.6239 0.8804 1.5014 1.7651 1.6802 133.4618 3.2901 1.2344 162.2436 2.1908 257.3987 43.9271 0.865 1.6589 8.1707 1.7324 2.9925 137.5628 2.5329 167.4032 235.8686 8.3168 160.7847 0.8712 1.8419 48.3247 756.6725 193.387 187.3866 8.8067 440 AA899322 "Rattus norvegicus inhibitor of DNA binding mRNA, c" 1.2723 0.8996 0.8175 0.7261 0.989 2.532 2.1733 0.7155 1.207 0.7419 0.8519 0.8524 0.6776 0.5981 0.8446 0.6441 0.685 1.1318 0.6681 1.7139 0.7091 0.9054 2.0466 1.27 3.2984 2.9835 1.24 1.8598 1.1045 2.3426 4.3651 1.7089 1.4024 1.8901 1.7398 1.7128 1.1589 0.9605 1.0435 0.9086 0.8781 0.9734 0.6712 0.9895 1.8914 1.922 1.0185 1.7324 1.0878 441 AA933159 ESTs 0.866 1.1882 0.8506 0.6535 0.8278 1.676 1.457 1.2489 1.1838 1.3727 1.147 1.0602 1.0476 0.8375 1.3012 0.5199 0.5646 0.5016 0.5482 0.9116 0.5154 0.5808 0.4464 0.492 0.7396 0.6706 0.653 0.732 0.7772 0.7644 0.7043 0.6367 0.6793 0.9748 0.8136 0.8031 0.7493 0.7491 0.6851 0.6213 0.5215 0.5871 0.4195 0.4968 0.574 0.6185 0.4621 0.4673 0.4988 442 AA899255 "Rat alkaline phosphatase mRNA, complete cds" 1.3066 1.0859 1.5823 1.2441 1.3249 5.9586 4.728 2.6451 2.9605 1.6244 1.1442 1.4141 2.6312 1.1055 1.0813 0.737 0.7511 1.2622 0.9516 1.1248 0.8958 1.2322 1.8588 0.9042 4.1732 3.7942 2.281 2.6028 1.5605 3.6188 6.508 3.3195 3.9572 6.8188 4.4115 5.1896 3.3091 1.9 2.499 1.1658 1.0246 1.4661 1.319 0.875 0.7994 1.4317 0.9792 1.2005 0.9306 443 AA899760 R.norvegicus mRNA for 3-methyladenine-DNA glycosyl 0.9545 0.9375 1.0223 0.9305 1.112 1.8301 1.9392 0.8741 1.2459 0.9349 0.8504 1.0919 0.9456 1.4161 0.9028 0.8454 0.8641 1.1352 0.5908 0.952 0.6781 1.0728 1.4483 1.0466 2.2968 0.9904 1.1289 3.6093 0.9192 3.1217 1.9526 0.8044 1.5049 1.4997 1.2518 1.3497 1.3158 1.0608 2.1172 1.5333 1.1946 1.9803 0.7501 1.0486 1.3216 1.4636 1.183 1.2983 1.2164 444 AA899769 "Rat ribosomal protein S17 mRNA, complete cds" 0.8121 0.8139 0.8428 0.9301 0.9783 1.7096 1.7326 0.9111 0.9363 0.8398 0.8538 0.9755 0.8812 0.884 1.1523 0.9496 0.9664 0.9592 0.9963 1.0405 0.9597 0.9117 0.9241 0.9609 0.8701 0.8765 0.8706 0.7745 0.6703 1.3907 1.4607 1.1446 1.3518 1.6735 1.479 1.3423 0.6782 0.6532 0.766 0.6665 0.6945 0.6826 0.7898 0.585 0.7169 0.7878 0.8956 0.7147 0.7553 445 AA900053 Rattus norvegicus calpain small subunit (css1) mRN 0.8472 0.8894 0.9928 0.7614 0.7812 0.7705 0.718 0.7125 0.6442 0.7789 0.7418 0.9004 0.9726 0.7563 0.6655 0.8137 0.7857 0.939 0.7684 0.7812 0.8471 0.7861 0.8663 0.8398 1.2824 0.9849 0.6763 1.3592 1.1165 1.1125 1.0164 0.9537 0.6388 0.8605 0.7795 0.7792 1.1196 0.7831 1.3103 1.0448 0.966 1.1306 0.8992 0.8001 1.0115 1.1055 0.9637 1.0994 1.2298 446 AA900087 "Rat norvegicus myosin binding protein H mRNA, comp" 1.068 1.0225 0.9449 2.2655 1.1416 4.2881 1.2899 1.8262 2.7574 2.4212 1.0164 0.824 2.4498 2.5068 1.158 0.972 1.2279 1.4135 0.6799 1.2076 1.3139 1.3653 3.122 0.5995 124.3829 2.2637 233.0607 157.3988 1.3358 0.7244 187.4544 3.3164 1.6841 15.1888 1.8769 8.9164 142.1972 1.6726 83.9382 9.0858 9.0408 2.5846 80.0688 1.4174 171.4002 2.7355 3.1536 4.234 4.366 447 AA900892 Rattus norvegicus mannose 6-phosphate/insulin-like 0.8188 0.9064 1.1566 0.8042 1.1127 1.7567 1.919 1.1487 1.1738 1.058 1.237 1.276 32.0081 0.9876 1.0505 1.0543 0.8472 0.9991 0.7662 1.211 0.9197 0.7535 0.9866 0.9274 0.8622 0.7391 0.6886 1.0616 0.6302 1.1952 0.9116 0.8125 0.6949 0.9432 0.8583 0.9447 1.3389 0.8853 1.3715 1.1994 0.8626 0.9041 0.7286 0.8904 0.9019 1.0383 0.784 0.8186 1.0261 448 AA900898 Rattus norvegicus guanine nucleotide binding prote 0.8839 0.8595 1.0074 0.9299 0.9357 1.1865 0.9977 1.0158 1.0653 1.3038 1.1941 1.0302 0.9408 0.8505 1.1547 1.1491 1.3077 1.5702 1.1099 87.3002 1.0117 1.0668 1.5104 1.0113 1.2162 0.8754 1.0559 1.1156 1.0261 1.8119 1.5753 0.9526 0.8013 1.0689 0.9721 1.0918 1.325 1.222 1.297 1.2312 1.5375 1.2624 1.2942 1.0637 1.2657 1.28 0.8967 1.1237 0.8957 449 AA900928 "Rat aspartate aminotransferase mRNA, complete cds" 0.3717 0.3708 0.3726 0.5115 0.5071 0.4109 0.4136 0.5622 0.5803 1.0078 1.1206 0.8491 0.8383 0.714 0.6503 0.7849 0.8017 0.6413 1.1431 0.9603 0.4616 0.4185 1.4794 1.4033 0.5276 0.7734 0.6961 0.7992 0.8393 0.3409 0.3575 0.3854 0.3123 0.4204 0.418 0.3838 0.5794 1.0261 0.7558 0.6899 0.7515 0.638 0.6396 1.1307 0.4293 1.3788 0.3747 0.3933 0.4107 450 AA901168 Rattus norvegicus transcription factor (Olf-1) mRN 0.9195 0.8521 1.2925 1.9479 72.7873 84.7073 1.7941 1.6306 2.6939 2.5835 1.3459 1.0934 1.2788 0.8737 1.323 0.9561 0.819 60.8026 0.8297 1.9451 1.1916 1.4685 3.1703 1.3164 2.4463 0.4945 1.6138 192.4492 1.363 2.4573 246.1241 2.6703 1.3181 1.7259 1.4546 2.4471 187.1813 1.6354 2.3745 1.4481 2.1716 1.7567 2.4579 1.2816 5.1586 1.8173 1.8924 1.6917 2.1733 451 AA901195 Rat (PBG-D) gene for porphobilinogen deaminase (EC 0.9428 0.8394 0.9883 0.8865 0.8965 1.3079 1.3093 1.1802 0.9912 1.0658 1.0761 1.0958 0.9209 0.8822 0.8999 0.9075 0.8897 1.0376 0.6792 0.6155 0.8427 0.8257 1.0949 0.8763 1.699 0.8583 0.81 1.0024 1.0944 1.1642 1.3816 1.1628 0.9827 1.366 1.2016 1.0422 1.6013 0.9529 1.4045 1.27 0.8733 1.0841 1.0692 1.0002 1.0131 1.2975 0.9153 0.9264 1.2469 452 AA901188 "Rat cytolysin mRNA, complete cds" 1.0259 1.092 1.1842 0.9956 1.1328 1.0962 0.7116 1.0183 1.1815 1.75 1.1513 1.2006 1.2331 1.5302 1.132 0.9276 0.9502 1.54 0.6857 0.9421 1.0036 0.8787 1.2153 0.9687 31.284 0.7245 1.2322 3.1987 1.4409 1.7363 199.7625 0.6839 0.9205 2.5783 0.6803 0.8931 148.6842 1.6404 2.762 1.8213 1.6936 1.077 1.8974 0.9753 67.3226 1.3429 1.5345 2.7745 2.2144 453 AA900287 Rattus norvegicus Sprague-Dawley L-arginine:glycin 0.8445 0.7071 0.807 0.8354 0.8626 0.9647 0.9953 0.852 0.8398 0.9573 0.7743 0.9159 1.1667 0.8373 0.7069 0.8468 0.8631 0.7888 0.5461 0.8872 0.8699 0.8495 1.1437 0.6975 6.6415 0.9482 0.9874 2.7777 1.0589 1.4349 2.1649 0.8522 1.0231 0.8803 0.8248 0.9092 3.8155 0.8092 1.0882 1.973 1.2327 0.9413 0.7496 0.8393 1.1604 1.5736 1.1199 1.4297 1.5785 454 AA900301 "Rat adult brain mRNA for APEX nuclease, complete c" 0.8094 0.7464 0.6787 0.9325 0.9758 2.665 2.3855 0.857 0.891 0.9568 0.9192 0.9977 1.0612 1.2983 1.0433 1.2888 1.3078 1.4304 0.6929 1.0945 1.121 1.1088 1.0693 1.0245 0.8438 0.8583 0.9244 0.7699 0.7285 2.3501 2.4081 2.4121 2.3321 2.6982 2.6666 1.6789 1.9764 0.686 0.9184 1.0432 0.9902 1.0247 1.305 0.7867 0.9975 0.8605 0.9722 0.8993 0.9803 455 AA900204 ESTs 0.907 0.9482 1.2287 0.9371 1.0756 1.0491 1.1261 1.0026 0.9526 1.5763 0.94 1.0254 1.1682 0.949 1.109 0.9841 0.9882 1.2878 0.6418 0.6742 1.0676 1.068 1.244 0.9938 2.9159 1.0973 126.1445 1.5164 1.731 0.9749 1.5098 1.0856 0.6985 0.8198 0.9386 1.0092 3.0276 0.9869 2.4242 1.553 1.4004 1.2082 1.133 1.1683 1.2961 2.7767 1.0776 1.3004 1.5638 456 AA900213 EST 1.1195 1.0835 4.078 1.7954 1.4986 12.8956 0.7189 1.5893 2.4234 2.9331 1.332 0.849 1.4713 1.6889 1.0333 1.029 1.0501 1.487 0.7569 1.5007 1.5188 1.0585 2.1294 0.9116 2.9271 2.2451 1.9682 5.5749 1.2381 0.7244 19.4322 0.7316 1.8261 2.045 2.0701 3.7953 171.7829 1.8333 2.5362 2.266 7.1565 2.5971 4.9556 1.4611 202.4395 3.8355 5.8285 2.4383 3.9443 457 AA900205 Rattus norvegicus liver nuclear protein p47 mRNA 0.9295 0.9273 0.9197 1.0401 1.011 2.2055 1.9493 1.2552 1.5048 1.2251 0.971 1.2283 1.1472 0.7837 1.395 1.1327 1.0026 1.557 0.8311 0.9116 0.8554 0.9937 1.6773 1.1385 4.2088 1.0788 1.2458 3.1608 1.1722 1.9645 2.0447 1.3703 1.4018 1.9343 1.6336 1.5558 1.7439 1.246 2.3316 2.6492 1.5281 2.0846 1.0984 1.0442 1.4651 1.6183 1.0929 1.2578 1.1925 458 AA900218 Rat metallothionein-i (mt-1) mrna 1.0947 1.2059 1.1299 0.483 0.5353 0.103 0.1051 0.351 0.336 0.3829 0.2772 0.3403 0.3106 0.4629 0.659 0.5265 0.4909 1.1939 0.5939 0.5306 0.5174 0.5219 0.5183 0.5088 0.4192 0.827 0.8838 0.8241 0.6838 0.0578 0.036 0.0478 0.0526 0.0802 0.0527 0.0987 0.2191 0.1901 0.2108 0.3125 0.3462 0.7375 0.5572 0.3158 0.4054 0.3179 0.5293 0.4318 0.4324 459 AA900235 "Rat S-100 related protein mRNA, complete cds, clon" 0.7978 0.8864 1.1889 1.3462 0.9022 1.8442 117.0807 1.0136 1.0701 1.1634 1.037 1.0895 1.186 0.7325 0.9774 0.699 0.7198 1.0826 0.8134 1.2657 0.8161 1.159 1.0914 1.0073 1.6438 1.2186 1.0119 2.9919 1.0151 2.5842 2.0029 1.1486 1.7231 1.4655 1.6087 1.3065 1.3819 1.18 2.5153 1.4509 0.8513 1.2033 0.8235 0.9907 1.5995 1.5559 1.2247 1.2117 1.3671 460 AA899463 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for collagen alpha 1 type I 1.187 0.8558 1.4835 1.3365 4.5659 68.5986 46.1521 3.3409 2.3386 1.4575 1.3152 0.8862 1.8054 0.9646 1.4722 1.2013 0.8584 2.1199 0.7575 0.9116 1.045 1.7611 91.7643 1.466 4.779 3.2808 2.9857 8.3652 1.3803 246.6674 6.7874 0.702 1.6805 1.4528 1.2499 2.9678 1.9008 1.4263 8.1998 2.1734 8.0837 204.6541 1.6242 1.485 3.4575 2.119 1.5489 6.2647 1.4775 461 AA899469 Rat mRNA 3'-fragment for glycogen phosphorylase (a 0.9445 0.8716 1.0611 1.087 1.3521 67.3414 77.2568 2.8981 2.3941 1.4716 1.2176 1.2057 2.2811 2.6115 1.5577 0.6855 0.7601 1.6172 0.7671 1.2637 1.581 1.2075 2.3333 2.5371 177.9226 5.1918 1.6151 155.6671 0.8628 14.1059 6.1005 0.6949 2.7475 1.3532 1.0309 1.6335 161.6337 2.0654 3.1896 4.0548 3.7235 14.5747 0.7624 1.1342 2.1129 1.4988 3.5466 1.5005 1.3794 462 AA900244 Rattus norvegicus Wistar orphan receptor COUP-TFI 1.086 0.9276 1.3387 1.0819 1.5386 4.4899 2.6677 1.45 2.2946 1.129 1.162 0.9583 1.3975 0.9889 1.4874 0.8808 0.9356 1.4486 0.6242 1.0043 1.1475 1.0907 3.8907 1.3294 5.3564 1.6748 2.2037 3.7302 1.0174 19.9266 3.2728 1.3062 1.6247 1.8533 1.4357 2.4374 2.222 1.3708 3.4554 1.638 2.0827 3.0723 1.2376 1.1065 1.8815 2.095 2.3845 1.921 1.2069 463 AA900276 "Rat zinc finger protein (RP8) mRNA, 3' end" 0.9355 0.7441 1.4377 2.9096 1.458 7.5367 116.3559 1.4316 1.7317 1.2424 1.2266 1.6295 1.3569 0.9815 1.391 1.2566 0.7678 1.1635 0.5932 0.8489 1.3807 1.3875 2.1588 1.3107 158.8508 3.5938 0.8778 185.1402 1.5147 292.5574 2.1482 0.8189 2.2967 1.7287 1.3948 2.7625 175.5911 1.2429 200.1127 270.452 18.5782 184.6828 0.9743 1.4996 195.7355 64.3709 238.3429 13.4392 2.5914 464 AA899552 "Rat alternatively spliced aggrecan, large aggregat" 1.375 1.0441 0.8459 2.5988 3.0919 90.1926 68.8329 3.3366 5.2571 0.8512 1.2952 0.8253 1.2349 0.9394 1.7161 1.1226 0.8295 1.6416 1.1796 0.9419 0.8218 1.3772 59.1156 1.4003 152.8057 248.7758 5.0336 10.617 1.5661 6.4723 4.544 2.4452 1.748 1.7471 2.1066 4.7663 206.8852 1.9129 6.5888 5.611 332.0787 216.0665 8.8638 1.35 7.706 3.8345 203.8085 183.4115 1.6761 465 AA899788 R.norvegicus insulin-like growth factor II mRNA 1.0354 1.1416 0.9262 1.6243 1.6393 5.2898 83.6996 3.0828 4.7806 1.1293 1.1778 1.2336 1.3526 1.6285 1.3692 1.2388 0.7039 2.6669 0.5404 0.9116 1.1512 1.8421 2.0039 1.5459 146.5963 1.8123 0.8234 153.2795 0.902 6.4471 6.6472 0.6962 2.2696 1.9114 1.274 1.1744 5.2218 0.9764 186.632 9.4845 9.7734 187.275 0.9604 1.4666 22.2559 16.0538 2.5584 4.6878 1.8213 466 AA899808 Rattus 120 Kd lysosomal membrane glycoprotein mRNA 1.2702 1.1634 1.2505 1.1736 1.1507 1.0192 1.0226 1.0457 1.1824 0.4867 1.0535 1.019 0.9394 1.0414 1.6593 1.3991 1.2735 1.3203 1.4152 1.3956 1.2589 1.3858 1.2625 1.2256 1.0365 1.1465 1.1672 1.0748 1.0293 1.191 1.1915 1.2267 0.8429 1.0611 1.0382 0.9464 1.0865 0.9979 0.8807 0.9638 1.0656 1.1056 1.1606 0.9494 0.7994 0.9849 1.0943 0.9852 1.0069 467 AA899623 Rattus norvegicus developmentally regulated protei 1.1067 1.2073 1.3289 3.253 1.4166 67.1975 69.5553 2.7025 3.0447 0.9618 2.0471 1.0995 132.5017 5.7619 1.1039 1.0149 0.7935 2.6488 0.836 0.8937 0.9381 2.1736 1.7508 1.8994 21.8529 2.1121 1.4444 184.8938 0.6812 430.7647 176.1002 0.7414 0.9921 1.5341 1.1079 1.2404 7.5567 1.0718 199.8205 269.8452 1.798 159.5318 0.6872 1.3322 142.8565 2.2925 2.1772 1.8469 1.1173 468 AA899906 "Rattus norvegicus maspin mRNA, complete cds" 1.1913 0.9129 1.1479 2.1936 92.6795 27.2806 71.4076 4.4973 5.3155 1.2234 1.3528 0.9311 1.2563 0.9582 1.136 0.846 0.9605 2.1914 0.5649 0.8826 1.0718 1.4259 1.3913 5.8479 9.4875 161.383 4.9089 8.8942 1.9842 242.5723 19.1078 0.7212 1.6768 2.0807 1.5763 3.1964 5.1691 2.0438 0.8247 2.1533 215.6321 44.0796 2.2115 1.5239 3.2237 3.8057 3.1452 197.4166 3.7338 469 AA900028 "Rat ribosomal protein S6 mRNA, complete cds" 0.8623 0.9474 1.0888 0.9505 1.0893 2.0462 2.066 1.1019 1.0144 1.0436 1.043 0.9959 1.1406 1.1559 0.8644 0.9831 1.1223 1.2526 0.8676 0.9671 1.0174 0.9548 1.055 1.0197 1.2843 0.9246 0.9245 1.1589 1.0025 1.9875 1.9776 1.7254 1.4667 1.7881 1.7334 1.9173 1.5707 1.156 1.5426 1.2017 1.4156 1.4822 1.2865 1.0364 1.126 1.1135 1.0777 1.1742 1.0849 470 AA900032 "Rat S6 protein kinase mRNA, complete cds" 1.0362 1.066 1.328 1.2116 1.2764 1.4911 1.1739 1.1346 1.3585 1.283 0.9659 1.0211 1.2884 1.6193 0.9497 1.0957 1.1553 1.304 1.4129 1.399 1.3773 1.1124 1.6068 1.1151 2.105 1.2982 4.6008 1.7252 1.2066 0.7244 2.5895 1.511 1.1707 236.8565 1.3267 1.2592 8.3238 1.2051 2.0407 1.354 1.6868 1.2391 3.4029 1.2193 3.5592 1.4784 1.1369 1.507 1.5754 471 AA900039 R.norvegicus mRNA for drebrin A 1.1854 2.647 0.8459 1.8744 1.6987 87.8281 93.6237 2.1774 2.1272 154.5828 3.0393 2.3672 3.7525 1.1619 1.2327 1.3324 1.1451 3.0193 0.5654 1.9125 0.8324 1.0201 2.2439 1.4022 150.6816 2.5279 1.2201 180.548 1.8122 3.312 18.0967 9.9885 1.1786 2.0122 1.4693 16.153 188.9393 1.644 235.4985 350.36 7.759 208.1445 1.7141 1.9709 3.5441 2.5036 5.8709 2.6047 3.3292 472 AA933167 "ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 410" 0.8593 0.7846 1.1129 0.7898 1.152 1.479 1.0712 1.7196 1.9987 2.8363 1.8557 1.7441 2.1005 1.5173 1.9962 1.6702 1.4653 155.0321 1.2141 3.358 1.1554 1.2558 2.9952 0.8408 5.6762 1.4098 1.3901 7.9498 3.5511 2.5925 346.0961 1.1032 0.9652 2.0679 0.8529 1.9052 304.7082 2.2335 3.5479 2.6731 2.4882 2.1055 2.5074 1.0038 2.6753 1.7989 1.1912 4.1375 1.4896 473 AA899935 Rattus norvegicus platelet-activating factor acety 1.0529 1.0251 1.0336 1.1707 0.9695 1.4381 1.7944 1.2259 1.143 1.0564 1.1256 1.1925 1.1711 1.0396 1.0502 1.2011 1.1882 1.4054 0.8984 0.9148 1.2088 1.298 1.492 1.0723 221.0551 1.4817 1.1026 1.9732 1.6734 1.5947 2.2674 1.4751 1.1475 1.4922 1.3742 1.5657 3.4672 1.1668 2.5968 2.2423 1.5655 1.8978 1.4375 1.3632 1.4532 1.4852 1.2582 1.3161 2.5299 474 AA899934 R.norvegicus mRNA for cdc2 promoter region 1.0213 0.7381 0.261 0.7906 1.0035 3.6942 1.6696 0.7777 1.0835 1.8522 1.6845 1.3968 1.034 1.0463 1.0585 0.8272 0.9238 3.8544 0.8135 2.1429 1.043 0.9727 39.2978 0.7842 15.3556 0.7428 1.9675 215.2015 1.5149 2.6226 315.2399 1.7366 1.5628 4.1101 1.8275 2.3964 229.0123 1.5828 5.2857 1.9253 1.2179 1.1361 1.9911 1.4039 8.9445 1.994 1.3999 1.9834 1.9454 475 AA900726 "Rat GTP-binding protein (ral A) mRNA, complete cds" 0.8904 0.9723 0.9863 0.9014 0.933 1.7101 1.9283 0.8689 0.8636 0.8095 0.8872 0.9346 0.8438 0.8553 0.8445 0.8486 0.952 0.9268 0.9303 0.7501 0.9197 0.8384 0.9609 0.9326 0.9593 0.8071 1.0135 0.9109 0.7902 1.3887 1.4941 1.5042 1.2092 1.581 1.5762 1.4791 0.9057 0.8038 0.9664 0.8181 0.8336 0.9908 0.9256 0.835 0.893 0.9007 0.9146 0.9335 0.9076 476 AA900667 "Rattus norvegicus ADP-ribosylation factor 6 mRNA, " 0.9345 0.8785 0.7916 0.9585 0.93 0.8788 0.9729 0.7782 0.7561 0.8705 1.0083 0.859 0.8493 0.71 0.7871 0.9228 1.0063 1.009 1.0578 1.1236 1.0621 0.9673 1.0914 0.8857 1.0395 0.9208 0.9916 0.8978 0.9888 1.0362 1.4136 1.0676 0.8622 1.6337 1.0099 0.8296 1.0018 0.8467 0.9083 0.8574 0.8419 0.7888 0.9212 0.8716 1.21 0.9051 0.9106 1.033 0.9558 477 AA900678 "Rattus norvegicus mevalonate kinase mRNA, complete" 1.255 1.3527 1.5655 1.145 1.0416 1.3828 1.3116 1.7072 1.615 1.4196 1.0247 1.4945 1.2561 1.1389 1.1823 0.8629 0.9309 1.5322 0.7201 1.3917 0.9507 0.8539 2.3989 1.0001 167.2222 1.4522 1.6565 305.52 95.9072 1.6628 304.7697 1.5367 8.3221 2.7813 1.3227 2.431 246.9731 1.7318 352.865 417.4332 1.575 1.8256 1.3585 2.3502 3.4965 287.4896 1.7392 2.1652 7.198 478 AA900679 Rat mRNA for preoptic regulatory factor-2 (PORF-2) 1.0471 1.0434 2.2379 1.7023 1.6505 7.2621 0.7314 1.4403 2.6531 2.3528 1.3921 1.4446 0.7867 2.837 0.9808 1.0368 1.2133 4.0816 0.7618 1.8085 1.0643 1.5696 2.8221 1.0787 6.9377 2.8675 2.3283 16.1527 1.114 2.1581 252.7854 3.1649 1.7935 3.1206 1.714 3.1258 184.6848 1.1009 7.781 2.8773 23.3932 1.4511 93.3472 1.312 169.4168 2.2861 3.5055 3.3195 4.8388 479 AA900682 "Rattus norvegicus RCL (Rcl) mRNA, complete cds" 1.0159 1.1222 1.2787 1.2013 1.321 10.1378 210.2594 1.2468 1.1654 1.5456 1.3121 1.6886 1.3714 1.2309 1.1378 1.3188 1.1319 1.3409 0.6687 1.3196 1.1579 0.8392 1.1205 1.0057 10.2581 1.2247 1.1856 6.5564 1.1374 1.7417 5.0522 2.1643 1.318 1.6811 1.5477 1.8887 9.3514 1.1973 4.3721 3.3929 1.3273 2.0066 1.0852 1.118 1.4227 1.6922 1.9045 1.2596 2.0635 480 AA900933 "Rat 14-3-3 protein epsilon isoform mRNA, complete " 1.3221 1.0261 1.6885 2.5999 3.5794 93.5846 9.1698 11.2208 4.7889 4.4332 2.114 1.8985 2.9168 1.4098 1.2219 1.1346 1.6921 91.282 1.1003 1.4272 1.3867 63.8318 68.257 0.9977 3.423 2.6578 3.6146 256.6379 1.5301 10.1352 430.4474 3.7061 1.6816 2.5792 1.9262 7.5687 163.3123 2.9468 4.3521 3.7645 326.7162 4.6877 4.7915 2.0123 2.9759 4.169 2.9169 267.8271 1.8452 481 AA900964 "R.norvegicus catechol-O-methyltransferase mRNA, co" 0.879 0.8393 0.8994 0.9494 0.9167 0.4988 0.5016 0.744 0.7755 1.0034 1.0037 0.7165 0.5866 1.0064 1.3746 0.8663 0.8648 0.9634 1.3216 1.3725 1.1067 1.1475 1.2984 1.1322 0.9841 1.0214 1.0944 1.0657 1.0751 0.7102 0.4202 0.4254 0.3163 0.4058 0.3836 0.6072 0.9137 1.072 0.8385 1.1485 0.9497 1.1856 1.0184 1.3499 1.0624 1.2876 0.983 0.9802 1.0009 482 AA900970 Rat (clone RAHB2 9/15) hox1.4 protein (hox1.4) mRN 1.0226 1.0416 0.9763 0.8157 1.2232 1.182 1.057 1.1103 1.2154 1.023 0.9429 1.0396 0.8402 1.0191 1.3522 0.9809 0.9808 1.1797 0.9886 0.957 0.9327 0.9733 0.9546 0.9966 1.5015 1.2196 1.3833 1.302 1.2589 1.803 1.4482 1.1797 1.0931 1.3451 1.1613 1.2015 1.2605 1.293 1.4414 1.3484 1.25 1.155 0.8852 1.3141 1.4084 1.1481 1.009 1.3674 1.2188 483 AA900988 Rat mRNA for fibronectin 0.9689 1.007 1.0651 0.9059 0.9365 1.2341 1.0852 1.0913 1.0632 0.8398 0.9856 0.9233 0.891 1.2357 1.4644 1.0136 0.964 0.8786 0.9823 1.059 0.8053 0.9888 1.0278 0.8626 1.4886 1.1346 1.2345 2.4395 1.0425 3.4721 1.9359 1.1839 1.1191 1.2923 1.1149 1.3186 1.6475 1.1606 1.2715 1.3492 1.401 1.5935 0.9701 1.2924 1.2903 1.6031 1.0561 1.058 1.0721 484 AA900989 "Rat mRNA for brain acyl-CoA synthetase II, complet" 1.1386 1.2242 1.3806 0.9914 1.2007 1.8978 1.6437 1.3435 1.7712 1.2655 1.3115 0.988 1.311 1.3171 1.7519 1.2019 1.0174 1.2927 1.0065 1.2479 0.9097 1.072 1.2566 1.2234 1.9464 2.4479 3.281 1.8791 1.1614 2.3043 1.9101 1.2739 1.0422 1.2919 1.3905 1.6337 1.6025 1.2144 1.8844 1.7084 1.2219 2.0079 1.245 1.2216 1.5514 1.1711 1.1444 1.3592 1.127 485 AA900850 Rat t complex polypeptide 1 (Tcp-1) mRNA 0.945 0.8516 0.8553 1.0096 1.1546 1.2864 1.2875 0.9449 0.9338 1.1019 1.0474 1.0085 1.1021 0.9908 1.5578 1.1306 1.167 1.2724 1.1598 0.8949 1.2771 1.4675 1.2351 1.0779 1.41 1.1847 1.2347 1.5333 1.5417 1.4789 1.266 1.3429 1.1931 1.5379 1.4612 1.4113 1.375 1.1951 1.5351 1.4815 1.5535 1.7087 1.4781 1.1504 1.5328 1.4505 1.2973 1.2974 1.3759 486 AA900851 R.norvegicus mRNA for D-3-phosphoglycerate dehydro 1.2492 0.97 1.3715 2.7002 1.5145 382.8555 291.249 1.8318 2.4263 0.8398 1.0097 1.1028 2.3028 1.2122 1.4046 1.1611 0.8244 1.7633 0.6184 1.4647 0.6794 1.541 14.1498 1.4668 175.0148 283.7023 8.9246 5.9524 1.2009 25.9145 407.8781 12.1043 2.5404 2.4057 7.2388 10.351 4.9529 1.4838 3.1926 2.73 18.2764 223.7502 4.884 1.3216 3.7941 2.19 207.2125 4.0823 1.4851 487 AA900866 ESTs 0.9193 0.9501 0.904 0.7879 0.8511 0.8565 0.9024 0.8838 1.0186 0.9109 0.8483 1.0147 0.9395 1.0959 1.3622 0.9544 0.829 1.0232 0.7853 0.9116 0.9144 0.96 1.1553 1.0609 1.4234 1.109 1.2391 1.7089 1.0019 1.0392 1.0732 0.8135 0.8645 1.1352 0.89 0.8066 1.2326 1.0875 1.3853 1.5606 1.1114 1.2483 0.8878 1.0054 1.2109 1.1981 0.8941 1.1425 1.0148 488 AA900881 ESTs 1.0947 0.9717 0.9739 2.4489 1.2738 1.8653 1.4724 1.7909 1.7539 1.0999 1.027 0.8575 1.917 1.803 1.1511 0.9258 0.9353 1.3621 0.825 1.154 0.8315 1.2691 1.376 1.2435 2.5453 312.0628 2.1191 2.2421 0.8456 3.1521 4.9754 1.186 1.6742 3.0268 0.9849 2.961 5.5188 1.3506 1.5233 1.4165 2.1878 7.8091 1.8549 1.2338 2.4106 1.4877 339.9644 2.0676 1.4336 489 AA900804 "Rattus norvegicus plakoglobin mRNA, complete cds" 1.118 1.3459 1.132 1.3191 1.1684 0.7185 2.2634 0.9573 1.0076 1.0251 1.0568 1.1819 1.0768 0.7943 1.0588 0.7619 0.7961 0.7228 0.9997 0.7316 0.8434 0.9653 1.0427 1.0806 1.1433 0.9602 1.0478 1.4076 0.8909 0.8758 0.7242 0.5083 0.5372 0.7896 0.6013 0.538 1.0058 0.9591 1.1351 1.0175 0.7395 0.7989 0.7031 0.9297 1.0549 1.1326 0.765 0.8757 0.9411 490 AA900503 "Rattus norvegicus jagged protein mRNA, complete cd" 1.3444 1.0444 1.1665 1.2776 2.5804 1.5718 1.325 1.244 1.6208 0.8398 1.1933 1.0914 1.0935 1.1652 1.1867 0.9749 0.8186 1.4212 0.7949 1.174 1.277 1.0887 1.537 1.3046 1.9327 2.6852 2.2068 4.9079 1.8302 214.7067 1.7445 0.903 1.0645 1.0921 1.0999 1.5127 1.9711 1.9451 2.8184 1.6406 4.2807 1.7057 0.7824 1.7229 1.5421 1.9811 1.3568 2.5585 2.233 491 AA900520 "Rattus norvegicus COQ7 mRNA, complete cds" 1.32 1.2411 1.6064 1.5542 1.2346 2.1208 3 1.1998 1.4271 1.3934 1.1796 1.2163 1.899 1.063 1.2723 1.0449 0.9525 1.17 0.9285 1.3373 0.9376 1.1574 1.4069 1.1759 4.3777 1.7588 1.492 324.4622 1.461 2.829 3.6 2.0216 2.0784 1.9595 1.7045 2.2596 4.0117 1.7577 3.31 3.1685 1.3779 1.6933 1.0624 1.7288 1.8385 2.0695 1.5732 1.5858 2.0884 492 AA900527 Rat mRNA for ribosomal protein S26 0.7328 0.9476 1.0621 0.9419 0.9929 1.7859 1.8787 0.9418 0.9151 1.0682 0.9414 1.0988 0.9608 0.8679 1.1986 1.0407 1.039 1.0312 1.0274 0.9915 0.9099 0.9253 0.9874 0.9313 1.0305 1.0584 1.0599 0.9414 0.826 1.7997 1.6378 1.6067 1.4809 1.7397 1.7783 1.7118 0.901 0.8482 0.9743 0.8423 0.8664 0.9474 0.8267 0.8173 0.8243 0.8913 0.9763 0.8981 0.9316 493 AA900410 "Rattus norvegicus carboxyl methyltransferase mRNA," 1.038 1.1169 1.0416 1.0462 0.9576 1.0827 1.1553 0.9569 0.9728 1.1447 1.1991 1.2552 1.1721 0.9889 0.8296 0.978 0.9784 0.9616 0.9607 1.0369 0.9561 1.0589 1.0046 0.9796 0.9685 0.946 0.9199 1.0429 1.0364 0.9043 0.8614 1.0152 0.6367 0.8306 0.8598 0.8883 0.9809 0.9739 1.0268 1.075 0.9801 1.0381 1.0251 0.9437 1.0464 0.938 0.9683 0.9302 0.9057 494 AA900433 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for long-chain acyl-CoA syn 0.8729 0.9279 0.9901 0.8097 0.9275 0.5336 0.5471 0.83 0.7491 0.9655 0.9412 0.6747 0.7237 1.0886 1.0983 1.0077 1.005 1.1323 1.4611 1.3999 1.0679 1.0634 1.3133 1.3311 0.8902 1.1015 1.117 1.0276 1.059 0.4505 0.3907 0.4296 0.2938 0.3617 0.3719 0.603 0.8878 1.0432 0.743 1.1129 1.0514 1.0008 1.1257 1.3688 0.9891 1.2312 0.993 1.0081 0.9678 495 AA900146 Rat mRNA for non-neuronal enolase (NNE) (alpha-alp 0.9826 0.95 0.9824 0.8005 0.7327 0.9977 0.9593 0.9229 0.8866 0.7467 0.7948 0.7874 0.7451 0.7248 0.7789 0.9497 0.9604 0.7915 1.0078 0.9573 0.9376 0.8336 0.8703 0.8183 0.8175 0.7636 0.7809 0.7402 0.8203 0.9884 0.9398 1.1349 0.7256 0.9278 1.0109 0.8925 0.8805 0.8048 0.7669 0.8878 0.9158 0.8294 0.8442 0.8915 0.9224 0.8099 0.6949 0.7106 0.7484 496 AA900573 Rattus norvegicus cytosolic malate dehydrogenase ( 1.4377 1.5237 1.7681 1.1765 1.2383 1.0096 1.0352 1.3334 1.2054 1.0924 1.1074 0.8437 0.8889 1.1142 0.9743 1.1253 1.181 1.0361 1.4872 1.348 0.9287 0.8482 0.9525 1.0115 1.2833 1.0841 1.1682 1.0228 1.1105 1.2787 1.3401 1.3265 0.8765 1.1633 1.0545 0.9519 1.3479 1.1156 0.9183 1.0679 1.011 0.9491 1.1154 1.395 1.0011 0.9577 0.8388 0.8466 0.8437 497 AA900570 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for catalytic subunit of pr 0.9647 0.9923 0.9534 0.8822 0.7716 1.0018 1.0136 0.8519 0.8365 0.8398 0.9185 0.9187 0.9363 0.8199 0.8209 0.9005 0.9203 0.9171 0.8659 0.9808 1.0659 0.9463 1.0286 0.8752 0.8966 0.9007 0.9384 0.9282 0.9557 0.8625 0.9167 1.0193 0.7153 0.9489 0.9893 0.8876 0.9671 0.8594 0.9175 0.8834 0.895 0.9584 0.9396 0.8921 0.9984 0.9863 0.9605 0.9991 1.0032 498 AA900579 Rat hypoxanthine-guanine phosporibosyltransferase 1.0664 1.0707 1.2962 1.0608 1.0453 0.7126 0.7274 0.7764 0.7642 0.7477 0.6931 0.6611 0.6906 0.9496 0.8502 1.2852 1.3015 1.561 0.9155 0.9451 0.8793 0.7568 0.7773 0.7213 1.029 0.8928 1.1676 0.8624 0.8461 0.7996 0.9129 0.832 0.6584 0.9761 0.8489 0.674 0.9267 0.6608 0.7109 0.8813 1.2148 1.3858 1.4796 0.764 0.8733 0.7417 0.7957 0.8068 0.7832 499 AA900769 Rattus norvegicus (clone pGem-10C) smooth muscle a 0.9666 0.97 1.0226 0.8538 0.8511 0.9541 0.9959 0.6858 0.7279 0.8956 0.8571 0.8942 0.8281 0.7033 0.7153 0.8693 0.9067 1.1422 0.9111 0.8934 0.9552 0.8558 1.0689 0.9395 1.0623 1.1676 1.1291 1.1898 0.9329 0.9445 1.0783 0.946 0.8011 0.9606 1.0597 0.8756 0.8308 0.7719 0.9982 0.8488 0.8874 1.2008 0.9065 0.8648 1.0512 0.9532 0.9163 0.9141 0.8949 500 AA900788 R.norvegicus mRNA for D-dopachrome tautomerase 0.9631 1.0316 1.0218 0.9127 0.8993 0.7231 0.7314 0.9727 0.9421 0.9617 0.971 0.6768 0.6478 0.7768 0.7952 0.9416 0.9327 1.0034 1.2841 1.2379 0.9677 0.8721 0.9209 1.0363 0.8114 0.8615 0.9256 0.8017 0.7174 0.8514 0.8486 0.7919 0.7393 0.9282 0.8757 0.622 0.8274 0.728 0.632 0.6155 0.6748 0.7276 0.8097 0.8165 0.8619 0.8652 0.7827 0.7901 0.7618 501 AI137902 "Rattus norvegicus (TSC-22) mRNA, complete cds" 2.5024 2.7306 2.9973 1.9206 1.4932 0.6212 0.7941 1.0627 1.0435 1.9919 2.1248 1.64 1.9724 1.1211 0.8297 0.5194 0.4974 0.3975 1.1614 1.0441 0.7256 0.6423 0.7964 0.8057 2.1794 0.7879 0.6741 0.9104 0.8894 0.2266 0.6325 0.4423 0.4335 0.5731 0.4804 0.5448 1.4297 1.8297 1.4575 1.0235 0.4441 0.4281 0.4012 1.2575 0.756 0.9194 0.9888 1.0093 1.0558 502 AI137907 "R.norvegicus alpha-1-macroglobulin mRNA, complete " 0.7477 0.725 0.8493 0.7052 1.0022 0.6431 0.6191 0.5633 0.5399 0.8425 0.9382 0.7134 0.684 0.8128 0.8051 0.7325 0.7662 0.7037 1.0831 1.1072 1.1023 1.1213 0.9673 1.0845 0.926 1.0503 1.0708 1.0803 1.1775 0.3642 0.3649 0.4089 0.3956 0.4152 0.5042 0.6239 0.6451 1.0635 0.8064 0.7836 0.8723 0.746 0.7121 1.0536 1.1279 0.9908 1.003 0.9984 0.9789 503 AA901007 "Rattus norvegicus Sertoli cell protein (SC4) mRNA," 0.9419 1.6126 2.2772 2.6031 1.1203 66.2344 0.7314 3.8577 3.0451 4.6791 3.8175 0.9478 151.7361 2.4422 1.5611 2.6688 1.0601 11.8645 0.5056 1.1581 0.784 1.8459 1.6427 1.6402 130.978 4.2017 0.58 175.9958 4.2606 0.5649 172.186 2.5273 1.0654 3.2849 1.1902 262.5876 140.2014 1.4402 213.6582 247.8624 14.6613 205.6883 2.7137 2.9594 4.4123 2.52 209.0609 3.8376 8.962 504 AA901002 Rattus norvegicus mu-calpain large subunit (cls1) 1.0282 0.9921 1.0831 0.7326 0.9738 1.3531 1.1864 1.0631 1.126 1.3262 1.2189 1.0666 1.3687 1.1144 1.1545 0.8707 0.9862 1.451 0.7333 0.9997 1.0775 1.0318 1.2375 0.8683 7.8511 1.3925 1.8335 2.6153 2.161 1.904 184.5178 1.7705 1.3529 1.7831 1.3505 1.7723 2.9585 1.3406 2.9218 1.5314 1.486 1.1341 1.5107 1.263 2.5354 1.4007 1.4267 1.5325 1.7152 505 AA933176 "Rattus norvegicus bithoraxoid-like protein mRNA, c" 1.0174 1.046 1.0574 1.1765 1.0241 1.0462 1.0878 0.9789 1.0682 1.1753 1.1252 1.1966 1.1068 1.9036 1.3434 1.0737 0.9871 1.0152 1.0398 1.0626 0.8839 0.9651 1.1199 1.0294 1.0872 1.0299 1.0911 1.2624 0.9697 1.7997 1.2742 0.99 0.7788 0.9986 0.9428 0.913 1.0011 1.079 1.0015 1.0315 0.9039 1.0512 0.9805 0.9773 0.977 0.9794 0.9279 0.9515 0.9334 506 AA901028 "ESTs, Weakly similar to similarity to methylases. " 1.0453 0.8322 1.1199 1.2376 1.4589 1.5234 1.5239 1.2454 1.4923 0.9222 1.0699 1.001 1.0333 1.1797 1.4846 1.2131 1.2024 1.5698 0.8985 1.1516 1.1075 1.2496 1.2782 1.221 1.8851 1.5776 1.9154 1.5892 1.0007 2.2346 326.5975 1.4245 1.4002 1.6604 1.493 1.8635 1.5168 1.2709 1.8494 1.5408 1.64 1.4942 1.1374 1.2519 1.6827 1.2265 1.1597 1.4208 1.2248 507 AA901033 Rat mRNA for ribosomal protein S14 0.8193 0.8049 0.7894 0.8272 0.7785 1.3909 1.4723 0.8427 0.8237 0.8787 0.8789 1.0124 0.9018 0.7491 1.0551 0.8186 0.8225 0.7823 0.8223 0.7946 0.8485 0.783 0.8205 0.8573 0.8639 0.7645 0.8533 0.8853 0.7232 1.6969 1.0705 1.0904 1.0373 1.3328 1.2395 1.162 0.7571 0.8169 0.8559 0.7517 0.7416 0.7636 0.7198 0.7131 0.8364 0.9369 0.8957 0.8065 0.7687 508 AA901305 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for ecto-ATPase 1.2545 1.0731 1.1842 1.0487 1.3418 1.9327 1.3612 1.1353 1.6638 0.8398 0.9754 0.8096 1.4063 1.0378 1.1347 1.3586 0.9809 1.6035 0.8263 1.0576 0.9247 1.3183 1.1966 0.7087 7.7397 7.7146 1.8933 2.4174 0.9711 2.324 3.1106 0.8667 1.1087 1.5793 1.2848 1.8222 1.9186 1.1746 2.5234 1.8478 1.844 3.1498 0.9528 1.2547 2.1523 1.4285 1.853 2.0731 1.4739 509 AA901316 Rattus norvegicus DCoH gene 0.8456 0.8329 0.8325 0.8511 0.9093 0.7682 0.7345 0.7616 0.8005 0.9387 0.9695 0.9776 0.8249 0.8393 1.1736 0.7852 0.7895 0.8016 0.9611 0.7811 0.8618 0.8683 0.8724 0.8335 0.8655 0.7788 0.8421 0.8352 0.8304 0.6649 0.6414 0.7178 0.5379 0.6733 0.6856 0.6851 0.7571 0.8882 0.7503 0.8162 0.6661 0.8051 0.7868 0.8032 0.8195 0.8038 0.7614 0.7661 0.7579 510 AA901229 R.norvegicus mRNA for amiloride binding protein (l 1.1334 0.957 1.7084 1.7269 1.2335 3.18 1.9778 3.7103 1.9315 0.8398 1.0291 1.0126 2.1635 1.7153 1.1385 1.1339 0.9964 1.4413 0.724 1.0996 0.8514 1.3154 2.4154 1.6693 3.0823 377.8553 13.6566 1.8593 1.0541 411.2831 3.8614 1.1427 1.0511 1.1254 1.941 2.5757 3.8122 2.0208 1.7853 1.7665 0.9861 2.9931 1.1356 1.381 2.4045 2.0491 4.3031 1.6916 1.345 511 AA901379 R.norvegicus mRNA for plasma protein 0.8443 0.7507 0.8473 0.7485 0.8897 0.5202 0.4639 0.6975 0.6869 0.9091 0.8444 0.6986 0.589 0.9054 1.5327 0.8753 0.8023 0.9237 1.3781 1.1336 1.0231 1.1697 1.2276 1.1288 0.8184 0.8546 0.9064 0.9005 1.0156 0.3112 0.2842 0.3202 0.2381 0.3036 0.3103 0.4659 0.7682 0.9443 0.6759 0.9445 0.8493 0.9189 0.9641 1.1085 0.9027 1.1549 0.8303 0.8769 0.8786 512 AA901385 R.norvegicus FGR mRNA 1.3977 0.9574 1.6147 2.1555 1.5331 3.538 1.7087 1.3417 2.272 1.0942 1.0705 1.0896 0.918 2.5072 1.0378 1.0183 0.97 1.2438 0.7145 1.1877 0.8452 0.9507 3.2215 1.2695 2.699 322.0527 3.5227 1.6109 1.1737 1.875 2.2477 0.8736 1.0726 1.7651 0.8459 1.9228 2.4736 1.2889 1.5644 1.4208 2.0753 1.7674 1.0352 1.1661 2.3876 1.5899 3.4178 1.5827 1.5551 513 AA901405 "ESTs, Highly similar to PROTEIN-TYROSINE PHOSPHATA" 0.97 0.9252 0.9676 1.1762 0.9597 1.1601 2.3262 1.0045 0.9772 1.091 1.054 1.2109 1.1198 1.0958 1.3849 1.1047 1.011 0.9081 1.051 0.8339 0.8017 1.052 1.0989 0.9701 1.2234 0.9617 0.9058 1.4484 0.7983 1.1544 1.1125 1.0864 0.9358 1.1735 1.1252 1.0438 1.0542 1.1297 1.1611 1.5228 0.9096 0.9821 0.8886 1.1005 1.2162 1.1086 0.9367 1.0532 1.1695 514 AA901407 Rattus norvegicus betaine homocysteine methyltrans 2.6352 2.6546 2.8066 1.3299 1.7806 0.3893 0.3526 2.3105 2.232 0.8398 2.4442 2.1955 2.0138 1.8126 2.3166 1.3325 1.4656 0.5166 2.2053 2.0208 0.6394 0.6851 0.9835 0.8824 1.6066 2.357 2.3414 2.3655 2.3707 0.5347 0.5179 0.5924 0.3337 0.4091 0.4442 0.3348 2.324 2.6325 2.4181 1.5438 1.3542 0.4949 0.46 1.7068 0.5526 0.8724 0.6443 0.6455 0.6958 515 AA923966 R.norvegicus AFAR mRNA for aflatoxin B1 aldehyde r 1.4591 1.7054 1.6095 1.5221 1.2526 0.7482 1.0817 1.4094 1.4203 1.1055 1.0536 1.2599 1.5671 5.0775 7.5021 5.439 4.6307 6.6315 0.6634 1.2395 1.306 1.8125 1.6502 1.417 1.8965 1.4813 1.1978 2.7335 1.2668 0.964 0.7263 0.5179 0.7528 0.9327 0.7761 0.7556 1.4916 1.071 1.3843 5.5109 6.3868 8.9049 7.9101 0.8943 2.1175 1.8735 1.4463 1.4475 1.3777 516 AA923989 Rat apolipoprotein e mrna 0.8335 0.897 0.8686 0.81 0.8962 0.4456 0.424 0.7366 0.7766 0.9042 0.7917 0.7024 0.6269 0.8997 0.9281 0.8685 0.9399 0.7656 1.0219 0.9391 0.8273 0.8479 0.7973 0.8051 0.8334 1.0142 1.004 0.9057 0.826 0.6103 0.5248 0.6733 0.3997 0.5223 0.4582 0.4569 0.7135 0.8261 0.7325 0.8837 0.7905 0.6926 0.5773 0.9258 0.7937 0.8416 0.8953 0.9202 0.8752 517 AA923894 Rattus norvegicus Tclone4 mRNA 0.9822 1.0938 1.0463 1.0476 0.9398 1.175 1.3688 0.9189 0.922 1.1507 0.9741 1.0861 1.0245 0.9998 0.9242 0.8511 0.8417 1.0835 0.9589 1.0833 1.0681 0.8794 1.0859 0.9814 1.9839 1.2145 1.1274 1.9079 1.1992 1.2653 2.197 1.4556 0.835 1.292 1.0301 1.2526 2.237 1.2707 1.6715 1.7262 1.1068 1.5212 1.0404 1.2821 1.3934 1.2664 1.4969 1.2452 1.433 518 AA924358 Rat proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA/cycli 1.0158 0.9149 1.0776 0.9627 1.0245 1.0752 1.0571 0.9219 0.975 1.125 1.008 1.1021 1.0106 1.0691 1.1128 1.142 1.1801 1.2769 1.0549 1.192 1.1586 0.9506 1.5738 1.0162 1.2295 1.1436 1.6996 1.3622 0.8434 3.0105 2.7684 1.0998 0.8787 1.0441 1.1153 1.1167 1.2324 0.8137 1.1948 1.23 1.2047 1.1882 1.1863 0.971 1.2688 1.2124 1.0513 1.3215 1.0751 519 AA923919 "Rat spleen mRNA for cathepsin E, complete cds" 0.7955 1.1856 1.2008 1.295 1.01 6.4105 3.7364 1.5546 1.3084 1.6079 1.3795 1.2649 1.6837 1.4615 1.2495 1.0679 1.0885 1.5266 0.6259 0.7768 0.9282 1.0325 1.6432 0.863 541.8688 1.686 0.9592 13.8507 1.4182 1.8546 7.9742 1.3372 1.1704 1.246 1.018 3.5756 182.6192 1.1119 5.6177 4.0453 1.5898 6.2836 0.9808 1.5811 1.8256 1.6716 2.6717 1.5499 1.6931 520 AA924366 Rattus norvegicus general vesicular transport fact 0.865 0.7914 0.8506 0.8104 1.0022 0.9552 0.89 0.8678 0.8442 1.1768 1.0624 0.9885 1.0751 1.1948 1.1927 1.0765 1.0709 1.0993 0.9409 0.8791 1.048 0.9794 1.0393 1.0768 0.9862 1.0202 1.2533 1.078 0.9621 1.197 0.9478 0.7975 0.5995 0.9495 0.8094 0.8429 1.2218 1.1826 1.1239 1.2116 1.1897 1.0607 1.1134 1.0306 1.0051 1.1747 1.0397 1.0525 1.0735 521 AA923836 Rattus norvegicus eukaryotic initiation factor 5 ( 0.9115 0.8412 0.9272 0.8586 0.8689 1.1269 1.1224 0.9172 0.8105 0.8906 0.9025 0.8662 0.9566 0.8178 0.8069 0.9553 0.9893 1.0537 1.0059 1.0836 1.0439 1.0009 0.9528 0.9081 0.8833 0.8629 0.9273 0.9012 0.9543 0.9643 0.938 1.0315 0.8317 1.0165 1.0785 1.0465 0.9266 0.929 0.9318 0.8533 1.029 1.1311 1.0989 1.0035 1.0003 0.9676 0.9308 1.0235 0.9797 522 AA923846 Rat liver 70-kDa peroxisomal membrane protein(PMP7 1.06 1.0318 1.0652 1.4025 1.1806 1.836 0.5165 1.6677 1.8925 1.6984 1.0821 0.9283 1.0144 1.1697 1.1188 0.8222 0.8254 1.1903 0.9303 1.6044 1.0399 1.3462 4.041 1.0079 1.6129 0.6207 0.8234 2.7516 0.6943 2.9584 1.0369 1.8158 1.0723 1.408 1.1992 2.0283 1.2614 1.0579 1.7289 1.7064 1.5836 1.5968 1.0744 1.0559 1.7897 1.5257 1.2418 1.5194 1.6515 523 AA923863 R.norvegicus mRNA for urokinase-type plasminogen a 0.8332 0.7379 1.0046 0.8686 1.0592 0.9366 0.8247 0.6898 0.8141 1.4348 0.9337 0.8861 0.9321 0.8416 0.6208 0.7142 0.7733 1.0274 0.8919 0.8556 1.0354 0.9157 1.5743 0.8853 19.2039 1.5181 3.8609 2.3386 1.2199 1.0328 2.1407 0.7043 0.7905 0.8828 0.6064 1.4399 155.4305 1.3409 15.2078 3.8766 1.4258 1.279 0.8315 1.4521 1.4957 279.0124 1.379 1.646 1.812 524 AA923854 "Rattus norvegicus unc-50 related protein mRNA, com" 0.8812 0.8795 0.9366 0.9921 0.96 0.9042 0.7597 0.8429 0.8321 0.9474 0.8761 0.8552 0.8722 0.9626 0.9734 1.1066 1.0654 0.9898 0.8791 1.1777 1.0557 0.9033 1.1075 0.9945 0.9882 0.8243 1.0205 0.9097 0.8944 0.9138 1.0914 0.9153 0.944 1.1498 1.0534 0.7888 1.1899 0.803 0.9192 0.8601 0.831 0.7427 0.9428 0.8811 1.1752 1.0277 0.9057 0.9622 0.9479 525 AI137921 Rat CD3d mRNA for T3 delta protein 0.987 1.4503 1.3717 1.8104 1.3282 87.2223 84.1588 2.6365 2.1068 137.7991 2.2326 1.9811 3.9496 218.1285 0.7642 1.2043 1.1852 2.4051 0.6805 1.124 0.7287 1.3158 1.9519 1.4797 8.2666 2.0767 0.3891 153.2418 1.2829 0.1919 295.9555 1.4887 1.0859 1.8022 1.2689 4.9292 134.1395 1.2211 0.7589 246.1637 5.4563 145.3117 1.2138 1.7581 4.3249 2.0412 21.7704 1.842 2.0805 526 AA924402 "Rattus norvegicus TFIIA small subunit mRNA, comple" 0.9019 0.9021 0.9628 0.9596 0.9727 1.101 1.1977 0.8644 0.8104 1.0273 0.9871 0.8386 0.8278 0.8986 0.865 1.0988 1.0681 1.3209 0.9259 0.9628 1.0503 0.9341 1.0422 1.0371 1.1542 1.0234 1.3481 1.1191 0.9462 1.0976 1.3827 0.9907 0.89 1.042 1.0874 1.0569 1.1531 0.9974 0.9805 0.9494 1.0854 0.9825 1.0324 1.0435 1.2622 1.0748 1.0427 1.1446 0.9769 527 AA924247 "Rattus norvegicus 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase," 0.7786 0.7736 0.8454 0.8646 0.8188 0.4426 0.4637 0.5503 0.5117 0.5931 0.6371 0.6607 0.7859 0.6993 0.4657 0.5798 0.5566 0.6116 1.0286 0.8575 0.811 0.7782 1.3392 1.1851 1.1996 0.8546 0.5378 0.9275 0.9201 0.3848 0.5276 0.4125 0.3679 0.5216 0.427 0.5236 0.756 0.6319 0.7476 0.7141 0.5491 0.5926 0.5579 1.218 0.8768 1.2561 0.6308 0.681 0.8178 528 AA924268 "Rat dipeptidase (dpep1) mRNA, complete cds" 0.867 0.9497 1.0473 0.7404 0.9654 0.8377 0.5685 0.9696 1.0468 1.0117 0.9726 0.8922 0.8969 0.8778 0.8154 0.9478 0.9983 0.9807 1.065 1.1212 0.9516 1.0119 1.2773 0.9444 1.3173 1.3509 2.2834 2.2749 0.8752 1.7052 1.6108 0.9822 0.8042 0.7312 0.7921 1.0299 2.1691 0.937 1.1476 1.1181 1.1709 1.2477 0.9174 1.2424 1.1868 1.1736 0.901 1.1873 1.1314 529 AA924274 R.norvegicus (Sprague Dawley) mRNA for ribosomal p 0.965 0.9655 1.0848 1.2113 0.9933 1.4826 1.5583 0.9535 0.9306 1.0735 1.0326 1.0147 0.978 1.2077 1.2841 1.0151 1.0043 1.0338 1.0154 1.0596 0.9527 0.9716 1.0461 1.0203 1.0663 0.9659 1.3783 1.1469 0.8664 2.273 1.5182 1.3117 1.1396 1.3836 1.3172 1.2939 0.8947 0.9456 0.9127 0.9141 0.8796 1.0208 0.9061 0.8887 0.9537 1.001 0.9945 1.0381 0.9775 530 AA924281 "Rat metallothionein-2 and metallothionein-1 genes," 1.1964 1.2322 1.1427 0.5462 0.6167 0.1522 0.1467 0.2903 0.3098 0.2844 0.2684 0.3351 0.2644 0.343 0.4875 0.5572 0.5538 1.2096 0.4784 0.4635 0.5142 0.522 0.4225 0.4319 0.5527 1.1117 1.2254 1.1756 0.9276 0.0551 0.0636 0.063 0.0756 0.1037 0.0859 0.1506 0.2412 0.2281 0.2475 0.3043 0.4824 1.0071 0.6848 0.3392 0.4346 0.3958 0.5276 0.4793 0.4948 531 AA924111 Rat brain glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 0.8713 0.8769 0.8048 0.6251 0.656 1.2018 1.1351 0.9603 0.9112 0.8773 0.9142 0.8984 0.7796 0.9607 1.6671 0.9208 0.9051 0.8402 0.9622 0.9609 0.9259 0.8611 0.7226 0.7203 0.693 0.5938 0.5027 0.6664 0.5809 1.2105 1.0182 1.1695 0.8611 1.0516 1.0997 0.9757 0.8478 0.8169 0.7484 0.9479 0.9241 0.8767 0.9059 0.8843 0.8541 0.8339 0.6712 0.6506 0.6778 532 AA924020 "Rat F alloantigen mRNA, 3' end" 1.5445 1.4735 1.5387 1.0561 1.2457 0.9397 0.812 0.8588 0.9227 0.8398 1.0272 0.8503 0.6629 0.8852 1.1732 1.3 1.2708 1.3247 1.4447 1.2363 0.8135 0.9016 1.0512 1.0856 1.1234 1.0108 1.0631 1.0368 1.0065 0.6785 0.9097 0.6664 0.5452 0.6583 0.6954 0.8429 0.8867 1.0222 0.7101 0.6948 1.096 1.2576 1.1546 1.0223 0.6771 0.9407 0.9509 0.8651 0.9069 533 AA924021 "Rat mRNA for cdc25B, complete cds" 1.0107 0.8346 1.2481 0.9451 1.0434 2.0137 1.9701 1.4701 1.6553 1.0463 0.9689 1.094 1.2382 2.7779 1.2982 0.9645 0.7987 1.5502 0.6321 0.9384 0.8745 1.1422 1.5275 1.6147 2.6103 1.7953 1.2136 7.5756 1.1042 5.0261 13.9218 1.0426 1.203 1.4235 1.1191 1.6032 3.7089 1.2455 2.8951 2.8679 2.3095 192.248 1.0259 1.2437 2.3286 1.5889 1.7942 1.8536 1.5655 534 AA924025 "Rattus norvegicus F1-ATPase epsilon subunit mRNA, " 1.0669 1.0229 0.9805 0.9609 1.0009 1.1831 1.2481 1.171 1.2252 1.0298 1.0174 1.1037 1.0191 1.0315 1.4198 0.9118 0.9243 0.8244 1.1639 1.1584 0.9665 0.9902 1.0042 1.0036 1.055 0.8666 1.0848 0.9444 0.7997 1.5841 1.1745 1.0895 1.0017 1.2515 1.1645 1.097 0.937 0.8103 0.8893 0.7722 0.7475 0.7591 0.7412 0.7838 0.917 0.8542 0.9378 0.8839 0.8182 535 AA924043 "Rattus norvegicus p130 mRNA, complete cds" 1.337 0.9074 1.232 1.5334 1.291 4.3276 3.1768 1.238 3.488 1.3654 1.3322 1.4537 1.9717 2.0799 1.9244 1.1654 0.9359 1.8593 0.4894 1.0772 0.6448 1.3279 1.9333 1.8229 204.4173 1.4305 1.7191 220.0025 1.5367 1.2397 3.1809 1.3386 1.3687 2.7519 1.5208 1.9497 262.9448 2.4679 275.0669 312.9673 278.1145 278.4157 1.2118 1.6008 10.5421 2.8957 3.0124 4.5566 2.6085 536 AA924044 "Rattus norvegicus APEG-1 mRNA, complete cds" 1.3256 1.1314 0.8459 126.1538 1.6817 101.1621 57.9706 1.9893 6.8933 1.4056 1.0312 1.4357 1.5846 2.5541 1.3476 1.1729 0.9611 1.5908 0.7797 1.7981 0.8606 1.2351 4.8961 2.2458 9.7451 217.4291 2.9536 5.3296 1.2033 12.171 200.6624 1.5205 1.1375 2.6885 1.3876 209.1003 41.6287 1.535 2.9121 2.9317 165.0669 161.0019 99.7467 1.4684 4.0651 3.0193 178.9412 1.8071 0.5335 537 AA924050 R.norvegicus mRNA for G protein-coupled receptor k 0.9893 1.1008 1.0009 1.2357 0.9894 1.1105 103.6167 1.0257 1.1521 1.128 0.9608 1.1724 6.0265 0.7724 0.9719 0.9987 0.8796 0.9289 0.947 1.1613 0.581 0.9812 1.606 1.4118 2.2083 1.2912 1.166 7.7647 1.1852 1.6806 1.7721 0.9103 1.1625 1.1688 0.944 1.2516 2.3769 1.621 2.6512 2.8791 1.3967 2.0341 0.956 1.4063 1.9318 1.6628 1.2359 1.2205 1.5225 538 AA955166 R.norvegicus phosphatidylethanolamine binding prot 0.9979 0.9968 1.0102 1.072 1.0704 0.8476 0.7986 1.0555 1.011 1.0364 0.9441 1.0728 0.9645 2.1897 1.7023 1.3661 1.316 1.0539 1.5036 1.3323 1.1192 1.1387 1.0742 1.0499 0.9349 0.8409 0.8836 0.84 0.8216 0.8126 0.7859 0.8259 0.7107 0.8912 0.9066 0.6646 0.8685 0.8354 0.7992 1.1097 1.0306 0.9689 0.9771 1.0673 0.8168 0.831 0.8495 0.8106 0.8451 539 AA955182 "Rat DNA binding protein (GATA-GT1) mRNA, complete " 0.8092 0.8159 0.9074 1.0635 1.1172 0.5572 0.4532 0.6968 0.6707 0.8434 0.9496 0.7621 1.8928 1.099 1.5606 1.0037 0.9875 0.8936 0.9157 1.054 0.7138 1.0848 1.0139 0.969 1.3183 1.1644 0.9366 1.6092 0.9433 1.0985 0.6431 0.6681 0.5103 0.6136 0.5849 0.7622 0.9291 0.916 1.1335 1.5561 1.3857 1.1934 0.7372 0.9583 1.136 1.1669 1.2619 1.1611 1.2074 540 AA955185 "Rat histone (H2A.Z) mRNA, complete cds" 0.9521 0.8797 0.8478 0.9697 1.0518 0.8486 0.8498 0.7863 0.8699 0.9416 0.8467 0.9597 0.7408 1.1442 1.3955 0.981 0.8838 0.9533 1.1755 1.2092 1.0036 1.1171 1.0233 1.1592 1.1516 0.9224 1.0544 0.9427 0.7629 0.9437 0.9242 0.8699 0.8469 1.1088 0.9583 0.7948 0.8191 0.8137 0.8545 1.0217 0.8426 0.8066 0.753 0.9827 1.1157 1.5588 1.093 1.0413 1.0031 541 AA955197 Rat unidentified mRNA expressed in embryo and tumo 0.927 1.0509 1.0538 1.1374 1.2792 1.007 1.044 1.0526 1.0426 0.992 1.0578 1.0311 1.0775 1.2112 1.1399 1.1511 1.1619 1.2269 0.9966 1.1605 1.2274 1.207 1.24 1.1877 1.5845 1.0986 1.0898 1.4987 1.1647 1.0354 1.1687 1.1456 0.8011 1.1558 1.0507 1.0691 1.4707 1.1408 0.8247 1.7263 1.452 1.4094 1.2034 1.2661 1.4835 1.2802 1.4015 1.3162 1.4036 542 AA955200 R.norvegicus mRNA for channel integral membrane pr 0.952 0.9503 0.9788 1.104 1.428 2.4587 1.2934 1.6995 1.2764 1.2555 1.1685 1.4222 1.0515 0.7611 1.0181 0.8593 0.8899 1.5822 0.9921 1.6235 1.0584 1.8587 3.1289 0.8646 0.9294 2.5667 2.8633 213.1987 1.5536 6.5452 229.2461 1.8754 1.0157 1.3744 1.2768 3.0579 2.1187 1.2468 2.0335 1.4193 2.363 2.167 2.2118 1.4727 2.1523 1.7023 2.0945 2.8921 1.9779 543 AA924058 "EST, Highly similar to dorsal protein 1 [R.norvegi" 1.0234 0.983 1.3605 1.5848 1.7059 4.191 86.7103 2.9721 1.5222 1.5478 1.755 1.1449 2.9863 0.9684 1.4482 1.3431 0.9548 1.6878 0.5111 0.8995 0.8474 1.6001 6.309 1.0358 128.2192 2.6493 0.756 26.0462 1.8358 2.1184 196.3921 1.9453 1.7974 1.3783 1.2387 5.7108 206.7468 1.3295 229.0506 268.6202 2.6483 207.6926 1.7128 1.5509 2.4395 2.2683 5.8228 1.8936 2.0116 544 AA924062 "Rat MHC class I RT1 (RT16) mRNA (u haplotype), 3' " 1.0996 1.3342 1.5519 0.7461 0.7731 0.9012 0.9683 0.8582 0.8262 1.0616 1.089 1.2989 1.2206 0.984 0.9474 1.208 1.2385 0.8962 1.2371 1.0193 1.285 1.4054 1.186 1.3 0.7027 1.3605 1.3699 1.2677 1.2672 0.7389 0.667 0.8565 0.565 0.7509 0.748 0.8108 0.7595 0.9064 1.1382 0.8805 1.0776 0.7487 0.7439 0.8046 0.9623 0.9864 1.0129 1.0191 0.9543 545 AA924063 "Rattus norvegicus MAP kinase kinase mRNA, complete" 0.8679 0.8596 0.8895 0.9186 1.0428 1.1936 1.0847 1.0277 0.9095 1.0303 0.9257 1.0471 1.1579 1.0402 0.9153 1.0113 1.0192 1.0419 0.7251 0.8896 1.022 0.9673 1.2009 0.9817 3.5589 0.9741 1.0871 1.6553 1.1317 1.2423 1.758 1.1823 0.8915 1.2468 1.1265 1.2107 20.9069 1.0129 1.8434 1.437 1.3085 1.2939 1.0304 1.0518 1.34 1.5982 1.132 1.2402 1.335 546 AA924076 "Rat alpha-1A-adrenergic receptor mRNA, complete cd" 1.196 0.9618 0.865 40.0894 1.4315 77.1015 0.5689 1.6115 219.2809 2.8527 1.1977 1.2167 1.466 0.8948 1.1245 1.0337 0.897 1.6016 0.8575 1.9799 2.0003 3.5757 275.0812 1.7254 116.2869 1.2477 16.4114 148.8271 1.3806 6.1889 275.0986 153.5386 1.7266 4.6894 2.3543 161.8778 3.0671 2.0641 35.508 5.5589 207.0734 3.9836 2.9826 2.148 213.0564 3.9234 3.5025 12.558 191.9076 547 AA924080 Rattus norvegicus myo-inositol monophosphatase (IM 1.0029 0.9795 1.1793 1.0437 1.1522 0.9237 0.8167 1.1974 1.0752 1.3008 1.2169 1.039 1.1166 1.06 1.0379 0.9367 0.9396 1.314 0.9013 1.0423 0.9573 0.9518 1.1582 1.1075 3.6206 1.2163 1.2077 1.5012 1.3379 0.9089 1.422 0.8199 0.7143 0.8631 0.8618 0.9442 27.9904 1.34 1.972 1.6399 1.4085 1.1096 0.8286 1.3474 1.4086 1.5784 1.0882 1.2284 1.3869 548 AA901112 Rat mRNA for ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) 1.1016 1.0438 0.8096 1.3923 1.1372 2.8807 0.7314 1.1348 1.6117 1.8729 1.27 1.2656 1.3504 0.9264 1.2419 1.0888 1.153 1.7319 0.554 2.3028 1.3085 1.3158 2.4014 1.2981 123.9459 0.9572 2.4962 3.5789 1.675 2.4111 171.1885 2.1051 1.118 7.1344 1.2921 2.5813 120.4113 1.5227 160.8229 1.8771 2.4755 1.1447 80.1908 1.4943 162.9398 2.8163 2.3005 3.5598 247.7688 549 AA901140 "R.norvegicus 3.2.3 antigen protein mRNA, complete " 1.3247 1.837 1.034 3.0204 1.3261 73.6405 60.1416 2.2502 1.7121 5.3235 2.516 5.5038 6.1352 1.8092 1.4673 1.1965 1.046 1.5544 0.489 1.2739 0.7248 1.6797 1.7868 1.4287 111.2801 2.8116 0.7052 140.7178 1.6238 0.3934 187.3046 1.8879 1.1779 1.8061 1.3932 9.0266 128.0777 1.1894 0.7625 209.0253 7.6304 154.2325 1.7564 3.3611 7.2296 2.5809 228.0188 5.1227 5.8739 550 AA901147 "Rattus norvegicus atrophin-1 (DRPLA) mRNA, complet" 1.0097 1.193 1.1433 1.0287 0.9875 1.3367 1.2135 1.1592 1.115 1.0639 0.9819 0.674 1.0316 0.8369 0.7645 1.0422 1.0114 1.2516 0.9062 1.1032 0.8813 0.9192 1.1158 0.8595 1.208 0.8566 1.5839 1.2907 1.0442 1.3646 2.0236 1.1858 0.8868 0.8513 1.0401 1.1112 1.3237 0.8471 1.1954 1.0757 1.075 0.9751 1.0678 1.0595 1.106 1.0697 0.9822 1.1697 1.0363 551 AA901050 Rat hepatocyte mRNA for growth hormone-regulated p 0.6823 0.6621 0.6925 0.8867 0.9083 0.2558 0.2542 0.4259 0.4138 0.5889 0.6447 0.5469 0.5871 1.1096 1.0148 0.8795 0.9282 0.6962 0.8314 0.5589 0.9091 0.8634 0.8251 0.83 0.9005 0.8613 0.7833 0.8668 0.9454 0.2349 0.2274 0.2827 0.2084 0.2707 0.3076 0.2543 0.4446 0.6674 0.6291 1.0938 0.9738 0.7202 0.7368 0.7308 0.9294 0.8295 0.9802 1.03 1.0076 552 AA901044 R.norvegicus mRNA for dendrin 1.0494 0.9241 1.8063 0.9839 1.1726 81.3553 0.8008 1.8133 4.0808 1.9625 1.5489 1.5875 2.1137 1.1052 0.9615 1.5142 0.8168 1.8993 0.6043 2.077 1.0454 2.1572 53.909 1.1754 105.1623 3.7505 12.3962 144.0066 2.0218 13.4517 188.2402 160.509 7.7956 3.5758 6.4726 175.4591 146.2981 2.669 163.2968 4.349 8.1707 152.25 6.2901 3.3992 169.0271 6.9467 176.9802 8.8115 177.9072 553 AA901071 Rattus norvegicus C-terminal truncated VEGF recept 0.8705 0.8527 0.9302 0.91 1.0367 0.6811 0.8375 0.6773 0.7944 0.8532 0.8195 1.0063 0.8141 1.4599 0.918 0.7323 0.8519 0.8083 0.7996 1.0412 1.2582 0.9069 1.0367 0.9157 1.3925 0.989 1.5291 2.0349 1.0404 4.9585 1.4139 0.7196 0.6117 0.8221 0.7318 0.7743 1.056 1.05 1.3137 1.057 0.9686 1.1632 0.7577 1.0498 1.2054 1.2751 1.3261 1.3514 1.3305 554 AA901070 Rat mRNA for contrapsin-like protease inhibitor re 1.0161 0.9273 1.0404 0.8374 1.0426 0.8199 0.7614 0.8229 0.8489 0.8781 0.7559 0.8098 0.6714 0.7551 1.0014 0.5441 0.5391 0.6633 1.1014 0.9982 0.9169 1.0393 0.7641 0.7474 0.989 1.0863 1.1012 1.1723 1.1528 0.7355 0.7194 0.8414 0.3307 0.398 0.4332 0.8072 0.9094 0.766 0.7736 0.6916 0.5296 0.632 0.5906 0.8652 0.8185 0.6604 0.8527 0.7915 0.8727 555 AA901327 Rattus norvegicus preproepidermal growth factor mR 1.1087 1.0388 1.3656 1.245 1.196 0.9585 1.0566 0.9298 1.0927 1.1596 1.1477 1.0852 1.2649 1.4541 1.1555 1.2995 1.0216 1.4387 0.8718 1.2464 1.1888 1.0577 1.241 1.2313 2.3283 1.5422 1.3201 4.1562 1.5023 1.5299 1.2454 0.8146 0.8468 1.1285 0.7279 1.2625 1.8391 1.4643 2.5257 1.893 1.7218 2.2791 1.4734 1.2842 1.4746 2.4314 1.527 1.7172 1.6183 556 AA901345 Rat 60 kDa protein and non-specific lipid transfer 0.8854 0.8454 0.927 0.8062 0.9494 0.7626 0.739 0.8115 0.8099 0.8398 0.9597 0.8198 0.7082 1.0166 1.1889 0.9552 0.9821 0.9092 1.3727 0.7861 1.0497 1.0603 1.234 1.1484 0.8798 0.7932 0.8205 0.8112 0.6695 0.8356 0.8364 0.745 0.6714 0.774 0.8139 0.7982 0.8795 0.9755 0.7303 0.879 0.8271 0.9072 0.7425 1.0058 0.9047 1.0899 1.0269 0.9284 0.9288 557 AA901256 "Rat fos-related antigen (Fra-1) mRNA, complete cds" 0.9634 1.0587 1.0455 2.8072 1.4244 4.6081 2.1173 1.356 1.405 1.4294 1.2338 1.2268 1.2277 7.7916 1.3485 1.1236 0.9517 1.3498 0.5989 0.9116 1.8372 1.7361 2.2862 1.3913 3.9922 2.5085 1.3882 186.8853 1.1303 3.594 2.2824 1.11 1.2402 1.7039 1.2024 1.5806 11.5042 1.5724 3.061 3.0047 2.7775 359.5922 1.1883 1.6653 3.847 1.9009 1.8453 1.9949 2.2045 558 AA901261 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for catalytic subunit of pr 0.9521 0.8401 1.0706 0.9517 1.123 1.2009 1.2587 0.9436 0.9665 1.0212 0.8822 0.8957 0.811 1.6013 1.1501 1.0363 0.9873 1.1257 1.0588 1.0778 1.1248 1.1556 1.0052 1.0157 1.0378 1.0037 1.2236 0.9693 1.0221 1.4431 1.3276 1.3276 1.1259 1.4644 1.4655 1.3061 1.0532 0.9637 0.9741 0.8413 0.9919 1.119 1.0521 0.8697 1.0978 1.0223 1.1548 1.0907 1.0503 559 AA924224 Rattus norvegicus cytochrome P-450 11-beta hydroxy 1.2207 1.3345 0.8459 0.7668 5.0358 80.1931 75.9463 5.2798 6.7517 1.8103 1.1718 1.6054 5.7853 1.0115 1.4039 0.9979 0.9083 3.0924 0.4635 1.0685 2.0485 1.1745 5.2425 1.8321 156.9724 2.0448 2.1449 171.0203 1.5415 1.0952 219.9552 1.3442 2.1299 2.043 1.8643 2.9278 161.3622 3.6865 210.149 286.2592 213.7619 167.0037 1.0643 2.7383 185.5069 13.5076 77.2749 213.5679 6.7686 560 AA924232 "Rat oxytocin mRNA, complete cds" 1.1886 1.3225 1.3284 0.939 1.1094 0.5469 0.4638 1.0501 1.0935 1.0144 0.9704 0.6871 4.9769 2.3651 1.0251 0.9789 1.0643 0.7768 0.9094 1.1009 0.8949 1.0019 1.2188 1.374 1.094 1.923 1.295 1.2565 0.9954 0.5437 0.5087 0.4785 0.4082 0.5249 0.4244 0.6005 0.9336 0.8505 0.7616 0.767 1.1213 0.8967 0.674 0.8127 0.9186 1.2632 1.5586 0.943 0.9922 561 AA924237 Rat MHC RT1-B region class II (Ia antigen) A-alpha 1.0922 1.1177 1.5643 1.0353 0.864 0.5761 0.8133 0.7137 0.7358 0.8664 0.8356 0.9716 0.9158 0.7378 0.9762 0.7857 0.7486 0.9182 0.8977 1.031 1.0782 1.5431 1.3711 1.1871 1.3607 1.0993 0.9439 2.1723 1.0431 1.2543 0.9969 0.6884 0.5383 0.6499 0.4489 0.6924 0.9605 1.1414 1.3771 1.0539 1.0466 1.2966 0.9366 0.9611 1.7439 1.7093 1.7222 1.5457 1.8634 562 AA924470 Rattus norvegicus Drosophila polarity gene (frizzl 1.1391 1.1582 1.423 1.0462 1.2414 0.866 0.819 0.6636 0.732 0.8398 0.8776 1.0118 0.9729 1.0844 1.3375 1.0441 1.0691 0.748 0.8771 0.9536 0.9669 1.0792 1.6107 1.6224 1.5476 2.8346 2.6228 2.4286 1.8243 1.4363 1.1986 1.1464 0.7084 0.9033 0.7786 0.8061 0.7564 0.9817 1.213 1.207 1.1487 0.7425 0.5841 0.8391 1.019 1.3568 1.0459 1.1704 1.1197 563 AA924489 "Rat 5-aminolevulinate synthase mRNA, complete cds" 1.5888 1.4514 1.5753 1.1572 1.1867 1.0055 0.9261 1.015 0.9814 0.8751 0.8269 0.6807 0.753 2.1632 2.7201 2.4046 2.4409 2.1007 0.9686 0.98 0.9933 1.1529 0.6773 0.6072 1.191 1.4209 1.3174 1.4947 1.4134 0.7972 0.6507 0.7088 0.4718 0.5988 0.5795 0.9786 1.0595 0.9114 0.7106 2.1833 2.442 2.181 2.2044 0.8536 1.0515 0.6681 0.8355 0.8803 0.8985 564 AA924431 ESTs 0.978 0.9857 1.5311 1.9504 2.3601 2.9643 1.6797 1.5798 1.9322 0.8254 1.2891 1.134 1.2345 1.1686 1.3508 1.0206 1.1096 2.9294 0.8376 1.0101 1.0255 1.3064 4.5264 1.9993 208.3626 371.2424 5.7191 2.7597 1.5284 8.1331 17.595 1.2718 2.0286 3.5732 1.3824 2.9966 18.2473 1.6951 3.6747 2.4944 7.8353 5.5338 3.388 1.6528 9.0565 2.1255 2.8413 2.9391 1.8239 565 AA924286 R.norvegicus mRNA for ribosomal protein L10 0.8869 0.9805 1.0193 0.9391 0.9161 1.1651 1.2605 0.8117 0.834 0.8616 0.9362 0.9635 0.8892 0.8924 0.8612 0.8341 0.8931 0.8484 1.6282 1.5642 0.9259 0.8037 0.8711 0.7915 0.8743 0.8315 0.9072 0.9037 0.8421 0.9737 0.9462 1.0068 0.7833 1.0275 1.0569 1.0501 0.8344 0.8114 0.8682 0.8881 0.8509 0.9874 0.8814 1.3521 0.9112 0.8367 0.9056 0.8748 0.8437 566 AA924288 "Rat thymosin beta-10 mRNA, complete cds" 1.0443 1.3132 1.3088 0.828 1.0416 3.6846 3.6996 2.2081 2.3009 1.2276 1.207 1.3103 1.4158 0.8746 0.7858 0.8179 0.8155 1.1521 0.8285 0.7463 1.0649 0.8918 1.3058 0.9939 1.0667 1.1096 1.0836 1.2203 1.0218 3.6069 3.2884 3.2282 2.327 2.7107 3.2053 3.1953 1.8762 1.1005 1.3445 0.849 0.8243 0.7666 0.9291 0.7667 0.931 0.948 1.0676 1.0903 1.0624 567 AA924299 "Rattus norvegicus proteasome RN3 subunit mRNA, com" 0.7896 0.7458 0.7741 0.8399 0.7583 1.1088 1.1444 0.7973 0.713 0.711 0.7431 0.8334 0.8302 0.7955 0.7271 0.9623 0.9997 1.0877 0.8438 0.8358 0.9668 0.767 0.8314 0.7674 0.8614 0.7263 0.733 0.7295 0.7182 0.9255 0.9944 1.0783 0.765 0.9912 1.021 0.9915 0.745 0.6818 0.7986 0.8012 0.9151 1.1187 1.0717 0.7767 0.8984 0.8295 0.8929 0.8663 0.8324 568 AA924666 Rat mRNA for hydrophobic surfactant associated pro 1.0685 1.0946 1.2747 1.8188 1.9622 2.6009 1.0961 1.1369 1.4382 1.0028 1.5637 1.1519 1.1657 1.3169 0.9845 1.0668 1.0775 1.4174 1.5346 1.5112 1.3723 1.3771 2.4986 1.4203 1.5619 1.3267 1.577 3.6683 0.9807 1.9028 2.1905 1.5575 0.9111 1.4524 1.2464 1.4446 2.5079 1.1287 1.5504 1.2014 2.0941 1.1961 1.4233 1.088 1.6325 1.4236 1.7847 1.7382 1.5717 569 AA924540 "Rat xanthine dehydrogenase mRNA, complete cds" 0.8976 0.851 1.1155 0.7228 0.8587 0.2995 0.2688 0.6708 0.6827 0.9158 0.8843 0.759 1.1643 1.018 0.8514 1.0074 1.0471 0.9056 0.8484 1.1676 1.1111 1.0519 1.3591 1.1447 1.2754 1.1608 1.2164 1.5628 1.3342 0.4335 0.666 0.3359 0.2896 0.4649 0.2991 0.4321 1.3256 0.9949 1.0763 1.2681 1.3563 1.1963 0.9853 1.2965 1.3096 2.2515 1.0715 1.1271 1.1298 570 AA924534 "Rat liver mRNA for lysophospholipase, complete cds" 0.987 0.9895 1.3016 1.2846 1.4202 1.1515 0.4444 1.0064 0.972 1.1325 1.0435 0.9163 1.0439 1.1113 0.9788 0.9535 1.0645 1.0942 1.2446 1.2462 1.1448 1.1032 1.4535 1.2584 1.4585 1.3187 1.4247 1.4788 1.2617 1.2658 1.4189 1.3634 0.9526 1.4149 1.2165 1.2203 1.5264 1.1625 1.2521 1.3048 1.357 1.0762 1.203 1.2816 1.788 1.3343 1.2838 1.4963 1.3051 571 AA924538 "ESTs, Highly similar to KIAA0562 protein [H.sapien" 1.2397 1.3938 1.3547 1.1058 1.0254 1.7222 1.9421 1.4234 1.3324 1.466 1.2488 1.0483 1.5959 1.2728 1.087 1.1821 1.1894 1.2106 0.9416 1.0969 1.125 1.0852 1.5958 1.3394 186.01 1.3977 1.782 320.2122 8.3077 1.1741 236.0757 1.3129 0.8346 0.8457 0.8938 1.8708 189.5648 1.8599 358.4909 396.2125 2.7906 2.8133 1.8238 2.7191 2.2576 6.8849 1.6979 2.0402 2.3857 572 AA924544 Nucleotide sequence of the cDNA encoding the rat a 1.2303 1.5644 1.2177 0.8433 0.9197 0.2751 0.2398 0.8297 0.8918 1.0174 0.9586 0.6138 0.6347 0.688 0.6592 1.0429 1.1237 0.6186 1.1142 1.2083 0.5773 0.5364 1.015 1.2648 0.928 1.121 1.3465 1.106 1.0427 0.1948 0.1732 0.1552 0.2095 0.2783 0.2274 0.2458 0.7379 0.7777 0.6528 0.5784 0.9393 0.6572 0.6532 0.9473 0.6614 1.2253 0.7302 0.7679 0.7853 573 AA924546 "Rat interferon regulatory factor 1 (IRF-1) mRNA, c" 0.8018 0.9776 0.7722 0.9412 1.2293 2.0194 3.8812 1.0737 1.0562 1.202 1.5756 1.0787 2.5848 1.4231 0.9477 1.1163 0.8862 1.2761 0.6194 0.9814 0.8091 0.8362 1.6543 1.1013 6.0885 1.1448 0.802 3.3972 1.7171 0.6622 5.4611 1.0428 0.8262 2.4744 0.9431 1.7204 236.2436 1.2903 0.8247 3.5272 1.6558 4.983 1.1678 1.1931 1.503 1.3847 2.3501 1.83 2.3752 574 AA924681 "Rattus norvegicus G10 protein homolog (edg2) mRNA," 0.7319 0.7433 0.7615 0.9024 0.9266 0.7614 0.8262 0.6668 0.6067 0.8846 0.913 0.9794 0.9116 1.0015 0.8667 1.1393 1.1577 0.8858 0.9201 0.8489 0.9248 0.8678 1.0774 0.9369 0.893 1.2744 310.7111 1.2583 1.2505 0.6394 0.7664 0.6131 0.5288 0.7589 0.6736 0.7127 0.6526 0.8046 0.8903 0.9251 0.9925 0.6906 0.6864 0.7527 0.8954 0.8849 0.9709 0.9794 0.8992 575 AA924693 R.norvegicus mRNA for RT1.Ma 0.9943 0.8576 1.3353 1.2615 1.319 1.8987 1.3744 0.9293 0.8487 1.1267 1.1288 1.2288 5.2644 0.9138 1.118 1.2877 0.9216 1.864 0.6344 1.4513 1.1206 1.1016 2.7268 0.9789 5.2683 1.5982 0.8211 3.3571 2.4915 0.7244 2.8265 1.0189 0.9322 1.1141 0.8157 1.5037 3.9809 1.1329 3.0554 2.9018 1.4987 2.3746 1.1333 1.4577 1.5348 1.3267 1.8745 1.5013 1.7355 576 AA924695 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for receptor binding factor 0.6937 0.6378 0.6165 0.4222 0.5139 1.1097 0.7314 0.8632 0.8411 0.6752 0.7507 0.6863 0.7125 0.5941 0.5552 0.8426 0.8507 1.4531 0.8095 0.6183 0.639 0.6607 0.8145 0.8017 1.0055 0.719 0.9737 0.8025 0.9776 1.5366 2.1404 1.7108 0.9947 1.496 1.169 0.9626 1.1531 0.7641 0.8605 0.5694 0.8216 0.7905 1.1094 0.6189 0.9631 0.8393 0.8883 1.0411 1.003 577 AA924697 "Rat acyl-coA oxidase mRNA, complete cds" 1.1059 1.2462 1.3758 1.4243 1.0982 1.8636 4.0468 1.2127 1.79 1.2754 1.2184 1.2068 5.3205 2.3944 2.1242 2.1047 1.6895 4.1267 0.8287 2.0714 1.4086 1.2387 2.0315 1.6515 258.5549 2.9639 1.9964 263.8639 25.508 1.117 277.9782 2.1819 1.5887 2.9043 1.4327 1.8761 351.6174 2.745 387.5284 25.2593 8.4767 1324.891 5.8248 3.1513 6.1476 6.9327 2.9855 6.0248 3.5068 578 AA924704 Rat mRNA for proteasome subunit RC5 2.0062 1.8282 1.5265 1.4746 1.7538 3.6279 3.0236 1.8716 2.8548 1.0211 1.0708 1.2242 1.2264 2.0945 2.328 1.0284 1.1041 1.3526 1.1997 1.3764 0.8799 1.1289 1.073 0.9577 2.6607 2.124 1.6652 1.6167 1.4961 2.7304 3.1254 2.3216 2.5834 3.9784 3.0473 2.9938 2.5699 1.3175 1.5926 2.646 1.3179 1.1783 1.1285 1.546 1.7187 1.0877 1.169 1.2073 1.0515 579 AA924709 "Rattus norvegicus VHL protein (VHL) mRNA, complete" 1.1561 0.839 0.8459 20.9783 1.438 73.9472 79.2854 2.8955 74.4585 1.1763 1.2602 1.1592 4.6724 1.0364 0.963 2.0392 0.9603 1.7162 0.5767 0.9116 0.7194 1.1923 3.5282 2.84 144.2878 334.997 2.5293 172.8868 2.3733 2.968 355.7167 3.2076 23.1556 273.463 3.2109 9.7709 175.5757 5.9313 197.3064 296.6379 218.9005 178.233 5.662 3.881 208.291 284.0786 216.6287 201.7355 248.5659 580 AA924590 R.norvegicus mRNA for gamma subunit of sodium pota 1.2831 1.154 1.4705 2.6858 1.8022 6.1803 3.0069 3.6917 2.5257 1.2023 0.9388 1.0189 1.5365 1.1543 1.6403 1.0574 1.0368 1.6791 0.7718 1.381 0.8427 1.3916 6.1491 2.7853 3.2198 333.4277 4.0155 1.7331 1.1818 3.939 3.9281 1.1755 1.5398 2.5407 1.4212 2.8826 2.6547 1.4064 2.4508 1.7803 2.6494 4.6391 1.241 1.2037 2.5939 2.0893 251.934 1.7822 1.6637 581 AA924591 "Rat Cyp4a locus, encoding cytochrome P450 (IVA3) m" 1.0326 1.0144 1.0951 1.0223 1.0709 1.2007 1.2302 0.9916 1.1125 1.05 0.9759 1.0718 1.0961 1.0344 1.5175 1.0395 1.0745 1.1629 1.0225 1.2038 0.9878 1.1061 1.2361 0.9199 1.4123 1.0391 1.1523 1.2813 1.1187 0.6879 1.0831 1.112 0.9786 1.2501 1.1524 1.1377 1.3039 1.2271 1.3122 1.364 1.2755 1.3823 1.124 1.2261 1.228 4.9105 1.041 1.1323 1.1961 582 AA924594 Rat cytochrome P-450d methylcholanthrene-inducible 0.7794 0.7014 0.7883 0.6977 0.8189 1.6895 1.7399 0.8514 0.9102 0.8979 0.7906 1.1667 1.0425 0.5559 0.771 0.4839 0.4757 0.4369 0.8432 0.843 0.906 0.8941 0.8182 0.7688 0.7356 0.5443 0.6741 0.5695 0.6364 1.9212 1.9009 1.8728 1.3921 1.826 1.7638 1.5273 0.8189 0.7611 1.0826 0.4552 0.4121 0.3393 0.3946 0.6232 0.7958 0.6742 0.7664 0.7758 0.8057 583 AA924597 Rat PRPS2 mRNA for phosphoribosylpyrophosphate syn 1.1397 1.3426 0.9519 1.4868 0.9738 1.8982 8.7019 1.4336 1.3474 1.2989 1.3868 1.2601 2.4717 1.0029 1.7107 0.9852 0.942 1.253 1.0107 1.2642 0.8238 1.4497 1.4134 2.0715 4.0682 1.7544 1.9055 86.2158 1.4857 2.2336 3.6095 1.34 2.1845 1.6591 1.4838 2.0982 3.0015 2.1968 13.1015 4.5742 1.9549 3.458 1.1195 2.6097 2.3422 2.1079 1.7208 1.8241 2.1852 584 AA924611 "Rat mRNA for CD30, complete cds" 0.7866 0.8602 0.8593 0.8735 1.0266 0.8759 0.8573 0.7616 0.7657 0.8001 0.8337 0.8886 0.8593 0.9261 1.2459 0.9301 1.0114 0.9562 1.0089 1.0895 1.0085 1.0908 0.978 0.9544 1.0033 1.111 1.2289 1.0852 0.9215 0.8678 0.8865 0.7466 0.6484 0.9094 0.7846 0.8761 0.8447 0.9441 1.108 0.9553 1.1026 0.9853 0.8802 0.9562 1.0916 0.9679 1.1493 1.1542 1.1545 585 AA924618 "EST, Highly similar to kininogen [R.norvegicus]" 1.5348 1.4737 1.5688 0.7758 0.8225 1.4611 1.4144 0.8279 0.8208 0.7326 0.7605 0.8505 0.847 0.8902 1.2886 1.1897 1.0913 0.9476 0.9589 1.1768 0.5876 0.73 0.8296 0.9552 0.8703 1.381 1.2013 1.6156 1.3683 1.2566 1.2399 1.2935 0.6765 0.9112 0.8946 1.3789 0.7881 0.7434 0.7989 0.9871 1.2362 1.1466 0.9116 1.0075 0.7422 0.9427 0.6853 0.7023 0.7281 586 AA924849 "Rattus norvegicus DnaJ homolog 2 mRNA, complete cd" 1.1336 0.857 1.5665 1.6199 3.9381 87.1519 2.1382 3.0421 22.7487 1.1192 1.0538 0.929 1.1032 1.531 1.4357 1.0344 0.9432 2.6166 0.8135 1.2036 0.7134 1.1514 3.9007 0.8036 132.7718 214.5679 315.098 4.2365 1.2482 197.8593 9.4739 1.1067 1.3325 2.4795 1.496 3.786 4.2426 1.9507 4.3173 3.2366 191.3893 187.6513 13.0549 2.1814 8.4184 1.8276 20.8325 3.4263 1.5357 587 AA924878 "Rat tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) mRNA," 0.8192 0.7073 0.5011 0.7548 0.698 1.0413 2.7657 0.5633 1.1925 0.4814 0.5172 0.8041 1.6726 0.6 0.7894 0.5291 0.481 1.0389 0.383 0.9116 0.6116 0.3736 3.0963 3.7341 127.9784 1.0825 0.9429 139.6137 1.0299 0.9759 2.7119 0.6999 0.8756 1.2734 0.621 0.6772 131.7471 0.8936 5.77 212.3234 0.7641 1.7809 0.2098 0.9789 4.6091 7.5152 0.7756 2.6944 1.9726 588 AA924882 R.norvegicus (Sprague Dawley) ribosomal protein L1 1.4045 1.1285 1.606 2.9648 1.6958 90.2661 3.7935 1.9941 4.1448 7.4494 1.1014 1.3042 1.2933 0.967 1.2614 1.0732 0.8982 1.7836 0.6738 1.8949 0.6721 1.1752 85.5683 1.3741 135.0723 213.962 3.3008 2.9405 1.9994 241.2277 181.5542 1.9649 2.6059 235.3604 2.2716 221.8231 135.2189 3.8144 160.0425 10.154 181.4784 152.6538 101.0635 2.7109 176.9553 9.4423 183.589 165.7484 3.6152 589 AA924883 Rattus norvegicus CTP:phosphoethanolamine cytidyly 1.2662 1.2441 1.3405 1.2043 1.0711 0.5106 0.5375 1.0371 1.037 0.8403 0.9597 0.9247 0.9164 1.6494 1.2274 2.2246 2.3114 2.4345 1.2248 0.9501 1.0717 0.9822 1.0764 1.092 1.0256 0.9656 0.9165 0.9038 0.9894 0.4754 0.4695 0.5646 0.3574 0.4742 0.477 0.4808 1.0247 0.8593 0.8549 1.5795 2.0813 2.3283 2.2572 1.1443 0.8809 0.9732 0.9223 0.9044 0.8562 590 AA924761 "Rat class III Fc-gamma receptor mRNA, complete cds" 1.128 0.839 1.1927 1.0618 1.2002 0.6787 0.7314 1.0537 1.0316 0.916 0.9767 0.9728 1.0004 1.5825 1.3792 1.9513 2.0255 2.0069 1.2248 1.0839 0.9692 0.866 1.041 1.0898 1.1758 1.1482 1.3941 1.2377 1.0443 0.8429 1.0004 0.8785 0.6522 0.7144 0.7372 0.7104 1.2755 0.9561 0.9977 1.4361 1.8481 1.7365 1.9747 1.0586 1.0636 1.0582 1.2576 1.195 1.0704 591 AA924772 R.norvegicus mRNA for metallothionein-III 1.0132 1.1023 1.3069 1.0839 1.2077 1.3813 1.277 1.1299 1.0558 1.1679 1.1061 0.8884 1.1327 1.0976 0.7642 0.9361 1.038 1.1886 1.0431 0.849 0.9448 0.838 1.2221 1.0123 1.8132 1.1036 1.1729 1.2832 1.4197 0.7244 1.5533 1.3066 0.923 1.1975 1.2557 1.3565 1.669 1.215 1.3658 1.3082 1.1295 1.1318 1.1336 1.1559 1.0978 1.2495 1.1574 1.1855 1.229 592 AA924784 Rat T-cell receptor active beta-chain C-region mRN 1.2541 1.1232 1.2564 2.0586 1.3475 1.4551 0.762 1.0815 1.2749 1.5512 1.3251 1.4514 1.286 1.6654 0.8633 1.7151 1.9086 1.924 0.8786 2.0029 1.4419 1.5924 1.5717 1.2235 6.8895 1.9278 2.5095 3.099 1.5581 2.1399 359.2127 2.0401 1.3643 3.7783 1.4244 1.9237 15.1937 1.6739 2.7667 1.8035 4.5436 2.1956 7.3037 1.4579 4.0892 1.755 2.839 2.9755 4.0063 593 AA924800 Rat mRNA for cytosolic 3-hydroxy 3-methylglutaryl 0.5475 0.4853 0.4971 0.6369 0.6076 0.6987 0.6478 0.588 0.5151 0.7667 0.8023 0.955 1.0019 1.9591 1.8375 2.6808 2.5178 3.6613 0.8662 0.7197 0.9578 0.9897 0.8857 0.8167 1.4494 0.9227 0.9665 1.3487 3.3913 1.271 5.0987 1.3341 0.9327 1.1098 1.019 1.0078 2.0992 0.9214 2.1001 2.73 3.4506 4.2266 3.2835 0.9346 1.4286 1.404 0.698 0.742 0.8316 594 AA925443 Rattus norvegicus cellular retinoic acid-binding p 1.1759 1.1684 1.3065 1.1674 1.162 1.2941 1.3889 1.1582 1.2863 1.0242 1.0306 0.9282 1.0473 1.0175 0.9346 1.1017 1.1534 1.1171 1.339 1.0776 1.0821 1.0662 1.0452 1.3053 0.9968 1.031 1.2817 0.9385 0.9878 1.5031 1.6615 1.4307 1.1319 1.3853 1.3315 1.2967 1.2599 0.9425 0.9567 0.8885 0.9086 0.9833 1.1331 0.9329 1.0136 0.984 0.9432 0.9424 0.9061 595 AA925452 R.norvegicus mRNA for sorbitol dehydrogenase 0.9578 1.1174 1.082 0.9549 1.4189 2.3681 5.1013 1.275 1.1647 1.4845 1.7019 1.0373 1.5836 1.2958 1.1911 1.2681 0.917 1.3135 0.7209 1.4434 0.9047 0.8347 1.3773 0.9529 3.027 1.3695 0.5392 2.1636 1.035 0.4547 3.1678 0.8731 0.8607 1.3373 0.8179 1.0876 2.982 0.8564 1.9629 1.513 1.1001 1.4218 0.8666 1.0689 1.2272 1.2636 1.1585 1.1248 1.8401 596 AA925718 "Rat GTP-binding protein (ral B) mRNA, complete cds" 1.0333 1.0569 1.3009 1.5454 1.486 1.829 1.3493 1.3509 1.0997 1.5311 1.1876 0.9532 1.6283 0.9619 0.7802 0.8251 0.8086 1.742 0.7475 1.2163 1.2669 1.5945 1.9063 1.3402 2.7643 1.0447 1.5768 7.7821 1.0395 7.189 191.5723 1.5685 0.9512 1.7918 1.2214 1.6246 19.0456 1.4982 2.1006 1.7351 2.3371 2.095 3.2345 1.2648 2.011 2.6126 2.1022 2.1096 1.905 597 AA925724 Rat mRNA for variant hepatic nuclear factor 1 (vHN 1 1.0925 1.1195 0.9519 0.8909 0.5095 0.5194 0.7636 0.7192 0.6773 0.6644 0.5104 0.5191 0.9731 0.9497 0.8409 0.8802 0.8862 1.1425 1.1164 0.8048 0.6852 0.8969 0.8591 0.9868 0.7777 0.7179 0.7552 0.8309 0.4835 0.6314 0.5467 0.4323 0.5867 0.5365 0.4553 0.726 0.5928 0.5324 0.9995 0.7741 0.9083 0.8957 1.0784 0.7732 0.8181 0.764 0.7657 0.7929 598 AA925730 EST 0.8436 0.7623 0.8628 0.9244 1.0322 3.7967 2.8058 1.6606 1.5024 1.1117 1.0332 1.1514 1.4236 1.2832 1.0495 1.9787 1.875 2.9309 0.8727 0.932 0.9643 1.0057 1.0776 0.7153 2.3411 0.7565 0.8602 1.1157 1.1368 585.2336 6.3666 5.2254 4.1312 4.8299 5.9036 3.0715 6.4798 1.0155 1.8874 1.2221 1.9644 1.8356 2.0509 0.9208 3.3852 1.1271 0.8084 1.0081 1.0149 599 AA925731 Rattus norvegicus cytosolic NADP-dependent isocitr 1.1197 1.1942 1.3774 1.8906 1.2225 88.7301 70.4506 1.4 1.7685 2.4899 1.8013 2.7406 1.5736 1.2323 0.8325 1.7859 1.1149 2.8786 0.5981 1.09 1.0042 1.2475 2.5827 1.273 123.8379 2.0856 0.3469 132.5106 9.0793 2.518 165.6925 1.8762 2.6937 2.2427 1.3159 189.885 135.1194 1.9021 197.8276 221.3559 4.9755 185.9316 6.6692 2.7432 18.6295 487.2777 3.8386 160.4335 205.943 600 AI111890 "Rattus norvegicus mRNA for PPAR-gamma protein, com" 1.1436 0.9645 1.2237 1.3904 1.0818 1.5089 1.456 0.9366 1.1879 1.3294 1.1463 0.9949 1.0788 1.0243 0.7496 0.9792 0.8777 1.2909 0.7257 1.4825 1.2321 1.186 1.809 1.1268 4.2193 1.6097 1.3882 1.6624 1.4294 294.0367 16.3741 1.8161 1.303 2.546 1.4192 1.4873 226.2056 1.1759 2.6524 1.3848 1.4468 1.1891 2.9079 1.3665 6.4388 2.0978 1.6892 2.5293 3.0653 601 AA924524 "Rattus norvegicus 12-lipoxygenase mRNA, complete c" 0.7355 0.9015 0.8085 0.6923 0.8071 1.2528 1.2444 1.007 1.0969 1.0227 1.019 1.0702 1.2178 1.5107 1.4267 1.1029 1.2259 1.0567 0.8372 0.6276 0.6825 0.8786 0.706 0.6681 0.9368 1.0462 1.4139 1.3663 0.7751 1.4618 1.6432 1.5996 1.5755 2.1272 1.8193 2.158 1.7795 1.1864 1.5375 1.894 1.6661 2.0672 0.9061 1.0075 1.096 1.0435 0.9766 1.0247 0.9264 602 AA924727 R.norvegicus mRNA for collagen alpha1 type I 0.8829 0.8932 1.11 0.9558 1.2189 1.1629 1.053 0.8955 1.0435 0.8978 0.9549 0.8892 1.0579 1.0644 1.2824 1.0301 1.0766 1.4551 1.0115 1.0967 1.0424 1.1269 1.9272 1.1448 1.3125 1.5213 1.3009 1.4175 0.9976 1.1952 1.1669 0.9247 0.947 1.2853 1.1258 1.0174 1.1753 1.0305 1.2501 1.1367 1.3284 1.2627 1.2046 0.8751 1.2775 1.0422 1.3088 1.2632 1.144 603 AA924744 "Rattus norvegicus nucleoporin (Nup98) mRNA, comple" 0.6132 0.5732 0.6632 0.5461 0.6738 1.0467 0.99 0.7973 0.8062 0.7361 0.7606 0.9981 2.0812 0.7149 1.0466 0.6658 0.5782 0.4956 0.8146 0.666 0.872 0.898 0.7788 0.7138 0.5586 0.5951 0.5913 0.5703 0.6045 1.3492 0.9765 1.1317 0.8369 1.0821 1.0847 0.7844 0.7486 0.6815 0.8151 0.648 0.5617 0.4453 0.4314 0.5938 0.7521 0.7218 0.6419 0.6561 0.7067 604 AA924752 "Rattus norvegicus mRNA for protein kinase (MUK), c" 0.9855 0.8673 1.0078 0.874 0.9577 1.2258 1.1975 1.4171 1.3915 1.116 1.0179 1.1894 1.204 0.9522 1.2636 1.0156 0.9807 1.0638 0.8021 0.9085 0.9893 1.0583 1.1123 0.9277 1.0534 1.0496 1.2192 0.8893 0.9263 1.4269 1.5203 1.3585 1.2216 1.5715 1.415 1.2305 1.3899 1.0448 1.2095 0.8107 0.8847 0.9285 0.9699 0.7495 1.0037 0.8701 0.9431 0.9082 0.9469 605 AA925344 "Rat pancreatic stone protein mRNA, complete cds" 0.8667 0.8801 0.8588 1.7701 0.9231 2.5741 82.2958 1.0045 1.5968 0.9423 1.1666 1.1933 2.6058 1.7477 1.1281 0.8492 0.7185 1.1556 0.7469 0.4392 0.9234 1.3188 1.5089 1.3817 2.1984 1.5812 1.9369 55.1153 1.0728 2.4993 1.7623 0.8193 0.7594 1.2628 0.9689 1.301 2.5307 1.5035 8.0158 8.2468 1.2991 2.4736 0.9867 1.1787 3.0107 1.6481 1.424 2.0992 1.8208 606 AA925346 Rattus norvegicus lanosterol 14-alpha-demethylase 0.9845 0.934 0.9051 0.9306 0.8776 0.7786 0.7418 0.8191 0.8661 0.9016 0.8843 0.8572 0.8143 0.7575 1.2468 0.8973 0.8772 0.8732 1.0281 0.9794 1.077 1.1444 1.0866 0.9698 0.8662 0.865 0.9658 0.9118 0.8485 0.7308 0.7403 0.778 0.6623 0.7682 0.7833 0.6252 0.6795 0.8642 0.7286 0.766 0.7254 0.6876 0.7222 0.8582 0.8305 0.8168 0.8957 0.9215 0.9142 607 AA925350 Rattus norvegicus insulin-like growth factor bindi 1.393 1.3075 1.7719 2.0787 1.7834 5.9463 99.8281 2.069 1.8378 1.139 1.8749 1.0736 136.1987 1.0295 0.9729 1.2378 1.111 1.5302 0.7009 1.5219 0.7871 1.2217 1.9388 1.4522 173.8766 5.1198 1.809 211.8784 1.4266 5.2074 237.0923 1.3744 2.037 3.6335 1.8434 9.6884 247.4265 3.365 248.5161 366.6421 10.7056 229.9904 1.1069 5.1487 213.1721 4.2556 3.0408 3.7409 2.5772 608 AA925356 R.norvegicus mRNA for complement protein C1q beta 1.5032 1.3067 1.4876 0.9935 1.0782 0.8834 0.8327 1.3643 1.4343 1.0017 0.9889 1.0572 1.0561 1.3614 1.8255 1.6151 1.6259 1.508 1.2278 1.2758 0.9889 1.145 1.3033 1.1539 1.1679 1.7096 1.6342 1.6773 1.5395 0.8824 0.8635 0.8031 0.7404 0.94 0.8854 0.9145 1.5112 1.1612 1.3044 1.4095 1.6327 1.3349 1.3242 1.2789 1.1488 1.1819 0.9991 1.113 1.0804 609 AA925357 Rattus norvegicus thioredoxin reductase 2 (TrxR2) 1.1378 1.1009 1.2081 1.1011 1.1253 1.5972 1.3444 1.1947 1.2094 0.8441 1.0157 0.8775 1.3301 1.0028 1.6708 0.9351 0.9497 1.1635 0.7538 1.2018 0.9483 1.0528 1.0498 1.252 1.4669 1.5012 1.3455 3.2863 1.127 1.1715 1.0523 0.7534 0.5953 0.9069 0.8038 1.2663 1.9655 1.0285 1.5168 2.1144 1.378 3.974 0.8963 1.159 1.6038 1.1655 1.1732 1.164 1.0502 610 AA925361 "Rat mRNA for FK506-binding protein 12, complete cd" 1.4451 0.985 1.1354 1.5991 1.6102 103.5978 2.0809 1.9261 5.8568 1.1561 1.3184 1.4454 1.4778 1.7607 1.5028 0.8777 0.8636 2.4812 0.6213 1.6003 0.8843 1.138 2.211 1.6821 144.7146 261.978 2.7486 7.0372 2.0207 212.5085 221.1125 1.2526 2.7557 6.1532 1.581 205.3149 192.9167 3.0615 128.1842 7.9711 179.345 200.3959 2.9902 2.216 184.7611 2.5606 42.1095 175.0617 2.3375 611 AA925370 "Rattus norvegicus f-spondin mRNA, complete cds" 1.0144 0.7473 1.9217 1.3305 1.337 4.1563 17.1069 1.1576 2.5577 0.8188 1.1732 0.973 3.6271 0.8117 1.1839 0.9376 0.9088 1.2342 0.4537 0.3716 0.8623 1.0085 1.6565 1.5671 147.6534 2.9501 1.8607 182.3088 1.55 4.9055 205.6747 1.085 1.6699 3.4543 1.0803 1.9415 170.6202 1.863 238.3131 291.7003 51.6517 277.1172 1.8683 1.8868 268.8001 3.5845 3.7946 9.8794 15.9581 612 AA925371 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for spongiotrophoblast spec 0.8969 0.8667 1.0721 1.2196 1.4247 1.2077 1.1099 1.0712 1.2228 1.1318 0.9837 0.9702 0.9472 1.2319 1.3468 1.1665 1.1821 1.3941 1.0157 1.5647 1.4654 1.5431 2.0928 1.6265 2.1665 2.2613 2.4067 2.1466 1.9574 1.0305 1.3308 0.9417 1.0752 1.7383 1.1201 1.2524 1.3667 1.2526 1.3983 1.3268 1.5198 1.5377 1.6915 1.4565 2.1039 1.7807 1.421 1.3987 1.3101 613 AA925270 "Rattus norvegicus dUTPase mRNA, complete cds" 1.0433 1.054 1.1616 1.0475 0.9953 0.8093 0.8117 1.0551 1.0222 1.2291 1.2407 0.9865 1.6184 1.2358 0.9095 1.068 1.106 1.0392 0.829 0.7929 1.2533 1.1325 1.1941 1.0902 1.7477 1.3828 0.977 1.3536 1.4684 0.7244 0.9149 0.7778 0.5587 0.7947 0.6591 0.8412 1.5788 1.21 1.3004 1.4071 1.175 1.196 1.1449 0.9283 1.2952 1.2486 1.046 1.109 1.2534 614 AA925283 Rattus norvegicus tip associating protein (TAP) mR 1.1377 1.1535 1.1054 0.855 0.8087 0.6928 0.5704 1.0436 0.9924 0.9836 0.9969 0.9481 0.8725 0.842 0.8638 1.1713 1.1791 1.1442 1.1313 1.0281 0.9053 0.8084 1.0255 0.9212 0.7904 0.7683 0.8473 0.755 0.7007 0.6703 0.7586 0.6294 0.5292 0.7226 0.6398 0.4674 0.9335 0.688 0.7122 0.6491 0.7044 0.7878 0.8496 0.6529 0.7116 0.7762 0.7347 0.8206 0.7198 615 AA925291 "Rat submaxillary gland PS kallikrein mRNA, complet" 0.9334 0.9479 0.9689 0.7904 0.861 0.49 0.4837 0.991 0.8507 0.7838 0.7555 0.6682 0.8112 0.9249 0.8145 1.0017 0.9581 1.0778 0.9903 0.9234 0.8318 0.7413 1.0158 0.8685 1.3489 1.0087 0.849 0.9255 0.99 0.6447 0.7038 0.4703 0.4389 0.5907 0.4407 0.5218 1.5887 0.8338 1.1989 1.1949 1.1366 1.1735 1.081 1.0794 0.9704 1.0757 0.7833 0.8909 0.92 616 AI111901 "Rattus norvegicus tripeptidylpeptidase II mRNA, co" 1.0918 1.0262 1.2973 1.081 1.2739 2.7796 2.9222 1.8324 1.8261 1.1456 1.3834 1.4784 1.5097 0.2254 0.1741 0.2493 0.2763 0.1781 0.5504 0.4674 0.6278 0.5502 0.4448 0.5075 1.1633 0.6194 0.7601 0.6647 0.7763 3.3186 3.4948 3.4842 2.5547 3.6511 3.7406 2.783 1.9754 1.2721 1.6875 0.1727 0.2102 0.1639 0.2053 0.3538 0.6116 0.4379 0.5402 0.5518 0.5371 617 AA925200 "Rat 60S ribosomal subunit protein L35 mRNA, comple" 1.1335 2.3323 1.4596 0.9928 1.1062 75.3161 83.4064 1.9484 1.4759 3.4214 1.5105 1.4985 2.5791 1.0643 0.9352 1.9528 1.1921 1.6514 0.6832 3.2647 1.2967 1.2841 2.6709 1.471 2.8627 1.8081 0.527 5.782 1.069 0.2575 1.5468 1.2868 0.8388 1.2881 0.8545 1.37 134.3264 1.1914 9.215 3.8473 2.1047 3.1337 1.0101 1.3508 1.6871 1.5441 1.2645 1.1312 1.6538 618 AI111911 EST 0.7199 0.4755 0.4837 1.2668 1.2126 1.1217 1.0985 0.4454 0.4275 1.5484 1.1412 0.6765 0.6518 0.6975 0.5824 0.447 0.5347 0.9804 0.6485 1.5286 0.9338 0.9383 1.4297 0.8354 1.299 0.4048 0.6694 0.9477 0.8609 1.6553 0.2796 0.6683 0.5593 0.7924 0.64 0.727 1.7596 1.0983 1.0077 0.9752 0.7441 0.5675 0.7695 0.9348 1.1211 1.8716 0.6382 1.085 0.7871 619 AA924911 Rat mRNA for alpha cardiac myosin heavy chain 0.8656 0.8375 0.7784 1.027 0.808 1.4481 1.9268 0.8812 0.8702 0.9806 0.9224 0.9664 1.1521 1.0212 1.0822 1.1278 1.0941 1.2736 0.6181 1.0111 0.9485 1.0956 1.1854 1.0478 6.0909 1.1032 0.3871 1.5277 1.3611 0.6031 2.2976 1.3425 1.0687 1.4584 1.3955 1.927 2.2093 0.9448 1.9896 2.5499 1.0961 1.3487 1.1635 1.216 1.3004 1.5399 1.0919 1.1367 3.1177 620 AA924912 R.norvegicus mRNA for ribosomal protein L6 1.0232 1.0475 1.2008 0.9789 1.0961 0.8287 0.8897 0.9764 0.9093 0.9574 0.9505 0.8739 0.8271 1.1033 1.052 0.962 1.0338 1.161 1.1969 0.9683 1.0778 0.9064 1.0588 1.0635 1.0316 0.9404 1.0082 0.9641 1.0138 0.8875 0.9914 0.8903 0.7067 0.9639 0.8698 0.7642 0.9853 0.9863 0.9685 1.0551 0.9506 0.9991 1.0514 1.0841 0.944 1.0146 0.9054 0.9236 0.9299 621 AA924917 R.norvegicus mRNA for SAP kinase-3 1.06 1.1867 1.1606 2.3044 1.4296 79.5088 69.6696 2.4885 5.1356 3.1743 1.8259 0.8881 1.5418 1.8893 1.4262 1.8088 1.2846 2.3179 0.8919 0.9116 1.7421 2.8482 10.9692 1.246 102.7945 3.4962 0.7825 131.9827 44.346 6.8732 144.6615 1.7466 1.5419 2.6797 1.3354 157.0406 101.6577 0.9886 156.3221 164.1012 6.4741 145.8403 3.7594 2.3266 4.2818 2.4019 8.1475 3.1322 5.289 622 AI111917 Rattus norvegicus monocarboxylate transporter 2 (M 1.0589 0.9139 0.9886 1.0553 1.1936 1.2768 0.7919 1.2105 1.1236 1.1746 0.969 0.8798 0.9599 1.2512 1.0543 1.221 1.3197 1.1374 0.8741 1.204 1.017 0.8651 1.1877 0.6989 1.9145 0.8777 0.8815 1.1363 1.0288 185.7728 2.1816 1.0533 1.04 2.0213 1.1772 0.9139 15.0615 1.0868 1.41 1.2337 1.3755 1.1099 1.3032 1.1006 3.1459 1.3177 0.9961 1.4006 1.2914 623 AA924988 "ESTs, Highly similar to histone H2A [R.norvegicus]" 0.6679 0.7496 0.6677 0.7047 0.6325 0.4916 0.4922 0.6257 0.5255 0.6282 0.6373 0.5968 0.5358 0.5828 0.6174 0.7241 0.7403 0.79 0.8233 0.8754 0.8867 0.7916 0.8144 0.7576 0.6517 0.6179 0.5519 0.5849 0.7018 0.7244 0.4617 0.5185 0.3824 0.4723 0.4899 0.3914 0.5251 0.5915 0.5673 0.5689 0.7602 0.814 0.8455 0.8723 0.823 0.841 0.7954 0.8122 0.7981 624 AA924996 "Rat mitochondrial fumarase mRNA, complete cds" 0.8892 0.8672 0.9774 1.3608 1.6635 2.648 1.052 0.9347 1.0981 1.263 0.8999 0.9351 1.772 0.9391 1.0955 0.9813 0.8999 1.5117 0.8592 2.2202 1.2024 1.9317 1.6311 1.4718 2.2978 2.1389 2.0838 6.1249 0.9595 27.0592 19.943 2.524 1.1788 1.5195 1.4894 1.8451 151.8428 1.3517 3.1767 1.8804 2.8563 3.0815 7.628 1.1572 4.4405 2.789 6.819 3.7724 4.7546 625 AA925010 Rattus norvegicus clone ubc10a ubiquitin conjugati 1.57 1.5737 1.4565 1.2654 1.2385 1.0086 1.0337 1.3003 1.3439 1.1203 1.1501 1.2739 3.9951 0.8872 1.0495 0.8194 0.8593 0.9179 1.2451 1.2912 0.8637 1.001 0.8839 0.8332 1.2613 1.2272 1.406 1.2413 1.2604 1.0992 0.9421 1.0546 0.7135 0.9209 0.8654 0.9864 1.4113 1.0994 1.0575 0.9694 0.8211 0.9198 0.9553 0.9917 0.872 0.846 0.8989 0.8867 0.8886 626 AA925003 "Rattus norvegicus mRNA for acyl-CoA hydrolase, com" 1.1908 1.114 1.0851 1.0566 1.0911 1.2067 1.1276 1.1103 1.1544 1.048 0.9771 0.9591 0.9564 1.1422 1.2237 0.9303 0.9501 1.1622 0.8572 1.1325 0.9249 1.1209 1.458 1.1474 0.7448 0.8433 0.8234 0.0581 0.7737 0.7244 0.7371 0.8183 0.6109 0.8256 0.7806 0.8925 0.75 0.8368 0.8247 0.8155 0.8627 0.5082 0.8336 0.8808 0.7994 0.8678 0.793 0.7765 0.7979 627 AA925006 Rat adult brain mRNA for NADH:ubiquinone oxidoredu 0.3296 0.3177 0.1552 0.2746 0.3416 0.4672 0.5542 0.2914 0.3713 0.9128 0.8878 1.188 1.3613 0.3421 0.4204 0.3009 0.3555 0.4197 0.9093 0.7345 2.1389 2.1377 1.0107 0.846 0.8092 0.7504 0.7901 1.5468 1.2834 0.5087 293.9915 0.9792 0.7063 0.9747 1.2191 0.6655 0.6452 1.3121 2.0286 0.845 0.598 0.7028 0.5658 1.1882 2.7348 328.6864 2.4275 2.5457 2.8438 628 AA925220 Rat acyl coenzyme A dehydrogenase medium chain mRN 0.9001 0.839 0.8459 0.9839 0.8258 0.7479 0.7314 0.8183 0.848 0.8398 0.8024 0.7639 1.1758 0.8132 0.8325 0.8126 0.9228 0.7464 0.8919 0.9116 0.9234 0.877 0.7553 0.8036 2.0081 2.4206 2.3123 1.241 1.423 4.3095 2.1667 1.0532 1.5362 2.8749 1.2033 1.8866 1.8286 1.3679 1.6557 0.9735 1.5744 1.4001 1.1895 0.9634 5.1116 1.1303 1.6056 1.4213 1.0977 629 AA925228 "EST, Weakly similar to cathepsin-related protein [" 0.9083 0.7337 0.8172 0.8186 0.6394 0.9128 0.9056 0.8157 0.7901 0.7705 0.7832 0.8901 0.8577 0.646 0.8287 0.7995 0.7659 0.7084 0.893 0.8438 0.9221 0.9243 0.7909 0.8065 0.7058 0.6549 0.7958 0.7416 0.706 0.9235 0.8676 1.0012 0.6764 0.8426 0.8616 0.8816 0.7994 0.7672 0.8123 0.7318 0.7438 0.8168 0.732 0.847 0.887 0.7896 0.7746 0.8194 0.8677 630 AA925246 "Rattus norvegicus cathepsin K mRNA, complete cds" 0.974 0.878 0.9755 0.8151 0.9069 0.6826 0.6584 0.8207 0.7856 0.8586 0.8392 0.8308 0.8027 0.7992 0.9053 1.0003 0.9749 0.9519 1.1111 1.0102 0.901 0.9434 0.9093 0.8483 0.7927 0.9158 1.0006 0.8649 0.836 0.6408 0.6052 0.6616 0.5444 0.6863 0.6743 0.6087 0.7626 0.8261 0.7755 0.6321 0.868 0.8063 0.677 0.8467 0.6764 0.7589 0.8813 0.8878 0.857 631 AA925248 R.norvegicus mRNA for sodium channel 0.9104 1.0172 0.9657 0.9559 0.9972 1.5361 2.0119 1.0227 0.9819 0.9426 0.9277 0.8673 1.0607 0.983 1.144 0.9552 0.8383 1.1265 0.7429 1.2163 0.9983 1.0613 1.5982 1.1088 2.2097 1.2492 1.2045 3.0453 1.4549 1.1914 1.4051 1.0441 1.1009 1.4656 1.1044 1.4316 1.3658 1.4345 1.4059 2.1577 1.1833 1.4234 1.1796 1.2309 1.5398 2.2703 0.9854 1.244 1.3606 632 AA925096 R.norvegicus mRNA for ribosomal protein L29 1.1152 0.8319 1.4725 1.2648 1.5084 2.7715 1.2781 1.5285 3.1548 1.0164 1.1341 1.0204 2.9294 0.9342 1.2359 0.7692 0.9227 1.8815 0.6312 1.1975 0.7569 0.9973 3.0345 1.6502 167.2327 4.9002 3.245 3.0131 1.4859 28.0707 229.1079 1.0987 1.2312 2.2235 1.1341 2.2854 11.2518 1.3854 12.6323 3.8767 2.2888 3.8396 2.4282 1.9262 21.5528 2.1022 1.9989 6.2714 2.1623 633 AA925091 Rattus norvegicus adipocyte fatty acid binding pro 0.9582 0.9221 0.9876 0.851 1.1149 1.7403 2.5329 1.3153 1.3703 0.8231 1.0238 1.0734 1.5055 1.4519 1.3073 0.9811 0.7824 1.01 0.5905 0.5147 0.9011 1.0865 1.4922 1.2904 19.4189 1.522 1.217 253.8331 2.1464 1.5518 1.499 1.0036 0.8489 1.4804 1.0088 1.2935 18.1218 1.5646 11.0879 314.107 1.735 6.4811 1.04 1.2198 4.5091 2.7232 1.6125 2.4406 1.9996 634 AI111925 Rattus norvegicus carboxypeptidase D precursor (Cp 0.9042 0.9635 1.017 1.1854 1.5092 1.2422 1.1275 1.214 1.6323 1.029 0.9898 0.8484 1.0518 1.8442 1.4243 1.209 1.126 1.4013 0.9929 1.0648 1.1071 1.0119 1.3479 0.8889 3.3037 1.6154 3.5181 1.4477 1.0205 2.156 1.7864 1.173 1.2882 1.6632 1.253 1.1742 2.2522 1.202 1.5782 1.5714 1.7806 1.7374 1.3535 1.0904 3.2825 1.5275 1.3624 1.6018 1.192 635 AA925106 R.norvegicus mRNA for alpha initiation factor 1.1116 0.839 0.9535 1.0789 0.9831 7.2605 9.1504 1.2758 2.1919 1.0405 1.0458 0.8257 1.2786 0.7524 0.941 0.9361 0.7418 3.2499 0.5185 0.9116 0.847 0.745 1.1287 1.753 142.8239 2.4196 2.0681 167.8916 1.3613 1.6062 226.0539 1.5022 1.5817 4.1139 1.5497 1.5235 173.6496 2.4477 238.6729 271.2185 31.3892 178.5389 1.0912 1.841 240.1561 3.2287 3.5262 7.3903 37.3141 636 AA925099 Rat alpha-platelet-derived growth factor receptor 1.1215 0.9299 1.3861 3.0221 1.6298 51.6437 6.9549 2.9643 5.4356 1.8082 1.1343 0.9674 1.8685 0.92 1.1499 0.9494 0.9467 1.3079 0.6197 1.4694 0.876 1.1734 7.3882 1.5616 180.6093 282.7481 317.2671 2.5273 1.694 50.1023 285.9236 2.2614 4.2358 8.9398 2.4253 399.7317 207.788 2.411 9.3401 2.52 228.09 201.8412 125.1008 1.3501 213.0406 5.0457 194.7702 6.598 3.0007 637 AA925115 R.norvegicus messenger RNA for preproelastase (pan 0.9956 1.1025 1.1733 1.1289 1.3265 1.5637 1.3741 1.0281 1.0381 1.2549 1.3267 0.9505 1.0717 1.137 0.7646 1.4656 1.0269 1.2511 0.8353 1.2855 1.1914 0.9827 1.5612 1.0334 13.4831 1.2568 1.117 4.1614 1.6951 0.7244 4.1436 1.2866 1.0379 1.5691 1.188 1.8755 17.2464 1.3166 4.2747 2.494 1.7391 2.1265 1.359 1.3925 2.0496 2.0234 1.7291 1.658 1.7588 638 AA925039 "Rattus norvegicus protein S mRNA, partial cds" 0.8446 0.9465 0.9599 0.9195 0.9301 0.9833 1.0952 0.9633 1.0146 1.1695 1.0272 1.0923 1.0727 1.2808 1.1909 1.2891 1.3004 1.1659 1.1977 1.2363 1.1906 1.0506 1.0474 1.1628 1.0142 1.0696 1.2311 1.0514 1.0465 1.0231 1.1494 1.0319 0.9061 1.093 0.9856 0.9024 1.2614 1.1995 1.1455 1.1422 1.1221 1.1521 1.2086 1.0369 1.1716 1.0343 1.0153 1.0999 1.0187 639 AA955288 "Rattus norvegicus mRNA for acyl-CoA hydrolase, com" 1.0374 0.9006 1.6297 1.531 1.3371 89.4139 127.7644 1.8311 2.196 2.2311 1.4821 1.0393 1.8314 1.0748 1.1781 1.144 1.0615 0.9784 0.5371 0.9763 1.0141 1.3555 2.0033 1.2404 161.4629 1.9781 2.2474 197.1784 5.1868 1.897 244.4637 2.7964 1.1344 1.7859 1.472 5.7531 185.7283 1.855 270.2252 11.5947 249.4816 238.7132 2.0773 1.7479 4.3388 244.5766 2.7282 8.7158 4.7482 640 AA955279 "Rat proto-oncogene (Ets-1) mRNA, complete cds" 0.9102 0.8777 0.8891 1.0394 1.0496 1.4915 1.476 0.8575 0.8886 1.0706 0.9245 1.0419 1.1033 1.0205 0.9265 1.1223 1.2352 1.0852 1.0392 0.8089 1.0605 0.9452 1.1055 1.0596 1.1673 0.9461 1.2375 1.0275 0.877 1.4672 2.4547 1.3434 1.2276 1.7116 1.3077 1.3275 1.7888 0.96 1.2417 0.9205 0.9716 1.0952 1.1726 0.7649 1.2871 0.9855 0.9745 1.0552 1.1489 641 AA955224 R.norvegicus mRNA for a fusion protein of ubiquiti 1.0802 1.6863 1.1945 1.5767 1.1969 81.6791 85.6889 2.1715 1.6368 129.0138 2.8981 2.3691 2.1941 1.3743 1.2498 1.1006 1.0561 1.6843 0.5239 1.7873 0.8292 0.5471 1.7327 0.9345 142.1589 2.2627 0.4698 116.4896 1.3563 0.313 180.5738 3.4459 1.5699 1.6606 1.1878 3.2399 146.2075 1.8973 1.1936 266.7788 3.7896 210.3479 1.4615 1.7625 2.2921 2.1171 2.5172 2.0158 2.9639 642 AA925421 "Rat alpha-fibrinogen mRNA, 3' end" 1.0221 0.9515 1.1161 1.2113 1.29 1.1283 1.4201 0.9665 1.0179 1.0674 1.0526 0.6072 1.0169 1.1005 0.9196 0.9991 1.085 1.2635 0.9043 1.1496 1.3438 1.1629 1.1467 1.1453 1.363 0.9516 1.3076 1.5315 1.4554 4.297 0.2662 1.2266 0.994 1.3959 1.3246 1.2925 2.4832 1.2724 1.3542 1.4011 1.5961 1.2334 1.4403 1.2511 1.2542 1.3988 1.4018 1.4956 1.3787 643 AA925301 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for coronin-like protein 0.938 0.9802 1.0517 0.945 0.8933 1.3374 1.3302 1.0647 0.9444 0.9514 0.8389 0.8943 1.0083 0.7736 0.6783 0.8043 0.794 0.8072 0.7467 0.9947 0.9245 0.8731 0.9347 0.8937 2.1755 1.0317 0.5625 1.3153 1.2642 0.9081 1.3814 1.142 0.8779 1.2116 1.0047 1.3521 2.1147 0.9244 1.3906 1.3723 0.8316 0.9063 0.8726 1.1202 1.0974 1.1736 0.9695 1.0338 1.7226 644 AI112906 Rattus norvegicus fatty acid transport protein mRN 0.8424 0.9173 0.9359 0.8062 0.8777 1.6353 1.1581 1.1647 1.092 0.9875 0.9237 0.8866 0.9612 0.9284 0.7814 0.9177 0.9185 1.0092 0.7572 0.7638 0.8627 0.8167 0.9667 0.9184 1.1946 0.7024 0.8111 0.853 0.9401 1.7027 2.2533 1.6469 1.2451 1.8906 1.5499 1.3655 3.2973 0.9442 1.1299 0.867 0.9472 0.8982 1.1454 0.9388 1.1961 0.9966 0.8159 0.9301 0.9876 645 AA925325 Rat mRNA for ribosomal protein S10 0.8932 0.913 1.031 0.8251 0.8039 0.7204 0.7331 0.884 0.8352 0.9066 0.9159 0.7263 0.7787 0.9131 0.8632 0.7208 0.7569 0.6588 0.9458 1.0251 0.7466 0.6761 0.7376 0.651 1.0245 0.9292 0.8959 0.9038 1.0848 0.9236 0.6282 0.648 0.3884 0.533 0.4837 0.6291 1.053 0.8886 0.8115 1.0003 0.7944 0.71 0.7331 1.0383 0.769 0.7576 0.9078 0.9486 1.0326 646 AA926025 "Rat clathrin light chain (LCA3) mRNA, complete cds" 0.8659 0.8951 1.0271 0.9954 0.9941 1.1904 1.1868 0.9036 0.8543 0.9542 0.905 0.8666 1.4651 2.0838 0.8735 1.0498 1.0693 1.2315 1.0405 0.9562 1.0564 0.9609 1.0506 0.9911 1.0229 0.8691 0.9513 0.8997 0.8112 0.7244 1.4844 1.1961 0.993 1.5395 1.1962 0.9809 1.2445 0.8453 0.9036 0.8323 0.8661 0.9558 1.0136 0.8752 1.0228 0.9804 0.9684 1.0464 0.9455 647 AA926032 Rattus norvegicus Wistar peroxisomal enoyl hydrata 0.8616 0.7251 0.8042 0.9432 1.0119 0.5008 6.8162 1.2774 1.5645 1.5243 1.0608 1.4557 1.482 1.0323 0.7616 0.9024 0.7319 1.3721 0.5184 1.0017 0.7504 0.7892 2.2562 0.8545 114.9372 0.9902 0.5504 124.4172 2.0142 0.7244 95.9774 1.2536 0.8746 0.8635 1.2733 1.5649 139.9599 1.0973 188.5889 217.8552 3.4018 16.14 1.8612 1.6753 3.1385 7.8579 1.7131 7.092 4.778 648 AA926040 Rattus norvegicus delta subunit of F1F0 ATPase gen 1.5677 1.1556 0.8459 0.9839 1.1338 67.2988 0.7314 16.2379 72.1519 4.0676 1.169 1.719 1.3277 1.0894 0.8759 1.4256 1.1369 1.6878 0.5991 1.6976 1.4482 4.7209 55.0557 0.9688 109.86 11.9028 0.8234 132.325 2.4706 15.3074 174.01 131.793 192.6833 11.309 4.8802 177.6769 141.1957 3.919 161.2944 31.3575 158.6375 133.8911 64.5932 3.3933 146.3149 8.6035 146.0385 11.1389 173.9879 649 AA926059 "ESTs, Moderately similar to prenidogen [M.musculus" 0.9456 0.8395 1.0063 1.0423 0.9556 1.2109 1.3106 0.7858 0.8084 0.8563 0.8404 0.9382 1.0295 0.9524 1.0664 0.9552 1.0348 1.036 0.9195 0.9116 0.9064 1.0647 1.0998 0.9611 1.1968 1.0379 0.8234 1.1939 0.9737 1.4336 1.3887 1.1918 1.0395 1.3067 1.2235 1.1965 0.9394 0.9278 0.9367 1.0822 0.9451 1.0621 1.012 0.9435 0.977 1.0419 0.9655 0.992 1.0436 650 AA926296 R.norvegicus mRNA for carbonic anhydrase II 0.9667 0.7443 0.8782 1.3743 1.2842 1.0914 1.0509 1.2264 1.4351 0.7863 0.8783 0.8731 0.8345 1.2137 1.6152 1.0591 0.9871 1.2773 0.7466 1.0353 0.9887 1.3814 1.4779 1.1322 0.7448 0.8433 0.8234 0.7521 0.7737 0.7244 0.7371 0.8183 0.6109 0.8256 0.7806 0.8925 0.75 0.8368 0.8247 0.8155 0.8627 0.8646 0.8336 0.8808 0.7994 0.8678 0.793 0.7765 0.7979 651 AA926322 "Rattus norvegicus rsec5 mRNA, complete cds" 1.1643 1.3285 1.2386 1.3997 2.215 2.0235 2.2146 1.0791 1.6531 1.1417 1.2967 1.2487 1.6454 1.7914 1.5141 1.4 1.0485 1.323 0.9241 1.2546 1.2812 1.373 2.3843 1.3403 189.186 2.032 2.1119 267.8038 1.5733 0.5472 221.5287 1.5263 1.7258 3.2937 1.6287 1.9577 349.4858 2.4232 320.2489 34.3478 370.7829 408.0904 2.1907 1.9725 5.4435 396.836 2.4853 2.6782 3.004 652 AA925632 R.norvegicus Apo D mRNA 0.9422 0.8639 0.9485 1.0288 1.0478 1.7185 1.8595 1.0684 1.008 1.038 0.939 1.069 1.4159 1.0605 1.1971 1.148 1.1434 1.2105 1.1644 1.0983 1.0815 1.0984 1.0544 1.0756 0.9982 0.8597 1.0023 0.8869 0.9319 1.6189 1.648 1.5487 1.5013 1.9149 1.7845 1.6062 0.8222 0.8851 0.9128 0.8036 0.8321 0.851 1.1495 0.7698 0.8729 0.887 0.9204 0.9263 0.8586 653 AA925645 "Sprague-Dawley (clone LRB3) RAB10 mRNA, complete c" 0.9628 1.0822 1.0675 1.5467 1.0373 1.9626 13.534 1.2673 1.6045 1.406 1.6212 1.2102 2.6724 0.9334 1.179 0.9832 0.8127 1.1435 0.6845 0.7079 1.16 1.1347 1.4593 1.5453 4.3045 1.3426 1.6747 33.3635 1.3843 2.7703 2.8718 1.1215 1.3351 2.087 1.4599 1.9189 3.0852 1.9299 5.9596 3.4434 1.7461 3.452 0.9187 1.355 2.4173 1.751 1.3153 1.3712 1.5679 654 AA925517 Rattus norvegicus synaptotagmin binding zyginI mRN 0.7689 0.7312 0.7527 0.6703 0.7287 0.3988 0.3621 0.8984 0.9329 0.8967 0.899 0.7575 0.7021 0.9511 1.0949 0.7612 0.7833 0.6822 1.1721 1.1385 1.2256 1.4106 0.9026 0.9277 0.6839 0.974 1.1045 0.8953 0.953 0.5747 0.4822 0.4759 0.4547 0.601 0.5515 0.3818 0.8787 0.9604 0.7137 0.8363 0.7268 0.6054 0.6005 0.9099 1.0494 0.7929 1.0408 1.1215 1.1149 655 AA925531 "Rat prolactin-like protein B mRNA, complete cds" 0.9727 0.9569 0.9938 1.0413 0.9532 0.9347 0.9245 0.9057 0.925 0.8981 0.9074 1.0523 0.9828 1.1221 1.4575 1.222 1.1233 1.3126 1.1059 1.2323 1.2325 1.201 1.1597 1.0668 0.9768 1.015 1.0023 1.1045 0.9608 0.9375 0.8425 0.9277 0.7474 0.9477 0.9279 0.8997 0.9954 0.9357 0.9669 1.1637 1.2469 1.3411 1.285 1.0657 1.091 1.0953 1.0951 1.0678 1.0615 656 AA925538 Rattus norvegicus BFA-dependent ADP-ribosylation s 1.0513 0.9232 1.0308 0.9875 1.4101 2.6174 2.3405 1.3934 1.7082 1.0912 0.939 1.1615 1.2422 0.9431 1.1614 1.0053 0.8765 1.0159 0.8127 1.1893 0.9562 0.9233 1.2377 0.9314 2.122 1.3376 1.6077 1.3903 0.9158 4.3677 5.5134 3.2789 2.2644 3.9201 2.9852 2.6992 1.9763 1.4402 2.1941 1.2711 1.3068 1.1739 1.0152 1.0997 1.8988 1.0694 0.9097 1.0729 1.1442 657 AA925136 "Rat 5I2 antigen mRNA (clone 18), complete cds" 0.9873 0.9073 3.7592 4.5844 1.5095 61.4295 76.9642 1.8537 4.0356 0.9097 0.9913 1.1973 131.9813 1.0861 1.143 1.1959 0.781 0.848 0.4602 3.9979 1.0665 1.127 1.7244 1.9121 132.2937 38.9488 0.9976 142.6086 4.494 232.4044 228.0076 2.1685 1.5728 5.8201 1.5661 17.6042 134.8571 3.3728 154.9993 211.8482 170.833 133.4607 1.5005 3.3634 137.6393 4.857 186.8228 169.7013 17.2744 658 AA925138 Rattus norvegicus TWIK-related acid-sensitive K+ c 1.1645 1.0044 1.1387 1.0019 0.9483 0.9846 0.9174 1.0846 1.1352 1.0902 0.9473 1.0502 0.9521 1.0009 1.5558 1.0493 1.0561 0.8338 0.8124 1.0381 0.9199 1.0405 1.1701 1.0032 1.1302 1.0458 1.1192 1.1273 1.4761 1.0021 1.2149 0.8482 0.76 1.016 0.8166 0.8863 1.3091 1.0152 1.2015 1.1068 1.1715 0.888 1.1713 0.9401 1.3753 1.075 1.0213 1.0711 0.9739 659 AA925047 Rattus norvegicus platelet-activating factor acety 0.9323 0.7799 0.7431 0.841 0.9207 1.6038 1.3997 0.8345 1.5849 0.7555 0.7876 0.84 1.2672 1.1659 1.0117 0.8969 0.6799 1.1142 0.5762 1.2502 0.9512 0.9414 1.7314 1.1867 4.7686 1.5223 2.3969 205.9101 0.9515 0.2092 1.0665 0.9072 0.9829 2.0367 0.7388 0.9679 3.0258 1.6283 5.2823 16.1587 1.1699 1.5349 0.7588 1.1617 4.3039 2.1178 1.4699 2.0164 2.4199 660 AA925065 Rattus norvegicus poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase mRNA 1.3341 0.9321 0.989 0.7598 0.8532 0.6261 0.5939 0.5362 0.7049 0.914 0.7899 0.96 1.0267 1.1127 1.4502 1.2282 1.206 1.3632 0.7085 0.9538 0.8885 1.0363 1.5907 0.9197 1.6159 1.2981 1.1815 0.8857 0.8802 0.8612 0.9886 0.5598 0.779 1.5602 0.6958 0.6445 0.7549 0.9505 1.2786 1.2415 1.285 1.3592 1.7045 0.7771 1.4127 0.9885 1.1012 1.139 1.0224 661 AA925069 "Rattus norvegicus Rap1B mRNA, complete cds" 1.0703 0.9905 1.234 1.3883 2.277 2.1363 2.255 1.1649 1.3278 1.5372 1.3008 0.8677 1.5333 1.3604 0.6891 1.5443 1.2322 2.6361 0.6918 2.3425 1.1891 1.135 5.9863 1.6744 207.206 1.4905 1.7535 228.2581 2.8868 0.7244 298.3442 1.5495 0.9621 1.6208 1.3231 2.5819 301.5097 1.6875 330.0385 2.9608 2.1566 7.5619 1.928 1.723 9.2201 6.3443 2.151 2.357 4.1338 662 AA925078 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for multi PDZ domain protei 1.1742 1.06 1.8352 2.3692 1.8262 71.8855 0.4841 1.9038 3.2812 3.259 0.9602 1.2279 1.2799 0.969 0.8599 0.9468 0.9242 4.0979 0.5406 2.4315 2.3555 22.3518 5.8953 1.7611 126.4815 4.8064 4.2595 151.9563 1.757 7.4753 223.086 178.861 2.5744 7.1988 3.0018 6.827 148.254 1.9432 59.4033 3.5909 16.2255 5.2936 100.8688 2.3789 211.0968 2.9009 192.3372 173.6051 208.5856 663 AA925943 Rat branched chain alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase E 1.2098 1.2016 1.4303 0.9786 1.1747 1.1315 0.9041 1.1141 0.9805 1.1965 1.0903 1.1233 1.2328 1.0938 0.8269 0.9505 1.1728 1.4404 0.9897 1.0562 1.012 0.8713 1.5906 1.1704 208.45 1.3326 1.3035 8.8076 102.7479 1.7309 272.1509 1.5955 1.2033 1.1987 0.9634 2.0096 249.3883 1.6061 384.2557 3.5737 3.7274 7.234 1.6975 2.1141 2.6154 3.6189 1.9627 2.6076 4.3189 664 AA925980 "Rat pulmonary surfactant protein (SP-D) mRNA, comp" 0.823 0.8699 0.7998 0.9371 0.8677 0.7776 0.812 0.8419 0.8572 0.8826 0.7901 0.8448 0.956 0.9417 0.6775 0.9501 1.0347 0.9717 1.255 1.1349 1.0909 1.0317 1.1533 1.2346 1.0065 1.0994 1.3905 1.1357 1.1126 0.9544 1.5996 0.81 0.7177 1.072 0.8799 0.7113 1.0939 0.7454 1.0077 0.8235 0.8724 0.9295 1.1324 0.9889 1.267 1.0805 1.0132 1.0664 1.0437 665 AA925893 R.norvegicus mRNA for ribosomal protein L39 1.0672 1.1826 1.3889 1.2277 1.2833 3.0403 14.378 1.2835 1.0077 3.0933 1.5263 1.9574 2.1589 0.9913 0.9803 1.1438 0.9565 1.2872 0.5322 0.9805 0.9625 0.8539 1.2347 0.9032 174.4356 1.4725 0.8186 7.0609 1.8394 0.4603 26.9767 1.7091 1.2355 1.8835 1.2133 1.903 190.5406 1.452 2.1891 8.7983 1.6808 4.3854 1.0132 1.4934 2.0836 1.7916 1.7972 2.2031 3.2713 666 AA925887 Rattus norvegicus Wistar CTP:phosphocholine cytidy 1.2152 1.276 1.4545 1.8261 1.5271 3.5507 4.1223 1.4912 1.3782 1.1671 1.0097 1.2092 0.9872 0.9202 0.8652 1.2971 1.347 130.6424 0.7436 1.0729 1.2998 1.2692 1.3766 0.8618 1.9494 1.1077 1.1887 1.4916 1.0723 6.3404 3.5791 6.0211 4.7241 4.2617 7.2206 3.1083 2.5581 1.0366 1.5523 1.1652 1.1643 1.4304 1.7762 0.8803 1.1591 1.4069 0.8533 1.352 1.0483 667 AA925476 Rattus norvegicus zinc finger protein Y1 (RLZF-Y) 0.7268 0.707 0.8313 0.895 0.9517 1.4531 1.498 0.735 0.682 0.8573 0.8632 1.0095 1.1695 1.3425 1.2155 1.3599 1.2195 1.0374 0.8055 0.7024 1.1608 1.0161 0.7982 0.7499 1.527 0.8827 0.6913 1.0624 1.067 0.9321 1.3095 1.1584 1.5293 1.8516 1.2986 1.6098 1.4236 0.8401 1.2983 1.761 1.1695 1.1167 1.0551 1.0836 1.2173 0.954 1.089 1.2342 1.3437 668 AA925487 "Rattus norvegicus proline rich protein mRNA, compl" 0.6658 0.6234 0.712 0.6403 0.7821 0.528 0.4426 0.5832 0.5238 0.6618 0.7137 0.6479 0.6996 0.6696 0.5799 0.7614 0.7388 0.8313 0.8292 0.7584 0.7521 0.7724 0.8922 0.7808 0.8252 0.8099 0.9056 0.8328 0.8946 0.7244 1.0159 0.5688 0.5134 0.8789 0.5825 0.6147 0.8652 0.6885 0.7825 0.6768 0.761 0.7531 0.8573 0.6873 0.862 0.843 0.8529 0.8267 0.9019 669 AA925495 "Rat calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II-delta, " 0.984 1.294 1.7425 1.5436 1.3901 5.4916 3.7004 1.1858 1.5418 2.7387 2.0897 2.2403 3.0759 1.3126 1.2059 1.1906 0.9459 1.4806 0.6563 1.419 1.373 1.5617 4.2254 1.3082 160.3327 2.4791 0.8098 28.9239 3.385 211.9176 12.8887 1.8481 1.7895 1.7394 1.5578 2.8959 131.0726 1.767 320.5551 4.2678 2.186 4.3535 2.2193 2.0695 2.9983 132.8703 1.8898 2.3865 8.2931 670 AA925506 Rattus norvegicus G protein gamma subunit (gamma7 1.2101 1.1843 2.9812 17.0332 1.0439 87.182 2.8423 1.995 4.8571 5.4244 1.3092 1.1698 1.1244 1.3005 0.7132 1.2306 1.0844 2.7269 0.6139 1.7274 1.3065 2.8054 6.1364 1.1739 122.2983 3.095 1.8811 139.5438 1.3692 239.7498 170.6703 5.9136 1.813 17.3396 3.0109 4.4414 141.8688 1.9491 41.5255 2.858 3.9867 5.3352 2.7605 1.8339 22.1452 5.5164 23.2511 175.7265 178.7218 671 AA925752 "Rattus norvegicus FAT mRNA, complete cds" 0.6755 0.6655 0.714 0.9056 0.7707 0.9804 0.8533 0.6143 0.6506 0.74 0.681 0.8964 1.0327 0.8417 0.6557 1.2926 1.3808 1.4723 0.948 0.9509 0.9036 0.8142 0.8751 0.7668 0.9059 0.8235 0.7211 0.7425 0.8985 1.0642 1.2088 1.283 0.897 1.189 1.1767 1.118 0.8948 0.7809 1.1361 0.9743 1.417 1.6139 1.5536 0.9554 0.9584 0.9071 0.95 0.925 1.133 672 AA925760 R.norvegicus mRNA for ribosomal protein S21 0.9902 0.8437 0.9695 1.0031 1.1483 1.0458 1.0991 1.2123 1.3192 1.1429 0.9669 0.9163 0.9119 1.0305 0.905 0.9615 0.9636 0.996 0.7421 1.3109 1.2845 1.1574 1.3445 1.0233 2.0349 1.0389 1.2463 1.5697 1.087 1.8108 13.6418 1.5338 1.2038 2.0441 1.5279 1.4198 7.2523 1.1018 2.0644 1.2158 1.3624 1.1439 2.2887 0.9694 2.2429 1.5322 1.8719 1.7862 2.2393 673 AA926210 Rattus norvegicus protein arginine N-methyltransfe 1.071 0.9481 0.98 1.0816 1.2345 2.1075 2.1337 1.0299 1.2156 1.1361 1.1457 1.4233 1.6689 1.2244 1.295 1.3093 1.182 1.4212 0.8927 1.3408 1.1009 1.3068 1.4343 1.2718 3.0206 1.418 1.6999 3.3342 1.6502 1.0998 1.7698 1.6893 1.4308 3.5567 1.849 1.497 1.8472 1.391 1.7572 2.1195 1.4604 1.6136 1.2436 1.2442 1.7586 1.2341 1.1487 1.444 1.3674 674 AA926237 "Rat troponin I mRNA, complete cds" 0.9235 0.9735 1.2631 1.9864 1.6475 1.6744 1.2332 1.4326 1.6092 1.7009 1.2103 1.2471 1.44 0.9762 1.1433 0.9993 0.8667 0.9495 0.7701 1.331 0.9594 1.18 1.4834 1.2488 1.8543 9.5103 2.3813 1.3672 1.0048 2.7392 3.2075 1.6301 1.2987 1.9962 1.3061 1.6995 1.9935 1.4058 1.6623 1.1798 1.5876 1.3878 1.0532 1.0972 1.8017 1.4079 3.3491 1.4996 1.2151 675 AA926142 "Rattus norvegicus mRNA for TESK1, complete cds" 0.883 0.8994 0.9507 0.9654 0.8823 0.9813 1.0172 1.2054 1.1501 0.9957 1.042 1.0355 1.659 1.7826 1.05 0.7494 0.7485 0.7044 0.9224 0.6778 0.9776 1.0682 0.9054 0.886 1.2134 0.9359 0.8772 1.2747 0.8551 1.3865 1.3972 1.1824 0.9531 1.1791 1.0854 1.0955 1.3994 1.0644 1.445 1.0368 0.9378 0.9836 0.671 1.0052 1.2112 1.0007 1.0644 1.0362 1.0162 676 AA926147 ESTs 0.9485 0.9687 1.1926 1.198 1.3098 1.4776 1.4305 1.1228 1.4426 1.0221 1.1053 1.0772 1.5775 1.1371 1.1559 0.8959 0.96 1.2194 0.7836 0.9532 1.0579 1.1114 1.6769 1.2411 1.9219 1.9425 1.8465 1.3907 0.9455 3.1035 2.4725 1.3654 1.3527 1.7301 1.4599 1.438 1.6376 1.5942 2.1641 1.4678 1.6325 1.3711 0.9743 1.1688 1.5284 1.5579 1.2365 1.5146 1.32 677 AA925654 R.norvegicus mRNA for dual specificity phosphate 1.473 1.7963 1.8483 1.6784 1.2391 2.0527 114.9472 1.3362 1.3727 0.8398 1.2747 0.8956 2.0056 3.4768 1.1187 1.1917 0.7533 1.512 0.7134 2.5197 0.8999 1.0337 1.953 1.2554 6.1778 3.7381 1.3474 306.4689 2.06 5.1915 7.3625 1.3995 1.636 2.0391 1.0746 3.7741 21.3732 2.0619 278.3864 4.1661 2.81 11.748 0.8188 1.4424 3.2472 2.1251 1.9307 2.3063 1.9556 678 AA925675 R.norvegicus mRNA for pro alpha 1 collagen type II 0.562 0.496 0.5114 0.5786 0.6745 0.392 0.3782 0.3909 0.4123 0.5493 0.546 0.5957 0.5578 0.792 0.7232 0.4507 0.4502 0.578 0.6944 0.6322 0.6289 0.5309 0.508 0.4937 0.6426 0.7496 1.0215 0.7702 0.7631 0.384 0.3951 0.3643 0.3533 0.4469 0.4359 0.3549 0.4559 0.5348 0.5895 0.5046 0.4519 0.5469 0.5772 0.5334 0.6033 1.1607 0.7155 0.7054 0.7422 679 AA925690 "Rat Na+, K+ -ATPase beta subunit protein mRNA, com" 1.1531 1.0805 1.1817 1.1867 1.3304 1.1804 1.333 1.0518 1.1493 1.1245 1.2604 0.9599 1.0956 0.6811 0.8661 0.7786 0.702 0.829 0.8504 0.9116 0.6635 0.6972 1.2496 1.0514 2.2357 1.7038 1.3029 3.186 1.8126 1.2379 1.8055 1.2142 0.9377 1.3026 1.2491 1.1754 1.7205 1.5939 1.3342 1.4171 0.777 0.9699 0.7831 1.2876 1.0141 1.2468 1.1084 1.3245 1.2905 680 AA925560 R.norvegicus mRNA for CLK3 protein 1.0096 1.0528 0.8985 0.943 1.1142 1.5101 1.3181 0.7288 0.9795 0.9243 1.0255 0.9291 0.9365 0.9122 1.2853 0.8751 0.9755 1.113 0.7772 1.0754 0.8577 1.117 2.377 0.981 18.8518 1.0645 1.5251 1.3438 1.2353 2.871 3.0903 1.1973 1.5095 2.1025 1.3697 1.5735 1.9886 1.1491 2.4781 1.5324 1.3244 1.158 1.5236 0.9471 5.3015 1.6338 1.5151 1.5958 1.4456 681 AA925568 Rattus norvegicus carnitine octanoyltransferase mR 1.0174 1.02 1.2049 1.2358 1.299 1.4633 1.2973 0.956 0.8828 0.8398 0.9314 0.8687 1.2641 2.7655 1.2008 0.9129 0.7816 0.8742 0.7473 1.1341 0.7857 1.0708 1.287 0.9714 1.5021 1.5303 0.8234 2.5477 1.1323 1.315 1.1187 0.9668 0.7055 1.0058 0.9917 1.1394 1.6508 1.0066 2.066 1.6445 1.3485 1.9439 1.0372 0.9368 1.7622 1.3097 1.2932 1.3048 1.6484 682 AA925580 Rattus norvegicus stannin mRNA 1.1655 1.1153 1.1459 1.0885 1.1885 1.318 1.3042 1.2367 1.3368 1.2369 0.8817 0.9812 0.9305 0.8612 1.1601 0.9872 0.9788 0.9127 0.9852 1.2156 0.9467 1.0536 1.195 1.0314 1.5811 1.3146 1.4069 1.2566 1.1128 1.6884 1.732 1.409 1.2901 1.7157 1.2998 1.3398 1.4677 0.9991 1.1685 0.9117 0.9637 0.9963 1.4251 0.9202 1.5206 1.3266 1.1212 0.968 0.9738 683 AA925584 "Rat mRNA for lymphocyte antigen CD5, complete cds" 1.2076 1.2556 2.16 3.3227 1.2191 78.5035 65.781 5.6993 2.4202 0.9209 1.9094 1.5736 114.8572 13.7783 1.5376 1.6599 0.8097 1.8983 0.5798 0.4393 1.9291 1.4127 3.9008 1.6369 167.8685 3.6893 1.079 188.919 2.7993 2.5029 16.2752 1.532 2.2367 1.6258 1.7888 225.9332 129.3677 2.21 184.9257 191.9872 215.1019 202.7321 1.1165 3.4983 175.0991 2.2587 3.7512 3.6978 5.9919 684 AA925597 "Rattus norvegicus calpain II 80 kDa subunit mRNA, " 1.1292 1.0568 1.1431 1.0314 1.3151 1.1832 1.1199 0.9598 1.0453 0.9251 0.9134 1.008 2.8738 1.0445 1.3934 1.1628 1.0737 1.2557 0.9978 0.9523 1.5959 1.1073 1.2753 1.1236 1.8822 1.341 1.535 1.3295 1.1382 1.3365 1.6676 1.1199 1.0391 1.4349 1.1631 1.2227 1.5281 1.4068 1.7128 1.2444 1.5908 1.3657 1.2096 1.3209 1.4989 1.2083 1.1407 1.4762 1.2472 685 AA925993 Rattus norvegicus taipoxin-associated calcium bind 1.3452 1.1227 1.3267 1.2967 1.5282 2.5624 1.5057 1.0738 1.0429 1.3237 1.6403 1.5522 1.4806 1.2729 0.9467 1.0497 1.0724 1.36 0.733 1.0535 1.0203 1.2092 1.5161 1.3327 2.6306 1.2291 0.9327 2.6591 1.6202 1.5743 2.6328 1.4334 0.9383 1.118 1.24 1.3886 5.1219 1.2378 2.0924 1.938 1.7503 1.567 1.2012 1.3201 1.6719 1.7482 1.3768 1.423 1.3394 686 AA925996 Rat liver delta-aminolevulinate dehydrase (ALAD) m 0.8981 0.9305 0.9634 0.8855 0.8148 0.385 0.3904 0.6846 0.6733 0.6934 0.6952 0.6652 0.6638 0.5726 0.5713 0.8117 0.8154 0.969 1.2862 0.8433 1.1485 1.0978 0.9395 1.0705 0.7826 0.7147 0.7305 0.6302 0.6932 0.5202 0.6508 0.5365 0.4071 0.6843 0.4639 0.3364 0.8167 0.5915 0.6679 0.543 0.5823 0.8075 0.9745 0.8411 1.0222 0.8125 0.8474 0.8428 0.8187 687 AA926002 "Rattus norvegicus sip9 mRNA, partial cds" 0.871 0.8869 0.8459 1.0385 0.9252 3.2273 4.264 1.039 1.1549 2.2516 1.1123 1.7483 1.0892 0.7456 1.1575 1.0655 0.9832 0.8873 0.6233 1.0773 0.7937 0.7541 2.6337 1.8547 2.5672 1.201 0.6745 3.6642 0.9831 1.6373 3.1573 1.6983 1.0388 1.3722 1.1099 1.7979 7.7254 1.104 4.8781 2.5629 1.4056 2.4928 0.9315 1.2772 1.3207 2.5796 1.3426 1.3757 1.4932 688 AA926004 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for 14-3-3 protein eta-subt 0.8698 0.843 0.9132 0.9061 0.8671 0.8299 0.8543 0.6903 0.717 0.8973 0.9061 0.8302 0.9369 1.0101 0.8137 1.1477 1.2852 1.1064 0.9153 0.8418 1.0065 0.9132 1.1071 1.0347 0.9865 1.0091 0.8234 0.9563 0.8909 0.9454 1.0495 0.9498 0.7528 1.0789 0.9558 0.8779 1.2405 0.9001 1.1335 1.0524 1.2841 1.1037 1.0766 0.9111 1.0265 0.9798 1.0303 1.105 0.9849 689 AA926010 Rat mRNA for long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase (EC 6. 0.821 0.8211 0.8945 0.8043 0.8128 1.116 1.0635 1.2833 1.2349 1.0485 1.1355 1.2364 1.3532 0.7406 0.651 0.5697 0.6162 0.3819 0.862 0.7875 0.8543 0.7884 0.7182 0.7026 0.8138 0.7093 0.6754 0.726 0.7203 1.2918 1.323 1.4693 1.0033 1.257 1.4393 1.0684 1.1356 1.1108 1.3255 0.6674 0.6144 0.3884 0.356 0.7913 0.8184 0.6464 0.7493 0.7871 0.7479 690 AA925897 "Rat mRNA for very-long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase, " 1.0221 0.9592 1.2322 0.9606 1.0707 1.1497 1.2631 1.082 1.0989 0.906 0.9506 0.7526 0.9464 0.6499 0.5488 0.7616 0.8447 0.8545 0.7891 0.7497 0.7573 0.7359 0.8457 0.8754 0.9458 0.8034 0.8602 0.8137 0.8341 1.3712 1.3094 1.4692 0.9575 1.1957 1.2776 1.1481 1.2115 0.9991 1.0296 0.5633 0.8131 0.8794 0.8958 0.6721 0.755 0.8302 0.8528 0.8914 0.8568 691 AA925914 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for Rab3B protein 0.9517 1.2439 1.9416 1.2007 1.366 100.9274 88.8505 1.328 1.9429 0.8398 1.8435 1.3592 2.8004 1.6654 1.6423 1.9484 1.1127 1.123 0.7118 1.6156 1.1409 2.1911 4.0127 0.8036 143.1245 2.527 0.6922 155.3024 2.1392 1.9932 4.7266 2.4219 1.073 1.1931 1.1178 28.5597 180.5784 1.3863 228.9033 3.7128 5.2405 178.7234 2.8275 2.0125 2.4786 193.6615 3.5033 3.0194 3.6615 692 AA925907 R.norvegicus mRNA for muscle LIM protein 1.1452 1.0532 0.9344 1.774 1.5856 4.5451 1.3143 2.3396 2.4423 2.0234 1.0287 1.236 1.1168 1.351 1.7937 1.2593 1.0285 3.4418 0.7714 1.5586 1.1628 2.0751 1.8318 1.1271 10.8458 3.2933 0.8234 180.2025 1.6392 2.4047 3.1924 30.7958 0.998 1.9692 1.3322 2.4653 176.916 1.5675 3.5431 1.3019 7.0474 4.6027 1.4982 1.632 3.7105 2.335 8.2637 3.3905 5.2841 693 AA925908 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for phospholipase A2 precur 0.833 0.6628 0.6542 0.6914 0.9391 1.1353 1.2529 0.6118 0.8125 1.1093 0.9823 0.7749 3.1712 0.8703 0.7508 0.7344 0.7716 0.8281 0.6635 1.231 0.8532 1.0643 1.3256 1.0041 4.62 1.085 0.5742 3.0305 1.4952 1.842 281.6488 0.9958 0.7155 0.9938 0.7924 1.4957 7.1048 1.1395 6.7156 3.2655 1.4073 1.6663 1.5746 1.3225 1.6726 3.6413 1.4583 2.0175 2.3685 694 AA925917 R. norvegicus mRNA for amiloride sensitive Na+ cha 0.9912 1.093 1.1332 1.132 1.0489 0.9726 0.9269 1.1105 1.1358 1.1008 0.9336 0.8712 1.0426 1.5179 1.3625 1.6315 1.4663 1.3137 0.942 1.0175 0.9142 0.6846 0.9341 1.0205 1.1505 1.0068 0.8234 0.9787 0.7708 1.2854 1.4686 1.0918 0.8435 1.1086 0.9697 0.8712 1.3825 0.7851 1.0417 1.2619 1.5037 1.4434 1.1138 0.8133 1.1085 0.8832 0.9171 0.9643 0.9476 695 AA925933 "Rattus norvegicus cathepsin S mRNA, complete cds" 0.681 0.721 0.7793 0.8143 0.7347 0.5409 0.5178 0.4381 0.4683 0.9606 0.809 0.8325 0.8913 0.5013 0.4452 0.6619 0.7078 0.5136 0.8223 0.9121 0.9438 0.8083 1.0257 0.9403 0.9661 1.0763 0.8172 1.2478 1.2508 0.49 0.6372 0.4543 0.3273 0.4664 0.3782 0.6098 0.691 0.7873 0.9735 0.7186 0.6293 0.6063 0.5659 0.9063 0.9322 0.9786 1.1012 1.1637 1.2309 696 AI112938 Rattus norvegicus decidual prolactin-related prote 0.7077 0.7163 0.7812 0.8384 0.9218 1.6801 1.4787 0.8336 0.7555 0.9353 0.8327 0.9518 1.0471 1.1693 0.6453 0.9678 0.977 1.2053 0.7781 0.7874 0.9027 0.8608 1.1826 0.8474 0.9852 1.1614 0.7055 1.1125 1.1801 2.3823 3.2659 2.1175 1.4747 2.1553 2.1127 1.4958 1.2774 0.9493 1.19 0.8369 1.2361 1.0302 0.9069 0.9521 0.9053 1.0129 1.0557 1.2299 1.0315 697 AA925828 "Rattus norvegicus lysyl oxidase mRNA, complete cds" 1.4905 1.7545 2.2612 3.0144 2.3982 0.6782 0.4942 0.3983 0.7647 0.5604 0.5721 0.7483 0.9142 0.3954 0.5496 0.5204 0.5562 0.7719 0.9478 1.3852 1.3902 2.4819 3.0914 2.4075 33.3652 2.2819 3.3868 53.9163 2.0063 0.4692 3.1457 0.7082 1.3715 1.7614 0.776 1.0894 247.333 1.8336 9.6432 4.3242 2.2591 11.3112 0.6565 2.6798 5.5848 4.0065 4.6102 5.9826 4.002 698 AA925846 "Rat brain mRNA for neuronal death protein, complet" 1.3407 1.5657 3.6992 2.4826 1.3777 14.6952 18.3073 1.9629 4.2699 13.9934 1.5668 1.2452 1.6951 2.0033 2.5574 1.155 0.9822 2.0407 0.5882 1.5876 1.006 1.3009 1.8777 1.1817 8.7075 413.6277 1.9751 2.571 1.4381 11.0726 13.9988 4.3167 2.9135 7.7888 2.9348 22.2895 5.3228 2.6391 3.052 2.6797 5.6606 2.9024 2.9649 1.466 3.3758 1.8336 206.8017 1.7202 1.9332 699 AA925792 Rat mRNA for copper-zinc-containing superoxide dis 0.8093 0.7585 0.7639 0.891 0.8238 0.9767 1.0019 0.8901 0.8804 0.9678 1.0456 0.9435 0.9177 1.044 1.4992 0.9269 0.9931 0.8648 0.9494 0.8554 0.9918 0.9892 0.8236 0.8097 0.8421 0.7428 0.6953 0.8135 0.7817 0.8601 0.7832 0.9296 0.7292 0.8962 1.0204 0.9028 0.8448 0.855 0.8618 0.9424 0.92 0.9827 0.8875 0.833 0.8431 0.8462 0.8866 0.9098 0.868 700 AA925794 "Rat diazepam binding inhibitor (DBI) mRNA, complet" 0.8872 0.7782 0.7967 1.0446 1.0607 1.63 1.688 1.4643 1.4038 1.3838 1.4234 1.4852 0.9592 1.5502 1.779 0.7689 0.7917 0.5538 1.1673 1.1731 1.0188 1.0661 0.802 0.8172 0.9637 0.5865 0.6147 0.5652 0.5373 1.7758 1.68 1.8929 1.3509 1.643 1.7771 1.4404 1.2088 1.2498 1.2437 1.2179 0.6447 0.4667 0.4131 0.7967 0.8746 0.7066 0.6713 0.6475 0.6501 701 AA925795 "Rattus norvegicus mRNA for proteasome p45/SUG, com" 0.783 0.7338 0.7343 0.8374 0.8171 1.3095 1.3415 0.7783 0.762 0.8398 0.7881 1.0137 0.9757 0.8394 1.2733 1.1645 1.1022 1.1719 0.9638 1.1298 1.1127 1.2144 0.9905 0.9144 0.9427 0.7392 0.8998 0.8605 0.8099 1.1898 1.1354 1.2302 0.9572 1.187 1.1804 1.1806 0.8276 0.8148 1.0004 1.0049 1.0895 1.2172 1.2739 0.9684 1.0339 0.9869 0.9206 0.9557 0.9723 702 AA926099 "Rat sepiapterin reductase mRNA, partial cds" 0.8831 0.8742 0.8596 0.9008 0.8989 0.7838 0.7207 0.9456 0.9828 1.0179 0.9085 0.9107 0.8519 0.8502 1.0907 0.9064 0.9248 0.9562 0.9486 0.847 0.9093 0.8951 1.044 0.9727 1.0345 0.8533 0.8893 0.8185 0.757 0.8776 0.7823 0.8497 0.701 0.9967 0.8125 0.6522 0.9016 0.8467 0.8692 0.6926 0.7955 0.8398 0.863 0.8581 0.8971 0.7447 0.8285 0.8709 0.8327 703 AA926342 Rat mRNA for deoxyribonuclease I (EC 0.8681 0.8839 0.9459 1.2445 1.0889 1.7247 1.6293 1.2426 1.298 0.7788 0.9995 1.0549 2.9909 0.8988 1.2447 1.0766 0.9243 0.9439 0.7726 0.9496 0.9279 0.9717 1.3519 1.1097 1.4983 1.3809 0.9672 9.2197 1.0625 0.8686 1.1079 0.7998 0.6239 0.8711 0.8494 0.9793 1.5896 0.9927 1.8817 2.2345 1.2955 3.0451 0.7892 0.9967 1.4683 1.3608 1.2859 1.3679 1.37 704 AA926359 Rat receptor-linked protein tyrosine phosphatase ( 0.8019 0.7673 0.9172 0.8421 1.0128 0.4195 0.4329 0.8395 0.8396 1.0509 1.0463 1.0297 0.836 1.525 1.9849 1.2615 1.2345 0.9766 1.2358 1.1602 0.8138 1.06 0.8655 0.9041 0.8356 0.872 1.0933 0.9938 0.9935 0.3587 0.3531 0.3957 0.3576 0.4482 0.4546 0.3975 0.7069 0.8925 0.7978 1.191 1.0871 0.7929 0.6145 0.7141 0.8916 0.7914 1.0167 0.9347 0.9294 705 AA926255 "Rattus norvegicus meprin beta-subunit mRNA, comple" 1.0458 0.9477 1.0741 1.1907 1.3064 2.513 2.7326 1.2071 1.503 0.8398 1.2024 1.1244 1.5512 1.1385 1.3553 1.3944 1.2129 1.3114 0.6949 1.1293 0.8605 1.1803 1.8774 1.2285 57.3041 1.1854 1.0962 14.8086 1.4762 1.4437 361.3603 1.8404 1.3208 2.8278 1.856 2.2307 15.7864 2.1962 14.1824 15.3622 3.0751 4.3753 1.685 2.2476 4.4952 2.2802 1.4946 2.7794 2.3643 706 AA926256 "Rattus norvegicus neuritin mRNA, complete cds" 1.2216 1.2987 1.4204 2.9154 1.3592 1.9629 1.435 1.6072 1.9192 1.3153 0.8468 0.8988 1.3686 0.9306 1.2371 1.6225 1.4782 1.3641 0.8294 1.2585 1.0293 1.3215 2.9104 1.1122 3.3786 1.7044 2.5426 3.5539 1.1904 3.9564 306.7227 1.2081 0.9637 3.4062 1.3569 2.1564 4.7564 1.2226 2.7078 1.5777 13.9563 0.6649 10.4426 1.1598 15.1335 0.8678 249.7036 1.4874 1.261 707 AA926266 Rat VL30 element mRNA 1.4162 1.4986 1.4863 0.3253 0.3322 0.2053 0.2672 1.1483 1.2426 0.2379 0.2447 1.3413 1.302 0.2171 0.2338 2.4665 2.675 2.2396 0.9587 0.7576 2.3133 2.3161 0.3869 0.3421 0.3544 1.9996 1.9419 2.5611 2.5823 1.0146 0.8204 1.0768 0.6311 0.8215 0.9967 0.281 1.426 0.3668 1.4034 0.3531 3.6642 3.1394 2.4904 1.1186 2.511 0.4193 0.2503 0.2954 0.3313 708 AA926277 "Rat CELF mRNA, complete cds" 1.0317 1.0955 1.3694 1.1245 1.2963 1.2973 1.1083 0.7707 0.9827 1.0845 1.0677 0.8887 0.6922 0.8893 1.3644 0.9924 0.8603 1.188 0.9516 0.9379 0.9359 0.8006 1.3241 1.0255 1.2705 0.9252 2.0437 1.603 1.2053 1.7954 1.4693 1.1395 0.8508 0.9016 0.9017 1.2929 0.9701 1.0891 1.4421 1.1624 1.184 1.1236 0.7713 1.0044 1.1172 1.0936 1.0318 1.1968 1.0923 709 AA926275 ESTs 0.9716 0.9337 0.9657 1.03 1.0876 1.1327 0.9902 1.0619 0.9877 1.076 1.1056 0.936 1.2196 1.0687 0.967 0.961 0.9855 0.937 0.8308 1.0378 0.8937 0.9581 1.0536 0.9931 1.5182 1.0333 0.723 1.4614 1.2817 0.8878 1.4487 1.1283 0.7522 0.9598 1.0042 1.0309 1.7535 1.1784 1.7889 1.3257 1.4844 1.1997 1.1202 1.1126 1.3739 1.4329 1.1423 1.2461 1.1533 710 AA926170 "Rat mitochondrial acetoacetyl-CoA thiolase mRNA, c" 1.2485 1.3227 1.3961 0.9995 1.1328 2.5166 2.5758 1.2164 1.336 0.9495 0.9058 0.8185 0.9076 0.7058 0.6357 0.6424 0.6989 0.9143 0.9382 0.7505 0.7039 0.6831 0.768 0.8937 1.0534 0.7366 0.9148 0.8163 0.8641 0.7244 3.193 3.3472 2.6758 3.2093 3.4848 2.1742 1.2801 0.9279 0.8411 0.5998 0.5872 0.904 1.0043 0.7169 0.7481 0.703 0.68 0.6684 0.6692 711 AA926187 "ESTs, Moderately similar to ATPase subunit 8 [" 0.9448 0.92 0.9911 0.972 0.8122 1.0346 1.1175 0.9235 0.9632 0.8705 0.9997 1.1423 1.0769 0.9531 0.8841 1.0494 1.0147 1.0278 0.9722 1.0417 0.9866 0.9534 1.0416 0.9367 1.1522 0.9912 0.6776 1.086 0.9101 0.9826 1.1158 1.1653 0.7977 1.0398 1.1268 1.0148 1.2295 0.9137 1.2263 1.1118 1.1061 1.1104 0.9891 1.1123 1.0222 1.1359 0.9435 0.987 1.0361 712 AI146187 R.norvegicus mRNA for RT1.Mb 0.8219 0.9787 0.9499 0.8181 1.1697 0.9186 0.8503 0.8433 0.8259 1.3799 1.1633 0.95 1.0341 0.8123 0.8589 0.7112 0.8096 0.9029 0.8532 0.8144 1.0186 0.9217 1.1999 0.9942 1.0525 1.3277 0.8234 1.2832 0.7918 1.8314 2.6315 1.0063 0.7501 1.2627 0.8486 0.8008 1.974 1.0882 1.3224 1.0031 0.9347 0.7608 0.6508 0.9221 1.1845 1.0292 1.0197 1.0395 0.8831 713 AA926195 Rattus norvegicus AMPA receptor binding protein mR 0.9107 1.5462 1.3012 1.3404 1.247 81.787 73.5893 1.6708 2.0172 1.6762 2.0811 1.1274 1.8824 11.4433 1.2718 1.2657 1.058 1.2144 0.4957 0.9824 0.9009 0.8376 1.4153 1.0342 140.2946 2.3803 0.5284 151.0504 1.7942 4.9215 238.546 1.7086 1.3568 1.2456 1.1638 11.6003 132.3835 0.9493 224.9675 4.9329 3.8905 157.3649 1.3338 1.7994 2.7353 5.0393 1.5872 1.9931 2.0226 714 AA955301 "Rattus norvegicus beta-1,2-N-acetylglucosaminyltra" 0.882 0.8024 0.9326 1.0193 1.0791 1.0135 0.893 1.033 1.0103 1.2621 1.0061 0.996 1.368 1.7162 0.7562 1.0404 1.0911 1.3611 1.2768 1.1246 1.2946 1.2185 1.2554 0.9958 1.3766 1.0179 1.3603 1.1995 1.1639 0.9118 1.6229 0.7223 0.6416 1.1377 0.7724 0.8468 1.9377 1.0069 1.5092 1.5115 1.2711 1.0003 1.2705 1.1513 2.4324 1.6729 1.2103 1.4485 1.2733 715 AI146077 Rattus norvegicus Gonadotropin releasing hormone r 0.5824 0.9289 0.7248 0.5702 0.5518 1.191 1.3064 1.077 1.0113 0.9238 1.0121 0.9673 1.3385 1.1097 0.9795 0.7145 0.8329 0.6378 0.6883 0.7035 0.5691 0.5436 0.5686 0.5988 0.6265 0.6938 0.5752 0.8916 0.5239 0.8568 0.9316 0.7345 0.6058 0.6801 0.6604 0.837 0.766 0.6809 0.9479 0.9232 0.9817 1.0092 0.6046 0.7521 0.6915 2.0462 0.613 0.6281 0.609 716 AI146190 "EST, Highly similar to sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acy" 1.3531 1.6998 1.1571 1.2268 1.22 1.5507 1.9713 1.8382 1.8845 1.7203 1.4308 0.987 1.2801 1.6925 1.431 1.2616 1.3882 1.2188 1.3151 1.7533 1.3469 1.0153 1.1647 1.2783 1.6504 1.3925 0.8234 1.3131 1.1012 2.3546 2.7372 2.8351 1.5209 2.3401 2.7492 1.4794 2.1196 1.8232 1.4796 1.4343 2.0343 1.8197 1.41 1.8411 1.6703 1.3072 1.7457 1.7245 1.7047 717 AI146192 Rat PC3 NGF-inducible anti-proliferative putative 0.9892 0.9315 1.0035 0.7157 0.8175 1.2078 1.2515 0.9193 0.8196 1.0501 0.9612 0.9179 1.0083 0.8572 0.7049 0.9096 0.896 0.7682 0.6463 0.8635 0.696 0.654 1.2214 0.7859 2.6952 1.2683 0.7044 2.1428 6.5761 1.3469 282.963 0.9337 0.7632 1.023 0.9536 1.5357 7.1077 1.0257 6.7186 2.9794 1.5199 1.0811 1.5752 0.9194 1.1127 1.9705 1.1414 1.8488 1.8958 718 AI146193 R.norvegicus (Wistar) mRNA for ZG-21p 1.6849 1.1899 0.8459 1.3555 0.9874 60.2692 73.8457 4.7227 65.56 113.3475 1.1804 0.5468 2.2649 3.7137 0.7766 1.5892 1.0738 1.6363 0.5285 1.4494 1.2047 10.1363 48.543 2.4071 7.8269 2.3374 0.8234 103.1847 1.3728 5.2068 162.8516 132.6839 1.6649 2.8812 3.7058 166.167 118.1956 2.1175 130.164 9.1594 148.2852 2.8307 6.6999 3.978 161.1181 14.824 129.8265 7.8791 157.7285 719 AA955328 "Rattus norvegicus mRNA for RBCK2, complete cds" 1.085 1.032 0.8822 0.868 0.8455 1.3833 1.4128 0.9959 1.0265 0.8398 1.0205 1.0055 1.1528 1.036 0.8343 0.9919 1.0896 0.9625 0.7627 0.8976 0.9649 0.8206 0.8063 0.7838 1.1777 0.9283 0.7938 1.0708 1.1443 0.8105 0.9624 0.9606 0.7192 0.971 1.0164 1.1647 1.3281 0.8943 1.148 1.2513 1.0441 1.1565 1.0347 0.969 1.0659 1.2665 0.8909 0.9883 1.1935 720 AA955455 "Rat norvegicus ceruloplasmin mRNA, complete cds" 1.0366 1.174 1.2909 0.8552 1.2228 0.8428 0.9511 0.7671 0.777 1.1307 1.2096 0.9197 0.9992 1.8047 1.6433 1.0965 1.2298 0.8649 1.4273 1.4068 1.1144 1.0029 0.9997 1.1308 1.0942 1.0889 1.2327 1.0864 1.2241 0.4667 0.419 0.3891 0.2959 0.361 0.4054 0.7359 0.7919 1.0892 1.0537 1.6879 1.3356 0.8998 0.9022 1.3093 1.1531 1.1285 1.2292 1.2357 1.1608 721 AA955388 "Rat plasma membrane Ca2+ ATPase-isoform 2 mRNA, co" 1.0017 1.1923 1.3903 1.2576 1.3791 1.2672 2.4468 1.3184 1.3947 1.0466 1.0393 1.1598 2.1675 11.3008 1.0242 0.9048 0.7705 0.9798 0.9307 0.4764 1.1568 1.981 1.4096 1.2764 4.0794 2.0243 1.6767 22.0122 1.883 363.7272 1.9728 1.0191 1.2313 1.452 1.0369 1.4382 3.0725 1.3718 5.6356 2.7271 1.6095 2.8762 1.0018 1.5432 2.6403 2.6027 1.5029 1.6347 1.5034 722 AA955395 "Rattus norvegicus galectin-7 mRNA, complete cds" 1.2209 1.1182 1.8755 1.406 6.1904 76.6155 68.4767 4.2399 86.1875 1.1359 1.1588 0.9968 2.2922 0.9494 0.8435 0.7375 0.6695 1.6825 0.5076 1.0824 0.8707 0.9918 2.2324 2.2132 16.4152 260.7775 474.7506 30.8665 2.3084 225.2182 36.1815 2.0513 3.7643 2.3465 1.737 6.0176 164.1086 4.5471 168.5969 4.7982 184.2438 176.9886 2.5619 10.2355 151.8881 0.9967 2.2084 175.0789 2.9764 723 AA955402 Rattus norvegicus S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine hydrol 1.5309 1.2626 1.5732 0.9856 1.0728 0.4919 0.476 0.8861 0.9284 0.7506 0.9197 0.8687 0.7567 0.6006 0.7272 0.8047 0.817 0.7874 1.1866 1.289 0.7797 0.823 0.9442 0.8856 1.0483 1.0188 0.8834 1.0559 1.07 0.4942 0.4736 0.5364 0.3808 0.4781 0.507 0.4674 0.9515 0.8681 0.7589 0.6592 0.8165 0.8564 0.8102 1.0368 0.73 0.9015 0.7803 0.8261 0.84 724 AA955423 Rattus norvegicus Sprague-Dawley lipid-binding pro 0.897 0.937 0.8318 1.3712 1.5845 2.6469 2.0081 0.7195 1.2618 1.4964 1.1183 1.0531 4.8347 27.2026 1.8523 0.8147 0.8501 1.5496 0.7954 1.2047 1.1851 1.4667 0.815 0.8801 8.3707 8.9704 2.2007 2.3113 1.3908 387.0838 285.1832 1.638 1.7233 2.6094 1.7163 2.4613 10.1741 1.8863 4.5328 2.4318 2.5238 4.288 1.462 1.6117 3.0187 333.8694 1.5308 2.0462 1.7389 725 AA955420 ESTs 0.9713 1.0072 1.0968 1.5187 1.0504 1.2675 1.5942 0.8815 0.9212 0.8398 1.0937 1.0954 1.6347 4.2445 0.9513 0.9402 0.881 1.0452 0.6531 1.5638 1.1509 1.155 2.131 1.1311 3.9786 1.5378 1.0452 290.1934 1.2069 1.7795 3.8576 1.0881 0.7967 1.2054 0.8924 1.2302 4.1079 1.4205 4.3576 3.2736 1.5601 3.902 0.8635 1.3182 2.6721 1.6534 1.4572 1.7717 1.4047 726 AA955475 Rattus norvegicus clone ubc2e ubiquitin conjugatin 1.0226 0.9449 1.0469 1.1194 1.0739 1.2873 1.0775 1.0271 0.9986 1.006 0.8738 1.0351 0.9997 1.3571 1.3089 1.1015 1.0151 1.0547 1.092 1.0064 1.0854 1.1424 1.2892 1.1894 1.4583 0.9836 1.2217 1.2095 1.0251 1.5629 1.0539 1.1231 1.0687 1.3759 1.2176 1.2288 1.1613 0.9782 1.3628 1.0346 1.289 1.1806 1.0867 1.0526 1.3414 1.3202 1.2067 1.2212 1.0837 727 AA955469 "Rattus norvegicus IFRD1 (PC4) mRNA, interferon rel" 1.074 1.0575 0.5313 1.1769 1.3902 4.7446 4.516 0.8138 0.8698 0.8398 0.91 1.0027 1.1306 1.0187 1.2003 0.9 0.9085 1.3264 0.9043 0.7793 0.8927 0.8643 0.981 0.8319 1.4273 1.3029 0.8234 1.7772 1.2399 3.1598 3.1885 3.0065 2.263 2.969 3.1198 4.2676 1.2322 1.037 1.477 1.5185 1.1039 1.5821 1.3406 1.2088 1.1925 1.075 0.8433 0.9699 1.0434 728 AA955490 R.norvegicus mRNA for heat shock related protein 0.99 0.8156 0.9263 1.0554 1.0894 1.1113 1.0392 0.8258 0.8551 0.9239 0.8426 0.9232 0.9264 1.2049 1.5531 1.412 1.3749 1.3446 0.9952 1.0545 1.0487 1.302 1.03 1.0713 1.1818 0.986 1.232 1.0999 1.0971 1.094 1.0472 1.0269 0.9038 1.1709 1.0624 1.1182 0.8761 0.9856 1.027 1.1414 1.3313 1.3084 1.6331 0.8489 1.297 1.0526 1.244 1.2277 1.1844 729 AA955510 "Rat monoamine oxidase B (Maobf3) mRNA, complete cd" 1.0592 1.0097 1.1803 1.0229 1.1051 0.8221 0.8078 1.0637 0.9475 0.8398 1.07 1.1404 1.1145 1.5673 1.8886 1.3485 1.346 1.2117 1.0459 1.3303 1.0811 1.2933 1.2172 1.1463 1.0701 1.0495 0.7069 1.2656 1.138 0.5781 0.6539 0.6737 0.5069 0.7023 0.6553 0.7369 1.0478 1.0864 1.1858 1.4141 1.2963 1.2815 1.1446 1.2255 1.2825 1.2837 1.1417 1.1849 1.1751 730 AA955504 "Rat mRNA for Sky, complete cds" 1.1538 1.1103 1.0657 2.086 1.2641 2.2805 1.6888 1.3627 1.6139 1.4943 0.9752 0.9316 1.2982 0.9752 1.3046 1.2412 1.0645 1.2186 0.7603 1.4041 0.895 0.954 1.0636 1.0449 5.2979 1.6602 2.6095 1.5866 1.0922 4.481 8.3719 1.7538 1.8723 2.6469 1.7126 2.0518 2.9313 1.1662 2.2828 1.6417 3.0696 0.3211 90.3123 1.0113 2.2134 2.7475 247.1027 1.6146 1.2785 731 AA955508 "R.norvegicus type III adenylyl cyclase mRNA, compl" 1.0006 1.3604 1.0681 1.2985 1.1799 2.1375 2.0087 1.2732 1.1754 0.8398 1.2755 1.4488 3.3058 368.3408 1.0134 1.0169 0.8886 1.2246 0.6758 0.4734 1.104 1.3933 1.8318 1.314 12.7811 3.2767 1.019 250.6306 1.6523 2.0588 2.5705 1.2344 1.1147 1.637 1.0926 2.2497 15.1539 1.6055 287.4189 4.942 2.7444 249.1632 0.8542 2.2834 3.8023 1.9377 3.6606 1.9871 1.8754 732 AA955349 R.norvegicus mRNA for fetuin 0.5797 0.5866 0.6394 0.529 0.6471 0.301 0.2811 0.3858 0.3559 0.6989 0.6915 0.6737 0.4394 0.7438 0.9918 0.4309 0.456 0.3545 1.1813 1.1079 0.9891 0.922 0.8555 0.8977 0.5855 0.5854 0.6955 0.6326 0.5767 0.2627 0.2487 0.2915 0.2329 0.2725 0.2948 0.2593 0.3566 0.6955 0.5464 0.6213 0.4333 0.3274 0.2496 0.829 0.97 0.8199 0.8156 0.7794 0.7854 733 AA955376 "ESTs, Highly similar to protein phosphatase 2c [R." 0.9798 0.9981 1.0137 0.8945 0.9226 1.0371 1.013 0.8833 0.9136 0.8878 0.8701 0.9656 0.989 0.8542 0.8292 1.0719 1.03 1.0808 0.9142 1.1135 1.0725 0.9715 0.9245 0.9303 1.2287 0.8133 0.4885 1.0741 1.1011 1.0296 1.1203 1.1364 0.8071 1.0977 0.9615 1.2099 1.3064 0.9555 1.2093 1.2462 1.2765 1.4827 1.3387 1.1493 1.211 1.3558 1.1238 1.188 1.3207 734 AI385256 "Rattus norvegicus lipoprotein lipase mRNA, complet" 1.1569 1.1916 1.3004 1.0098 1.0399 6.0661 6.8525 1.9097 1.7953 1.328 1.0579 0.8263 1.1741 2.1354 1.4162 3.5602 4.3541 4.3351 1.1154 1.1099 1.0219 0.9496 1.3289 0.9744 2.2481 1.3239 0.6549 2.3993 1.5278 5.4217 0.7141 8.7026 4.0291 3.7923 6.1302 7.7536 5.4578 1.7757 2.4772 2.1504 8.2075 5.2032 3.1643 1.9389 1.595 1.8916 1.4699 3.1497 1.4099 735 AA955059 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for pancreatic phospholipas 0.8466 0.8718 0.8633 0.7974 0.9185 2.9837 3.442 0.8369 0.9917 1.5042 1.0701 1.579 1.0014 2.2389 0.7978 1.0755 0.8077 1.07 0.6144 0.8674 0.7572 0.4562 3.7931 2.9208 3.3505 1.316 0.5555 6.6412 1.385 1.4647 260.6065 1.1318 0.7347 1.3104 0.9325 2.5595 46.441 0.9459 6.6057 2.443 1.5465 4.7473 0.7431 1.4656 1.3784 6.012 1.3356 1.4343 2.097 736 AA955072 Rattus norvegicus cytochrome b558 alpha-subunit mR 1.0585 0.8253 0.8166 1.2007 1.0856 1.2233 0.7758 0.8598 0.7404 1.0845 1.2401 1.1246 1.996 0.8371 0.5867 0.7684 0.8188 2.8129 0.7993 0.9812 1.1894 1.3746 2.172 1.2043 2.7537 1.9488 2.3565 3.1812 1.3432 4.3833 196.9144 2.145 0.9781 1.7675 1.047 1.5293 188.7169 1.1684 2.1023 1.3838 1.5029 1.4702 1.1503 1.2889 2.4572 1.6806 2.0654 2.1894 1.6751 737 AA955120 "Rat adult liver mRNA for S1-1 protein, complete cd" 1.0269 1.2518 1.2821 1.2026 1.1355 2.7837 2.1066 1.2291 1.1312 1.7175 1.2015 1.2266 1.5331 3.0784 1.2318 1.2408 0.8891 1.279 0.6021 1.2982 0.9658 1.0524 1.512 0.973 75.0754 3.2176 0.983 10.6088 2.6952 1.832 2.3746 1.5148 1.1076 1.468 1.2668 3.9283 65.8371 1.1831 199.6392 6.1468 2.2221 7.868 2.3183 1.6582 1.8399 5.002 1.4795 1.8429 3.8035 738 AA955127 Rattus norvegicus liver Na+/Cl- betaine/GABA trans 1.0467 1.2168 1.2062 1.0408 1.0375 0.9882 0.8871 1.1379 1.1382 1.3713 1.148 1.0603 1.1376 0.8648 0.5313 0.8677 0.8129 0.9594 0.9086 1.1839 0.8429 0.7573 1.0631 1.0156 1.5831 1.3299 1.7335 1.3852 1.1959 0.9129 3.0904 0.8333 0.6819 1.8974 0.8277 0.7972 4.082 1.4209 1.3533 0.7609 0.8254 0.8009 1.0224 1.0926 1.478 1.2906 0.8643 1.105 1.0315 739 AA955146 "Rat inhibin alpha-subunit mRNA, complete cds" 0.8879 0.8562 0.8567 0.9115 0.9211 1.0755 1.1166 0.9859 0.8887 0.9539 0.9054 0.9253 1.1479 1.6072 1.1076 1.2203 1.2354 1.1399 0.8379 1.1271 1.1782 1.0539 0.9125 0.7941 1.3271 0.9252 0.6932 1.0918 1.0909 0.874 1.8525 0.9669 0.8556 1.1722 1.1581 1.0783 1.2167 0.8969 1.2197 1.4213 1.259 1.2667 0.9655 1.0763 1.2637 1.6003 1.1183 1.1886 1.2527 740 AA955087 Rattus norvegicus clone BB.1.4.1 unknown Glu-Pro d 0.3946 0.0944 0.4121 0.5837 0.4893 0.5837 0.6182 1.2298 1.2164 1.1362 1.0811 0.8906 1.0584 1.1313 1.0557 0.6058 0.6472 0.484 0.7655 0.8108 0.6253 0.5538 0.6021 0.9989 0.7274 0.8114 1.5663 1.0163 1.0767 0.785 0.8805 0.9238 0.9746 1.1719 1.2383 1.1996 2.6734 1.6601 1.5959 2.5088 0.9309 0.819 0.5168 1.1644 1.4666 1.5137 0.9672 0.8922 0.7923 741 AA955106 Rattus norvegicus aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) mR 0.7577 0.7241 0.8326 0.8647 0.8936 1.7731 1.7615 2.6857 2.3957 1.318 1.2668 1.5522 1.7188 3.8603 4.1932 6.7072 7.3139 5.9722 0.5871 0.6442 0.7583 0.6425 0.7223 0.7324 0.8805 0.3905 0.438 0.4046 0.4932 2.0435 2.4168 2.3526 1.1474 1.4411 1.553 1.5251 2.7533 1.3438 1.9512 5.6763 7.5616 7.5683 7.8262 0.6766 0.7601 0.8422 0.4691 0.4992 0.5011 742 AA955115 R.norvegicus mRNA for pI 6.1 esterase (ES-10) 1.3782 1.4634 1.7189 0.9709 1.0085 0.6549 0.6147 1.059 1.2775 0.5828 0.5726 0.9232 0.7165 0.6412 0.5677 1.0876 1.1216 1.0972 1.0295 1.0275 0.7572 0.704 0.6725 0.9358 0.8644 0.8565 0.8234 0.885 0.9576 0.6252 0.5696 0.56 0.6309 0.7794 0.8043 0.4876 0.9913 0.5269 0.6673 0.5652 0.8649 0.9837 1.1946 0.7453 0.71 0.6783 0.8085 0.8401 0.8238 743 AA955601 R.norvegicus (Sprague Dawley) rab28 mRNA for ras-h 0.988 1.0098 1.0242 1.0267 0.9847 1.1612 1.1153 1.1264 1.0532 0.9584 0.9638 1.0181 294.0654 1.3354 0.9751 1.0667 1.086 1.1272 0.912 1.1406 0.9924 0.9258 0.9334 0.9117 1.4511 0.9083 0.8234 1.0212 0.9986 0.9881 1.2587 1.2128 0.8149 1.136 1.0362 1.0768 1.48 0.9482 1.2825 1.3151 1.1275 1.2272 1.0984 1.1764 1.2096 1.0734 0.9756 1.0086 1.2534 744 AA955525 "Rat adducin mRNA, complete cds" 1.0129 0.9904 1.1286 1.0382 1.1118 2.8744 2.4288 1.5104 1.2379 1.0962 1.2005 1.1965 1.0579 2.1259 0.7427 0.903 1.335 2.1542 1.9419 1.1325 1.1084 1.7059 2.5609 1.2413 3.2549 1.6946 0.8234 5.6546 1.1906 336.5421 235.5451 3.673 0.8646 1.5163 1.2841 2.3604 187.3933 1.053 2.8383 2.364 2.9949 2.4111 1.4604 1.4444 1.7702 3.5844 2.5215 2.7763 1.9018 745 AA955539 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for putative integral membr 0.476 0.4538 0.6147 0.6107 0.5573 1.4786 1.7557 1.1971 1.128 1.0477 0.9855 1.0264 1.0978 1.3292 0.7359 0.7055 0.6886 0.5164 0.5487 0.5475 1.0438 0.9173 0.7066 0.6565 1.025 0.5851 0.6969 1.0946 0.585 2.4339 1.8366 1.7307 1.3238 1.4686 1.634 1.6088 2.0245 1.2879 1.9994 1.064 1.0168 0.8962 0.6853 0.7533 1.3614 0.9096 1.0509 1.0707 1.1037 746 AA955549 "Rattus norvegicus Delta 3 mRNA, complete cds" 0.7772 0.9309 0.9339 0.7796 0.9563 2.0282 1.6604 1.2416 1.2799 1.126 1.0471 0.7445 1.5843 1.1605 1.9907 0.9056 0.8902 0.8222 0.7353 0.7836 0.8388 0.8224 0.7158 0.6827 1.4934 1.0621 1.3647 1.3177 0.6296 2.399 1.7812 1.4131 1.2247 1.3608 1.2806 1.8401 1.5811 1.3166 1.7206 1.332 1.7432 1.6901 0.9072 1.1723 1.1473 1.1473 1.0366 1.2881 0.9958 747 AA955550 Rat mRNA for cytochrome c oxidase subunit VIa 1.1539 1.0626 1.0898 1.0036 0.9619 1.3695 1.3476 1.2326 1.1755 0.8398 1.0736 1.1293 0.9829 0.8363 1.0911 0.8456 0.8647 0.7776 1.0781 1.1537 0.9611 0.9522 0.9065 0.8243 0.9483 0.8511 0.7015 1.0069 0.8149 1.6186 1.2376 1.263 0.9101 1.1296 1.1524 1.0779 1.0121 0.8315 0.8737 0.7832 0.7107 0.7454 0.6828 0.8868 0.8397 0.9052 0.8373 0.8299 0.8273 748 AA955617 "Rat farnesyltransferase beta subunit mRNA, complet" 0.9935 0.7766 0.8829 1.4144 2.098 3.2638 2.214 2.0912 3.949 1.7666 1.4896 1.3105 1.7511 2.1799 1.7477 0.8403 0.9745 10.7626 0.7318 1.0564 0.9363 1.4241 3.3681 1.4211 6.8131 275.4459 4.0928 1.77 1.3383 330.7544 270.3571 1.6547 1.6006 2.6395 1.6406 2.7236 41.5378 2.2574 8.9604 4.8349 6.9506 10.1802 2.8277 2.0648 4.1506 1.0113 5.8891 3.2613 2.5909 749 AA955698 Rattus norvegicus truncated palmitoyl-protein thio 0.8628 0.8653 0.7918 0.8174 0.7262 0.609 0.6474 0.816 0.8332 0.7604 0.8317 0.8593 0.8731 0.689 0.8903 0.8276 0.7348 0.7579 0.759 0.9764 0.9364 0.9187 1.043 0.8783 1.3407 0.9202 0.66 1.4224 0.8728 0.7122 0.7847 0.7244 0.5373 0.7417 0.5961 0.5363 1.0069 0.8897 0.9076 1.238 0.6963 0.7137 0.5918 0.8341 0.9807 0.9084 0.8159 0.9193 0.9462 750 AA955704 "Rattus norvegicus BTG3 mRNA, complete cds" 1.0794 0.9987 1.4932 1.4237 1.9738 2.9362 1.8786 1.4001 1.6069 1.4145 0.9936 1.378 2.048 2.1561 1.3081 0.9851 0.9451 1.2861 0.7732 1.0536 1.0641 1.3147 4.7781 1.1987 215.1837 10.9567 4.1551 1.8155 1.2378 11.8814 2.3882 1.5631 1.7353 2.1399 1.73 2.4229 10.831 1.5346 4.1366 1.8505 5.5902 3.2613 1.7436 1.3871 11.7634 2.4536 5.9733 2.7366 1.8092 751 AA955730 R.norvegicus mRNA for Stat5b protein 1.348 1.4104 1.3893 1.1109 1.1617 0.9536 1.0152 1.1595 1.0198 0.8398 1.0061 1.0505 1.1184 0.8083 1.1931 1.0331 0.9523 1.1616 1.2126 1.3406 1.0752 1.1717 1.1679 0.982 1.5655 1.4311 0.8234 1.6884 1.2187 0.9216 0.8761 0.8806 0.6056 0.8085 0.7582 0.8297 1.266 1.0142 1.2015 1.1664 1.1303 1.4162 1.2285 1.2479 1.1423 1.1132 1.1294 1.1578 1.3107 752 AA955662 Rat mRNA for apolipoprotein CI 1.1302 1.1745 1.128 0.9013 0.9337 0.542 0.5717 0.8763 0.8505 0.8165 0.8376 0.7182 0.5985 0.8134 1.0725 0.756 0.7917 0.6495 1.2986 1.2234 0.5991 0.6218 0.8534 0.9273 0.8264 0.8535 0.9757 0.9441 0.7187 1.0994 0.6184 0.6456 0.4686 0.5352 0.5097 0.4778 0.5921 0.6424 0.4935 0.5648 0.5463 0.5132 0.437 0.785 0.4791 0.905 0.985 0.8293 0.7661 753 AA955668 Rat mRNA for glutathione S-transferase P subunit 1.0133 0.9646 0.9739 1.4302 0.9675 0.6075 1.1961 0.5854 0.623 0.612 0.6285 0.9176 0.7274 0.7348 0.8387 0.9194 0.9128 0.6836 0.7368 0.4852 0.9734 1.0142 1.1674 1.0874 1.6454 1.1387 1.2056 1.5363 1.2516 0.608 0.5898 0.6121 0.4286 0.574 0.5301 0.4358 0.6264 0.6653 0.6998 1.0914 0.709 0.7119 0.6191 0.8006 1.1781 1.4619 1.0922 1.2149 1.1812 754 AA955894 "Rat metalloendopeptidase mRNA, complete cds" 1.2277 0.961 1.1203 1.1023 1.3766 2.7059 2.5127 1.2554 2.3979 1.292 1.2291 1.173 1.4737 1.1996 1.2689 1.4126 1.1224 3.0393 0.6125 0.9662 1.1715 0.9739 1.5278 1.0651 5.64 1.9441 1.4599 2.2252 1.7888 4.0952 4.1307 2.0854 2.5532 2.4527 3.0635 2.581 2.8379 2.3228 4.7559 2.0278 4.6015 3.39 2.0488 1.3146 1.3013 1.4071 1.336 5.8506 2.1594 755 AA955895 "Rat mRNA for TIP120, complete cds" 1.0603 0.9601 1.0951 1.133 1.1243 1.1637 1.2544 0.971 1.0335 0.9708 1.0943 1.2417 1.2134 192.8137 1.2622 1.181 1.0962 1.1745 0.9983 0.9491 1.1586 1.2174 1.143 0.9518 1.5127 1.2084 1.0196 1.7005 1.4805 2.0673 1.1381 1.1843 1.1629 1.3155 1.255 1.3235 1.4289 1.252 1.7034 1.6333 1.4622 1.449 1.2006 1.3359 1.4045 1.3103 1.15 1.231 1.268 756 AA955902 Rattus norvegicus myogenic regulatory factor (MyoD 0.9577 1.2411 0.9972 2.6913 1.7648 2.7558 1.7027 2.8651 6.057 2.5145 1.1503 1.4127 0.6269 0.9334 1.1233 1.0346 1.0713 1.8214 0.75 1.0719 3.1523 1.3572 2.278 3.1323 185.0032 257.4819 22.8297 3.0829 1.0679 264.05 239.8209 2.0406 1.6924 2.1474 1.825 8.8852 173.6295 2.6231 250.0984 3.4814 39.8182 129.4656 100.7532 1.7529 10.7385 2.5233 20.8467 6.234 2.9112 757 AA955903 Rat mRNA for phosphatidylinositol transfer protein 0.9447 0.9721 1.1203 0.8467 0.9 1.3363 1.3182 0.8996 0.9228 0.9169 0.8449 1.0438 1.0044 1.9081 0.7756 1.0289 0.9784 1.0165 0.9117 1.106 1.165 0.971 1.0659 1.0394 1.4405 0.8881 0.6836 1.2168 1.1546 1.3718 1.4941 1.423 0.9576 1.2745 1.2515 1.2553 1.8087 1.1251 1.6136 1.3126 1.0438 1.3196 1.2018 1.1893 1.1087 1.3746 0.9883 1.0601 1.1733 758 AA955840 "Rattus norvegicus phospholipase C delta-4 mRNA, co" 0.7842 0.9844 0.8835 0.8083 0.8603 1.9023 1.8152 1.1497 1.0638 1.1043 1.1685 1.5328 1.2681 1.4061 1.0509 0.8982 0.9007 0.8896 0.8294 0.8339 0.7749 0.6509 1.0336 0.8342 1.1746 1.1339 0.8089 1.3091 0.9298 1.8 0.7371 2.0944 0.8735 1.0717 1.2707 1.6089 1.676 1.0598 1.4734 1.3057 1.5867 1.292 0.9677 1.324 1.0222 1.0607 1.1542 1.3627 1.0136 759 AA956032 Rat platelet factor 4 (PF4) gene 0.9888 1.148 1.1005 0.8114 1.3089 1.7239 1.3889 1.0305 0.9904 1.4885 1.3029 1.3347 0.9186 1.0406 1.2853 1.2764 0.9266 1.0103 0.874 0.9783 1.3124 1.1613 2.4813 1.0395 3.7971 1.347 0.6952 2.6483 1.5687 1.9047 278.6111 1.547 1.0972 1.73 1.0475 2.5459 12.5195 1.2431 3.8154 3.4935 1.3731 15.7442 1.1027 1.8806 1.6686 3.5628 1.5178 1.7613 2.2146 760 AA956039 R.norvegicus ARF-like mRNA 3 0.895 0.8379 0.9091 0.7348 0.8445 1.2928 0.7314 1.1167 1.0681 1.1685 1.0935 0.6633 0.6689 0.7869 0.6664 0.9351 0.9456 0.912 0.9225 0.8271 1.2904 1.1736 0.9679 0.8843 1.04 0.8493 1.3418 0.9384 1.0259 1.5354 2.306 1.5675 0.8861 1.3674 1.1252 1.4392 1.8 1.1968 1.0236 0.9396 1.1502 1.0077 1.0425 0.9619 1.393 0.9714 0.7863 0.9286 0.865 761 AA956049 Rattus norvegicus glucocorticoid modulatory elemen 0.9001 0.839 0.8459 0.9839 0.8258 0.7479 0.7314 0.8183 0.848 0.8398 0.8024 0.7836 1.3124 0.8132 1.9295 0.8126 0.9228 0.7464 0.8919 0.9116 0.9234 0.877 0.7553 0.8036 4.3475 1.3999 1.0435 7.8183 1.8104 1.4546 1.7241 1.5304 0.7646 1.1564 1.1194 1.6389 2.9668 1.1663 2.7112 2.1157 1.9983 3.0354 1.439 1.4374 1.9023 1.9615 1.6698 1.5649 1.6459 762 AA956051 Rattus norvegicus neutral solute channel aquaporin 0.7549 0.7929 0.8722 1.0069 1.1072 0.3296 0.31 0.6838 0.7009 1.0054 0.9927 0.7715 0.821 1.4792 0.5308 0.7856 0.766 0.524 1.1043 1.0989 0.9645 0.8802 1.0996 1.1336 0.9614 0.8897 1.874 0.9122 0.8816 0.3782 0.4815 0.2253 0.2525 0.4468 0.2745 0.3273 0.7974 1.0443 0.8321 0.4935 0.6572 0.4522 0.661 0.8978 0.8844 1.2954 1.1049 1.122 1.0755 763 AA956238 "Rattus norvegicus vitronectin mRNA, complete cds" 0.8691 0.9208 0.9476 0.9251 0.9199 0.3919 0.3503 0.7372 0.6344 0.7916 0.8167 0.545 0.8575 0.8432 0.8161 0.6979 0.771 0.6808 1.0024 0.9857 0.8205 0.7739 0.9756 0.9955 0.9357 0.9013 0.7824 0.8943 0.9061 0.2416 0.2907 0.2808 0.2304 0.2841 0.3143 0.381 0.7036 0.8744 0.6732 0.8606 0.7995 0.8364 0.7921 0.9595 0.9134 1.0061 0.8873 0.9104 0.8866 764 AA955954 Rattus norvegicus potassium channel regulator 1 mR 1.0467 0.9093 1.1349 1.0623 1.2514 1.0596 1.054 0.8645 0.9023 0.892 0.9549 0.9462 1.0968 0.9936 0.7963 0.9917 1.0706 1.3211 1.0399 1.3884 1.1618 1.1327 1.2174 1.304 1.4286 1.1992 0.8234 1.114 1.2253 1.3759 2.0776 1.4042 0.9283 1.5492 1.1517 1.0221 2.6458 1.014 1.3716 1.0304 1.0529 1.0816 1.4393 1.1882 1.6548 1.2074 1.092 1.3077 1.1734 765 AA955881 Rat mRNA for fatty acid synthase (EC 3.2439 4.0354 3.5059 2.2514 1.5668 12.0615 29.4368 4.3834 4.4945 1.8766 1.9268 2.5774 2.238 1077.888 3.8042 2.8662 1.1716 0.9728 1.6007 2.4183 0.8527 1.0454 1.0258 0.9051 245.4045 1.6627 0.724 2.9509 1.6502 3.2602 10.3168 4.8009 2.9304 3.7683 3.9327 8.4494 624.5311 1.7249 20.0271 25.6617 1.8433 2.2889 1.2509 3.3302 1.8129 1.436 1.2217 1.3639 2.2549 766 AA956149 Rattus norvegicus non-processed neurexin I-beta mR 1.5671 1.7984 1.674 3.3937 2.6411 95.1155 357.8223 4.0174 8.5079 2.7016 1.6453 2.423 2.6875 2.4985 1.4731 5.4819 5.0236 103.1531 1.0226 0.9116 2.372 62.3978 2.4266 1.1405 8.2168 2.2816 0.6597 15.0116 1.8248 303.7443 277.0856 11.4784 2.0078 1.6977 2.5832 6.0636 183.3593 1.492 3.983 3.6748 469.2977 6.8883 4.7872 2.5093 2.014 3.0993 2.9424 222.4622 2.1003 767 AA955779 "Rat galanin (a neuropeptide) mRNA, complete cds" 1.2187 1.5834 1.9797 87.7065 1.5892 91.2847 89.5292 1.9552 2.1125 3.5007 9.5425 111.4804 14.7133 5.2399 1.2073 74.904 1.7061 6.8204 0.6983 1.2162 0.5302 1.4217 0.7553 1.0675 156.1399 2.7441 6.3209 145.8318 6.1626 1.9319 219.5584 12.586 1.2976 8.5544 1.3847 257.3647 177.811 1.5617 217.2516 326.9025 8.4141 262.7346 3.1952 3.5557 6.4478 2.0051 3.0235 2.9577 4.0019 768 AA956371 "Rat mRNA for scavenger receptor class B, complete " 0.7206 0.6596 0.721 0.4157 0.544 0.3467 0.2973 0.743 0.6694 0.7004 0.7577 0.8378 0.8615 0.9066 0.5941 0.5711 0.6278 0.7393 0.8449 0.844 0.9784 0.954 0.654 0.6547 0.6664 0.7088 0.8234 0.8027 0.9333 1.7277 0.9769 0.5126 0.3657 0.7227 0.4065 0.4156 1.6702 0.6986 0.9111 0.645 0.6752 0.6222 0.7279 0.9054 1.1696 0.7073 0.7529 0.8482 0.7848 769 AA956162 Rattus norvegicus G protein coupled receptor kinas 0.7108 0.6934 0.7258 0.7837 0.7996 4.917 4.7905 1.9476 2.0456 1.195 1.3096 1.8439 1.739 0.5512 0.7648 0.7268 0.6981 0.6476 0.7441 0.852 1.1088 1.2044 0.7077 0.6341 0.8195 0.6516 0.7887 0.6852 0.7399 6.4095 4.7163 5.5166 3.2209 4.2303 4.5616 4.6243 2.3391 1.2997 1.8648 0.6555 0.7591 0.7633 0.6661 0.7705 1.0639 0.7639 0.8293 0.874 0.868 770 AA955755 Rattus norvegicus survival motor neuron (smn) mRNA 0.8616 0.89 0.7974 0.9239 0.8951 1.2787 1.2371 0.9027 0.907 0.8869 0.8919 1.0116 0.8706 0.9294 1.117 1.0411 1.1404 1.1081 0.893 0.8442 0.8341 0.798 1.0016 0.9228 1.2603 0.9163 1.0854 0.902 0.865 1.3273 1.2938 1.1609 1.0437 1.3687 1.1061 1.2031 0.9993 0.9343 1.0172 0.9392 1.0331 1.0172 1.1278 0.9323 1.1303 0.9596 0.959 1.0145 0.9964 771 AA956175 "Rat S100 protein beta subunit mRNA, complete cds" 1.0892 1.0875 1.0109 1.2979 1.3104 1.4891 1.7475 1.1753 1.0997 0.8657 1.1147 1.2494 1.7865 4.8033 1.2384 1.0421 0.982 1.4593 0.7329 1.4213 1.2545 1.1507 1.5203 1.3713 11.5599 1.9093 1.3744 312.2656 1.4988 1.0239 4.8629 1.346 0.9403 1.3057 1.0853 1.2927 4.4465 1.2945 4.1819 3.5996 2.2366 6.5301 1.3109 1.4213 2.5851 1.6192 1.8779 1.7492 1.5095 772 AA955767 "Rat somatostatin mRNA, complete cds" 0.8653 0.9312 1.0275 1.3332 1.4459 2.9421 1.6962 0.9156 1.3278 1.2053 0.9752 0.9665 2.1663 0.8262 0.9564 0.7658 0.6777 1.137 0.606 1.096 0.8234 1.0131 2.266 1.1316 4.1242 2.278 2.6083 1.3759 0.8977 5.4851 2.1963 1.3475 2.0154 2.5402 1.2379 2.0353 2.5129 1.1695 4.0787 1.2873 2.0334 0.6476 0.9749 1.1486 3.6772 1.7263 2.1811 1.435 1.2316 773 AA956187 R.norvegicus mRNA for protein phosphatase V 0.5618 0.552 0.5966 0.6776 0.8569 2.6494 2.9099 0.9471 0.7796 0.6859 0.8195 1.3654 1.1705 0.9637 0.6412 0.3687 0.3563 0.5085 0.8027 0.7193 1.0196 1.0102 0.8963 0.8603 0.8703 0.5129 0.5403 0.4908 0.519 2.1197 2.005 2.2704 1.5387 2.0885 2.7528 2.4122 0.869 0.6714 1.2706 0.5366 0.4007 0.5495 0.4751 0.6535 1.0829 0.9864 0.6264 0.6148 0.6494 774 AA956058 "Rat MCT1 mRNA for monocarboxylate transporter, com" 0.4915 0.4661 0.4907 0.3949 0.4435 0.0578 0.0495 0.1119 0.1301 0.2404 0.2435 0.1605 0.1289 0.1896 0.2532 0.214 0.2011 0.2962 1.2397 1.2288 0.5199 0.5006 0.6205 0.6871 0.4317 0.2849 0.3319 0.3021 0.2993 0.049 0.0491 0.0413 0.0399 0.0542 0.0377 0.0619 0.1211 0.2299 0.1395 0.1701 0.1735 0.2506 0.2732 0.8506 0.4572 0.5688 0.6744 0.6519 0.6282 775 AA956066 Rattus norvegicus prenylated SNARE protein Ykt6p ( 1.1802 1.1312 1.3855 1.3635 1.1444 0.991 0.9679 0.943 1.0596 0.8919 0.9852 1.0387 1.1796 1.1746 1.5725 1.0062 1.0009 1.1384 0.7584 0.4705 1.0471 1.2518 1.5554 1.0065 1.4834 1.0835 0.7337 1.3769 1.0678 0.6649 0.9947 1.0036 0.7519 0.9694 1.0358 1.0208 1.1124 1.0034 1.286 1.5225 1.4259 1.4165 1.0592 1.0457 1.3203 1.0489 1.1608 1.1091 1.0519 776 AA956081 "Rat proteasome component C3 mRNA, complete cds" 1.0964 1.01 1.7372 4.5602 1.9112 61.1545 0.7314 30.4624 69.5966 2.8911 1.0085 0.6994 1.4081 0.7768 1.493 0.8679 0.6844 1.8378 0.6304 1.1099 0.8257 1.2727 6.3303 1.8438 2.4482 1.3879 0.3493 4.4543 1.592 1.0147 6.9348 1.0925 0.9778 1.4424 1.3772 6.5379 132.099 3.079 163.291 3.8735 160.003 121.1483 1.4905 3.0237 2.7051 20.4857 2.8983 223.3404 2.0771 777 AA956090 Rat sfb mRNA for silencer factor B 1.1384 1.0651 1.2261 1.1427 1.229 0.9331 0.8568 0.6138 0.6633 0.8764 0.9291 0.9057 0.9213 0.9783 1.7705 1.2817 1.2746 0.9427 1.2232 0.7892 1.1264 1.352 1.3076 1.2029 1.4513 1.1061 0.8729 1.5202 1.6168 0.638 0.5648 0.5067 0.4159 0.4788 0.5444 1.0664 0.8804 1.1299 1.3743 1.5393 1.7096 1.27 1.0227 1.7042 1.3576 1.5845 1.3094 1.3601 1.333 778 AA956083 Rat mRNA for F1-ATPase alpha subunit (EC 0.9409 0.8748 0.9216 1.0351 1.1534 1.2272 1.2599 0.9205 0.9202 0.9132 0.915 1.0601 1.0686 1.0629 1.3254 1.3106 1.2818 1.213 0.9891 1.203 1.0801 1.1993 1.1621 1.0566 1.4074 1.0093 0.9879 0.9735 0.9716 1.3508 1.3866 1.3708 1.2041 1.5306 1.4889 1.3366 1.2154 1.0981 1.267 1.0733 1.2853 1.2579 1.3342 0.9601 1.2168 1.0001 1.0619 1.1394 1.097 779 AA956202 Rat carboxypeptidase-a: 5' gene flank(dna) and mrn 1.5328 1.1786 1.3141 1.7348 1.1161 5.3042 91.2708 1.1912 1.5867 1.2089 1.5403 1.1964 2.3641 1.4673 1.2202 1.9702 1.4543 2.0051 0.6895 2.0405 1.6774 1.5795 2.4549 2.0716 201.6542 5.9232 1.0019 291.51 6.2009 5.9577 336.4258 1.8472 1.4737 4.7859 1.3331 1.9841 35.5061 1.6712 352.3772 435.3024 13.631 418.8294 1.436 2.0884 9.3055 2.4678 4.2822 6.2306 2.5092 780 AA956106 R.norvegicus mRNA for cytokeratin type I (3' end) 0.9636 0.9089 0.9867 0.9808 0.9512 1.9567 1.905 1.0201 0.9614 0.8975 0.8936 1.1502 0.9642 0.6894 0.9098 0.9467 0.8978 0.8941 1.0273 1.004 0.7826 0.886 0.9786 1.0249 0.8694 0.8545 0.932 0.8193 0.7523 1.8534 1.7677 1.8531 1.687 2.0577 1.9631 1.5897 0.8483 0.7423 0.8805 0.573 0.7107 0.7472 0.8575 0.693 0.7153 0.7454 0.8597 0.799 0.725 781 AA956323 Rattus norvegicus membrane bound cytochrome b5 mRN 0.9031 0.8695 1.0518 0.8652 0.7626 0.6462 0.6442 0.926 0.8696 0.8177 0.8093 0.8857 0.9768 0.8258 0.7572 0.7132 0.7084 0.816 1.186 1.1903 0.9298 0.8751 0.9518 0.9024 0.9219 0.788 0.8283 0.782 0.9519 0.6816 0.8445 0.7213 0.592 0.8234 0.6254 0.8375 1.0745 0.902 1.012 0.8505 0.7324 0.8425 0.852 1.1223 0.9846 0.8911 0.8466 0.8575 0.8866 782 AA956332 "Rattus norvegicus mRNA for rat rabaptin-5, complet" 0.7726 0.7077 0.752 0.8827 0.8789 0.6517 0.5804 0.5572 0.5909 0.8981 0.9229 0.8447 0.7942 0.8788 0.6454 0.8166 0.8962 1.0397 0.9819 1.0041 0.9719 0.9029 1.1072 0.9209 0.9054 1.0371 0.8435 1.0176 0.9512 0.6509 0.9561 0.5941 0.593 0.9965 0.6148 0.6738 0.9732 0.7976 0.9248 0.8043 0.7639 0.8369 0.9734 0.7919 0.9552 1.0649 1.0663 1.0867 1.0507 783 AA956407 Rattus norvegicus CAP1 gene 1.0998 1.0181 1.6984 1.3231 1.1657 5.2091 1.6326 0.9782 1.1006 1.2652 1.2143 1.174 1.1305 1.0055 0.6822 1.2878 0.8783 2.372 0.4905 1.5896 0.8505 1.0895 1.2731 1.043 44.883 1.3323 0.6972 106.316 1.1865 1.6021 3.1072 1.6149 0.7627 1.0184 1.0107 2.1573 8.5683 0.9796 3.8568 2.8539 1.9284 28.5471 2.0783 1.5155 1.4129 2.0119 1.7713 1.9511 2.2851 784 AA956478 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for AF-9 1.2323 1.0059 1.0925 1.5687 2.303 62.812 6.1548 1.2193 1.3927 1.7487 1.2135 1.6333 1.2541 2.6633 0.8754 0.9512 0.7728 1.3225 0.5004 1.0919 1.2427 2.0974 3.8279 1.2196 39.4359 1.4686 0.8234 171.6168 2.411 3.7473 163.9701 6.0586 0.6283 3.7008 1.5519 3.1305 176.8379 2.6447 9.6008 1.1809 3.1282 2.869 2.1121 1.6022 8.8096 2.4985 210.2913 132.6534 27.9014 785 AA956507 "Rat NADPH-cytochrome P-450 oxidoreductase mRNA, co" 1.4153 1.4444 1.665 0.6454 0.6878 0.8388 0.8932 2.3496 1.9906 0.8546 0.8794 1.2852 1.3833 1.1012 0.8742 0.4489 0.4582 0.3145 1.1546 1.1496 1.0791 0.9293 0.6057 0.6252 0.6829 0.5683 0.5042 0.5753 0.5498 0.9111 0.906 1.041 0.7603 0.9736 1.0981 0.7809 2.2287 0.8505 1.5156 1.0523 0.5459 0.374 0.3479 1.0725 1.0837 0.7279 0.7887 0.8308 0.8449 786 AA956929 "Rat F-0-ATPase subunit b mRNA, complete cds" 1.0807 1.0234 1.0159 1.8848 1.2546 2.653 1.6098 1.2101 1.5797 1.4768 1.0078 1.3804 0.9939 3.0458 0.7396 0.7506 0.9359 1.671 1.0476 1.7842 1.1818 1.9323 3.0339 1.2667 3.2178 1.9467 0.5539 3.5504 1.8505 2.6579 211.3643 2.8864 0.8241 1.6478 1.0906 1.9771 205.056 1.5111 1.7371 2.0137 3.8953 2.1259 2.943 1.5581 178.9342 1.7122 4.4476 4.0288 24.81 787 AA956941 Rattus norvegicus New England Deaconess E-box bind 1.1434 1.1479 1.2714 1.0999 1.0753 0.4906 0.4986 0.8191 0.9467 0.8626 0.9949 0.9512 0.8909 1.0022 1.0536 0.9465 1.0101 0.8776 1.064 1.1744 1.0304 0.8879 0.8149 0.851 1.0758 0.8238 0.916 0.8468 0.997 0.4426 0.4498 0.5098 0.3827 0.5226 0.5258 0.4395 0.8283 0.8782 0.8465 1.0352 1.0531 0.9415 1.006 1.0621 0.9351 0.8678 0.8455 0.8992 0.8661 788 AA956939 "Rattus norvegicus tyrosine kinase p72 (syk) mRNA, " 1.226 0.9417 0.8776 0.9616 1.086 1.3165 1.3753 1.0403 1.0424 1.5276 1.6715 1.2427 1.4628 1.1935 1.027 1.031 1.1037 6.9588 0.595 0.7767 0.8811 1.0221 2.8566 0.9648 5.0914 1.4303 2.948 2.3654 1.2253 2.1471 255.671 1.3243 1.0556 1.4294 0.9992 1.6152 222.4184 1.8599 2.3606 1.7879 2.2825 1.2547 1.7175 1.4153 2.5118 2.2364 1.3758 2.8337 1.7682 789 AI112775 Rat mRNA for rhodanese 1.1366 1.206 1.2246 1.0456 0.9762 0.9408 0.8054 0.7906 0.8642 1.0491 0.8518 1.0643 0.905 0.8011 0.7384 1.0743 0.9824 1.0614 0.7852 1.2028 0.9686 1.0034 1.0744 0.9237 2.7447 1.021 0.9086 1.1329 1.4711 0.4548 2.5385 0.7689 0.7244 1.0615 0.7919 1.2795 2.9469 0.894 2.3846 2.1211 1.2617 1.3792 1.1239 1.4312 1.3652 1.4616 1.198 1.2587 2.0136 790 AA956687 "Rat cytosolic malic enzyme mRNA, 3' flank" 1.1 1.2785 0.8459 1.1495 0.8258 86.833 4.4399 3.3171 7.4171 1.8214 1.3895 0.9313 3.0572 0.9236 0.8325 1.2732 1.1898 22.5128 0.7141 0.9116 1.3568 60.8993 52.7277 2.7776 132.9033 4.1292 0.383 127.6042 3.5867 7.8079 188.4529 162.8002 1.6704 2.9281 1.7809 260.3355 150.0536 1.4348 203.2323 2.6717 17.3107 12.3246 1.7319 2.523 5.4161 11.1745 161.4459 10.9393 4.631 791 AA956521 "Rattus norvegicus alpha 2,6-sialyltransferase mRNA" 0.8057 0.8395 0.8874 0.936 0.9019 1.1267 1.2347 0.9707 0.8984 0.814 0.9123 0.8974 0.9406 1.0243 0.9273 1.2194 1.2182 1.1198 0.9254 0.9699 1.0861 1.0093 0.9157 0.9185 0.9564 0.7652 0.7521 0.7749 0.9443 0.9694 1.0655 1.303 0.9643 1.2167 1.2933 1.1797 1.0088 0.9499 0.9142 1.1144 1.4585 1.3302 1.3449 0.9867 1.0654 1.0151 0.9783 1.0352 0.9976 792 AA956623 Rattus norvegicus reduced folate carrier membrane 1.528 1.3785 1.1896 2.7201 1.8079 22.0679 3.3972 1.3836 1.4457 1.8377 1.5098 1.7646 1.645 1.6343 0.9266 1.9221 1.1792 1.7716 0.5508 1.3887 1.538 3.6172 11.311 1.6794 7.5762 1.9347 0.4221 180.7026 1.5086 4.2815 274.8007 4.9274 2.0051 3.204 1.8054 12.0349 147.1887 2.6901 3.6919 1.9454 7.9199 1.9673 2.176 1.7561 2.8609 2.3613 14.5403 14.5315 4.9001 793 AA956549 R.norvegicus mRNA for cyclin G 0.5583 0.507 0.4848 0.3029 0.3691 0.4453 0.5845 0.59 0.6686 0.4459 0.39 0.5146 0.405 1.9466 0.6657 0.3835 0.4444 0.5563 0.4689 0.6182 0.4202 0.3092 0.8572 0.6285 1.3272 0.6822 0.8435 1.3419 1.207 2.7089 0.9813 0.7068 0.6728 0.9751 0.5053 0.6038 1.051 0.8317 1.0127 1.3778 0.4314 0.5951 0.4352 0.7214 0.8996 0.8893 0.5441 0.8014 0.8956 794 AI112794 Rattus norvegicus cytoplasmic dynein intermediate 0.5925 0.5938 0.5451 0.479 0.6065 0.419 0.3844 0.4061 0.4708 0.473 0.5279 0.5513 1.1453 0.518 0.6524 0.4352 0.41 0.7988 0.6079 1.1932 0.6728 0.6293 0.6799 0.5251 0.9467 0.8768 0.9339 0.9663 0.862 0.6843 0.655 0.491 0.4704 0.5793 0.5339 0.5213 0.6299 0.6253 0.7295 0.6118 0.6477 0.7428 0.722 0.6744 4.6088 0.6003 0.6512 0.7072 0.7015 795 AA956846 "Rat microsomal aldehyde dehydrogenase mRNA, comple" 1.3186 1.3593 1.1419 1.4727 1.4655 2.0422 2.7397 1.0654 1.2283 0.806 1.1267 1.1796 1.545 2.6156 1.1064 1.0279 0.9141 1.2782 0.7667 1.197 1.4658 1.4065 2.0289 1.109 269.6719 1.8253 0.9439 356.0227 2.626 0.8395 2.4788 1.3934 1.1637 1.5717 1.4596 2.017 9.5713 1.9329 4.7404 414.2155 2.8198 6.1612 1.3719 1.6243 3.3679 2.1692 2.0046 2.1636 1.9064 796 AA956740 Rattus norvegicus hypertension-related protein mRN 0.9831 0.9076 0.9912 0.8917 0.8995 0.9058 0.8574 0.8752 0.9225 0.8589 0.8361 0.858 0.8435 0.7181 0.8695 0.9411 0.9528 0.8517 0.9575 1.1171 0.9883 0.9947 1.2054 0.9913 1.3755 0.8502 1.1092 0.9096 0.8278 1.0721 1.4366 1.0334 0.9106 1.2607 0.9867 0.9106 0.9348 0.866 0.9702 0.7056 0.9211 0.6656 0.8398 0.9074 1.2932 0.9633 1.0666 0.9989 0.9374 797 AA956736 Rattus norvegicus proto-oncogene FYN (p59fyn) mRNA 0.9837 0.9364 0.8459 373.4349 1.4771 87.5592 78.6787 2.4232 4.138 0.7417 1.0075 1.1836 4.8492 3.4898 1.2921 1.0698 0.8418 1.7293 0.4793 1.0559 1.0379 1.3376 4.2495 3.741 171.237 25.5332 2.283 197.8703 1.1021 231.539 243.4104 1.679 2.5266 4.0541 1.6917 2.7223 188.703 2.0904 243.104 261.2819 242.0733 179.0831 1.1971 4.9139 196.6663 9.217 40.2217 212.5722 4.3754 798 AA956749 Rattus norvegicus clathrin-associated protein 17 ( 1.0815 1.2637 1.3294 0.7235 0.858 0.603 0.6656 1.7455 2.0103 1.2039 0.9974 1.719 1.6743 2.2804 3.0642 0.8897 0.9384 0.5985 1.351 1.5361 1.1829 1.0589 0.7537 0.7326 0.9485 0.4902 0.6362 0.6698 0.6585 0.4523 0.4415 0.4727 0.4659 0.6982 0.5781 0.5794 1.8238 1.0866 1.7824 1.9151 1.0372 0.6218 0.7366 1.3114 1.2559 0.7966 0.8445 0.8106 0.8176 799 AI112825 "EST, Weakly similar to coded for by C. elegans cDN" 0.6754 0.6399 0.6412 1.1873 0.9499 0.3257 0.3694 0.5226 0.4973 0.887 0.8524 0.8634 0.7133 0.7184 1.1865 0.5331 0.5382 0.298 1.0216 0.7468 1.2183 1.3159 0.9172 0.9881 0.9747 1.0734 0.9307 1.0991 1.1601 0.2799 0.2887 0.2994 0.385 0.4774 0.4442 0.2719 0.4572 0.7414 0.6134 0.7221 0.3981 0.2792 0.28 0.8921 1.0758 0.9665 1.1431 1.148 1.187 800 AA956998 "Rat C1-tetrahydrofolate synthase mRNA, complete cd" 0.8069 0.8153 0.791 0.9823 1.0038 0.7201 0.6645 0.5383 0.6077 0.8617 0.8327 0.8773 0.8169 0.6443 0.8983 0.6599 0.6432 0.6572 0.9815 0.9857 1.1086 1.1829 1.067 1.0363 0.9567 1.119 0.9927 1.1353 1.0039 0.6555 0.7123 0.5734 0.6254 0.7596 0.7001 0.7094 0.5562 0.9001 0.9067 0.6713 0.6532 0.6619 0.567 0.8808 1.0019 1.0869 1.2298 1.2043 1.112 801 AA957003 Rattus norvegicus intercellular calcium-binding pr 0.9743 0.9642 0.9374 1.0495 0.9954 1.9729 2.277 1.0359 1.0896 0.7899 0.8673 1.025 0.957 0.8533 1.2043 0.8894 0.8913 0.9107 0.6297 0.8014 0.9387 0.991 1.4147 0.9591 2.4678 1.0524 0.8708 2.6024 1.2701 1.343 1.3274 0.9664 0.9222 1.1095 0.9163 1.2322 1.3422 1.0214 1.6052 1.8477 1.1759 1.4962 0.9665 1.0233 1.5234 1.4009 1.1085 1.2076 1.1924 802 AA956887 "Rattus norvegicus chemokine receptor LCR1 mRNA, co" 0.919 0.8794 0.9539 0.9999 1.0658 1.1302 1.0176 1.0246 0.9779 0.9646 0.9112 1.013 0.9044 0.9904 1.2617 1.1068 1.1054 1.0302 1.0305 1.1294 1.1168 1.1271 1.0649 0.9741 1.1227 1.0068 1.069 1.0353 0.9243 1.257 1.0616 1.0354 0.91 1.0927 1.0931 1.0646 0.8624 0.8989 0.9304 1.0022 1.01 1.043 0.9054 0.8629 1.024 0.9232 0.9639 0.9537 0.9411 803 AA956889 "Rat adenylyl cyclase type (IV) mRNA, complete cds" 0.8964 1.207 1.3383 2.0395 1.3108 12.0006 78.4503 1.0901 1.5486 1.4129 1.3738 1.3048 9.1646 1.075 0.915 1.3638 0.914 1.4113 0.5203 0.9116 0.9545 1.2811 3.0458 1.6667 145.7064 3.6142 0.7217 161.4882 6.1954 50.4874 182.0857 1.8053 2.3731 102.6037 1.4926 5.0378 147.0605 2.1573 197.5884 209.8745 202.9211 232.9703 1.4448 3.1853 173.5503 4.6262 9.0088 203.7509 6.7589 804 AA956914 Rattus norvegicus clone par-4 induced by effectors 1.2675 1.1973 0.8459 12.7839 2.3336 65.0221 9.8048 72.9196 80.6219 3.7888 1.4461 1.0925 126.7817 1.3806 0.8325 1.6165 1.1546 2.7807 0.6189 0.9666 1.6392 1.4463 2.1908 1.944 147.7489 262.9156 0.8234 33.5075 1.8343 288.9995 383.0537 3.8044 2.8862 2.7639 2.1892 7.1294 166.3711 2.8565 181.8817 3.4659 186.4944 176.0446 0.8336 330.4018 262.6638 1.6635 141.9473 175.3848 3.8215 805 AA956775 Rattus norvegicus pyridoxine 5'-phosphate oxidase 1.05 1.1693 1.1355 1.1496 1.2557 2.0049 1.9099 1.3849 1.235 1.1605 1.2231 1.1617 1.6134 1.5291 1.2279 1.2083 1.095 1.5 0.9369 1.2235 1.0486 0.9344 1.1461 0.8775 1.9048 1.1485 0.9237 1.3052 1.2877 1.5964 3.2557 1.807 1.1881 1.5746 1.4341 2.1597 1.8151 1.0859 2.4147 3.7696 1.3763 1.6403 1.2605 1.3427 1.4446 1.1106 0.9455 1.1702 1.385 806 AA956771 Rattus norvegicus prenylated rab acceptor 1 (PRA1) 0.8551 0.9363 1.1954 0.8912 0.9708 1.3782 1.0863 0.9254 0.932 1.1638 0.9082 1.0288 1.1036 1.547 0.877 0.9882 0.9826 1.2199 0.9129 1.1138 0.8044 0.7847 1.1371 0.9651 1.3243 0.8839 0.8234 1.6756 0.9416 1.9283 79.9343 1.4639 0.9045 2.1725 1.1134 1.5466 27.5963 1.1719 1.607 1.1001 1.2883 1.2161 1.3197 1.056 1.2558 1.7947 1.1008 1.2804 1.1794 807 AA956778 "Rattus norvegicus PACE4 mRNA, complete cds" 0.8932 0.8995 1.0339 1.1732 1.3355 109.1799 32.54 2.0454 2.8308 1.5286 1.4316 1.3712 1.8931 1.0191 0.8495 1.5184 0.981 1.2918 0.4318 2.7436 1.071 2.0037 1.8951 1.4284 11.6724 1.7762 0.4154 161.7797 1.4557 3.1009 27.477 4.8161 1.54 2.4061 1.9044 62.5813 46.748 1.5288 258.3363 7.1928 4.3336 206.096 2.6375 1.9319 1.545 168.5247 2.1307 2.0593 1.8444 808 AA956787 Rat cytochrome P-450-LA-omega (lauric acid omega-h 0.9119 0.9743 1.0798 1.1233 1.2028 1.3027 1.7102 1.0612 1.0537 1.1012 1.0456 1.1359 1.1311 1.5366 1.0399 1.1142 1.2096 1.2908 0.9201 1.1067 1.2001 0.9693 1.0886 1.0789 1.1477 0.9011 0.8234 1.2577 0.8561 1.6136 1.6257 1.3508 0.637 1.7096 1.3994 1.4704 0.804 0.9228 1.2256 0.9821 1.1401 1.4476 1.1403 0.9626 1.2522 1.0895 1.1801 1.2959 1.2159 809 AA956792 Rattus norvegicus Drosophila polarity gene (frizzl 0.967 0.9696 1.0254 0.8829 0.8685 1.7421 1.6547 0.9928 0.9635 0.8976 0.8756 0.9839 1.0009 0.9743 0.9338 1.0445 1.1575 1.1074 0.9946 1.0313 0.9533 0.8009 0.9627 0.9867 0.9497 0.7646 0.741 0.8099 0.8329 1.2433 1.3182 1.345 1.0725 1.37 1.4557 1.373 0.9525 0.8504 0.9754 0.8828 0.983 1.0701 1.0659 0.8496 0.8803 1.0088 0.8837 0.921 0.8965 810 AA956793 "Rat nerve growth factor-induced (NGFI-A) gene, com" 1.1695 1.2354 1.3099 1.048 1.0649 0.5004 0.418 0.9435 0.9606 1.0368 0.9935 0.9263 1.0805 1.1704 0.8539 1.3286 1.4462 1.0402 1.066 1.4388 1.3039 1.1852 1.0508 1.2663 0.9566 1.2385 0.9114 1.3414 1.2553 0.6014 0.6223 0.5183 0.3437 0.5732 0.4345 0.4662 1.1461 0.9821 1.1501 0.9569 1.4257 1.0217 1.0491 1.1423 1.2149 1.0304 1.2046 1.2134 1.2013 811 AA957084 Rattus norvegicus translation initiation factor eI 0.8786 1.1691 1.2268 1.3897 1.0073 99.1055 101.093 1.4238 1.4182 3.3133 3.1068 1.6062 4.589 0.9784 0.9183 1.244 1.0954 1.4 0.5413 1.1347 0.752 0.9798 0.9995 0.9598 15.1171 1.1875 1.854 13.1464 1.0732 0.3079 1.4944 1.4836 0.7589 0.9577 1.0704 7.5106 129.403 1.0228 231.4556 6.3928 2.3382 177.3839 1.3473 1.8124 2.048 1.9506 1.8665 1.4707 2.0472 812 AI137736 "Rat calmodulin (RCM3) mRNA, complete cds" 0.8725 0.8538 0.9183 0.9178 0.8949 1.4788 1.5521 0.8428 0.8045 0.8735 0.8332 0.934 0.9766 0.8739 0.6959 1.073 1.1175 1.0655 1.0092 1.029 0.9773 0.8639 0.9457 0.9438 0.8491 0.8167 0.8985 0.8102 0.8976 1.2676 1.2679 1.3013 1.1949 1.3795 1.5341 1.3514 0.9011 0.837 0.9345 0.8325 0.9666 0.8604 1.0429 0.9499 1.3213 0.9282 0.8726 0.8997 0.8949 813 AA956802 R.norvegicus mRNA for glutamate/aspartate transpor 0.6049 0.9101 0.6871 0.5635 0.5232 0.9806 1.0545 0.9362 0.9613 0.9497 0.968 0.8393 0.9734 1.0574 1.0443 0.7768 0.8875 0.7517 0.6527 0.689 0.5801 0.5424 0.5269 0.5728 0.6108 0.6743 0.607 0.7314 0.5114 0.4841 0.6022 0.681 0.4699 0.5533 0.5909 0.7247 0.7015 0.611 0.7777 0.8421 0.8857 0.9076 0.6779 0.784 0.6339 0.6564 0.5879 0.6167 0.5863 814 AA956818 "ESTs, Highly similar to histone H2A [R.norvegicus]" 1.1464 1.1903 1.3534 1.133 1.2095 0.5446 0.649 1 1.0084 0.8391 0.7716 0.7845 0.9017 1.0659 0.8298 1.5265 1.7288 1.7598 1.4789 1.4739 1.2121 1.0638 1.2679 1.3708 1.249 1.1885 0.7785 1.1315 1.1724 0.7757 0.9609 0.7674 0.5418 0.8034 0.6257 0.6025 1.7231 0.9031 1.0585 1.0788 1.8791 1.6043 1.535 1.3366 1.3667 1.2921 1.238 1.235 1.1713 815 AA956815 "Rat mRNA for adenylate kinase 2, complete cds" 0.7821 0.8903 0.9153 1.0465 0.8775 1.3044 1.4295 0.9063 0.9313 0.9293 0.9368 0.9391 1.3456 0.9086 0.7674 0.974 1.0115 1.0488 0.935 1.1887 0.9729 0.7666 0.9955 0.898 0.9563 0.9626 0.6228 1.0609 0.9084 0.5029 1.1263 1.145 0.8581 1.0473 1.1804 1.2709 0.9677 0.9146 1.1263 1.0261 1.1623 1.3019 1.0962 1.0899 0.9916 1.023 0.946 1.0095 0.9712 816 AA957201 "Rattus norvegicus lamin B1 mRNA, complete cds" 1.0228 1.2086 1.3261 1.08 1.1091 0.8306 0.7621 0.9287 0.956 0.9895 0.9312 0.8119 0.8873 0.8902 0.7876 1.0317 1.1071 1.1304 0.9988 1.2243 0.9174 0.8164 1.0816 1.2725 1.0226 1.0002 0.9242 1.0022 1.0252 0.8471 1.0422 0.8617 0.6656 0.8796 0.8475 0.7186 0.9555 0.8785 0.8225 0.7492 0.9368 1.1699 1.1642 0.9263 0.8532 1.0695 0.9307 0.9559 0.9117 817 AA957202 Rattus norvegicus pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 2 1.0684 1.0636 1.114 0.9974 1.2503 1.1774 1.2226 4.7544 1.3362 1.0265 1.099 1.2914 1.1666 2.6805 1.1489 0.8908 0.8672 0.9926 0.897 1.4017 1.2148 1.0817 1.1465 0.9847 1.5603 1.2138 1.1207 1.8008 1.4521 4.0592 1.7367 1.164 1.1748 1.6774 1.1216 1.3392 1.9023 1.3045 2.1029 1.5795 1.3232 1.5946 1.0672 1.2286 1.4775 1.2589 1.1529 1.1503 1.1681 818 AA957215 "Rattus norvegicus phosphoprotein phosphatase mRNA," 0.4355 0.3865 0.3576 0.8543 0.7909 11.2866 11.4815 5.8464 5.0024 2.9088 2.6973 4.4895 5.1964 0.651 0.782 0.4943 0.4647 0.5022 0.6279 0.3806 0.8461 0.9443 0.7279 0.6799 0.6634 0.7348 0.8389 0.6317 0.6673 16.0432 11.3117 17.0907 8.2957 9.9424 14.0463 9.5433 5.0052 2.1453 3.7788 0.4644 0.4413 0.4255 0.3555 0.5023 0.7595 0.6028 0.503 0.5356 0.524 819 AA957218 R.norvegicus CCND1 mRNA for cyclin D1 0.8736 0.8393 0.8437 0.9859 0.949 1.0853 1.1261 1.0583 0.9552 0.9349 0.914 1.0579 0.9794 1.3618 1.0828 0.9554 1.01 0.9003 0.9084 0.6595 1.0793 0.9641 0.9388 0.8877 1.0201 0.8094 0.8791 0.9478 0.873 1.2347 1.0162 1.0242 0.7745 1.0042 0.9464 0.8547 0.9116 0.8724 0.8587 0.8803 0.8787 0.8709 0.7498 0.9317 0.9763 0.9316 0.8364 0.8619 0.8621 820 AA957377 Rat mRNA for bone morphogenetic protein type IA re 1.1622 1.0607 1.3167 1.1312 1.2661 1.429 1.4682 1.2137 1.2406 1.0964 1.0507 1.3317 1.1486 0.7591 0.973 0.7201 0.7502 0.7304 1.133 1.1275 0.9176 1.0709 1.0018 1.0032 0.7448 0.253 0.8234 0.7521 0.7737 0.7244 0.7371 0.8183 0.6109 0.8256 0.7806 0.8925 0.75 0.8368 0.8247 0.8155 0.8627 0.8646 0.8336 0.8808 0.7994 0.8678 0.793 0.7765 0.7979 821 AA957380 "ESTs, Weakly similar to pyrimidine binding protein" 1.1462 1.0144 0.8459 29.1145 1.4608 81.3329 89.3351 1.7482 3.5824 0.8308 1.5021 1.6897 126.8518 3.1274 1.388 2.2743 1.2385 2.1439 0.617 1.9145 1.2919 1.6225 7.8824 1.9722 158.4681 11.3244 2.126 168.1991 1.2877 184.9294 202.5473 1.5838 3.7075 4.1681 1.96 4.4067 150.1591 2.8751 215.4199 240.6117 228.0452 176.0594 2.3183 11.2365 179.1039 246.0765 218.6229 191.6547 4.3409 822 AA957399 "Rat mRNA for GEF-2, complete cds" 0.9304 0.8876 0.8047 1.1954 1.1884 1.6271 1.2157 0.7903 1.118 1.3108 0.9495 0.8831 0.7939 0.6959 1.0255 0.8653 0.766 0.859 0.6634 1.1291 0.912 0.9433 3.0985 1.2506 145.8689 9.4129 3.7684 2.297 1.4454 2.9472 3.3547 0.8942 1.4351 3.7428 1.0617 2.2772 2.5842 1.5564 3.7175 1.6099 2.7491 1.1128 186.4561 1.0323 9.7197 1.3854 4.6336 3.5268 1.541 823 AA957298 "Rattus norvegicus sec7B mRNA, complete cds" 0.9845 0.9527 1.0184 0.9655 1.0366 1.3028 1.2528 0.866 0.8568 0.7925 1.0336 1.0414 1.2091 0.9061 1.1221 0.9067 0.88 0.8406 0.9813 0.5573 0.9233 1.2405 1.2774 0.9033 1.0925 1.2117 0.9731 1.4273 1.3259 0.7661 0.7953 0.8193 0.6976 0.8305 0.8661 1.2696 1.0085 1.0372 1.2408 1.1689 1.155 1.0982 0.7541 1.1047 1.127 1.131 1.1598 1.0897 1.0767 824 AA957327 R.norvegicus NO3 mRNA 0.9404 0.9271 0.9668 0.8911 1.0173 1.6124 1.5391 0.9122 0.8934 0.972 0.9564 1.0838 0.9696 0.9761 1.1658 1.0462 1.0826 1.0043 0.9821 0.9717 0.9116 1.0096 0.9098 0.9186 0.9753 0.9209 0.8745 0.915 0.8667 1.4154 1.2566 1.2685 1.2572 1.3445 1.4258 1.4109 0.8338 0.9886 0.9803 0.8259 0.9516 0.9242 0.8763 0.8808 0.9188 1.0124 0.927 0.9435 0.9435 825 AA957848 "Rattus norvegicus gamma-adducin mRNA, complete cds" 0.8055 0.8518 0.7687 0.8998 0.9643 1.7323 2.1164 0.8316 0.8813 0.868 1.0024 0.954 1.463 1.7948 0.8961 0.971 0.9449 0.9671 0.8799 1.4319 0.9324 0.8743 1.2095 1.0148 1.4767 1.0171 0.9132 2.0097 1.089 1.7659 1.7095 1.2992 1.1885 1.6452 1.2329 1.6642 1.2193 1.0692 1.8651 1.4766 1.3428 1.747 0.9019 1.3017 1.4285 2.4323 1.2165 1.163 1.097 826 AA957892 R.norvegicus mRNA for brain calcium channel beta s 0.8074 0.9059 0.9246 1.0249 1.1338 3.0124 2.1904 1.3457 1.6132 1.1011 0.9367 0.9244 1.1582 0.713 1.0811 0.9968 1.0298 0.9704 0.7735 0.9984 0.9649 0.9689 1.7601 1.1302 30.5465 2.4553 0.8234 2.1366 1.2226 10.585 4.7958 2.2114 1.3961 1.8471 1.5746 2.6159 8.4231 1.2461 4.2528 1.7081 4.0626 3.1652 1.6955 1.6508 2.4953 1.6187 2.2497 3.2843 1.7793 827 AA957923 "Rattus norvegicus mast cell protease II gene, comp" 0.9091 0.8173 0.9589 0.8144 0.7745 1.0876 1.1416 0.8348 0.8894 0.7857 0.7902 1.0116 0.927 0.774 0.8358 1.025 0.931 1.0027 0.7011 0.9546 0.9737 0.9812 1.0857 0.8331 1.4491 0.9943 0.5794 1.6911 1.1052 1.6155 1.3968 1.0455 0.8024 1.1299 0.8664 1.1305 1.3532 0.9634 1.2866 1.3726 1.1036 1.1815 0.9165 0.873 1.1779 0.9928 1.0203 1.1658 1.0508 828 AA957917 Rattus norvegicus cationic amino acid transporter- 0.9266 0.957 0.9595 0.9565 1.0295 0.829 0.7322 0.7359 0.9303 0.9109 0.9675 0.9218 0.8888 1.1516 0.9637 0.8405 0.7743 1.1311 0.8926 1.1103 1.3363 0.9487 1.4001 0.9768 4.2969 0.8363 1.1764 1.9228 0.9498 1.5996 1.6579 0.8417 1.0045 1.2963 0.7894 1.0814 1.2539 1.0215 1.8788 0.9932 2.5304 1.3043 1.3284 1.1321 4.383 0.9289 2.0144 1.6964 1.3788 829 AA957761 "Rattus norvegicus mRNA for Dri 27/ZnT4 protein, co" 0.8462 0.8797 0.9483 0.8356 0.8106 0.8773 0.9616 0.6695 0.7501 0.8097 0.7967 0.7709 0.9965 0.9256 0.5467 0.8318 0.7916 0.6315 0.7224 1.0782 0.7341 0.5732 1.3451 1.1843 1.1624 0.853 0.6147 0.7934 1.3171 0.8876 1.1055 0.9054 0.6912 0.8595 0.7687 0.8916 1.0483 0.6852 0.9289 0.9261 0.8044 0.6718 0.4709 0.9122 0.8532 1.2181 1.0989 1.1362 1.2164 830 AA957764 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for integral membrane prote 0.9811 1.0327 1.1509 0.928 1.0358 0.6919 0.6722 0.8413 0.8083 0.8848 0.8919 0.7871 0.8318 1.385 1.0253 1.2826 1.4781 1.2835 1.1656 1.2805 1.0563 1.0125 1.0874 1.1798 0.9672 0.8325 0.8234 0.9415 0.8962 0.7057 0.8306 0.6613 0.4722 0.8606 0.6408 0.6683 1.0835 0.9186 0.9247 1.093 1.3804 1.178 1.3687 1.0921 1.0714 1.2178 1.0352 1.1056 1.0125 831 AA957877 Rat GluR-K3 gene for the glutamate receptor 0.69 0.6414 0.6867 0.6601 0.6354 2.6853 2.6799 1.2962 1.2004 0.9526 1.033 1.1744 1.1786 0.7276 0.6766 0.8986 0.9098 0.8808 0.7342 0.9605 0.9278 0.8136 1.0667 0.7516 0.9261 0.5726 0.3922 0.6856 0.704 2.6556 2.7529 3.0262 1.7728 2.3539 2.8027 2.4393 1.415 1.0283 1.4158 0.9074 0.928 0.957 0.8489 0.9215 0.9509 0.9608 0.7902 0.8618 0.8993 832 AA957777 R.norvegicus NTF2 gene 1.1906 1.2721 1.3552 1.1008 1.1413 0.9181 0.8891 0.9218 1.0232 1.0131 0.9086 1.0499 0.8941 1.4198 0.7709 0.8331 0.9259 1.0598 0.8201 1.236 1.0179 0.9558 1.3024 1.1714 1.5954 1.0464 0.6963 1.344 1.2394 1.1344 2.0901 0.9506 0.7245 1.5918 0.7954 0.9094 2.9762 1.0042 1.5432 0.9119 0.9631 1.0766 2.1548 1.183 1.5652 1.2031 1.0601 1.2748 1.3615 833 AA957483 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for D6.1A protein 1.0806 1.1685 1.4064 1.1362 2.7317 91.3497 107.4213 1.2026 1.7527 1.6315 1.7372 1.539 2.9285 1.4427 0.9935 0.9462 1.082 1.8881 0.6403 1.4448 1.6648 2.4495 2.4444 1.3587 102.0626 1.4149 0.7102 300.6222 5.3741 2.295 209.4978 2.6234 1.0911 1.3603 1.1885 3.3776 151.2277 1.4467 228.3876 264.4099 5.1088 196.2155 0.8336 2.1249 2.7701 4.1762 3.4203 3.7079 3.0175 834 AA963091 Rattus norvegicus matrin cyclophilin (matrin-cyp) 0.8621 0.8484 0.8865 0.9562 0.9914 0.7835 0.7968 0.5586 0.5797 0.8145 0.8145 0.7582 0.8157 0.8248 0.7636 0.7725 0.8604 0.6391 1.2556 1.2839 1.0911 0.9508 0.9433 1.1608 0.8115 1.0337 0.9161 1.1008 1.2161 0.3778 0.3444 0.3958 0.3512 0.3114 0.3171 0.7894 0.4865 0.7855 0.6751 0.7781 0.8274 0.6411 0.6232 0.885 0.8934 0.8169 0.9751 0.893 0.8418 835 AA963098 Rattus norvegicus FceRI gamma-chain interacting pr 0.923 0.9662 0.972 0.9116 0.8987 0.822 0.7889 0.8446 0.9161 0.946 0.8019 0.9753 0.9974 0.8611 0.7682 0.9591 0.9703 0.8219 0.8792 1.0005 0.8599 0.7181 0.8135 0.7437 0.9606 0.9596 0.9815 0.9915 1.1222 0.5321 0.6218 0.755 0.6056 0.7799 0.7985 0.8131 0.9196 0.8335 1.0383 0.9493 1.0535 0.9306 0.9091 1.0167 0.7966 0.7875 0.9411 0.9786 1.0053 836 AA963095 "Rat prohibitin (phb) mRNA, complete cds" 0.8994 0.889 1.0126 1.0249 1.1775 5.8247 6.2121 1.7832 1.674 1.191 1.0775 1.1091 1.3715 0.7652 0.7098 0.8288 0.9135 1.141 0.8739 0.9544 0.8603 0.8349 1.2137 0.899 1.4467 1.1367 0.8877 1.5944 1.0709 4.5483 10.3222 5.3511 2.8084 2.4641 4.4745 3.7006 1.7931 1.1243 1.4917 1.1566 1.4436 0.8304 1.0001 1.0871 1.4605 1.0731 1.1443 1.4809 1.1801 837 AA962949 "Rat glucagon receptor mRNA, complete cds" 0.8789 0.9183 0.9747 0.878 0.8051 1.8105 1.7155 0.908 0.886 0.8599 0.8899 1.0007 0.9015 0.7932 0.7665 0.916 0.932 0.9044 0.9141 0.9305 0.894 0.7532 0.7939 0.8309 0.8474 0.7566 0.6708 0.7531 0.8326 1.1942 1.3411 1.4219 1.1551 1.511 1.5337 1.4061 0.794 0.7044 0.7818 0.7147 0.7456 0.7944 0.82 0.8527 0.7089 0.7478 0.7918 0.7954 0.8079 838 AA957352 "Rat elongation factor SIII p15 subunit mRNA, compl" 0.7052 0.7825 0.9489 0.8504 0.9936 2.2355 2.1671 1.4977 1.5065 1.0643 1.017 1.1924 1.084 0.5899 0.5719 0.6126 0.7627 0.7284 0.5615 0.7024 0.6721 0.7479 0.7595 0.8278 1.5329 1.0393 0.2507 1.9003 0.6232 2.896 318.8957 3.4288 1.6839 1.8928 1.5762 2.1684 8.9292 1.1818 1.8738 0.8356 1.2312 1.6428 0.8225 0.9289 1.3451 3.5021 1.7949 1.6485 1.463 839 AA957359 "Rattus norvegicus p55CDC mRNA, complete cds" 0.4734 0.4716 0.5069 0.5725 0.5553 1.1078 1.2031 1.2343 1.1759 0.8383 0.8669 1.0561 1.0285 0.7335 0.2672 0.3954 0.4375 0.3719 0.4361 0.4654 0.4114 0.3455 0.4966 0.5103 0.5608 0.3242 0.3096 0.3348 0.3779 1.4879 1.7563 2.0041 1.4263 1.8131 2.0061 0.914 1.0263 0.7994 0.9223 0.2827 0.3961 0.3768 0.3655 0.4099 0.3986 0.5176 0.606 0.6402 0.6397 840 AA957438 "Rat cartilage homeoprotein 1 (Cart-1) mRNA, comple" 1.0272 1.2204 1.2304 0.9931 0.8918 1.1046 1.1149 1.3168 1.2093 1.077 1.0815 1.1046 1.0238 0.896 0.8278 0.9596 1.0376 0.9099 1.1101 1.1363 0.9788 0.8972 0.9124 1.0643 0.8436 0.8244 0.6753 0.7713 0.7522 1.1993 1.3494 1.1802 0.8347 1.1876 1.0839 0.8218 0.983 0.8132 0.8588 0.7059 0.7432 0.7882 0.8028 0.7838 0.7969 0.8298 0.8241 0.8601 0.807 841 AA957823 "Rattus norvegicus homer-1b mRNA, complete cds" 0.6788 0.7684 0.8326 0.8133 1.2005 1.3645 1.5145 0.738 0.7548 0.6954 0.8057 0.9897 1.0169 3.7402 1.0065 0.7287 0.8011 0.7846 0.6336 1.0644 0.8813 0.935 1.5185 0.9897 2.4157 0.932 0.9364 2.6245 1.1202 2.0542 1.2566 0.8685 0.8418 1.2608 0.9087 1.2724 1.6394 1.1852 2.6812 1.8664 1.0561 1.2393 0.681 1.0405 1.6838 1.2828 0.9186 1.023 1.1295 842 AA957953 "Rattus norvegicus (clone pCNPII) 2',3'-cyclic nucl" 0.9595 0.9125 0.7204 0.8705 0.9595 0.7273 0.6881 0.9287 1.1058 1.0703 1.0405 0.9343 1.27 1.9563 2.1307 1.6517 1.4938 1.4469 0.8472 0.8704 0.7199 0.7457 1.338 1.2675 1.704 1.0853 1.1058 1.0447 0.9309 1.2201 0.7801 0.6912 0.8515 1.2052 0.7247 0.7247 1.2084 0.9649 1.2278 1.6319 1.7443 1.3012 1.4516 0.8687 1.206 1.3192 0.9465 1.1116 0.9656 843 AA957963 R.norvegicus rab GDI beta mRNA 1.2244 1.2359 1.219 1.2815 1.2613 1.6737 1.6931 1.2058 1.4002 0.9883 1.208 1.4056 1.6868 0.6464 1.2597 1.182 0.9531 1.2541 0.871 0.9116 0.9677 1.0999 1.6631 1.2951 7.9606 1.2805 1.1721 333.1435 1.4961 6.0141 4.0965 1.165 1.285 1.7475 1.3737 1.3932 3.4347 1.7829 4.2108 4.9068 2.8032 5.0236 1.2636 1.4583 4.1142 1.7557 1.5967 2.1701 2.1064 844 AA957962 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for osteonectin 1.1207 1.1468 1.2692 2.9157 1.7363 4.9236 4.9458 1.6817 2.0023 2.0151 0.9059 0.9808 4.9305 1.1899 1.0907 0.9343 0.96 2.306 0.7975 1.6701 1.1209 1.2018 88.9673 1.7584 188.4199 258.9121 2.3927 2.7579 1.4341 328.7706 299.7071 2.2363 1.7329 6.9314 1.3665 11.176 23.3687 2.0853 216.0271 1.8212 244.6318 232.6879 134.1772 1.4977 206.9881 4.7966 192.8652 4.4384 2.3567 845 AA963906 Rattus norvegicus CTD-binding SR-like protein rA8 1.0035 0.9378 0.9741 0.9784 1.169 0.9857 1.0455 0.9641 0.9752 0.9645 1.0058 1.1983 1.3681 0.8132 1.6823 1.3035 1.1936 1.1861 0.9436 0.9666 1.2511 1.2519 1.13 1.0033 1.3534 1.0912 1.1874 1.4695 1.1327 1.1991 1.1137 1.1037 0.9034 1.1513 1.1242 1.0499 1.5722 1.1915 1.8952 1.722 1.6404 1.5348 1.117 1.2847 1.5429 1.235 1.1059 1.1399 1.1559 846 AA963928 "Rattus norvegicus syndecan mRNA, complete cds" 0.6891 0.5575 0.5909 0.5901 0.8217 1.0131 0.9001 2.3168 2.5894 3.3438 2.1647 1.768 2.2674 1.4275 1.9442 2.3852 2.0706 1.8914 1.025 1.4744 1.8645 2.0495 3.6357 3.479 1.0487 1.0402 1.4821 0.846 0.8527 2.2498 1.235 0.7812 0.7946 1.1751 0.7849 0.9437 2.5261 2.6759 2.6224 1.3865 2.9116 0.6031 4.3183 1.1131 2.8369 3.3335 1.7821 1.4102 1.1699 847 AA963374 R.norvegicus ras p21-like small GTP-binding protei 1.3661 1.5257 1.0001 113.9929 1.2034 96.8432 86.4817 2.6393 2.7738 0.8398 1.826 1.7418 122.0763 0.8132 1.2154 1.5788 0.9953 3.3069 0.6835 0.3615 1.3965 2.0415 3.58 2.1913 166.1849 11.0421 0.7779 210.7953 3.9691 3.7349 28.5752 2.0159 2.3347 3.6792 1.7506 289.2531 167.3554 2.9985 225.3434 236.8189 261.5014 232.9832 1.0806 5.0281 225.3381 6.1653 223.1953 12.013 4.164 848 AA963375 Rattus norvegicus Na-K-Cl cotransporter (Nkcc1) mR 0.9718 0.9258 1.0359 0.9868 1.1224 0.9044 0.8054 1.0148 0.9729 0.888 0.8486 0.9048 0.901 0.8882 1.0605 0.9569 0.9222 0.9649 0.9681 1.1295 0.9049 1.026 1.0033 0.8824 1.549 1.1043 0.8228 1.0504 0.9819 1.1086 1.164 0.9107 0.868 1.0922 0.8532 0.9245 1.4318 1.1008 1.1859 0.9515 1.1414 1.045 0.9304 0.8808 1.1247 1.2825 1.0313 1.1353 1.0929 849 AA957589 Rat mRNA for erythropoietin 1.3895 1.3062 1.3796 1.3361 1.3897 1.7798 1.9856 1.1901 1.1219 1.1566 1.2124 1.3603 1.456 1.1454 1.4538 1.2706 1.1778 1.0849 0.849 1.1371 1.2721 1.2243 1.6491 1.0896 2.1041 1.6169 1.1158 2.1398 1.9499 1.7434 1.7098 1.5663 1.2532 2.0055 1.6571 1.7659 1.4523 1.3789 1.9231 1.8487 1.316 1.4151 1.0941 1.0268 1.4736 1.1895 1.3725 4.0325 1.5057 850 AA957590 ESTs 1.0382 1.0471 1.0754 1.1653 1.2926 1.4564 1.3982 1.2898 1.4155 1.1403 1.1077 1.0474 1.1069 0.8132 1.0142 0.9727 1.0292 0.9151 0.9719 1.0247 1.3346 1.0028 1.2612 1.2705 2.3907 1.8202 1.5579 1.6634 0.9974 3.2325 3.4982 1.665 1.8643 2.0687 1.3829 2.3251 5.4538 1.4037 2.0482 1.3211 2.4061 1.534 1.2934 1.1968 1.5921 1.3215 1.7035 1.5342 1.1932 851 AA957593 Rattus norvegicus tissue inhibitor of metalloprote 1.1786 1.0673 1.1052 1.2117 1.0902 1.1816 1.367 0.992 1.13 1.0276 1.0328 1.2286 1.1838 1.0557 1.3303 1.6416 1.2338 1.3078 0.9861 1.0421 1.3197 1.2818 1.3287 1.101 2.01 1.3069 0.8431 255.1168 1.6499 1.1624 1.5576 1.1351 1.0445 1.2412 1.0972 1.1837 1.559 1.234 1.898 1.6853 1.6239 1.9358 1.4 1.3088 1.639 1.218 1.2288 1.4149 1.3319 852 AA957519 Rattus norvegicus cytosolic phosphoprotein (p19) m 0.9922 0.9751 0.9606 1.062 1.1117 1.4576 1.3766 1.2614 1.3753 1.0871 0.9327 0.9878 1.2477 2.1469 2.5914 2.6867 2.6454 2.4944 0.7199 1.2229 0.9596 1.0414 0.7553 0.9644 2.6328 1.1575 0.8441 1.5218 1.085 2.2387 2.571 1.3249 1.5814 2.3634 1.3921 1.7974 1.9055 1.3797 2.7375 2.1076 4.7318 3.6384 4.9139 0.945 2.4657 0.7829 1.5049 1.3844 1.1778 853 AA957538 Rattus norvegicus vesicular transport protein rvps 0.8067 0.852 1.0984 1.1237 1.1129 0.9802 0.9623 0.9293 0.8302 0.9173 1.0509 1.0001 1.218 1.1512 0.8823 1.1779 1.13 1.094 1.0292 1.4019 1.1791 1.0772 1.3779 1.1277 1.2959 1.013 0.88 1.2958 1.363 1.0444 1.2958 1.1043 0.7569 1.0011 0.9823 1.1997 1.3652 1.0938 1.614 1.6249 1.3713 1.5047 1.1582 1.2332 1.2394 1.2853 1.1601 1.1907 1.1936 854 AA957534 Rattus norvegicus brain-enriched guanylate kinase- 1.4393 1.068 1.3573 1.5067 2.1739 1.1512 0.7421 1.2244 1.3681 2.0692 1.4177 1.4164 1.2138 5.1748 0.8319 1.2448 1.0759 1.4169 1.0197 1.8709 1.2474 1.5864 5.4794 1.9227 2.918 0.8898 0.8234 2.8617 1.469 1.5483 70.0432 1.4267 0.8812 3.2159 1.102 1.4146 258.0534 2.2261 2.8735 1.2559 1.9233 1.3611 1.7865 1.4686 2.897 1.8042 1.8151 3.1064 1.6613 855 AA957995 R.norvegicus beta'-chain clathrin associated prote 1.5513 1.629 1.7376 1.2188 1.0028 1.1084 1.2033 1.5872 1.4437 0.9171 1.3354 1.2105 1.1665 0.7438 0.6331 0.9188 0.9134 1.2888 1.5137 1.5327 0.893 0.7646 1.221 1.1486 1.3028 1.2846 0.9953 1.3402 1.6317 1.3754 1.6326 1.7651 0.7974 1.0117 1.1205 1.1136 1.7311 1.204 1.1612 0.8979 0.988 1.5299 1.3435 1.5879 0.936 1.3388 1.1221 1.1769 1.2684 856 AA958011 Rattus norvegicus p38 mitogen activated protein ki 1.0523 1.3964 2.2031 4.7061 1.3271 7026.783 3.6721 1.3417 2.5219 3.1614 1.3106 2.2437 1.8671 3.0862 0.9891 1.2923 1.3132 3.4131 1.312 2.1536 1.7602 2.4197 4.3999 1.7992 9.347 2.0293 0.7057 9.6211 2.3483 3.2482 332.3022 12.4399 1.3468 3.1285 1.8627 4.4794 306.1432 1.8107 5.016 1.8646 14.6809 3.9277 78.6339 1.5775 187.7796 2.8056 30.2449 4.2855 245.54 857 AA958018 "Rattus norvegicus heat stable antigen CD24 mRNA, c" 0.9011 0.9143 0.9352 0.8595 0.8808 1.4644 1.4447 0.8792 0.8207 0.8674 0.8368 0.9757 0.9327 1.2951 0.8584 0.8978 0.9881 0.8612 0.8998 0.6631 0.8278 0.7064 0.8524 0.8547 0.9297 0.688 0.8968 0.7993 0.7236 1.1198 1.4331 1.2174 0.9083 1.1736 1.2347 1.1865 0.862 0.6966 0.9103 1.3454 0.8003 0.8838 0.729 0.796 0.8049 0.9787 0.8218 0.8795 0.8693 858 AA962987 "Rat mRNA for inducible carbonyl reductase, complet" 1.0799 1.1581 0.621 1.4772 1.2384 1.7124 2.0919 1.2117 1.5008 1.4967 1.3967 1.1895 1.412 1.8353 1.0581 1.1843 1.2267 1.4445 0.6802 1.7309 1.5695 1.2803 2.4811 1.5381 4.1102 1.8327 0.8912 2.3095 1.3979 1.6697 340.3891 1.9985 1.1115 2.8645 1.3538 1.8039 183.4849 1.5869 6.2408 1.8818 2.0919 1.7414 96.6991 1.5448 42.8129 2.1786 1.5353 2.2308 2.5864 859 AA962992 Rattus norvegicus protein inhibitor of neuronal ni 0.8899 0.8851 0.9853 0.9836 0.9762 1.0958 1.1843 0.8656 0.8422 1.0486 0.9345 1.0545 0.9504 0.8277 0.7359 0.9913 0.9644 1.1421 0.9102 1.0855 1.2276 0.972 1.0111 0.9995 1.2744 0.9028 0.8582 1.0309 0.9276 0.7771 1.7695 1.275 0.88 1.1431 1.0752 1.229 1.2505 0.8588 1.3071 1.1508 1.088 1.2348 1.0569 1.1698 1.2256 1.1897 1.0688 1.1045 1.3567 860 AA962997 R.norvegicus mRNA for DNA topoisomerase II 1.0588 1.0839 1.8565 0.8795 1.5877 26.7268 2.4254 2.1774 1.6939 1.2879 1.3318 2.1696 2.2395 0.7242 1.2202 1.0503 1.581 2.6482 0.9303 1.8908 1.3154 64.8208 0.7553 1.0121 3.0347 1.5935 0.709 4.5877 1.6625 2.4349 344.7206 4.0172 1.384 1.7186 1.3808 2.3005 5.1336 1.4049 3.3664 1.8812 6.0816 2.3006 2.1516 1.5835 0.7994 2.0129 2.5785 2.9235 1.5541 861 AA957057 Rat mRNA for alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) (This protein 1.013 0.9077 1.2858 1.2752 1.1356 4.8935 11.1557 1.0977 1.1062 1.3377 1.509 1.5859 2.4427 1.6329 0.973 2.4323 1.1235 3.3929 0.8919 1.5964 0.9572 1.1191 13.4144 1.2342 136.8738 1.6107 0.7787 3.4724 3.792 0.4796 256.1081 2.5847 1.8413 2.4217 1.3152 227.5315 195.8588 1.0012 246.6577 29.5273 4.9783 64.2626 2.5026 1.9115 2.3463 2.3111 2.259 2.1692 6.4103 862 AA957068 Rat mRNA for carboxypeptidase E (EC 2.2195 1.6057 0.8459 2.4953 2.499 94.3613 9.789 2.1913 10.3933 3.5029 1.8217 1.5062 1.8908 1.0536 1.0662 2.3603 1.0833 51.7237 0.6728 1.6305 1.406 56.3482 0.7553 1.7367 116.0272 2.0138 0.3775 132.7336 2.4292 2.282 231.4761 161.7132 3.4141 5.7837 2.0264 192.5653 142.7192 2.189 7.8102 3.8541 201.9413 11.3643 7.2951 2.468 3.9901 4.8808 164.3699 159.1321 9.4435 863 AA957078 Rat mRNA for alpha-tubulin 1.5367 1.6549 1.8746 1.6123 1.5218 13.6402 16.4944 4.1811 4.0529 1.9329 2.128 1.3205 1.5726 0.8127 0.6361 1.3946 1.5406 0.7284 0.7515 0.8653 0.5084 0.442 0.609 0.5763 1.6812 1.1743 1.0069 1.1287 1.4025 9.3823 15.1064 20.1688 7.8378 10.7643 12.083 16.3232 5.1059 2.1531 1.8343 0.9601 1.7941 0.9188 0.8442 0.9351 0.591 0.8467 0.9003 0.9369 1.0991 864 AA957138 "Rat calcineurin A alpha mRNA, complete cds" 0.9344 1.0672 1.0283 0.9242 0.8982 1.1345 1.1007 0.8349 0.8088 0.8239 0.7993 0.8493 0.7759 0.8698 0.741 0.9036 0.9136 0.999 0.9757 1.1193 0.8583 0.7354 0.8927 1.0328 0.7844 0.7337 0.7203 0.7292 0.6397 1.0635 1.1057 0.9832 0.8306 1.2489 1.0346 0.8712 0.8358 0.5748 0.6944 0.6863 0.6443 0.7629 0.7858 0.7116 0.8372 0.8873 0.8051 0.8656 0.6874 865 AA957640 Rattus norvegicus high molecular weight DNA polyme 1.137 1.111 1.2641 1.3348 1.1352 2.1635 2.6632 1.1313 1.5119 1.17 1.037 1.5165 1.6809 1.2688 1.2173 1.2088 1.1089 2.1951 0.7199 1.1369 1.5893 1.1994 4.4501 1.4292 180.1134 2.7051 0.6229 288.1266 2.0782 1.9012 397.481 1.7766 2.7735 3.1014 1.6702 2.1951 332.6379 2.5786 29.6809 411.4223 3.6613 6.5337 2.0057 1.9379 8.054 2.5057 1.7841 2.9311 3.1043 866 AA957658 "Rat cytochrome P-450 isozyme 5 (P450 IVB2) mRNA, c" 0.897 0.7717 0.7298 0.8617 0.8414 0.6155 0.6936 0.712 0.8171 0.9099 0.8047 0.8844 1.0558 0.8374 0.8904 0.6678 0.6808 0.9373 0.9924 1.2922 0.9288 0.977 1.3027 1.0239 1.2411 1.0078 1.0034 1.0638 0.8593 1.8346 1.8933 0.8583 0.6566 1.0206 0.606 0.7238 0.8891 0.8801 1.1633 0.719 0.6865 0.7786 0.8493 0.8908 1.457 0.9218 1.1602 1.1648 0.9872 867 AA957669 ESTs 1.0266 1.1676 1.1718 1.0999 1.024 1.5869 1.5234 1.36 1.4119 1.2154 1.0788 1.2108 1.9618 1.4023 1.3018 0.9248 0.9137 1.0549 0.672 1.035 1.2058 1.1257 1.5386 1.1615 2.9469 1.0443 1.2814 2.3706 1.2139 353.7475 1.3188 1.2556 0.8393 1.1601 1.2939 1.6449 4.4936 1.5507 3.6553 2.5759 2.2408 2.6858 0.9642 1.5485 2.6138 1.6718 1.3918 1.763 1.5527 868 AA957581 Rattus norvegicus telomerase protein component 1 ( 1.0904 0.9936 0.9998 1.2275 1.3374 1.6264 1.5109 1.0982 1.2104 1.1901 0.9601 1.1284 1.4188 1.0099 1.2892 0.8959 0.9179 0.8728 0.8444 1.1476 0.9777 0.9931 1.8242 1.1452 2.2269 1.1417 1.3695 1.6516 1.0276 1.8601 1.2593 1.0063 1.306 1.6756 1.2455 1.2242 1.142 1.232 1.2663 0.9743 0.8808 0.6746 1.1673 0.8896 1.6439 1.3697 1.327 1.3263 1.0137 869 AA963644 "R.norvegicus SOD gene, complete CDS" 0.8892 0.8189 0.8693 0.9342 0.9449 0.9114 1.857 0.7817 0.88 0.7763 0.8033 0.861 0.916 0.6643 0.8799 0.7795 0.8237 0.6967 0.7356 0.3963 0.8881 0.8308 1.1001 0.8563 1.4385 0.7566 0.518 1.3988 1.243 197.0647 0.6285 0.5014 0.5325 0.5986 0.5242 0.5862 1.0419 0.9383 1.342 1.2702 0.7577 0.7967 0.5612 0.9021 1.0432 0.9855 0.9905 1.0269 1.137 870 AA963164 "Rattus norvegicus synaptojanin II mRNA, complete c" 0.8716 0.8305 0.9677 0.7765 1.0893 0.2658 0.2471 0.7182 0.7037 0.8656 0.8643 0.7759 0.6276 0.875 1.1344 0.9899 0.9816 0.7852 1.3001 1.249 1.3694 1.4894 1.2121 1.134 0.927 1.1373 0.3926 1.0963 1.0809 0.2424 0.2015 0.2354 0.1475 0.1729 0.1888 0.2849 0.7583 1.0238 0.8535 0.8342 1.0594 0.7648 0.414 0.9243 1.2556 1.111 1.1536 1.09 1.1011 871 AA963187 R.norvegicus mRNA for emerin 1.152 1.282 1.0407 1.2123 1.1035 1.2342 1.5125 0.9813 1.0364 1.143 1.1005 1.2228 1.256 1.1222 1.2848 0.9471 0.8797 0.938 0.9589 1.6726 0.9865 0.9411 1.285 0.9933 4.1726 1.6166 0.8455 4.1661 1.6648 0.5706 1.3584 0.9742 1.2343 1.9048 1.0101 0.9632 1.4426 1.2195 1.935 3.2379 1.0728 1.256 0.8249 1.9587 1.5929 1.4836 1.3034 1.388 1.5272 872 AA963258 "Rat insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) mRNA, com" 0.6783 0.6322 0.6618 0.9211 1.0484 0.4383 0.4682 0.5243 0.5753 0.8969 0.9187 1.0302 0.8344 0.8905 0.7975 0.7437 0.7174 0.411 1.1679 1.0697 1.221 1.0955 1.0193 0.9687 0.9579 1.0841 0.9653 1.101 1.0582 0.382 0.3961 0.4338 0.4561 0.5633 0.6074 0.4093 0.5473 0.8347 0.8576 0.7982 0.5874 0.3007 0.3122 0.6993 0.9898 0.8678 1.0012 0.9845 0.9699 873 AA963299 Rattus norvegicus (clone A2DT35) A2 adenosine rece 0.8556 0.7962 0.964 0.93 0.8087 1.0224 0.9145 0.7709 0.9895 1.0374 0.8635 0.9901 1.0241 0.8743 0.9698 0.9295 0.7224 1.2359 0.5248 0.9116 0.7354 0.6449 3.1012 0.9744 26.1588 2.9572 0.8234 38.1659 1.6688 0.962 227.4692 0.705 0.9232 1.2509 0.7906 0.6958 2.6018 1.1006 3.296 11.0853 1.2133 1.6439 0.7042 1.1232 2.2041 2.6941 1.2105 1.2231 1.6035 874 AA963308 Rat transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) mas 1.0296 1.0373 0.8386 0.8387 1.0815 1.4007 1.2184 0.6792 1.1344 0.9385 0.9249 0.8014 0.8592 0.8553 0.8149 0.689 0.6911 0.8638 0.9846 1.2083 0.7847 0.8099 1.9347 0.9964 65.0875 1.4875 0.8234 3.505 1.3967 0.7244 7.5923 1.2268 1.8354 3.7997 1.039 2.129 4.7746 1.2352 6.2834 1.1355 1.9145 1.0616 1.8458 1.314 8.5456 1.222 1.8438 1.8753 1.3111 875 AA963506 Rattus norvegicus endoplasmic reticulum protein ER 0.8577 0.7989 0.71 0.8646 0.874 1.2837 1.3316 0.7813 0.821 1.073 1.0372 1.0628 0.9604 1.2197 1.7632 1.0906 1.0578 1.2265 1.0899 1.1101 1.0558 1.0774 1.0378 0.7937 1.0934 1.0289 0.8167 1.0326 0.9755 0.9373 1.0151 1.0687 0.9398 1.1935 1.1939 1.2222 0.8785 1.1207 1.0399 1.3955 1.0541 1.2806 1.1996 1.0349 1.0121 0.7985 0.8959 0.9178 0.9561 876 AA963515 R.norvegicus mRNA for alpha-adducin (normotensive 1.5357 1.7841 1.5251 1.3684 1.4616 1.5544 1.7078 1.4598 1.6548 1.5678 1.1446 1.3753 1.5462 2.1916 2.7566 1.9582 1.9782 1.5699 0.5204 1.3085 1.3143 1.3635 2.3511 1.3147 4.1701 1.8411 1.0427 4.042 1.083 12.4163 519.8074 1.4888 1.4935 3.8825 1.8045 4.8108 3.1684 1.749 2.2993 2.0549 4.9277 3.4267 5.2632 1.3953 8.0141 2.6227 2.9111 1.6679 1.5512 877 AA963208 Rattus norvegicus ribosome attached membrane prote 0.7659 0.7586 0.8234 1.0164 0.9663 1.2062 1.228 1.1536 1.0717 1.1647 1.3395 1.2878 1.461 1.7596 1.2578 1.6008 1.6254 1.72 0.945 1.3963 1.3714 1.2567 1.1453 1.0336 1.1913 0.9827 0.9281 1.1685 1.2398 0.7368 1.2023 1.1615 0.7593 0.9205 0.9034 1.1129 1.3954 1.2133 1.442 1.937 1.821 2.0922 1.9388 1.2707 1.3355 1.2981 1.0137 1.0668 1.2168 878 AA963222 Rattus norvegicus cytoplasmic aminopeptidase P (AP 0.8245 0.8084 0.9223 1.122 1.1238 0.9962 0.8571 0.7943 0.8413 0.9038 0.825 0.8939 0.9049 1.0224 0.8555 0.9952 1.0278 1.1757 0.9179 1.2274 1.0408 0.9077 1.2834 1.1216 1.1681 0.9955 0.5885 1.0119 0.9079 1.2051 1.8538 0.9663 0.8471 1.1569 0.9669 0.8326 1.3389 0.8066 1.1263 0.9401 0.9614 0.9607 1.2941 0.8346 1.2055 0.9951 0.9829 1.0621 0.9907 879 AA963231 "Rat amphoterin mRNA, complete cds" 0.8441 0.7887 0.9115 0.7901 0.8578 0.8923 0.899 0.8465 0.8247 0.8401 0.8354 0.8651 0.978 1.2791 0.7699 0.8143 0.8864 0.8813 0.7715 0.6493 1.0601 0.8777 0.9184 0.8936 0.8619 0.792 0.8234 0.6956 0.9132 0.8544 0.8671 0.9125 0.6251 0.8323 0.8742 0.8405 0.9755 0.8894 1.0835 1.0128 1.0317 0.9544 0.8084 0.9026 1.2624 1.117 0.8374 0.8683 0.9118 880 AA963225 R.norvegicus mRNA for cathepsin B 1.0679 1.0076 1.0704 0.9153 0.8956 0.7599 0.7082 0.9352 0.9938 1.0032 0.9931 1.0591 1.0417 1.1897 1.03 1.0383 1.0872 0.8161 1.2585 1.3575 0.9666 0.8443 1.079 1.3124 0.779 0.8418 0.8551 0.8149 0.9437 0.8065 0.8719 0.7746 0.6082 0.7988 0.7272 0.5954 0.915 0.7982 0.9385 0.9636 0.8186 0.7369 0.9053 0.862 0.807 0.9495 0.8358 0.8649 0.8278 881 AA963226 Rattus norvegicus DAD-1 gene 0.8671 0.8311 0.8349 0.7838 0.6889 0.8025 0.784 0.8516 0.8189 0.8634 0.8745 1.0559 0.8272 0.9737 0.9311 1.0479 0.9709 1.0247 0.982 1.0405 0.9562 0.8374 0.8226 0.8094 0.7064 0.6884 0.5371 0.5666 0.6598 0.5152 0.6603 0.6998 0.5276 0.673 0.7066 0.5923 0.703 0.6551 0.6786 0.8954 0.7426 0.8447 0.7475 0.7813 0.7734 0.7827 0.7251 0.7077 0.7311 882 AA963235 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for G protein-coupled recep 1.051 0.9746 1.0039 1.0383 1.3561 6.8332 2.324 1.3252 1.3668 1.2847 1.156 1.1868 1.0698 0.7979 0.7856 0.8086 1.1583 1.6596 0.9289 1.1016 1.2204 2.0923 1.2323 1.0064 1.6044 1.7337 0.8234 4.6729 1.05 2.704 228.4137 1.7693 1.0985 1.5618 1.1358 2.4385 2.0918 0.8797 2.2353 1.5414 1.9012 1.218 0.994 1.1953 1.5512 1.4439 2.0196 1.6319 1.1483 883 AA963451 Rattus norvegicus cell adhesion-like molecule mRNA 0.9615 1.2031 1.3968 1.604 1.1673 100.8278 90.2311 1.6508 2.0243 1.6637 2.0239 1.2682 2.0071 1.9008 0.9058 1.3802 0.7877 1.7246 0.6266 1.4247 0.9521 1.2175 8.5129 0.9946 123.2288 2.3237 1.2401 0.5016 3.0394 0.5171 206.0134 112.8869 1.2734 2.5565 1.4877 206.3055 147.0289 1.1548 191.0855 224.8806 199.0215 141.1133 82.6012 3.4706 3.7612 2.5783 4.1875 4.1797 11.0247 884 AA963445 "Rat selenoprotein P mRNA, complete cds" 0.8336 0.8035 0.8316 0.8334 0.9324 0.2409 0.2502 0.5756 0.5728 0.7842 0.7552 0.7072 0.6858 0.7899 0.6399 0.7859 0.8984 0.6768 1.0521 1.1846 1.148 0.9798 1.0316 1.1387 0.7674 1.0557 1.0961 0.9625 1.0718 0.1724 0.1713 0.1832 0.138 0.1471 0.1476 0.2129 0.6374 0.7863 0.7395 0.7153 0.9484 0.6373 0.6741 0.9959 1.1842 0.9382 1.0131 1.0249 0.9365 885 AA963481 Rattus norvegicus lamina-associated polypeptide 1C 0.9738 1.1638 1.2038 1.1403 1.1081 0.8643 1.203 1.1872 1.1585 1.0477 1.1484 1.1327 1.2464 1.1567 0.9784 1.103 1.1011 1.0253 0.9134 1.2085 1.1216 0.9142 1.1771 1.0424 1.5342 1.1823 1.0798 1.6139 1.3395 0.5021 0.8597 1.0992 0.568 0.6801 0.9383 1.0489 1.653 1.0882 1.8473 1.7487 1.7659 1.8873 1.5637 1.3556 1.3465 2.0631 1.3305 1.3092 1.8842 886 AA963853 R.norvegicus mRNA from Leydig cell hypercalcemic t 0.9738 0.988 1.1339 1.0301 0.9735 0.8248 0.843 0.8527 0.8644 0.9664 0.9435 0.6708 186.1638 0.9324 0.7754 0.9973 1.0713 1.031 0.8995 1.1144 0.9759 0.9185 0.9662 0.9942 0.9349 0.9588 0.5124 0.9463 0.8243 1.0796 1.0998 0.8977 0.6889 0.9938 0.949 0.7536 0.9918 0.7619 0.8766 0.8036 0.898 0.8618 0.9836 0.7856 0.7994 0.9227 0.9621 1.007 0.8956 887 AA963856 Rat mRNA for ET-B endothelin receptor 0.8834 0.8128 0.7745 1.0153 1.0855 0.7176 1.0273 0.6907 0.7827 1.133 0.8684 1.1 1.0648 1.168 0.6761 0.7573 0.7701 1.488 0.6391 1.0017 1.046 0.8703 1.5634 0.8534 3.3431 1.1811 1.4574 1.9729 1.9048 2.0494 229.144 0.6545 0.7609 1.1454 0.6431 1.1108 181.1757 1.0106 3.6526 7.0434 1.1817 1.4847 1.3652 1.1023 1.3822 3.5968 1.1318 1.7119 2.3868 888 AA963777 "Rattus norvegicus adenylyl cyclase type VI mRNA, c" 1.0926 1.0761 1.1574 0.9108 0.903 1.3418 1.3075 0.9192 0.9136 0.8952 0.9018 0.8423 0.8621 0.7946 0.7157 0.9717 1.0138 1.0221 0.9026 1.0303 0.837 0.7704 0.9115 1.061 0.8538 0.8772 0.5189 0.7965 0.8279 1.1922 1.3968 1.1758 0.9878 1.4058 1.0984 1.2529 1.0404 0.7781 0.8721 0.7238 0.867 0.8768 1.3678 0.8182 0.9371 0.895 0.8718 0.8349 0.9327 889 AA964234 Rat ankyrin binding glycoprotein-1 related mRNA se 0.8003 0.7684 0.8123 0.8228 0.9527 0.951 0.9288 0.8613 0.9123 0.8473 0.8339 0.8994 0.9652 0.6981 0.8449 0.858 0.9019 0.9804 0.7574 0.9018 0.9382 1.061 1.1343 0.997 1.2125 1.0325 0.8804 1.1469 1.0648 2.1493 1.1482 0.9739 0.9554 1.1248 0.9684 0.9955 1.2019 1.1052 1.4668 0.9716 1.1138 0.9785 0.7818 1.034 1.2633 1.0879 0.9161 0.9933 1.0061 890 AA964238 Rattus norvegicus outer mitochondrial membrane rec 0.9023 0.8953 0.9669 1.038 1.076 1.2467 1.3998 1.2337 0.9213 0.907 0.8891 1.0809 2.8116 0.9183 1.2766 1.1201 1.2052 1.1545 0.6911 1.103 1.0533 0.9675 1.2861 1.1279 1.2577 1.026 1.0675 1.1355 0.9437 1.6991 3.5171 1.4105 1.3359 1.818 1.4612 1.5321 0.9228 0.8849 1.2229 0.8652 1.2089 1.1521 1.2305 0.8457 1.1957 1.066 1.1231 1.0807 0.9529 891 AA964254 "Rat mRNA for transcription factor GATA-1, complete" 1.1263 1.1013 1.2854 0.9991 0.8571 1.418 2.1992 1.1692 1.3818 0.824 1.3547 1.1748 2.4667 0.9892 1.1218 1.1841 1.3332 1.348 0.6816 0.3769 1.28 1.9414 1.1865 0.8684 1.7885 1.4992 0.7329 5.5314 1.3004 0.3845 2.6066 1.0162 0.893 1.2218 1.0864 1.3722 3.1008 0.9172 293.9845 2.4713 4.8562 10.5536 1.1132 1.1039 3.4738 1.2208 1.4863 1.168 1.0403 892 AA964162 "Rattus norvegicus cca1 mRNA, complete cds" 0.945 1.0953 1.3607 1.4176 1.8178 2.4394 2.6234 1.1905 2.6918 1.4692 1.2019 1.0206 1.4942 208.0282 1.2176 1.0878 0.9224 5.2644 0.6136 0.9854 0.887 0.9968 3.0586 1.1364 1.6167 1.3229 0.3188 1.4633 0.5947 2.6218 1.8285 1.1158 1.0085 1.1306 0.9362 1.5538 2.3821 1.6306 1.9622 1.431 2.4059 1.5981 1.0625 1.0162 1.3048 1.3449 1.2857 2.0724 1.1218 893 AA964163 Rattus norvegicus Bcl-2 associated death promoter 0.986 0.9392 1.0142 1.2246 0.9229 1.4276 3.7045 0.8578 0.9446 1.2909 0.9689 1.1225 1.2272 2.0577 1.0694 0.806 0.8025 0.8327 0.7669 0.3507 0.9095 0.891 1.6959 1.0527 3.1591 0.9056 0.6149 5.6933 1.8106 1.9986 0.8609 0.8835 1.1075 1.215 0.9596 0.9864 1.7885 1.2048 2.3832 2.3305 1.0118 1.1637 0.6045 1.2521 1.7916 1.3356 1.2192 1.4204 1.361 894 AA964542 Rat mRNA for heart cytochrome c oxidase subunit VI 0.93 1.1053 1.1761 1.9778 1.4626 5.7826 2.5393 2.1031 14.4997 2.1399 0.9176 0.9581 2.0275 2.8974 1.4984 1.0007 0.9379 1.7494 0.6261 1.0638 0.9476 1.2495 1.5256 1.7178 7.6129 23.4379 0.8234 1.992 0.835 2.4767 2.7294 1.4201 1.3158 1.386 1.1661 2.4059 4.344 1.3506 3.6268 1.4594 1.7149 2.6636 0.6789 0.3436 5.3113 2.8605 1.9435 1.9926 1.3695 895 AA964573 Rat mRNA for 3-oxoacyl-CoA thiolase 0.7404 0.6855 0.762 0.7327 0.8412 1.5806 1.4918 1.2482 1.1976 0.8213 0.9288 1.4127 1.2492 0.4789 0.6151 0.5097 0.5071 0.5169 0.7465 0.9116 0.9906 1.1079 0.6696 0.6376 0.8317 0.6689 0.7652 0.6892 0.8049 1.4764 1.4199 1.6149 1.0298 1.3002 1.3913 1.3111 1.0954 0.828 1.1957 0.4331 0.4672 0.5303 0.5048 0.5882 0.8997 0.6338 0.6642 0.6773 0.7022 896 AA964576 "Rattus norvegicus Zis mRNA, complete cds" 0.9675 0.9035 1.0116 1.0663 1.2201 1.5595 1.5121 1.1275 1.1866 1.0674 1.0559 1.0638 1.1876 1.1869 1.3775 1.2933 1.321 1.2977 0.9251 1.2317 1.117 1.2385 1.7392 1.1129 2.1913 1.2122 0.8234 1.4298 1.2578 0.969 2.2083 1.3968 1.1853 1.6257 1.4566 1.6972 1.5585 1.2962 2.3115 1.3046 2.034 1.467 1.556 1.409 1.8499 0.8678 1.5475 1.573 1.4068 897 AA964578 R.norvegicus mRNA for calpactin I heavy chain 0.8941 0.7462 0.7636 0.8546 0.8967 0.923 0.914 0.7194 0.9081 1.0172 0.8814 1.2754 1.3075 0.9908 1.1746 0.9223 0.8664 1.3924 0.536 0.9944 0.9377 1.0769 2.8723 0.9742 5.0765 1.6868 1.0647 4.1978 1.4187 1.0062 236.0646 0.8766 1.0439 1.3483 0.8473 0.7923 1.8266 1.331 2.4679 4.2581 1.3419 1.8972 1.1131 1.0535 2.4494 1.9546 1.3609 1.3455 1.6092 898 AA964489 R.norvegicus mRNA for C-CAM2a isoform 1.5224 1.4824 1.5496 1.132 1.283 0.6994 0.8071 1.3674 1.4189 1.3709 1.1825 1.1342 1.2477 1.0697 1.2263 1.0733 1.1128 0.9187 1.3859 1.8008 1.4186 1.3684 1.1903 1.2124 1.3172 1.4569 1.3851 1.4951 1.1356 0.7244 0.7493 0.7366 0.5699 0.8262 0.671 0.7365 1.4421 1.2153 1.3451 0.8812 1.3699 0.9572 0.9213 1.4142 1.2955 1.2302 1.3034 1.1793 1.1857 899 AA964431 "Rat osteopontin mRNA, complete cds" 0.984 1.0624 1.0391 0.9244 1.0232 1.2477 1.1329 1.1793 1.0945 0.9726 0.9878 1.0375 1.2403 0.8489 1.2946 0.9516 1.0174 0.9669 0.8713 1.077 0.9884 0.98 0.9578 0.9397 0.8746 0.8636 0.7783 0.883 0.8199 1.0378 2.3421 0.9391 0.7816 0.9978 1.0372 0.9451 0.9608 0.9559 0.9756 0.9168 0.9388 0.9243 0.8186 0.8898 0.8925 0.8749 0.805 0.7788 0.7909 900 AA964414 "Rat proteasome component C8 mRNA, complete cds" 0.7875 0.7656 0.8804 1.1136 1.0607 1.0057 1.1175 0.794 0.8733 0.8423 0.8393 0.845 0.9111 1.0536 0.9993 1.2654 1.2806 1.3997 1.1506 1.1247 1.2699 1.0731 1.1 0.9717 0.9739 0.9392 0.9996 0.9349 0.9532 1.3149 1.5222 1.1864 0.9515 1.2276 1.1637 1.1219 0.9732 0.8887 0.9887 0.9017 1.2355 1.3347 1.6919 0.9308 1.3053 0.9856 1.1126 1.0236 1.1081 901 AA964772 Rattus norvegicus transitional endoplasmic reticul 0.7176 0.6535 0.7599 0.8351 0.7754 0.8134 0.8507 0.8011 0.7298 0.8956 0.9468 0.9553 0.9796 1.0014 0.8789 1.0502 1.129 1.0062 0.9184 1.0717 0.9395 0.8361 0.8798 0.93 0.758 0.8172 0.7225 0.7363 0.8263 0.707 0.7354 0.8146 0.6558 0.8316 0.8795 0.7772 0.7611 0.8928 0.9148 1.0334 1.0575 1.0133 0.9508 0.8985 0.9354 0.936 0.8154 0.8349 0.8306 902 AA964788 Rat mRNA for glutathione peroxidase 0.7089 0.7367 0.744 0.872 0.8175 0.6817 0.6842 0.9472 0.9416 0.9543 0.9433 0.8251 0.7519 0.8894 0.7696 0.8374 0.8546 0.6705 1.7124 1.7106 1.1924 1.0277 1.1278 1.253 0.6393 0.6386 0.6785 0.5813 0.642 0.8298 0.824 0.7982 0.6513 0.844 0.7996 0.5364 0.7813 0.6804 0.6228 0.645 0.5579 0.5229 0.5622 0.9745 0.9118 0.9567 0.8775 0.8696 0.8074 903 AA964804 "Rat glucocorticoid receptor mRNA, complete cds" 1.2191 1.2904 1.2461 1.1125 1.2369 0.7178 0.7141 0.8243 0.8417 0.9272 1.005 0.9642 0.9201 0.9248 0.9236 0.9013 0.8862 0.739 1.1722 1.3811 1.1039 0.9716 1.2752 1.1944 1.2003 1.1389 0.9875 1.2809 1.2269 0.4589 0.5974 0.6062 0.4489 0.6616 0.6517 0.6601 0.9121 0.939 0.9812 1.0815 0.9607 0.7833 0.8075 1.2178 1.0869 1.2563 1.0599 1.2098 1.1102 904 AA964864 Rat chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan core protein 0.7911 0.8112 0.8344 0.9014 0.9241 0.7966 0.7731 0.7366 0.7081 0.9647 0.8705 0.8814 0.7685 0.756 0.6776 0.8789 0.8776 1.4588 0.8814 0.972 1.012 0.9368 1.2164 1.069 0.9568 1.0786 3.7438 1.0126 0.8882 0.8196 1.2561 0.807 0.5758 0.7389 0.6196 0.8674 1.1958 0.923 1.1469 0.9526 0.8162 0.8222 0.8241 1.0566 0.9093 1.1167 1.1993 1.32 1.0572 905 AA964989 Rat mRNA for protein disulphide isomerase (PDI; EC 0.658 0.6717 0.7035 0.5761 0.582 0.4759 0.4466 0.7015 0.6999 0.9327 1.0253 0.8479 0.8394 1.1124 1.106 0.9704 1.0308 0.7773 1.0983 1.1714 1.1186 0.9459 0.7933 0.8098 0.5925 0.5958 0.5601 0.6014 0.7394 0.2719 0.2991 0.2997 0.2374 0.3188 0.3356 0.3653 0.5957 0.8526 0.7129 1.1036 0.886 0.7515 0.8209 0.9868 0.9801 0.7669 0.7687 0.7979 0.8462 906 AA965012 "Rat zinc finger protein (kid-1) mRNA, complete cds" 3.2619 3.8976 4.4228 2.6065 2.6864 6.6256 6.7282 1.8096 1.8377 1.8227 1.3865 2.6738 2.825 1.9192 1.6493 1.0709 1.1274 1.5846 2.2373 3.4081 0.4794 0.4453 0.7145 0.5506 2.9173 5.4663 2.781 5.671 5.2803 5.1372 7.948 6.5033 2.2648 2.5323 3.1594 5.7128 5.0478 1.7966 3.7843 2.0955 1.2055 1.1138 1.3567 3.4513 0.7803 0.6856 0.5307 0.6821 0.6278 907 AA965022 R.norvegicus mRNA for macrophage metalloelastase ( 0.9373 0.8313 0.8703 1.097 0.9586 3.2529 4.831 1.2477 1.2741 1.4891 1.31 1.2737 1.4895 0.9797 1.0272 1.1889 0.9726 1.4101 0.7048 0.71 1.143 0.9985 1.4856 1.193 14.1684 1.4034 1.1038 1.0007 2.3681 0.3732 6.5089 2.4356 1.0966 1.6468 1.963 6.1912 161.6412 1.0797 4.0967 6.3975 1.7854 2.6536 1.7485 2.008 1.4167 2.8354 1.4278 1.5381 5.0476 908 AA963839 "ESTs, Moderately similar to NADH cytochrome b5 red" 1.5202 1.6916 1.7855 1.3107 1.4088 0.7275 0.6886 1.1674 1.15 1.0171 0.9871 0.8227 0.7568 1.337 1.1469 1.3827 1.4098 1.0295 1.043 1.2819 0.8244 0.7495 0.9955 1.0986 1.3407 1.0421 0.9559 1.088 1.1722 0.6091 0.8353 0.6544 0.5116 0.6782 0.6454 0.5596 1.1651 0.9039 0.7518 1.1479 1.1664 0.8392 1.1284 0.9687 1.0238 0.9863 0.8175 0.9042 0.9204 909 AA963724 Rattus norvegicus cytochrome P4502F4 (CYP4502F4) m 1.0712 1.1681 1.1845 1.1436 1.0091 0.5594 0.6313 0.86 0.8063 1.0401 1.0148 1.05 0.9414 0.9083 0.9776 0.9008 0.8622 1.0024 1.2593 1.6505 1.066 0.9516 1.1172 1.0157 1.1749 1.2534 1.0698 1.2054 1.211 0.3541 0.6268 0.5267 0.3542 0.4728 0.4817 0.5446 0.9487 0.8892 0.9814 1.0481 0.797 0.9278 0.8675 1.3188 0.9737 1.1161 0.9288 0.9688 1.1455 910 AA963735 Rat L-type calcium channel beta 2 subunit mRNA 1.1809 1.3285 1.1984 1.26 1.0869 0.825 0.742 1.1403 1.0415 1.1434 1.082 1.074 1.2305 0.9319 0.8827 1.0225 1.0556 0.9792 1.0723 1.4942 1.038 1.0263 1.0691 1.1169 1.1754 1.4401 0.8234 1.3084 1.0859 0.908 1.0427 0.751 0.5457 0.6961 0.6667 0.8038 1.5001 0.9584 1.0999 0.8971 1.1442 0.9194 1.1428 1.2306 2.6592 1.1007 1.2276 1.2139 1.1346 911 AA964100 Rattus norvegicus farnesoid X activated receptor m 0.8768 0.9285 0.9798 0.7422 0.8481 0.684 0.6773 0.7268 0.626 0.7795 0.7081 0.8906 1.0049 0.7623 0.8021 0.8989 0.9562 0.7488 0.77 0.8445 0.7288 0.7085 0.7571 0.8061 0.9671 0.6091 0.9157 0.6777 0.7931 0.7005 0.7238 0.5885 0.4977 0.6618 0.633 0.5785 0.8327 0.7437 0.9942 1.0296 0.9953 0.6897 0.663 0.962 0.9103 0.9442 0.728 0.7869 0.849 912 XXXXX No Record in Database 1.137 1.1977 1.2921 1.9423 1.1443 9.4674 2.3564 1.5828 2.0755 2.7526 1.1628 0.9634 1.5784 1.1237 0.8174 0.9983 1.1851 1.1146 0.9043 1.4886 1.7341 1.1553 1.5636 0.9885 1.731 2.3273 0.6751 15.8525 0.791 2.7013 181.4592 2.0817 1.6881 1.9537 1.6952 2.1204 138.3776 1.5875 4.4891 2.0157 7.8548 1.5015 7.5603 1.4961 4.6007 2.1672 3.8382 5.807 3.5624 913 AA964024 "Rat GABA transporter protein mRNA, complete cds" 1.1561 1.2824 0.8459 1.1853 2.4764 9.5547 97.4866 1.6552 3.5317 1.2578 1.4299 2.1001 4.0983 0.85 1.7575 1.4727 0.9402 2.0303 0.6514 1.7556 1.4727 2.0091 9.7591 1.9357 214.3534 16.5389 2.0223 257.864 1.4647 4.4432 249.3721 2.2565 2.5259 2.441 1.4992 1.849 201.2507 3.2371 320.6971 372.0602 286.9409 280.0351 1.2556 4.0871 248.3769 4.3407 7.2742 17.8876 2.4285 914 AA964331 "Rattus norvegicus beta prime COP mRNA, complete cd" 0.7945 0.8201 0.8641 0.8691 1.0024 0.9528 0.904 0.8964 0.9618 1.0665 0.9754 1.0369 1.1566 1.1463 1.5623 1.1723 1.1388 1.0361 1.0997 1.1429 1.1155 1.18 1.0122 1.0925 0.9437 0.8755 1.1207 0.9836 0.8965 0.951 0.9824 0.9172 0.832 1.1039 0.9325 0.9281 0.9152 1.0461 0.978 0.9635 1.1557 1.0287 1.1454 0.9289 1.0631 0.9939 1.0358 1.0343 0.9526 915 AA964037 Rattus norvegicus Ca2+-independent phospholipase A 1.0237 1.0855 1.383 1.5059 1.0716 2.2255 8.5328 1.4224 1.5011 0.8398 1.3557 1.1522 2.1343 1.3362 1.3234 1.1926 1.0566 1.8732 0.7557 0.9116 1.0067 0.9418 1.5453 1.0736 2.7876 1.3637 0.5727 5.4172 1.3272 0.494 290.702 1.3474 1.6795 1.7244 1.2473 1.4281 3.9986 1.7962 7.0856 7.6703 2.4406 3.2067 1.4784 1.1909 2.1071 1.2539 1.4689 1.4584 1.6005 916 AA964328 Rattus norvegicus target of the antiproliferative 1.2825 1.3316 1.4158 1.2246 1.3498 1.0897 1.0437 1.0904 1.0549 1.2474 1.2207 1.2027 1.0888 1.1956 1.6549 1.0965 1.1162 0.9297 1.5631 1.4408 1.0714 1.0673 1.1658 1.0627 1.1804 1.2558 1.0693 1.2628 1.2484 0.8541 0.8572 0.8785 0.7776 0.9448 0.9679 0.9684 1.007 1.1869 1.0098 1.2014 0.969 0.7681 0.7227 1.0022 0.9129 1.0433 0.9693 0.9392 0.9217 917 AA964337 "Rattus norvegicus mRNA for rPOP, complete cds" 0.8917 0.9662 1.2884 1.1584 0.9642 1.3311 1.4691 1.1122 1.1847 1.1158 1.216 1.1221 1.3665 1.0373 1.3849 1.081 1.09 1.0266 0.8824 1.1319 1.0128 1.2319 1.8765 1.0577 1.5057 1.2158 0.7821 1.8423 1.1487 0.7314 1.3242 1.4514 0.9799 1.2202 1.2104 1.378 1.607 1.2209 1.6275 1.4209 1.3371 1.5878 1.0103 1.3548 1.6479 1.3193 1.2653 1.2362 1.1279 918 AA964044 Rat liver apolipoprotein A-I mRNA (apoA-I) 0.2371 0.2435 0.2481 0.2956 0.337 0.1748 0.1584 0.3526 0.3512 0.6994 0.6748 0.5587 0.4816 0.692 1.1166 0.9389 1.0316 0.5825 0.8328 0.815 1.1446 1.1757 0.9349 0.933 0.3131 0.2795 0.8234 0.3009 0.3242 0.1164 0.2162 0.1252 0.1472 0.1903 0.1853 0.1402 0.2946 0.6 0.4157 0.5881 0.7466 0.4937 0.4556 0.5486 0.9916 3.7384 0.5877 0.5437 0.5831 919 AA964615 "Rattus norvegicus (clone 1.9kB) lim-2 mRNA, comple" 0.8864 1.0158 1.4671 1.7223 1.1645 4.4097 5.173 1.516 1.4713 1.3513 1.366 1.5801 11.8016 1.0989 1.3748 1.3715 0.9388 1.1881 0.4954 2.0351 1.3214 1.2494 2.1984 1.3513 148.1584 239.1043 0.7576 144.5961 3.1372 3.3124 264.9309 2.8145 1.6618 4.3046 1.327 10.8463 153.1036 1.559 254.2147 211.4093 232.1751 165.3213 1.2203 2.5546 8.8112 11.8362 212.7499 1.8552 2.4949 920 AA964623 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for small glutamine-rich te 1.1142 1.0405 0.9742 1.0558 1.0632 1.2619 1.1813 1.0732 1.0405 0.9641 0.9564 1.136 1.1074 0.9719 1.2573 1.1717 1.1849 1.2236 1.1001 1.3192 1.0489 1.1977 1.2243 1.1205 1.2015 1.0403 1.4378 1.0452 1.03 0.5294 1.3346 1.3497 1.0813 1.3665 1.3412 1.0715 1.0763 0.893 1.0684 0.8183 1.0812 0.9391 1.1533 0.9274 1.0498 0.9546 1.1372 1.0255 1.0246 921 AA964507 "Rattus norvegicus mRNA for ID2 protein, complete c" 0.8139 0.7741 0.7551 0.7692 0.9044 0.3788 0.3678 0.5236 0.5241 0.6111 0.5917 0.731 0.6863 0.596 0.7512 0.7764 0.7746 0.7668 1.2545 1.2145 1.3098 1.3121 1.1943 0.7952 0.8939 0.7431 0.8234 0.8046 0.7144 0.3976 0.4468 0.371 0.3842 0.5004 0.4643 0.3604 0.5349 0.6373 0.6954 0.6362 0.7557 0.7932 0.6478 1.1353 1.2344 0.9866 1.2641 1.2398 1.3035 922 AI113021 Rattus norvegicus sodium-dependent multi-vitamin t 1.1155 1.006 1.0954 0.9918 0.9211 0.9987 1.0535 1.262 1.1105 1.0433 1.007 1.0899 1.0997 1.7999 1.3209 1.1698 1.1288 1.0325 0.9549 1.0839 1.1351 1.0569 1.3116 0.9804 1.6923 1.0321 0.7382 1.2577 1.0301 0.7244 1.4248 1.1501 1.0988 1.707 1.1082 1.1691 1.299 1.0141 1.441 1.0087 1.1509 1.0364 1.4008 0.8986 1.5464 1.0717 1.0836 1.1355 1.0467 923 AA964525 "Rattus norvegicus myr 6 myosin heavy chain mRNA, c" 0.9317 1.1085 0.9378 1.2071 0.9793 4.6621 168.794 1.8272 2.3417 1.4953 1.747 1.5191 7.9147 1.0829 1.1141 0.8706 0.8918 1.1518 0.6093 0.4739 0.6971 1.4848 1.3437 1.1074 3.5301 2.3478 0.8778 3.3452 1.2807 4.7597 6.1732 2.5107 1.5131 3.8583 2.553 2.9524 207.3788 1.4892 25.9814 3.6194 3.893 259.4237 0.8082 1.1325 3.6927 1.5587 1.6189 1.3857 1.0636 924 AA964530 "Rattus norvegicus ADP-ribosylation factor 2 mRNA, " 1.4606 1.7819 1.5112 3.5135 1.8831 38.7133 4.555 1.7868 5.589 1.9919 1.6223 1.0762 3.1945 0.8958 1.2087 1.3023 0.9078 3.8107 0.6677 0.7272 0.9857 1.3766 2.0239 1.522 5.1091 6.9338 0.8234 2.0991 1.3585 4.7038 224.6187 1.6872 2.8217 2.9513 1.4694 3.3489 200.7137 3.3959 195.9596 1.7139 218.0477 253.7052 1.3911 1.9032 3.921 3.1076 2.132 8.1853 1.591 925 AA964058 R.norvegicus mRNA for ribosomal protein L37 0.9023 0.9124 0.9754 0.8574 0.8358 1.4153 1.4713 0.8614 0.796 0.8431 0.8015 0.8686 0.8681 0.8503 0.7244 0.8956 0.972 0.9809 0.8829 0.8599 0.8969 0.6978 0.8047 0.8559 0.8435 0.7705 0.6602 0.7136 0.7517 1.1911 1.2571 1.324 1.0079 1.3162 1.3792 1.235 0.7749 0.7343 0.8093 0.7887 0.847 0.9113 0.8124 0.8049 0.7948 0.8976 0.8234 0.8412 0.8025 926 AA964055 R.norvegicus genes for H2A and H2B histones 1.2253 1.3028 0.9211 1.6633 1.6548 1.7718 1.7388 1.1916 1.3202 1.5055 1.4686 1.2447 1.3299 1.3514 1.1319 1.2224 1.373 1.7155 1.0756 1.2741 1.1312 0.9167 1.022 1.0205 1.3735 1.2629 0.8887 1.2961 1.2043 1.474 1.5987 1.4165 1.5434 2.063 1.9424 1.6539 1.4075 1.3459 1.4106 1.2149 1.155 1.4582 1.5471 0.9166 0.9607 0.8601 0.9754 0.94 0.914 927 AA964063 "Rattus norvegicus p105 coactivator mRNA, complete " 0.8179 0.7666 0.8944 0.8498 0.8225 1.1661 1.1935 0.8925 0.9323 1.1315 1.1789 1.002 0.9025 1.0455 1.1111 1.1358 1.1812 1.126 1.0781 1.3329 1.1158 1.0241 0.934 0.9584 1.0246 0.9393 1.2092 0.9334 1.1281 0.6707 0.9649 1.0977 0.7682 1.0912 1.0471 1.1652 1.1289 1.1299 1.0804 1.3085 1.1895 1.169 1.256 1.1729 1.1535 1.0531 0.8881 0.9599 1.0093 928 AA964078 "Rattus norvegicus ADP-ribosylation factor 5 mRNA, " 0.9819 1.0962 1.068 0.9714 0.9555 1.2921 1.2264 1.0574 0.9916 1.0706 1.0034 0.9759 0.9211 0.8883 0.797 0.8889 0.9005 0.8285 1.1367 1.1594 0.8267 0.7339 0.9731 0.9614 0.9017 0.9735 0.8234 0.8988 0.9814 0.9813 1.1134 1.0051 0.8941 1.138 1.1727 0.949 0.9631 0.8415 0.8252 0.7729 0.7 0.6131 0.6963 0.9796 0.6917 0.9077 0.8456 0.8664 0.8018 929 AA964072 Rattus norvegicus phospholipid hydroperoxide gluta 0.8657 0.9223 0.9637 0.9105 0.7929 1.1825 1.177 1.0632 1.0326 0.9911 0.9529 1.0127 0.9108 0.6495 0.631 0.7765 0.8027 0.7317 0.9499 0.9391 0.9501 0.7799 0.7409 0.774 0.8065 0.778 0.6983 0.6667 0.8435 0.8936 0.9193 1.021 0.8395 1.0472 1.0469 0.9383 0.8811 0.7753 0.8116 0.6013 0.6255 0.6452 0.696 0.7902 0.7461 0.7109 0.7132 0.7266 0.7225 930 AA964090 Rat mRNA for integrin alpha-1 0.5532 0.5016 0.5825 0.7755 0.9589 0.8932 1.0524 1.0004 0.9289 1.5535 1.1591 1.0246 1.1857 1.0694 0.996 1.15 1.1327 0.9215 0.7115 0.8622 0.9934 0.7763 1.2789 1.2319 0.9403 0.8709 0.4356 0.8118 0.7521 1.3697 1.0839 0.768 0.524 0.8274 0.701 0.6972 1.5909 0.9156 1.1243 0.9335 1.2945 0.6208 0.9631 0.7803 1.0844 1.2138 1.0814 1.1969 1.1297 931 AA964340 "Rat core protein (HSPG) mRNA, complete cds" 1.1455 1.0779 1.2432 1.1429 1.0608 0.488 0.5106 0.7156 0.7072 0.8761 0.9233 0.8329 0.9263 1.0845 0.9038 0.9005 0.9175 0.7118 1.2556 1.1884 1.1692 1.0572 1.129 1.1022 1.0416 1.087 1.0885 1.0752 1.312 0.3478 0.3799 0.4473 0.3448 0.45 0.4764 0.4844 0.7404 0.945 0.974 1.1086 1.019 0.7687 0.837 1.2884 1.1333 1.1262 1.0365 1.0829 1.0378 932 AA964359 "EST, Highly similar to Munc18-2 [R.norvegicus]" 1.0512 1.0375 1.1169 1.0024 1.0188 0.9628 0.8987 0.8561 0.8671 1.0449 0.8901 0.9182 0.9859 0.9974 0.9464 1.0221 1.0662 1.1393 0.6569 1.2842 1.1216 1.0382 1.1954 1.0713 1.2796 1.2409 0.6174 1.2477 1.4944 1.0059 3.3217 0.9841 0.8181 1.315 0.9504 0.9327 2.236 0.7934 1.2116 0.9747 1.1903 1.0178 1.5801 0.9906 83.7573 1.1375 1.1605 1.4622 1.1739 933 AA964350 "Rat guanylate cyclase, complete cds" 1.0309 0.9675 1.4196 1.0664 0.8343 2.481 6.7959 1.085 1.1015 1.6598 1.2347 1.3648 1.613 0.9079 0.8226 1.2191 1.1129 1.3418 0.5125 1.3684 0.8466 1.0992 2.2782 1.036 23.0384 1.6964 2.3861 214.3239 2.9194 0.3093 8.6707 1.7164 0.9992 1.0153 1.065 2.3474 143.3368 1.1312 23.0656 3.8991 2.4258 3.7409 2.3959 1.6043 2.0791 2.8552 1.3282 2.0768 3.3452 934 AA964363 Rat mRNA for plectin 1.102 1.2985 1.1313 0.8919 0.8488 0.6653 0.6226 0.9201 0.8682 0.8667 0.8344 0.7733 0.7754 0.7399 0.6916 0.927 0.9385 1.0425 0.7141 1.1454 0.9699 0.8006 0.823 0.8287 0.9575 0.8332 0.8234 0.7672 0.8446 0.6869 0.95 0.5904 0.4506 0.9274 0.4879 0.5712 1.736 0.6729 0.9753 0.6761 0.7777 0.7238 1.8764 0.809 1.2646 0.8329 0.8232 1.0405 0.9979 935 AA964367 "Rattus norvegicus mRNA for adrenodoxin reductase, " 1.2384 1.3585 1.2412 1.2381 1.1717 1.3737 2.0551 0.9451 1.0248 1.1195 1.1341 1.1663 1.1847 183.6061 0.8675 0.9806 0.9649 0.9869 0.8876 1.3507 0.8985 1.0004 1.1171 1.0806 1.9529 1.0379 0.7067 1.2686 1.155 0.919 1.2661 1.005 0.6309 0.8652 0.8132 1.2515 1.4389 1.0314 1.2667 1.2937 0.7933 1.0348 0.9926 1.0826 1.0381 1.1641 1.0502 1.1114 1.3157 936 AA964809 ESTs 1.0001 1.0056 1.0234 0.9181 1.0647 1.3756 1.2565 0.8693 0.9753 1.0582 1.1663 0.5491 1.2468 207.3049 0.7449 0.8008 1.0791 2.1271 0.9756 1.1142 1.0798 1.0542 1.4914 1.152 1.2609 1.578 1.3988 1.3653 1.2167 0.7244 3.2897 1.0825 0.7624 0.9506 0.9443 1.4216 2.0717 0.8166 1.6807 1.2329 1.7682 1.1273 1.1872 1.318 1.2444 1.2656 1.2787 1.5503 1.1274 937 AA964716 Rat inositol trisphosphate receptor subtype 3 (IP3 1.3146 1.1669 0.8459 2.2128 1.3866 27.4813 59.1684 1.3652 2.758 1.251 1.3733 2.0446 127.6615 2.0206 1.8763 1.8701 1.2143 1.495 0.4914 1.1699 2.0504 1.857 2.664 2.0762 194.9386 358.6949 1.8436 225.0582 1.7152 1.8231 224.9049 2.2223 3.3671 4.8055 1.6359 2.5368 189.0729 3.7008 285.5451 363.3656 266.0834 269.1403 1.7885 5.5184 53.7174 4.8594 7.7515 10.6375 3.3097 938 AA964718 Rat beta-casein mrna 1.3337 1.2545 0.8459 23.8863 2.4131 93.3201 10.6313 2.2891 4.0447 143.5869 1.3826 1.0086 2.3916 1.1082 1.5483 1.6521 1.2117 1.4096 0.5382 2.2064 1.0663 1.7272 92.2029 2.3358 128.8811 221.3025 14.5051 145.838 1.5308 249.727 20.0919 2.4159 3.482 8.7643 3.1318 206.9082 153.2801 2.7705 191.0533 4.4475 172.9731 194.3006 0.8336 1.8808 224.7091 2.9007 129.1367 15.02 2.5849 939 AA964719 Rattus norvegicus vesicla-associate calmodulin-bin 1.2831 2.1265 1.5983 10.696 1.373 4.405 93.0941 2.0312 2.3712 0.8809 1.4948 1.8067 113.8994 0.7218 1.5759 1.2454 1.01 3.4565 0.7834 0.9116 0.6703 2.9206 2.9605 1.2764 154.4587 11.5784 0.7312 191.196 79.0828 0.7244 285.4023 1.714 7.2911 4.5502 1.7599 6.9157 170.5666 2.9011 194.8859 231.6534 217.2819 210.3687 1.1556 3.013 200.5825 2.1499 232.4894 7.4843 2.9485 940 AA964758 R. norvegicus mRNA for tau protein kinase I 1.0198 1.1176 1.3324 1.5371 1.237 2.3663 2.1286 1.7575 1.779 1.461 1.1466 1.0871 2.1683 1.9135 1.1812 1.2839 1.1414 1.8037 0.8148 1.2232 1.375 1.2553 3.8003 1.6697 2.6085 8.9611 0.5729 2.694 0.7695 1.1046 5.1979 1.7231 1.6637 1.4213 1.4642 3.3427 3.9672 2.0098 3.7804 2.0725 5.0208 5.577 1.3442 0.3585 2.2254 1.7439 2.1673 4.5303 1.5934 941 AA964261 "Rat apolipoprotein B mRNA editing protein mRNA, co" 0.9519 1.0267 1.1765 1.116 0.8908 1.0634 1.2938 1.0052 1.0285 1.0393 1.0388 0.9462 0.9561 0.7102 0.9055 0.8114 0.884 0.8862 0.6995 1.3106 0.9684 1.0823 1.1811 0.9416 1.3626 1.1408 0.6758 1.4228 1.0553 0.424 1.1252 0.8217 1.0157 1.2711 0.8601 0.9816 1.4652 0.974 1.1792 0.9601 0.9236 0.8976 0.6067 0.9738 1.1482 0.9559 1.0754 1.0714 1.032 942 AA964286 Rattus norvegicus putative glycogen storage diseas 1.5443 1.4587 1.5255 1.08 1.1122 0.5407 0.5396 0.9577 0.9661 1.0303 1.0047 0.9593 0.8507 0.9335 1.2882 0.8083 0.7632 0.684 1.5101 1.7278 1.003 0.9682 1.0736 1.0635 1.0995 1.1155 0.8234 1.1554 1.0975 0.5466 0.5856 0.5464 0.3381 0.462 0.3803 0.4817 0.934 0.9661 0.8231 0.846 0.6061 0.578 0.6888 1.2169 0.8528 0.7963 0.8593 0.8652 0.8496 943 AA964295 "Rattus norvegicus mRNA for PMF31, complete cds" 0.9664 1.0382 1.0303 1.5118 1.341 5.1135 3.2931 1.2622 1.5975 1.1331 1.0391 1.2838 3.2399 1.24 1.0877 1.1668 0.9916 1.3688 0.567 0.3588 1.2167 0.8583 3.4431 1.2235 162.5122 370.4872 0.8021 198.8282 2.1518 5.0304 210.4021 1.1725 1.5392 2.7827 1.3102 1.687 161.94 1.7212 252.1991 270.0478 6.8202 247.1945 1.0764 2.192 13.4251 4.9529 3.0114 1.4859 2.6812 944 AA964176 R.norvegicus mRNA for glucokinase regulator 1.0785 1.0108 1.0241 0.9222 1.0287 0.827 0.8211 1.0167 0.9606 0.9401 0.8719 1.0265 0.9348 0.9946 1.3901 1.0187 0.9956 0.8706 1.2165 1.3088 1.0427 1.0505 0.9493 0.9522 1.0345 1.0726 0.8234 1.2332 1.2256 0.7244 0.942 0.8953 0.7236 0.9102 0.8262 0.7009 0.9736 0.8547 0.9118 0.8221 0.879 0.6684 0.9152 0.9716 1.0094 0.8466 1.0636 1.0908 1.0874 945 AA964201 Rat ig delta heavy chain constant region and 3' ut 0.9397 1.3225 2.9519 4.9234 1.4748 74.5694 0.7314 5.704 2.3373 2.0807 1.6485 1.5062 40.165 3.1485 2.5421 1.609 0.7691 2.1597 0.4701 1.279 0.9931 1.2847 3.1995 2.4975 144.0803 250.7211 0.8234 126.5958 1.461 5.2972 162.1632 2.1928 1.7057 4.2006 1.7477 11.2512 120.6478 3.4349 161.4147 205.0791 149.8668 135.8336 1.2968 230.0372 148.8446 22.1384 210.1362 209.8146 523.871 946 AA964194 Rattus norvegicus cell growth regulator rCGR11 mRN 0.876 0.8237 0.664 0.5681 1.5228 1.5224 1.0803 0.6592 0.9242 2.0036 0.9339 0.9872 1.6568 2.3723 0.9269 0.7056 0.7092 0.9752 0.6297 0.97 1.1957 1.1146 1.6074 0.8364 131.3386 1.1082 0.5757 6.3238 0.8713 8.2307 366.9225 1.1358 1.8518 7.2674 1.1781 1.9916 3.2528 2.0921 225.4925 1.2713 1.7096 0.9946 2.0246 0.9585 141.2707 0.8678 1.7122 3.064 1.2655 947 AA964207 R.norvegicus mRNA for n-chimaerin 1.4746 3.8265 1.6951 20.4162 0.9991 67.7578 0.7314 3.9923 18.1227 1.4121 3.1387 1.5151 127.3757 2.1647 1.1884 1.6296 0.9197 1.917 0.5592 0.2584 1.0267 2.1165 4.2712 2.4055 138.353 215.5158 0.9093 155.468 41.583 27.5505 170.4293 4.0357 18.2684 3.1093 3.3645 208.1925 126.1218 182.054 143.2638 169.2174 167.5939 127.4851 1.2502 36.0054 142.2775 3.597 187.8053 18.4795 4.6103 948 AA965078 Rat mRNA for mitochondrial 3-2trans-enoyl-CoA isom 0.5781 0.5583 0.6152 0.6583 0.7779 2.3085 2.36 1.1679 1.157 0.9654 0.9075 1.1516 0.9936 0.3248 0.4135 0.4356 0.4712 0.4612 0.5838 0.3081 0.8656 0.8049 0.4789 0.5698 0.6345 0.4227 0.3736 0.4131 0.4323 2.1062 1.9885 2.182 1.6902 2.1652 2.1915 1.7968 0.9105 0.8899 0.9403 0.2626 0.3721 0.3685 0.3433 0.3874 0.6866 0.4966 0.6744 0.668 0.6597 949 AA965091 "Rat mRNA for novel protein kinase PKN, complete cd" 1.0961 1.1106 1.1715 1.2216 1.452 1.7414 1.5139 0.9341 1.1346 1.0733 1.0671 1.1461 1.4024 0.9956 0.911 1.2904 0.9614 2.6461 0.7793 1.2147 1.5974 1.2984 0.7553 0.9935 2.821 1.2944 0.8234 1.2066 4.6618 1.4689 4.1062 1.4375 0.8325 1.2783 1.0191 1.5947 3.2538 1.1692 2.4193 2.786 1.5675 2.2634 1.8435 1.2797 3.6063 1.8776 1.4162 1.6942 2.4849 950 AA965220 Rat gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase light subuni 1.3807 1.3884 1.7034 1.1918 1.2171 0.6788 0.7013 0.8819 0.8993 0.864 0.8505 0.9468 0.9265 1.4099 1.2143 1.7244 1.9652 2.0951 1.1319 1.0687 1.5338 1.3084 1.1253 1.2995 1.1379 1.1621 1.1178 1.1974 1.3167 1.1528 9.4102 0.7652 0.6692 1.0132 0.7579 0.7029 1.2528 0.822 1.1466 1.378 1.6902 2.1633 3.2066 1.0583 1.4567 2.108 1.2829 1.2526 1.2621 951 AA965232 Rattus norvegicus plasminogen activator inhibitor- 0.8413 0.965 0.9911 0.9895 1.211 1.5002 1.9442 1.068 1.0092 1.0447 1.2375 1.3621 1.4154 0.8459 1.0765 1.1905 1.1984 1.4126 0.8376 1.2805 1.3584 1.1037 0.9508 0.9722 3.0436 1.2088 0.7098 0.6464 1.4893 0.3739 2.6047 1.4838 0.8171 1.081 1.0528 2.21 3.1469 1.001 2.4388 2.4984 1.8657 2.8524 2.0175 1.447 1.9687 1.4498 1.3134 1.3576 2.1171 952 AA964628 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for glucose-6-phosphatase c 0.3821 0.3626 0.4127 0.3613 0.4093 0.4177 0.4544 0.3829 0.3765 0.3477 0.3357 0.5348 0.5332 0.2815 0.2434 0.6094 0.6515 0.3494 0.642 0.6067 0.7173 0.6241 0.2516 0.2717 0.36 0.372 0.3773 0.3312 0.4048 0.3483 0.3417 0.3702 0.2408 0.3187 0.3154 0.4123 0.4245 0.3391 0.547 0.2882 0.605 0.3165 0.3477 0.5524 0.6327 0.2511 0.7191 0.7038 0.6763 953 AI137639 "EST, Highly similar to synaptonemal complex protei" 0.8679 0.987 0.9649 0.9448 1.0511 1.0188 0.9072 0.8995 0.8407 0.9862 1.0067 1.013 1.0926 0.543 0.6695 0.8788 0.7852 0.84 0.7569 1.2537 0.936 0.8099 0.824 0.7793 1.2717 1.0684 1.0666 0.6119 1.0313 0.7269 1.9595 1.0996 0.572 0.8218 0.7509 1.2551 1.3537 0.8713 2.0064 1.2999 1.2614 1.6568 1.0732 1.4112 1.2623 0.9698 1.202 1.2237 1.3683 954 AA964948 Rat 3-alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3-alpha- 0.7215 0.7936 0.815 1.0723 1.0914 0.3357 0.3841 0.9231 0.8513 0.8525 0.8846 0.7823 0.7061 1.4304 1.2617 1.5901 1.8046 1.8376 1.5008 1.5865 1.481 1.3102 1.1476 1.1621 0.9648 1.0016 0.8503 0.9939 0.9075 0.4284 0.4473 0.4616 0.3888 0.5016 0.5268 0.3947 1.0921 0.8342 0.8125 1.3357 1.9585 1.6937 1.6512 1.3074 1.5967 1.1454 1.1811 1.1652 1.0755 955 AA964945 Rattus norvegicus RNA polymerase I 127 kDa subunit 1.0867 0.9951 1.0051 1.2265 1.2674 2.2881 2.2719 0.9937 1.1325 1.0267 1.1041 1.299 1.628 1.0211 0.6062 1.799 1.2138 2.024 0.899 1.4317 1.2393 1.154 4.4268 1.2909 29.8979 1.3063 1.3577 6.4857 2.4065 0.5426 6.6225 2.1864 1.1318 1.613 1.5732 5.7641 7.5382 1.0541 21.7676 4.3645 3.3095 2.9013 2.434 1.5131 2.1002 7.8434 1.5665 1.7475 5.2379 956 AA964960 "Rat calpactin II (LCI) mRNA, complete cds" 1.0677 0.9831 1.2306 1.4165 1.1234 1.007 0.7018 0.862 0.8669 1.0998 0.9908 1.0193 4.5964 1.0185 0.7281 0.9681 1.0492 1.0187 0.7951 1.569 1.4226 1.3146 1.7592 1.2172 2.194 1.7236 0.3811 1.9026 1.7715 2.7746 5.7857 1.4806 0.7977 1.7281 0.8671 1.4251 147.2695 1.255 1.8027 1.1934 1.8471 1.3332 5.6798 1.3081 102.2125 1.4794 1.9875 2.4723 1.7588 957 AA964981 Rattus norvegicus hepatic tumor cytochrome P450 (C 0.9481 0.9736 1.0001 0.9533 0.9691 0.3429 0.3251 0.6349 0.556 0.7409 0.7606 0.7813 0.7475 0.725 0.6481 0.6187 0.6264 0.6862 1.2232 0.9343 0.9367 0.8487 0.9004 0.9137 0.8923 1.0315 0.9048 0.9886 1.0655 0.3061 0.3481 0.3508 0.2894 0.3597 0.3742 0.2868 0.5728 0.6992 0.7067 0.7186 0.5693 0.6229 0.625 1.0416 0.89 0.9083 0.9097 0.9509 0.9281 958 AA964978 Rattus norvegicus phosphofructokinase muscle isozy 1.3903 1.1409 0.8459 6.0997 1.9577 4.4665 2.5649 1.661 2.1625 3.7798 0.9013 1.3016 4.3613 1.2895 0.897 1.305 1.1619 1.4934 0.8953 1.5841 1.9782 2.69 4.2762 1.1969 10.0822 3.0721 0.4127 151.0586 2.952 2.2573 216.4588 199.6502 2.2832 4.4733 1.5401 203.3655 131.9208 1.5769 30.8271 3.202 215.773 3.1516 68.6419 2.556 236.9168 3.6799 168.0131 0.6704 217.4246 959 AA964921 "Rattus norvegicus glycogenin mRNA, complete cds.~~" 1.2876 1.64 1.659 1.405 1.2114 4.8054 34.8486 1.2973 1.3485 1.2739 1.4812 2.2598 2.6014 214.6693 1.0202 1.899 1.13 1.4735 0.7211 1.373 0.7784 0.8681 1.3536 0.9806 56.2702 1.4661 0.5699 3.0522 1.8464 1.6163 4.1482 2.2533 1.2518 1.6493 1.6544 4.5534 65.9541 1.0979 341.8785 29.7403 1.6824 3.6004 1.6049 1.3547 2.0139 1.7098 1.4206 1.4242 1.9784 960 AA965182 "Rattus norvegicus CL2BB mRNA, complete cds" 0.932 0.8845 0.8491 0.894 1.1073 0.8974 0.9156 0.9376 0.8814 0.8768 0.9136 0.7559 0.8288 223.6508 0.85 0.8106 0.9228 1.0958 0.9542 1.1184 1.0441 0.9363 1.0668 0.8936 1.1356 1.0073 0.9965 1.1112 1.2289 182.1541 1.4068 0.9047 0.669 1.0546 0.8705 0.8694 1.6831 0.7854 1.0831 1.2615 1.1851 0.9186 1.0526 1.4639 1.161 1.1664 1.0626 1.3107 1.0977 961 AA965187 "Rat alpha-lactalbumin (alpha-LA) mRNA, 3' end" 1.3915 1.8156 1.2142 9.7177 1.4964 78.6118 60.0692 2.3637 3.1714 1.5679 2.6924 2.7295 117.2542 3.8405 1.7123 2.3617 1.1959 1.747 0.6514 0.3901 0.9241 1.8008 4.5993 2.24 149.7452 286.1859 0.8539 187.7155 17.1934 228.7078 182.2194 4.9997 8.1905 4.4424 2.5423 7.5899 170.6348 20.8193 219.5717 236.8494 202.2022 148.6047 1.4336 47.1721 175.3841 5.4391 205.6772 35.4287 6.8331 962 AA965204 "Rattus norvegicus mRNA for serine protease, comple" 1.0012 0.8972 1.0393 0.8004 0.8945 0.2156 0.2186 0.3647 0.349 0.8442 0.824 0.8506 0.7898 1.6024 1.8732 0.9636 0.9514 0.6655 1.0969 0.9766 1.3611 1.3191 1.4798 1.4962 0.8107 1.1737 1.2349 1.1454 1.2017 0.0582 0.0644 0.061 0.0761 0.1057 0.0869 0.2158 0.3635 0.9303 0.8045 1.3466 0.9016 0.68 0.6922 0.9004 1.0827 1.3471 1.1696 1.097 1.1601 963 AA965119 R. norvegicus mRNA for Wilms' Tumor 1.0945 1.0333 1.1322 1.2561 1.1586 1.8453 2.2659 1.0912 1.3331 1.0942 1.2147 1.1172 1.5636 2.23 1.3384 1.3662 1.0253 1.4769 0.7241 0.9116 1.1673 1.232 2.0276 1.3611 23.787 1.7208 0.445 309.8059 3.0699 0.473 23.5777 1.3289 1.7038 3.0574 1.3862 2.2091 5.5609 1.6358 17.0292 5.3468 2.63 4.0509 1.3233 1.4891 2.5572 1.7548 1.9003 1.1503 1.9878 964 AA965132 Rattus norvegicus Sprague-Dawley thiazide-sensitiv 1.2063 1.4453 1.6324 3.234 2.2002 4.9595 4.2391 1.8331 8.0362 2.3513 1.28 1.0087 1.4501 0.7764 1.1126 0.7887 0.6308 1.2063 0.6639 1.3018 1.5866 1.3049 2.152 1.3125 149.3172 67.3985 0.7563 239.587 4.0221 3.876 390.3622 4.1556 2.1087 3.5199 2.863 7.3342 201.4106 3.223 175.0859 4.0868 28.8484 152.8815 0.8336 0.8808 167.1537 2.966 2.1678 1.7367 1.842 965 AA965125 "ESTs, Highly similar to C4 complement protein [R.n" 0.8567 0.8573 0.8271 0.5831 0.6718 1.1216 1.067 0.6924 0.7158 0.9981 1.038 0.7165 0.6472 0.8758 1.3286 0.7975 0.7938 0.7954 1.2035 0.7914 0.8611 0.8457 1.024 1.0069 0.7015 0.6869 0.6923 0.7707 0.8067 1.6287 0.2998 0.306 0.1963 0.2513 0.2553 0.7922 0.6366 1.0212 0.6026 0.786 0.7181 0.7961 0.8326 1.0171 0.7957 1.1371 0.7645 0.8152 0.8755 966 AA965127 R.norvegicus mRNA for cation transporter 0.6536 0.6329 0.6577 0.7662 0.7866 0.2953 0.2775 0.6277 0.6041 0.8843 0.8327 0.7482 0.6676 1.0621 1.4158 1.4076 1.3595 1.35 0.8932 0.915 1.0238 1.0919 1.0986 1.0972 0.7651 0.6534 1.1306 0.6848 0.708 0.2865 0.2925 0.2702 0.2573 0.3536 0.2771 0.2572 0.541 0.7489 0.617 0.8728 0.9564 1.0629 1.4574 0.7371 0.9105 0.8593 0.9042 0.8656 0.8846 967 AA965256 Rat fast myosin alkali light chain 0.9471 1.1235 1.4441 1.8202 1.273 58.9023 8.2097 0.819 3.1791 1.573 1.021 0.9225 2.5154 2.0782 0.7736 0.7814 0.7573 2.8152 0.3647 1.1016 0.6293 0.7688 7.8581 1.1132 101.9385 2.7527 0.3704 123.2333 1.1177 2.4684 3.5532 0.7423 0.9295 2.0678 0.6131 1.212 136.68 1.5321 154.7194 167.8698 6.5961 116.042 0.4897 2.2522 55.2833 3.2552 10.8006 0.4865 3.5818 968 AA996588 R.norvegicus mRNA encoding Gax protein 1.8781 1.9375 2.3272 2.0285 1.4846 1.9929 1.5177 1.949 2.4011 2.9016 1.4487 0.9091 1.7451 2.12 3.13 3.5015 3.0426 3.0575 0.6386 1.8593 0.8386 0.9469 5.549 2.9972 134.7077 3.3745 0.5199 182.9477 1.1876 2.7945 7.1897 1.8765 2.5696 183.4096 0.936 2.485 21.0661 2.8267 14.0158 3.6287 11.3607 11.8812 1225.477 2.7486 141.8559 3.0171 2.3817 0.6168 1.539 969 AA996605 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for Brain-1 (Brn-1) protein 1.2541 2.1066 1.8375 95.697 1.0432 99.4346 76.3392 73.964 9.7141 3.2079 1.8869 3.0957 122.5997 2.4921 0.9367 2.7192 1.0723 2.2134 0.546 0.4626 0.9601 1.9146 4.3526 1.9496 87.0078 201.56 1.6831 133.6439 2.7203 324.5066 12.3536 3.3792 3.3259 4.0626 5.3503 311.0281 110.7129 9.999 122.2458 141.9016 151.5065 94.5402 1.1149 5.5069 98.282 4.0631 148.0539 11.6505 7.7221 970 AA996497 "Rattus norvegicus mRNA for MEGF5, complete cds" 1.0936 1.3003 1.2113 0.9781 1.1457 0.8071 0.6956 1.0292 0.9625 1.0377 1.0003 1.0202 1.1771 1.8357 1.4145 0.9365 0.9129 0.7451 0.9642 1.0509 0.9028 0.9656 0.8068 0.9931 1.1237 0.9349 0.9684 1.0894 0.9993 0.5046 0.4315 0.4949 0.4335 0.5534 0.5479 0.5554 0.7452 0.9569 0.8749 1.044 0.939 0.798 0.7551 0.9496 1.0068 1.1017 1.0577 0.877 1.0527 971 AA996525 Sprague-Dawley RHS2 class III POU protein (RHS2) c 1.6385 2.0632 1.272 3.1503 1.382 74.4476 61.7035 2.9263 8.6605 1.6788 1.5192 1.6941 13.4619 1.5982 2.1493 2.4913 1.1264 3.2323 0.4953 0.2672 0.7467 1.5059 23.8125 1.8011 133.7173 228.4204 0.3409 186.0345 225.5331 288.2314 276.3451 6.2511 3.1877 307.5653 1.6872 286.8654 156.0798 2.4625 183.3414 274.0553 191.8261 205.2434 4.2368 3.7172 209.3155 10.5295 203.4304 0.8447 4.433 972 AA996401 "Rat mRNA for chromosomal protein HMG2, complete cd" 0.9837 0.9767 0.8613 0.929 1.2214 1.3152 1.1755 0.7391 1.3513 1.3513 1.1248 0.9766 0.9743 286.6012 0.9377 0.8959 0.9542 1.5966 0.7345 0.9737 1.1433 1.0311 7.4695 1.0372 4.3951 0.6031 0.7363 2.9432 1.5091 2.2454 1.8329 1.1502 1.1235 1.5243 1.3046 1.5548 2.1317 1.3988 3.4115 1.31 1.5564 1.2768 1.3465 1.2277 2.5012 2.1329 1.4009 0.7765 1.3103 973 AA996409 "Rat uricase mRNA, 3' end" 1.6689 1.5553 1.7263 1.3688 1.2356 0.6882 0.7033 1.1452 1.1496 1.291 1.3415 1.1052 0.955 1.4342 1.1112 1.1662 1.2415 1.0927 1.5186 1.6647 0.8524 0.7159 1.3427 1.3811 1.2961 1.2747 1.2174 1.236 1.5835 0.7922 0.7599 0.8508 0.556 0.7396 0.7578 0.707 1.2096 1.3116 1.0921 1.2337 1.1762 1.1243 1.2191 1.4197 0.8237 1.427 0.7787 0.8212 0.7978 974 AA996424 "Rat tropoelastin mRNA, 3' end" 0.7978 0.7423 0.6832 0.56 0.5327 0.512 0.4739 0.541 0.4717 0.8233 0.7225 0.6876 0.649 269.3788 0.4904 0.5735 0.6331 1.6236 0.7845 0.7798 0.6751 0.5594 1.1266 0.7259 0.9629 0.907 0.7963 0.8719 0.9174 163.207 2.7889 0.4467 0.493 0.7488 0.4872 0.5411 1.2673 0.5886 0.9925 0.9242 0.6441 0.7211 0.9125 0.823 0.7574 0.7988 0.6036 0.851 0.7237 975 AA996434 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for phosphatidylinositol 3- 1.135 1.1307 1.3544 2.3235 1.6861 1.7127 1.4134 0.9989 1.108 1.061 1.3071 1.1091 2.0744 2.9452 1.2287 1.326 0.9122 1.009 0.7516 1.2212 1.1867 1.26 1.1292 1.1671 3.8625 1.5692 1.1258 2.0811 1.7207 1.3025 2.6154 1.4598 0.7827 1.1809 0.9763 1.9383 7.9654 1.0281 2.6934 3.2896 1.5094 2.0886 1.4343 1.5521 2.3717 1.6297 1.4434 1.7853 2.2861 976 AA996664 Rattus norvegicus isopentenyl diphosphate:dimethyl 1.6157 1.818 1.9748 1.2324 1.0632 0.9603 0.7935 2.8954 2.5444 0.8073 1.0641 1.2265 1.4568 2.9181 1.7508 1.1921 1.318 1.2856 1.5505 2.8109 1.3814 1.5353 1.2287 0.9827 2.0987 0.9939 0.8576 1.1238 0.7443 0.7244 219.8234 0.8553 0.7273 1.4666 0.8296 0.8546 405.3013 0.7968 1.8917 2.1657 1.49 0.9073 2.539 2.7768 3.9769 1.6565 1.5629 1.7426 1.2425 977 AA996704 "Rat prolactin-like protein A (rPLP-A) mRNA, comple" 1.1106 0.8547 0.8459 1.1309 1.2741 78.2999 76.1035 1.339 2.3555 2.4251 2.4732 1.5292 3.1089 199.4496 1.2071 1.8566 1.0306 1.35 0.5136 1.1494 1.2059 1.1164 57.305 1.0002 115.582 2.7141 1.0138 143.8491 6.0569 3.6664 195.2397 14.9338 1.0554 1.4538 1.3941 192.0937 159.7885 1.3534 185.3388 21.0606 202.0324 166.8834 64.2037 3.2636 6.7555 8.8598 4.6236 4.7168 180.7153 978 AA996705 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for beta-alanine oxoglutara 1.3284 1.6035 1.3895 1.1212 1.1253 1.2385 1.1244 1.32 1.3116 1.3202 1.2377 1.3001 1.4572 1.2409 1.1493 1.1607 1.2666 1.2326 1.1011 1.5187 0.9922 0.9238 1.1891 1.4194 1.1806 1.2986 1.1461 1.2748 1.3449 17.2948 1.4681 1.5576 1.0385 1.3779 1.4775 1.13 0.6112 1.081 1.3404 1.0622 1.3307 1.2121 2.0012 1.1969 1.1993 1.2096 1.0269 1.2058 1.0433 979 AA996833 Rat mRNA for aldolase C 0.8511 1.1591 0.8459 1.3772 1.1774 68.0595 65.712 2.3395 3.3108 1.6706 1.0259 1.4371 1.6856 1.9489 0.9205 1.1544 1.0949 2.286 0.4003 1.5427 0.9454 2.3589 2.8508 1.016 13.1008 2.1721 1.7714 121.2525 3.0313 3.0459 181.5902 8.7596 0.9323 1.354 1.5037 21.4144 117.5471 1.1896 168.573 184.8686 181.7127 123.7735 52.2371 6.5569 4.1477 4.0983 4.6966 4.3939 29.7141 980 AI138145 Rattus norvegicus cyclic GMP stimulated phosphodie 0.8522 0.8294 0.8833 0.7184 0.8398 0.6135 0.5509 0.6401 0.5961 0.8193 0.7805 0.7038 0.6875 1.9459 0.6758 0.8276 0.7977 1.1821 0.6832 1.186 0.9501 0.8303 0.9322 0.9262 1.1572 0.9342 0.6421 0.9744 0.6475 1.4661 337.4185 0.5367 0.4659 1.1056 0.4802 0.5825 1.2374 0.637 1.0074 0.7866 0.6651 0.584 3.1204 0.7922 1.2747 2.2678 0.8771 1.0876 1.1582 981 AA996844 "Rattus norvegicus ADP-ribosylation factor 4 mRNA, " 0.6837 0.6716 0.791 0.7601 0.7462 0.8286 0.889 0.7596 0.7299 0.9021 0.9912 0.9734 0.8935 0.9569 0.9236 1.0473 1.0306 0.9434 0.9172 0.9085 1.0054 0.8384 0.8891 0.8082 0.7285 0.75 0.6474 0.8047 0.9447 0.7162 0.6904 0.7638 0.5811 0.7877 0.8532 0.8168 0.7127 0.8789 0.9447 1.1264 1.0151 0.9432 0.9832 0.8975 0.95 0.9487 0.7915 0.7955 0.8355 982 AA996896 "EST, Moderately similar to similar to ubiquitin co" 0.9277 0.9256 1.0814 1.222 1.1922 1.5675 1.2647 1.0743 1.062 1.0227 0.9505 0.932 1.2092 0.804 0.817 1.0827 1.1333 1.5131 1.2708 1.1393 1.156 1.095 1.1635 1.1445 1.2409 1.0835 2.2198 1.4903 1.0459 1.3918 280.4052 1.8603 0.9913 1.1065 1.0277 1.8976 4.1148 1.0748 1.8597 1.1846 2.0161 1.5652 1.2472 1.3621 1.7911 2.1637 1.3659 1.5442 1.0748 983 AA996791 Rat mRNA for carnitine palmitoyltransferase I like 0.9665 1.0312 1.0186 0.6617 0.6714 41.0365 64.1276 2.4169 2.7421 1.325 1.0772 2.4652 2.3321 0.7911 0.6913 0.7715 0.7008 0.8252 0.4427 0.7744 0.798 0.7753 1.2277 0.4959 122.1098 1.0353 0.6731 1.4223 3.1043 42.9973 3511.436 41.3762 15.9662 18.9762 26.4383 35.7338 252.7795 0.9658 25.8453 208.215 1.0837 1.7823 0.7563 1.2102 1.9594 3.3136 1.2491 1.2356 9.2322 984 AA996786 "Rattus norvegicus Fit-1S (Fit-1) mRNA, complete cd" 1.59 1.3794 2.17 7.6824 1.7982 67.5849 62.5026 17.8684 8.6732 0.8494 1.5261 3.0107 3.8211 1.726 1.1275 4.0577 2.2889 3.5032 0.715 1.4972 1.5172 78.0731 44.8863 1.6813 120.1876 2.5131 2.7862 121.665 2.5536 2.7432 256.6511 196.0172 1.6145 2.1405 2.0012 187.7924 137.1566 1.7033 200.7905 3.5277 9.4703 15.5564 7.8923 2.7917 188.4519 239.0625 137.2374 3.8346 2.4285 985 AA996793 "Rattus norvegicus transcription factor E2F-5 mRNA," 1.2529 1.2935 1.2457 3.2355 1.1648 4.518 113.151 1.3584 1.6836 1.3742 1.2374 2.1064 4.2149 2.3242 1.2358 1.1811 0.9174 1.7221 0.6071 0.9116 1.2144 1.5672 3.1094 1.9588 174.5172 5.9771 1.2093 220.2915 6.6404 4.347 2.6256 1.548 5.5555 3.4943 1.6587 2.7166 226.4164 3.7886 253.2385 292.7674 2.6282 431.7863 1.118 2.6638 224.0332 2.1366 6.5543 3.9484 2.5818 986 AA996551 Rattus norvegicus vesicular GABA transporter (VGAT 1.0553 1.0722 1.0934 0.8419 1.1528 0.974 0.8668 0.879 0.9618 1.2465 0.9848 0.9575 1.0241 1.2513 1.7988 1.0106 1.089 1.2051 0.9906 1.275 1.282 1.2957 1.4022 1.2374 1.7342 1.5138 1.2791 1.5318 0.9565 0.95 1.5284 1.3832 1.1547 1.3648 1.2028 1.7495 1.3304 1.0585 1.5069 1.2657 1.3654 1.5196 1.1456 0.9181 1.0882 1.2154 1.3057 1.2492 1.1401 987 AA996446 Rat MASH-1 mRNA expressed in neuronal precursor ce 1.0173 1.1227 1.1186 1.0539 1.033 1.2292 1.1424 1.0735 1.1184 0.9514 1.0117 0.9781 1.4519 2.1884 1.1145 1.001 0.8384 0.996 0.6137 0.7119 1.1224 1.0552 1.2966 0.9958 2.5765 1.1834 0.5322 5.3124 1.3043 0.5776 2.4963 1.0595 0.9556 1.5027 1.0444 1.6103 2.1681 1.0481 3.734 2.1683 2.0806 3.8617 1.064 1.158 1.4936 1.5371 1.809 0.7519 1.3007 988 AA996466 "Rattus norvegicus mRNA for AIM-1, complete cds" 1.361 1.3083 1.3608 4.9226 1.3064 8.7229 4.1422 6.63 14.2542 7.1292 1.123 1.2831 1.7438 1.3889 1.177 1.0979 0.8965 5.0445 0.819 1.2672 1.2112 1.1185 3.0207 1.9135 114.4743 155.2049 0.6453 157.1046 1.3436 9.8791 181.6022 3.2582 2.3817 5.6744 1.7551 183.7857 117.166 2.1189 190.6814 5.4695 169.8098 6.4575 0.8336 285.6101 172.4567 11.3957 143.5576 5.8957 2.0185 989 AA996646 "Rat phosphorylase kinase catalytic subunit mRNA, c" 1.0502 0.926 0.994 1.006 0.9552 1.0703 1.0417 0.9345 0.9072 0.951 0.8654 1.0115 0.9768 1.0004 1.2977 1.0543 0.9003 0.9263 0.834 0.8788 1.0305 1.0832 1.2011 0.9046 1.7925 1.0213 0.8104 1.4391 1.1517 250.3957 1.2809 0.9634 0.921 1.1062 0.8943 0.93 1.1365 0.9291 1.0893 1.3473 0.9602 1.1371 0.9437 1.0418 1.0699 1.0401 1.0193 0.7693 1.0911 990 AA996926 Rat CIIDBP (homologous to human SSRP-1 and mouse T 0.9942 0.9773 1.1029 1.0191 1.0986 1.2725 1.128 0.8669 0.9416 0.8994 0.868 0.9039 0.949 0.9265 1.1003 1.0854 1.1146 1.0491 0.8228 1.0536 0.9945 1.1569 1.5562 1.0605 1.3967 1.001 1.1614 1.2187 1.1311 1.0876 1.3613 1.1096 1.136 1.7339 1.2534 1.2439 1.1366 0.9433 1.3753 0.916 0.987 1.0418 1.4936 0.9958 1.4697 1.0636 1.115 0.8946 1.1286 991 AA996947 "Rat parathyroid-like peptide mRNA, complete cds" 1.0532 1.0273 0.9472 69.5908 1.1563 59.5637 0.7314 1.9279 3.1184 3.2778 1.5629 1.3292 33.5572 0.9519 1.3194 1.4514 0.8524 0.9393 0.3921 0.9216 1.0749 1.088 4.0798 2.5814 109.596 8.6337 0.4566 125.161 0.9715 5.7695 2.564 1.0503 1.383 1.6253 1.4465 3.0044 132.8746 1.9498 149.77 173.6924 153.4668 115.4557 0.8336 206.3789 122.8945 4.3743 144.566 0.4816 8.4394 992 AA997031 Rattus norvegicus protein kinase KID-1 (Kid1) mRNA 1.4334 1.437 1.2804 1.3986 1.3464 1.1755 1.168 0.7182 0.7569 0.9727 0.9225 1.226 1.0731 0.7445 1.1036 0.8426 0.4615 0.592 1.212 1.4603 0.9918 0.8482 0.9886 0.9856 1.2873 1.136 0.8018 1.1472 0.9636 1.1719 1.1089 1.004 0.8721 1.2819 0.9503 0.9783 0.6078 0.8203 1.03 0.6313 0.5892 0.4785 0.5432 1.0312 0.9648 0.8989 1.0089 0.8402 0.9221 993 AA997308 Rattus norvegicus neuron-specific enolase (NSE) mR 1.1408 1.1646 1.2483 7.3852 1.3202 20.6149 81.7272 2.2319 2.1406 1.6799 1.597 1.7879 10.7464 3.3937 1.2857 1.1206 0.9983 2.2982 0.5962 0.2893 0.7507 1.2191 1.487 1.3165 130.538 4.2944 1.3208 182.3776 2.5349 3.8843 1.7592 1.2919 1.5673 1.6136 1.1784 2.5038 147.499 2.6733 186.0042 181.0077 4.6648 167.5896 0.9922 2.3256 161.5333 2.2075 224.2125 2.0099 2.3418 994 AA996962 "Rattus norvegicus syntaxin 5 mRNA, complete cds" 0.8718 0.8242 0.8164 0.924 0.9385 0.9749 0.9809 0.8947 0.9586 1.0623 0.9823 0.9843 1.0599 0.8708 1.1807 0.9981 0.9296 1.1062 0.807 0.8895 0.9668 1.0139 1.7846 0.9223 1.188 1.0578 0.9088 1.1257 0.9444 0.941 0.9529 0.852 1.0189 1.0584 0.8543 1.0788 1.0175 1.2078 1.2582 1.2191 0.9904 0.9367 1.0361 0.9187 1.0892 1.202 0.8802 0.6696 1.032 995 AA997360 "Rat cytochrome P450CMF1b mRNA, complete cds" 0.9832 0.901 0.9185 0.9838 0.8911 1.0522 1.0437 0.8818 0.8687 0.8514 0.9034 1.126 1.038 0.719 0.9834 0.8166 0.7547 0.806 0.9461 0.4353 1.0525 1.0164 1.113 0.9788 1.1038 0.8728 0.6487 1.046 1.043 0.8771 0.8149 0.8605 0.9135 1.1983 1.0806 0.9758 0.9463 0.9574 1.089 0.8822 0.7377 0.8072 0.8151 0.9772 1.0678 1.0994 0.8841 0.8285 0.9497 996 AA997367 Rattus norvegicus serine/threonine kinase beta-PAK 1.1656 1.0267 1.295 3.1497 1.2381 30.1799 2.3917 1.7937 6.5311 2.6158 1.1543 0.8814 1.9604 5.2998 1.4691 1.036 0.9574 0.7782 0.6434 1.2852 1.2912 1.2509 11.1536 1.3889 157.1301 0.5641 0.7073 166.1683 1.4909 0.7358 4.2613 1.9466 1.2496 1.5294 1.6529 4.2226 7.7835 1.5131 173.5258 2.8814 13.0838 3.378 3.5568 1.7935 170.6529 7.1012 2.3755 0.7765 1.6331 997 AA997369 "Rat prion-related protein (PrP) mRNA, 3' end" 1.0096 1.0111 1.3979 0.9591 1.071 1.6784 2.9527 0.775 0.8252 1.1635 1.0392 1.3093 1.2171 317.1299 1.9409 1.4602 1.2122 1.9449 0.7172 1.3972 0.942 0.9637 2.189 0.664 130.2926 1.3316 0.5426 3.4897 1.4026 1.3059 160.3337 1.1238 1.2407 1.9056 1.4607 2.8522 172.5626 1.023 239.1886 47.7071 2.1284 4.7317 2.1203 1.5147 2.043 1.973 1.4484 1.5427 4.1712 998 AA997371 "Rattus norvegicus Smad4 protein (Smad4) mRNA, comp" 0.9254 1.0136 1.1112 0.971 1.0103 1.0256 1.0222 0.8834 0.8321 0.842 0.8623 0.8313 0.9077 255.8511 0.8063 0.9833 1.0767 1.2831 0.9983 1.1426 0.9867 0.9139 1.1431 0.9934 0.9403 1.0724 0.9624 1.0124 0.8476 0.7244 1.0118 0.8696 0.6258 0.8009 0.8136 0.9049 1.0292 0.7772 0.9368 0.9542 1.0431 0.9523 1.0375 1.0642 0.8708 0.9834 1.0163 1.0759 0.9623 999 AA997450 Rattus norvegicus G protein-coupled receptor kinas 1.187 1.4503 1.1225 0.9282 0.9393 1.898 2.1292 1.0956 1.1158 1.0691 1.1614 1.1249 1.2586 11.1075 1.0617 1.2648 1.0745 1.2921 0.7954 1.452 1.0539 1.1045 1.3441 0.964 3.2908 1.3013 1.0748 1.4905 1.8693 1.2294 2.7531 1.3395 0.974 1.3785 1.2104 2.5624 3.9368 0.9565 1.9846 4.3457 1.7493 2.2849 1.6098 1.5489 1.5493 1.4715 1.3018 1.4432 2.0211 1000 AA997476 Rattus norvegicus antisense basic fibroblast growt 1.2024 1.2312 1.3577 1.1684 1.1875 1.899 1.7052 1.281 1.3327 1.0887 1.2151 1.0278 1.0525 255.4442 1.1962 1.3474 1.3935 1.6225 0.7021 1.281 0.8386 0.8814 1.2813 1.0826 1.55 1.2061 0.8502 1.371 0.9375 2.4105 141.2286 1.75 1.1581 2.2061 1.5395 1.3421 225.782 1.0034 1.3304 1.3149 1.1756 1.05 1.8753 1.1565 0.9745 1.213 0.9221 1.3269 1.0564 1001 AA997481 Rat insulin-like growth factor binding protein 5 ( 0.9606 1.0199 0.8459 1.1282 0.9183 9.3439 68.4026 1.1193 1.6493 2.0646 1.2943 2.1681 1.5804 213.5717 0.8045 0.942 0.8522 1.2195 0.5205 1.2478 0.8528 0.7447 2.0512 0.9669 106.7598 2.3052 1.1599 146.9402 1.8011 7.4779 184.2192 3.9755 1.0195 1.5841 1.2015 7.2379 140.5769 1.0146 173.0508 8.3587 3.3048 152.4238 1.4012 2.3089 5.1077 6.2793 2.4417 2.2977 163.6125 1002 AA997649 "Rattus norvegicus mRNA for MIPP65, complete cds" 1.1963 1.3204 1.2791 1.2385 1.2161 1.1452 1.0709 1.1422 1.1757 1.1732 1.0602 0.9658 1.0064 1.1305 0.8921 1.1427 1.1799 1.1044 1.1342 1.4991 1.1635 0.9903 1.1013 1.1961 1.1212 0.9913 0.9759 0.9792 1.0073 1.013 1.1095 1.0797 0.9345 1.2513 1.2143 0.8968 1.1509 0.9101 0.8399 0.7905 0.8595 0.8116 1.2008 1.118 0.9681 1.0212 0.9373 1.0111 0.9294 1003 AA997671 Rattus norvegicus putative G-protein coupled recep 1.0492 1.1677 1.202 0.9543 1.0259 1.2355 1.259 1.8601 1.9289 1.7122 1.4767 1.1824 1.4311 1.1411 0.6302 0.4877 0.5724 1.2494 1.6374 2.6056 0.7113 0.779 1.4976 1.6139 1.7075 1.1305 1.2575 1.6194 0.8536 1.1682 4.137 1.2994 0.7776 1.0438 1.1414 1.254 2.88 1.2092 2.2216 2.0227 0.739 1.5502 1.3872 2.5926 1.0311 2.1196 1.0593 1.0913 1.429 1004 AA999182 Rattus norvegicus sodium/bile acid cotransporter m 1.0347 1.0901 1.1684 0.9422 0.9714 0.257 0.2554 0.8821 0.922 0.7046 0.7412 0.7343 0.7418 1.6612 0.6899 0.737 0.7839 0.7383 1.2434 1.2398 0.9312 0.8289 0.9171 1.1592 0.8252 0.7456 0.7733 0.7959 0.8742 0.4284 0.4137 0.3808 0.1975 0.262 0.2402 0.2342 0.8762 0.611 0.6685 0.657 0.6201 0.5951 0.8112 0.8452 0.8402 0.8628 0.8917 0.8842 0.8579 1005 AI137969 Rattus norvegicus mismatch repair protein (MLH1) m 1.4053 1.2571 1.2428 0.8331 0.8818 1.9728 3.808 1.5643 1.5566 1.2625 1.3 1.4851 1.0743 0.9273 0.9669 1.2714 1.1617 1.156 0.7706 1.1842 1.1652 1.1735 1.2176 1.0804 1.696 1.0232 0.6793 1.3514 1.1982 1.9393 1.8241 1.5426 0.8567 1.0405 1.2166 1.7147 1.8395 0.9975 1.6635 1.8982 1.1489 1.1762 1.1056 1.2199 1.3959 2.1009 0.8967 1.0076 1.6664 1006 AI138146 "Rattus norvegicus Lnk1 mRNA, complete cds" 0.8908 0.9784 1.0285 0.8458 0.9618 0.9223 0.8547 0.9552 0.9023 0.9609 0.964 0.8979 0.8945 0.7808 0.7653 0.7895 0.8018 0.8969 1.2329 1.1333 0.9973 0.9023 1.2091 0.9471 1.0588 1.0505 1.2121 1.1023 1.0263 0.8568 341.1116 0.7076 0.5107 0.781 0.5937 0.7686 1.5087 0.9866 1.3831 1.0126 0.8768 0.77 1.177 1.1277 1.2981 2.0073 0.9368 1.1623 0.9803 1007 AA997628 "Rattus norvegicus MG87 mRNA, complete cds" 0.9721 0.9344 1.0708 0.8879 0.8149 0.4812 0.4412 0.7772 0.763 0.7626 0.7763 0.7427 0.6472 0.5353 0.4842 0.8592 0.9031 0.8149 0.8282 0.8037 0.8483 0.7228 0.9337 0.9452 0.8551 0.6335 0.5798 0.631 0.7775 0.3886 0.4008 0.4362 0.298 0.393 0.4167 0.417 0.7269 0.7116 0.6318 0.5352 0.7451 0.7845 0.8174 0.8454 0.7666 0.9784 0.7547 0.7908 0.7637 1008 AA998869 "Rattus norvegicus mRNA for BIT, complete cds" 0.9275 0.9498 0.9885 0.9309 1.042 1.1247 0.9621 0.9302 0.9811 0.7992 1.0477 0.9508 1.141 0.9586 0.9483 0.9036 0.9453 1.1397 0.9289 1.0054 0.9278 0.9653 0.9418 0.9796 1.3005 0.8765 4.436 1.0751 0.772 0.7244 141.6698 0.7349 0.6109 0.8256 0.7523 0.8925 0.75 0.7985 1.54 0.8663 1.0989 0.8801 1.4754 0.9203 1.0939 1.1444 1.0732 1.1112 1.0155 1009 AA997009 Rat mRNA for mitochondrial 3-2trans-enoyl-CoA isom 0.5628 0.6067 0.6106 0.6553 0.6792 2.3822 2.41 1.1622 1.2319 1.0034 1.0229 1.2966 1.0918 0.457 0.4724 0.4604 0.4485 0.3935 0.4789 0.4232 0.8444 0.8246 0.4819 0.5235 0.6914 0.4616 0.444 0.5083 0.5457 2.1957 2.0485 2.3476 1.6243 2.1232 2.2817 2.0028 1.1544 0.9463 1.0792 0.364 0.4638 0.4909 0.4421 0.4987 0.8872 0.6026 0.7476 0.7559 0.74 1010 AA997322 Rattus norvegicus lecithin:cholesterol acyltransfe 0.7294 0.6582 0.7215 0.6526 0.7228 0.2986 0.2746 0.5896 0.5776 0.7233 0.7365 0.7124 0.6001 0.5222 0.6374 0.6155 0.6231 0.4821 1.0092 0.9782 0.8748 0.8336 0.7996 0.8336 0.6329 0.7326 0.7055 0.7169 0.708 0.2698 0.2621 0.2759 0.2145 0.2699 0.2775 0.2727 0.5097 0.692 0.556 0.3868 0.4815 0.4525 0.429 0.6118 0.7112 0.6605 0.863 0.8058 0.8096 1011 AA998895 "Rat nucleolar protein B23 mRNA, complete cds" 1.1522 0.9797 1.1587 1.0982 1.213 2.2224 2.2211 1.0153 0.9914 0.9097 1.0231 1.1885 1.1009 1.0888 1.2186 1.0949 1.1988 1.2167 0.7907 0.8458 0.9575 0.9701 1.024 0.9243 1.3046 1.1458 0.9315 1.366 1.4976 1.3262 1.8433 1.773 1.7655 2.3666 2.163 2.3085 1.1469 1.094 1.4393 1.0978 1.3657 1.523 1.2915 0.8997 1.0339 1.0652 1.1124 0.9459 1.0876 1012 AA998890 "Rat lipocortin-III mRNA, complete cds" 0.8836 0.7901 0.9929 0.9362 0.9196 0.676 0.5948 0.453 0.6008 1.0737 0.9283 0.8831 1.0618 0.6416 0.8193 0.8611 0.8694 0.845 0.7677 0.8766 1.2763 1.3748 1.9094 1.3571 2.7333 1.7797 0.9593 1.9726 1.4967 1 1.0476 0.5828 0.5597 1.0433 0.503 0.7691 0.8311 1.2053 2.0157 0.8756 1.0809 0.6936 0.8651 1.6936 2.8715 1.7312 1.3936 1.4763 1.2686 1013 AA998915 "Rat isovaleryl-CoA dehydrogenase (IVD) mRNA, compl" 1.744 1.7775 1.676 1.5304 1.5222 0.9129 0.9145 1.2837 1.327 1.1852 1.1444 1.1107 1.0236 0.8132 1.2949 0.9247 0.9043 0.9419 0.9128 1.0046 1.0039 0.8813 0.8943 0.9797 1.6237 1.4199 1.3341 1.5098 1.673 349.6047 0.7887 0.7776 0.7656 0.9518 0.7806 0.8066 1.3224 1.2638 1.0463 1.0578 0.8815 1.0535 0.8528 1.1628 1.045 1.0642 0.9257 0.9192 0.9956 1014 AA997688 R.norvegicus mRNA for latexin 1.4645 1.3114 1.2322 3.3789 2.8219 104.3644 5.5766 2.2625 3.586 3.601 1.4008 1.0765 1.5514 1.1848 1.2849 1.5416 1.2598 1.357 0.6586 1.5266 0.9942 1.4514 96.5457 1.5235 131.9473 26.8403 0.8509 157.0488 1.9989 1.8972 249.1676 2.7639 3.8518 250.2774 1.4522 213.0794 185.4199 2.1213 170.2772 3.756 196.6234 169.6884 0.8336 2.2696 167.2878 3.0474 189.3021 0.52 2.3505 1015 AA997721 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for RDC-1 protein 0.9367 1.0273 0.8673 1.3363 0.9703 1.1804 1.461 0.8831 1.261 1.2 0.886 0.9305 2.2511 1.3921 1.272 0.8749 0.8577 1.667 0.5139 0.8507 1.4361 1.0958 2.0868 1.1387 571.7939 1.5101 0.6348 8.3765 0.8141 0.9975 0.9564 0.8767 1.334 1.5164 0.9961 1.8584 182.8152 1.7431 19.4522 11.1585 1.9174 18.5811 1.3426 1.552 2.9586 3.3439 3.0509 0.4261 1.9714 1016 AA997722 R.norvegicus mRNA for ribosomal protein S9 1.0304 0.9578 0.9336 0.9652 0.9161 1.7126 1.7643 0.9438 1.0466 1.0081 0.9454 1.0469 0.9112 0.8317 1.1126 1.0858 0.9978 0.954 1.1107 1.1976 0.9679 0.9017 0.9831 1.073 0.7661 0.9689 0.8147 0.807 0.7551 1.5914 1.4913 1.4685 1.5041 1.8276 1.7557 1.5038 0.7776 0.7787 0.8032 0.6125 0.7411 0.755 0.8352 0.7634 0.7375 0.7524 0.9232 0.7683 0.745 1017 AA997138 R.norvegicus mRNA for ribosomal protein S24 0.9656 0.8898 0.9469 0.8142 0.7768 1.6268 1.6494 1.2124 1.1994 0.9685 1.0335 1.2539 1.0602 0.5523 0.8305 0.6824 0.701 0.6566 0.7354 0.7651 0.8322 0.8187 0.7872 0.7144 0.7724 0.6806 0.6956 0.7048 0.7917 1.5229 1.3234 1.4162 1.0661 1.3407 1.317 1.3794 1.1252 0.954 0.9853 0.5744 0.5918 0.7041 0.6949 0.7529 0.8283 0.8002 0.736 0.7687 0.7861 1018 AA997140 ESTs 1.0909 1.0348 1.2669 1.372 1.3606 1.7097 1.6577 1.3285 1.417 1.2235 1.1331 1.0304 1.7391 1.0674 1.3174 1.2451 1.1808 1.326 0.9362 1.2121 1.0305 1.1123 2.2896 1.1333 2.0587 1.2868 1.0841 1.2741 1.0002 1.6417 1.4986 1.5074 1.7018 1.7727 1.5626 1.7687 1.501 1.322 1.3279 1.0211 1.2914 1.2132 1.3908 1.0025 1.1353 1.273 0.9715 0.8446 1.2269 1019 AA997141 "Rattus norvegicus alpha4 phosphoprotein mRNA, part" 1.2056 1.4118 2.033 5.8792 1.61 64.0337 68.7587 1.6441 3.1324 1.2539 1.8921 1.7823 143.2089 2.2884 1.4887 0.8126 1.1845 1.6259 0.4228 1.0089 0.9238 1.3941 13.8043 1.2687 154.1848 234.8091 0.407 175.7024 10.4659 291.5867 243.171 2.6655 162.9982 211.0248 1.2354 10.7489 164.9432 3.3799 178.5957 217.2989 239.8902 167.9499 1.3342 2.77 210.6394 14.0436 244.322 0.7765 2.6499 1020 AA997294 R.norvegicus (F344/Crj)rearranged mRNA for T-cell 1.1514 1.3107 1.4515 31.2323 1.4845 99.406 2.2929 2.9584 103.3035 2.6594 1.3555 1.0838 2.0886 1.0878 1.489 1.3658 0.9735 1.9479 0.6337 1.4305 1.1898 1.3492 5.3895 1.8014 142.6544 226.7798 0.8007 136.5553 1.4312 207.2217 289.2887 2.7066 1.9686 3.8434 2.2332 223.9438 167.7554 3.1121 202.9256 16.7773 191.236 210.5668 0.8336 269.8696 173.4829 72.9414 26.7242 0.7765 2.0557 1021 AA997380 Rat neuronal delayed rectifier K+ channel (K-V-4) 1.0259 1.126 1.8075 1.5939 0.9402 72.9493 97.726 1.7976 3.491 4.4931 2.4566 3.5146 2.082 230.022 0.9269 1.7274 1.0442 2.2001 0.6001 2.2454 1.0848 0.9886 2.2027 0.7743 136.4728 5.6554 0.2939 146.5336 16.2614 2.2697 210.0519 10.5482 1.1677 2.2853 1.46 246.3277 155.9467 1.1936 214.8917 258.3906 6.4068 192.1256 66.9392 3.2825 8.8024 2.1849 2.483 2.7275 3.8266 1022 AA997381 Rattus norvegicus neuron-specific cortexin mRNA 0.9414 0.9362 1.2124 0.962 1.2776 1.1751 1.0085 0.9068 1.0258 1.228 0.9579 1.0742 0.8575 7.1072 0.7679 0.7128 1.0133 2.7847 0.7972 1.0869 1.0754 1.2976 1.4293 1.1626 2.4513 1.4915 0.9878 2.3603 1.6317 0.7244 258.5923 1.5962 0.7587 1.186 0.8423 1.9401 154.3316 0.8957 2.2206 1.3022 1.3289 1.2906 1.0503 1.2993 1.6067 1.2135 1.833 1.902 1.3133 1023 AA997401 "Rattus norvegicus mRNA for DRAL, complete cds" 0.9099 1.1493 1.0775 1.0692 1.2293 3.0087 1.8733 1.0423 1.0328 1.3874 1.212 1.1442 2.3612 228.6235 0.9891 1.091 1.0705 1.103 0.9368 1.326 0.89 1.1273 1.2447 1.0622 2.9008 2.306 1.2221 30.4063 1.3743 2.3071 3.1233 2.7287 0.9719 1.5204 1.3236 3.1362 184.9804 0.9009 60.6979 4.7353 3.5135 202.8289 1.8259 2.1234 4.0388 1.6296 2.3358 1.7623 2.717 1024 AA997437 Rattus norvegicus ovalbumin upstream promoter gamm 1.2218 1.3253 1.2809 1.4746 1.6489 1.018 0.9288 0.7272 0.7747 1.3284 0.9971 1.0477 1.0724 1.0282 0.5847 1.3869 1.6198 0.8108 0.6651 0.9954 1.5099 1.6803 1.7342 1.3895 1.6995 2.1569 1.5593 2.2014 2.0513 2.1327 279.367 0.5482 0.6868 1.8421 0.8029 1.0411 5.136 0.9155 1.4576 0.8162 1.3821 0.579 1.8528 0.8915 1.9786 1.4239 2.092 2.1296 1.9227 1025 AA997225 R.norvegicus mRNA for 2'5' oligoadenylate syntheta 0.7641 0.78 0.8537 0.7345 0.7521 0.8927 0.8573 0.711 0.647 0.7376 0.7022 0.833 0.7113 0.8481 0.6007 0.8068 0.8715 0.8049 0.8972 0.9319 0.8801 0.7461 0.8812 0.8096 0.8683 0.7033 0.6316 0.7039 0.8135 0.8587 0.9925 0.9855 0.6783 0.8714 0.9415 0.8105 0.7812 0.6787 0.7963 0.7352 0.8319 0.8331 0.8169 0.8982 0.8917 0.9426 0.8106 0.8226 0.8408 1026 AA997175 "Rat casein kinase II beta subunit (CK2) mRNA, comp" 0.9905 0.8408 0.8814 0.4307 0.6494 1.004 0.776 0.7598 0.7696 1.1601 1.1064 0.8591 0.5046 14.6336 0.6963 0.6838 0.7845 1.1473 0.4506 1.1082 0.9848 0.8033 1.2223 0.8174 2.0795 1.2018 0.8645 1.3648 0.9559 1.8165 151.3399 0.9218 0.7916 13.3831 0.7406 1.199 131.1261 0.8448 4.1173 1.181 0.6237 0.6644 0.8336 0.7483 1.6841 1.4785 0.6281 1.3943 1.2234 1027 AI137617 Rat mRNA for alpha-2u globulin-related protein 0.8804 1.0004 0.8459 1.7415 0.9991 54.5178 71.2098 2.8485 8.8326 3.997 1.1696 0.9815 4.905 1.1875 0.7739 1.3246 0.9749 1.8203 0.488 0.9116 0.8537 1.3574 1.7478 0.9259 9.1874 1.8966 410.5896 128.722 1.1564 3.0577 171.8912 8.0343 1.0211 1.1535 0.9979 4.2124 107.0363 1.5112 169.8379 140.9346 20.2492 101.0038 23.7137 10.85 113.714 8.2036 7.1946 131.406 6.0707 1028 AA997188 "Rattus norvegicus brain finger protein (BFP) mRNA," 0.9664 0.9995 0.8881 1.5755 1.0096 0.704 0.9861 1.0003 1.0023 1.4361 0.9574 0.8645 2.1129 242.8524 0.7584 0.9087 0.9122 1.1001 0.9548 1.6657 1.4455 1.2492 1.437 1.416 1.2512 1.7277 0.5958 3.8304 0.7026 2.3585 4.5338 4.5622 0.8774 4.4632 0.9323 2.2425 156.1219 1.1785 1.808 1.4046 2.0967 1.7469 3.5924 1.293 3.9942 1.4714 3.1981 1.3996 3.8974 1029 AA997938 R.norvegicus mRNA for macrophage stimulating prote 1.2358 1.2466 1.2531 1.1853 1.0396 1.1315 1.0878 1.2863 1.3128 1.2701 1.3598 1.3342 1.2468 0.5312 0.5705 0.9633 1.0146 1.0287 1.2411 1.352 1.1821 1.0828 0.7019 0.6874 1.0671 1.0732 0.8425 1.1213 1.2835 0.977 0.9143 1.0449 0.4487 0.6053 0.6829 0.9934 1.1901 1.1802 1.2053 0.6573 1.0538 1.108 1.2152 1.3245 1.1313 0.6827 1.0245 1.0797 0.9981 1030 AA997944 "Rattus norvegicus CD spasmolytic polypeptide mRNA," 1.2242 0.9227 0.8459 0.7623 1.666 65.8485 65.6452 2.2419 4.9151 1.1312 1.3527 1.2747 1.3011 0.7125 1.1763 1.125 1.098 5.6586 0.6247 0.9116 1.1009 9.9148 53.5365 1.393 5.2236 2.7765 7.1438 107.7722 11.1223 1.7579 249.9486 164.9913 1.4549 1.5229 1.2225 225.937 134.7863 1.7087 5.7462 2.5691 4.3212 2.0304 3.1217 2.0551 2.7757 0.8678 6.2926 3.1376 1.6592 1031 AA997902 "Rat beta-glucuronidase mRNA, complete cds" 0.8231 0.7685 0.8668 0.8411 0.7276 0.5799 0.6103 0.8182 0.8479 1.0977 1.1042 1.0531 0.9703 1.0693 0.9613 1.027 0.9872 0.893 1.028 1.1612 1.0818 1.0053 1.2143 0.9736 1.2408 0.8368 0.6355 0.9162 1.0577 0.5635 0.8838 0.6126 0.4005 0.5777 0.5225 0.6536 1.1397 0.973 1.1031 1.4108 1.0343 0.9203 0.7864 1.1975 1.0747 1.7379 1.0648 1.069 1.5488 1032 AA997917 Rattus norvegicus nuclear DEAF-1 related transcrip 0.8772 0.7944 0.8071 0.8315 0.8851 0.7233 0.6099 0.5265 0.5336 0.8407 0.9488 0.9426 0.8471 0.6492 0.5307 0.6798 0.6946 0.9097 0.7329 0.9871 0.8409 0.9292 1.1819 1.0741 1.0918 1.1259 1.2576 1.1976 1.2366 0.7611 288.2047 0.5345 0.4031 0.7797 0.4738 0.575 1.5752 0.7553 0.9216 0.6288 0.6639 0.5269 1.1203 0.8744 0.9656 1.1221 1.2601 1.3639 1.1772 1033 AA997956 "Rattus norvegicus oxidosqualene cyclase mRNA, comp" 1.491 1.5774 1.6782 0.6734 0.8951 1.243 1.8794 2.645 3.0372 1.5762 1.2663 1.2779 1.9378 2.0064 1.9308 1.2288 1.0063 0.753 1.0057 4.2249 0.7449 0.6984 1.4083 0.9514 2.4631 1.4151 0.5969 3.6441 2.0236 0.6454 375.669 1.73 1.3842 1.9087 1.4125 1.4714 6.0708 1.5716 3.8763 5.3406 2.2547 1.2868 0.571 1.9558 1.2632 1.373 1.2245 1.2542 1.3477 1034 AA997920 Rat mRNA for hepatic lectin 1.0227 0.8795 0.9662 0.8802 0.8857 0.4102 0.382 0.8052 0.8056 0.9005 0.8528 0.9147 0.7686 0.8314 1.0978 0.923 0.88 0.9083 1.3372 0.9431 1.0882 1.0138 1.0635 1.1023 0.8534 0.8716 0.8996 0.8343 0.829 0.4083 0.4057 0.419 0.3182 0.4045 0.3811 0.3562 0.7256 0.8209 0.6956 0.6322 0.6831 0.7115 0.8378 0.871 0.7899 0.8556 0.9105 0.8879 0.8853 1035 AA997968 "Rattus norvegicus RNB6 mRNA, complete cds" 0.9536 0.9535 1.1163 1.1966 1.2012 1.1867 0.8194 0.9817 1.2236 1.0845 1.1086 0.9914 3.625 2.4652 1.2094 0.9515 0.8591 1.2516 0.5966 1.3896 0.9804 1.0623 1.2239 1.0033 2.074 1.1187 0.7049 3.2864 1.5007 0.9451 3.0633 0.8167 0.6568 0.8823 0.7586 1.0959 3.06 1.1456 2.4591 2.0545 1.9904 4.3238 0.9828 1.4267 1.6053 1.4313 1.7272 0.7145 1.2294 1036 AA997855 "Rat protein phosphatase inhibitor-1 protein mRNA, " 1.3035 1.1508 1.8853 120.504 1.4262 69.4588 17.1955 2.8872 5.6889 1.7276 1.3852 0.9492 2.1369 1.1494 1.3505 1.1159 1.1487 1.4477 0.786 1.2331 0.8101 1.5894 90.9048 1.8709 144.6887 14.1173 0.8074 185.2023 1.2014 2.2291 7.805 4.3443 1.6242 2.627 1.9222 4.6208 174.084 1.8384 16.7718 3.0758 145.1984 7.0199 0.8336 3.0745 186.3473 2.0078 177.9629 0.7037 1.5477 1037 AA997856 Rat mRNA for dimethylglycine dehydrogenase (EC num 1.7886 1.7105 1.8302 1.1316 1.3168 0.6025 0.5756 1.1431 1.1809 1.1753 1.2148 1.4327 1.3947 1.3859 1.7207 1.1294 1.1891 0.5943 1.284 1.0978 1.0174 1.0048 1.0002 0.939 1.3433 1.2291 1.1916 1.4259 1.6063 0.8624 0.6345 0.6431 0.4846 0.5779 0.6492 0.5924 1.316 1.4649 1.613 1.3152 1.2962 0.7299 0.6957 1.3621 1.0511 1.1003 1.1832 1.1248 1.3384 1038 AA997865 "Rattus norvegicus thymosin beta-like protein mRNA," 1.3656 1.2421 2.2142 104.0777 1.4647 68.4476 58.7736 61.6688 22.1074 12.2039 0.9351 0.8229 5.53 0.9313 1.4865 1.1365 1.0182 1.0401 0.6209 2.2621 1.073 1.6382 7.2779 1.3932 94.722 170.9417 0.2738 150.3373 2.1651 3.1807 17.4318 1.8225 187.0612 178.9307 1.7076 177.1637 121.5453 1.6923 139.0544 4.909 179.7397 122.8514 0.8336 22.0068 123.4999 4.498 143.52 0.7139 3.6449 1039 AA997994 Rattus norvegicus 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructos 1.2765 1.2853 1.2474 1.6935 1.3042 1.8838 2.444 1.1992 1.2398 1.3452 1.4121 1.8473 1.7017 1.9782 2.6399 1.2676 1.2499 1.4152 1.231 0.5221 0.853 0.9618 1.0912 0.9738 1.8375 1.2601 1.2441 1.5015 1.3635 1.6202 1.532 1.6652 1.1185 1.4986 1.5165 1.7468 1.483 1.4438 1.9114 2.4747 1.2964 1.7081 1.4361 1.2195 1.0079 1.1054 0.6732 0.7269 0.7887 1040 AA997995 R.norvegicus mRNA (rls2var2) for leuserpin-2 0.9763 0.8412 0.9707 0.9687 1.1119 0.5684 0.5414 0.6933 0.7079 0.9004 0.948 0.796 0.7318 0.8176 0.9534 0.7577 0.7598 0.6141 1.2889 1.3119 1.2017 1.2966 0.9777 0.9673 1.0309 0.8443 0.9152 0.9052 1.0484 0.4156 0.4195 0.4308 0.3563 0.4377 0.4413 0.5158 0.7354 1.0475 0.7679 0.7614 0.7083 0.5691 0.6623 1.0514 1.113 1.0146 0.9055 0.9383 0.9648 1041 AA997886 "Rattus norvegicus cytochrome P450 2D18 mRNA, compl" 1.1113 1.0025 1.0907 0.7666 0.805 0.5807 0.5356 0.7721 0.7812 0.6879 0.7212 0.937 0.7401 0.7603 1.161 0.8587 0.8406 0.9783 1.0803 0.993 0.9317 1.0093 0.9405 0.8848 0.7443 0.7779 0.7311 0.7752 0.8179 0.5578 0.5158 0.5579 0.3834 0.4833 0.5112 0.4815 0.7128 0.6575 0.7089 0.6983 0.7623 0.9517 0.8902 0.8585 0.8214 0.8462 0.7849 0.7916 0.7915 1042 AA997754 "Rattus norvegicus mRNA for hemoprotein H-450, comp" 0.7856 0.7371 0.738 0.8154 0.8941 0.5509 0.5136 0.9881 0.883 1.0489 1.0632 0.9035 0.9719 1.37 1.2766 1.0667 1.1004 0.9735 1.0755 1.1394 0.8231 0.8773 1.0392 0.9852 0.9359 0.86 0.8124 0.9054 0.8935 0.6789 0.6794 0.6306 0.5131 0.6413 0.5851 0.5011 0.9092 1.0848 0.8774 0.9166 0.971 0.8985 1.008 1.0253 0.863 0.9769 0.7947 0.7765 0.8725 1043 AA997775 R.norvegicus mRNA for antigen CD37 0.9574 1.0341 1.4228 1.3764 0.9898 1.6912 3.6364 0.8691 1.2699 0.8724 1.0367 1.2031 1.5609 0.9312 1.1273 1.1526 0.7653 0.8636 0.4774 1.3699 1.0861 1.0629 1.8981 1.2947 155.6637 4.6159 0.5877 217.9946 5.7022 3.7479 3.2152 1.1546 159.8976 9.334 0.9111 1.4345 215.994 2.244 263.2774 257.6859 1.8082 7.1932 0.9055 1.8736 5.6102 3.038 3.709 0.5653 2.2257 1044 AA997797 Rattus norvegicus brain digoxin carrier protein mR 2.1466 1.9604 2.3586 1.191 1.4327 0.9299 1.0411 3.3487 3.2555 1.8416 1.8335 2.5059 2.2616 2.199 2.4655 2.6744 2.5599 3.0393 2.0826 2.2303 2.0769 2.1791 1.8311 1.8955 1.3228 1.2714 1.301 1.2958 1.2758 1.306 1.3756 1.3379 0.5549 0.7536 0.6734 0.9605 3.3979 1.8721 2.7213 1.8442 2.63 2.9039 3.441 1.7714 1.8397 1.6617 1.761 1.3166 1.683 1045 AA997831 Rat branched chain alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase E1 0.9715 0.9979 0.991 0.9686 0.9475 1.3642 1.2334 1.0059 0.9909 0.8902 0.9759 1.1788 6.1103 1.0181 0.7583 0.8028 0.8248 1.0353 0.8169 0.9318 0.9032 0.8648 0.8617 0.8106 1.0145 0.9274 0.7633 0.8569 0.9572 1.0662 1.1963 1.3078 0.7917 0.9921 1.1163 1.1437 1.0139 0.8054 1.0756 0.9102 0.852 1.1024 1.0678 0.8985 0.9578 0.7928 0.8063 0.8648 0.8775 1046 AA997842 Rat mRNA for MRC OX-45 surface antigen 0.8013 0.6891 0.8588 0.8941 1.1405 0.8399 0.6082 0.6764 0.6233 0.8777 0.868 0.8473 0.925 1.6144 0.5615 0.7296 0.8207 0.9596 0.6795 0.8846 0.9682 0.8852 1.1126 0.9487 1.2291 1.1806 1.0164 1.1581 1.1849 0.7244 2.8677 0.7068 0.5714 1.1662 0.6132 0.6887 3.4422 0.7067 1.4066 0.9742 0.8738 0.75 0.9093 0.912 1.4809 1.6086 1.2492 1.3367 1.2165 1047 AA997838 "Rattus norvegicus neogenin mRNA, partial cds" 1.3219 1.3229 1.5624 1.5043 1.335 84.6329 26.9865 1.2698 1.8044 2.1778 1.7078 1.4879 1.8837 243.116 0.953 1.7111 1.1281 1.5172 0.6845 1.5286 1.1874 1.1711 2.3512 1.5653 12.7172 2.4709 2.3391 167.0741 2.1747 2.6396 3.3891 4.1993 0.9166 1.525 1.4743 946.1316 225.5131 1.1807 267.1674 5.9242 6.7972 248.8397 1.3297 2.1524 3.2074 3.0876 2.3867 2.5093 3.3492 1048 AA997541 "Rat mRNA for squalene epoxidase, complete cds" 1.5869 1.6421 1.8206 0.9781 1.042 1.6284 1.15 2.0281 2.244 0.9256 0.9954 1.3865 1.3326 2.4675 1.6072 1.2528 1.2765 1.5906 1.057 2.0938 1.4855 1.4414 1.507 0.8739 6.119 1.1577 0.8986 2.2896 3.773 0.7244 225.6326 1.8146 1.089 3.3869 1.4018 2.4441 197.4076 1.0014 3.524 2.1752 2.5307 1.3546 72.27 2.2824 2.6393 1.6263 4.939 3.3535 1.517 1049 AA997543 Rattus norvegicus sodium channel beta-1 subunit mR 1.1061 1.1809 1.4215 0.707 0.6947 0.5254 0.5184 0.8971 0.8594 0.7669 0.5022 0.768 0.6271 4.3438 0.8446 0.8663 0.8476 1.1637 0.8272 1.2766 1.082 1.2236 1.3986 0.9792 1.4349 0.7717 0.907 1.1647 1.2224 0.7046 0.7371 0.5519 0.5107 0.7274 0.5531 0.5644 2.6382 0.614 1.026 1.6036 0.9747 1.2407 1.0901 1.2769 1.5155 1.5111 0.9401 1.0673 1.6182 1050 AA997566 Rat mRNA for ad1-antigen 0.846 0.9101 1.0976 0.6017 0.6577 0.468 0.4071 0.4745 0.4821 0.589 0.602 0.6605 0.5789 2.6657 0.6586 0.7149 0.747 0.9449 0.6803 0.8735 0.9962 0.7475 0.9608 1.0599 0.9329 1.0599 0.8534 0.9267 0.9991 1.7024 1.2782 0.4009 0.456 0.9075 0.5381 0.6378 0.8993 0.4918 0.8687 0.8062 0.6767 0.827 6.3748 0.6386 1.1475 1.0077 1.0531 1.1543 1.0276 1051 AA997495 EST 1.0247 2.5909 1.9853 2.4231 1.1157 68.9958 0.7314 2.2483 73.3088 161.27 98.5504 2.7685 129.2677 1.2234 0.8819 14.8585 1.0133 6.3418 0.668 1.7051 0.9568 1.0726 4.3962 1.1541 101.2293 3.1309 0.6036 140.0191 1.3462 60.0346 182.9773 181.0743 1.022 3.2004 1.3948 218.0136 129.696 2.0408 159.2605 229.0656 45.8532 139.6066 61.9637 6.8662 21.9318 6.3298 39.8114 3.8555 3.8829 1052 AA997500 "Rattus norvegicus mRNA for NF1-B3, partial cds" 1.0289 1.226 1.2607 1.1978 1.2161 0.7787 0.7675 0.9325 0.9175 1.1421 1.0732 1.0228 0.9526 0.86 0.7922 0.9134 1.0435 0.874 1.0373 1.2509 1.1344 0.9857 1.1022 1.0645 1.2383 1.1441 1.8324 1.173 1.2384 0.7834 1.6763 0.7718 0.5367 0.7062 0.6648 0.7291 1.1282 1.16 1.0143 0.9905 1.0534 0.7841 0.9181 1.2391 1.3543 1.4936 1.2044 1.2291 1.2249 1053 AA997501 "Rat mRNA for SKR6 gene, a CB1 cannabinoid receptor" 1.0733 1.6836 1.4494 1.7027 0.8768 89.7215 84.3286 1.291 1.5868 1.5011 2.0564 3.1761 8.0812 1.8245 0.9945 1.6403 1.0928 3.4284 0.7043 1.7686 0.6872 1.064 3.551 1.1762 130.1606 2.9353 0.8234 103.7453 4.2322 2.8889 225.5778 5.8966 0.8293 1.4277 1.0726 29.7332 174.1932 1.0587 242.9928 25.9888 15.2827 187.8767 3.7529 3.1638 7.8708 4.5855 3.079 2.3844 3.2155 1054 AA997517 Rat mRNA for proteasome subunit RC9 0.7099 0.6884 0.7661 0.8637 0.9173 1.3976 1.5144 0.8443 0.7743 0.7592 0.7878 0.8476 0.9366 0.897 0.7241 1.285 1.4191 1.4547 0.9871 1.0219 1.1153 1.0176 0.9448 0.9113 0.8388 0.7897 0.8231 0.7273 0.7807 1.3607 1.6533 1.5553 1.1642 1.4029 1.4887 1.2636 0.9354 0.726 0.8441 0.7964 1.1506 1.1375 1.3433 0.8845 0.9566 0.9532 0.9313 0.9193 0.8788 1055 AA997513 "Rattus norvegicus Long Evans RANTES mRNA, complete" 0.8895 1.0823 1.081 0.7331 0.7303 0.6583 0.655 0.4951 0.5476 0.9759 0.938 1.1386 1.0444 0.7699 0.6776 0.7632 0.6847 0.9995 0.6457 0.9821 0.9165 0.7564 1.5084 1.1845 1.6097 1.135 0.6888 1.3082 1.1972 0.8597 2.2303 0.5804 0.3923 0.6843 0.4667 0.772 1.2907 0.7762 1.5692 1.5878 0.6935 0.8388 0.6735 0.9888 1.2111 1.4368 1.6165 1.6304 2.2658 1056 AA997521 Rat (clone R2(A3B)) heparin-binding fibroblast gro 1.1322 1.1679 1.1233 1.1934 1.3175 1.2881 1.4374 1.113 1.2648 0.9935 1.0976 1.0675 1.2165 1.3241 1.1079 1.1344 1.2442 1.2953 0.7258 1.5477 1.7212 1.8281 1.2657 1.0665 2.2315 1.2021 1.5642 2.4204 6.991 1.4265 223.3871 1.419 0.9233 2.2926 1.1515 1.6896 210.0011 1.1275 1.8719 1.4841 1.9618 1.1565 81.2881 1.7234 2.7105 1.5533 2.4378 3.9853 1.8359 1057 AA997526 "Rattus norvegicus p58 mRNA, complete cds" 1.0016 0.9463 0.9815 1.0314 1.078 0.9899 1.1561 1.1301 1.1236 1.2627 1.4285 1.4348 1.2939 1.5414 2.0471 1.2004 1.2595 1.1098 1.1889 0.8298 1.2782 1.3074 1.2603 1.0758 235.6273 1.0967 1.1119 3.1863 65.9611 1.1042 1.2769 1.0332 7.5324 2.156 0.989 1.3006 3.4378 2.1256 3.3704 5.4791 2.0247 1.7297 1.3875 1.8649 2.1982 1.751 1.1603 0.9359 1.5865 1058 AA998107 "EST, Moderately similar to (defline not available " 1.0897 1.1596 1.0693 1.1594 0.7478 1.3395 1.089 1.2629 1.7445 1.3239 1.2956 1.1358 1.5154 1.0431 1.3891 1.1683 1.1711 1.3319 0.8501 1.1212 0.9384 1.0379 14.5611 1.2136 173.009 1.6002 1.0384 8.364 0.9384 2.2961 6.7958 1.0342 1.4857 1.8908 0.9958 1.4156 2.1982 1.1286 3.2421 1.2143 1.3886 0.9637 2.3476 1.0517 2.7423 1.5301 1.5315 0.4275 1.2247 1059 AA998118 Rat myosin light chain 2 mRNA 1.2561 1.4441 1.5978 1.4018 1.3694 1.8063 2.0497 1.429 1.9358 1.8045 1.1215 1.5651 3.3666 0.8958 1.0482 1.3459 0.9561 1.5028 0.6112 0.8902 0.9576 0.9816 65.4292 1.2274 199.0337 6.502 0.8077 221.5254 24.2164 10.1274 0.4064 1.7452 194.1533 239.2781 1.3171 1.7255 206.1524 4.0117 274.4532 300.0222 18.9579 346.1066 1.5986 2.8058 229.9246 3.6366 8.456 0.3442 3.4142 1060 AA998120 Rattus norvegicus serine proteinase rPC7 precursor 1.0041 0.8166 0.8771 1.0625 1.1869 1.0174 0.8484 0.8048 0.9663 1.1016 0.8383 0.8456 1.0573 0.9233 1.1565 1.0703 1.0169 1.0464 0.8959 1.3294 1.1636 1.1842 1.8611 1.2275 7.0591 1.3843 1.2854 2.1467 1.0985 1.8368 2.8815 1.0237 1.3871 3.6244 1.0342 1.5414 2.2659 1.1902 3.5336 1.1747 1.3613 1.264 2.5885 1.3536 3.3846 1.3421 1.3908 0.6892 1.3188 1061 AA997256 "Rattus norvegicus histone macroH2A1.2 mRNA, comple" 0.9398 0.9764 1.0042 1.0695 0.9744 1.2146 2.1452 0.8294 0.9284 0.9262 0.9799 1.2143 1.0246 0.8718 1.0964 0.8265 0.9403 0.856 0.8259 0.5333 1.1983 1.0092 0.9894 0.9733 1.8639 0.8952 0.962 1.2903 1.4165 1.0402 1.0921 1.004 0.9717 1.2805 1.1288 1.0897 1.2945 1.2912 1.3005 1.411 1.1535 1.1317 1.1391 0.9958 1.3604 1.0755 1.0448 1.0914 1.1243 1062 AA997272 "Rat S-100 related protein mRNA, complete cds, clon" 1.3442 1.3042 0.9784 1.2337 1.1477 2.8704 1.8025 1.6221 3.215 1.7493 1.2368 1.0997 1.7172 1.8294 0.9408 0.9133 0.8604 2.27 0.6989 1.407 0.9779 1.0955 1.7939 1.4062 3.4806 1.938 0.8234 4.9835 1.1283 12.6719 0.3499 1.143 2.0087 2.4651 0.8187 1.1015 4.8607 2.4856 8.8019 1.5978 1.9962 1.8334 1.8476 1.2719 2.2348 2.0398 1.778 0.5606 1.3428 1063 AA997280 Rattus norvegicus gene 33 DNA 1.8205 1.5089 1.7112 1.1765 1.154 1.2021 1.1943 0.8389 0.8983 1.1232 1.1947 1.0375 0.9641 1.0579 1.3328 1.1705 1.2051 0.811 1.5431 1.2441 0.5018 0.5392 1.1365 1.0843 1.0942 1.6932 1.7064 1.6985 1.9734 1.124 1.0465 1.0737 0.7594 0.954 0.9932 1.1686 1.0012 1.2717 1.0287 1.1925 1.2415 0.816 0.7679 1.3938 0.461 1.1816 0.369 0.4067 0.4141 1064 AA998361 Rat vesicle associated membrane protein (VAMP-2) m 1.1412 1.0398 0.8877 0.9876 1.0511 0.9216 0.8935 1.1141 1.1533 1.0552 0.9503 0.8756 0.9813 0.9681 1.1689 0.8779 0.9362 1.2067 0.8274 1.1943 1.0556 1.0081 0.9364 1.0597 2.1742 1.0987 0.8234 1.453 0.8235 1.15 0.5769 0.9111 0.947 0.973 0.8545 0.9682 2.027 0.9454 1.6872 1.156 1.0431 0.9391 0.9794 0.9772 1.4075 0.9329 0.9601 0.7135 0.9586 1065 AA998365 "Rattus norvegicus P2x4 ATP receptor mRNA, complete" 0.9715 0.9978 1.0951 0.8202 0.8081 1.0588 1.1669 0.87 0.8717 0.8398 0.8146 0.9399 0.9777 0.9216 1.1411 1.0576 0.9053 1.0809 0.6855 0.7583 0.8062 0.8408 1.1048 0.8824 1.8076 0.9049 0.7939 1.2059 1.1759 0.8349 336.2397 0.7918 0.7668 1.1641 0.7814 1.0571 1.1283 1.0121 1.1654 1.4845 1.0195 1.1113 0.9276 0.9382 0.9762 0.9914 0.8093 0.6929 1.0079 1066 AA998366 "Rattus norvegicus mRNA for UCP2, complete cds" 0.8441 0.7735 0.8878 0.6985 0.8258 0.7954 0.7313 0.6583 0.691 0.7312 0.7449 0.7064 0.6249 0.7605 1.0362 0.7932 0.7708 0.8211 0.9165 0.9556 0.9232 0.8981 1.0557 0.8729 0.934 0.8919 0.8234 0.9208 0.8553 0.9843 1.1255 0.7962 0.8747 1.1998 0.8336 0.8975 0.743 0.666 0.7846 0.7077 0.7758 0.7051 0.856 0.7071 0.9826 2.0139 0.8873 0.9253 0.8645 1067 AA998292 Rattus norvegicus mast cell protease 1 precursor ( 1.0345 1.2628 0.8459 1.0533 1.341 3.2079 3.2907 1.0428 1.9511 1.6375 1.1878 1.6714 3.1452 1.9548 1.1362 1.4848 1.0022 1.45 0.5547 1.0298 0.8703 0.8772 2.4226 1.3282 159.4792 300.9914 0.4042 212.7027 68.8964 108.0989 0.59 1.8147 3.8249 243.9459 0.9968 1.3386 196.9661 2.9182 220.0373 359.474 10.9017 242.5732 1.4657 2.5345 4.5872 3.6275 4.4003 1.8259 2.0024 1068 AA998372 Rattus norvegicus MAP-kinase phosphatase (cpg21) m 0.9144 0.8697 0.8281 1.0486 1.2253 0.6586 0.6066 0.8463 1.0135 1.1824 0.9544 0.9187 1.1255 0.749 0.9162 0.9078 0.8911 1.0166 0.7939 1.1271 1.1337 1.1376 1.5464 1.0306 152.6633 1.1337 0.6564 2.7261 0.956 1.1665 10.3091 0.6437 1.311 34.4693 0.6523 0.8542 2.47 1.3274 16.5514 1.087 0.9671 0.9555 2.8333 0.8887 40.1357 1.2853 0.9924 1.9138 1.4153 1069 AA998302 "Rattus norvegicus mRNA for NORBIN, complete cds" 1.0151 0.9993 1.0498 1.2181 1.278 125.7075 8.6667 0.9314 1.1926 2.2381 1.264 1.8426 1.9145 1.0983 0.8166 1.8184 1.0205 1.2236 0.6526 1.125 0.9626 0.9902 3.2396 1.1785 21.7921 1.5595 0.8565 5.1079 60.0423 1.9195 286.8717 3.5359 1.2571 1.7201 1.1606 7.1542 182.225 1.1879 29.2945 23.9083 2.608 274.9569 3.8159 1.7154 2.9271 4.19 1.5638 1.8986 5.8285 1070 AA998338 "Rat mRNA for phospholipase D, complete cds" 1.28 1.2248 1.1569 1.9681 1.8709 86.146 3.989 1.7317 1.8869 1.2617 2.1141 1.9871 2.1419 1.302 1.1916 1.8066 1.9088 2.2533 0.7272 1.5486 1.9869 3.9478 2.6629 1.1441 119.937 1.7289 2.2647 23.1079 6.8267 2.5504 292.2546 220.7264 1.3749 2.7452 2.4327 4.7549 173.6965 1.6413 5.063 2.1565 4.7033 2.3824 64.3865 1.9075 5.9032 2.4411 133.5964 202.1348 2.6712 1071 AA998340 Rat sodium/hydrogen exchange protein-isoform 1 (NH 1.0026 1.0047 1.3134 1.1462 1.5167 3.0854 3.1247 1.1544 1.534 1.4928 1.2564 1.63 1.8692 1.0753 0.9426 1.3016 1.1249 1.6466 0.55 0.7781 1.0405 1.147 1.8319 1.1332 146.2279 1.5704 0.5372 174.7451 27.8806 4.7284 218.1777 4.0471 1.1279 1.4261 1.2518 3.6127 176.7164 1.3273 274.5801 311.2189 8.7161 257.2128 5.0056 2.4985 2.6692 3.3269 3.1039 1.9595 25.008 1072 AA998201 Rat CoxVa mRNA for mitochondrial cytochrome c oxid 0.8609 0.9597 0.9791 0.9391 0.9134 1.0492 1.1 0.9156 0.9046 0.8362 0.8677 0.8716 0.8464 0.6595 0.6199 0.8479 0.8624 0.7896 1.086 1.0301 0.8912 0.8074 0.7895 0.8706 0.7472 0.7835 0.799 0.7005 0.6769 1.1871 1.3857 1.2299 0.9364 1.2711 1.0758 0.9406 0.935 0.6428 0.6913 0.6306 0.6001 0.6487 0.7325 0.7778 0.7633 0.7694 0.7781 0.764 0.7486 1073 AA998211 R.norvegicus mRNA for lipase 0.9901 2.9167 1.3311 1.4787 0.9255 90.5111 77.4213 1.1022 1.3691 3.1746 6.055 5.3765 4.1027 0.9632 0.8818 2.2604 0.8195 1.9279 0.616 0.7512 0.7859 0.7893 3.7333 1.9861 145.9997 1.3602 0.7498 157.9553 1.6048 1.0951 221.069 31.3032 0.7457 1.3606 1.2233 6.1622 157.1732 1.2539 208.817 316.9404 2.6619 191.6705 1.366 1.7945 2.1825 1.9458 5.6311 1.449 2.1314 1074 AA998213 "Rattus norvegicus AKAP95 mRNA, partial cds" 1.1348 0.9674 0.9748 1.0622 1.1187 1.5589 1.3889 1.0385 1.0045 1.0971 1.2776 1.2901 1.1586 0.9475 0.7941 1.0629 1.0912 1.4533 0.852 1.3518 1.0366 1.0026 1.9346 1.072 3.5481 1.4298 0.8234 1.8183 1.3847 0.7244 348.3002 1.7015 1.0732 1.4108 1.2429 1.7582 218.7919 1.2298 2.0668 1.4761 1.9077 1.2981 2.0935 1.679 1.3203 1.8029 1.3127 2.0992 1.4135 1075 AA998469 Rat mRNA for Distal-less 3 (Dlx-3) homeobox protei 1.1836 2.2676 1.7832 1.5048 0.8518 77.487 76.7719 2.2886 3.5179 128.8593 3.3577 13.697 11.5002 4.0208 0.831 3.9976 1.2581 1.5909 0.5501 0.8268 0.8086 1.1527 18.5763 1.3754 99.8223 3.6589 0.4918 110.5309 6.3897 145.137 141.8553 168.7106 1.2365 2.8247 1.7221 187.5701 116.763 1.2077 173.9816 229.1823 163.1663 131.7349 59.3925 10.4084 121.3264 0.8678 158.808 4.929 13.29 1076 AA998532 Rattus norvegicus stress-inducible chaperone mt-Gr 1.1031 1.1451 1.1974 0.9585 0.9444 1.3813 1.4479 0.9701 0.939 0.8989 0.8776 0.961 0.9095 0.8852 0.6992 1.079 1.1492 1.0243 1.0051 1.1222 0.947 0.887 0.9265 0.9812 0.9055 0.8761 0.8234 0.8036 0.8876 1.7444 1.467 1.458 1.0833 1.2708 1.4455 1.2056 1.1126 0.7782 0.8377 0.7289 0.9077 0.973 1.0995 0.9163 0.7859 0.8202 0.8366 0.8163 0.7868 1077 AA998058 "Rat tropmyosin (TM-4) mRNA, complete cds" 0.8466 1.1661 1.5871 1.4813 0.9346 6.3539 105.3352 1.1106 1.6402 1.4522 1.1854 1.3085 1.709 1.1252 0.9296 1.5844 1.0945 1.4402 0.5962 2.4324 1.2103 1.1101 2.6213 1.2434 3.8713 1.8956 0.5769 18.1427 47.4477 2.8636 231.5394 1.7326 0.895 1.4423 1.2656 4.2905 9.3214 1.1465 7.9225 5.7565 5.5136 17.2447 3.0954 1.7394 2.1275 3.9493 2.0987 1.8712 2.5936 1078 AA998065 "Rattus norvegicus rCRMP-1 mRNA, complete cds" 1.2434 1.0773 1.9112 3.9292 1.6964 58.5502 57.4931 1.7692 10.7285 1.7004 0.8387 1.2064 1.1816 1.3065 1.9948 1.6648 1.408 1.9298 0.5753 0.8485 1.4546 8.6298 3.2205 1.6927 83.0993 1.2902 0.8234 99.0903 1.3273 0.7244 154.6882 119.7476 1.7904 11.2604 4.3247 149.4939 84.936 1.6731 5.7522 3.7557 166.7534 2.8522 0.8336 3.6691 126.3766 4.4109 118.4745 126.5841 2.7823 1079 AA998164 Rat mRNA for cyclin B 0.1503 0.3938 0.1474 0.407 0.412 85.3058 63.3922 0.7554 1.3045 0.2788 0.2934 0.2633 0.4341 0.5228 0.1798 0.1414 0.074 0.3654 0.1605 0.8991 0.1182 0.0834 0.2274 0.2853 91.0506 1.5995 0.5369 111.4842 51.6829 5.2124 158.6755 4.4531 1.3848 1.3331 1.2944 2.9993 123.2655 1.0842 193.742 207.6945 7.9697 133.4234 3.2589 2.4195 4.104 13.743 10.2471 2.3 8.1933 1080 AA998084 Rattus norvegicus retroviral-like ovarian specific 1.0739 1.224 1.5336 1.6283 1.5365 3.4442 2.1242 2.021 2.2776 1.6607 1.3592 1.2802 1.8544 1.2526 1.1057 1.3491 1.3888 1.5644 1.025 1.8304 1.2002 1.7666 1.5587 1.2701 3.4357 2.3507 0.8234 2.6943 2.1185 30.34 1.971 23.0686 1.0492 3.3856 1.363 3.0165 196.7165 1.252 7.0419 1.7721 6.1637 1.9469 0.8336 1.333 4.4833 2.1349 2.5017 2.987 2.2918 1081 AA998088 "Rat kidney Zn-peptidase aminopeptidase N mRNA, com" 1.5775 1.3593 1.4531 0.9534 0.9555 1.2431 1.1027 1.0674 1.0979 1.0952 1.1416 1.1259 1.1218 0.8066 0.9761 0.7502 0.7131 0.7536 1.2627 0.6229 1.1895 1.2918 1.4821 1.2734 1.1067 1.1092 0.9529 1.1315 1.2872 1.2087 1.0244 1.2316 1.0682 1.2185 1.1983 1.1298 1.2951 1.2044 1.2381 0.8725 0.7284 0.7513 0.7312 1.2298 1.2075 1.3877 0.9346 0.8705 0.9843 1082 AA998487 "Rat dynamin IIaa and IIab mRNA, complete cds" 1.0642 1.0301 0.9145 1.1654 0.7663 1.0082 0.8563 1.0354 1.3105 1.2312 1.2182 1.0771 1.1173 0.9652 1.1247 0.9817 0.9264 1.2066 0.7998 0.9925 0.9607 1.0239 6.8451 0.951 7.3396 1.0409 0.9007 5.0633 1.0629 1.4006 3.4298 1.0059 1.1164 1.6158 0.8842 1.3889 1.9529 1.784 3.2244 1.5093 1.6231 1.1062 13.6293 1.2203 3.862 1.3332 1.4385 0.7202 1.2505 1083 AA998239 "Rattus norvegicus low voltage-activated, T-type ca" 1.3344 1.8 0.8459 77.3984 1.5896 59.3232 63.2285 4.7167 9.6813 2.6701 1.8451 1.7999 131.1509 2.1732 1.738 2.4895 1.1763 0.6602 0.5101 1.2713 0.7344 1.1808 56.0979 1.679 117.4233 215.8914 2.0255 139.076 3.7518 189.6003 2.1177 125.8559 178.5155 6.9378 2.4425 17.8861 131.3802 9.8485 164.6938 190.8871 256.2481 143.4377 64.6327 233.7813 165.1294 107.1146 169.239 0.2694 192.3936 1084 AA998483 Rattus norvegicus melanoma inhibitory activity/con 1.8186 1.6405 0.8459 103.246 2.0966 84.8975 102.6657 2.632 3.8789 133.3932 1.508 1.4337 3.7406 1.4264 1.5215 1.7885 1.2411 1.3556 0.6223 1.337 1.0312 1.2775 40.5365 1.9839 115.7116 233.8065 2.0925 124.8058 1.6321 272.046 4.0822 2.6979 176.9085 196.9633 8.3883 220.8891 174.134 2.3156 159.9952 185.2616 166.1407 137.5391 0.8336 4.7694 2.6645 5.8525 156.3493 0.4671 5.0366 1085 AA998250 Rattus norvegicus pyruvate dehydrogenase E1a alpha 0.9197 0.8873 1.0025 1.0112 0.8907 1.1047 1.5863 0.911 0.9075 0.9373 0.9882 1.1357 1.0181 0.74 0.9 0.953 0.8612 0.7385 0.8404 0.7074 1.1144 1.0386 1.2116 0.998 2.4037 1.0405 1.0968 1.2982 1.3256 1.1722 1.3151 1.2103 1.1708 1.4212 1.0582 1.0759 1.1615 1.324 1.1554 1.2611 0.8943 0.8666 0.7537 1.0134 1.3537 1.1094 1.035 1.0695 1.3438 1086 AA998504 "Rattus norvegicus beta defensin-1 (BD-1) mRNA, com" 1.0393 1.1598 1.4705 3.4187 1.3552 64.2207 0.7314 13.0274 100.7055 2.2239 1.4333 0.8711 2.7934 2.2418 1.276 1.1979 0.9749 5.1041 0.6289 0.9528 0.944 1.6202 1.659 1.1972 104.8178 7.4663 0.8234 126.3904 0.8183 143.5124 0.3371 7.5788 3.8853 2.4465 2.1069 133.7313 95.7616 4.4408 134.8365 174.6405 126.0986 115.5644 93.5554 179.4166 136.0367 6.2946 30.7187 0.4671 1.9395 1087 AA998607 R.norvegicus mRNA for kynurenine/alpha-aminoadipat 1.6327 1.4359 1.5441 1.5731 1.3816 0.9329 0.9275 1.4153 1.386 1.3366 1.4548 1.4356 1.3504 0.6653 0.834 0.8144 0.8383 0.9671 1.436 0.8883 1.0062 1.1101 1.1122 1.0667 1.4751 1.3882 1.3999 1.3715 1.532 0.8507 0.7993 0.8483 0.6455 0.769 0.8049 0.8674 1.5429 1.519 1.3448 0.6957 0.8039 0.983 0.9428 1.4521 0.9432 1.0961 0.7799 0.7954 0.8315 1088 AA998567 "Rattus norvegicus synaptotagmin 5 mRNA, complete c" 0.9501 1.2503 1.0336 2.1401 1.3402 11.514 1.5827 2.3429 2.3232 1.7242 1.246 0.9314 1.5931 1.2019 1.6445 1.4017 1.334 1.4875 0.7777 1.2549 1.2533 1.4295 1.4659 1.4807 2.4229 1.2074 0.8119 209.1472 1.1217 2.8681 0.7262 1.2011 0.9498 1.1001 1.0831 2.1026 3.6233 1.2751 2.396 2.1175 4.9835 4.241 1.8033 1.2183 2.0302 1.4434 1.6844 1.1884 1.3301 1089 AI138143 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for glutathione S-transfera 1.1195 1.9442 1.3773 3.0052 1.2559 114.9529 95.0605 1.7627 2.3733 1.4007 1.5162 1.5545 3.0102 1.8566 1.6045 2.915 1.1222 2.463 0.5614 0.8846 0.9606 1.5208 2.0847 1.137 124.9337 329.8859 1.6598 160.1012 4.9046 250.5801 9.1503 2.1654 5.2308 6.2129 1.9526 0.8925 147.5015 1.8074 198.5145 198.5177 43.2094 226.7915 1.4861 2.9674 18.9701 93.5397 242.2672 2.5106 2.9403 1090 AA998630 Rat VL30 element mRNA 0.7627 0.9848 0.921 0.472 0.8258 0.641 0.6569 1.1798 1.1245 0.6498 0.827 1.0596 1.0175 0.6354 0.6891 1.8015 1.7741 1.1883 0.8093 0.946 1.5564 1.5441 0.5324 0.5261 0.5997 1.4558 0.8234 1.5841 0.9713 0.9777 0.954 0.9892 0.8381 0.9344 0.9796 0.8112 1.0486 0.541 0.9626 0.5945 1.8034 1.9653 1.6423 0.7897 1.1238 1.1994 0.5249 0.5538 0.5326 1091 AA998956 Rattus norvegicus thyroid hormone responsive prote 1.0044 0.9814 1.0807 0.9215 0.9306 1.735 1.7199 1.2472 1.2534 1.0434 1.1386 1.3387 2.259 0.8381 1.0337 1.229 0.9683 1.4142 0.6126 0.8228 0.8601 1.0355 1.4277 0.8781 1.5185 1.4213 0.0022 2.8324 1.4571 1.5158 2.7063 1.211 1.1136 1.3488 1.4293 1.1271 1.9222 1.1907 2.6236 1.6515 1.8143 2.5957 0.9578 1.3557 1.7483 1.1005 1.1439 1.0395 1.0941 1092 AA998657 Rattus norvegicus type 1 astrocyte and olfactory-l 1.1463 1.0197 1.5773 1.2064 1.2803 1.1611 1.0366 0.9233 1.0477 1.4602 1.1646 0.9547 1.1403 0.9591 1.1457 1.1509 0.9475 1.2456 0.8289 1.1325 1.0806 1.0647 2.6313 1.1697 8.7848 1.5391 0.5772 2.9792 1.4886 1.8456 1.4371 0.9666 1.3417 3.6072 0.9042 1.7296 2.9277 1.2277 5.0783 1.3282 1.4092 1.4251 2.828 1.0959 7.9838 1.5807 1.6723 2.212 1.6121 1093 AA998975 R.norvegicus mRNA for prolyl 4-hydroxylase alpha s 0.8724 0.9083 1.1577 1.1863 1.2092 3.3126 3.3048 1.2019 1.1857 1.6926 1.4594 1.2062 1.4256 1.4424 1.46 1.6197 1.2923 1.4672 0.9245 1.21 0.8812 0.8183 1.8104 1.0051 3.5671 1.4154 0.6426 2.4567 2.4597 2.45 3.8289 1.2302 0.9465 1.0975 1.298 1.9716 2.4956 1.1997 2.7645 4.978 2.6389 3.823 2.2609 1.3208 1.421 2.3799 1.2368 1.3305 4.1063 1094 AA998983 Rattus norvegicus leptin receptor isoform b (OB-Rb 0.8279 0.5913 0.6602 0.6838 0.7279 1.68 1.5615 0.7597 0.7714 0.9165 0.9004 0.9989 0.9987 0.7587 0.5599 0.7187 0.7701 1.1416 0.441 0.7996 0.5068 0.4073 0.9588 0.6444 0.826 0.9161 1.2993 1.0946 1.1718 1.9012 16.6338 1.1081 0.7487 1.8149 1.035 1.8966 66.5289 0.9406 1.4944 0.9227 1.0202 0.8525 76.7487 0.579 0.9268 0.8235 0.7997 1.0177 0.8658 1095 AA998689 "Rat neuroendrocrine protein 7B2 mRNA, complete cds" 1.253 1.0297 0.8459 5.3787 0.9528 54.0043 0.7314 1.5903 76.6547 6.5183 2.6837 1.8596 3.5654 1.4197 2.817 2.05 1.4221 3.2761 0.4362 0.9307 0.7728 2.7986 3.5844 0.8036 89.2228 4.4034 0.4272 105.7566 17.835 24.6236 126.6392 19.9624 1.3886 1.8932 1.4922 131.8452 88.7492 1.1775 153.7018 165.2097 144.9897 117.9046 0.8336 159.3581 105.63 4.5091 106.6473 10.6645 139.7258 1096 AA999001 Rattus norvegicus hematopoietic cell tyrosine kina 0.9449 0.9621 0.5168 1.1017 1.0188 1.6268 1.1854 0.874 0.8281 1.1979 1.2907 1.0234 1.0811 0.9402 0.6741 1.0082 1.0473 1.1303 0.5376 1.3553 0.6247 1.1867 1.7328 1.0842 1.9023 1.8769 1.3719 2.6914 1.0859 1.4134 253.7315 0.8692 0.7429 3.5257 0.7369 1.8158 134.3986 0.8526 1.5124 1.1186 1.2237 0.8801 72.8249 1.0747 1.9875 2.204 2.2605 2.5198 2.6447 1097 AA998713 R.norvegicus uPAR-1 mRNA for urinary plasminogen a 0.9567 1.1159 1.0282 1.1743 0.9059 3.0477 30.5398 1.0504 1.1707 1.9036 1.2744 1.6709 0.9903 1.0026 0.7286 1.5978 1.3827 1.3807 0.858 0.8549 1.0418 0.9372 1.289 1.0187 4.8612 1.4153 0.6495 223.3529 1.3718 3.8672 263.7024 6.9172 1.0953 1.8439 1.433 10.4594 202.5739 1.4387 308.3544 17.842 2.2387 7.2102 1.5761 1.536 2.2571 1.9008 2.5378 1.7584 1.7604 1098 AA999021 Rat notch 2 mRNA 0.9794 1.3106 1.3872 0.9899 1.0858 0.9885 0.8682 0.9406 0.923 0.7644 0.99 1.0039 1.0404 1.0402 0.9808 1.0352 1.0919 1.2783 0.9445 1.6004 0.9837 0.9236 1.0696 0.9738 1.0587 1.2106 0.8234 1.3292 1.1368 0.7244 1.399 0.8251 0.5302 0.7073 0.6429 0.8252 2.0496 0.9808 1.2413 1.1983 1.2234 0.9398 1.83 1.4042 1.09 1.1817 1.1407 1.3562 1.1233 1099 AA998734 "Rat prostate glutathione S-transferase mRNA, compl" 1.0645 0.891 1.0155 0.9421 0.8438 0.4629 0.4011 1.0482 1.0027 0.9651 1.0243 1.2765 0.9835 2.3013 3.0477 3.8097 3.3445 3.0001 1.0743 0.7112 1.4103 1.2843 1.1549 1.2069 0.8136 0.8528 0.7755 0.8393 1.0442 0.27 0.297 0.3084 0.4438 0.5758 0.5989 0.3652 0.9146 0.8846 0.926 2.3632 2.1998 2.1815 2.8709 0.8414 1.1526 0.9698 0.881 0.9185 0.8711 1100 AA998830 Rat Bmyc gene 5'-fragment 1.1317 1.2717 1.5453 1.1979 1.1413 2.1387 1.9915 1.3811 1.2432 1.2503 1.1071 1.063 1.0007 1.2778 0.9983 1.0365 1.1144 1.6598 0.6725 1.2329 0.8359 0.8122 1.2603 0.8425 2.1787 1.3108 0.8234 1.4744 1.1466 0.7244 6.3691 1.6649 1.1787 1.4585 1.5644 1.5016 8.3863 0.9054 1.5467 1.5652 1.0178 1.0531 1.7097 1.061 1.2837 1.1539 1.1163 1.0281 0.9801 1101 AI028802 "Rattus norvegicus Diphor-1 mRNA, complete cds" 0.8 0.761 0.7709 0.7784 0.7426 0.5909 0.6385 0.8167 0.7463 0.8789 0.8574 0.8959 0.7938 0.8425 0.6884 1.1486 1.202 1.149 0.8858 1.3555 0.8732 0.7691 1.0032 0.894 0.9077 0.741 0.6047 0.7632 0.8542 0.6458 0.6167 0.4766 0.3763 0.5557 0.4923 0.5796 0.9355 0.8652 0.9713 1.1966 1.303 1.2119 1.1317 1.0109 0.9011 1.1955 0.8791 0.9283 1.0149 1102 AI028842 "Rat growth and transformation-dependent mRNA, 3' e" 0.6976 0.9791 0.8585 0.9591 0.805 1.3214 1.2647 1.0057 0.9793 0.9026 0.9089 0.9101 0.994 1.2239 1.0169 1.2117 1.2928 1.0698 0.7702 0.9321 0.8828 0.824 0.6807 0.9068 0.7943 0.9356 0.9283 0.884 0.6956 0.7244 1.2456 1.291 1.0126 1.2553 1.2921 1.1561 0.9607 0.6813 0.7344 0.9349 1.1922 1.1889 0.9625 0.8597 0.7705 0.8517 0.8991 0.8691 0.8245 1103 AI137857 "Rattus norvegicus paranodin mRNA, complete cds" 0.9626 1.0447 1.0759 0.9019 0.7929 0.528 0.5897 0.6383 0.6268 0.8586 0.7583 0.7716 0.7315 0.7503 0.5581 0.8012 0.8513 1.1545 0.7263 1.377 0.8548 0.743 1.1711 0.8644 1.0677 1.0407 0.4867 0.9924 1.1172 1.2955 0.9945 0.4931 0.4964 0.6088 0.5338 0.5693 1.1441 0.72 0.8274 1.1105 0.897 1.0874 0.9269 1.2641 0.989 1.2491 0.9344 0.9289 1.1154 1104 AI029044 "Rat placental lactogen II (rPLII) mRNA, partial cd" 1.1712 1.1296 0.7121 1.3901 1.0802 2.7806 1.8658 1.3069 1.5841 1.4686 1.206 1.0461 1.2315 1.2206 0.9827 1.0588 1.1055 1.732 0.7649 1.2049 1.4247 2.3678 2.1185 1.0123 2.017 1.2057 0.8234 3.6071 1.2552 3.7243 215.48 5.7941 0.8907 1.6305 0.9234 3.0528 162.4555 1.1851 6.9681 1.3232 2.2378 1.9429 0.8336 1.3753 2.897 1.9168 2.4579 2.0286 2.171 1105 AI029050 Rattus norvegicus uterus-ovary specific putative t 1.0994 2.9343 0.8459 87.1997 1.17 82.9602 0.7314 4.439 8.0095 2.8145 2.0265 1.8201 120.9839 2.0605 1.366 2.7463 1.0943 3.998 0.4194 1.8387 1.2035 1.1783 4.5001 1.9354 114.8286 173.678 0.2312 130.9792 67.2036 164.3234 0.2449 4.2267 185.887 152.8269 1.9083 33.2167 112.2372 2.369 186.6817 190.4092 174.8714 124.8382 2.5458 6.3489 130.4113 166.9913 176.9169 0.572 4.8189 1106 AI029064 R.norvegicus integral membrane glycoprotein cDNA 1.0035 0.9826 0.926 1.1685 0.9276 1.1853 0.9338 0.9396 1.059 1.0691 1.0245 1.0811 1.0696 0.9769 1.0842 1.0337 1.044 1.0054 0.8458 1.1932 1.0055 0.9935 2.2083 1.1408 6.2763 1.1496 0.9424 2.3664 1.1142 1.7712 5.3474 1.1979 1.2669 2.4459 1.1144 1.1749 1.4851 1.0722 2.0777 0.9374 1.1048 1.0896 2.0448 1.0609 3.0683 1.0932 1.1761 0.7561 1.0765 1107 AI028906 Rat liver specific transcription factor (LF-B1) ge 0.9958 0.9153 0.8722 0.8474 0.8108 0.7823 0.7507 0.7527 0.8108 0.9188 0.8652 0.9108 1.3382 1.3852 1.198 0.723 0.7143 0.6199 0.7379 1.0719 1.1356 1.1708 1.3756 1.0384 1.1969 1.0145 1.0428 1.4957 1.3323 1.0869 1.0485 0.914 0.801 1.178 0.817 0.8753 1.1313 1.0275 1.1169 1.1188 0.7406 0.7783 0.6235 1.1964 1.4702 1.0961 1.4377 0.7765 1.2403 1108 AI028907 "Rat mRNA for PS-PLA1, complete cds" 1.2158 0.9936 1.1592 1.1431 1.7118 0.8614 0.8523 0.8873 1.2437 1.8447 1.4198 1.2233 1.483 0.8396 0.923 0.8586 0.7843 0.8081 0.6893 1.2393 1.1504 1.3143 6.2468 1.3846 141.1743 1.6927 1.8338 202.2626 1.5963 4.9973 1.445 0.8932 1.4696 6.008 1.1604 2.0297 6.2514 1.3517 14.3227 1.5411 1.819 1.1517 115.489 1.4679 95.2986 1.6475 3.1387 0.5621 1.6513 1109 AI029094 Rat mRNA for ribosomal protein L31 0.9361 0.846 0.879 1.082 0.9805 1.5986 1.6744 0.9088 0.9097 0.9321 1.0482 1.123 1.0238 0.9048 1.0923 1.0503 1.0471 1.0252 0.9898 1.0354 1.1303 1.025 0.9764 0.9563 1.0256 0.8638 0.8925 0.8804 0.9445 1.4739 1.3444 1.5139 1.2757 1.6136 1.5278 1.4664 0.8686 0.962 0.9622 0.9163 0.8902 0.9986 0.922 0.9778 0.9499 0.9436 0.9229 0.983 0.913 1110 AI029105 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for acid gated ion channel 1.0023 0.902 1.1757 2.3654 1.1432 4.41 2.3111 2.2678 2.5779 1.4263 1.126 0.8518 1.5101 1.5153 1.1698 1.3374 0.9936 2.7761 0.7345 0.7748 0.9038 1.6876 3.2595 1.1349 2.3947 1.8468 0.8234 5.1897 1.047 3.3692 0.3934 1.3043 1.0362 1.0569 1.0935 2.1921 4.9162 1.5527 2.7783 2.3982 6.725 4.0785 0.8455 1.3673 1.912 1.4977 1.5893 0.6146 1.1745 1111 AA998854 ESTs 1.0367 1.0044 0.9729 1.4367 1.0649 1.7148 3.6211 0.9658 1.454 0.9725 1.1861 1.4631 2.2365 1.3941 1.1798 1.694 1.5606 1.5052 0.5803 0.3928 0.8671 1.3023 2.2141 1.5144 154.1769 2.3629 1.4404 208.2107 1.8471 3.0846 1.3035 1.2576 1.062 1.7221 1.0044 1.1668 181.6918 1.6124 274.205 354.6942 4.0084 351.0338 1.396 2.0538 9.0639 2.6171 2.5475 0.7765 1.7952 1112 AA998783 R.norvegicus ECL mRNA 0.6958 0.6724 0.6824 0.5408 0.5668 0.2252 0.2229 0.6136 0.5968 0.6778 0.681 0.6062 0.5078 0.666 0.8696 0.746 0.7529 0.4874 1.3057 1.2345 0.5866 0.5474 0.5683 0.5966 0.5064 0.4948 0.5566 0.5206 0.5441 0.2937 0.305 0.2948 0.1672 0.2208 0.1945 0.173 0.4818 0.513 0.3949 0.4642 0.4974 0.3702 0.449 0.7175 0.4614 0.5159 0.6502 0.6374 0.6206 1113 AA998796 Rattus norvegicus complement component C9 precurso 0.846 0.8854 0.9106 0.8373 0.9147 1.1112 1.0556 0.7402 0.7341 1.0726 1.1418 0.9587 0.996 1.1712 1.4419 0.82 0.8881 0.7115 1.0455 0.9921 1.0423 1.0518 0.9233 0.9505 0.8494 0.8994 0.8201 0.9312 0.9289 0.5587 0.515 0.5499 0.4178 0.5176 0.5335 0.8408 0.7012 1.1227 0.7927 1.0049 0.9151 0.7123 0.6538 0.9386 1.0217 1.0247 0.929 0.9369 0.9379 1114 AA999057 R.norvegicus CHOT1 mRNA 1.0317 0.9814 1.0226 0.9958 0.8816 0.757 0.6718 0.8448 1.0211 0.9288 1.0074 0.8237 0.8886 0.7669 0.831 0.772 0.8515 0.7867 0.9001 1.2283 0.7047 1.0812 1.3758 1.0734 2.5061 1.0456 0.6172 1.7563 1.0097 0.8076 0.8224 0.5575 1.0546 0.7031 0.5611 0.7787 0.9481 0.8652 1.3257 0.7663 0.8531 0.9017 1.0224 1.0618 1.1625 1.0514 0.8713 1.1509 1.0074 1115 AA999096 EST 1.1989 1.2598 6.0353 2.9509 1.2882 71.0406 50.4876 2.1645 2.1135 1.5188 1.667 1.3657 129.5644 1.1487 1.3616 2.3728 1.0536 1.8221 0.6228 0.9914 0.9465 1.1028 7.0071 1.5409 120.8072 206.3723 1.6341 148.0174 1.6863 26.3182 0.7371 137.925 8.1098 27.0245 2.1739 2.117 151.308 3.2612 182.8409 232.0444 167.8929 126.183 1.8418 4.7664 174.918 9.6026 181.7693 3.2481 6.6071 1116 AA999069 Rattus norvegicus basement membrane-associated cho 1.4417 1.4202 1.3295 1.6544 2.2123 1.9392 2.2229 1.3895 1.9174 1.9562 1.2921 1.261 1.5063 1.3049 1.475 1.2825 1.1516 1.446 0.7211 1.4826 1.4198 1.4075 14.8103 1.4308 177.553 2.4583 0.2778 296.585 2.0519 11.4567 0.7371 1.8054 2.5547 280.5206 2.3648 3.8326 43.547 2.2201 238.6564 2.7111 3.1955 3.3559 238.0885 1.6775 186.7126 2.3035 3.5438 3.263 2.0587 1117 AI028932 Rattus norvegicus prostaglandin F2a receptor regul 1.097 1.2713 1.2295 1.1758 1.1273 1.9232 2.2392 1.2266 1.2208 1.3513 1.182 1.477 1.6859 1.3916 0.9349 1.4347 1.2093 1.2015 0.758 1.2878 0.981 0.9724 1.65 0.8959 4.3726 1.1738 0.7023 1.4646 7.0327 1.6407 3.8676 1.9209 1.4059 1.8442 1.958 1.8191 4.02 1.2692 2.9427 2.8168 1.6195 1.5536 1.2937 1.3174 1.3989 1.4038 1.0751 1.1235 5.1867 1118 AI028940 "Rat vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 mRNA, comple" 1.225 1.0045 1.1278 1.3977 1.4326 2.4869 1.9109 0.9015 1.116 1.3761 1.4609 1.7159 1.3988 0.9864 0.6976 1.0308 1.0083 2.2866 0.6175 1.7676 1.3569 1.5569 2.4704 1.3144 566.3245 1.7625 2.3968 3.8067 2.4477 1.9547 242.3337 2.1622 1.1406 4.549 1.1788 3.3066 128.8089 1.6017 4.9012 1.8636 3.7841 1.6332 0.8336 1.6746 135.2275 2.4819 3.9864 8.6103 4.4416 1119 AI028987 R.norvegicus mRNA for insuline-degrading enzyme 0.8952 0.8738 0.8452 0.932 0.8899 1.2489 1.404 1.1498 1.18 1.1626 1.0525 1.1922 1.336 1.8315 0.897 1.2971 1.3751 1.4457 0.8094 1.0413 1.1507 1.1408 1.1867 0.8702 1.4613 0.9315 0.6945 0.9934 1.2203 1.2827 1.9723 1.2109 0.8434 1.0123 1.0629 1.1549 2.2689 1.0332 1.1994 1.5827 1.4426 1.5747 1.7834 1.1555 1.3318 1.0967 1.1214 1.1668 1.4995 1120 AI028992 "Rattus norvegicus germline unknown protein mRNA, 3" 0.994 0.9502 0.9927 0.7459 0.7718 0.575 0.6287 0.7341 0.7466 0.6548 0.7003 0.6727 0.7013 0.5384 0.4296 0.7325 0.7866 0.7579 0.9883 1.1835 0.8865 0.817 0.7943 1.072 0.671 0.77 0.7558 0.7732 0.7237 0.8957 1.0182 0.989 0.4585 1.9923 0.5617 0.5887 0.8193 0.599 0.6263 0.4686 0.5969 0.6894 1.0759 0.9138 0.8302 0.8227 1.1026 1.0807 1.0403 1121 AI028944 "Rat connexin 43 mRNA, complete cds" 1.0512 1.1399 1.0313 0.9497 0.8909 0.8981 0.8651 0.9839 0.9951 0.9994 1.0751 1.2097 1.029 0.9189 0.703 1.0099 1.0242 0.9062 0.9366 1.4501 1.0291 0.9076 0.9624 0.8702 1.044 0.9153 0.7293 1.0393 1.1471 0.8179 0.8923 0.8687 0.5899 0.821 0.8675 0.8619 1.0734 0.9014 1.1588 1.0488 1.05 1.0109 0.9755 1.006 1.0567 1.1185 0.9879 1.0205 1.052 1122 AI028945 Rat mRNA for RT1.D beta chain 1.2262 1.494 1.6648 0.6219 0.6947 0.5909 0.589 0.7654 0.6699 1.1621 1.0209 0.8576 0.8279 0.6257 0.547 0.9221 1.0619 1.451 0.7417 0.9444 1.5244 1.568 1.9219 1.4084 0.972 1.0923 0.8234 1.1033 1.2869 0.7244 1.354 0.6051 0.3327 0.5663 0.3592 0.5293 0.8191 0.8559 1.0338 0.7617 0.842 1.009 1.3004 0.9559 1.4021 1.3137 1.3468 1.5669 1.3106 1123 AI028952 R.norvegicus mRNA for C4BP beta chain protein 0.7405 0.7328 0.7369 0.98 0.8661 0.7417 0.7637 0.8216 0.7858 0.8558 0.8836 0.8619 1.0339 0.7858 0.7338 0.4777 0.4899 0.315 0.958 0.6874 1.0308 0.9183 0.9493 0.9636 0.8681 0.906 0.766 0.8549 1.0599 0.4349 0.4327 0.4991 0.3712 0.467 0.5012 0.645 0.7285 0.7706 0.695 0.7087 0.432 0.301 0.2974 0.8831 0.9313 0.8689 0.7146 0.7379 0.6835 1124 AI028961 "Rat mRNA for Na+,K+-ATPase beta-3 subunit, complet" 0.7835 0.763 0.8551 0.8796 0.8493 0.8148 0.8156 0.7504 0.7166 0.8872 0.8557 0.8289 0.7508 1.0152 0.771 0.9725 1.0752 0.9469 0.9408 1.2241 1.1199 1.0573 1.0532 1.056 0.8904 0.8611 0.8234 0.827 0.8092 1.0163 1.0722 0.8036 0.6288 0.8203 0.8105 0.6954 1.0199 0.7614 0.8135 0.8579 0.8973 0.8697 1.209 0.9862 0.9304 0.941 1.0844 1.0678 0.9992 1125 AI029012 "Rat serine pyruvate aminotransferase mRNA, complet" 0.9325 0.9202 1.0403 0.7442 0.6895 1.81 1.7627 1.1801 1.0668 1.0335 1.061 1.0312 0.9461 0.4074 0.3619 0.6139 0.6776 0.637 1.0328 1.1012 0.8213 0.7285 0.9198 0.9494 0.6922 0.7096 0.545 0.6585 0.7591 1.3367 1.4155 1.6387 1.1827 1.4363 1.576 1.3372 0.9633 0.9566 0.857 0.4161 0.5508 0.601 0.5972 1.0184 0.7595 0.9267 0.7471 0.7342 0.7605 1126 AI029014 Rattus norvegicus smooth muscle cell LIM protein ( 0.7783 0.7874 0.7231 0.7818 0.7471 1.2291 1.2216 0.8253 0.8364 0.9715 1.0004 0.9037 0.8402 0.6722 0.5695 0.7807 0.7779 0.7566 0.7679 1.1364 0.6669 0.6606 0.8794 0.828 0.9364 0.799 0.8234 0.8115 0.9075 2.4432 2.3511 1.2372 1.1131 1.5785 1.3444 1.0977 0.8541 0.7511 0.8512 0.5533 0.7025 0.6515 1.2932 0.802 0.8137 0.8988 0.9866 1.2176 0.9215 1127 AI028971 "Rattus norvegicus neurogenin mRNA, complete cds" 1.0414 1.0118 2.1292 1.843 1.5999 57.3751 54.7889 2.0316 5.4667 2.4656 1.5905 1.2522 2.9091 0.8315 1.1341 1.0367 1.1309 1.5237 0.4415 2.2901 0.7171 3.2164 3.1374 0.8036 100.7058 3.8134 0.3016 109.8406 2.5686 1.4336 135.3548 163.6287 1.3544 1.6921 1.4672 208.3113 117.6137 1.7873 146.4324 167.0203 160.1309 121.793 39.0577 193.5835 52.8633 6.6749 8.8827 25.5821 37.0098 1128 AI029122 "Rattus norvegicus mRNA for MEGF2, complete cds" 1.5054 1.2431 0.8459 19.6472 1.0795 83.6578 76.0505 3.8334 7.1375 2.0271 1.2715 1.3902 1.5601 0.9574 0.8325 1.8233 1.2006 1.258 0.5763 1.7989 1.628 3.6719 2.3786 0.9696 7.005 165.3984 0.8234 111.4919 2.9677 286.8771 166.6204 129.4681 2.4009 187.9103 2.379 161.0449 113.7128 1.4474 142.5243 5.1027 165.4659 94.3608 0.8336 1.399 125.676 3.5478 128.0804 3.721 169.9931 1129 AI029123 Rat rab geranylgeranyl transferase beta-subunit mR 1.1051 1.0192 1.1753 1.1242 1.1248 1.836 1.7885 1.1958 1.1243 0.9274 1.0044 1.1859 1.4631 1.0879 1.1585 1.0623 1.0284 0.9437 0.7442 1.0428 0.9368 0.927 1.1407 0.9063 1.6479 0.9849 0.7422 1.3504 1.2894 1.7276 0.9156 1.6679 1.5691 1.8374 1.6056 1.6623 1.3409 1.1514 1.4314 1.1786 1.1329 1.2169 1.0417 1.0676 1.105 1.0691 1.0417 0.822 1.1765 1130 AI029119 Rat gene for insulin 2 1.4803 1.2625 1.9527 99.0229 1.4709 107.4527 66.6022 3.8049 108.867 12.3949 1.2804 1.0679 2.9242 0.9368 1.2656 1.5986 1.0907 1.3364 0.7662 1.3633 0.9496 1.422 12.6602 3.2509 143.3435 3.043 1.9371 144.0007 1.3365 240.8736 298.6993 3.6441 2.9066 25.3502 1.5215 213.1582 174.7933 2.8249 159.086 5.4218 182.9541 186.9179 0.8336 3.1949 192.1336 5.4575 153.1855 0.589 3.6305 1131 AI029203 Rattus norvegicus growth arrest and DNA-damage-ind 1.4552 1.3589 1.7885 2.3527 1.6491 4.8796 5.3818 1.489 1.7667 1.9197 1.5214 1.6436 2.434 2.7118 1.4839 1.2716 1.1587 1.6166 0.6271 1.0033 1.161 1.1457 1.8159 1.2641 212.3758 1.2051 1.6263 288.8133 2.0237 3.6046 4.1629 2.8813 3.3864 3.2582 3.3939 6.3427 8.5097 2.0375 11.6022 4.4538 3.1764 8.3272 1.5503 2.0907 3.8446 2.6699 6.9055 0.7765 1.9603 1132 AI029223 "Rattus norvegicus nuclear RNA helicase mRNA, compl" 0.9689 0.9235 1.0748 1.1574 1.3253 1.7457 1.6875 0.8708 1.0365 1.2809 1.0378 1.1337 1.1878 0.8371 0.8734 0.9539 1.1092 1.0993 0.8328 1.341 1.0086 1.084 2.5154 1.096 1.7807 1.3029 1.0093 2.0379 1.3232 1.9505 1.8718 1.2669 1.5711 2.4071 1.7259 1.7368 1.3418 0.9618 1.7063 0.9575 1.1997 1.0304 2.3097 1.0983 1.6692 1.1803 1.1823 0.6915 1.0225 1133 AI029521 "Rattus norvegicus asparagine synthetase mRNA, seco" 1.2053 1.2534 1.6012 8.6723 1.0624 56.5245 469.0664 1.6334 2.312 1.887 1.4527 2.3999 7.6614 1.8755 1.6235 1.5954 0.8587 1.5534 0.5743 0.7619 0.9416 0.982 3.7646 1.4679 136.4483 5.8863 1.3619 201.9061 7.9769 254.6704 611.6392 17.5076 20.2849 36.9657 11.5111 7.8147 179.2238 6.5126 280.1685 293.1089 3.3368 341.074 1.3637 1.8051 173.7348 2.9806 15.0705 3.9235 3.3196 1134 AI029279 "Rattus norvegicus neuroligin I mRNA, complete cds" 1.1463 1.3673 1.413 123.5661 1.5387 92.7808 78.6065 75.5109 81.8601 2.8365 1.7624 1.1169 3.8995 1.347 1.9668 0.9325 1.2125 3.471 0.5995 1.6103 0.9207 1.5984 3.3646 1.8908 152.1147 6.1746 0.8234 154.9457 1.129 219.824 0.1767 2.8642 2.9297 1.8811 1.6811 12.8168 7.1339 1.8515 198.1729 2.9234 163.2847 170.0376 80.4556 1.8411 3.9986 1.598 2.299 0.5237 1.1687 1135 AI029442 Rattus norvegicus brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) 1.1296 4.5621 1.6507 108.4555 1.1655 78.0657 0.7314 3.3503 7.0033 0.8398 2.2815 1.3708 125.582 2.946 1.4818 17.3275 1.3599 1.6447 0.4069 17.4519 1.0733 1.188 3.2713 1.626 114.4656 187.7332 1.167 130.1543 8.678 197.9456 183.8751 9.4088 163.4232 178.1919 1.871 5.7284 111.6546 3.5563 149.5268 189.3196 176.1429 114.4277 1.8753 28.8387 163.8684 151.5701 167.9266 0.3472 23.7929 1136 AI029454 Rat PFK-L mRNA for liver phosphofructokinase 0.8981 0.8922 0.8718 0.9497 1.016 1.1806 0.9931 0.9303 0.9842 1.1893 0.8911 0.9108 1.0293 1.0179 1.196 1.009 0.941 0.9313 0.8423 1.1107 0.8779 0.94 1.7921 0.941 2.0826 1.003 0.8568 1.2667 0.9962 1.2292 1.3164 1.1959 1.2811 1.3626 1.2106 1.0495 1.0138 1.1497 1.2689 1.0498 0.8964 0.8655 1.4389 1.8958 1.9055 1.0092 0.9186 1.0918 1.0695 1137 AI029380 Rat mRNA for ribophorin I 0.7925 0.767 0.8133 0.8443 0.9322 1.0249 1.0651 1.018 0.9445 1.2071 1.2682 1.2187 1.2888 1.4651 1.9091 1.2971 1.3512 1.0991 0.8884 0.8361 1.0832 1.1673 1.0047 0.8 1.0527 1.1735 0.7754 1.197 1.4576 0.818 0.7144 0.8301 0.7677 0.9716 0.9474 1.0101 1.1282 1.3174 1.2945 1.7066 1.5199 1.3645 1.2437 1.0793 1.1944 1.0523 0.995 1.0083 1.0674 1138 AI030246 "R.norvegicus mRNA for pre-alpha-inhibitor, heavy c" 0.9549 0.8124 0.9144 0.6984 0.8004 0.4854 0.47 0.7062 0.6935 0.7791 0.8299 0.7377 0.9763 0.6387 0.8335 0.6246 0.6055 0.6208 1.3457 1.3266 0.9207 0.9734 1.0256 1.1513 0.6969 0.9163 0.9684 0.8829 0.9075 0.4232 0.4372 0.455 0.3362 0.3655 0.3758 0.5281 0.7516 0.7698 0.635 0.5282 0.521 0.5471 0.6298 0.8185 0.7228 0.8925 0.8588 0.8259 0.8333 1139 AI030330 "ESTs, Highly similar to striatin [R.norvegicus]" 1.1237 1.0008 1.4865 1.2592 1.2916 1.9198 1.9565 1.0479 1.5124 1.2301 1.2196 1.323 1.9648 1.2904 1.0637 1.4717 1.2446 2.0537 0.6216 1.0083 1.2315 1.1867 2.7604 1.1686 177.4669 2.5419 0.8234 313.2703 2.2647 2.0509 0.7371 1.509 2.7102 4.0516 1.3235 1.747 59.7712 2.4881 328.6497 4.7695 2.9174 453.2794 1.5037 1.7983 3.4614 2.6341 2.4625 2.2049 2.2172 1140 AI030334 Rattus norvegicus (clone RSTK-1) serine-threonine 1.2242 1.0114 1.0709 1.7949 2.8147 2.5663 1.3073 1.1991 1.5677 6.1689 1.0058 0.8804 1.045 0.8572 1.1545 1.1782 0.9175 0.9856 0.6901 1.3844 1.1461 1.0894 6.6321 1.6364 140.0141 1.9247 0.5863 204.6598 1.4274 17.8541 0.7371 1.3591 1.5119 8.6728 2.0165 4.4961 188.9271 1.348 196.5789 2.2094 3.152 6.4643 107.2685 1.4803 166.1499 17.4211 9.1893 3.0935 1.9741 1141 AI030589 "Rattus norvegicus steroid sulfatase (Sts) mRNA, co" 0.7083 0.7531 0.7523 0.9353 0.8681 0.8093 0.7643 0.8155 0.7776 1.0084 0.9749 1.0824 1.0444 0.6261 0.5475 0.5925 0.6469 0.9105 0.715 0.854 0.6621 0.5903 0.9409 0.697 1.0885 0.7938 0.6807 0.7793 1.2034 0.7303 0.9803 0.8284 0.4665 0.6112 0.5886 0.7114 0.9994 0.8908 1.0459 0.6932 0.5941 0.782 0.7901 0.7783 0.6875 0.8302 1.0055 0.9821 1.2082 1142 AI029236 Rattus norvegicus 11-beta-hydroxylsteroid dehydrog 1.2937 1.1061 0.8459 1.9545 1.362 77.2363 71.886 2.1537 2.4178 1.7464 1.2768 1.1689 1.7872 1.5613 1.5185 1.8314 1.3155 1.5667 0.4012 2.1824 1.9228 2.4216 5.0284 1.5756 9.5692 2.4547 2.2074 18.6424 4.6963 1.8855 206.0284 185.7171 1.0843 6.1214 1.4465 11.9182 159.3427 1.8295 181.3801 3.2891 12.3898 2.266 0.8336 2.5407 4.0156 2.3855 10.9518 19.6647 7.1237 1143 AI029162 Rat messenger encoding alpha-1-acid glycoprotein 1.4116 1.3561 1.5037 0.7896 0.766 0.9966 0.9934 1.0845 0.9949 0.6323 0.656 0.4745 0.4615 1.696 1.3825 1.2359 1.2852 1.182 1.4251 1.3207 0.9393 0.8407 0.9306 0.9471 0.6996 0.7699 0.8574 0.7471 0.8357 0.8393 0.8899 1.0086 0.7584 0.9911 1.0156 0.8198 0.9735 0.6046 0.3993 1.4475 1.0515 1.011 1.0861 1.1999 0.7772 0.8511 0.6294 0.6268 0.6099 1144 AI029242 R.norvegicus mRNA for ribosomal protein L41 0.9286 0.9579 0.9563 0.9751 0.9184 1.4367 1.5756 0.8712 0.8894 0.9407 0.9157 0.9971 0.9734 0.8476 0.7449 0.9384 0.9835 0.8702 1.036 1.0697 0.9244 0.7649 0.9051 1.1448 0.7845 0.8155 0.8203 0.7633 0.8101 1.333 1.3885 1.2886 1.203 1.5426 1.374 1.222 0.751 0.6658 0.7758 0.6394 0.6417 0.6685 1.0098 0.7122 0.7364 0.8358 0.8378 0.815 0.7384 1145 AI029254 "Rattus norvegicus rS-Rex-b mRNA, complete cds" 1.1832 1.9475 1.8395 1.7808 7.5704 98.2048 113.2412 1.8248 1.6928 3.4941 5.7145 3.1266 2.3254 1.8962 0.8707 1.8512 1.3368 1.9611 0.6432 0.7743 0.9307 0.8774 2.3742 0.8531 137.6635 1.6593 0.6945 161.84 1.3308 2.4922 181.6042 252.9949 1.2893 2.8079 1.6082 9.5135 161.042 1.3224 212.4002 292.0941 3.3519 242.6753 3.4895 4.1305 3.8227 2.2146 8.5557 2.5114 3.5259 1146 AI029470 "Rattus norvegicus CLP36 (clp36) mRNA, complete cds" 1.2576 1.3758 1.6169 1.6398 1.5933 2.1579 1.7938 0.8801 0.9044 1.4733 1.2636 1.1143 1.2018 1.2428 1.2097 1.157 1.2003 2.0339 0.7911 1.1861 1.1424 1.365 1.6141 1.0417 1.9304 2.5128 0.8234 2.7624 3.9023 0.7244 5.7306 1.8593 1.3716 1.7956 1.7732 1.7166 4.7071 1.6096 1.4156 1.4883 1.2771 1.7109 1.9919 1.171 1.2472 1.1417 1.2595 1.3882 1.1466 1147 AI029395 Rattus norvegicus VIP-receptor-gene repressor prot 1.2866 1.6972 1.6687 1.4894 1.391 8.5926 195.8421 1.5061 1.862 1.1939 3.0514 1.7715 2.4432 1.6375 1.1873 2.1462 1.7482 2.3996 0.6973 0.7172 1.7093 1.7331 4.1354 1.2401 141.9807 1.8423 0.6254 250.2653 70.7059 1.9927 231.8038 36.0202 1.3042 2.0798 1.9464 8.7803 179.7949 1.3438 233.6411 319.1673 8.8571 391.915 4.8723 2.7904 3.8406 5.2933 18.034 3.4215 6.6503 1148 AI029309 Rattus norvegicus Sprague-Dawley N-methyl-D-aspart 0.9761 1.2512 0.8459 2.0736 0.9803 74.9712 7.5594 1.8025 4.5238 1.5604 1.498 1.6344 2.0412 1.7446 0.8926 1.7365 1.1567 1.6984 0.6367 1.9455 2.5509 3.2767 2.8843 1.6987 103.0397 1.617 0.7438 118.7891 4.4997 0.7244 161.1644 141.8049 1.2513 5.5339 2.6239 6.8848 88.1045 1.6747 0.7822 3.4913 170.589 3.8478 53.4395 4.4239 4.1834 3.8455 143.87 9.2781 2.5253 1149 AI029569 "Rattus norvegicus Na+/Pi cotransporter-1 mRNA, com" 1.16 1.1064 1.3721 1.3612 1.1527 0.9643 0.954 1.651 1.5697 1.543 1.6349 1.2648 1.2887 1.3036 1.0502 1.8149 1.8821 1.6953 0.8827 1.6346 1.1584 1.1539 1.8341 1.3657 3.1237 1.8285 0.9142 2.0525 3.4804 1.6136 3.73 1.1544 0.8214 1.0413 1.0431 0.8589 159.148 1.1785 2.2609 3.3341 2.3631 2.7748 2.0797 1.5289 1.4586 2.8966 1.7939 1.705 3.6161 1150 AI029566 "Rat mRNA for phosphatidylinositol synthase, comple" 0.8543 0.9117 0.791 0.8518 0.8739 0.9023 0.9392 0.857 0.8856 1.0809 0.9564 1.0789 0.9265 0.9569 0.7615 0.9644 0.9559 1.0047 0.7655 1.342 1.0533 0.8788 0.9313 0.9843 1.2701 0.9163 0.8234 0.9217 1.0801 3.3697 1.5848 0.9386 0.758 1.6037 0.9207 0.9521 7.8175 0.777 0.4129 0.9957 0.9771 0.8412 103.6289 0.9843 1.276 1.0716 1.0482 1.2807 1.0755 1151 AI029578 Rat vesicle associated membrane protein (VAMP-1) m 1.1427 0.9751 1.1351 1.1027 1.0348 2.7314 3.4673 1.0848 1.7366 1.8096 1.6598 1.5306 1.6456 2.0067 0.811 1.1341 1.1781 1.6829 0.5685 1.9547 0.9379 1.2634 1.2157 1.1761 113.0091 1.9185 0.2916 4.9104 3.7995 10.675 187.9712 2.6073 1.2915 1.3378 1.2713 2.6533 127.8677 1.6197 208.4415 245.2349 4.8626 29.5073 3.9135 4.5586 4.7596 4.6466 4.0126 3.3745 7.9924 1152 AI029586 Rat brain mRNA for cholecystokinin (CCK) precursor 1.2899 1.32 0.8459 1.5252 1.1206 85.3827 75.5905 1.8978 7.2982 10.1856 1.4438 1.2481 2.0533 1.0103 0.5592 1.8218 1.1395 1.6479 0.4452 1.7985 2.1286 2.9597 7.7955 1.2049 33.192 4.3168 0.5044 112.6848 1.551 272.7857 180.8384 119.0373 1.6299 175.4144 2.7857 173.364 117.3352 2.2691 142.178 5.9977 167.9052 4.4678 0.8336 2.9839 165.4062 3.4713 135.1375 11.479 173.7532 1153 AI029336 R.norvegicus mRNA for (S)-2-hydroxy acid oxidase 1.1246 1.0361 1.1905 0.9006 1.0017 0.3384 0.3275 0.5272 0.517 0.7643 0.8589 0.9276 0.8943 0.5467 0.7085 0.5528 0.5758 0.6084 1.1071 1.1498 1.2821 1.2532 1.1788 1.1276 1.1975 1.2676 1.2804 1.3883 1.6366 0.254 0.7371 0.212 0.2584 0.3435 0.2899 0.3767 0.7022 0.9831 1.0293 0.6312 0.6265 0.7239 0.6485 1.3424 1.3835 1.4437 1.1916 1.1602 1.118 1154 AI029683 Rat liver mRNA for gap junction protein 1.1233 1.1431 1.1135 0.9286 1.0412 0.6979 0.7041 0.8642 0.8871 0.9933 0.965 1.0385 0.887 0.7226 1.0891 1.021 0.9719 0.8356 1.4553 1.3201 1.0862 1.0715 0.8773 1.1115 0.8734 1.0314 0.6374 0.9134 0.9387 0.7081 0.6696 0.7275 0.6538 0.8075 0.8027 0.6058 0.7734 0.7757 0.764 0.558 0.6959 0.6964 0.7666 0.8139 0.741 0.8109 0.9097 0.8513 0.8394 1155 AI029686 R.norvegicus nup155 gene 1.0023 1.0446 0.9092 1.3989 1.1174 2.2456 104.9101 1.0558 1.3216 1.2716 1.2229 2.0426 2.1914 1.3214 1.268 1.3641 1.1656 1.5192 0.824 0.3117 1.1196 1.3245 2.0206 1.2629 140.3687 2.2959 1.4133 238.055 2.1693 3.5849 6.0475 1.5723 1.9696 2.4109 1.7021 1.2232 183.676 3.4282 214.9506 254.1285 2.8293 8.4281 1.0163 2.1576 184.4171 1.6706 2.4494 1.4389 11.1344 1156 AI029599 "Rat mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) mRNA, complete" 1.1856 1.0621 1.2004 1.2206 1.4019 1.3304 1.2044 1.3914 1.7732 1.1924 1.233 1.0924 1.1707 1.0849 1.1079 1.176 1.1892 1.9102 0.8526 1.7443 1.232 1.2014 2.6684 1.1666 152.4501 2.2945 1.1121 223.2605 1.0958 1.1462 0.2771 0.9854 1.8648 1.7444 1.0632 1.6159 3.0885 1.5402 11.5333 2.2288 2.0511 1.9787 1.9867 1.3143 2.3253 1.6599 1.1481 2.0575 1.2876 1157 AI029706 "Rat Ig active lambda2-like chain mRNA, 3' end" 0.8637 0.8561 0.6783 1.0164 0.8317 1.23 2.0308 0.8535 0.9996 1.23 1.3629 1.0224 1.5869 0.8432 0.8894 0.9248 0.6651 0.6605 0.6098 1.5202 0.9938 0.6966 1.5321 1.0953 122.7498 2.2064 1.2683 18.7239 1.2168 1.509 0.7804 0.6126 1.0273 1.4711 0.6978 0.8354 2.4314 1.3133 21.5417 229.9875 0.7877 1.1588 0.4842 1.2375 1.8836 1.6157 2.0597 0.8066 1.6235 1158 AI029631 "Rat Ig germline C-lambda chain gene C1-region, 3' " 1.1016 1.2065 1.124 1.3096 1.2075 1.1668 0.8926 1.3302 1.1441 1.2984 1.0886 0.9883 1.025 1.1151 1.1551 1.0093 1.041 1.2181 1.0651 1.3513 1.038 1.0908 2.0566 1.2475 114.8933 3.5345 1.972 0.7521 1.233 211.0985 0.3253 1.9239 1.418 1.4119 1.6359 9.5997 156.5333 2.1176 152.063 3.864 145.0789 24.375 0.8336 1.8693 155.3261 3.6712 0.9599 26.6781 2.4509 1159 AI030101 R.norvegicus mRNA for five-lipoxygenase activating 0.9428 1.0893 0.9738 1.3763 1.5983 2.8889 4.4459 1.066 1.7228 1.3027 1.2259 1.1932 1.941 1.9549 1.0899 1.9078 0.9323 1.0145 0.5681 1.3322 0.9464 0.9612 4.8085 1.3063 31.4505 2.6971 1.0515 196.4676 1.3095 2.237 2.3927 0.9976 1.852 1.4041 1.0353 1.0166 182.218 1.3808 7.2821 283.6766 1.6102 245.9211 0.8216 1.668 2.8527 2.7965 3.3635 3.7533 2.7087 1160 AI029768 Rattus norvegicus protein tyrosine phosphatase 2E1 0.7679 0.6732 0.7111 0.8514 0.9015 0.7963 0.7174 0.6667 0.7665 0.7955 0.7877 0.7505 0.6629 1.1261 1.212 1.4087 1.268 1.542 0.8572 1.2478 0.5776 1.1157 1.2587 1.227 1.7579 0.9004 0.7794 1.1759 0.8509 1.0734 1.493 0.6866 0.835 1.9026 0.7665 0.79 1.2756 0.8607 1.2475 0.9414 1.3799 1.7466 2.3576 1.0723 1.6724 1.262 1.1136 1.3009 1.0002 1161 AI029771 "Rattus norvegicus adenylyl cyclase type V mRNA, co" 0.9622 1.0073 1.0281 0.9637 1.1776 1.2622 1.5481 1.0872 1.3139 1.2309 1.1119 0.9501 1.4541 1.4971 1.301 1.0302 0.9367 1.2783 0.7321 1.3055 1.1092 1.0624 1.7168 0.8363 8.7543 1.7244 1.4862 259.6226 1.2484 3.2344 1.5228 1.1143 1.2986 1.3974 1.0849 1.3886 8.0695 1.4197 5.1136 3.2754 1.6694 5.3024 1.0046 1.4379 1.8864 2.0058 1.667 1.5379 1.5803 1162 AI029791 Rattus norvegicus scaffold attachment factor B mRN 1.0798 1.0591 0.914 1.2003 1.3153 1.6882 1.2609 1.0772 1.1026 1.1783 0.9102 0.9672 1.0631 1.5178 1.2016 1.0212 1.0221 0.8894 0.7913 1.2195 1.0823 1.1486 1.4991 1.1911 3.3416 1.2109 1.2464 2.7001 1.1793 1.5295 0.6577 1.1967 2.2711 1.859 1.3504 1.6474 1.656 0.9128 2.4164 1.2852 1.4752 1.4901 1.9558 0.9933 1.7211 1.2789 1.3799 1.3336 1.248 1163 AI029934 "Rat Msx-1 mRNA for Msx-1 protein, complete cds" 1.1359 1.8173 1.2423 20.6893 1.0461 79.563 61.8359 3.6447 5.8382 0.8398 4.3373 3.6767 159.0316 2.4352 1.2768 1.7594 1.4344 2.5663 0.5858 0.3051 0.7559 1.2478 3.7558 1.2003 105.425 203.9254 1.3456 182.2098 2.2037 151.1115 2.9188 2.3586 2.8982 26.2035 1.8959 2.722 123.0449 3.1015 136.9014 173.3484 149.9366 123.2285 0.9328 4.0209 146.3391 2.8854 162.4041 0.6068 3.0398 1164 AI029935 Rat lysosomal membrane glycoprotein type B (lgp-B) 0.9645 0.8936 1.0872 0.877 1.072 0.8252 0.933 0.9295 0.8961 0.8884 0.8639 0.9463 0.8531 0.8621 0.9831 1.048 1.0732 0.9004 1.3632 1.2534 1.2318 1.0312 1.1426 1.1809 1.0242 0.9424 1.1432 0.9819 1.1876 0.7244 0.756 0.9067 0.6527 0.7981 0.9326 0.8492 1.0101 1.031 0.9 0.8279 1.0945 0.8846 1.1076 1.1341 1.0117 1.0859 1.1727 1.128 1.1522 1165 AI030282 Rat mRNA for neuronal high affinity glutamate tran 1.066 1.1659 1.1356 0.8681 0.8145 0.7691 0.7213 0.8776 0.9225 0.925 0.9688 1.2496 1.2419 1.0614 0.6997 0.9484 0.9524 1.0487 0.749 1.2752 0.9826 1.0674 1.1035 1.16 1.0568 0.9515 0.8273 1.2965 1.1176 0.7244 0.9298 0.7378 0.4463 0.5582 0.6071 0.6318 1.4183 0.906 1.1086 1.1229 1.1687 1.3943 1.1887 1.4164 1.3576 1.3745 1.1419 1.1097 1.0848 1166 AI030286 R.norvegicus mRNA for brain-derived neurotrophic f 1.3545 1.3829 0.8459 3.6225 1.262 89.0126 89.6151 2.0671 2.6296 2.2421 0.895 0.8884 1.2758 0.7838 0.8325 1.3889 1.3641 1.1872 0.9175 2.2064 1.0117 1.2992 32.4805 1.5083 2.7851 197.3541 0.8234 113.8067 1.3738 598.3177 212.2742 122.066 1.4241 4.7094 2.7647 205.7728 136.0219 1.3669 6.5904 2.6419 176.0981 2.2247 77.7973 2.3745 153.024 2.6673 138.6225 2.996 29.4286 1167 AI030295 Rattus norvegicus GTP cyclohydrolase I feedback re 1.3595 1.3903 1.2524 1.0368 0.8959 0.4208 0.4222 1.2889 1.3093 1.1541 1.1897 1.2358 0.882 0.6104 0.7348 0.7091 0.6778 0.6179 1.2984 1.4413 0.9776 0.8266 1.0817 1.1093 1.0534 0.9081 0.5708 0.8951 0.9924 0.3658 0.4555 0.4342 0.3116 0.4058 0.4276 0.3646 1.0668 0.8693 0.7825 0.7992 0.5174 0.5767 0.5551 1.2293 0.8297 1.0328 0.8391 0.8345 0.847 1168 AI030305 "Rattus norvegicus nucleoporin p54 mRNA, complete c" 1.2698 1.2099 1.3198 1.3245 1.0208 5.9328 2.687 1.137 1.27 0.9791 1.8259 1.4568 1.351 1.1957 0.9421 1.1258 1.3952 7.2723 1.2559 2.0268 1.0837 1.4063 57.4264 1.2466 2.125 1.6157 1.5749 1.7433 1.253 1.4272 181.8447 1.7703 0.9377 0.9831 1.4011 1.9729 130.6488 0.8752 1.8906 2.0343 1.8194 1.8325 3.0535 1.6072 2.7174 1.492 1.4902 1.5994 1.4096 1169 AI030308 "Rattus norvegicus calpain Lp82 mRNA, complete cds" 1.0493 1.9776 1.4963 1.5385 1.0577 49.1882 65.7844 3.9006 5.9749 1.0597 2.1088 2.2398 2.9439 1.2203 0.9078 4.0556 2.2724 0.9931 0.4429 0.9116 0.7811 1.823 10.8813 2.1167 59.2706 4.6011 0.3738 1.884 44.0126 0.7244 102.7458 122.9626 1.4293 1.2437 1.6619 151.6866 89.6419 1.1135 160.5146 141.1253 20.8146 97.5438 44.6299 5.7791 101.0755 2.5922 108.1291 3.3927 34.2302 1170 AI030474 "Rat L-type pyruvate kinase mRNA, complete cds" 1.2537 1.3976 1.5801 1.2921 1.2066 0.7299 0.8202 1.0445 0.9972 0.8099 0.9958 0.8685 0.9029 1.4617 1.0755 0.8436 0.8537 0.9657 1.2765 1.9952 1.0416 0.9948 1.4538 1.2592 1.8292 1.3119 0.9097 1.3856 1.1287 1.012 5.1311 0.7836 0.57 1.0382 0.6105 0.6809 4.3418 0.8128 1.0742 1.3422 0.8709 0.6945 48.0921 1.4922 1.2032 1.1998 1.183 1.3524 1.1593 1171 AI030489 "Rat GTP-binding protein (G-alpha-i3) mRNA, complet" 0.9128 1.0268 1.1656 0.8621 0.8547 0.9599 1.056 1.0153 0.9456 1.0471 1.0462 1.0243 1.0245 1.101 0.9392 1.1126 1.1219 1.0566 0.9834 1.0035 1.0319 1.0054 0.9878 1.0319 0.9203 0.8631 0.7578 0.8385 1.3877 0.97 0.8278 0.762 0.5921 0.7761 0.9092 0.7564 1.017 0.9628 1.0898 1.2071 1.1486 1.2666 1.189 1.0792 1.0899 1.16 0.9438 1.0182 1.0435 1172 AI030491 Rattus norvegicus cystatin-related epididymal sper 1.1609 1.2646 0.8459 2.4517 1.2546 67.267 62.4796 2.4118 6.3057 1.2125 1.0316 1.0316 1.0326 0.9909 0.832 1.1698 1.3554 1.5352 0.495 2.3644 2.0488 3.8852 1.5691 1.2897 4.4042 113.4292 0.4601 92.2055 0.8601 8.0326 1.3113 115.2259 1.0587 4.9926 1.41 129.1118 123.7221 1.0428 11.5042 4.2637 154.4607 128.1591 0.8336 2.7613 110.7875 4.1634 121.7178 33.9799 3.2941 1173 AI030720 Rattus norvegicus casein kinase 1 alpha (CKIa) mRN 1.1665 1.1806 1.0258 1.0668 1.021 1.2563 1.595 1.2162 1.1187 1.0906 1.0114 1.1915 1.1795 0.8737 0.8602 0.9627 0.9512 1.2476 1.1111 1.2652 1.1656 1.0711 1.0475 1.1035 1.1529 0.9877 0.9597 1.0725 1.2587 1.7647 1.5489 1.321 0.8002 1.0264 1.3034 1.1077 1.448 0.9041 1.2066 1.0007 1.1245 1.089 1.0869 1.2501 1.1283 1.0528 1.0841 1.0721 1.0945 1174 AI030725 Rattus norvegicus alpha-actinin-2 associated LIM p 1.0139 1.0402 0.867 0.9188 1.0303 3.0961 1.457 1.0977 1.2371 1.3108 1.1169 1.2376 1.0938 0.9074 0.9138 1.3893 1.3582 1.6763 0.7949 2.1056 1.9007 0.8645 1.7285 1.1354 1.4554 1.7218 0.7719 1.9773 1.0308 2.0308 218.7223 1.3035 0.6267 1.8286 0.8002 1.5857 165.1305 0.9233 2.2352 1.2418 1.0135 2.1245 0.8336 1.1803 2.3258 1.6465 1.1402 1.5487 1.4555 1175 AI030728 Rattus norvegicus HNF-3/forkhead homolog-1 (HFH-1) 1.0638 3.2095 0.8459 2.0304 1.3582 64.8275 0.7314 2.4333 6.2007 114.564 4.7931 4.2394 9.835 83.0855 1.0137 2.7379 1.5299 1.9769 0.5705 0.9116 0.7639 1.1207 1.4841 0.9933 78.0954 3.3149 0.5889 107.1276 2.6907 6.0485 142.2282 164.9922 0.9913 1.4092 1.748 148.9902 102.4062 1.4769 138.1859 181.9274 119.9789 92.5365 54.9497 3.6591 12.2768 13.1751 133.001 13.5075 116.5561 1176 AI030987 "EST, Highly similar to tyrosine phosphatase [M.mus" 0.8862 1.0918 1.1778 1.0941 0.9906 1.6265 0.9436 0.9371 1.0306 1.1582 1.1344 0.8178 0.9229 3.1629 0.8517 1.13 1.2254 2.2416 0.6486 1.5524 1.4468 1.6965 1.4798 0.9853 1.4713 2.3758 1.7568 1.1757 1.4283 25.3307 235.251 1.3974 0.6471 0.7166 0.7477 1.4672 5.8694 0.9685 2.1361 1.7882 1.4327 1.3746 1.6296 1.594 3.2433 1.6253 2.1365 2.5071 1.2258 1177 AI030996 R.norvegicus mRNA for 17-beta hydroxysteroid dehyd 0.4159 0.3534 0.3666 0.5555 0.5806 0.4114 0.6166 0.7401 0.7611 1.3981 1.5138 1.0379 0.9917 0.6402 0.6681 0.6708 0.6743 0.3616 0.7907 0.8445 1.8159 1.9629 1.9467 1.8214 1.3852 0.4904 0.6953 0.7716 0.9195 0.5373 1.3866 0.4982 0.4631 0.6525 0.3993 0.3761 0.9666 1.5794 1.1597 0.9016 0.607 0.3754 0.361 0.8902 2.0958 2.1545 1.0371 1.0451 1.2024 1178 AI030889 Rattus norvegicus putative four repeat ion channel 1.1508 1.172 1.1404 1.1068 1.0852 0.8503 0.7941 1.0929 0.9129 1.0963 0.9901 1.0902 0.9913 0.7902 1.0411 0.9705 0.9317 1.0316 1.1331 1.1116 1.0741 1.1235 1.1727 1.0053 2.8018 9.9823 2.8429 8.2255 1.3454 3.422 0.3648 1.1308 1.1741 1.3697 1.0912 2.9468 4.2726 1.2997 2.604 1.7997 203.1073 4.2966 9.0089 2.3676 2.1681 1.761 1.3896 2.0929 1.2299 1179 AI030897 "Rat cytochrome P450 isozyme CMF2 mRNA, complete cd" 1.0646 0.968 1.0553 0.7087 0.7243 0.4756 0.4364 0.6944 0.6908 0.6018 0.6499 0.9227 0.7141 0.7227 1.1874 0.9006 0.8865 1.0721 1.0204 0.8609 0.8866 0.8908 0.8189 0.7931 0.6599 0.7415 0.7305 0.7073 0.7307 0.4517 0.4151 0.4354 0.3256 0.3979 0.416 0.3623 0.6176 0.5616 0.63 0.7245 0.7443 0.957 0.8691 0.7444 0.7453 0.7354 0.6853 0.672 0.7207 1180 AI030904 "Rattus norvegicus cysteine-rich protein mRNA, comp" 0.8508 0.8648 0.8099 0.8657 0.9168 0.5368 0.4644 0.5771 0.6208 1.0909 1.004 0.884 0.9253 1.0484 1.3701 0.6929 0.7094 0.7098 1.0814 1.3878 1.0281 0.9294 0.9932 1.1141 1.1528 1.2541 1.1061 1.4803 1.2341 0.3471 0.7371 0.3438 0.4526 0.641 0.429 0.4921 0.6376 1.0187 0.9345 1.032 0.6289 0.6453 0.7177 0.9934 1.1583 1.0452 0.8421 0.9699 0.933 1181 AI030908 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for a novel kinesin-related 1.0065 1.3081 1.1254 2.5909 1.0356 1102.689 59.9646 1.8083 2.0732 0.8629 1.5447 1.2007 9.0189 1.275 1.198 5.8231 0.9746 1.3532 0.4474 0.3672 1.2799 1.44 17.6267 1.2875 113.377 5.8851 1.6668 159.6555 1.0343 188.77 235.7676 1.1932 2.3688 8.2826 1.4576 4.6476 118.2227 1.6364 165.1293 179.3805 9.0133 147.1898 1.2506 2.6313 4.1063 3.1596 199.5363 12.8722 2.6093 1182 AI030913 "Rattus norvegicus chromogranin B (Chgb) mRNA, comp" 1.196 1.1689 1.0751 1.2377 1.2135 1.1475 1.0083 1.4827 1.1657 1.2013 0.9239 1.0308 1.2209 1.307 1.1654 1.0485 1.0222 0.8239 1.0344 1.3303 1.0691 1.1715 1.2009 1.2002 99.7363 158.106 0.816 0.7521 1.2658 219.3322 0.4925 5.7842 3.6668 9.1313 2.6128 160.6559 112.0252 2.812 133.1586 171.5339 129.4462 115.0269 0.8336 1.0608 122.3907 142.7142 0.3536 117.3302 2.8461 1183 AI030924 "Rat myogenin mRNA, complete cds" 0.9007 1.4556 0.8459 4.6615 1.0347 56.8053 0.7314 4.7922 2.6331 1.8531 1.2596 1.5695 5.7889 0.9959 1.2211 5.2814 0.9193 68.1303 0.6357 1.4266 0.7083 1.2618 46.3003 1.3554 113.2866 0.8433 1.0744 117.0089 1.0292 15.4119 4.4105 1.6197 16.7861 3.4679 1.4223 2.2217 137.5595 1.0164 178.3147 198.129 154.7689 103.4213 1.4125 1.9237 129.9627 54.5669 154.6027 8.7495 3.447 1184 AI029652 Rat vitamin dependent calcium-binding protein mRNA 1.2612 1.0886 1.0815 1.7175 1.3341 3.1609 2.4181 1.1445 1.5492 1.5596 0.8615 0.9689 1.1864 3.283 1.3601 1.1064 0.9024 1.0121 0.7585 1.1218 0.8534 0.9961 0.7553 1.1511 144.843 1.6223 0.5537 231.3908 0.9729 3.8319 2.3324 1.3873 1.9788 275.5516 1.8059 4.733 4.9701 1.2825 9.924 1.5549 2.0342 2.3267 199.2445 0.9819 5.3285 1.4348 3.0843 2.7356 1.4597 1185 AI029744 "Rattus norvegicus brain hexokinase mRNA, complete " 0.8858 0.8998 0.8277 1.0341 0.8042 1.4796 1.809 0.975 1.7264 1.1604 0.9284 0.8994 3.0121 0.7275 0.8509 0.9867 0.8651 0.8455 0.4561 1.0403 1.0891 1.0622 1.5471 0.8036 117.931 1.7637 1.2198 181.1198 0.962 1.8213 1.7697 0.7432 1.8223 1.6296 0.8513 1.4375 3.7114 1.2664 198.9896 3.472 1.6817 3.2364 0.8205 1.6553 2.4396 2.2497 2.2446 2.2148 3.2598 1186 AI029671 "Rat cholesterol 7-alpha-hydroxylase (CYP7) mRNA, c" 1.3904 1.4372 1.4738 3.652 3.224 1.8351 1.9457 1.2007 1.452 2.6663 1.474 1.1189 1.1571 0.78 0.8946 0.3392 0.3237 0.7579 1.017 1.1177 0.9798 1.074 1.5868 1.1538 7.049 2.0119 0.8234 4.7757 1.6888 1.3193 0.7321 1.0892 3.1259 2.5917 1.7339 2.1092 2.4103 2.3784 3.7283 0.9528 0.5567 0.9511 1.8293 0.9811 2.4921 1.2625 1.083 1.2764 1.0086 1187 AI029753 Rattus norvegicus death effector domain-containing 1.2738 2.1625 1.3304 3.763 1.049 77.2576 66.634 1.2127 1.9452 0.9412 1.6609 1.8576 196.2013 4.8176 0.927 1.6831 1.2365 1.7048 0.6151 0.3521 1.0352 1.3487 3.1628 1.7834 114.9339 5.0455 1.7875 226.9072 1.5457 14.49 4.9736 1.3134 1.6524 2.7859 1.3574 2.1709 162.2041 2.6895 207.6207 186.4783 4.1079 233.3749 1.3409 1.5475 161.5769 1.5462 3.1408 0.6819 5.6984 1188 AI030613 "Rattus norvegicus rJTB mRNA, complete cds" 0.9565 0.909 0.9939 0.9656 0.9771 0.8705 0.8765 0.8608 0.8709 0.9188 0.8511 0.9204 0.8321 0.893 1.098 0.9965 0.9915 0.8763 1.3251 1.3024 1.1834 1.1629 1.2482 1.1866 1.1417 1.0662 0.9608 1.1007 0.91 1.1825 0.9903 0.9047 0.7395 1.1004 0.8485 0.8601 0.9091 0.9444 0.9287 0.8112 0.8727 0.8848 1.0876 0.9997 1.0715 1.0117 1.0744 1.1143 1.0144 1189 AI030615 Rat mRNA for Mx3 protein 1.1202 1.7221 1.0079 1.1605 0.9916 284.8773 2.1688 1.1314 1.2944 2.9751 2.6333 3.0034 1.8764 1.2949 1.0051 1.6057 1.1356 1.8128 0.6711 1.5927 0.7925 0.964 1.566 1.1125 6.3157 1.7557 3.5388 268.9848 1.7239 1.637 218.1362 4.9927 0.8611 1.5038 1.4238 15.568 165.787 1.7115 304.8786 288.3039 2.2197 210.7412 61.1002 1.8781 2.497 2.0575 2.8943 2.2304 3.5995 1190 AI030627 "Rat pancreatitis associated protein (pap) mRNA, co" 0.9935 1.1282 1.1498 0.9762 1.4845 71.5915 60.4713 1.8355 4.2575 1.1619 1.0016 0.734 0.9368 1.079 0.817 1.2285 0.9924 2.1536 0.668 2.4931 1.1428 2.0091 1.4157 1.5063 1.4679 2.3602 3.7471 0.5392 0.8793 2.7946 159.1677 2.5626 0.678 0.7694 0.9579 3.0725 115.4294 1.0885 1.9218 1.9988 3.2945 3.1784 1.5843 2.0156 1.005 1.8906 1.3714 2.4684 1.1688 1191 AI030460 R.norvegicus mRNA for alpha II spectrin 0.8157 0.9077 0.9414 0.6344 0.6733 0.8056 0.7111 1.0364 1.0688 1.1241 1.1052 1.6313 1.6213 1.0266 0.9723 1.155 1.2163 1.0547 0.7386 0.9424 1.0826 1.0619 0.9168 0.9535 0.7557 0.8392 0.5441 0.868 1.1086 0.6328 0.6675 0.542 0.4427 0.6126 0.6574 0.601 1.0725 0.8406 1.6213 1.3627 1.2398 1.1896 1.1452 0.9325 1.1673 0.9933 0.9599 0.9872 0.9988 1192 AI030464 "Rattus norvegicus CL3BB mRNA, complete cds" 0.765 0.9065 1.0682 0.9647 0.9228 0.8152 0.6836 0.9335 0.968 0.8128 1.0189 0.8077 1.8509 0.8106 0.8855 0.751 0.9704 0.9811 0.9406 1.3204 1.4561 1.3287 1.6274 1.117 1.1552 1.2046 1.0595 1.2514 0.6293 0.6663 1.5643 1.082 0.4564 0.5764 0.5726 0.912 6.8966 0.6749 1.3657 1.1525 1.0204 1.2656 0.7539 1.3157 3.1968 1.0735 1.9069 1.3211 1.208 1193 AI030469 R.norvegicus trg mRNA 0.9503 1.3449 1.0962 0.904 1.0408 1.719 2.0133 1.2275 1.1725 1.3843 1.3654 1.301 1.8819 0.9635 0.8468 0.9009 1.0105 0.7813 0.6691 1.3954 0.8467 0.8591 1.203 0.9479 1.2565 1.0762 0.569 0.8909 1.324 1.3334 2.6761 1.0213 0.7785 1.1756 1.1472 1.7153 1.9941 1.2326 2.0924 2.5974 1.405 1.2305 1.0524 1.5236 1.2158 1.4255 1.1603 1.0681 1.0801 1194 AI043796 "Rat vesicular monoamine transporter mRNA, complete" 1.3287 1.3247 1.3039 1.4783 1.9064 83.4319 88.4967 2.6096 3.6721 1.1011 1.1097 0.9285 0.9279 0.8533 0.9962 1.2839 1.0875 2.9713 0.8919 1.2165 1.2378 2.6989 48.0533 5.2731 4.6475 5.0599 0.4789 4.896 0.7473 4.1328 228.5293 177.6344 1.3832 2.0872 2.4931 198.8067 143.6541 2.2606 10.1011 3.3204 16.4551 2.1555 0.8336 1.9528 16.1445 2.7278 117.0815 7.4241 1.6609 1195 AI043801 "Rat mRNA for peroxisome assembly factor-1 (PAF-1)," 1.0367 1.0878 1.176 1.1192 0.9969 1.8429 2.0411 1.4358 1.4658 1.8363 1.5146 1.4903 1.3863 1.1989 1.0289 1.099 1.101 0.9154 0.7734 1.217 1.0354 1.0263 1.1657 1.0064 1.4937 1.2451 1.3646 0.8128 1.2836 2.2126 2.242 1.4738 1.1025 1.2759 1.6053 1.4021 2.8895 1.3929 1.7286 2.2272 1.4432 1.4515 1.137 1.2962 1.1572 1.2056 1.1825 1.0783 1.2245 1196 AI043803 "Rattus norvegicus cytocentrin mRNA, complete cds" 0.965 1.0853 0.8217 1.0252 1.0873 1.3622 1.2678 0.9299 0.9668 0.9267 0.991 0.9318 0.9872 1.0457 0.8244 1.1203 1.2348 1.1378 0.6518 1.0808 1.2045 1.006 1.0528 1.1686 1.1857 1.1311 0.8211 1.0983 0.8892 2.1694 1.115 1.1514 0.9217 1.7262 1.1639 1.1442 1.3825 0.9604 1.2108 1.0368 1.1228 1.1673 13.0156 0.9851 1.2581 1.0739 1.0622 1.2241 1.1179 1197 AI043725 "Rattus norvegicus urate transporter/channel mRNA, " 0.8683 0.9746 0.8661 0.8188 0.8304 1.0002 0.9761 0.8056 0.7211 1.0642 0.9484 0.8639 0.868 0.9023 0.815 1.44 1.4554 0.874 0.8054 0.967 0.8376 0.7647 0.8822 0.9316 0.825 1.0126 1.0079 0.9808 1.1199 0.7693 0.7238 0.4974 0.5316 0.7672 0.7338 0.7835 0.7843 0.747 0.7756 0.9501 1.1595 0.7415 0.9045 0.88 0.7979 0.9726 0.8067 0.8456 0.8099 1198 AI043748 R.norvegicus mRNA for Fc gamma receptor 0.7321 0.7073 0.5966 0.9532 0.9356 0.8399 0.8054 0.7718 0.8372 0.9058 0.8956 0.7833 0.9514 1.0236 0.7376 1.0783 1.0422 1.0639 0.6774 1.033 0.9116 0.9521 1.0698 1.2791 0.9045 1.1184 0.8531 1.119 1.0168 0.7578 0.9354 0.6857 0.5876 0.8719 0.7489 0.7501 1.0339 0.7969 0.9932 0.8653 0.9141 1.0746 2.5064 0.7601 1.0245 0.9658 1.1351 1.1058 1.0714 1199 AI043632 Rattus norvegicus metastasis suppressor homolog (K 1.2079 1.3024 1.2345 1.084 0.9548 1.0907 1.0327 1.1043 1.1622 1.1948 1.2393 1.2349 1.1728 1.1742 0.9014 0.9772 1.0035 0.9467 1.0479 1.2077 0.8998 0.7864 0.9754 1.0244 1.1336 1.1083 0.6579 1.294 1.3176 1.0046 1.2215 0.9788 0.6692 0.8446 0.9067 0.8422 1.171 0.9696 1.1289 1.4141 0.8975 1.0245 0.9497 1.1473 0.8732 0.995 1.0417 1.0426 1.1074 1200 AI043680 "ESTs, Highly similar to Doc2A [R.norvegicus]" 1.0023 1.2163 1.0459 0.9347 1.1287 2.6 1.3982 0.9264 1.0555 1.1176 0.8981 0.8201 0.9292 2.1002 0.8264 0.8972 1.0215 2.152 1.1563 1.3282 0.8271 0.9848 2.0724 0.8033 2.2526 1.5455 1.2185 0.7342 1.4613 139.7718 7.1999 2.0613 0.8133 1.0721 1.2148 2.5232 118.0404 1.0133 2.2503 1.8644 1.6083 1.2512 3.7089 1.7905 1.8821 1.5315 1.9606 1.5431 1.2985 1201 AI043684 "Rattus norvegicus Ste-20 related kinase SPAK mRNA," 1.0546 1.0904 1.5414 2.2877 1.0024 2.443 20.0795 1.3015 1.6042 1.6121 1.4864 1.4445 4.9533 1.7663 1.2264 1.3612 0.9661 1.4383 0.7843 1.9696 1.2814 1.1779 2.3021 1.349 173.9423 2.9644 4.3348 271.6766 1.9246 5.9294 252.872 2.1331 2.8812 3.8312 1.6119 1.8209 193.1861 1.9741 292.3541 29.7663 4.5389 293.5811 1.0405 1.9747 10.7629 2.1332 4.4415 1.6477 1.9762 1202 AI043642 "Rattus norvegicus potassium channel (KCNQ2) mRNA, " 1.1228 1.1105 1.1703 1.0501 1.4722 1.422 1.4202 1.5217 1.5439 1.43 1.4123 1.6257 1.9039 1.9976 2.3567 1.5081 1.3224 1.8768 1.5511 1.8781 1.1961 1.184 1.7644 1.133 1.8579 1.4766 1.6475 1.6539 1.0118 2.4182 1.0017 2.5358 2.0606 2.2339 2.5539 1.2751 1.7324 1.5027 2.3241 1.889 1.5828 2.011 2.1614 1.7425 1.3553 1.1708 0.8712 1.0126 0.8595 1203 AI043649 "Rat mRNA for protein F1, substrate of protein kina" 0.9357 1.0224 1.1337 1.148 0.949 2.1423 2.3812 1.2023 1.3403 1.0841 1.1191 1.5974 1.5982 1.1604 0.9835 1.0614 0.9159 1.0131 0.7491 0.3338 0.8811 0.9805 1.3617 1.0984 2.3634 2.3799 1.0775 2.4996 0.9036 2.2147 1.7856 1.2927 1.0197 1.25 1.3064 1.0042 1.8928 1.0649 2.207 1.5724 1.5615 1.9615 0.7876 1.0758 1.6071 1.4144 1.4495 0.7765 1.1532 1204 AI043655 ESTs 0.6919 0.666 0.722 0.6347 0.7392 0.1826 0.1813 0.7693 0.6348 0.7853 0.7823 0.7851 0.681 0.653 0.905 0.6522 0.6962 0.5274 1.0637 1.0499 0.9782 0.8863 0.8932 0.9138 0.6682 0.6343 0.7668 0.6795 0.7318 0.2068 0.2141 0.2167 0.1926 0.245 0.231 0.1558 0.5455 0.7011 0.6365 0.5267 0.5719 0.52 0.5818 0.7804 0.8822 0.8371 0.9163 0.8743 0.8419 1205 AI043708 R.rattus mRNA for ribonuclease inhibitor 0.8724 0.8622 0.8344 0.8726 0.9035 1.0113 0.9722 0.8671 0.8563 0.8363 0.841 1.0547 0.9632 1.158 1.2772 1.1779 1.0879 0.9817 0.8034 1.0222 0.9171 1.0118 1.067 0.9078 1.1055 0.9123 0.9926 0.9512 0.8978 0.8475 0.7244 0.7544 0.7342 0.9361 0.8119 0.8135 0.9298 0.8526 0.992 1.1104 0.9301 0.9672 0.9626 0.8377 0.9349 1.0065 0.8314 0.9134 0.9236 1206 AI043833 "Rat liver stearyl-CoA desaturase mRNA, complete cd" 3.4219 3.449 3.7244 4.0817 4.314 20.544 21.0643 12.5194 11.4993 11.9393 10.2166 10.7181 13.782 8.9914 11.4764 0.9029 0.914 0.2574 2.0726 2.2936 1.2569 1.1423 1.0446 0.9761 5.1832 2.5197 2.2457 3.1896 2.2958 19.8261 12.4936 20.3551 14.2794 19.6362 19.9892 18.9396 13.5859 11.7653 16.3979 8.3088 0.9348 0.169 0.173 1.9824 1.3416 0.9862 0.7619 0.9483 0.828 1207 AI043767 "Rat ketohexokinase mRNA, complete cds" 1.1867 1.2121 1.1315 1.0035 1.0094 0.7378 0.682 1.094 0.9866 0.986 1.0168 1.1037 1.005 1.0092 1.5331 0.7269 0.6772 0.5861 1.206 1.2856 0.8637 0.8332 0.8501 0.8611 1.1078 0.8896 0.9455 0.9684 0.972 0.6183 3.2171 0.6101 0.479 0.6395 0.5574 0.5429 0.8749 0.9852 0.8582 0.996 0.5998 0.5126 0.5518 1.0309 0.794 0.9388 0.7926 0.8029 0.8671 1208 AI043861 "Rat mRNA for TIP49, complete cds" 1.1677 0.9965 1.081 1.4128 1.5471 2.2333 1.8226 1.0639 1.2759 1.2542 0.9664 0.9572 1.1004 290.386 1.4577 1.1596 1.2613 0.9636 0.995 1.0019 1.2673 1.1781 1.1525 0.9977 150.6196 1.6975 0.7601 213.6651 1.1237 18.4572 1.2567 1.9449 2.8877 7.6451 2.2662 3.9509 3.9875 1.3274 5.8504 1.7624 1.8171 2.5288 7.5329 0.9955 3.8728 4.8298 1.9862 2.1198 1.3398 1209 AI043867 "Rattus norvegicus 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase," 1.0057 1.0365 0.9592 1.2189 1.0215 1.3994 2.7266 1.0711 1.0385 0.8398 1.0972 1.1489 1.3665 0.9306 1.144 1.0364 1.0299 0.9597 0.8887 1.4061 1.0959 1.0639 1.1808 1.068 1.809 0.9524 1.0932 1.3438 1.0647 1.1449 1.0268 1.0555 0.9078 1.2635 1.0697 0.9537 1.2792 1.2195 1.2948 1.2991 1.0211 1.182 1.0002 1.1007 1.2928 1.223 1.0056 0.8017 1.1458 1210 AI029806 Rat mRNA for manganese-containing superoxide dismu 1.2567 1.1802 1.2715 1.0759 1.1986 1.0413 1.0727 1.1682 1.1389 0.9308 0.9272 1.0211 0.9341 1.0858 1.7252 1.4726 1.4578 1.4985 1.4336 1.3838 1.1751 1.0794 1.0344 0.9417 1.0976 1.0298 1.1595 1.0011 1.0557 0.7244 1.0493 1.1678 0.781 0.955 0.9846 0.9081 1.0641 0.9237 0.9227 1.0772 1.3146 1.2473 1.4282 1.034 0.8861 0.9516 0.9668 0.9477 0.9157 1211 AI029832 Rattus norvegicus ribosomal protein S13 (RPS13) mR 0.9198 0.8745 0.9291 0.9166 0.8578 1.5978 1.6456 0.871 0.8824 0.9036 0.9337 1.1584 0.8554 0.8282 1.2587 1.0042 1.0177 0.8821 0.8943 0.7742 0.9308 0.8682 0.8676 0.8563 0.8624 0.8038 0.8279 0.837 0.8509 1.2625 1.2644 1.3057 1.2221 1.4872 1.5057 1.2087 0.8076 0.8465 0.8279 0.8057 0.7595 0.8283 0.7587 0.7912 0.8225 0.9145 0.7926 0.7765 0.7966 1212 AI030160 Rattus norvegicus zinc finger binding protein mRNA 0.9561 1.1482 1.0162 1.0959 1.0992 1.3584 1.1902 1.0473 1.2313 1.148 0.9531 1.0094 1.0969 1.1022 1.3432 1.1052 1.1642 1.1739 1.0309 1.4294 1.1097 1.1868 2.0449 1.2645 2.176 1.346 1.0637 3.4194 0.8587 1.5617 1.1004 1.1158 1.0858 1.446 1.1402 1.3779 1.5805 1.1504 1.5062 1.2429 1.2853 1.3054 1.6813 1.2597 1.595 1.2511 1.1894 1.3102 1.096 1213 AI030685 "Rat nestin mRNA, complete cds" 1.0255 1.3952 0.9334 1.3295 1.1669 4.8514 120.664 1.2699 1.336 1.8169 2.0858 2.1536 1.2145 1.3197 1.1448 1.7311 1.0983 1.5262 0.8363 1.6143 0.7955 0.9938 1.3716 1.0132 5.3179 1.5647 0.5003 185.8435 1.616 2.3023 7.5404 5.2601 0.8172 1.3468 1.0968 5.4885 182.7421 1.3542 275.2862 7.5368 3.6491 229.6539 14.4358 1.4332 2.5366 1.4574 2.5385 1.9295 1.964 1214 AI030689 Rat carboxypeptidase B gene 0.7741 0.5677 0.5573 0.5638 0.7736 1.1998 0.7041 0.6044 0.6573 0.8975 0.8101 0.7376 0.6059 0.5474 0.7519 0.5846 0.6314 1.1029 0.6209 0.93 0.5219 0.5009 2.9599 2.2763 1.4871 1.0186 0.9022 1.117 0.9927 1.196 37.2238 1.1195 0.6744 0.8719 0.8697 1.1964 4.7539 0.8474 1.6461 1.2225 1.3878 0.925 1.424 1.1796 0.9175 2.3731 1.1298 1.428 0.862 1215 AI030687 "Rat ribosomal protein L30 mRNA, complete cds" 0.9344 0.9176 0.9787 0.8734 0.857 1.5447 1.5076 0.9301 0.8841 0.9184 0.9655 1.1141 1.0141 0.8933 0.7927 0.9851 1.0356 0.9353 1.0197 0.8773 0.9686 0.7863 0.8813 0.9437 0.8345 0.7947 0.6096 0.8048 0.9157 1.0977 1.1211 1.2251 0.9015 1.2347 1.3513 1.2735 0.7543 0.7759 0.8303 0.7968 0.8579 0.974 0.9151 0.8245 0.8528 0.9393 0.8917 0.8677 0.8277 1216 AI030775 "Rat MHC class II RT1.u-D-alpha chain mRNA, 3' end" 0.9005 1.0323 0.9568 1.0416 1.0601 0.8456 0.9322 1.1607 1.0217 0.9165 0.9999 1.0622 1.1003 1.0667 0.8142 0.9594 1.0166 1.1845 0.9161 1.2039 1.1876 0.9046 1.262 1.1481 1.4313 1.2526 1.2272 1.3182 0.9659 0.9044 4.2705 0.9873 0.4645 0.8807 0.6591 0.84 6.3409 0.844 1.8426 1.2572 1.1177 1.2433 1.2078 1.2036 1.3789 1.4371 1.9092 1.7203 1.466 1217 AI030702 "Rattus norvegicus Rab26 mRNA, complete cds" 0.9055 0.9224 1.0139 0.7887 0.7033 2.0166 1.5323 0.7999 0.9407 1.2083 0.9121 0.9455 1.2728 0.8351 0.7372 0.9037 0.7911 0.7652 0.5851 1.0224 0.7871 0.7555 1.3895 0.8237 2.2065 1.0404 0.3296 0.7389 1.9776 1.5403 4.5325 0.7185 0.6906 0.9617 0.7756 1.0388 3.4124 0.859 1.5504 3.9405 1.1128 1.4751 1.0278 1.1282 1.135 1.4323 1.3344 1.184 1.9024 1218 AI031034 "ESTs, Highly similar to MMUSF [M.musculus]" 1.1147 1.2182 1.1551 1.0454 1.1761 1.4129 1.3459 1.1372 1.179 1.1397 1.1138 1.128 1.1158 1.0256 0.8636 0.8999 1.0418 0.9336 1.1441 1.4065 1.179 1.0598 1.1919 1.1032 1.651 1.422 0.5779 1.1739 0.6872 1.6375 4.4038 1.3357 1.0632 1.7925 1.2463 1.519 2.5965 1.2101 1.5844 1.1888 1.504 1.3615 1.8764 1.0251 1.2552 1.111 1.4005 1.5032 1.1192 1219 AI029841 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for PkB kinase 0.943 1.1818 0.9609 0.9913 0.961 1.2541 1.5604 1.018 0.9719 1.0945 1.0276 1.1642 1.1051 1.0046 0.8467 1.0594 1.1317 1.1169 0.8083 1.1021 1.2912 1.084 1.2365 0.977 1.7862 0.9975 1.0352 1.0625 2.0157 1.778 1.6895 1.5101 0.7806 0.9285 1.3967 1.2351 3.7861 1.1461 1.4484 2.4151 1.569 1.7064 1.4411 1.5119 1.4742 3.1111 1.6593 1.6169 1.9294 1220 AI045794 "Rattus norvegicus H3 histone gene, complete cds" 1.1202 1.1462 2.5193 1.4846 1.1652 4.6963 4.0618 1.9375 1.8357 1.5327 1.2125 1.1427 1.0564 0.9923 0.7664 1.0775 1.2012 1.2836 0.7807 1.5398 1.1131 1.5272 1.8009 1.0535 1.576 1.9511 0.602 1.3051 0.8715 1.6582 4.657 1.9676 1.1541 1.7135 1.9566 1.8524 1.5572 0.7879 1.9156 1.004 1.0169 1.3242 1.5791 0.9792 1.8245 1.328 1.3938 1.2367 1.1884 1221 AI045800 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for DORA protein 0.9873 3.7474 1.2969 1.2167 0.8761 76.4647 62.0666 1.4792 3.9243 129.8393 3.233 2.5952 2.639 5.1085 1.164 2.8787 1.2797 2.192 0.7803 1.5946 0.8228 0.7734 1.8812 0.9544 3.8103 1.3406 0.7304 133.2854 1.3817 3.8163 9.4071 1.6866 0.5567 0.9718 1.0287 4.0227 127.1738 1.2687 58.5601 213.7358 2.0674 134.0353 3.1303 2.1124 2.3457 1.0837 4.5781 1.7425 1.62 1222 AI029849 ESTs 0.7948 0.7669 0.6771 0.9139 0.9859 2.5284 2.648 0.9704 0.982 1.1537 1.0079 0.9842 0.9803 1.2093 1.0594 1.1737 1.2426 1.1513 0.6514 1.0967 1.0303 1.0345 1.188 0.9488 1.195 0.9417 1.2583 0.7674 0.7188 1.4092 4.4651 1.8927 1.3615 1.2332 1.9309 2.099 2.4537 0.7856 1.4089 1.3295 1.4046 1.2925 1.1885 1.0966 1.4245 1.0932 1.1258 1.3631 0.9825 1223 AI045805 ESTs 0.8223 0.8546 0.8914 0.7337 0.8291 8.1915 5.9271 0.8184 0.9306 1.1817 1.0663 1.6126 1.4527 2.2109 0.7036 1.1233 1.0644 0.8952 0.6683 1.5854 0.5844 0.6778 1.439 0.887 2.2322 1.0412 0.419 1.7143 1.3479 4.857 25.977 3.8308 1.4397 1.7725 1.8487 3.0407 4.4511 0.7318 2.3873 177.5824 1.1966 2.2853 0.8793 1.2795 1.0595 1.8698 1.6566 1.391 1.8378 1224 AI029901 Rat mRNA for lingual lipase 0.9686 0.941 1.1186 1.2496 1.4858 1.3588 1.1942 0.9656 1.0409 1.1834 1.1583 0.9852 1.1332 2.0165 0.8458 1.3612 1.3868 1.4136 1.1491 2.0254 1.4083 1.2164 1.3868 1.3718 1.549 1.6388 0.9575 1.093 0.924 1.2228 226.3014 1.8903 0.831 0.9516 1.1677 2.0572 163.5464 0.8917 2.2262 1.9545 2.0379 1.8752 2.39 1.9096 1.5371 1.5292 2.3119 1.6061 1.4635 1225 AI045907 Rat mannose-binding protein A (serum) gene 0.88 0.7824 0.8679 1.0465 0.9013 0.4635 0.4962 0.8089 0.7938 0.9572 1.0365 0.8878 0.8099 1.0976 1.3167 1.0776 0.993 1.0067 1.1477 1.1428 1.2124 1.1766 1.0358 0.9997 1.0714 1.0894 1.1262 1.1016 1.256 0.4671 0.6299 0.4362 0.3915 0.5257 0.419 0.4639 0.876 1.0587 0.8341 1.1667 0.9687 1.0814 1.0532 1.097 1.2023 1.0494 1.0186 1.0356 1.072 1226 AI045915 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for dipeptidyl peptidase II 0.8128 0.7697 0.7848 0.7658 0.8485 0.8607 0.818 0.9507 0.9094 0.9131 0.8313 0.9494 0.9359 0.7643 1.0031 0.851 0.8302 0.8761 0.9641 0.9059 0.9464 0.8502 1.0357 0.9168 0.9708 0.7701 0.8486 0.8395 0.8677 1.0021 0.5874 0.9368 0.7391 0.9501 0.8423 0.7283 0.8776 0.9073 0.9908 0.7039 0.7584 0.7516 0.8419 0.9417 0.8966 0.8311 0.8406 0.8888 0.8782 1227 AI045830 Rattus norvegicus iron-responsive element-binding 0.6111 0.5402 0.5722 0.6871 0.7195 1.6286 1.6084 1.187 1.2662 0.9531 1.0603 1.2559 1.1279 1.1159 1.4736 1.2322 1.1624 0.9672 0.8584 0.8167 1.1315 1.1209 0.7969 0.7052 0.7442 0.5614 0.5909 0.5877 0.6123 1.7124 0.7371 1.7725 1.2804 1.6115 1.6851 1.4077 1.3598 1.091 1.1356 1.1413 1.212 1.041 0.9717 0.8728 1.062 0.7846 0.8379 0.6074 0.9306 1228 AI030088 Rat mRNA for nucleoside diphosphate kinase beta is 0.8607 0.8524 0.7527 1.0007 1.0735 1.3842 1.38 0.9712 1.0234 1.0369 0.9094 0.991 0.8223 1.1116 1.4521 1.2328 1.2091 0.8491 1.0991 1.3666 1.1849 1.0099 1.0465 1.0236 1.2223 0.815 1.2051 0.9384 0.706 1.5137 1.0927 1.433 1.1694 1.377 1.4286 1.268 0.9286 0.8484 0.975 1.0011 0.9824 1.0236 1.1526 0.8138 1.1515 0.9412 0.7284 0.9515 0.8594 1229 AI043961 EST 1.1174 2.1774 0.9951 9.8674 1.3878 92.233 69.9717 2.192 2.7596 1.995 1.2247 1.2323 8.0759 1.9129 1.6273 4.381 1.9026 2.4562 0.5851 2.1135 0.7461 1.1345 54.8092 1.5567 120.6781 2.0692 1.5095 166.6635 1.172 6.036 1.0425 1.8359 1.8041 3.3812 1.3534 2.682 122.1911 1.3029 206.9067 209.2138 8.5302 247.7892 2.0529 188.1713 4.9452 11.3701 190.6192 9.6148 2.78 1230 AI043968 Rattus norvegicus oxytocin receptor (OTR) gene 1.3085 1.2436 1.3932 3.3518 1.335 1.0891 1.0278 1.4074 1.3596 1.2986 0.9877 1.5609 1.252 17.8679 1.281 1.1494 1.1086 1.5261 1.1209 1.3668 0.6134 1.6782 1.9143 1.5008 6.6402 2.3536 0.7553 217.1421 1.0891 2.0821 1.1459 0.9515 0.4982 0.8414 0.6464 1.9404 10.6988 1.1379 2.3194 1.8281 2.0635 3.4512 197.9709 1.5648 8.0034 1.8519 2.1985 16.986 1.7062 1231 AI044037 "Rattus norvegicus AML1 mRNA, complete cds" 1.0272 1.2241 1.093 2.7621 1.0027 62.5171 76.217 2.3045 1.1092 1.4597 1.676 0.9744 3.1128 1.5485 1.078 1.6688 1.0708 4.8396 0.5569 1.1343 0.9448 1.1672 3.0278 1.3455 107.8538 13.2579 1.754 170.2483 1.1556 3.4934 185.8492 2.3403 1.3257 2.1582 1.6121 1.5492 133.4685 1.6654 177.8471 199.4424 157.7254 182.5835 0.9921 2.0781 12.1907 3.3199 173.3373 3.1639 5.3113 1232 AI043975 Rattus norvegicus cell cycle progression related D 1.0084 0.9305 0.9906 1.2001 1.164 1.2133 1.2238 0.905 0.9732 0.973 0.9741 0.9692 1.0298 1.1799 1.5 1.2292 1.0441 1.0813 1.194 1.2539 1.2655 1.1573 1.2166 1.054 1.3612 1.1326 1.6069 1.3555 0.9486 1.2204 0.6267 1.1448 1.4041 1.3241 1.2369 1.0442 0.9501 0.8839 1.2121 0.9844 0.9435 1.0743 1.2893 0.8906 1.2808 0.8942 1.1316 1.0215 1.0093 1233 AI044003 "Rat stomach non-muscle Ca+2-ATPase mRNA, complete " 0.8924 1.0848 1.2913 1.4754 1.0314 2.7449 4.1404 1.3329 1.3746 0.8398 1.2605 1.4971 5.7595 1.1303 1.1775 0.8766 1.0634 1.5167 0.7344 0.762 0.8274 0.9063 1.1322 1.0119 7.0829 1.5515 2.1746 7.2641 0.8314 2.9688 1.3622 0.7884 1.1585 2.0392 1.1547 1.4224 153.9305 1.5877 207.7563 3.8657 2.8074 186.2979 0.7358 1.2373 2.693 1.2208 1.3387 0.5596 1.2387 1234 AI044452 "Rat mRNA for 40kDa ribosomal protein, complete cds" 0.8621 0.8731 0.9579 0.8267 0.8969 1.5331 1.6635 0.9246 0.8488 0.926 0.8875 1.0082 0.9617 0.9051 1.3834 1.0027 1.0076 1.0073 1.0329 1.041 1.0278 0.9609 0.8713 0.9211 0.7997 0.8455 1.0405 0.8628 0.8693 0.7244 1.1481 1.2618 1.1191 1.3508 1.4899 1.3039 0.7872 0.833 0.862 0.8346 0.9477 0.941 1.0072 0.8368 0.8526 0.7804 0.9676 0.8913 0.9142 1235 AI044776 "Rat nucleoside diphosphate kinase mRNA, complete c" 0.9621 0.9222 0.9096 0.9411 0.8637 1.8421 1.7954 1.0157 0.9688 0.8905 0.9666 1.1659 0.8691 1.2147 1.5596 1.297 1.2631 1.0751 1.0789 0.6082 1.0385 0.9313 0.8409 0.8728 0.8875 0.7738 0.8033 0.767 0.7573 1.4556 1.4161 1.5655 1.1192 1.4052 1.4505 1.2866 0.8247 0.8409 0.7478 1.012 0.8805 0.8758 0.8921 0.8847 0.8165 0.8285 0.7301 0.7765 0.7112 1236 AI044782 Rat pcRC201 mRNA for pre-pro-complement C3 0.6961 0.6851 0.7527 0.6276 0.8325 0.4078 0.3776 0.5274 0.5131 0.8347 0.8669 0.7251 0.5215 1.1548 1.9035 1.0376 0.9837 0.8308 1.2973 1.2837 1.0789 1.1052 0.9735 0.9961 0.7755 0.8607 0.9127 0.9693 0.9443 0.2361 0.267 0.2599 0.2893 0.2905 0.2931 0.3648 0.518 0.8282 0.63 0.9456 0.917 0.8168 0.7406 0.8877 0.9722 0.9715 0.9752 0.9294 0.9561 1237 AI045980 Rattus norvegicus phospholipase C (BETA4) mRNA 1.0071 1.0875 0.941 1.1539 0.987 5.8867 102.1418 0.8606 0.9502 1.9613 1.405 3.8851 1.4765 2.2654 0.8555 2.2 1.2262 2.219 0.9118 1.5318 0.9263 1.0097 1.7336 1.1667 8.7898 1.3821 0.4677 245.5231 1.8074 1.43 265.8222 3.4024 0.7425 1.1681 1.0576 3.0186 28.258 1.5117 54.6236 11.4145 2.4868 12.6193 3.3049 1.723 2.9932 1.4934 2.5721 2.1955 3.4314 1238 AI045987 "Rattus norvegicus defensin RatNP-1 precursor mRNA," 1.2264 1.529 0.8459 1.8728 1.6061 69.2278 59.9556 3.263 61.4385 1.198 1.2975 1.6204 1.5478 0.9183 0.8147 1.3698 1.4408 2.6401 0.8919 3.4989 2.5909 11.4341 0.7553 3.6358 10.0116 7.1161 1.6171 6.9886 1.6552 1.7817 178.4814 140.8321 1.5925 1.496 1.981 176.4461 116.4243 1.1344 171.901 3.7884 3.7909 120.8958 7.4677 3.7834 1.6667 3.0349 7.0662 134.1759 2.2537 1239 AI044792 Rattus norvegicus integrin-associated protein form 1.1053 1.1529 1.1648 1.0865 0.905 1.3412 1.2483 0.9717 0.9525 1.0624 1.1912 1.2427 1.071 0.9667 0.7725 1.0984 1.0861 0.847 0.9381 0.9691 1.0078 0.9394 1.085 0.9845 1.1965 1.1476 0.6375 1.1839 1.3921 1.523 1.8426 1.6071 0.8208 1.1571 1.2908 1.2892 1.1902 1.0254 1.2189 1.2982 1.291 1.0133 0.8782 0.9524 1.0578 1.0635 1.037 1.007 1.034 1240 AI045272 "Rattus norvegicus lysyl hydroxylase mRNA, complete" 0.747 0.7378 0.6918 0.7496 0.7629 1.0526 0.9987 0.7004 0.6471 0.7337 0.8633 0.8515 0.7074 0.7338 0.7092 0.855 0.9191 0.9604 0.7215 1.0209 1.0013 0.8562 0.9483 0.9791 1.1308 0.811 0.7241 0.7658 0.8125 0.8851 380.3151 0.8953 0.6966 1.2335 0.9627 0.8612 2.434 0.7194 0.9441 0.7872 0.8251 0.791 72.771 0.7657 0.9865 0.8843 0.9054 0.9357 0.9468 1241 AI045303 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for 70 kDa tumor specific a 1.1539 1.152 1.24 0.797 1.0448 2.6106 2.6191 1.1177 1.2386 1.4813 1.1834 1.6971 1.4489 1.0983 0.8572 1.2742 1.1413 1.2325 0.5977 1.0368 0.7823 0.84 2.2717 0.9519 3.7226 1.3963 0.4128 1.1142 4.1233 1.3751 7.7224 1.0133 0.4979 0.6452 0.6292 1.2665 22.9382 1.1327 3.3062 4.6644 1.9117 1.9913 1.4416 1.5133 2.0252 3.1289 3.3328 1.9286 3.559 1242 AI044091 Rat protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) 55 kD regulatory 1.1952 1.312 1.5397 1.3543 1.3025 0.7479 1.6263 0.8183 0.848 0.8398 0.631 0.6409 0.5295 0.8203 0.6358 0.9869 1.1786 1.7446 1.5517 1.7123 1.6871 1.4861 1.3569 1.72 1.0807 0.8072 0.8863 0.7698 0.8243 0.1311 0.1381 0.1413 0.0714 0.079 0.0789 0.3205 0.536 0.5213 0.5141 0.631 1.0099 1.7738 1.3373 1.201 1.3535 1.1828 1.7454 1.7012 1.5447 1243 AI043606 "Rat chymotrypsin B (chyB) gene, complete cds" 0.6633 0.3953 0.3522 0.2943 0.5305 0.997 0.4953 0.2915 0.3733 1.2438 0.4972 1.1365 0.3166 0.3255 0.4568 0.4362 0.4677 1.042 0.4474 0.8505 0.294 0.2348 2.7833 3.2119 1.3252 0.4058 0.8234 0.8179 0.7669 2.8661 114.4589 0.3183 0.4178 0.5866 0.421 0.7314 109.0114 0.4906 0.8229 1.3383 0.4343 0.4119 0.3397 0.7116 2.3968 4.1854 0.725 0.6782 1.1687 1244 AI044102 "Rat 5-lipoxygenase mRNA, complete cds" 1.3791 1.3126 0.8459 1.1207 1.1104 82.6421 60.1399 1.9145 4.7474 1.6163 0.9876 1.1626 1.5372 1.2151 0.9696 1.0668 1.2992 1.4058 0.8112 2.7921 0.9234 5.1575 0.7553 1.4656 6.3623 128.9997 0.8449 94.6667 1.9157 11.4396 143.6736 105.2736 3.6078 168.2156 3.5237 159.2593 107.9028 1.5371 125.7157 9.5132 1.1959 89.6176 0.8336 2.2256 121.2841 4.7413 114.8377 9.9248 132.2069 1245 AI044110 Rattus norvegicus lamina associated polypeptide 2 0.9573 1.3896 1.0391 1.2848 1.0228 5.6085 148.909 1.2815 1.7881 1.8573 1.7671 1.3604 1.3073 1.2546 1.2004 1.5224 0.9942 1.7683 0.7203 1.9546 0.7244 1.097 1.2093 1.1858 1.9001 1.7638 0.9214 144.1931 1.5306 2.3802 5.1315 2.2022 0.7481 1.0818 1.1856 5.3334 7.0795 0.9973 203.623 4.4187 2.9121 170.8685 4.5376 1.3813 2.0012 1.5719 2.3575 1.9182 2.3286 1246 AI044119 "Rattus norvegicus toll protein mRNA, complete cds" 1.0102 1.0569 1.6854 1.383 1.5617 98.9255 3.4899 1.3918 1.3309 2.1284 1.5755 1.6254 1.1024 1.8023 1.2693 1.2667 1.6362 5.7037 0.6583 1.974 1.774 2.5744 43.2291 1.1195 5.5313 2.4271 1.4075 1.4946 2.1936 1.3845 169.4976 17.401 1.0586 1.3374 1.4139 116.9629 131.3671 0.9004 13.1443 2.0818 2.794 4.2855 2.5712 2.8626 9.9405 1.8734 5.0085 8.5363 2.2658 1247 AI044049 R.norvegicus mRNA for prepronociceptin 1.0335 1.437 0.8459 1.0407 0.749 69.5801 86.2034 1.4429 2.5018 5.3421 3.5041 3.0357 4.1143 2.6913 0.9043 1.6834 1.4274 1.1288 0.6565 1.8099 0.7637 0.9959 3.3748 0.9064 47.7106 1.8814 0.5158 121.2726 1.7081 21.7193 165.2785 198.5057 1.067 1.3658 1.5204 256.894 103.9756 1.6043 196.7209 226.9516 174.4527 168.1478 2.9945 2.7384 3.1788 3.4195 9.9752 2.6464 3.2995 1248 AI044057 Rattus norvegicus prostacyclin synthase (ratpgis) 0.6425 0.4607 0.4014 0.5785 0.6462 0.5298 0.436 0.4986 0.5575 0.877 0.8329 0.6335 0.5709 1.9847 0.3558 0.6267 0.6012 1.1653 0.8847 1.039 0.6005 0.493 1.2516 0.6355 1.0717 0.7495 0.2899 0.7248 0.7527 2.3952 355.8613 0.4614 0.3709 0.5742 0.4555 0.7801 3.5406 0.6123 0.9414 1.0043 0.7232 0.6595 1.2271 0.9703 1.1029 1.0701 0.7861 0.9671 0.8465 1249 AI044130 Rattus norvegicus myelencephalon specific protease 1.1823 1.7396 1.684 7.2064 1.3142 64.5354 74.6948 1.3756 2.8804 0.9056 2.0998 2.5684 4.6275 1.9355 1.0958 3.5536 1.644 0.9412 0.5301 0.9116 0.913 1.099 11.4829 1.4191 142.4104 320.2415 20.603 179.1488 65.3747 298.7519 212.3276 178.1848 171.7999 272.2144 2.9323 6.0754 153.6664 5.2739 225.9411 267.1425 237.1293 208.2289 2.1936 353.6427 225.1228 241.3321 221.7447 0.8842 7.5593 1250 AI044062 "Rattus norvegicus DNase gamma mRNA, complete cds" 0.8052 0.7558 0.8299 0.7849 0.885 0.7227 0.7058 0.6497 0.6765 0.8434 0.7973 0.7841 0.735 0.8111 1.0362 0.895 0.9537 1.0368 0.9188 0.9794 0.976 0.9693 1.0581 0.8817 1.6521 1.1915 2.6428 2.3047 1.0005 2.7327 0.6889 0.8571 0.8152 1.0754 0.7921 0.9841 1.0625 0.955 1.1691 1.0539 1.1788 1.0367 1.2724 0.8708 1.4565 0.9433 1.2948 1.2853 1.2122 1251 AI044423 R.norvegicus ARL1 mRNA for ARF-like protein 1 0.8713 0.8272 0.9343 0.9629 0.996 1.1883 1.1034 0.8916 0.9042 1.0164 1.0102 1.057 1.0987 1.1485 1.4789 1.1005 1.1217 1.3068 0.838 1.0481 1.1825 1.2216 1.341 0.9323 3.2382 1.1087 1.3212 1.7162 1.3673 1.2943 1.0844 1.1054 1.402 2.2847 1.1283 1.2441 2.0651 1.3284 1.8233 2.0406 1.5776 1.5323 1.1711 1.733 1.8077 1.3712 1.1339 1.1793 1.3088 1252 AI044424 "Rattus norvegicus neuronal protein (NP25) mRNA, co" 1.1522 1.1546 1.3347 70.8675 2.2542 56.9439 0.7314 6.1123 17.363 107.665 1.0608 1.841 1.4392 0.835 1.3298 1.019 1.2957 1.0705 1.0057 1.5398 0.351 2.1629 7.1903 1.86 85.0151 151.031 3.1191 0.7521 1.912 0.7244 0.7371 106.6046 140.6463 154.5381 3.2044 130.1765 93.7317 3.6517 116.8142 153.6543 109.8006 108.3388 0.8336 2.4812 127.4339 129.5608 107.5572 115.5884 3.0887 1253 AI044566 "Rattus norvegicus chemokine CX3C mRNA, complete cd" 0.9447 0.9069 0.8566 0.7838 0.9144 0.8037 0.7203 0.8073 0.7827 0.9223 0.8493 0.9709 1.0257 0.7292 0.9141 0.9043 0.8288 0.8083 0.6765 0.8931 0.8181 0.8745 0.8341 0.7619 1.6125 1.0762 1.4523 2.0505 0.8065 1.5355 0.9661 0.7585 0.5728 0.8448 0.722 0.8429 1.1762 1.105 0.8247 1.0411 0.9398 1.3847 0.6584 1.0628 1.2737 1.0621 1.4716 1.2984 1.2759 1254 AI044473 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for atypical PKC specific b 1.0755 1.253 1.6743 3.5255 1.7284 13.091 1.5189 1.2053 1.4466 0.6044 0.9002 0.9678 1.0219 1.054 1.2724 1.0771 0.9026 2.0781 0.909 1.8017 1.3705 1.8851 11.9842 1.4441 112.187 12.4037 15.8404 130.925 0.8058 9.7136 0.3156 121.5938 5.0227 210.6901 1.554 209.0648 136.6375 1.6321 156.3342 11.2438 11.6998 150.2202 77.6807 1.4813 159.7792 5.2504 174.7347 3.6284 2.3546 1255 AI044488 "Rat mRNA for adrenodoxin, complete cds" 0.8637 0.9993 0.9965 1.3056 1.0942 4.1898 25.3151 2.4078 1.8471 1.4128 1.4583 1.0709 7.529 1.3106 1.574 1.0017 0.9762 1.5877 0.6786 0.3654 0.8157 0.9153 1.6172 1.0432 117.1261 12.3118 1.0799 142.3396 2.0324 10.7143 8.5126 1.6088 3.4458 8.1675 1.514 2.2459 115.1438 2.895 170.3353 219.8042 186.3722 155.4565 0.9038 2.5429 134.1704 2.9452 4.2082 0.3404 2.5624 1256 AI044581 Rat mRNA for rat erythroid-specific delta-aminolev 0.7047 0.7416 0.5716 0.4785 0.6376 0.6088 0.5651 0.8348 0.9298 0.7224 0.737 0.5411 0.5014 0.8679 1.2143 0.3908 0.4189 0.9245 0.7426 0.7215 0.3898 0.3933 0.7974 0.6522 1.1364 0.6431 0.5813 1.1713 0.6913 0.9973 1.2836 0.577 0.8994 0.8476 0.3907 0.5596 1.0631 0.953 1.0294 1.167 0.518 0.6282 0.9934 0.6619 1.1942 0.7311 0.6232 0.6785 0.6843 1257 AI044641 "ESTs, Highly similar to glycogen synthase kinase 3" 0.9532 1.071 1.0811 1.1024 1.1956 1.317 1.6577 1.2331 1.0499 0.8398 1.0431 1.1336 1.5288 1.0195 1.0789 0.996 0.9027 0.9558 0.7961 0.392 1.0507 1.071 1.2473 1.2251 143.9378 1.2242 1.1953 25.7634 1.4871 1.9316 2.2938 1.187 1.5476 2.0454 1.2625 1.7888 4.5659 1.2216 66.2398 3.2408 1.9486 3.9223 0.8476 1.0858 2.7141 1.6407 1.6144 0.6411 1.6445 1258 AI044326 Rat mRNA for ATP-sensitive inwardly rectifying K+ 0.9001 0.839 0.8459 0.467 0.8258 0.7479 0.7494 0.8183 0.848 0.3844 0.8024 0.7639 0.8575 0.9432 0.8325 0.8126 0.9228 0.7464 0.8919 0.9116 0.9234 0.877 0.7553 0.8036 99.428 159.0427 0.8234 0.7521 4.0629 155.5676 185.4263 127.4106 193.8154 207.1003 3.3527 151.3038 103.7648 4.3718 124.9711 168.7793 132.3759 123.2788 0.8336 180.9832 128.836 139.3796 200.1545 137.8029 5.652 1259 AI044670 "Rattus norvegicus ninjurin1 mRNA, complete cds" 0.9654 0.9314 0.8406 0.8207 0.7793 0.6918 0.6345 0.6794 0.6669 0.6736 0.697 0.8255 0.664 0.7103 0.8988 0.8992 0.8047 0.7688 0.9946 1.0343 1.0089 0.9648 0.9348 0.8808 0.8244 0.9012 0.908 0.9077 0.8869 0.5889 0.5733 0.6363 0.4786 0.6222 0.5721 0.5426 0.6699 0.648 0.6468 0.6744 0.7145 0.6724 0.6788 0.8527 0.9565 0.8445 0.9224 0.9118 0.8965 1260 AI045437 "Rat neuropeptide Y mRNA, complete cds" 1.1148 1.2175 0.9788 1.2187 1.2998 1.3123 1.1008 1.5021 2.2476 0.7848 1.2804 1.0278 0.8544 1.1829 1.4991 0.9031 0.9177 2.486 0.9646 1.6234 1.5876 1.5059 2.8987 1.141 106.2553 1.4802 0.8884 160.2892 1.414 2.414 0.8946 1.937 2.7291 12.4729 0.8605 1.3022 213.3822 4.5241 162.0324 2.2093 0.8508 1.2191 5.5464 1.6008 168.0377 2.1769 2.3586 4.3748 2.2354 1261 AI045446 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for embigin protein 1.034 1.4684 1.3865 1.0515 0.8851 66.6239 77.2502 1.4026 1.5864 5.077 5.4628 8.8718 5.0159 4.5792 0.7837 2.5851 1.5443 1.5525 0.5722 1.3143 0.8262 0.9861 2.9204 1.0744 144.8488 1.4412 0.8823 200.1099 33.4445 1.8071 260.332 8.1566 0.9056 1.2615 1.2904 3.8592 277.6456 1.4151 8.3289 40.6749 2.6924 7.6727 3.7893 1.9719 2.1696 2.2651 4.3823 1.9255 2.4995 1262 AI045536 Rattus norvegicus cytochrome P450 4F4 (CYP4F4) mRN 0.9529 1.0059 1.0166 0.9196 0.9645 0.6335 0.5734 0.7161 0.7013 0.6859 0.6912 0.6409 0.5827 0.8737 0.7873 1.1037 1.1504 0.998 1.4488 1.4965 0.7882 0.6942 0.8546 1.0222 0.9139 0.9095 0.6641 0.8301 0.8672 1.0564 0.923 0.7569 0.5167 0.6527 0.6899 0.5284 0.9906 0.595 0.658 0.8542 1.0028 0.9376 1.0892 1.1581 0.7325 0.8789 0.9594 0.9971 0.9461 1263 AI045552 Rattus norvegicus estrogen-responsive uterine mRNA 1.0188 1.0873 1.2751 0.9698 0.9363 1.2416 1.1778 1.1122 1.0881 0.9225 0.9772 1.1363 1.1178 1.1716 0.7169 0.989 1.0444 1.0147 0.9814 0.9118 1.0293 0.8195 0.8745 0.8705 1.0955 1.0072 0.7583 1.1058 1.2498 1.0901 1.2602 1.2258 0.8207 0.9783 1.1549 1.0547 1.1461 0.9127 1.2037 1.0393 1.0226 1.1166 1.0514 0.914 0.9947 0.9134 1.1487 1.1315 1.1618 1264 AI045467 "Rattus norvegicus arginase II mRNA, complete cds" 1.1579 1.8374 1.7265 4.323 1.0377 73.6231 88.1651 2.9101 17.9048 1.5296 1.7064 1.1206 1.3169 3.2295 0.8528 1.5304 1.266 3.6717 0.5933 2.0987 3.2501 2.2065 42.9434 1.2055 82.4191 157.3667 0.9627 102.1744 1.8164 80.4363 197.4101 111.2215 2.4246 15.6529 2.5489 141.8777 161.0283 1.4151 105.4542 12.9237 131.4687 135.2039 0.8336 7.7928 122.1969 11.1088 96.3627 123.802 28.2607 1265 AI045558 "Rattus norvegicus mRNA for Tim44, complete cds" 1.1666 1.4231 1.6005 1.1347 0.9901 5.0286 3.3941 1.8039 1.8114 1.642 1.4944 1.338 1.5769 2.3592 0.7195 1.2772 1.2 1.6229 0.9145 1.5468 1.0074 1.3576 1.8232 1.2204 4.8062 1.8099 279.182 132.593 13.4127 2.5592 161.9552 2.0853 1.2275 1.4702 1.3734 4.0117 138.9538 1.5605 11.9117 190.862 6.6087 214.3456 3.6727 258.3219 2.8845 3.1 22.039 3.4652 4.6868 1266 AI044259 Rattus norvegicus putative cell surface antigen mR 0.9917 1.1695 0.2228 2.1681 1.2903 3.2182 4.5522 1.9207 2.0835 1.3839 0.881 0.8397 0.9559 3.0534 0.8889 1.1373 1.3479 1.3432 0.7681 1.5286 1.0976 1.4816 2.5457 1.6891 6.4068 4.5081 0.174 21.629 0.6619 2.6184 183.0807 111.2894 1.9301 103.7872 2.3478 126.4288 88.5591 2.5821 114.6494 5.9906 116.91 110.1714 0.8336 1.7275 113.4289 2.9917 101.618 5.7452 128.7666 1267 AI044262 Rat mRNA for thyrotropin releasing hormone recepto 1.0363 2.6429 0.9627 2.7693 0.769 70.0777 69.9424 3.4556 69.3943 122.0869 3.6534 2.1237 1.7849 1.4362 0.6058 1.4777 1.1959 1.996 0.6698 1.9739 1.1164 1.0166 9.529 1.3023 76.6486 51.135 0.5366 100.5772 3.4711 19.5957 126.128 130.9413 0.9732 1.5937 1.5015 136.6386 81.0643 2.6795 135.6272 167.5018 140.1428 119.7709 57.2477 9.8461 112.9363 2.4579 130.1028 43.9067 9.3797 1268 AI044236 R.norvegicus mRNA for gluthathione-S-transferase 1.0016 1.152 1.0613 0.972 0.8915 1.0848 1.1595 1.5576 0.848 1.1746 1.0829 1.0809 1.0494 2.0763 1.8892 2.1809 2.2054 2.3941 1.1219 1.32 0.9474 0.8636 0.9915 0.9892 1.0717 0.8369 1.5204 0.9056 0.8293 1.345 2.7168 1.9775 0.7343 0.94 0.9781 1.1125 2.6389 0.9864 1.0843 1.9826 2.0266 2.5237 2.6864 1.2911 1.5201 1.0935 1.1052 1.0166 0.9103 1269 AI044024 Rat mRNA for protein kinase C type II 1.0148 1.0192 1.0285 1.0047 0.933 1.7079 1.8551 1.0821 1.0451 1.1524 1.0677 1.1125 1.3823 1.0753 0.6159 0.9475 1.0773 0.9927 0.9172 1.1691 1.0417 0.9758 1.1893 1.055 1.5485 1.2615 1.1441 1.6174 1.3206 118.084 1.8371 1.5185 0.9283 1.1831 1.2431 1.8047 1.7766 1.0774 1.5946 2.0087 1.2352 1.6111 1.2689 1.4038 1.4159 1.55 1.6064 1.4699 1.4065 1270 AI044281 Rat proopiomelanocortin (POMC) gene 0.9883 1.1532 0.8459 1.2473 1.4599 157.3954 3.3083 2.5563 1.7977 2.027 1.2149 1.0126 1.071 0.9682 0.9924 1.2996 1.3667 1.1069 0.7233 1.4116 3.4362 1.5302 1.1943 0.9654 4.2665 0.6972 4.3907 4.5344 1.6186 0.7791 316.5213 8.3244 1.6387 3.0889 2.2058 9.2975 104.6011 1.2456 138.9401 7.0008 2.4989 2.307 70.3164 3.4682 8.4471 5.1403 138.8472 3.9255 3.3717 1271 AI044252 Rattus norvegicus serine/threonine kinase (gamma-P 1.0253 0.9616 1.5707 1.3149 0.8983 82.5029 93.0963 1.4992 1.8309 1.0866 1.4779 1.2133 1.159 1.0506 0.8325 1.3049 0.9707 1.4602 0.8814 1.4207 0.8187 1.1532 1.3479 1.074 4.5733 2.1935 1.503 99.4039 2.6677 12.0832 161.1552 9.8331 1.0892 1.1329 1.6484 7.7039 19.5631 1.4662 147.2201 192.544 5.6205 138.898 11.3552 4.7163 9.4266 6.8856 134.946 3.8212 2.9226 1272 AI044511 Rattus norvegicus calcium-activated potassium chan 1.2561 1.3157 0.8459 1.6149 1.5516 79.2891 51.2041 2.6739 4.3857 1.7359 1.164 1.0177 1.5855 0.8367 1.0903 1.5401 1.1736 10.4658 0.7035 2.6566 17.2722 2.9437 5.1628 1.0213 31.6867 0.4461 0.8234 78.0065 0.7091 9.4977 166.0945 126.3903 2.6948 11.1058 3.3251 159.1328 96.0457 2.0673 3.2271 3.3199 148.6222 143.7841 0.8336 4.2858 20.085 4.4474 115.3553 128.1542 11.1636 1273 AI044508 "Rat brain specific mRNA, clone p1a75" 1.0191 1.5298 1.1796 3.2062 1.2513 5.192 106.0298 1.4786 1.5493 0.8398 1.4437 1.5581 2.9282 1.723 1.2296 2.5708 1.2399 5.3379 0.5559 0.4776 1.5464 0.828 2.3756 1.2671 168.7841 1.6003 4.7368 193.5486 1.6183 13.5186 303.0157 7.9796 2.7243 4.7093 1.9772 2.7838 231.9219 3.0333 255.751 352.3737 5.1176 258.6803 1.44 3.9501 4.9599 3.5734 224.1221 2.6716 3.4637 1274 AI044510 Rattus norvegicus equilbrative nitrobenzylthioinos 1.7298 1.6728 1.7395 1.4514 1.4008 1.1407 1.1013 1.1112 1.2139 1.3285 1.2194 0.8954 0.9063 0.8874 1.0778 0.9107 0.9375 1.6431 1.3861 1.4685 0.9602 0.969 1.4335 1.1285 15.568 1.4818 0.8234 3.8368 1.212 4.9036 0.4691 0.9831 0.9097 1.8825 0.7889 1.1543 1.7491 1.5764 1.7738 1.0017 0.8496 1.4539 1.9364 1.1939 2.1737 1.115 1.2053 1.4096 1.322 1275 AI044600 "Rattus norvegicus polo like kinase (plk) mRNA, com" 0.9232 1.0493 2.1638 1.7459 1.305 9.3072 7.3167 3.7707 2.1707 1.1216 1.2311 0.9832 4.1625 2.9453 1.3421 1.9602 0.8939 1.5905 0.5032 1.0924 1.8062 1.1579 2.5242 0.9979 103.929 0.8433 296.942 135.8505 1.4615 169.3968 153.9328 8.1185 165.3031 13.5088 2.1527 10.0317 110.7342 2.0695 161.6609 198.9708 166.1332 124.1211 1.8433 7.8045 156.8572 167.4562 179.7212 172.4403 358.8615 1276 AI044517 R.norvegicus mRNA for glutamate transporter 1.4535 1.4499 1.9313 1.9752 1.4029 1.4258 1.2667 0.7509 0.9265 1.5532 1.0051 0.6593 0.6457 0.699 0.9063 0.8055 0.9364 1.864 0.9509 1.6187 0.6964 0.954 2.3242 1.0877 122.9067 3.1975 1.7348 156.8414 1.1935 0.674 0.4907 2.4737 5.9432 169.5734 1.9115 5.2783 134.1645 1.3848 150.2752 2.2016 9.429 245.7866 108.574 1.471 172.1132 2.6883 4.2801 5.9305 1.7141 1277 AI044516 "Rattus norvegicus mRNA for BMK1/ERK5 protein, part" 1.0339 0.9978 1.0837 1.6002 1.3194 2.0101 2.0024 1.0014 1.4533 1.2621 1.0961 1.2116 1.1672 0.9632 1.2448 1.1206 0.9873 1.4945 0.595 0.9819 0.9877 1.0733 1.6637 0.8759 117.4117 230.3501 2.0141 147.1748 1.1308 278.5856 208.1503 11.7946 5.867 4.01 1.6768 2.7498 162.6961 2.5455 208.3436 255.0853 6.1327 162.2135 1.223 3.771 142.1421 19.2402 226.8465 65.6415 5.0812 1278 AI044524 "Rat mRNA for V-1 protein, complete cds" 0.9898 0.9772 1.0823 1.1006 1.3572 0.8801 0.9103 0.8756 1.0355 1.0223 1.0662 1.0186 1.0314 1.1985 1.3354 1.2603 1.2255 1.1698 1.2397 1.3895 1.3099 1.1836 1.3554 1.1369 1.8259 1.091 1.3306 1.3033 0.9931 1.102 0.515 0.9499 0.8777 2.6524 0.9816 1.1419 1.4326 1.1322 1.6704 1.2142 1.4491 1.3558 1.5531 1.0403 1.8997 1.2042 1.2324 1.2224 1.1923 1279 AI044610 "Rat dopa decarboxylase (DDC) mRNA, complete cds" 1.552 1.587 1.5321 1.9664 1.5286 1.1754 1.4242 1.7837 1.7217 1.969 2.2949 1.6151 2.1041 5.5929 6.2519 4.081 2.8917 3.8524 1.5525 0.8349 1.0389 1.1939 1.6219 1.6175 3.3925 2.3489 1.638 2.2758 2.0434 1.555 1.5463 1.0423 1.0268 1.5379 1.0634 1.0045 3.2083 2.5334 3.1939 7.4576 5.9317 7.2698 4.395 2.1489 1.7685 1.8727 1.4118 0.7765 1.2866 1280 AI044520 Rattus norvegicus initiation factor-2 kinase (eIF- 1.0534 1.0248 1.2366 1.0514 1.4281 1.4829 1.2977 1.0007 0.9274 0.8238 0.9343 0.9604 0.965 0.9388 1.1647 1.1262 1.096 1.1121 1.211 1.3255 1.3976 1.3548 1.6007 1.1988 1.5619 1.464 1.0975 2.4937 1.1442 1.8366 1.381 1.0132 1.0713 1.1862 1.0613 1.6202 1.3375 1.1851 2.3278 1.155 2.0392 1.2401 1.1428 1.1468 1.5759 1.6105 1.3171 1.4169 1.2264 1281 AI044619 "Rattus norvegicus biliverdin reductase mRNA, compl" 1.0236 0.9932 1.0154 1.0141 0.9802 1.2126 1.3534 1.2444 1.2555 0.9375 1.1244 1.3987 1.3774 0.902 1.1636 1.119 0.9505 0.9885 0.8199 1.1653 0.9247 0.9488 1.1399 0.9906 2.065 1.1506 1.1116 1.9921 0.9913 1.337 1.7141 1.2285 1.1993 1.6204 1.0967 1.1348 1.5455 1.2524 1.5814 1.2664 0.935 0.8808 0.721 1.0352 1.1579 1.1475 1.1665 1.1246 1.3298 1282 AI044870 "Rat EF-1-alpha mRNA, 3' end" 0.9001 0.839 0.8459 0.9839 0.8258 0.7479 0.7314 0.8183 0.848 0.4076 0.8024 0.7639 0.8575 0.8132 0.8325 0.8126 0.9228 0.7464 0.8919 0.9116 0.9234 0.877 0.7553 0.8036 1.0126 0.8947 1.0007 0.9636 1.0285 1.3852 1.3596 1.4917 1.2045 1.4001 1.4864 1.579 1.119 1.0122 1.1041 0.8004 0.9896 1.0212 1.0449 0.8454 0.9283 0.9249 1.0706 1.0342 1.0065 1283 AI044880 Rat O-6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (RMGMT 0.9157 0.886 0.8231 1.0818 1.039 1.1307 1.1365 0.7894 0.8711 0.8729 0.888 0.92 0.8826 0.8429 1.176 0.9083 0.8755 1.1069 0.7402 1.0254 0.8803 0.8688 1.3989 1.0116 2.1264 1.0348 1.3304 1.3482 0.9674 1.2551 1.3811 1.1067 1.1046 1.4326 0.929 0.8914 1.1358 1.0247 0.9032 1.2909 0.767 0.9749 0.8062 0.9601 1.1436 1.2633 0.9679 1.1042 1.1339 1284 AI044704 "Rat mRNA for 8-oxo-dGTPase, complete cds" 1.6462 1.5748 1.2456 1.9831 1.4503 3.1872 2.2435 1.3981 3.7703 2.2052 1.3844 1.1989 1.4898 1.14 1.3891 1.0298 1.2016 1.8038 0.8461 2.0593 0.9312 1.4652 79.8 1.51 94.7373 10.1121 2.3759 0.7521 1.5443 7.5342 0.527 8.978 26.1373 181.1214 1.9459 7.9502 140.0459 7.2357 124.2957 4.6717 4.4287 2.3782 87.4171 2.0702 132.6917 3.2979 9.841 183.816 3.7893 1285 AI044707 "Rat interleukin 1-beta mRNA, complete cds" 0.9729 1.1706 0.8976 1.1515 0.965 64.8085 78.0655 1.6438 2.0266 0.9924 2.8189 1.7553 2.0203 10.575 0.9442 1.5575 1.0274 1.5582 0.5829 0.8182 0.8899 1.1319 4.2903 1.3634 96.8025 2.0482 0.6558 142.1928 56.1471 2.5393 159.9055 177.1373 1.0232 1.2588 1.2509 3.0131 133.2261 1.353 170.4602 211.3343 14.9387 189.5392 4.0169 2.5245 3.1367 2.6289 188.875 3.1527 8.8894 1286 AI044709 "Rattus norvegicus RIN1 mRNA, complete cds" 1.0482 1.2702 0.8459 29.6455 2.5492 63.3388 62.5714 54.1726 1.943 1.1285 0.8931 0.6581 1.0845 255.795 1.2265 1.2602 1.2382 2.9609 0.9501 1.7276 4.6343 0.877 0.7553 3.0216 73.4643 9.3813 0.0449 8.4356 0.7628 2.1811 144.201 93.213 3.6931 2.225 3.2605 127.3262 81.3024 1.3948 109.0977 15.3319 118.3061 100.6458 0.8336 161.2059 11.8551 2.5343 86.813 24.9297 2.643 1287 AI044928 Rattus norvegicus carboxyl-terminal PDZ ligand of 0.9058 1.0829 1.5343 1.2619 1.326 73.6573 76.7312 1.9466 2.4409 1.0175 1.4085 0.9666 1.5887 3.062 0.7791 1.2943 1.1966 2.1327 0.6765 0.9116 1.0838 0.7741 2.3788 1.0725 81.4872 2.4888 2.6353 98.2286 39.8702 98.6758 113.3459 136.6968 1.553 1.13 1.8738 135.956 117.5066 1.6817 121.2279 155.5254 146.5456 143.0419 46.8736 25.3054 6.8011 113.0522 140.8088 4.4049 111.9121 1288 AI044939 "Rattus norvegicus EP4 prostanoid receptor mRNA, co" 0.8954 1.3622 3.0252 2.1323 1.0255 67.734 68.7829 2.5779 7.4968 1.5331 1.1525 0.9072 1.0314 1.3935 0.708 1.3507 1.4879 1.2244 0.4737 1.6443 1.5155 1.3654 5.5753 1.7202 71.3291 109.2882 0.6338 52.066 1.054 130.545 156.3167 96.259 2.3705 143.1914 2.0952 103.7581 73.6085 1.8056 94.5551 48.1289 131.5198 102.2614 0.8336 2.6839 94.1239 13.1641 86.0496 107.2472 9.9908 1289 AI044985 "Rattus norvegicus connexin (CXN-311) gene, complet" 1.1014 1.1485 1.4419 1.2811 0.9222 1.9387 3.2106 1.6032 2.3614 1.6512 1.6752 1.2502 1.9725 5.1908 1.2887 1.0445 1.0654 1.0767 0.8092 1.6013 0.9589 1.4172 3.1055 0.9356 88.8742 1.8338 273.793 81.9801 3.0716 5.1324 141.3314 1.7551 1.1921 1.0878 1.0431 9.9267 88.3065 1.3416 117.1454 179.5964 138.1204 128.8658 0.8336 159.5403 9.4805 3.3324 113.1897 6.0639 5.3522 1290 AI044941 "Rat mRNA for CD1 antigen, complete cds" 1.1797 1.279 0.7887 1.0922 1.2048 0.6805 0.6599 1.408 1.42 1.222 1.0441 0.9022 1.0841 1.774 0.9679 0.9554 1.0859 0.719 0.9864 1.1742 1.079 1.0522 1.0508 1.2925 1.234 1.4032 0.5291 1.515 1.0125 1.0805 2.3028 0.7787 0.6177 1.2854 0.7205 0.865 9.4258 1.2843 1.4312 1.4256 1.113 1.0656 8.7075 1.0737 1.4904 1.1488 1.0711 1.1949 1.0916 1291 AI044995 Rattus norvegicus (clone gamma-3) ATP synthase gam 1.1057 1.1409 1.2211 0.943 0.895 1.3112 1.3753 1.2748 1.3421 1.0484 1.0941 1.0291 1.031 0.8545 0.7909 1.0087 1.0951 0.9198 0.984 1.0121 0.8424 0.8354 0.9455 0.9648 0.949 0.8901 0.5937 0.9833 1.01 1.3791 1.1196 1.1593 0.8413 1.2069 1.1422 1.0499 1.2197 0.917 1.0517 1.0213 0.9539 1.0419 1.038 0.9426 0.953 0.9885 0.8592 0.8764 0.8401 1292 AI044968 Rattus norvegicus mast cell protease 9 (RMCP-9) mR 0.8427 0.9186 1.3565 0.8924 0.9127 1.3846 1.5194 1.0323 0.9252 1.0198 0.8766 0.7558 0.9244 0.9563 0.7465 0.7952 0.9671 0.9818 0.9277 1.0723 0.9549 1.0424 1.7164 1.069 1.7573 0.6827 6.7213 1.6196 1.6725 0.6135 173.4363 1.1944 0.8293 0.9902 0.9865 2.2162 48.1644 0.9465 2.5102 1.6633 1.7758 1.6312 1.646 1.7021 3.8126 2.111 2.8901 1.7111 1.5198 1293 AI045017 "Rat mRNA for CINC-2 beta, complete cds" 1.0163 2.1647 1.674 1.3289 0.9424 51.3387 54.9302 3.038 2.8936 3.2321 2.9789 1.254 2.6125 0.9596 0.6296 1.1103 1.3065 1.7178 0.65 2.3219 0.7391 0.9754 3.8505 1.0826 70.6531 2.3659 1.5432 94.7928 0.7737 163.3747 143.8238 125.4784 2.2642 1.68 1.8827 123.9768 75.7449 1.2471 128.1399 123.2403 119.114 106.9039 0.8336 184.4774 7.1454 156.9874 100.5277 109.5345 101.0259 1294 AI045067 Rattus norvegicus water channel protein (AQP3) gen 0.9083 0.9663 1.8513 2.9542 1.6727 30.7926 10.3819 7.5878 7.9778 1.2011 0.8836 0.7161 1.2308 1.0347 0.8553 1.0011 0.9436 1.5588 0.837 1.683 2.8793 1.3393 1.2059 0.996 1.7288 0.5206 0.8315 8.7084 1.6284 4.6717 71.4525 75.2975 5.6446 7.4137 11.619 14.8563 322.4751 1.2734 118.9907 15.6242 3.16 5.9102 0.8336 2.9506 3.4692 2.8498 17.5747 2.712 2.5123 1295 AI045063 Rattus norvegicus Sprague-Dawley renal osmotic str 0.8742 1.2751 1.2273 1.3222 1.0385 73.6654 69.6869 1.7077 2.0983 1.5619 1.3136 0.9506 1.7544 0.8112 0.8325 1.1739 0.9914 1.57 0.6957 1.3595 0.9264 0.8362 1.2622 1.3749 75.8806 2.4926 0.9615 85.1606 5.1508 134.6373 115.2028 123.6391 1.304 1.4777 1.6569 140.789 91.6139 1.5843 113.6053 145.6734 110.4577 133.3161 0.8336 20.3745 8.5222 6.9506 138.2776 7.2128 7.1154 1296 AI045065 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for GTP binding protein alp 1.0232 1.1011 0.8459 2.0427 1.2871 3.7802 1.9126 1.5381 2.0071 2.0928 1.2609 0.9449 1.4206 1.8602 0.9363 1.3044 1.1652 1.1487 0.6876 1.6416 177.4421 1.8194 2.0256 1.3111 10.2107 0.5326 130.9548 104.2652 0.7604 19.467 196.8195 130.1519 1.8906 7.8512 1.4829 154.0048 92.2663 1.2062 124.0585 4.3073 160.6776 5.4193 0.8336 2.4937 14.5743 6.0061 10.4436 9.0026 5.2034 1297 AI045027 "Rat statin-related protein mRNA, complete CDS" 1.2245 2.6215 0.972 2.5285 1.3332 62.5728 64.4013 1.5564 4.2982 0.7671 1.8888 1.5186 7.3374 6.1328 1.0102 9.0409 1.0959 76.4989 0.6071 0.9116 0.9984 1.1871 2.7489 2.6901 90.3231 245.7566 445.6769 152.0457 53.9371 185.9604 182.7769 170.6796 124.3985 192.1797 2.4148 18.5332 145.4443 193.1858 189.0843 214.9143 230.7393 216.9223 1.2969 255.4309 148.3964 200.2267 220.3558 176.3711 229.1338 1298 AI045079 R.norvegicus mRNA for acidic ribosomal protein P0 0.8448 0.8939 0.8587 0.6769 0.7675 1.5408 1.5655 0.9603 0.8792 0.886 0.8451 0.9523 0.8918 0.9025 1.1572 0.8715 0.9835 0.8466 0.9095 0.8833 0.7425 0.7248 0.7779 0.8004 0.8778 0.7146 0.6776 0.8519 0.7777 1.3982 0.7371 1.2867 1.0763 1.3812 1.4447 1.3233 0.8132 0.7783 0.8888 0.8033 0.8138 0.8685 0.8753 0.7045 0.8353 0.7935 0.8578 0.8713 0.82 1299 AI045080 "ESTs, Highly similar to RT1.B-1 beta-chain [R.norv" 1.2599 1.4938 1.5794 1.1244 0.9774 1.3796 1.7071 1.5047 1.4096 1.2899 1.3795 1.0741 1.307 0.9776 1.1717 0.9802 0.9022 0.3856 0.6166 0.8137 0.863 0.845 1.5107 0.88 139.2262 2.317 1.4672 226.3617 2.3548 1.9427 4.8089 1.167 2.3013 8.7796 1.0421 1.4519 176.4783 1.9453 228.6756 19.6126 2.2182 10.1635 0.839 1.5247 15.7196 2.0043 1.9896 2.5823 3.0026 1300 AI045397 "Rat neuron-specific protein PEP-19 mRNA, complete " 0.9001 0.839 0.8459 0.9839 0.8258 0.7479 0.8466 0.8183 0.848 0.8398 0.8024 0.7639 0.8575 0.8132 0.8325 0.8126 0.9228 0.7464 0.8919 0.9116 0.1812 0.877 0.7553 0.8036 88.3806 137.1066 4.5522 109.054 2.5077 0.8365 0.7371 121.8865 152.0574 146.3657 8.5381 159.532 109.8366 4.004 118.8418 157.8242 135.9682 142.6456 0.8336 1.943 121.4414 156.1511 125.8923 126.7007 19.786 1301 AI045419 Rat mRNA for alternatively spliced smooth muscle m 0.9375 1.2235 1.1304 1.7088 1.0243 3.4151 2.257 0.9049 1.5668 0.8249 1.0446 0.9938 2.4617 0.69 0.9512 0.9054 0.7161 1.1345 0.4828 1.048 0.742 0.9351 5.749 0.8675 97.1356 202.6157 1.3597 162.0739 1.4271 12.6803 167.8009 1.7113 18.3092 24.315 1.2772 2.3541 107.9203 3.4099 171.37 191.2932 166.1325 198.3643 1.3253 7.9351 127.1426 194.8708 209.4534 170.1121 14.0004 1302 AI045139 "Rat mRNA for inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate 3-kinase" 1.0288 0.9542 0.8451 0.9182 1.1714 1.027 0.918 1.7072 1.6307 0.8027 0.8808 0.8538 1.0708 1.4709 1.1675 0.9594 0.8536 0.8084 0.8184 1.2804 0.9196 1.094 1.6183 1.0388 8.808 1.1184 1.0552 6.7557 0.9077 1.3509 0.5497 0.9911 1.3203 3.7906 1.2085 1.2579 5.5137 1.1541 2.3705 1.2775 1.3143 1.0464 3.6246 0.8046 12.7313 1.2529 1.6756 1.3826 1.2348 1303 AI045263 R.norvegicus Hsp70-3 gene 1.1139 1.6206 1.1892 3.4955 1.3994 79.1402 80.6016 1.493 7.0507 0.9038 1.7666 1.9245 4.8698 4.6908 1.2385 2.2854 1.299 1.952 0.6305 0.4126 2.6036 1.2409 5.1592 1.5817 100.589 174.1534 1.6152 132.265 2.491 167.4026 165.6632 118.6042 3.6258 224.9316 2.9184 3.286 134.5868 8.2141 140.5954 218.3371 14.4654 175.549 1.3112 2.0053 149.2867 2.4035 192.3871 0.7765 10.5497 1304 AI044732 R.norvegicus fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase (FAH) m 1.0343 1.1074 1.066 0.911 0.8888 0.862 0.7768 1.0133 0.9842 0.9657 0.9908 1.0464 0.9369 1.0469 1.4312 1.0243 1.1188 0.8268 1.2197 1.1859 0.9638 0.8353 0.9253 0.8347 1.0069 1.0055 0.918 1.0216 1.0599 0.7115 0.7544 0.7304 0.655 0.797 0.7804 0.696 0.8888 0.9299 0.8899 0.8522 0.9178 0.8751 0.9803 0.9028 0.8728 0.8354 0.8666 0.8301 0.8815 1305 AI044825 Rattus norvegicus sciatic nerve integrin beta 4 su 1.1299 1.3002 1.3899 1.7777 1.0433 3.7752 18.5169 1.6733 2.0063 0.6893 1.4728 1.0575 3.5499 1.5627 1.6129 1.6488 1.0471 1.5504 0.6211 0.3438 0.9065 0.9787 2.5432 1.2522 116.9267 2.1901 1.4005 157.3418 1.5615 3.83 203.3206 2.067 186.9648 11.366 1.5615 2.9113 142.2351 2.7901 188.204 236.0901 3.238 210.1801 1.4232 7.0266 149.5863 5.1801 5.699 6.078 2.7338 1306 AI044828 "Rattus norvegicus thioredoxin mRNA, nuclear gene e" 0.9001 0.839 0.9105 1.0073 1.1214 0.9484 0.7314 0.8183 0.848 0.3624 0.8024 0.7639 0.8575 0.8132 0.8325 1.0442 1.1358 1.1844 1.0753 1.1406 1.0318 0.99 1.0955 0.9595 1.2789 0.9375 0.7977 1.2633 0.8977 1.2535 1.2502 1.0566 0.8518 1.2027 0.9693 1.0066 1.1696 0.9935 1.2658 0.9573 1.1223 1.1387 1.1994 0.8408 1.143 0.8915 0.9597 1.0303 0.8813 1307 AI044835 "Rattus norvegicus gelatinase A mRNA, complete cds" 0.8828 0.8764 0.5997 0.7346 0.8891 0.7821 0.6588 0.609 0.756 0.777 0.6512 0.7217 1.2803 1.0731 0.8439 0.6179 0.6702 0.6013 0.536 0.9093 0.8715 0.7837 1.8502 0.9978 119.9809 1.2328 1.7548 171.2875 2.6524 1.5717 32.0915 0.7657 2.9118 186.4968 0.6974 1.1143 128.0478 3.3709 0.8247 247.9338 1.1125 3.075 0.7539 1.5291 8.9061 2.7467 1.547 2.3428 8.3145 1308 AI045503 "Rat colipase mRNA, complete cds" 1.2329 0.9377 0.8459 1.0146 1.5419 2.2085 0.7314 0.5504 1.4178 0.8398 0.9616 0.6396 0.6126 0.5126 1.086 0.5961 0.6772 2.655 1.1532 1.1441 0.4642 0.5101 9.1997 4.2555 78.8377 1.3838 0.9482 0.7521 0.5852 0.5228 0.4219 2.2588 3.7928 135.5047 0.6063 1.0874 103.7816 1.3842 109.1364 2.0067 0.5635 0.4404 0.8336 0.6039 122.9505 18.787 0.9766 4.3226 1.002 1309 AI045500 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for UDP-glucose dehydrogean 1.0807 1.0414 1.2679 1.1688 1.055 0.5899 0.6313 0.8427 0.8478 0.7966 0.8178 0.5406 0.7807 1.4372 1.0056 1.8798 2.0696 2.2213 0.7058 0.7262 1.1789 1.0603 0.892 0.8672 1.2656 1.2823 1.0753 1.5265 2.0166 0.6415 0.6608 0.5778 0.4332 0.6217 0.6754 0.6533 1.1237 0.8563 0.9676 1.7215 2.228 2.5246 2.7561 0.8832 1.3564 1.0537 1.2474 1.2304 1.2261 1310 AI045501 ESTs 1.0401 1.3893 1.1923 1.8739 1.111 70.1167 35.039 2.2624 2.5813 1.4293 1.3707 0.9358 1.1706 10.3903 1.2016 1.3266 1.2236 1.5881 0.8919 2.0414 2.2279 1.5318 0.7553 2.185 87.4022 8.0948 0.6584 3.8173 1.9113 2.7318 164.9796 120.6975 2.6322 4.4642 3.142 158.9743 103.1434 2.4501 133.8421 6.1606 158.8592 5.8146 0.8336 5.1321 5.4427 4.4494 99.5632 121.4183 3.2661 1311 AI045512 Rattus norvegicus BEST5 mRNA for hypothetical prot 0.6089 0.5411 0.6743 0.5629 0.6058 1.4385 1.1093 0.7868 0.8237 0.8939 0.7062 0.6815 0.7377 1.5072 0.5341 0.5943 0.6557 0.6331 0.6035 0.8203 0.6015 0.5756 0.883 0.6863 1.4106 1.0606 182.9471 1.4658 4.0772 1.4182 212.4198 1.4499 0.8573 0.8555 1.0955 1.3673 20.1946 1.0379 2.1817 3.2944 1.2628 1.7793 0.8078 1.156 0.9375 2.0572 1.6249 1.2201 1.9521 1312 AI045145 "Rattus norvegicus ovarian-specific protein mRNA, c" 1.1875 1.5204 1.3295 0.9491 1.1292 3.418 2.0583 2.8526 2.81 1.7576 1.3483 1.1688 1.5691 3.6639 1.0254 0.9853 0.8954 1.1689 0.9343 2.0789 1.1916 0.9416 0.8681 0.9455 18.1981 1.1639 0.3682 1.5007 1.609 2.3672 205.4662 2.9567 1.1912 12.1059 1.3115 3.1715 163.4525 1.3115 128.1812 2.3866 2.589 1.5422 0.8336 1.8288 13.4312 2.0907 1.7073 3.0882 1.8634 1313 AI044904 R.norvegicus RNA for annexin VI 1.0828 1.0471 1.0336 0.8805 0.8706 0.6845 0.788 1.1972 1.1458 1.1286 1.1252 1.1071 1.1098 15.157 0.6899 1.0596 1.1265 1.005 1.0881 1.1849 1.0048 0.9284 1.138 1.0216 0.9005 1.0363 1.8658 1.017 1.0392 0.873 0.9453 0.8893 0.5579 0.7061 0.744 0.7222 1.2465 1.0364 1.1998 0.8536 1.1209 1.0915 1.1105 1.1487 0.9714 1.0868 1.104 1.148 1.0597 1314 AI045179 R.norvegicus mRNA for Stat3 protein 0.9315 1.2836 0.3277 0.7002 0.7255 1.6537 1.8796 0.9575 1.1142 1.1517 1.1316 0.8662 1.0047 1.7254 1.3557 1.2897 1.3614 1.5023 1.1222 1.3566 1.2024 1.0145 0.9651 1.2466 1.0708 1.323 0.8234 1.084 1.184 1.206 4.1172 0.7751 0.5761 1.2839 0.5806 1.0148 28.1338 0.8216 1.2224 1.1104 1.0416 1.2112 0.8336 1.1052 1.8153 1.1504 0.6817 0.8763 0.8432 1315 AI058284 Rattus norvegicus frizzled related protein frpAP m 1.0958 2.8588 1.5052 1.0542 1.0771 58.4427 73.4599 5.6083 6.656 113.9259 2.6716 1.8593 3.5402 1.5316 0.6197 3.0522 1.2981 1.2668 0.7943 2.4032 0.9234 1.0537 1.574 1.5602 86.4106 3.9358 0.7629 91.6907 0.9277 15.9528 125.7858 125.7153 1.5429 2.3931 1.8029 143.304 109.2813 2.2094 125.3879 144.7176 167.018 121.2812 0.8336 165.1233 92.3654 11.5392 120.8634 4.5846 123.3764 1316 AI058280 "Rat mRNA for APC protein, complete cds" 1.2176 1.996 10.1403 2.1052 1.5363 90.558 116.1917 2.1176 3.3803 2.6428 1.4649 1.3672 2.0663 1.1797 1.3802 1.4376 1.725 1.3387 0.8919 3.8471 1.7688 4.1207 2.2238 1.8948 13.4434 0.5991 0.8234 100.4744 0.4753 0.6624 138.1848 161.8387 1.8717 2.0608 3.2521 143.3867 86.2469 1.152 134.094 4.217 54.8106 146.8613 66.803 59.2835 5.6207 5.3016 128.2033 4.9643 6.3765 1317 AI045770 Rattus norvegicus class A calcium channel variant 1.0273 1.3212 1.2786 1.1311 1.019 3.4067 2.4017 1.5284 1.4251 1.1559 1.2091 1.1814 0.9097 0.9685 0.7333 0.9113 1.1875 1.0038 1.0276 1.1301 0.8451 0.8837 1.077 0.9852 2.8238 1.702 1.4423 131.6973 1.9205 6.4251 15.3284 2.9003 1.2536 1.218 1.1441 2.583 3.2266 1.2119 41.2304 217.2692 3.833 12.8859 5.6545 2.0718 2.3001 3.7047 4.2574 2.2568 1.7946 1318 AI058308 "Rattus norvegicus megalin mRNA, complete cds" 1.2709 1.3589 1.3695 1.3459 0.8993 4.658 2.617 2.5221 2.6175 2.9778 0.9603 1.2926 1.5046 1.5607 0.9254 1.199 1.1007 1.6927 0.7444 2.1815 2.6889 1.2625 2.0843 1.6146 8.2293 0.5099 0.7988 3.3438 2.0414 0.9342 168.7549 11.7188 2.2659 188.6976 3.2612 5.7669 111.1715 2.3369 137.8701 4.8802 3.479 2.8457 0.8336 4.7053 11.4848 5.7112 8.5863 5.3215 2.6734 1319 AI045921 Rat developmentally regulated intestinal protein ( 0.8821 1.0005 0.8715 1.1075 0.968 3.813 79.7939 1.0602 1.2851 1.7843 1.1805 1.1872 1.4823 0.7883 1.0758 0.9626 0.9172 1.4064 0.5641 0.9582 0.9403 0.6924 2.549 1.1586 97.019 2.0097 2.5284 105.1447 39.6513 6.9913 132.991 9.3593 1.0848 1.7102 1.6148 4.8028 117.7486 1.3262 151.1559 147.1652 180.1636 149.7148 8.9806 8.4785 4.6616 172.3981 135.7092 8.4289 134.4845 1320 AI045846 Rat mitochondrial carnitine palmitoyltransferase I 0.6131 0.6241 0.6312 0.7952 0.8014 1.5001 1.4775 1.0182 1.0377 0.8887 0.8867 0.9775 0.9838 0.609 0.5389 0.7036 0.7523 0.6965 0.7493 0.836 0.8894 0.988 0.7293 0.9139 0.7266 0.7518 0.8234 0.8585 0.7933 1.7485 1.9085 1.8428 1.4879 1.9338 1.8689 1.1935 1.073 0.7871 0.8613 0.5413 0.5823 0.5851 0.8503 0.5867 0.9878 0.7198 0.8367 0.9361 0.8576 1321 AI045851 R.norvegicus mRNA for calcium/calmodulin-dependent 1.0146 0.839 1.1314 2.8557 1.774 7.2576 3.9751 1.454 1.5046 1.0874 1.3909 1.5759 0.8575 3.9259 1.4873 2.1055 0.9575 3.7283 0.6104 1.0711 0.9898 1.0876 2.4433 1.3403 132.2301 262.2371 11.9783 164.308 2.6949 242.3733 6.8202 3.5494 4.3077 194.1317 2.0266 3.2008 124.8344 2.6188 213.8001 261.8842 200.9761 171.2775 1.3138 7.4782 170.9294 33.8357 223.9902 179.5677 5.4021 1322 AI045872 R.norvegicus mRNA for V1a arginine vasopressin rec 1.1331 1.0503 1.0737 1.4327 1.4349 0.4959 0.4933 0.6914 0.6502 1.2728 1.171 0.9314 1.0437 0.9414 1.1991 0.7976 0.7942 0.5229 2.2779 2.2161 0.9606 0.9289 1.1091 1.0474 1.7046 0.9926 0.8934 1.0418 0.9816 0.7244 0.7371 0.3742 0.31 0.5243 0.3159 0.4662 0.6808 1.2252 1.1084 0.8835 0.6214 0.4562 0.538 1.5967 0.938 0.9162 1.189 1.2083 1.09 1323 AI045950 R.norvegicus mRNA for P2X5 protein 0.9528 1.0903 1.9613 0.8962 1.774 31.0332 81.3835 2.4792 3.4651 1.7528 2.3304 1.3971 126.7222 1.2104 1.5711 5.1332 1.0032 1.8172 0.415 0.8414 1.8256 1.6223 44.8882 1.5124 110.407 230.9766 3.5425 119.0855 2.9061 272.3 245.8 178.7802 187.7724 12.1089 2.7216 194.3335 117.7384 159.2484 200.4428 216.9777 126.9992 127.8115 1.3792 22.9108 119.6218 181.415 175.5989 154.7584 104.9474 1324 AI045953 Rattus norvegicus cysteine sulfinic acid decarboxy 0.9371 0.8833 0.8747 1.0134 1.0383 1.4493 1.6138 0.7286 0.7452 0.7281 0.768 0.8175 0.7694 2.0595 2.7042 0.9273 0.9229 0.8359 1.1159 1.0331 1.4286 1.3204 1.0679 1.0959 1.4668 0.9949 1.1179 1.1243 0.9259 1.7431 0.987 2.2286 1.3847 2.0009 1.7199 1.5265 0.8129 0.7155 0.9496 1.8978 0.808 0.7841 0.9237 0.7872 1.3627 1.0204 0.9742 0.9312 0.8991 1325 AI058330 Rattus norvegicus decay accelerating factor GPI-fo 1.089 1.7565 1.6246 9.081 1.2097 216.4814 78.5077 2.7138 3.5951 2.0074 2.3174 1.8289 21.2872 4.0556 1.21 1.6516 0.7891 4.1973 0.6957 0.8668 1.0662 1.6851 3.0205 3.7084 116.7915 194.641 1.9993 127.189 1.5971 185.711 165.7188 2.8435 3.0135 131.5625 2.3743 1.9873 97.0831 5.2624 127.1964 187.9563 154.8544 125.8154 0.9443 2.5094 147.3048 6.8661 168.6181 0.7765 3.6931 1326 AI058353 "Rat endoplasmic reticulum alpha-mannosidase mRNA, " 1.0397 1.0095 0.9666 1.0934 1.4468 1.5275 1.2158 1.1833 1.1876 1.1317 1.0832 0.9328 1.0721 1.1055 1.2254 0.8461 0.947 1.3381 0.8975 1.0583 0.821 0.9278 0.9057 0.8597 1.8193 1.4313 0.6053 2.2133 0.8252 2.2576 1.7932 1.3074 1.1462 1.6373 0.9699 1.3164 1.4772 1.138 1.6883 1.1374 1.4801 1.1915 1.2113 1.0708 1.0613 1.0632 0.9061 1.281 1.0369 1327 AI058447 Rattus norvegicus dihydroxypolyprenylbenzoate meth 0.8595 0.7742 0.8029 1.0263 0.965 1.4407 1.5529 0.9953 1.0406 1.0208 1.087 1.0409 0.9743 1.0186 1.1742 1.0553 1.0688 1.3472 0.9258 0.5856 1.1744 1.1763 1.0257 0.8969 1.5081 1.0284 1.0224 1.2846 0.9613 1.6604 1.6388 1.6079 1.4089 2.021 1.5227 1.3245 1.2516 1.2218 1.2604 1.2552 1.0001 1.3015 1.1137 0.9386 1.3788 0.9778 1.0407 0.7765 1.0505 1328 AI071305 "Rattus norvegicus thrombin mRNA, 3' end" 0.8539 0.8564 0.8671 0.707 0.887 0.8616 0.8272 0.7515 0.742 0.802 0.8362 0.8303 0.7483 0.8623 1.1506 0.8061 0.8937 0.7334 1.1289 1.1106 0.9132 0.9192 0.8963 0.9218 0.8722 0.7356 1.0113 0.8623 0.8835 0.6551 0.6324 0.6896 0.545 0.6463 0.7365 0.7182 0.7119 0.7678 0.7235 0.7199 0.7452 0.7461 0.7233 0.8081 0.8748 0.8218 0.8396 0.7864 0.8119 1329 AI071315 Rattus norvegicus casein kinase 1 gamma 3 isoform 0.9718 1.1474 1.1398 2.1463 1.1105 79.9148 77.0745 1.9454 1.724 0.7026 1.2976 0.9783 3.0513 1.7122 1.1697 1.4081 1.0027 1.8909 0.5969 2.1027 0.993 1.2887 1.5504 2.0214 116.444 2.6088 2.7644 162.927 1.6398 5.575 209.5628 2.1723 3.3483 26.9875 1.4619 3.5912 124.798 1.437 196.7892 215.834 11.251 163.366 1.5868 20.0761 140.1144 10.0671 191.8799 165.3634 2.0101 1330 AI058642 Rattus norvegicus growth hormone-releasing hormone 1.1007 1.2609 1.4387 78.2004 1.9262 76.9886 2.3628 1.8836 90.334 0.6313 1.1244 1.4035 1.9017 3.1721 1.1359 0.9957 1.0074 2.406 1.2468 3.1908 1.0737 2.0336 52.6234 1.6927 96.9882 170.741 0.8234 0.7521 2.6639 167.552 2.033 100.9058 4.1589 20.8735 2.5756 161.7985 123.8261 4.8191 150.5187 12.8404 153.3232 118.2903 0.8336 3.3757 126.2973 8.0814 139.5004 145.1732 3.2036 1331 AI058645 ESTs 0.9983 1.1195 1.6587 2.5174 1.5546 19.1964 80.0285 3.174 2.2194 0.8769 1.2098 1.1431 3.5854 1.2575 1.2748 1.1391 0.8362 10.8757 0.5667 0.845 1.75 1.2921 3.9914 1.2351 100.8928 0.8433 1.5753 116.5057 2.113 4.8328 161.5041 3.1166 166.579 178.5499 2.5619 5.0133 118.8325 5.7058 165.8465 218.791 166.8021 124.6745 1.5164 4.9017 119.6274 226.6288 152.2053 160.5692 167.6713 1332 AI058662 "ESTs, Highly similar to Phosphorylated Map Kinase" 0.9539 0.9302 1.1982 1.0743 1.1227 1.5811 1.4963 1.0948 1.096 1.0929 0.9173 1.0079 1.0435 0.8832 0.9776 0.948 0.8427 1.1362 0.9495 1.0356 0.5092 1.1723 1.3701 1.2038 2.0657 1.123 1.1622 1.3056 1.0266 1.0001 1.6035 1.3664 1.3463 2.7189 1.4658 1.4934 1.451 1.1164 1.5052 0.9579 0.9601 1.1526 1.4783 0.8638 1.792 1.0463 1.1629 1.2025 1.0734 1333 AI058866 Rattus norvegicus tissue inhibitor of metalloprote 0.7052 0.674 0.6367 0.9562 1.0147 0.6754 0.6776 0.5748 0.6246 1.1357 0.9708 1.005 1.1581 1.2381 0.5861 0.6232 0.6898 1.0382 0.7962 0.8597 1.0477 0.8807 1.1506 0.9544 1.8405 1.2715 0.5685 1.3567 2.4171 0.8252 2.4891 0.7121 0.461 0.7051 0.5725 0.7343 1.4771 1.0458 1.2448 1.9334 0.695 1.109 0.9469 1.0529 1.2345 1.3754 1.2896 1.1638 1.6109 1334 AI059172 Rat insulin-like growth factor binding protein (rI 1.1188 1.2134 1.9965 1.8569 1.9519 4.7993 2.2622 1.6145 1.7532 1.4906 1.4401 1.5281 1.3936 3.3207 0.8732 0.9492 1.1164 1.3985 0.977 1.6543 1.774 1.2592 3.0694 0.9429 7.1009 3.8625 1.009 2.1399 1.5522 3.3908 198.2306 204.6253 1.6811 3.1698 1.69 3.5546 156.4881 1.9983 6.8038 2.048 3.2626 7.1281 83.0337 1.7053 2.2589 1.8511 6.2761 4.0588 1.6633 1335 AI059177 Rat mRNA encoding calcitonin 1.3882 1.6286 1.8036 2.0648 1.5785 4.7302 4.9299 1.7337 1.8623 2.7117 2.7315 2.023 2.8923 2.5513 1.3853 1.1672 1.1793 1.8608 0.8741 2.1039 1.2343 1.5359 1.0661 1.0487 3.3464 2.7109 4.0506 8.6952 3.5795 2.7419 7.837 3.5953 1.6568 1.8601 2.2855 2.7467 8.8114 2.3536 4.0293 4.6801 2.0856 5.6603 2.595 2.226 1.1527 1.6789 2.1647 1.8984 1.6782 1336 AI058887 Rat p450Md mRNA for cytochrome P-450 1.6212 1.7899 2.0289 2.9288 2.5953 2.2357 2.3635 1.5285 1.5769 2.8181 2.6458 2.3061 2.1577 2.2672 1.9815 1.1395 1.3331 1.9815 1.4103 1.668 1.4704 1.4208 1.0381 1.2928 2.5483 3.3642 2.0208 3.2827 3.0453 2.3506 2.4473 2.6722 1.8592 2.5722 2.5134 2.0535 1.9523 2.2776 2.2934 2.1853 1.0267 2.2854 2.9197 1.1601 1.4517 0.9784 1.4401 1.4655 1.3688 1337 AI058888 Rattus norvegicus pregnancy-specific glycoprotein 1.1371 4.462 1.2326 1.3501 1.1221 83.9492 94.3094 1.6179 2.4395 7.354 4.2052 3.2385 8.1632 1.3862 0.5747 1.7147 1.1506 1.7451 0.764 1.3721 1.3283 1.1152 1.616 1.0327 2.8798 1.6903 0.5496 179.8428 1.3585 11.1106 7.8692 5.8915 0.7497 1.4676 1.3259 4.5681 178.8447 1.3256 232.1299 69.2842 2.7723 227.4401 7.7295 2.5485 2.5755 1.3613 2.865 2.1729 1.8113 1338 AI059187 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for zona pellucida 2 glycop 0.8624 1.0801 1.8028 1.3449 0.9203 121.1997 1.9573 1.3513 0.848 1.3228 1.297 1.0506 1.1618 0.9754 0.9301 1.1367 1.2929 1.3686 0.8367 1.5823 0.8477 1.4973 1.16 1.0417 2.1098 0.718 0.8234 2.0679 0.9983 1.9781 9.5012 2.5567 1.1439 0.7487 1.412 5.1286 213.6468 0.9615 4.79 1.8542 3.1896 2.0731 2.2262 2.1828 1.5601 1.7722 4.5306 2.5815 1.6097 1339 AI059907 Rattus norvegicus interferon inducible protein 10 0.9602 1.0225 0.8566 0.9867 0.9242 1.2695 1.464 0.6889 0.7435 1.1319 0.9701 1.5098 1.186 0.9527 0.6001 1.2977 1.0904 1.1051 0.9068 1.2238 0.9153 1.2104 1.5 1.1296 5.5664 1.4636 1.2713 2.7048 2.0633 1.753 181.6914 0.938 0.6455 0.9389 0.9597 1.4475 4.4764 0.8676 2.1841 162.1427 1.1477 1.5652 1.331 1.5083 1.6063 2.4135 2.3281 1.8609 4.8713 1340 AI059942 "Rat mRNA for CCA3, complete cds" 0.9804 1.2467 1.1533 1.0621 1.26 1.8321 1.2711 1.3359 1.2919 1.5061 1.0769 1.0895 1.2684 0.9912 0.744 1.1349 1.1248 1.0182 1.1321 1.6067 2.7018 1.3212 1.5136 0.9692 3.0607 0.9902 1.9387 2.2093 1.5351 0.3983 212.0208 1.8731 0.8597 1.1771 1.1004 1.7837 191.0606 0.7453 2.8453 1.7388 1.6384 1.2573 2.7738 1.653 1.9395 1.6362 2.5385 1.615 1.8247 1341 AI059042 "Rattus norvegicus kinase substrate HASPP28 mRNA, c" 1.1439 1.9315 1.0268 1.2628 0.9829 2.5067 4.7012 1.2335 1.3216 1.3648 1.36 1.4998 1.5861 1.3071 0.852 1.1458 1.4215 1.1411 0.7609 1.2862 1.1785 1.1757 1.4281 1.0623 20.269 1.5531 2.2295 4.3587 13.2114 0.7244 184.6988 2.5154 1.108 1.4717 1.6673 3.6068 169.9773 1.5687 5.7767 258.6947 2.3631 3.9326 1.8937 2.175 1.6216 26.3028 3.1698 2.3462 5.1899 1342 AI059076 "Rat mRNA for short type PB-cadherin, complete cds" 1.1587 1.219 2.0313 2.4611 1.2056 88.328 2.9773 2.1192 1.8842 2.0602 1.3886 1.2198 1.4605 1.4215 1.0373 1.6671 1.2757 1.4761 0.7826 2.2229 4.6151 1.9557 3.8015 1.6902 4.4059 0.4386 1.6103 11.9501 1.7953 2.9023 196.9004 178.6538 1.4979 5.959 2.6366 161.6852 124.6175 2.096 156.6127 2.9677 218.7671 5.3092 0.8336 2.9922 7.4567 3.2717 134.0802 131.2633 2.6163 1343 AI058786 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for CDP-diacylglycerol synt 0.9196 1.1054 1.1431 0.5993 0.7879 2.1698 2.2078 1.459 1.7739 1.3559 1.255 0.9448 1.3553 0.9314 0.6899 0.9633 1.0301 1.1132 0.749 0.9487 0.9925 0.8425 1.3309 0.9227 6.8669 1.0228 1.2998 2.4209 9.091 5.2049 176.3337 1.8983 1.1718 1.1382 1.5249 2.0113 164.6797 1.2469 7.6195 171.9374 2.403 6.9986 2.8165 2.3526 1.781 6.024 1.9963 1.7882 4.5549 1344 AI058790 "Rat mRNA for LIMK-2a, complete cds" 1.2985 1.4657 1.2555 1.317 0.9979 0.6636 2.8148 1.4303 1.5373 1.9107 1.3055 1.1653 1.5367 1.8998 1.077 1.9801 1.8052 1.6336 0.9628 1.1866 2.146 1.103 1.824 1.4069 4.2853 0.679 0.8234 2.2842 1.0794 3.27 242.9657 2.97 1.8011 5.9032 2.043 3.0664 149.6759 1.6933 5.7787 1.9514 1.5993 2.3849 0.8336 1.572 3.7174 2.1035 1.3207 2.3649 1.7309 1345 AI071438 Rattus norvegicus hepatic multiple inositol polyph 1.2467 1.0504 0.9978 0.9061 0.9479 1.1673 1.3582 0.9104 1.0439 0.9194 1.1582 1.6415 1.2893 1.2442 1.45 1.1161 1.1763 1.3996 0.8729 1.2838 1.1108 1.0352 2.2441 1.2439 173.234 1.1577 1.7618 3.625 53.0143 1.3093 2.2583 1.4352 1.6435 5.5215 1.413 1.3284 6.5531 2.7558 4.3173 3.0769 1.3912 1.5423 1.3049 1.6338 3.1758 1.7796 1.1012 1.4605 3.004 1346 AI058569 Rattus norvegicus mevalonate pyrophosphate decarbo 1.3323 1.2862 1.2152 1.3504 1.2073 2.9318 1.9547 2.2399 2.767 1.3943 1.1175 1.009 1.3278 1.7501 2.2432 1.1168 0.9642 1.5752 1.0054 1.8474 1.2154 1.1695 2.211 1.0894 93.9292 3.1309 2.2934 151.9836 1.6512 0.7244 221.3337 3.2384 228.3913 171.3702 2.0289 5.8341 190.6174 3.0846 134.4247 7.3637 1.9754 2.3379 93.255 1.4618 113.0488 2.6647 2.9853 159.096 2.05 1347 AI058493 ESTs 0.9605 0.9991 0.8974 0.9116 0.8646 0.9118 1.0125 0.8721 0.8419 0.8838 0.9352 1.067 0.9332 0.9713 1.2183 0.9115 1.0261 0.7296 0.7731 0.6058 0.6935 0.8037 0.8807 0.7954 1.1542 0.8987 0.5559 1.0327 0.8738 3.3021 0.915 0.854 0.892 1.1444 0.8263 0.7264 0.9334 0.9878 0.9078 1.1255 0.964 0.9091 0.7592 0.8884 0.9551 0.8978 0.8697 0.7763 0.9507 1348 AI058495 Rattus norvegicus platelet-activating factor acety 1.2795 1.2176 1.3597 1.1186 1.2874 0.8633 0.8779 0.9953 1.0104 0.8398 1.028 1.3308 1.1173 1.0895 1.3202 1.2176 1.2291 1.1671 1.3738 1.4252 1.0731 1.0441 1.372 1.3106 1.3784 1.3812 1.5417 1.4388 1.7408 0.7862 0.8025 0.8427 0.6688 0.8528 0.8468 0.8551 1.1248 1.1957 1.4222 1.0521 1.1434 1.0754 1.2537 1.2107 1.084 1.3029 1.0273 1.0463 1.033 1349 AI058566 "Rat mRNA for peptide/histidine transporter, comple" 1.1 1.1647 1.073 1.3895 1.165 1.6761 2.0627 1.0868 1.1186 1.1649 1.2366 0.7639 1.3069 1.3536 1.3277 1.3431 1.208 1.4022 0.9623 0.3801 1.054 1.0759 1.5502 1.2683 220.359 1.4413 1.2187 4.5821 1.8461 146.2552 299.2791 1.3536 1.6759 2.1685 1.2926 1.4822 4.7462 2.0918 3.5734 2.7536 1.3927 1.6224 1.1939 1.2748 2.6288 1.4942 1.3606 1.0301 1.766 1350 AI058589 Rattus norvegicus ovalbumin upstream promoter beta 1.0039 1.1661 1.1983 0.9452 1.0427 0.8728 0.9344 1.0761 1.1142 0.8128 0.9699 0.9498 1.0395 0.8982 0.7959 0.6548 0.7346 0.8024 0.9608 1.0026 1.1417 0.9766 1.0658 0.84 1.9619 0.8776 0.8234 0.9135 0.7926 1.249 1.3073 1.02 0.8611 1.5433 0.7498 0.6803 1.0651 0.9239 1.1015 0.5299 0.6406 0.5786 0.7423 0.7483 1.6645 0.8821 0.823 0.9473 0.9105 1351 AI058602 EST 1.183 1.3908 1.3213 1.2323 0.874 2.029 2.7873 1.5728 1.4763 0.8398 1.0501 1.2033 2.1239 2.1998 1.3243 1.6967 1.1341 0.8046 0.7637 1.3101 1.2739 1.3707 1.5823 1.3992 112.5968 2.1833 1.189 211.4603 1.7781 0.3023 0.5374 1.7839 41.294 208.1496 1.518 2.4847 151.3724 1.5265 248.8239 243.6075 3.1963 9.7525 1.4394 4.934 204.4731 2.8753 2.6718 3.8295 5.6405 1352 AI059504 Rat parathyroid hormone/parathyroid hormone relate 0.8424 0.7886 0.6741 0.7446 0.7747 0.5254 0.5099 0.5374 0.6171 0.5373 0.7414 0.7592 1.0239 0.54 0.7763 0.7028 0.7332 1.0622 0.8919 1.3443 0.7537 0.7625 1.0206 0.7932 111.4813 0.9667 0.6566 14.7373 0.8652 2.7621 1.5148 0.576 1.1669 5.1142 0.5548 0.7731 2.6031 1.04 10.2379 1.0562 0.8797 0.7057 2.0964 0.8239 305.0042 0.9623 1.0986 1.4235 1.2287 1353 AI059505 "Rattus norvegicus RING finger protein mRNA, comple" 1.0967 0.9755 0.9718 0.9725 0.9748 1.4231 1.446 1.0682 1.2526 1.0533 1.0511 1.0037 1.6386 1.008 1.2446 1.11 0.9722 0.6104 0.625 1.0485 1.0955 0.9774 4.3294 1.0756 106.762 1.5358 1.0511 238.5988 1.7948 1.1468 240.9306 1.5974 4.176 200.4089 1.2098 1.2087 195.5257 8.3367 217.6868 22.9763 1.3159 1.8375 0.9741 1.6195 206.6444 2.1883 1.3831 2.2475 205.5332 1354 AI059506 R.norvegicus mRNA for multidrug resistance protein 1.6664 1.3828 1.1757 1.8815 1.7745 6.5804 5.6698 1.2747 1.92 2.5734 1.1762 1.0462 1.5894 2.9181 1.2429 1.2423 1.017 2.2411 0.7563 1.9651 0.6282 1.4662 56.045 1.1692 98.5817 1.8893 7.9986 177.1583 56.3175 246.0379 217.8045 50.5133 239.1524 162.277 4.8165 282.8498 125.9326 13.0431 134.5894 16.4939 38.3818 248.7506 0.8336 2.3982 122.1273 213.5715 195.5777 179.7773 189.7687 1355 AI059436 Rattus norvegicus mast cell protease 5 precursor ( 1.2719 1.5902 1.8449 87.0903 1.545 59.0219 0.7314 4.0497 122.9311 1.2049 1.9034 4.0942 121.4328 1.0927 1.3341 1.6379 1.013 69.3012 0.5138 0.8485 1.0715 2.1236 56.5521 1.7056 87.0706 134.4494 0.6274 103.4145 19.308 2.3329 264.9785 105.838 229.9477 246.0769 8.7744 194.2579 90.8785 155.7422 146.0279 173.1095 145.4328 116.2605 3.3399 235.0822 133.8522 149.3639 144.57 133.3198 144.782 1356 AI059537 "Rat Ly6-C antigen mRNA, exon 2" 1.2665 0.9466 1.157 1.8462 1.4588 5.9434 1.9903 1.0072 1.0911 3.227 0.8998 0.9169 1.027 19.9384 1.1118 1.0757 1.0043 1.6447 1.4678 1.8989 1.0945 1.3162 66.0574 1.673 84.1986 2.3813 2.1043 221.9824 1.9181 165.0386 231.8606 2.7293 183.427 150.2574 1.7559 13.9072 109.2658 3.5434 131.4306 9.2197 5.6138 2.2027 0.8336 1.7329 112.2565 6.9619 7.2096 6.2876 4.7354 1357 AI059538 R.norvegicus mRNA for P2X6 protein 1.3197 1.7472 1.4237 1.8315 1.6826 57.6426 60.1056 3.9682 57.3535 3.063 4.9887 3.0878 122.3595 1.9543 0.7423 1.7489 1.8333 3.6598 0.8289 3.0373 1.3921 2.6826 2.4151 1.3999 134.7486 1.7232 1.5542 150.5582 40.266 5.5633 209.442 179.2316 1.457 1.4131 2.0492 2.2669 152.7175 2.8468 234.9818 288.3412 33.6837 253.3529 49.5027 266.2742 18.8717 19.8435 187.9771 45.2082 249.6411 1358 AI059540 "Rat heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor mRNA, c" 1.4271 2.214 1.3723 2.2986 1.2369 105.5992 85.4095 2.0686 2.4808 5.4087 1.9173 2.3204 3.562 6.056 1.0111 2.9746 2.0993 1.5403 0.7052 2.2683 1.2414 2.2163 6.8652 1.2808 94.5886 2.1535 0.6328 3.9368 3.5562 327.0796 312.3897 246.84 4.7355 428.791 7.256 224.3387 90.8605 4.3623 111.404 10.6483 191.3882 185.7732 0.8336 22.9878 111.6171 5.9237 136.7275 136.1837 177.5302 1359 AI058392 "EST, Highly similar to PPAR delta protein [R.norve" 1.0127 142.8288 1.136 1.3502 0.9613 82.2592 101.6746 1.7746 3.0972 5.7642 2.725 2.5206 3.5802 2.6841 0.5698 1.7654 1.235 1.5662 0.7812 1.1077 0.8551 1.0015 0.8976 1.3221 4.3123 1.9548 0.9591 173.212 2.3588 7.5644 182.1866 4.9404 0.8906 1.6395 1.4069 11.4198 187.8488 1.9135 225.7481 309.8287 6.9727 223.0819 0.8336 3.0511 2.9872 2.2769 4.2615 2.6401 2.529 1360 AI058393 Rattus norvegicus SH3-containing protein p4015 mRN 1.0584 1.1288 1.1177 1.108 1.1032 0.8305 0.8538 1.3278 1.2468 1.2736 1.298 1.165 1.1587 1.3795 1.1331 1.3568 1.5486 1.3621 1.2551 1.2241 1.2818 1.378 1.2572 1.1198 1.1086 1.0846 1.0856 0.9859 1.2748 10.2623 3.8233 1.2511 0.779 1.1622 1.1369 0.8666 2.631 1.2448 1.3182 1.2778 1.6562 1.181 1.3491 1.5162 1.7809 1.2857 1.4304 1.4999 1.3362 1361 AI058387 Rattus norvegicus pyruvate dehydrogenase phosphata 1.079 2.2391 1.2398 1.2032 3.3378 87.6649 86.8001 1.8105 2.2074 6.5075 1.8951 2.9495 4.1774 3.8314 0.686 1.9464 1.2734 3.8764 1.1554 0.7444 1.0798 1.4583 3.3843 1.2901 83.9416 2.8026 2.6567 113.9651 41.1698 5.3713 118.5609 211.9882 1.7147 2.689 1.7919 159.9123 109.2612 1.7876 144.9516 130.3581 14.7723 151.9996 0.8336 8.2955 10.0792 158.2158 152.2904 3.7479 131.0931 1362 AI071529 "Rattus norvegicus mRNA for p27, complete cds" 1.1478 2.0353 1.3905 1.2108 1.5452 5.5406 110.9158 1.8621 2.6608 2.8479 1.2104 0.957 1.711 1.0391 0.9847 1.2778 1.4233 4.9243 0.8919 1.1574 1.4917 2.3277 0.7553 1.1543 16.1284 1.6804 2.1089 3.6196 20.7851 157.4577 165.4014 173.3516 1.5283 3.1361 1.0452 10.4622 99.8451 0.9033 150.7432 4.4519 2.1107 2.6671 85.0047 3.4084 2.6021 2.4206 119.8527 2.722 3.1578 1363 AI071530 "Rat mRNA for Ash-m, complete cds" 0.9611 0.9403 0.9724 0.8701 0.7262 0.8395 0.872 0.8467 0.8527 0.9364 0.9336 0.9414 0.9037 0.7808 0.6261 0.8183 0.9923 0.8607 0.9412 1.0418 0.9104 0.8591 0.9866 0.9221 0.941 0.8846 0.8761 0.8598 1.1464 0.73 0.9401 0.8709 0.5993 0.8044 0.8388 0.814 0.99 0.9232 0.9981 1.2911 0.9126 0.9089 0.8832 1.0643 0.8894 1.1268 0.8514 0.824 0.908 1364 AI058620 R.norvegicus mRNA (tc3) for TEGT 1.0149 1.2713 1.1246 0.9554 1.0552 0.9288 0.9148 0.9839 0.9961 0.9791 0.9411 1.0409 0.9664 1.155 1.0082 1.0238 1.1586 0.9329 1.1161 1.2594 0.8699 0.8758 0.9697 1.137 0.9372 0.9483 0.9357 0.8226 0.939 0.7571 0.98 0.9382 0.6406 0.8206 0.8311 0.7545 1.0085 0.7641 0.8713 0.971 0.8616 0.8562 1.101 0.9536 0.8306 0.9438 0.9976 0.9624 0.8807 1365 AI058623 "Rat cardiac troponin T mRNA, complete cds, clone R" 0.8326 1.2851 1.1168 1.4033 1.1253 69.7942 52.9367 1.5603 1.9448 1.6297 1.5487 1.5069 3.4682 1.0108 0.7805 1.1123 1.4076 1.5424 0.4597 1.1744 2.0997 1.0625 1.8418 1.2369 89.3624 2.5379 0.8234 98.3994 35.862 6.9491 123.8045 139.7552 1.5044 1.5393 2.0612 138.4104 114.2978 2.1159 145.2662 189.9338 156.6121 139.0915 0.8336 203.7998 8.2425 208.0443 145.1909 9.0218 5.9079 1366 AI071579 "Rattus norvegicus NF-E2-related factor 2 mRNA, com" 0.8329 0.8191 0.9485 1.5153 1.3555 0.6041 0.5916 0.8997 0.937 0.954 0.8838 0.9418 1.0092 1.1541 0.9178 1.3844 1.5824 1.0801 1.0974 1.1981 1.5155 1.3435 1.3561 1.6304 1.2322 0.8996 1.02 0.7843 0.8616 0.6228 0.9993 0.645 0.7224 1.0181 0.8735 0.5588 1.3647 0.9624 1.0484 0.9966 1.2604 1.1434 2.8649 0.926 1.36 1.3294 1.2185 1.4177 1.2627 1367 AI071582 Rat dynamin-1 mRNA for D100 0.9692 1.1874 0.8459 1.4397 0.8851 65.0209 58.7081 1.6685 2.2868 3.8773 1.2102 1.9748 5.9064 1.5168 0.6403 1.2337 1.616 1.1864 0.5828 3.1317 0.9215 1.6064 1.3544 1.2056 83.9619 2.5514 2.9715 100.774 0.7737 1.5833 123.8049 150.5342 2.8633 3.3323 2.2398 121.8573 86.4603 1.5368 130.6783 135.7583 68.3708 129.7575 0.8336 186.8414 14.261 1.7194 140.3537 111.647 136.6614 1368 AI059990 "Rattus norvegicus mRNA for salt-tolerant protein, " 0.94 1.0012 1.1523 1.0427 1.0081 1.6771 1.0323 0.876 1.0095 1.2786 0.9462 0.8529 0.8471 0.8707 0.9162 1.0259 1.0302 1.0674 0.5007 1.3736 0.8284 1.1495 1.1411 0.9836 6.0241 1.3087 0.9268 1.7717 52.9449 3.6836 156.3352 1.509 1.1628 5.893 1.2381 2.837 105.0869 1.8367 137.8356 1.5563 1.5985 1.4934 0.8336 1.5143 172.0092 2.5227 1.5549 2.7752 1.7758 1369 AI059997 Rattus norvegicus stress activated protein kinase 1.1033 1.0211 1.1126 0.9488 1.0518 0.8339 0.8827 0.8475 0.9606 1.0559 1.22 0.9347 0.9783 1.1059 1.1345 0.9014 0.9365 1.0916 1.1111 1.3021 1.5199 1.445 1.2451 1.1135 3.7878 1.3273 1.4464 1.9716 2.0604 0.9485 1.084 0.9344 0.7671 1.2002 0.8072 0.9297 1.381 1.766 1.6061 1.532 1.1557 1.2507 0.9838 1.3759 1.8927 1.3892 1.4428 1.6253 1.7255 1370 AI060063 "Rattus norvegicus Maxp1 mRNA, complete cds" 1.2453 1.1362 1.2028 1.1272 1.5012 1.9561 1.3499 0.8817 1.0367 0.7505 1.0573 0.9298 0.905 0.7872 0.7774 1.0185 0.9461 1.3075 1.2978 1.0308 1.1222 1.128 1.3987 1.2366 143.4348 1.6413 2.5793 237.9815 1.6168 0.7244 496.7665 1.8878 4.3654 521.094 1.6873 2.6469 199.5986 2.8232 172.7102 1.9289 1.4678 1.2485 106.0807 1.316 179.331 2.1963 2.0993 3.976 2.5713 1371 AI060068 Rat low molecular weight fatty acid binding protei 1.2808 1.5266 1.7733 1.9847 1.3129 119.5396 2325.173 2.6829 2.8371 2.6519 1.6972 1.8338 151.0437 2.8428 2.3771 1.0033 1.0622 1.1894 0.6683 0.3497 0.8218 1.4872 1.9283 1.2249 108.3248 9.3477 1.2314 181.7921 6.4661 1.9365 4339.501 203.5881 135.4534 74.2813 70.8896 63.3424 199.3971 6.6869 175.5132 347.1953 3.6995 198.9206 0.8599 3.684 184.8942 6.203 10.5741 0.7955 10.9109 1372 AI059948 Rattus norvegicus postsynaptic density protein (ci 1.0536 1.135 1.1581 1.3256 15.5646 2.8911 0.7314 0.9446 16.9544 0.9306 1.1707 0.8255 1.7126 1.3973 1.1048 0.7821 0.8704 2.5052 1.1889 1.2808 0.8717 0.9257 2.2083 0.9966 99.1474 2.5286 0.8234 150.4346 1.4332 206.1194 47.3015 10.7368 227.4302 282.8915 1.6695 195.6588 135.5787 171.8343 147.33 3.5485 9.567 2.3599 97.1264 3.4073 157.6267 218.2919 1.6577 142.8432 2.9549 1373 AI059951 Rattus norvegicus neuronal cell death related gene 1.1001 1.3938 1.0134 1.3647 1.0097 1.9018 1.741 1.3786 1.3167 1.1051 1.253 1.3529 1.9891 1.1685 0.9522 1.0729 1.0123 1.6855 0.8008 1.3893 0.8225 0.9282 2.7755 1.4107 209.0108 2.0525 1.3523 267.6514 1.5088 1.27 1.9577 2.0228 1.8545 2.101 1.3794 1.6183 270.0073 1.4906 3.4915 3.1807 1.6535 2.6982 1.1129 1.4904 2.9293 1.7566 1.6628 1.3254 2.1582 1374 AI059871 "Rattus norvegicus TIC (TIC) mRNA, complete cds" 1.167 1.2277 1.3573 1.4447 1.4323 1.3338 1.1711 0.8987 1.0251 0.6363 0.8076 0.8193 1.5466 1.0814 1.1607 0.997 0.9974 1.4034 1.245 1.3982 0.8464 0.8504 0.7636 0.7331 2.7546 1.5565 1.1481 3.2372 1.0943 367.9694 1.3749 1.1846 1.0379 1.4956 1.2694 1.3334 1.4995 0.9443 1.3456 1.1105 1.0183 1.2051 1.6365 1.2002 1.8271 0.9182 1.2849 1.372 1.1774 1375 AI059963 Rat vacuolar protein sorting homolog r-vps33b mRNA 1.0471 1.0602 0.9447 0.9563 0.9582 1.3209 1.2078 0.9905 1.0523 0.8398 0.9203 0.989 1.2229 1.0676 1.3343 1.0462 0.9874 1.1072 0.7991 1.1381 0.9842 1.0602 1.2278 1.0006 2.1532 1.096 0.78 3.3044 1.0063 0.34 138.2346 1.3029 0.9435 1.3082 1.0881 1.1001 1.8313 0.9612 2.1531 2.1109 1.3843 1.7283 0.9602 1.2631 1.6673 1.2598 1.3598 1.4931 1.4142 1376 AI059889 Rattus norvegicus GSK-3beta interacting protein rA 1.0716 1.1357 0.9649 1.0268 1.0493 1.0554 1.0152 0.9151 0.9804 0.9021 0.926 1.0273 0.9381 0.7098 1.064 0.9934 1.0628 1.0761 1.1076 1.354 1.0922 1.0123 1.4443 1.0156 2.3925 1.0351 0.8894 1.611 1.1047 0.994 1.3495 1.0146 1.1268 1.2497 0.9711 1.005 1.3989 1.0089 1.3853 1.0208 0.9921 0.9086 1.3413 0.9941 1.6847 1.0701 1.3002 1.338 1.2351 1377 AI059976 "Rattus norvegicus mRNA for Vesl-2, complete cds" 0.9539 0.9862 1.3044 0.9011 1.8268 2.827 3.9757 1.3074 1.962 0.7429 1.2148 1.0103 2.6774 1.0634 1.1842 1.1744 0.8381 1.6274 0.5708 0.9993 0.9592 1.4301 2.2941 2.5781 133.1491 2.7183 1.2653 159.979 1.3309 6.6282 323.1248 7.7291 2.3239 6.7473 2.0242 5.5194 193.7078 3.1746 203.8183 285.5775 206.4781 177.6167 1.1746 2.5836 184.6522 6.0933 226.0246 19.3319 6.7829 1378 AI059977 Rattus norvegicus heat-stable enterotoxin receptor 2.014 1.6401 0.7863 0.9839 3.0521 83.7232 90.7003 66.895 75.0623 122.4778 1.2392 0.8967 2.7987 2.3675 1.1281 1.5609 1.1521 3.3024 1.5442 2.316 2.0914 2.3387 49.3112 1.2546 90.2259 163.0836 16.9477 112.6026 5.0918 0.7244 182.0523 124.0753 186.8213 174.8653 16.5958 146.6097 96.3079 149.7312 105.3791 151.0639 122.4184 124.4639 0.8336 6.3173 135.3736 145.1624 123.6477 119.3361 165.6813 1379 Internal CYP1A1 1.0411 1.3359 1.1074 2.616 1.2822 6.5681 83.0859 1.7085 2.1944 2.2338 2.5377 1.5023 6.5434 1.694 1.1469 0.915 0.7973 2.4256 0.69 0.4187 0.6785 1.4067 1.6266 1.3176 1.0276 1.5268 0.3868 2.0542 0.551 2.0604 2.1106 0.6742 0.5989 1.1536 1.0551 1.1616 10.2925 1.1133 206.7609 5.3524 19.1842 200.8352 0.8747 2.6244 2.5857 2.1027 1.159 0.9568 0.939 1380 AI059291 Rat cAMP-dependent protein kinase type II regualat 1.4722 1.9857 1.2976 1.6492 1.801 2.4937 2.4065 1.9426 2.724 0.7288 1.0212 1.3155 1.8996 1.3208 1.6973 1.3072 1.3156 2.3694 0.9574 1.7265 1.8461 1.6854 103.1013 1.4465 196.5018 3.2112 1.1921 299.8204 5.5438 7.1568 15.5695 2.4597 2.0907 3.1754 1.5435 4.1632 5.4943 4.554 319.2096 3.0886 5.3556 2.1999 3.9637 2.29 4.7966 2.2218 2.0682 4.2263 2.1222 1381 AI059137 R.norvegicus myr3 mRNA for myosin I heavy chain 1.2556 2.2209 1.3968 1.5336 1.4468 1.8769 4.1565 1.6049 1.7687 2.5616 1.6267 1.6145 1.8364 1.674 0.8811 1.5728 1.4259 1.3736 1.0034 1.7661 1.8141 1.4791 1.3375 1.3246 7.0798 2.0044 1.9571 2.3175 42.1192 3.1865 317.9459 1.8794 1.3269 2.1509 1.561 2.7072 180.2983 1.4718 9.313 9.8603 3.3171 3.8204 4.3833 3.5799 2.3837 6.5253 2.5403 2.2765 6.2 1382 AI059256 Rat cMG1 mRNA 0.7773 1.0898 0.92 1.1618 1.1325 0.5348 0.6757 1.0459 1.3695 1.0929 1.0488 1.0894 1.1576 1.2573 1.0113 1.397 1.6146 1.1577 0.9581 1.0997 0.9463 0.8248 0.8401 1.1565 0.959 0.734 0.5211 0.7172 0.6654 0.7747 0.5414 0.4368 0.466 0.6503 0.546 0.4377 0.9543 0.763 0.7975 0.9218 1.1987 1.141 1.5048 0.8288 0.9201 1.4009 1.0565 1.0809 1.036 1383 AI059393 Rattus norvegicus purine specific Na+ nucleoside c 1.4677 1.4355 1.3971 1.4077 1.3063 0.6324 0.6313 0.6991 0.7775 2.2698 2.3998 2.4349 2.1275 0.8784 0.6923 1.726 1.7011 1.0344 1.7145 1.4268 1.5292 1.3797 2.9554 2.6377 1.6351 1.3693 1.1313 1.4262 1.6705 1.051 1.4691 1.2358 0.5004 0.6727 0.6826 0.7249 0.9362 2.4208 2.4407 1.6022 1.9009 1.1325 1.2598 2.1722 1.5187 3.0876 1.1171 1.1495 1.2619 1384 AI059647 "Rat DNA binding protein (GATA-GT2) mRNA, complete " 0.8951 1.0991 1.0161 0.8484 0.8301 0.5547 0.5496 0.6566 0.6072 0.8209 0.7771 0.7115 0.6788 0.7168 0.6668 0.8351 0.9781 0.943 1.1633 1.155 0.7805 0.7514 0.8606 0.9906 0.7223 0.9583 0.8174 0.8478 0.777 120.4441 0.5191 0.5553 0.397 0.4829 0.5244 0.4546 0.5736 0.6623 0.5902 0.6216 0.7287 0.8609 0.809 0.9546 0.635 0.9302 0.7812 0.7671 0.7192 1385 AI059648 Rat angiotensinogen (PAT) gene 0.9063 0.8669 0.8849 0.7647 0.7252 0.4678 0.4485 0.5618 0.5761 0.7146 0.7499 0.6436 0.5228 0.5624 0.4926 0.8094 0.8377 0.9068 1.0306 1.0513 0.6194 0.7269 0.845 0.854 0.6696 0.7781 0.6337 0.7424 0.9001 0.4022 0.3919 0.4419 0.3184 0.4302 0.4446 0.3654 0.4944 0.6132 0.4556 0.5425 0.6544 0.7752 0.8488 0.8209 0.6747 0.6971 0.6765 0.6825 0.6619 1386 AI059316 Rat mRNA for mitochondrial enoyl-CoA hydratase (EC 1.5305 1.6663 1.6252 1.2325 1.2288 1.0487 1.0162 1.4118 1.322 1.2665 1.1767 1.1307 0.9588 1.2024 1.051 1.1748 1.3256 1.1401 1.54 1.5827 0.8396 0.8569 1.147 1.2713 1.1205 1.1772 1.1606 1.0783 1.1846 74.2503 0.9489 0.9972 0.6536 0.802 0.8279 0.852 1.3697 1.0797 1.1026 1.0625 1.0035 1.0526 1.2544 1.3471 0.7856 1.1265 0.9041 0.926 0.9049 1387 AI059334 Rat translational initiation factor (eIF-2) alpha 0.8532 0.7877 0.8942 0.9043 0.8541 1.8705 1.9967 0.9341 0.9602 1.0039 0.9137 1.1563 1.2142 1.1044 0.8768 1.0642 1.1558 1.1185 0.8277 0.9468 0.946 0.9322 0.993 0.8755 1.1398 0.9233 0.976 1.0518 1.3099 1.3902 1.7426 1.6998 1.3593 1.6368 1.8935 1.7128 1.2478 0.9884 1.4555 1.6682 1.3584 1.4631 1.5131 1.1666 1.1892 1.5419 1.0696 1.0512 1.0895 1388 AI059347 "Rattus norvegicus syntaxin 13 mRNA, complete cds" 0.9152 0.8555 0.9663 0.8073 0.9123 1.2992 1.1155 0.9747 0.9475 1.1312 0.878 1.0468 1.0824 0.788 0.7284 1.0283 1.1055 1.3498 0.8919 1.1988 1.1729 0.8836 1.1071 0.9972 1.3945 0.9969 1.0026 0.5548 0.7856 1.1626 3.9744 1.2112 1.0172 1.6405 1.1895 1.2028 216.5307 0.8734 1.6113 0.9766 1.052 0.9728 0.8336 0.9564 1.4628 1.3542 1.0566 1.3139 1.0849 1389 AI059344 R.norvegicus mRNA for ribosomal protein L10a 0.8488 0.9335 0.9252 0.825 0.7816 1.9694 2.0804 0.8938 0.8271 0.9247 0.839 0.947 0.9013 0.7756 0.62 0.8973 0.982 0.8792 0.8607 0.6862 0.6972 0.662 0.7573 0.7383 0.8736 0.8424 0.7474 0.8223 0.9844 1.3089 1.6034 1.604 1.2654 1.5643 1.637 1.6975 0.8929 0.7965 0.9199 0.8501 0.8837 0.9875 1.0739 0.9553 0.7905 0.903 0.8077 0.8208 0.7837 1390 AI059479 "Rat Tamm-Horsfall protein mRNA, complete cds" 1.0676 1.4488 1.2229 1.5146 1.1299 3.6291 2.3581 1.2008 1.5613 1.7553 1.2721 0.9206 1.0726 1.0116 0.9143 1.4506 1.3427 1.5448 1.0805 1.9329 1.3739 1.8399 1.6026 1.118 1.402 1.2564 1.7568 4.0064 1.1249 2.2683 239.6779 5.9015 1.3799 3.0298 1.704 4.3821 138.2057 1.5267 4.1891 1.5579 3.7333 2.8882 52.9417 1.443 137.9344 1.5757 3.1986 2.6441 1.8787 1391 AI059686 "Rattus norvegicus UDP-Gal:glucosylceramide beta-1," 1.0621 111.2564 1.5593 1.2757 1.2939 65.8594 66.5763 1.6959 2.5105 153.6069 6.5817 3.0655 2.2092 1.0669 0.596 2.6924 0.9498 1.2082 0.649 0.9116 0.9234 1.4658 1.0967 1.3673 81.2337 1.5107 1.1664 107.9095 3.0902 2.1738 125.9096 186.115 0.9154 1.7148 1.9582 135.758 83.539 2.3087 129.1884 157.6541 146.4178 143.2856 0.8336 4.9005 15.443 150.4753 155.2084 111.1266 139.7617 1392 AI059491 "Rattus norvegicus beta-alanine synthase mRNA, comp" 1.7478 1.9056 1.9479 2.2338 2.1926 1.174 1.2062 1.3254 1.2674 0.7264 0.6511 1.726 1.6986 2.0496 1.7079 1.7378 1.9002 1.6297 0.9192 0.7219 1.1248 0.9442 1.6999 1.8583 2.0878 1.7097 1.5922 1.5884 1.8056 0.6842 1.2205 0.8163 0.5392 0.6928 0.7165 1.0087 1.3405 0.6296 1.5718 1.7969 1.5318 1.496 1.928 0.9334 0.9023 1.7027 1.5555 1.5884 1.4691 1393 AI059692 R.norvegicus mRNA for skeletal muscle elongation f 1.3166 1.4209 1.5598 1.2851 1.2564 1.2958 1.4057 0.8799 1.2367 1.1045 1.0329 1.0912 1.1514 0.8453 0.9455 1.0212 1.0971 1.4985 0.6656 0.9882 1.1968 1.0776 1.9424 1.144 242.2739 1.3937 1.7491 329.0397 3.9537 1.8859 4.8696 1.5079 1.7753 3.6773 1.179 1.5902 328.8279 2.4591 6.7601 2.8544 1.5817 2.3799 1.2342 1.2785 4.1146 2.3445 1.7831 2.6777 2.4221 1394 AI059700 R.norvegicus mRNA for Zn-alpha-2-glycoprotein 1.151 1.0446 1.2121 1.0267 1.1937 0.745 0.7515 1.0669 1.1073 1.043 1.0665 1.0323 0.9919 1.1451 1.6849 1.3735 1.3557 1.2986 1.6548 1.4792 1.1392 1.1745 1.2401 1.2996 1.0464 1.1067 1.1558 1.1038 1.1667 0.7244 0.8106 0.8178 0.5924 0.7438 0.7271 0.6953 1.0389 0.9863 0.9497 1.0035 1.0968 1.0406 1.2794 0.9876 0.8882 0.9784 1.0675 0.9719 1.0678 1395 AI059765 "Rat mRNA for ZAP 36/annexin IV, complete cds" 1.4212 1.4608 1.5116 1.4827 1.3546 1.8975 3.0272 1.3766 1.431 1.4526 1.4482 1.5931 1.6272 1.5177 1.624 1.3048 1.2616 1.1873 1.1369 0.5391 0.9849 1.233 1.5503 1.2348 16.0887 1.7169 1.3665 3.3801 2.405 1.7331 389.0135 1.8522 1.5502 2.4346 1.5064 1.8939 2.8001 2.5091 2.4744 3.0043 1.5868 1.6326 1.171 1.4767 2.0294 1.6177 1.4857 1.0855 1.7495 1396 AI059788 "Rattus norvegicus NAAG-peptidase mRNA, complete cd" 1.3163 1.346 1.2334 23.7107 1.2969 3.195 0.7314 2.3388 2.9869 0.5383 1.3404 0.9651 7.296 1.893 0.9938 1.3679 1.0899 0.5282 0.9981 3.102 1.0488 2.2627 65.2953 1.3586 6.5422 211.1517 0.8234 170.2048 1.7493 9.2224 8.3986 12.2752 2.0979 1.7158 1.4361 181.754 65.9131 2.6284 93.3285 327.5223 2.9729 6.8895 100.0966 3.3847 8.2661 2.8695 1.9625 7.064 1.8143 1397 AI059799 "Rattus norvegicus DOC-2 p59 isoform mRNA, complete" 0.9877 0.9797 0.9307 0.9611 0.935 0.8236 1.1045 0.736 0.7646 0.7793 0.9137 1.0627 1.3421 0.9751 0.9699 0.9665 0.8939 1.4137 0.7164 0.625 0.9163 1.0667 1.2883 0.9697 3.2199 1.2041 1.0873 2.3763 1.1892 0.2781 287.8831 0.8008 0.8263 1.1212 0.7223 0.7919 1.9655 1.1905 1.4846 1.5935 1.1912 2.0684 1.4738 1.2897 1.5305 1.2175 1.2133 1.2471 1.2994 1398 AI060165 Rattus norvegicus hormone-sensitive lipase testicu 1.1497 1.5184 1.09 1.1909 1.0935 13.1193 3.2751 1.4953 3.4744 0.7087 1.063 1.0255 1.976 1.3335 1.2262 0.9944 0.8493 80.0533 1.1648 1.8208 0.9281 0.9426 0.7553 0.925 128.4882 1.7032 0.8424 0.7521 1.2408 4.7594 453.4934 5.2532 4.1435 42.0708 2.915 2.9957 200.2622 2.5613 188.4722 1.995 1.36 1.2641 14.9736 1.1877 189.0328 1.7504 1.1912 2.0879 1.4872 1399 AI060169 R.norvegicus C15 mRNA 0.9816 0.9058 1.0004 0.894 0.927 1.793 1.6941 0.9073 0.8532 0.9186 0.936 0.9654 0.9833 1.0808 1.4197 1.2381 1.1336 1.3258 0.8228 0.9228 0.9451 1.0608 1.1883 0.8943 1.4512 1.0509 0.8128 1.2609 1.0053 1.1588 0.7371 1.6148 1.2911 1.703 1.6339 1.5244 1.0722 1.0004 1.1809 1.2298 1.2302 1.4666 1.407 0.9339 1.1357 1.0591 0.9652 1.0472 1.1802 1400 AI060085 "Rat thyroid stimulating hormone receptor mRNA, com" 1.1893 1.271 2.045 91.1664 1.5099 68.7498 3.17 2.4749 3.9562 2.6034 1.089 1.0876 2.98 1.1593 1.379 1.8903 1.1893 2.4524 0.911 2.0889 0.6304 2.3742 3.6961 1.7061 123.2146 64.0118 0.9417 146.406 1.7244 187.3178 240.7605 139.1521 160.8456 5.4845 3.529 227.8437 140.6001 2.046 147.6699 7.3201 153.1798 202.9232 79.5114 2.2762 179.794 15.9914 165.7154 173.8822 5.1885 1401 AI060106 R.norvegicus mRNA for hepsin 0.9525 0.9867 0.908 0.8521 0.8738 0.5988 0.55 0.8577 0.784 0.8058 0.7954 0.8412 0.5306 0.986 1.2581 0.9381 0.8776 0.8187 1.074 1.0734 0.8951 0.8825 0.7827 0.8384 0.874 0.8082 0.8474 0.822 0.8378 0.5087 0.7078 0.6013 0.4227 0.55 0.5505 0.5294 0.7769 0.7788 0.6891 0.9176 0.8351 0.8408 0.7801 0.9148 0.8163 0.8669 0.7987 0.8205 0.8314 1402 AI060186 Rattus norvegicus calcium-independent alpha-latrot 1.3733 1.4825 1.0581 1.4884 1.3849 0.8689 0.7195 1.2485 1.3783 1.4231 1.1947 1.0563 1.1624 1.3225 1.1421 0.8793 0.8608 1.0606 1.2525 1.4675 0.9274 0.9916 1.4573 1.0186 6.3726 1.3101 1.685 1.7747 0.9858 0.9239 2.6177 0.7747 1.0595 8.4335 0.7398 0.7187 1.6375 1.2869 2.1682 0.9618 0.7949 0.8593 1.3043 1.0033 2.5582 1.0392 1.113 1.2357 1.1855 1403 AI060189 "Rattus norvegicus SH3p13 mRNA, partial cds" 0.522 0.4212 0.4693 0.766 0.8702 0.586 2.5004 0.6395 0.6561 0.6881 0.7577 1.2469 0.8611 0.7406 0.6581 0.7559 0.698 0.4289 0.6878 0.3621 1.3865 1.5332 0.9624 0.807 1.8074 0.6916 0.8496 0.9706 1.0111 0.698 0.7612 0.6949 0.6358 0.8554 0.522 0.5497 1.1833 1.22 1.2289 1.1873 0.5812 0.5084 0.4439 0.8624 2.0587 1.0427 1.1137 1.1114 1.3297 1404 AI060107 Rattus norvegicus Sprague-Dawley cytochrome P450 ( 1.3125 1.4853 1.332 2.4156 66.6478 52.0658 0.7314 22.1975 69.9384 2.3297 1.4056 1.0711 134.4328 0.9976 1.4012 1.2752 1.1113 59.9125 1.0141 3.8976 1.2476 1.7559 5.1467 1.5833 102.2119 181.4336 0.7424 115.7754 60.7153 192.5197 121.3891 119.814 130.4077 193.7562 2.6863 125.748 146.1313 145.6969 140.4726 163.4104 159.4468 146.3398 0.8336 213.2614 134.5477 16.6049 7.9058 121.9334 4.7718 1405 AI059555 "EST, Highly similar to cyclic nucleotide phosphodi" 1.2081 1.4186 1.1548 2.307 1.6184 67.1799 70.0786 2.1285 3.5729 2.7828 3.4664 10.2757 9.9614 1.3554 0.6974 1.1127 1.5943 1.6336 0.9087 1.9161 1.3003 1.9413 0.7553 0.8036 143.5855 1.7188 1.6941 13.7995 39.9398 3.6563 211.519 190.7555 1.6121 1.9671 1.6072 2.8566 140.2787 1.9065 229.9118 277.5277 17.644 217.939 0.8336 259.1562 6.0282 5.5152 182.9586 4.8441 6.4522 1406 AI059567 "Rattus norvegicus pyridoxal kinase mRNA, complete " 0.7315 0.8275 0.4262 0.7358 0.7882 1.7216 1.8866 1.0415 1.1224 1.6374 1.3202 0.8383 1.0421 2.4361 1.1044 1.1344 1.2114 1.1293 1.0737 1.0707 1.1744 0.9143 1.0813 1.007 1.0928 0.5651 0.3549 0.6811 0.9426 6.0232 1.5194 2.0558 0.9147 1.7787 1.1729 1.2295 3.2953 1.1682 0.7109 1.2637 1.3581 1.5242 88.0166 1.0643 1.6194 1.2311 0.756 0.9271 0.793 1407 AI059589 "Rat D-binding protein mRNA, complete cds" 1.1539 1.1942 0.9555 0.9001 0.8232 1.5522 1.9239 0.9164 1.0531 1.9822 1.5189 0.7653 0.9793 1.1895 0.6236 1.1426 1.0379 0.9188 0.6941 0.2928 1.1182 1.1054 1.9839 1.7205 1.7207 0.9752 0.6954 1.3137 1.4907 0.7619 4.7041 0.7959 0.6014 0.9154 0.7986 2.6145 4.6121 1.8901 2.0776 7.1982 1.1887 1.1122 1.035 1.2466 1.7059 2.92 1.1219 1.2229 2.0462 1408 AI059703 Rat alternatively spliced mRNA 0.9787 0.9629 1.3496 1.1463 1.2051 1.0163 0.9717 0.8759 0.831 1.7788 1.1118 0.8478 1.0109 1.0191 0.7199 0.8156 0.89 0.7464 1.0615 1.6858 1.593 1.1199 1.2815 1.0699 2.4549 1.2255 1.1192 1.5105 3.8283 79.7268 168.6275 1.2836 0.807 1.2946 0.988 1.4209 128.1969 1.3941 2.6682 1.9996 1.3176 1.1172 2.8139 1.7481 2.3598 2.1356 1.547 1.6898 1.3624 1409 AI059739 Rat lutropin-choriogonadotropic hormone receptor m 0.9912 2.1582 1.2586 1.0539 1.5748 65.6048 69.7586 4.6213 65.1434 5.3615 3.7689 3.194 0.8575 1.0984 0.6161 2.3062 1.5716 4.395 0.6105 3.801 0.9999 1.0414 4.5626 1.0261 83.4573 1.7608 2.0846 108.2003 3.6812 3.7618 147.5335 128.1218 2.2521 1.6956 1.6232 137.2047 91.1763 1.7796 158.0901 151.6451 132.6143 137.9623 0.8336 15.8142 10.9726 1.3484 115.8585 6.3022 135.9328 1410 AI059743 "Rattus norvegicus aldehyde dehydrogenase mRNA, com" 0.949 1.3334 0.8459 1.5654 1.1354 64.7411 2.8751 2.4889 2.5234 2.347 1.2607 1.1485 1.2853 1.017 0.8659 1.5148 1.341 2.5893 0.8919 1.9354 4.0407 1.6797 1.3241 1.2386 75.9636 1.9156 4.2288 94.2034 44.3649 2.156 133.2366 121.8052 1.6833 160.097 2.0389 135.0498 78.4936 2.2818 141.463 36.3361 5.215 146.8545 0.8336 18.5596 87.348 6.3422 123.2917 182.7078 7.3021 1411 AI060121 R.norvegicus mRNA for calcitonin-like receptor 0.8579 0.8834 0.8248 1.036 0.9696 2.3193 4.5429 0.9915 1.1928 1.5781 1.3896 1.2318 1.5273 1.2118 0.6359 1.05 1.4099 0.9899 0.6166 1.0973 1.2704 1.1032 1.0775 1.0781 101.1905 1.3899 1.7513 20.4139 37.0211 1.2772 140.8791 1.4748 0.7952 1.2472 1.1599 6.8927 6.1177 1.636 183.4924 211.3864 4.1486 10.6688 4.1584 2.8829 2.0555 10.8326 3.2097 2.316 13.3604 1412 AI060129 "Rattus norvegicus Cdc5-like protein mRNA, partial " 1.0063 0.9621 0.9954 1.0448 1.0393 1.0474 1.1199 0.9445 1.0192 1.0396 1.0562 1.0218 1.0372 1.2615 0.7902 1.1542 1.2284 0.9254 0.8476 1.3093 0.9604 1.0191 1.2672 1.3471 1.3494 1.191 1.4385 1.2605 1.4229 0.9625 2.5168 0.9463 0.8468 1.1885 0.9695 1.0619 5.007 1.0484 1.4038 1.038 1.2841 1.1385 68.854 1.1268 1.2672 1.4789 1.2827 1.4364 1.2124 1413 AI060145 "Rattus norvegicus membrin mRNA, complete cds" 0.9412 0.9611 0.9796 0.9806 0.9036 1.6102 1.8419 0.9577 1.0348 1.4172 1.0509 1.3993 1.1727 1.3649 0.7765 1.1285 1.228 1.1434 0.7789 1.7117 1.2224 1.1077 1.0369 0.9782 2.2452 1.0947 1.1226 1.3901 8.7734 1.1788 72.4648 1.5518 1.2049 1.4332 1.4046 1.6788 186.8459 0.9931 1.5991 3.3544 1.4366 1.5246 1.4662 1.742 1.3645 2.0205 1.3743 1.3038 1.8955 1414 AI060152 Rat liver mRNA for proteasomal ATPase (Tat-binding 0.6971 0.7527 0.7529 0.7917 0.8066 1.1217 1.2486 0.7007 0.7479 0.8198 0.8253 0.8432 0.9414 1.0199 0.8175 1.4482 1.5882 1.4622 1.0088 1.1065 0.9741 0.9946 0.9339 1.1367 0.9279 0.7373 0.8239 0.7967 0.6288 1.2504 2.435 1.4035 1.0171 1.886 1.2832 1.2048 1.4525 0.8041 1.0492 0.918 1.2598 1.7114 100.4009 0.8752 1.2346 1.0785 0.9626 1.0309 1.0239 1415 AI060153 "Rattus norvegicus Sprague/Dawley PHAS-I mRNA, comp" 1.0231 1.1399 1.1536 0.9018 0.8298 3.5524 3.2266 0.973 1.0233 0.8546 0.7788 1.2675 0.8969 0.921 0.7538 1.1535 0.995 0.9135 0.6607 0.4439 1.0121 0.8222 0.8385 0.7898 1.3168 0.8401 0.8986 1.1242 1.0709 1.8726 3.0363 2.1849 1.44 1.915 2.1286 2.9147 1.3117 0.6373 1.0715 3.6449 0.9238 1.1462 1.0866 0.9034 0.9312 1.1128 1.1502 1.0251 1.4523 1416 AI060206 "Rat mRNA for cdc25A, complete cds" 0.9502 1.264 1.2553 1.1746 1.2326 119.4363 3.1511 2.2786 1.5708 1.5409 1.3658 1.1573 1.8848 1.4432 0.9305 1.3022 1.2147 1.2574 1.3646 1.7031 1.3007 2.0447 1.4286 0.9712 2.3477 1.9245 2.8481 2.549 0.8795 1.4125 166.8349 172.2404 1.1635 1.5826 1.2653 7.1062 118.5331 1.3446 3.6101 2.0337 1.9721 2.5516 7.2914 2.4714 1.5064 1.4757 6.2111 3.1351 1.8105 1417 AI060223 R.norvegicus LL5 mRNA 0.9778 0.8357 1.3073 1.1928 1.1495 1.3435 1.4012 0.8163 0.6287 1.0499 1.0735 1.3613 3.9339 1.3997 1.0334 0.8407 0.8863 0.9888 0.6211 0.9617 0.8675 1.0627 3.1587 0.9338 265.166 0.9447 1.3145 311.3764 1.6928 1.687 3.9532 1.2432 1.2032 2.1694 1.0668 1.5734 264.523 2.031 413.1642 2.3968 2.3524 8.547 0.8498 1.3863 2.5267 1.8304 1.7558 2.0217 1.8621 1418 AI060239 "Rat gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase mRNA, complete c" 1.2986 1.1099 1.2347 1.3261 1.24 2.0593 1.1309 1.4254 1.5508 0.7853 0.9437 0.8827 1.1169 1.0409 1.2805 1.2184 1.1481 1.5512 1.1082 1.5467 1.0991 1.3153 2.9204 1.3028 96.6622 1.8283 1.6525 174.8573 1.3603 0.7244 0.7371 5.4239 185.3348 169.9593 2.5555 245.7201 166.981 3.7365 143.124 2.7875 30.8776 14.9791 90.8319 1.8695 153.1849 3.5875 6.9017 2.8828 3.9926 1419 AI070026 Rattus norvegicus homeobox protein (Hox 1.11) mRNA 1.2055 1.4435 1.333 96.9515 1.1842 81.122 75.9735 1.6171 2.6673 2.7404 2.2043 2.5095 148.996 2.2237 1.2426 2.113 1.2779 2.2735 0.5434 0.3841 0.9377 1.1472 2.1378 2.0562 142.2928 21.0296 1.4481 190.5032 2.125 18.3549 204.0247 9.0615 3.6257 7.3221 1.9669 2.8568 164.8102 5.1218 196.7501 321.2406 3.7651 212.0886 1.2517 2.3054 217.1177 1.9028 214.9221 0.9273 3.2935 1420 AI070028 Rat 3-methylcholanthrene-inducible truncated UDP-g 0.8657 0.8158 0.8633 0.6822 0.805 1.1232 1.111 1.3418 1.2941 0.8995 0.9321 1.1395 1.4963 1.0856 1.2602 1.6608 1.6816 1.7695 1.0876 1.0357 1.0112 0.8819 0.944 0.9066 0.8072 0.7286 0.8234 0.7288 0.7857 1.3539 1.3239 1.5158 1.0359 1.068 1.2148 1.1133 1.5201 0.9568 1.2186 0.8911 1.7226 1.6355 1.8745 0.8447 1.0414 0.9633 1.1203 1.0617 1.0784 1421 AI069914 "Rattus norvegicus B2 bradykinin receptor mRNA, com" 0.9495 1.3572 1.1475 1.5585 1.0442 90.403 105.0109 1.0252 2.3896 0.8768 1.577 1.2832 7.3473 1.9202 1.4385 3.4004 1.3227 1.8785 0.5582 1.8224 0.803 1.2973 1.3205 1.4793 148.0304 2.0272 1.0432 182.2782 1.64 0.3065 0.5664 7.2734 4.7713 6.2789 2.095 2.6925 220.8018 1.6366 236.1816 301.1031 10.7318 283.9104 1.7757 360.5941 9.2067 3.2305 6.963 8.2277 2.2732 1422 AI070042 "Rat alpha-1B adrenergic receptor mRNA, complete cd" 1.4436 1.4383 1.228 1.257 1.2146 0.7925 0.7109 1.2846 1.531 0.7677 1.3731 1.3644 0.9307 1.4146 1.2201 0.9038 1.0005 1.7687 1.0452 1.5351 0.7937 0.7343 3.3506 1.0199 223.0128 1.2712 0.8602 2.4977 1.081 1.8904 1.475 0.8304 0.9572 2.3628 0.7072 0.6148 1.9795 1.2329 1.817 1.0062 0.8162 0.7309 1.0732 1.1981 2.4853 1.1129 0.9027 1.1884 1.0687 1423 AI070051 "Rat transcription factor IIIC alpha-subunit mRNA, " 1.0192 1.1045 1.1528 1.1039 1.1271 1.28 1.3217 1.1146 1.1208 1.096 1.088 1.0862 1.4197 0.8817 1.1685 1.0348 0.8731 0.9588 0.7612 1.0477 0.9521 1.0217 1.3021 0.9336 234.4142 1.3353 0.6307 14.7744 1.5499 0.5736 324.303 1.1963 1.5973 4.958 1.0698 1.4491 14.7437 2.2861 8.578 5.294 1.7296 3.1576 1.0233 1.6442 4.0059 1.5734 1.5688 2.1019 3.1006 1424 AI071033 Rattus norvegicus Sprague-Dawley fibrinogen B beta 1.013 0.9836 1.1625 0.8272 1.124 1.1095 1.1178 0.6948 0.7179 0.8596 0.9035 0.9165 0.8803 0.8757 1.1361 0.9634 1.026 0.6658 1.225 1.1259 1.0021 1.0204 0.9084 1.0814 1.0484 1.1875 1.2543 1.3421 1.6254 0.4877 0.4965 0.5344 0.4183 0.5282 0.5527 1.0534 0.7125 0.9003 0.8681 0.7841 0.8186 0.66 0.8203 0.8483 0.8931 0.9079 1.0155 0.9758 1.0373 1425 AI071037 "Rattus norvegicus nucleoporin Nup84 mRNA, complete" 1.0893 1.0797 1.25 1.4011 1.5392 2.9507 4.1878 1.1794 1.753 0.8251 1.2032 1.5239 3.8822 1.1293 1.2913 1.3439 1.1394 1.6169 0.5339 1.0951 1.1232 1.2689 14.6311 1.2038 157.4186 1.603 2.3269 261.6821 3.2132 1.3878 12.2334 2.0502 1.5281 3.2909 1.6035 2.7212 246.1314 2.8246 288.8067 11.4861 3.0098 9.0821 1.3959 2.291 37.9822 5.0932 2.436 2.8637 6.0377 1426 AI069969 "Rattus norvegicus cortactin isoform B mRNA, comple" 1.0156 0.9325 0.9333 1.0207 1.1267 1.3082 1.1541 0.8689 0.9446 1.0002 1.0059 0.8965 0.9399 1.21 1.1979 1.0996 1.0589 0.9899 1.1938 0.9926 1.0312 1.0026 1.5301 1.1483 2.2049 1.0433 1.3977 1.4251 0.9979 1.4549 2.6489 1.2675 1.7828 3.4291 1.3042 1.1159 1.2814 0.9274 1.9404 0.9984 1.0984 1.1629 1.1143 0.8853 3.3071 1.1609 1.0125 1.1761 1.0979 1427 AI070163 EST 1.273 1.5886 1.4041 1.9022 1.0816 27.4232 73.1687 1.1535 1.6191 2.3229 1.5697 3.7035 28.7888 279.5762 1.0309 1.978 1.3249 1.3991 0.6772 0.9116 1.0171 1.2042 2.7542 1.385 147.1837 2.0096 1.9254 230.3115 2.3221 2.9967 197.929 1.5212 3.2409 201.6469 1.2225 1.4433 173.6374 4.7165 233.6888 252.3143 1.9721 12.0352 0.7699 2.0323 258.8928 2.7252 3.3104 1.8099 3.1013 1428 AI069982 Rattus norvegicus mytonic dystrophy kinase-related 1.2585 1.6885 1.2758 1.8484 1.321 1.9968 3.4186 1.7883 2.2424 1.759 1.2743 1.071 1.7208 1.2131 1.4164 1.2666 1.2541 1.4648 1.2315 2.1991 1.5059 1.453 1.568 1.6448 10.2721 4.3406 0.688 221.33 3.2267 13.9499 230.7143 2.8605 12.0264 5.7692 1.6842 50.1479 157.5951 3.1158 196.5298 7.975 4.9763 5.0354 84.0416 4.2329 181.7316 1.9486 2.2685 5.6178 3.2401 1429 AI070184 "Rattus norvegicus mRNA for LRp105, complete cds" 1.081 1.0308 1.0859 1.0369 0.8265 0.5468 0.5327 0.942 0.9314 1.1846 1.0683 0.835 0.8186 1.2942 0.9006 1.0316 1.142 1.2807 1.1307 1.5584 0.9458 0.9237 1.2859 1.2961 1.1311 1.0542 1.0364 0.9886 2.3396 0.6059 1.7221 0.6584 0.3571 0.6359 0.4345 0.6351 1.5877 1.0675 0.8977 1.5953 1.01 1.2112 1.3341 1.6219 0.9447 1.5717 1.0211 1.0145 1.1935 1430 AI070186 Rattus norvegicus Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protei 1.0865 1.1578 0.8459 1.8364 0.9653 101.3098 8.0303 1.6315 2.9022 3.2289 1.2889 1.1081 2.8523 346.9034 1.2593 1.2988 1.3976 49.7381 1.4572 1.9614 1.32 1.6601 0.7553 1.3133 11.1119 10.6757 0.8234 146.6934 3.3264 234.4202 208.3728 134.8724 1.7986 187.4033 1.9698 146.8702 81.8007 3.3745 163.6506 4.1319 148.7202 49.9873 0.8336 4.5094 132.4206 2.6808 135.1069 3.7445 179.8562 1431 AI070183 "Rattus norvegicus p8 mRNA, complete cds" 2.2275 2.4674 2.4127 1.5836 1.1556 12.1666 12.0338 2.059 2.3176 2.3376 2.3164 1.8261 1.7808 1.59 1.0512 0.7965 0.7372 0.7537 1.067 0.8581 0.6306 0.781 1.7182 1.6647 1.9108 1.5612 1.2532 1.7185 2.0205 5.6792 7.6437 8.1714 5.226 6.6868 7.0286 8.8142 2.7665 2.0219 1.7016 2.4269 0.5714 0.7366 0.8018 1.2683 0.8117 1.9909 0.9985 0.9503 1.1777 1432 AI059029 Rat NGlyR mRNA for neonatal glycine receptor 1.6191 2.0481 0.8459 0.9548 1.0842 118.137 126.8162 6.7928 5.4287 2.5195 1.5949 1.6868 6.1825 1.2126 0.9008 1.4143 1.5931 1.3471 0.8483 2.9666 2.9021 4.0471 0.7553 1.2106 4.2465 3.2737 2.0325 6.4899 12.5058 78.6075 350.088 235.9035 2.8386 3.0829 2.6462 379.3146 154.859 1.6794 4.7906 3.3161 2.4549 3.0097 65.5772 4.8442 2.0088 1.9716 117.9618 2.5797 2.3614 1433 AI059021 "Rat pancreatic triglyceride lipase mRNA, complete " 0.7602 0.3548 0.3652 0.4227 0.6333 4.5875 52.8899 0.373 0.4667 1.6671 0.9521 2.4456 0.8575 0.9507 0.4876 0.9011 0.8723 1.0315 0.6453 0.9116 0.7835 0.3889 5.2479 4.4134 78.7711 0.5215 1.0597 1.41 0.7737 0.732 136.3446 0.6155 0.5447 0.9006 0.6319 3.0221 16.0637 0.7449 2.3265 149.3648 0.8044 1.375 0.8336 1.1485 0.6832 51.8729 2.9603 0.9895 10.5107 1434 AI058961 R.norvegicus mRNA for microtubule associated prote 1.3071 1.3642 1.4898 1.2411 1.1494 2.5933 1.6618 1.1333 1.2255 2.4382 1.1296 1.4202 1.3781 1.3354 0.956 1.4448 1.442 1.7146 0.824 1.656 1.416 1.1337 6.3937 1.0642 4.164 1.5378 2.0605 1.4754 2.494 0.4522 210.2018 1.9425 0.9894 2.3232 1.3524 1.9314 156.6876 1.4674 1.8234 1.6968 1.737 1.6361 0.8336 1.823 2.6973 1.9423 2.7044 2.4858 1.7916 1435 AI058970 "Rattus norvegicus tulip 1 mRNA, complete cds" 1.3215 1.1756 1.2292 1.2704 1.1935 2.6665 4.036 1.0431 1.3646 1.7079 1.5572 2.2891 2.2255 1.3286 0.7928 1.5639 1.5 1.413 0.575 1.3555 1.2179 1.1595 1.4963 0.9522 99.2677 1.595 2.1814 6.3085 42.0203 1.8401 177.1271 2.3993 1.4107 1.8938 1.8818 5.0234 147.3253 1.7715 261.2475 148.6943 3.1623 16.7706 36.1269 3.0751 2.1775 202.4088 3.1367 2.0299 121.2348 1436 AI070064 "Rattus norvegicus aquaporin-5 (AQP5) mRNA, complet" 1.2505 1.3378 0.8459 0.8377 1.016 89.4951 3.0448 1.4809 1.8815 3.1368 1.1302 1.4294 1.3554 1.2785 0.8253 1.7447 1.3877 0.9627 1.0005 2.7267 1.4029 1.9098 5.9449 1.2343 90.3862 1.5364 2.3285 0.6327 2.7024 4.6274 187.1717 125.5487 1.155 7.4459 1.5391 159.9772 85.6221 3.868 128.1214 3.2296 8.6184 2.8421 0.8336 2.8359 45.0294 4.3084 6.3828 115.1185 3.7239 1437 AI070075 "Rattus norvegicus mRNA for renin-binding protein, " 0.9906 1.0861 1.1336 1.1696 0.9077 5.3847 2.6145 0.9054 1.3742 1.6972 1.4366 1.5759 2.2268 2.7485 0.6922 1.1089 1.1942 1.1696 0.7029 1.236 1.1122 1.0565 1.7924 1.1462 3.6198 1.2721 1.3329 5.8627 40.9421 1.132 206.0605 2.3365 1.0244 1.3445 1.1845 3.4022 152.5953 1.124 5.333 22.3467 2.9202 11.8885 0.8336 4.7265 1.9483 2.4962 7.4365 2.1901 3.1943 1438 AI070076 Rat mRNA for preprocathepsin D (EC 0.7998 0.8838 0.8029 0.8221 0.802 1.105 1.186 0.7343 0.7992 0.7082 0.696 0.8335 0.8217 1.0628 0.8892 1.0789 1.1439 1.0116 1.0284 1.0797 0.7592 0.827 0.8548 1.0491 0.7191 0.6749 0.648 0.6712 0.6985 1.1046 1.106 1.3005 0.8087 0.9797 1.0836 0.9552 0.6562 0.6231 0.6484 0.7966 0.7845 0.8442 0.965 0.7042 0.6889 0.7535 0.8622 0.8391 0.8135 1439 AI070255 "Rattus norvegicus mucin (MUC5AC) mRNA, partial cds" 1.0445 0.839 2.6912 1.7959 1.0376 56.3575 63.2748 182.1104 233.2418 91.7198 97.7523 94.6668 3.2322 1.6827 0.6089 3.3145 1.3508 1.137 0.8114 0.2114 0.9234 0.9014 1.5549 1.6699 58.2732 4.6691 0.9103 79.7098 37.8913 131.04 100.5029 111.6951 2.4542 4.2087 3.0859 140.6334 71.4607 2.6614 110.898 139.0154 96.2764 93.5471 0.8336 167.511 71.9425 208.4886 115.9096 90.6722 109.1465 1440 AI070082 Rat mRNA for mitochondrial long-chain 3-ketoacyl-C 0.6889 0.8008 0.8517 0.7063 0.7831 1.9332 2.1242 1.0916 1.0628 0.9043 0.8671 1.0468 1.066 0.5339 0.3842 0.6334 0.7301 0.5752 0.7858 0.8777 0.9942 0.8442 0.7033 0.8494 0.7158 0.5974 0.5983 0.5657 0.6687 1.8935 2.0628 2.0608 1.4011 1.705 2.0869 1.7612 1.1311 0.8606 1.009 0.4901 0.6044 0.5976 0.7409 0.8031 0.9004 0.768 0.795 0.8245 0.7415 1441 AI070261 R.norvegicus cDNA for glutamate receptor subunit ( 1.6025 32.7987 1.3242 82.985 1.1162 54.702 0.7314 5.477 58.7192 89.5732 25.5209 2.6102 96.3526 4.0722 1.4149 49.637 1.4648 74.5417 0.7152 0.3114 1.2589 1.4922 9.9281 1.3784 89.7382 140.6717 0.8922 113.9157 60.7871 159.1972 150.9946 103.2048 114.2063 145.917 31.2066 190.888 92.8623 163.012 122.3709 169.0088 137.784 118.1197 2.7838 186.8668 108.5768 151.3325 140.2323 144.6537 162.5665 1442 AI070100 R.norvegicus mRNA for histone H3.3 0.8934 0.872 0.9336 0.8857 0.9484 0.9008 0.8943 0.8038 0.755 0.8159 0.8153 0.9296 0.818 0.6937 1.0478 0.9721 0.9751 0.8695 1.269 1.1213 0.9622 0.8602 0.9835 1.0128 0.7778 0.9069 0.8771 0.8342 0.8236 0.8459 0.8399 0.8868 0.9346 1.1435 1.1579 0.7789 0.7326 0.7499 0.7979 0.5912 0.8103 0.6895 0.838 0.8326 0.8169 0.8099 0.857 0.8437 0.8235 1443 AI070277 "Rat lipophilin mRNA, 3' end" 1.3178 1.0899 1.2842 3.3377 1.0582 106.953 76.2247 2.1059 2.8067 0.9347 1.9367 1.3481 157.4459 7.5795 1.296 13.4857 1.0988 2.3952 0.5162 2.1358 0.7807 1.3577 2.621 1.2763 69.0368 195.4519 0.4697 103.2931 44.7359 0.1417 0.5025 153.5648 121.019 123.1815 2.6191 179.3649 69.2385 146.3824 100.6737 110.2432 161.5297 153.5356 3.3112 175.1281 102.4721 134.6452 140.9548 116.8541 123.3121 1444 AI070102 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for 14-3-3 protein beta-sub 0.9375 0.8795 0.8799 0.8568 0.9894 1.0919 1.0714 0.9265 0.9018 0.9554 0.913 0.9351 0.9519 1.1092 1.2663 1.1621 1.1238 1.0339 1.1046 1.1327 1.1153 0.987 0.9147 0.9261 1.6263 0.9499 0.9372 1.1141 0.9523 1.0522 1.1362 1.0468 0.8775 1.5361 1.0521 0.9108 1.0215 0.9904 1.1336 0.9319 0.9901 0.9175 1.3175 0.8508 1.2385 0.8414 0.9668 1.0544 1.0279 1445 AI070295 "Rattus norvegicus GADD45 mRNA, complete cds" 0.6095 0.5153 0.4842 0.6242 0.6984 2.4462 2.2893 1.015 1.0008 1.0239 1.0389 0.962 0.9277 1.6499 2.2181 1.784 1.7329 1.8646 0.7187 0.9447 0.8564 0.7809 1.2606 0.9548 2.6883 0.5975 0.5163 1.0358 0.644 0.7244 3.6566 3.1507 2.1437 2.7676 2.4637 2.287 1.4915 1.1361 1.4862 2.1476 1.573 1.7954 1.6189 0.9547 1.1349 1.034 0.746 0.8601 0.9865 1446 AI070198 Rattus norvegicus beta-A4 crystallin (beta-A4) mRN 1.2987 1.5133 0.8459 77.7271 2.1638 61.477 0.7314 5.5301 83.3061 2.98 1.3725 0.8781 2.5741 1.2283 1.2572 1.1944 1.0101 2.0203 0.9398 2.701 1.7504 1.7461 48.4284 0.8507 74.4639 10.6597 4.1018 112.9668 0.7737 114.6503 118.0993 95.3729 123.6498 141.3208 65.712 140.8906 88.28 140.1618 99.8624 105.2799 92.4967 106.4309 0.8336 186.4162 103.0643 146.5215 112.8917 114.5777 133.3856 1447 AI070222 R.norvegicus mRNA for cytochrome c oxidase (subuni 0.9545 1.1081 0.8459 63.6572 1.711 57.4351 0.7314 1.7101 67.3418 0.8211 2.3402 3.9468 1.5517 2.4598 1.6366 4.1199 0.9958 4.7415 0.5892 0.9318 1.4297 1.6269 61.0308 1.8222 79.143 0.8433 0.4937 111.7792 5.7821 0.7244 132.4144 110.9753 7.1135 150.7977 4.2685 191.0922 115.5149 29.7782 100.8236 145.2515 102.1961 91.6837 0.8336 182.591 98.1198 147.517 129.0369 114.8583 127.0868 1448 AI070226 "Rat beta-B3-2-crystallin mRNA, complete cds" 1.8358 2.2086 0.8459 64.7439 2.1369 63.9572 0.7314 6.1101 58.1675 3.8812 1.1702 0.9107 5.0718 1.1678 1.0009 1.4425 1.4035 2.1094 0.8919 2.6768 2.2733 2.9203 0.7553 0.685 0.7448 0.2504 0.8234 0.7521 0.7737 0.7244 0.7371 0.8183 1.6416 0.8256 0.7806 0.8925 0.75 0.8368 0.8247 0.8155 0.8627 0.8646 0.8336 0.8808 0.7994 106.8843 0.793 0.7765 0.2636 1449 AI070147 Rattus norvegicus MHC class Ib RT1.S3 (RT1.S3) mRN 0.8907 0.983 0.9476 0.864 0.8594 0.8324 0.9025 0.871 0.8592 1.0815 1.1796 1.1681 1.1279 1.0828 1.2063 0.7427 0.7999 0.5795 0.905 0.5779 0.9308 0.9378 0.8135 0.7807 0.7431 0.9098 0.7038 0.8905 0.909 0.6093 0.5715 0.5168 0.478 0.6165 0.5766 0.7058 0.7578 0.9394 0.974 0.8195 0.8018 0.6373 0.5103 0.7936 0.8639 0.8144 0.8078 0.7898 0.7596 1450 AI070507 R.norvegicus mRNA for fibromodulin 1.0812 1.4931 1.7979 6.0818 77.5439 3.9111 0.7314 3.6749 7.5216 7.6336 1.0346 0.8089 1.3208 0.9334 1.0873 0.9616 0.8642 0.7936 0.9059 2.024 0.9152 1.3703 0.7553 1.4524 82.8808 188.8483 0.3703 117.25 442.6175 0.4476 225.617 129.876 140.3347 4.4412 1.392 132.3182 98.9797 3.4355 127.8641 158.1516 155.8158 155.0809 0.8336 5.5687 131.6169 5.6077 2.9531 120.7396 3.9741 1451 AI070512 Rattus norvegicus neurexin II-beta major (non-proc 0.9624 1.5722 1.0653 2.761 1.4648 73.2321 83.3743 1.3065 2.2252 0.8398 1.4226 1.2396 2.1161 2.448 1.2067 2.6035 1.1276 2.9909 0.7995 4.3888 0.9108 1.3487 2.6473 2.2722 121.0003 3.1192 0.2767 173.571 2.2776 75.856 8.2222 3.4376 3.4808 8.7378 1.5314 5.5061 132.0165 2.5473 211.4228 244.2995 17.3325 190.9228 1.3605 3.1075 157.9094 3.6151 201.7799 4.2174 3.7658 1452 AI070517 R.norvegicus mRNA for sensory neuron synuclein 1.3748 1.5282 1.3215 17.5236 1.2088 66.1229 0.7314 1.4056 76.749 17.506 1.5316 0.9725 2.4841 1.1661 1.0997 2.0291 1.0307 79.857 0.7732 1.8497 1.0147 2.1994 2.6915 1.2749 76.4609 209.5786 3.2135 0.7521 63.3659 228.7933 174.7926 111.7946 164.6209 191.1054 2.6919 196.5758 111.8241 7.847 119.5815 149.7654 3.967 175.7483 0.8336 3.5523 134.0713 34.7235 143.6062 123.8977 7.3037 1453 AI070348 Rattus norvegicus (clone pCDM8/rathairy 1) Drosoph 1.0428 1.0767 1.1202 0.8411 0.8353 1.7005 1.7217 1.2403 1.2637 1.3549 1.2169 1.9603 3.8383 0.7517 0.5133 1.0527 0.9539 0.8823 1.3616 0.354 0.9582 0.9126 1.0205 1.068 1.4428 1.1504 1.0606 1.4656 1.4893 1.2232 3.9157 1.7183 1.1408 1.6217 1.7563 2.4323 2.7104 1.2089 1.9773 259.9757 1.125 1.1979 1.048 1.8301 1.1659 0.8678 1.7901 1.6739 2.1532 1454 AI070521 Rat unr mRNA for unr protein with unknown function 0.9421 0.9991 1.1064 1.0165 1.1009 1.1319 1.2524 0.9446 0.9768 1.033 0.9817 1.0803 1.0293 1.1122 0.8689 1.1417 1.3566 1.2012 1.3146 1.2905 1.2227 0.9981 1.0175 1.1381 0.9731 1.0382 0.9786 0.9482 1.0709 0.9869 1.1553 1.204 0.9031 1.162 1.322 1.0848 1.1984 1.1093 1.1297 1.1645 1.3227 1.1545 1.5323 1.2582 0.9814 1.061 1.0526 1.1071 1.088 1455 AI070359 Rattus norvegicus skeletal muscle myosin heavy cha 0.9194 0.8503 0.8459 0.6967 0.8543 60.9842 68.6085 1.0181 1.248 2.4923 1.3331 1.6307 175.5407 2.0295 0.715 0.8681 0.8761 1.03 0.4173 0.3253 0.7292 0.7092 0.7553 1.5076 60.0224 3.2706 2.1801 64.7766 31.1903 0.7244 97.4981 101.8692 1.3827 1.4376 1.7573 117.4909 97.7507 1.9156 95.2239 103.1742 110.2781 92.6848 0.8336 143.5854 18.9758 143.1784 97.6369 6.9815 101.6514 1456 AI070363 Rat 1B236/myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG) mRN 1.0705 2.1621 0.8459 1.5501 1.2419 65.1269 58.8364 3.0101 6.7791 2.7609 1.2229 1.0689 1.4294 1.5392 0.6978 2.2056 1.4766 1.1322 0.7381 3.3339 4.0302 1.6286 38.0737 1.4951 245.0633 5.4981 1.0359 87.3152 1.9875 0.3922 131.9306 104.8198 2.1158 3.6047 4.6509 113.1067 85.1341 3.9563 133.3566 3.3534 6.3454 141.9931 0.8336 11.0659 98.4777 5.715 108.8017 7.8392 3.5255 1457 "Rattus norvegicus glycoprotein CD44 (CD44) mRNA, c" 0.5437 0.4674 0.4723 0.5943 0.5528 2.176 2.2121 0.9233 0.8608 0.9751 0.9408 1.0319 1.0641 1.6423 1.3259 1.6372 1.7456 1.6566 0.77 0.8427 0.7559 0.6797 1.0111 0.9245 0.8361 0.5684 0.8135 0.6253 0.9913 2.2647 4.5465 2.7267 1.5223 2.006 2.2066 1.9945 1.3062 0.9146 1.052 2.3019 1.5173 1.6961 1.7873 0.8952 0.7458 1.3718 0.7584 0.718 0.9025 1458 "Rat heat shock protein (Hsp27) mRNA, complete cds" 0.8413 1.1095 1.0055 1.0958 1.0534 2.017 1.7521 1.0623 1.0756 1.2169 0.9745 0.9707 1.0059 0.912 0.9447 1.044 1.0867 1.0578 1.2406 1.2936 0.777 0.9146 1.2407 1.123 1.4249 2.362 1.3458 1.9349 1.0136 148.7501 6.8304 210.7121 1.1711 1.6749 1.4923 3.5431 119.961 0.8843 2.2877 1.5725 3.4621 5.0627 10.1803 1.2909 2.9127 1.4252 2.7628 2.5425 1.2806 1459 Rat mRNA for MHC-associated invariant chain gamma 1.0755 1.0714 0.8459 1.5692 0.8418 50.0905 54.4175 2.5281 8.4542 2.496 2.1202 1.5188 4.2716 0.9757 0.7819 0.9944 1.0705 1.151 0.5999 4.6325 1.0904 0.9836 0.9767 0.8773 76.2963 3.7926 16.4849 74.2996 38.5193 2.0074 125.5996 5.4269 11.9299 2.2096 1.0768 132.9742 77.7856 1.1229 115.9461 135.5619 114.9178 112.4544 0.8336 177.401 3.8942 0.8678 102.7653 102.3192 29.8259 1460 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for catalytic subunit of pr 1.1987 1.3207 1.374 1.1345 1.2988 0.6943 0.6897 0.992 1.1503 1.0165 0.939 1.0706 1.1144 1.7415 1.3826 2.3453 2.5514 2.2734 1.1871 1.3456 1.3036 1.2482 1.1892 1.6191 1.0886 1.2063 1.2368 1.1315 1.0847 1.3985 0.6498 0.8012 0.4604 0.5764 0.6007 0.561 0.9208 0.8871 1.0383 1.5223 1.8591 2.0202 2.3198 0.9785 1.376 1.1217 1.2375 1.2328 1.1678 1461 "Rattus norvegicus autoantigen p69 mRNA, complete c" 1.3652 1.2948 1.2211 1.0169 0.6824 248.2021 278.409 1.5203 1.6894 4.0268 1.4094 2.4847 1.5849 2.1742 0.9721 1.8322 1.4589 0.9384 0.6046 0.6466 0.7242 0.9241 0.9691 0.9396 83.2298 1.6118 1.2211 6.2628 2.0019 3.9692 194.5457 12.9264 2.0456 3.9603 3.4792 311.9555 108.5194 1.3783 208.1314 175.3799 3.2015 191.1299 3.848 7.3613 2.1402 117.6182 137.2815 2.6232 117.8795 1462 "Rattus norvegicus mRNA for Tctex-1, complete cds" 0.9554 1.3285 0.8459 1.2374 1.231 86.2443 69.1079 1.6851 2.0214 2.4149 1.017 0.8408 0.9223 0.8101 0.7895 1.0622 1.1026 1.3223 1.3129 2.4075 1.2438 1.3143 0.7553 1.1799 70.8793 3.3359 2.7384 88.9365 12.9197 5.491 130.5227 116.2937 1.4302 2.7655 1.4914 113.2045 74.0229 1.2458 123.1123 16.2029 155.615 3.3161 52.1287 4.4585 5.3564 5.8855 116.5267 4.399 2.603 1463 Rat activated c-raf oncogene mRNA encoding a fused 1.1131 1.145 1.0868 0.8621 0.808 0.8421 0.8716 0.8089 0.7791 0.7794 0.8095 0.8645 0.6991 0.97 0.5844 1.3236 1.332 1.2022 0.9949 0.5752 1.015 0.9551 0.9692 0.9827 0.8773 0.8479 2.425 0.8508 1.0781 0.6663 1.0322 0.8097 0.569 0.7788 0.833 0.7767 0.8475 0.7991 0.8025 1.3411 1.1918 1.2286 1.3111 1.0533 0.9596 1.0339 0.9961 0.9794 1.007 1464 R.norvegicus mRNA for gephyrin 0.9989 1.9 0.8459 1.4975 1.4608 78.0417 4.3407 1.647 2.0521 1.3843 1.3538 1.3547 1.5913 1.4304 1.3353 2.3493 1.1615 1.5915 0.8919 2.0843 2.1024 1.6076 1.169 0.7857 3.2903 1.7977 2.8421 2.1018 2.5089 2.1893 176.4361 152.203 1.3114 2.1541 2.2323 7.3634 96.7831 1.2909 128.1247 3.4024 3.739 3.0307 0.8336 3.0588 2.8063 4.129 153.3889 2.0691 1.7581 1465 Rat mRNA for ribosomal protein L28 0.8029 0.9431 0.9585 0.8562 0.8644 1.7803 1.7734 0.9348 0.9571 0.9887 0.9997 1.1626 1.1231 1.0162 1.1193 0.883 0.8961 0.7038 0.6774 0.3598 0.713 0.7071 0.8217 0.7953 1.078 0.7267 0.7023 0.9124 0.8772 1.038 1.1001 1.1411 1.0687 1.3078 1.2882 1.0816 0.7826 0.8832 0.9157 0.9035 0.7374 0.7976 0.8152 0.7962 0.9264 0.9695 0.8216 0.874 0.9191 1466 Rat Ig germline gamma-1 H-chain C-region gene 0.818 0.8121 0.7572 0.6448 0.7788 0.7717 0.6515 0.8773 0.9298 1.2793 1.0889 1.0034 1.155 0.8318 0.9677 0.8282 0.8245 1.4048 0.8803 0.904 0.9355 0.9411 0.9621 0.9308 2.422 1.2521 0.7844 3.4032 1.2114 0.9114 1.3346 0.7052 0.8111 1.5308 0.6679 0.748 1.3914 1.3178 2.008 0.9378 0.8689 0.8264 1.1407 0.8463 2.1994 0.9164 1.0409 1.2526 1.1776 1467 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for 4F2 heavy chain (4F2hc) 0.9932 1.0214 1.2393 3.25 1.0053 3.7792 3.913 1.8107 1.7406 1.2229 2.1055 1.0941 4.5609 1.7695 1.3413 2.1006 1.1089 1.6577 0.6456 1.2143 0.8774 0.9258 1.443 1.2829 155.2074 4.1224 0.3315 178.8344 1.2478 0.1714 0.2057 2.783 2.0826 6.1529 1.6151 3.039 38.3276 0.6005 0.8247 249.2075 4.0361 304.8426 0.9862 3.6309 173.3104 2.7497 33.3743 4.2557 2.6415 1468 Rattus norvegicus serum and glucocorticoid-regulat 1.1188 0.9583 1.0425 0.7643 0.8034 0.6662 0.6788 0.422 0.4197 0.7344 0.7514 0.6223 0.496 0.4899 0.5625 0.6918 0.6661 0.7828 1.7017 1.7882 0.9218 0.89 1.9528 2.082 3.0744 1.3463 1.153 2.098 1.193 0.662 0.9678 0.6757 0.7577 1.6301 0.77 0.6773 0.6401 0.9364 0.8175 0.4596 0.5728 0.6205 0.8869 1.4111 1.9152 1.3287 0.9852 1.1078 1.042 1469 Rat nucleolin gene 0.9164 1.0522 0.9702 0.9057 1.1259 2.0582 2.1188 1.0604 1.047 1.0253 1.0783 1.1768 1.2151 1.0727 1.2795 1.0928 1.0995 1.0318 0.8676 0.9687 0.9495 0.9437 0.9492 0.8882 3.2953 0.9232 0.6808 1.406 0.9984 0.7244 1.8516 1.6751 1.6159 2.2409 2.2192 1.7394 1.5476 1.3282 2.5691 1.6009 1.3588 1.3696 1.1249 1.0596 1.7206 1.115 0.9964 1.1053 1.3489 1470 "Rattus norvegicus mRNA for antisecretory factor, c" 0.9491 0.9365 0.976 1.1887 1.2267 1.1988 1.1734 0.9545 0.9493 1.0653 1.054 0.9837 0.8729 1.0442 1.523 1.2094 1.2787 1.4005 1.3265 1.2267 1.0806 1.0249 1.0145 1.0761 0.7448 0.3155 0.8234 0.7521 0.7737 0.7244 0.7371 0.8183 0.6109 0.8256 0.7806 0.8925 0.75 0.8368 0.8247 0.8155 0.8627 0.8646 0.8336 0.8808 0.7994 0.8678 0.793 0.7765 0.4157 1471 R.norvegicus (Wistar) mRNA for tau microtubule-ass 0.864 0.9735 1.1489 1.5883 1.3359 2.6601 83.5417 1.7564 1.9322 0.7422 1.1132 1.3272 0.8912 1.2638 1.297 1.0499 1.0277 1.9634 0.7021 1.0968 0.9025 1.1118 1.3506 1.3026 110.5343 4.7971 0.3484 111.7391 0.5745 244.2113 177.9805 6.6843 1.6769 2.7659 1.9378 5.1093 139.9927 2.4224 149.9898 202.3303 153.3906 116.8094 0.8505 8.7477 114.35 172.7317 175.0964 21.7344 5.1058 1472 "Rattus norvegicus eIF-2B beta subunit mRNA, comple" 1.1532 1.0946 0.994 1.0436 1.1452 1.5711 1.3664 1.2959 1.491 1.3331 1.0227 1.0693 1.3073 1.1417 1.4553 1.0208 0.9761 1.4585 1.2615 1.1131 1.1802 1.0863 0.9413 1.1176 135.595 0.8042 0.2436 2.5346 1.1241 3.38 4.0162 2.7762 2.4784 7.7837 1.4809 1.5114 3.9119 1.5448 5.4883 1.1727 1.1102 1.3083 3.4866 0.8544 192.5389 1.6684 1.23 1.4755 1.2149 1473 "Rattus norvegicus 25-Dx (25Dx) mRNA, complete cds" 1.257 1.0426 1.3213 1.1386 1.1016 0.5938 0.6007 0.9543 0.9598 0.8983 1.0436 1.1453 1.0971 1.8048 1.9586 2.0966 2.17 2.0862 1.2276 0.8533 1.4047 1.4047 1.108 1.0488 1.0387 1.094 1.0021 1.0958 1.3287 0.5832 0.5483 0.5924 0.4042 0.5031 0.531 0.5465 1.0257 0.9612 1.0648 1.6728 1.9006 2.1402 2.0041 1.1384 1.3341 1.1125 1.0983 1.1317 1.1452 1474 "ESTs, Highly similar to RETINOIC ACID RECEPTOR RXR" 0.9191 1.0282 1.0806 0.9576 1.1808 1.5615 1.4244 1.1371 1.0522 1.0979 1.0295 1.0818 1.0934 0.9865 1.1966 0.9563 1.04 0.6987 1.0193 1.0644 0.8907 0.9359 0.9657 1.0187 1.2246 1.1286 0.5257 1.5497 0.7702 0.5491 5.4448 1.309 1.3116 1.2863 1.1914 1.5227 1.2276 1.0703 1.4794 1.1108 1.3256 1.1582 0.9441 0.9247 1.3819 1.0982 1.0564 1.0512 0.9875 1475 "Rattus norvegicus Spinophilin mRNA, complete cds" 1.2999 1.2827 1.133 1.5705 1.3888 7.8374 77.537 1.3216 1.5504 1.0515 1.4676 1.8034 2.3417 255.9478 1.0524 1.5272 1.0667 1.978 0.533 0.9764 1.4314 1.6823 4.131 1.3745 81.2479 4.7063 0.3413 146.0766 57.6328 199.0957 0.4147 2.9971 158.4128 158.9816 1.6964 200.1803 106.5269 10.1596 160.5986 196.2876 17.7252 194.2194 2.5535 4.5 157.0263 6.1896 238.2086 183.6358 167.8056 1476 Rattus norvegicus Wistar transforming growth facto 0.9779 1.2173 1.1574 0.982 1.1542 1.353 1.2535 1.0877 1.2034 1.2124 1.1675 1.1005 1.1297 0.8882 1.0697 0.947 0.9715 0.9416 0.9618 1.1449 0.8663 0.916 1.147 0.9575 4.0493 1.0069 1.207 1.5336 1.1936 1.3166 1.5176 1.1596 1.3362 3.2332 1.2477 1.2979 1.6701 1.4947 2.1343 0.8853 0.9773 0.8817 1.5703 1.027 6.3181 1.064 0.9486 1.1176 1.0622 1477 "Rat Rev-ErbA-alpha protein mRNA, complete cds" 0.739 0.8262 0.8067 0.5507 0.597 2.6757 2.174 2.2781 2.7599 2.3236 3.2014 2.345 1.674 1.5317 0.9442 1.4231 1.3616 1.3621 0.8523 0.4204 1.9383 1.6197 1.4696 2.2089 1.2539 0.7033 0.7657 1.1164 1.0042 1.0144 4.64 1.1149 0.7763 1.1412 0.9814 1.8154 3.2351 2.0598 2.903 3.1408 2.2916 2.992 2.3072 1.5246 2.1337 2.5172 1.4618 1.2891 1.6036 1478 "Rat insulinoma rig mRNA, encoding a putative DNA-b" 0.7822 0.9644 0.873 0.6654 0.7404 1.3928 1.4815 0.7746 0.7382 0.8156 0.7777 0.8867 0.6641 0.7788 0.6828 0.7629 0.8662 0.8321 0.8106 0.5591 0.7156 0.5566 0.7291 0.8238 0.6837 0.6678 0.6815 0.6278 0.8144 0.8553 1.0927 0.8959 0.8364 1.1566 1.1128 0.9178 0.5874 0.5557 0.6814 0.5931 0.5835 0.5956 1.0656 0.6725 0.6252 0.7735 0.6776 0.7143 0.6793 1479 "Rat mitochondrial proton/phosphate symporter mRNA," 1.0225 0.9655 0.9853 0.8292 0.7419 1.0182 1.1356 0.9946 0.9083 0.8079 0.8367 0.8808 0.7109 0.6484 0.6114 0.9335 0.9742 0.862 1.0534 1.0394 0.8715 0.7218 0.8548 0.8791 0.7544 0.7146 0.6981 0.708 0.8431 0.9302 1.0039 1.1789 0.7426 1.0131 1.0532 0.8417 0.8034 0.7383 0.7127 0.7176 0.7995 0.7618 0.8196 0.9296 0.7794 0.7994 0.75 0.7582 0.6963 1480 Rat small nuclear ribonucleoparticle-associated pr 0.7834 0.8989 0.8224 0.7254 0.7991 1.1004 1.2727 0.7571 0.7593 0.8489 0.7784 0.8854 0.871 0.7854 0.662 0.8859 0.9028 0.7236 0.8984 1.0199 0.8643 0.7342 0.825 0.9983 0.8181 0.8099 0.5863 0.7449 0.8835 0.7975 1.7592 1.0692 0.8509 1.1441 1.0944 0.8714 0.859 0.6513 0.8181 0.7379 0.8198 0.8164 1.7778 0.8906 0.8915 0.9497 0.8555 0.9645 0.8694 1481 Rat mRNA for mitochondrial long-chain enoyl-CoA hy 1.2647 1.3548 1.1563 1.0349 0.9753 2.5759 3.0273 1.5086 1.493 1.2327 1.327 1.3744 1.4235 0.768 0.6937 0.8049 0.8863 0.8789 1.1739 1.0987 1.356 1.1676 1.0117 1.0355 1.0312 0.8852 0.8583 0.9009 0.8956 2.243 2.2811 2.8093 1.8752 2.2163 2.7416 2.3869 1.59 1.4008 1.5153 0.7886 1.044 0.9993 0.9635 1.2224 1.3445 1.1808 1.0182 1.1434 1.0296 1482 Rat S-Ag mRNA for pineal S-antigen 0.9001 0.839 0.2814 0.9839 0.8258 0.7479 0.7314 0.8183 0.848 0.8398 0.8024 0.7639 0.8575 0.8132 0.8325 0.8126 0.9228 0.7464 0.8919 0.9116 0.5163 0.877 0.7553 0.8036 1.7449 2.0816 1.6082 69.345 0.8396 3.4718 156.0714 96.1642 1.7369 3.225 2.8169 111.9238 83.997 1.6533 96.6093 2.5882 118.1362 85.0858 0.8336 7.7846 34.7363 2.5489 95.8318 32.0428 2.5523 1483 Rattus norvegicus rod-type cyclic nucleotide-gated 0.9005 1.3259 0.8459 1.1926 1.0382 64.2166 70.0113 1.8438 5.2586 2.0231 1.3371 1.8299 5.0573 1.5086 0.8325 0.8886 1.1357 1.1851 0.7532 0.9116 0.8784 1.3715 1.2481 0.8705 17.7785 1.9189 6.9998 8.5428 1.4826 1.0441 137.1092 1.2553 0.9212 1.1192 1.2676 112.5671 90.5386 0.7637 137.3033 19.1164 23.2559 114.2194 0.8336 135.0224 2.7725 7.4988 103.106 5.7896 3.0173 1484 "Rat keratin (K5) mRNA, 3' end" 0.9544 0.9988 1.0367 5.0761 0.906 2.6842 2.0616 1.1374 1.2352 1.1371 0.837 1.0873 0.9389 0.906 0.7291 1.2335 1.1815 1.1698 0.6889 1.1977 0.9326 1.0236 1.5682 1.5114 1.4849 3.5017 2.4689 4.0839 0.9906 0.7244 3.2756 3.0062 1.4062 1.3949 1.179 2.0816 106.058 1.4309 3.0338 1.3922 2.0027 4.9648 0.8336 0.9437 28.121 1.865 3.0853 2.1841 1.5125 1485 Internal CYP1A1 0.894 1.1509 1.2223 0.8576 0.8413 1.9501 2.3548 1.1318 1.0839 1.0508 1.1124 1.1906 1.6365 1.5917 0.7813 1.0201 1.2361 1.0276 0.8768 0.2941 0.8232 0.9105 0.9627 1.0664 0.7456 0.9257 0.6571 0.8886 0.5017 0.9741 0.8118 0.5114 0.4367 0.6005 0.5586 0.5721 0.8819 0.8915 2.6229 3.0903 1.6226 2.8176 1.634 2.2364 1.139 1.7269 1.1062 1.5451 1.539 1486 Rat mRNA for beta COP 0.9154 1.2083 1.3731 1.2787 0.9704 121.8292 4.4665 1.3985 1.3165 1.1849 0.9148 0.98 1.5587 0.9358 0.9284 1.0384 1.4734 1.3078 1.0591 1.3883 2.7074 1.5798 2.8841 1.3063 2.3404 4.195 3.0395 13.6518 1.4154 2.061 207.7146 7.8699 1.2218 2.1593 1.5726 6.063 120.3865 1.0202 2.2274 2.9923 3.9202 2.299 0.8336 2.0707 1.9093 2.8853 126.9133 1.3191 1.324 1487 Rattus norvegicus calcium transporting ATPase mRNA 0.9389 1.3582 1.1114 1.1144 1.202 5.7979 90.4345 1.7576 1.3468 1.2681 1.2584 1.1542 3.788 2.8212 0.9968 0.9907 0.9176 2.0228 0.813 0.2793 0.758 0.5164 1.2372 1.0738 82.7115 3.9031 182.2132 90.0639 2.2607 3.7368 135.9911 157.2018 1.0109 1.0423 1.2244 4.181 3.5343 1.19 150.8399 191.537 113.4664 175.2916 2.6301 3.4247 2.6385 3.8227 16.7296 3.1556 4.3683 1488 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for caldendrin 0.9098 1.8016 1.7213 2.3759 1.1599 3.4153 1.5456 1.5108 1.5832 1.4993 1.2143 1.1214 1.4711 0.9351 0.7859 0.9718 1.1848 1.0522 1.1541 1.5203 1.809 1.4982 1.8208 1.2355 2.7212 1.7458 1.8201 1.2749 1.2267 2.0906 201.4274 154.4782 1.1177 2.3198 2.2372 157.5768 110.7941 1.2836 529.8315 2.2186 10.2287 1.8112 0.8336 2.5124 4.4208 2.9027 26.088 2.5416 1.2956 1489 "Rattus norvegicus adrenomedullin mRNA, complete cd" 1.0389 1.8553 1.1457 2.3143 1.9117 79.4286 82.9131 1.5805 2.0886 0.8025 1.4973 1.1956 2.5966 2.106 1.1301 2.6921 1.218 2.2734 0.652 0.9116 0.7521 1.6927 2.4639 2.6433 152.2115 2.5716 0.4308 203.1789 1.6841 0.6517 183.146 7.4832 6.2624 4.4779 1.8099 2.8835 154.834 2.1919 266.401 11.3446 19.9315 240.6958 1.401 1.5695 277.9789 5.3483 15.1006 5.9275 2.8926 1490 "Rat liver mRNA for proteasomal ATPase (S4), comple" 1.0506 1.0163 1.1478 1.2361 51.7 3.2344 1.4001 1.5396 2.4724 1.1593 0.9282 0.9132 1.2934 1.1691 1.2358 1.0008 1.0843 0.8391 0.9953 1.5615 1.0083 1.6914 1.1577 1.1309 8.0552 3.8634 0.5579 0.7521 0.8624 3.3329 6.4101 1.9469 1.336 1.6806 1.3577 3.3722 149.4552 1.134 4.4536 3.3678 3.9228 13.6355 10.3732 1.5103 16.8747 1.6591 1.8704 4.5411 0.7365 1491 "Rat phosphoglycerate mutase (PGAM-M) mRNA, complet" 1.0885 1.3232 1.0901 1.8848 1.2366 6.9714 46.0538 1.621 1.9168 1.1189 1.165 0.9431 1.7749 1.4951 1.2993 1.3835 1.0435 0.7166 0.6134 1.2651 1.0823 1.1805 1.4946 1.3023 118.0674 2.0072 0.6639 151.5389 1.0055 0.199 1.0452 3.5956 2.3205 3.3454 1.4554 3.6968 158.2263 0.8897 42.1639 15.8087 6.1208 161.2134 1.1815 4.0256 189.8228 1.3415 17.1254 2.3781 2.8102 1492 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for Ptx3 protein 0.9407 0.9754 1.2781 1.8376 1.3381 2.5694 1.4358 1.333 1.2602 1.2724 0.8784 1.1266 1.3694 0.9978 0.9624 1.1633 1.1222 2.0156 1.1208 1.7189 1.2276 0.9263 1.6021 1.0189 15.7483 1.3157 0.8234 192.1132 0.8707 190.913 4.3246 2.2058 1.5929 2.8445 1.9521 2.4208 5.1257 1.3543 4.4512 1.4434 1.8542 2.3957 2.6185 1.1944 3.0163 1.5456 3.475 2.3272 1.6478 1493 Rat insulin-like growth factor binding protein mRN 0.8699 0.9208 0.9598 1.2371 1.3144 2.2713 2.3533 1.4715 1.5983 0.9167 1.3743 1.3181 2.261 2.1056 1.19 1.0153 0.9754 2.9324 0.5854 0.9402 0.8194 1.0782 2.3654 1.2244 146.0905 1.5446 0.5593 185.3202 0.8668 0.7244 52.6085 4.0076 1.641 1.6205 1.5854 2.5396 4.1245 1.8335 214.6863 5.0836 11.5729 224.8754 0.814 1.7497 13.0533 2.5045 3.3763 2.7748 2.1856 1494 AI146115 Rattus norvegicus mRNA sequence 1.1544 1.096 1.1797 1.2215 1.3059 1.1299 0.9433 0.9557 1.1734 1.2576 1.1397 0.8919 1.2337 0.8034 0.9847 1.2098 1.1782 1.1802 1.1782 1.3875 1.2213 1.1216 2.7575 1.2326 0.7448 0.1933 0.8234 0.7521 0.7737 0.7244 0.7371 0.8183 0.6109 0.8256 0.7806 0.8925 0.75 0.8368 0.8247 0.8155 0.8627 0.8646 0.8336 0.8808 0.7994 0.8678 0.793 0.7765 0.112 1495 AI146124 Rat CCAAT binding transcription factor-B subunit ( 1.1863 1.5244 1.2808 2.4701 1.2383 27.9433 88.9139 1.5938 2.0091 2.076 2.7341 1.9698 3.0842 2.0549 1.7028 1.8264 1.0937 1.9474 0.7288 0.3659 0.7758 1.5545 2.3047 1.1603 97.9397 4.4105 0.9928 190.349 62.4634 9.6274 207.6011 2.8319 12.0351 236.1738 3.2843 5.1741 127.93 189.996 0.8247 163.5232 3.9307 325.4694 1.3774 3.3573 153.5896 3.3344 4.9503 4.4697 537.8978 1496 AI146132 "Rattus norvegicus mRNA for NaPi-2 beta, complete c" 0.9951 0.9531 1.0632 0.9205 1.0293 2.0438 1.9686 0.9919 0.9271 0.9748 0.957 1.1792 1.1 0.9442 1.2247 1.2422 1.3157 1.2116 1.0628 1.0966 0.9902 0.9547 1.0802 1.1324 0.7983 0.9167 0.8898 0.9006 1.014 1.3851 1.6279 1.6158 1.5551 1.8305 1.8547 1.735 0.9488 1.0163 1.0533 0.8192 1.047 0.9403 1.2783 0.923 0.8946 0.986 1.0502 1.0078 0.9687 1497 AI145794 "Rattus norvegicus neuroglycan C precursor mRNA, co" 1.1607 1.4317 1.1446 2.9257 1.1701 90.357 95.1763 1.1136 1.4886 1.5617 1.3723 1.7807 130.9458 2.4484 1.0965 2.151 1.3129 0.7736 0.5985 0.7013 0.9743 1.2092 2.6672 1.2807 115.5704 26.9392 0.6695 158.3963 2.567 228.3889 197.6515 20.9063 12.734 6.7799 2.3544 40.1762 126.0999 2.0045 176.6169 235.4847 8.791 225.489 1.1732 1.6698 193.7375 312.0889 202.3043 5.7625 4.7772 1498 AI145571 "EST, Weakly similar to nicotinic acetylcholine rec" 1.3141 1.2537 1.9908 11.0831 1.5857 329.2831 30.7464 2.3208 100.1696 6.9306 1.2233 0.9264 1.861 2.745 1.4358 1.3431 0.9503 0.5448 0.823 2.4468 0.9622 1.4043 1.4269 1.2863 94.3265 17.1943 0.4319 0.7521 3.851 1.3022 832.1647 1589.289 810.207 9.1552 10.297 999.3859 114.0715 2.1386 136.9411 189.8564 138.4291 126.2597 61.9872 3.6827 140.1034 3.1761 9.2089 136.0981 13.8244 1499 AI145577 "Rattus norvegicus degenerin channel MDEG mRNA, com" 1.331 1.0042 1.2543 7.5366 1.2862 53.5281 0.7314 2.8172 4.9925 1.2586 2.6899 1.4607 2.0747 4.4317 1.1205 4.5102 1.2113 1.8734 0.4707 1.14 0.9368 1.1769 53.8525 0.8036 75.6308 186.8972 0.5445 121.2782 57.2328 168.1323 0.2044 137.4312 151.6247 130.0504 2.612 171.8644 76.8195 166.2899 137.3253 158.8886 146.8977 112.7416 2.3275 162.1954 140.9936 136.2057 131.8757 121.1821 141.0369 1500 Rat mRNA for fast nerve growth factor receptor (NG 1.0949 1.1697 1.2 2.2039 1.5591 22.8258 102.6212 2.0151 4.0354 2.9241 0.8707 1.5409 1.3989 1.9471 0.9613 1.2362 1.2916 76.5515 0.8468 2.2113 1.437 1.8205 51.6864 1.2835 80.976 8.1082 0.9892 0.7521 3.3769 159.9686 179.6017 218.6972 160.8112 199.9347 2.7223 221.9798 109.4048 170.7695 104.715 167.2493 5.1681 8.6504 0.8336 2.982 106.9115 1.7106 182.3414 134.527 8.0014 1501 R.norvegicus mRNA for protein synthesis initiation 0.784 0.9256 0.8275 0.7819 0.7969 1.3041 1.2703 0.8008 0.877 1.084 0.8367 1.5602 1.1041 0.7324 0.5753 0.8449 0.8698 0.879 0.7261 0.5068 0.8921 0.8407 1.1179 0.8912 2.4668 0.9402 1.0641 1.2221 4.4587 0.8109 13.5368 1.0077 0.6158 0.9603 0.9699 2.9207 114.4309 0.852 1.2337 235.7504 0.9486 1.2328 1.1841 1.4043 1.1129 3.2175 1.2372 1.2434 2.6943 1502 R.norvegicus mRNA TSP-4 protein 0.9797 1.2811 2.6233 1.2717 1.0671 2.0075 1.908 1.3635 1.3104 1.297 0.9241 0.7708 1.9438 0.9478 0.7974 1.176 1.0973 1.137 0.7163 1.4145 1.2437 1.5835 1.6561 1.2458 1.4439 1.5167 1.3755 3.0226 0.7945 0.8245 182.9648 5.5046 1.2116 1.9168 1.0253 4.3592 138.2571 1.009 2.7527 2.3679 1.9547 3.5145 5.7659 1.9711 1.5458 1.4302 3.5355 1.6467 1.2586 1503 Rattus norvegicus glutamate receptor subunit 5-2 ( 1.0149 4.5455 1.5475 0.9839 1.4129 58.4781 54.8717 4.4268 61.1091 5.2128 3.0566 1.9828 2.6478 1.312 0.8325 1.2479 2.0477 1.6298 0.5721 1.5535 0.8781 1.2797 4.1442 1.2377 65.9999 5.1822 4.3202 75.8876 38.6776 236.0652 102.6542 106.7499 2.3103 2.0002 2.3323 116.7855 92.6534 2.2236 97.3302 119.3045 103.3093 89.1379 0.8336 150.0102 75.5921 131.8919 102.7097 92.2792 132.9297 1504 AI145632 Rattus norvegicus SH3 domain binding protein (CR16 0.98 1.2463 0.8459 1.1401 1.5835 9.0204 12.6218 1.5541 1.8394 1.8097 1.1539 0.898 0.9089 1.2738 0.7388 1.5167 1.7179 1.3664 0.9018 1.6698 1.3271 1.2443 1.7554 1.079 70.578 2.0253 1.0311 83.2875 4.245 1.9542 124.3884 124.5116 1.6691 4.684 2.4541 123.5952 68.56 2.4755 98.8795 5.6173 137.8222 47.7837 0.8336 5.1283 97.7549 4.7084 136.2073 103.2743 10.6407 1505 AI145645 Rattus norvegicus potential-sensitive polyspecific 1.0838 1.1606 1.5467 1.1795 0.9896 60.5712 58.7246 1.1849 2.5735 2.2039 2.3766 1.9386 4.3929 4.5016 0.6284 1.2756 1.5109 0.989 0.6913 3.5275 1.4995 1.6526 1.5735 1.2106 78.4414 1.6282 1.6547 82.3997 3.2716 3.0537 147.8523 134.7942 1.8444 1.2255 1.5818 8.8645 92.0092 1.2511 132.258 160.3427 127.4132 134.4473 0.8336 184.8295 2.0711 3.4349 182.334 40.0316 146.5242 1506 AI145654 Rattus norvegicus type I regulatory subunit of cAM 0.9001 0.839 0.8459 0.9839 0.8258 0.7479 0.7314 0.8183 0.848 0.8398 0.8024 0.7639 0.8575 0.8132 0.8325 0.8126 0.9228 0.7464 0.8919 0.9116 0.9234 0.877 0.7553 0.3357 0.8632 0.8522 0.8996 0.8235 0.7992 1.2451 1.3414 1.1804 0.9534 1.1793 1.194 0.9138 0.9836 0.817 0.7968 0.7555 0.7306 0.6878 1.0808 0.8295 0.8877 0.927 0.8467 0.8906 0.7675 1507 AI145068 "EST, Highly similar to (defline not available 3924" 0.9924 119.3202 1.2662 2.6302 0.8258 65.8883 65.9236 5.1662 94.0646 132.3928 4.8422 73.4708 2.553 1.6815 0.7914 12.6417 1.3256 1.0665 0.6557 0.9116 1.4316 1.3577 1.5404 1.0243 54.8335 16.7104 0.6819 100.7724 2.4311 97.6451 93.848 119.4229 1.2395 2.5094 2.154 123.5809 72.9754 130.9164 139.7945 128.143 106.0035 111.7852 0.8336 208.1739 80.5329 97.2846 102.1119 89.7079 112.7706 1508 AI145187 Rattus norvegicus tyrosine kinase receptor (Ptk-3) 1.0338 1.3008 1.1797 0.891 0.9306 4.8411 1.6351 1.2333 1.2339 2.0487 1.2611 1.171 1.0773 0.9364 0.6222 0.8907 1.0042 1.3441 1.2361 1.7318 1.0075 0.914 1.8307 0.8135 1.9686 1.4026 2.829 2.0247 1.4785 1.8156 198.1876 2.181 1.1459 1.7726 1.2021 4.0973 141.8497 1.3056 1.7291 1.8425 2.4228 1.1282 53.4861 2.3492 2.0677 2.9756 2.0484 2.0889 1.4171 1509 AI145442 Rattus norvegicus hematopoietic lineage switch 2 r 1.0946 3.4704 1.4678 1.3401 1.0227 69.5698 70.1571 17.238 4.4392 109.1096 32.412 89.1503 5.5541 2.4662 0.9517 2.1954 1.8001 2.7088 0.6043 0.2337 0.6223 1.699 0.766 0.9973 77.0819 5.9694 0.8234 93.058 44.4097 5.1102 116.3943 158.94 2.0718 2.5813 2.7374 165.9759 78.7513 2.0268 122.7195 140.3775 135.1385 111.3341 0.8336 184.7658 18.0016 117.7046 132.9818 22.7633 120.5496 1510 AI145198 R.norvegicus mRNA for cytoplasmic dynein 74 kD int 0.8339 0.9158 0.855 0.9171 0.9201 0.7883 0.8579 0.8196 0.7904 1.0392 0.994 0.985 0.7956 1.0139 0.8784 1.1565 1.2611 1.2185 1.153 1.3376 1.2315 1.0184 0.9923 1.0985 0.848 1.0474 0.9966 0.9862 1.2367 0.715 0.9144 0.8497 0.6488 0.8134 0.8685 0.7423 0.9885 0.9443 0.9761 0.954 1.0959 0.9487 1.562 1.107 0.9869 0.9597 0.9484 0.9562 0.9187 1511 AI145215 "Rattus norvegicus mRNA for ETR-R3b protein, altern" 1.1904 1.2312 1.2764 1.1035 0.9753 1.2694 1.73 1.2149 1.2177 1.0594 1.1471 1.3695 1.2577 1.0345 0.933 1.0052 1.0079 1.1545 1.146 0.376 1.0087 1.1574 1.1636 0.994 1.1613 1.0766 136.7498 1.2912 2.8426 1.6532 1.6202 1.2996 0.7821 1.1277 1.1512 1.3136 1.5948 1.223 1.5993 2.2569 1.321 1.3435 1.3725 1.5166 1.3134 1.6708 1.1547 1.1679 1.2329 1512 AI145093 "Rat proton pump polypeptide mRNA, complete cds" 1.09 1.7968 0.8459 1.3061 0.8306 73.5869 66.2718 1.3026 1.4417 2.2673 1.5128 1.4293 1.5667 1.3211 0.8325 1.5693 1.3984 1.013 0.7103 1.7293 1.1725 1.3572 2.6778 1.3733 68.4711 1.7518 1.3272 1.6355 49.9656 6.0573 122.3841 128.2257 1.5173 11.1251 3.1036 107.0771 75.0032 5.0418 121.0119 2.7957 223.3101 2.2344 0.8336 6.0229 100.1541 9.1639 119.7898 29.2092 2.2342 1513 AI145101 Rattus norvegicus round spermatid protein RSP29 ge 1.1602 1.1141 1.2072 1.2046 1.1605 0.5605 0.5923 0.7865 0.8241 0.9725 0.921 0.9197 0.8451 1.1896 1.4124 1.3073 1.2944 1.1274 1.1466 1.1278 1.2116 1.1775 1.2068 1.1602 1.3068 1.1835 1.0531 1.2217 1.3311 0.4365 0.4995 0.5431 0.4729 0.6151 0.5511 0.5613 0.9632 1.0522 0.8958 1.5131 1.2702 1.1337 1.0676 1.2524 1.1493 1.2906 1.02 1.1232 1.1132 1514 AI145104 "Rattus norvegicus CaM-like protein kinase mRNA, co" 1.1267 1.3092 1.8854 3.4544 1.4063 17.2778 3.629 5.4865 4.202 1.8806 1.138 1.6433 1.8503 2.979 1.359 1.0499 1.057 0.8555 1.3332 2.5202 1.391 2.3076 63.9181 1.547 153.4967 1.7252 0.6854 0.7521 1.4379 2.3805 13.1197 4.0898 2.1117 4.1877 1.6507 5.5744 164.7551 2.2619 4.1112 2.8067 4.39 184.132 103.5186 1.6687 16.3666 1.9668 2.8698 2.9287 1.965 1515 AI145745 R.norvegicus mRNA for CPG2 protein 1.2858 1.5431 1.3699 2.0223 1.6687 4.4887 7.7396 1.2308 1.6683 2.1239 1.9294 1.9713 3.4812 3.0729 1.406 1.4316 1.0847 2.0645 0.7506 1.079 1.4394 1.6669 1.5945 1.1712 189.0651 3.5072 0.5877 337.4395 1.9621 0.495 316.8981 2.7912 2.8371 3.9317 1.9313 2.5361 226.075 1.9048 293.149 7.45 2.8692 453.4655 1.4932 2.7771 14.6583 1.5836 3.9598 3.8252 4.7607 1516 AI145769 Sprague-Dawley D-beta-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenas 1.0197 0.9674 1.051 1.033 0.9806 1.0017 0.9825 1.0037 0.9336 0.7616 0.7694 0.9256 0.8587 1.0162 1.3685 1.2702 1.3037 1.0617 1.297 1.282 1.0662 1.0305 1.0482 0.9477 1.2366 0.9829 0.8234 1.0947 0.9767 1.2364 1.1757 1.1914 0.9574 1.3914 1.0886 0.8622 1.0112 0.7664 0.9525 0.8659 0.9894 0.8783 1.0872 0.8621 1.0437 0.8459 0.9262 0.9827 0.9053 1517 AI145542 Rattus rattus zinc finger transcriptional activato 0.9737 0.9098 0.8996 1.0343 1.0466 1.1011 1.0302 0.845 0.7928 0.8398 0.8352 0.8317 0.8294 0.6006 0.9289 0.5714 0.5798 0.5781 1.0539 1.0798 1.0947 1.0476 0.9834 0.9471 1.0444 0.8582 0.8234 0.8282 0.8104 0.7244 1.0114 1.1496 1.0452 1.2818 1.3939 0.9265 0.7941 0.8577 0.7034 0.6192 0.497 0.5211 0.5402 0.919 0.9425 0.8828 0.8951 0.9402 0.9325 1518 AI145829 "Rat ribosomal protein S12 mRNA, complete cds" 1.0366 0.9857 0.996 1.1007 1.014 0.8201 0.8067 0.8491 0.9196 0.9957 0.9363 0.8816 0.8846 0.8666 1.152 1.0453 0.9521 0.8722 1.323 1.1205 1.0292 0.9721 1.1308 1.1221 0.7448 0.1408 0.8234 0.4183 0.7737 0.7244 0.7371 0.8183 0.6109 0.8256 0.7806 0.8925 0.75 0.8368 0.8247 0.8155 0.8627 0.8646 0.8336 0.8808 0.7994 0.8678 0.793 0.7765 0.226 1519 AI145834 "Rattus norvegicus mRNA for NOR-1, complete cds" 1.068 2.5873 1.6774 5.3626 1.7297 67.2317 63.2722 8.0554 3.8916 10.5544 4.1295 3.8373 5.1604 2.9184 2.4969 1.9566 1.0472 3.7077 0.5644 0.9116 1.1336 1.3536 11.841 1.2016 81.6936 162.1207 0.4831 106.3411 53.2985 193.268 123.7069 197.8749 149.7187 161.2142 4.6724 178.57 81.0787 131.9739 105.7712 138.1062 129.7114 87.9347 1.2776 169.4865 106.8048 16.1033 134.7183 5.1824 151.7496 1520 AI146016 Rat mRNA for transition protein 2 (TP2) 0.8802 0.8177 0.8136 0.7586 0.8678 0.7681 0.6865 0.7682 0.6716 0.8097 0.8003 0.9055 0.8548 0.6368 0.9159 0.6749 0.6765 0.6879 1.0336 1.0007 1.0739 0.9332 0.9365 0.9137 0.6878 0.8382 0.8134 0.7405 0.8399 0.6558 0.7338 0.7432 0.5034 0.6182 0.6627 0.6567 0.6795 0.7674 0.7708 0.5487 0.5787 0.5732 0.6169 0.7826 0.7877 0.7025 0.9228 0.8917 0.9063 1521 AI146154 "Rat mRNA for 230kDa phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase," 1.0081 1.6555 0.9775 1.8462 1.7149 6.3224 85.0028 0.9995 1.2253 0.7172 0.9515 1.8448 2.3874 2.1185 0.9034 1.798 1.2973 1.7761 0.7892 2.0469 0.9162 1.1629 15.4347 1.776 86.2998 2.8577 0.6491 145.4351 14.653 49.7379 162.2628 5.5362 128.6991 139.5994 1.5691 195.9262 94.9246 160.6779 155.3488 195.7701 6.4963 198.5217 1.0127 2.6332 7.1288 258.3375 217.3983 167.1491 166.4555 1522 AI146173 "Rat mitochondrial ATP synthase beta subunit mRNA, " 0.8358 0.914 0.9355 0.8553 0.9167 1.6896 1.6568 0.8055 0.7805 0.8314 0.7715 0.9257 0.7905 0.7202 1.097 1.0095 1.0177 1.0142 1.0659 0.9805 0.91 0.8214 0.8954 0.9254 0.8582 0.7642 0.7859 0.7802 0.7691 1.2497 1.4251 1.435 1.3069 1.6207 1.5323 1.3307 0.7399 0.7138 0.703 0.6485 0.7221 0.7653 0.9397 0.7144 0.8352 0.7703 0.8169 0.8821 0.7998 1523 AI145931 R.norvegicus mRNA for UDP-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine-2 1.1472 0.839 0.8459 29.5749 2.248 57.9126 0.7314 2.2054 11.5931 1.578 4.6923 1.4517 2.819 1.3825 0.8292 6.028 1.3655 78.597 0.5631 0.8518 1.0102 1.0812 7.0167 1.2061 65.2912 179.199 0.7796 98.4904 48.934 128.0072 117.9616 100.0539 119.6837 135.0378 7.1153 115.0346 64.5759 148.1268 96.0611 121.6273 116.1773 76.0948 59.9016 147.6302 90.5407 149.8531 117.9251 119.2409 139.1475 1524 AI145952 Rattus norvegicus cytochrome P450 pseudogene (CYP2 1.1675 0.9888 0.5936 0.926 1.0972 3.7139 0.7314 0.5621 1.6781 2.3285 1.2969 1.1084 0.8274 1.214 0.6697 0.6951 0.7815 2.3045 0.6797 1.5653 1.5049 1.7522 1.9468 0.9325 73.0746 3.1319 0.8415 131.2254 1.4647 138.2957 181.4388 102.7342 159.439 23.4682 1.3557 3.7483 123.5124 188.8979 114.9224 10.555 1.6554 1.3749 0.8336 1.4906 150.7948 5.2017 12.0506 194.1759 8.2032 1525 AI145958 R.norvegicus mRNA for ER transmembrane protein 1.184 1.3273 1.1158 1.0304 0.9262 1.5793 1.6962 1.2157 1.3709 1.554 1.4276 1.5476 1.3072 1.3978 0.846 1.4721 1.3964 1.4634 0.8562 0.8024 1.2915 1.2072 1.6026 1.0322 1.9223 1.3043 1.2523 1.5144 3.9211 1.1388 295.4488 1.3593 0.9179 1.2173 1.1685 2.2901 2.9249 1.4825 2.0929 6.041 1.8793 2.3609 2.3149 1.6061 1.5152 2.2299 1.5659 1.5772 1.9813 1526 AI145960 "Rat casein kinase I delta mRNA, complete cds" 1.3336 1.1823 1.4424 1.1173 1.1436 1.2812 1.2648 1.0177 1.0351 1.0981 1.0782 1.0575 1.0136 0.8903 0.7921 0.9918 1.0956 1.0098 1.2832 1.2786 0.9988 0.8829 0.9225 1.0594 0.9045 0.891 0.8869 0.868 0.9512 1.0968 1.2161 1.3415 0.8842 1.1593 1.2996 1.0357 0.957 0.8614 0.8903 0.7159 0.7933 0.7919 0.9914 0.9236 0.7607 0.7738 0.8442 0.8815 0.8026 1527 AI145965 "Rattus norvegicus L-glutamine amidohydrolase mRNA," 0.7085 0.7046 0.7222 0.7778 0.6906 0.3472 0.3833 0.5662 0.5422 0.6393 0.6093 0.5489 0.4948 0.5287 0.4407 0.5576 0.5997 0.4944 0.945 0.9598 1.1695 1.1119 1.0047 1.0659 0.7866 0.9414 0.8768 0.8882 1.0911 0.3062 0.4454 0.3532 0.2688 0.4071 0.3557 0.3492 0.5643 0.5821 0.493 0.5524 0.5214 0.4328 0.4639 0.895 0.9964 0.975 0.7596 0.7893 0.7873 1528 AI145981 R.norvegicus mRNA for plasmolipin 1.2642 1.4227 1.5172 1.1881 1.1466 1.5833 1.6493 1.0774 1.1049 0.9897 1.0824 1.0713 1.1083 0.914 0.7252 0.9095 1.0309 0.9877 0.7334 0.9178 0.7139 0.6378 0.718 0.9303 1.2217 1.3941 1.5321 1.3567 1.4529 1.4994 1.5049 1.3845 1.292 1.6531 1.696 1.2462 1.2074 0.9048 0.9674 0.7311 0.8653 1.0022 1.5752 0.7151 0.636 0.7504 1.0086 1.0578 0.9819 1529 AI145670 Rattus norvegicus mitochondrial aspartate aminotra 0.7372 1.8562 0.7897 0.6911 0.7121 0.6222 1.0882 1.0341 1.0348 1.0838 1.089 1.1325 1.0769 0.7116 0.6144 0.4552 0.5858 0.4262 0.7541 0.6741 0.7642 0.5138 0.5667 0.6168 0.5629 0.7343 0.7158 0.535 0.6562 0.352 0.4332 0.2812 0.3233 0.4389 0.3404 0.357 0.5507 0.5116 0.528 0.4289 0.4273 0.3127 0.3343 0.624 0.5437 0.5589 0.5783 0.6159 0.5668 1530 AI145367 "Rattus norvegicus CAP2 protein (CAP2) mRNA, comple" 0.9001 0.839 1.2647 1.2902 1.0984 0.7479 0.7314 0.8183 0.848 0.8398 0.8024 0.7639 0.8575 0.8132 0.8325 0.8126 0.9228 1.0966 0.8662 1.9832 1.223 1.2275 1.7974 1.3598 1.7701 1.5588 1.5066 1.733 2.3361 0.9109 7.8308 1.7242 1.0031 1.468 1.3545 1.6256 213.2185 1.2286 1.7532 1.1898 1.2624 1.1556 0.8336 1.2103 1.8974 2.7276 1.3014 1.4237 1.2003 1531 AI145393 ESTs 1.1953 1.7631 0.9896 1.1413 0.6227 8.3357 214.9157 1.1992 1.3176 1.8194 1.3912 1.6416 1.1832 1.8734 0.7718 2.3102 1.258 1.3457 0.8675 1.0008 1.1418 0.9781 1.1993 1.072 5.29 1.3885 0.7566 2.2991 2.4575 1.1017 15.9243 1.7077 0.8529 1.3194 1.3642 6.2943 198.6325 1.0177 6.0908 236.499 2.1276 3.785 2.6744 2.2665 1.5462 5.5772 1.9344 1.6954 3.5651 1532 AI145407 R.norvegicus mRNA for ARL gene 4 0.9634 1.6545 1.8732 1.0784 1.4038 106.9266 228.4899 1.6579 1.4379 1.6996 1.4498 1.2054 1.2589 1.6066 0.9387 1.4879 1.3362 1.2455 0.7382 1.4709 0.8446 1.4901 1.3845 1.15 2.211 1.5936 3.0487 2.4462 1.3945 2.3214 188.5963 224.6466 1.3449 1.7357 1.5325 39.9905 154.8197 1.005 2.1162 1.5882 2.018 1.3234 57.6216 2.5611 1.8763 2.7042 3.9485 1.9125 1.2464 1533 AI145490 "Rat mRNA for NBP60, complete cds" 1.1642 1.221 1.2057 0.9742 0.8778 1.1135 1.1608 1.1582 1.1356 1.1143 1.1677 1.1004 0.9555 0.8382 0.5764 0.7587 0.8043 0.7714 1.1104 0.7644 0.9953 0.9179 0.8957 0.9722 0.9239 0.9231 0.8181 0.9234 1.169 0.9327 0.9942 1.0996 0.7363 0.9766 1.0472 0.9779 1.0851 1.0388 0.9235 0.8086 0.7265 0.8021 0.8787 1.0509 0.936 0.9592 0.8051 0.8087 0.7991 1534 AI145491 "Rat ribosomal protein L19 mRNA, complete cds" 0.9687 1.1068 1.2069 0.9045 0.8563 1.7477 1.5558 0.9586 0.9504 1.3979 0.8962 0.9191 0.9807 0.8869 0.8645 0.9749 1.0412 1.2243 0.7744 1.0017 0.9433 0.8764 1.0521 0.8059 1.3835 1.1147 1.0456 1.0904 2.1168 1.5693 219.8745 1.1576 0.947 1.8484 1.175 1.5192 193.2108 1.0595 1.561 1.6306 1.3057 0.9553 73.6753 1.4107 1.415 2.4486 1.3413 1.3602 1.3561 1535 AI145494 "Rat synapsin 2b mRNA, complete cds" 1.0315 3.3288 1.3133 1.3186 0.7763 62.4695 68.148 2.3433 2.3596 2.0718 3.4366 2.5618 3.9072 1.4995 0.6942 1.7192 1.6164 0.8889 0.7055 0.3047 0.699 0.9987 1.6425 1.2274 84.8329 2.2426 5.7893 105.8326 19.6614 2.7271 163.1327 143.802 1.2339 1.6991 2.0062 39.0857 122.834 1.6584 156.2116 182.5529 187.9898 163.6983 42.103 9.1335 6.1834 180.4821 128.6682 8.5163 13.9427 1536 AI145889 Striatum enriched phosphatase 1.3801 2.2898 0.8459 1.2854 0.7641 65.8525 62.976 1.8307 2.3749 3.4397 1.6136 1.7251 1.8604 3.1095 0.8207 1.9876 1.8166 0.7815 0.6697 2.0942 1.942 1.5476 0.7553 1.0926 75.7188 2.2916 1.886 5.0056 55.2759 4.302 147.7783 206.9933 1.352 2.7461 3.962 154.4751 73.0786 1.7752 1.0489 3.4317 147.5405 3.8296 0.8336 15.7898 109.431 309.3542 133.9872 100.7066 7.8439 1537 AI070783 "Rattus norvegicus Rabin3 mRNA, complete cds" 1.1611 1.008 0.8459 0.9839 0.8258 1.2081 1.541 0.7652 0.942 1.4466 0.9662 1.9095 1.2124 1.493 0.8853 1.0762 1.0346 1.6355 0.7006 1.0719 1.1814 0.409 0.7553 0.8036 143.7606 1.2188 0.6548 308.3293 9.0005 1.1399 8.9569 1.1214 27.4591 272.1782 1.0289 1.2303 230.1897 8.7325 300.1829 12.3534 1.3459 1.5836 1.0857 1.6126 10.0427 1.9143 1.4001 2.1715 84.9237 1538 AI070581 "Rattus norvegicus mRNA for SH3P8, complete cds" 1.0507 1.0331 1.0529 1.1464 1.1403 1.2547 1.157 0.9584 1.0056 1.0976 1.0668 0.8955 0.9931 0.9942 1.018 1.1314 1.0924 1.2934 0.9559 1.3516 1.0977 1.0288 1.2726 0.9399 166.3756 1.5369 1.1453 3.0031 1.5637 1.8258 4.4442 1.6411 2.0155 348.4917 1.3937 1.4188 7.4553 2.5972 6.8951 1.1891 1.0783 1.0317 2.4361 1.0946 620.1351 1.1591 1.2109 1.6099 1.5495 1539 AI070587 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for carboxylesterase precur 1.761 2.029 2.4567 1.1104 1.2796 5.0361 4.608 4.392 4.1332 0.8398 1.8505 2.7844 2.1539 7.3935 9.2896 17.284 16.4921 22.6075 0.7321 0.9872 0.7289 0.5847 1.2325 0.7942 256.3444 0.91 0.6906 1.9332 1.4331 5.1858 8.111 6.4899 2.5121 3.3404 3.4616 4.0798 7.2137 3.1633 7.8367 9.9882 20.888 36.9083 22.7911 1.4305 2.0299 1.3598 0.928 1.0902 1.2751 1540 AI070588 "Rat farnesyltransferase alpha subunit mRNA, comple" 1.0664 0.997 1.0173 1.1107 1.3436 1.4973 1.2385 0.9073 1.0622 1.2875 1.1655 0.9562 0.9541 1.2868 1.0932 1.0496 1.0064 1.2585 0.967 1.0546 1.0688 0.9742 1.5256 1.0928 115.2836 1.6289 1.1682 3.0991 1.5225 2.9242 26.4479 1.5223 2.4816 19.5284 1.5505 1.8108 5.5533 2.3594 5.0494 1.2055 1.2532 1.2113 2.3951 0.9419 230.3877 1.5213 1.3062 1.791 1.3006 1541 AI071095 Rat vgr mRNA 0.983 1.1138 1.0814 1.0355 0.9969 3.1752 5.4626 1.0247 1.0852 1.3245 1.4623 1.6084 4.0504 1.4511 1.0794 1.3165 1.0939 1.0069 0.6976 0.9116 1.2352 0.9944 1.1496 0.9643 1.6356 1.0035 1.0138 1.6447 0.9967 1.4242 1.8198 1.0666 1.1414 1.4397 1.1841 1.0472 1.0617 1.1937 1.6336 1.4667 0.9524 1.0528 0.7375 0.8564 1.3354 1.11 1.0119 1.0566 1.1547 1542 AI070884 Rattus norvegicus kidney-specific androgen-regulat 1.3641 1.3708 1.4972 89.2481 2.8105 53.9094 0.7314 3.2877 73.599 102.7789 1.5608 1.2211 13.3575 1.05 1.2795 1.4207 1.9423 75.3218 1.1077 2.5789 1.1903 2.1988 0.7553 2.1007 105.0695 225.5862 0.4179 141.189 19.2231 0.4575 180.4058 161.4386 164.7632 198.3031 2.3756 160.1879 147.4278 192.3496 139.7237 173.6865 141.6522 139.5387 0.7795 4.7776 279.464 4.7971 7.982 130.7845 2.7312 1543 AI071126 "Rat mRNA for cardiotrophin-1, complete cds" 1.093 1.4042 1.2119 1.4393 1.2587 2.0096 4.8597 1.6095 1.6589 0.96 1.3094 1.7309 2.1751 1.2944 1.2988 2.3281 1.3827 1.3404 0.8824 1.4588 1.0358 1.0416 1.9441 1.1053 154.5011 1.4002 0.6242 206.0444 1.6785 3.0095 230.5221 1.374 3.6938 6.1704 1.3008 1.4156 284.1487 1.8044 5.2423 3.8071 1.7645 1.8834 1.1753 1.3047 3.0533 2.3443 1.505 1.9516 14.5509 1544 AI071141 Rattus norvegicus insulin receptor substrate-3 (IR 1.3729 1.9513 1.6415 1.7657 1.6059 3.9131 1.5246 2.4925 3.7197 2.6819 1.2334 1.2535 1.3693 0.8132 0.9885 0.8983 0.7109 58.3216 0.2028 1.9377 0.737 1.0016 3.3254 0.9392 99.5512 2.0957 0.8234 162.6322 3.7823 0.7244 202.6683 4.0838 4.5387 3.3761 1.5542 4.1446 167.2701 1.9823 150.283 12.3593 2.3756 3.8386 0.8336 1.7979 132.6978 4.386 3.0566 146.3062 2.2865 1545 AI070914 Rattus norvegicus myelin/oligodendrocyte glycoprot 1.2951 1.2488 1.1878 0.9985 1.0549 1.4664 1.2636 1.2851 1.2749 0.8398 1.2396 1.196 3.149 0.9046 1.108 0.9517 0.8964 0.8764 0.8694 1.0103 0.9563 0.9566 0.9512 0.9136 1.2637 0.974 0.7198 1.2408 0.9422 1.2152 1.2776 1.1612 0.8988 1.1696 1.1289 1.1549 1.5827 1.2053 1.3539 0.9329 0.7764 1.0529 0.7758 1.098 1.2214 0.9896 0.9055 0.9088 0.9672 1546 AI070924 "Rat mRNA for diacylglycerol kinase, complete cds" 1.2811 1.1677 0.8107 0.9448 1.0403 0.8645 0.7932 1.1683 1.185 1.1668 1.088 1.0053 1.0687 0.8859 1.0218 0.7082 0.7405 1.2966 0.795 1.113 0.9201 0.962 1.3678 0.8256 162.7932 0.9915 0.8234 1.4825 1.2102 0.5264 2.179 0.7848 0.8245 8.5416 0.6929 0.7369 2.7196 1.4567 3.5227 0.7986 0.6233 0.7177 1.4712 0.8325 9.7693 1.007 0.9582 1.1503 1.0542 1547 AI070931 Rat bone morphogenetic protein 2 related mRNA sequ 0.8028 0.7563 0.6812 0.6887 0.7055 0.5596 0.6088 0.6101 0.7336 0.6229 0.6503 0.7048 1.2322 0.688 0.7263 0.736 0.7793 1.2409 0.673 0.6891 1.0851 0.9563 1.7834 0.7664 125.5098 0.7657 0.5868 2.4724 1.3425 0.7073 2.7606 0.5351 1.6655 8.2838 0.4929 0.5264 209.3512 1.6555 4.5956 1.8126 0.7483 0.7795 0.6203 0.9198 2.1137 1.1309 1.039 1.5299 2.868 1548 AI072219 "Rattus norvegicus tryptase 2 mRNA, complete cds" 3.1572 1.5094 1.1742 21.5514 1.9044 71.4018 0.7314 61.2826 4.9488 100.6131 2.0311 1.1696 11.0475 1.8497 1.456 1.7291 1.2652 13.1139 0.9902 1.9119 1.2271 2.0975 4.4363 1.3591 84.4579 190.5161 0.516 135.6239 3.4472 134.4596 211.2362 118.7879 153.6169 157.369 73.016 140.3977 85.2158 187.7633 106.0432 148.7808 133.9668 136.8009 0.8336 5.0586 121.9296 2671.553 174.1964 143.4869 160.4515 1549 AI072220 "Rattus norvegicus A2b-adenosine receptor mRNA, com" 1.0597 1.9604 0.9085 1.9333 1.2872 62.5832 72.3308 0.9354 1.609 3.2368 2.7531 10.1219 16.4386 1.2802 0.8141 1.2874 1.0651 1.1655 0.7294 0.5317 1.0371 1.0147 2.2446 1.1207 89.0061 3.5287 0.8234 148.7449 36.8734 1.5194 118.2217 121.5895 1.3015 2.8036 2.5433 145.0355 101.88 2.0323 160.5379 146.4025 38.3033 199.2717 0.8336 215.6425 14.0333 175.3567 189.4665 161.9964 153.7371 1550 AI072225 Rattus norvegicus enhancer-of-split and hairy-rela 0.9001 0.839 0.8459 0.9839 0.8258 0.7479 0.7314 0.8183 0.848 0.8398 0.8024 0.7639 2.475 0.8132 0.8325 0.8126 0.9228 0.7464 0.8919 0.9116 0.9234 0.877 0.7553 0.8036 2.1377 1.214 1.6343 1.2197 4.4651 1.6709 350.6014 1.789 1.01 1.6912 1.4061 1.7788 218.4197 1.0902 1.5997 1.2637 1.7912 1.1303 68.9781 1.4712 1.9315 3.6512 1.6079 1.7623 1.3425 1551 AI072234 "Rattus norvegicus protein kinase MUK2 mRNA, comple" 0.972 0.9962 1.2254 1.4856 1.5029 3.127 2.6319 1.6545 1.8279 0.8613 1.778 1.4469 3.9768 1.4904 0.8612 1.4452 1.3372 1.4631 0.6508 1.6553 0.9045 1.1492 1.3622 1.375 5.0205 1.4406 1.589 5.3931 39.4361 1.347 181.7596 2.2598 1.1081 1.2696 1.4297 2.1344 185.6459 1.4434 278.7776 27.5667 4.1293 9.51 59.3003 3.9429 2.0018 2.8551 3.5566 2.287 4.4509 1552 AI070618 "Rat ras-related protein mRNA, clone NTRAB2R" 0.9421 1.0342 1.0596 1.0552 1.0279 1.1139 1.1319 0.876 0.954 1.1513 1.1626 1.0966 1.0579 1.1972 0.9235 1.3907 1.4385 1.3157 0.9398 1.5143 1.2424 1.1227 1.1419 1.2253 0.9668 0.6986 1.6645 1.0747 1.7092 1.1212 1.5698 1.2388 0.8576 1.0887 1.136 1.0654 1.1956 0.9302 1.0127 1.0039 1.1117 1.273 6.9864 1.0607 1.2582 2.1445 1.1984 1.2281 1.0727 1553 AI070849 Rattus norvegicus nuclear pore complex protein NUP 1.0013 1.5186 1.1671 0.9948 0.531 98.2747 110.0918 1.3206 1.4628 4.4812 1.5644 1.9651 1.2192 0.8132 0.8065 2.173 1.2581 1.5616 0.8239 2.5027 0.843 1.1974 1.7046 1.0711 3.8287 1.726 0.6476 3.9911 2.793 0.7244 22.0524 2.9594 1.0572 2.4707 1.4626 13.066 139.1403 1.267 186.7352 228.8993 5.3284 208.1391 5.1258 2.42 2.4219 13.1316 5.4026 2.4046 2.8622 1554 AI070640 "Rat mRNA for cytosolic sialidase, complete cds" 1.0641 1.1646 1.2902 1.2046 1.1623 2.8623 1.7789 1.1828 1.1259 1.5432 1.2303 1.0389 1.1399 1.8466 0.9264 1.224 1.2508 1.1498 1.1814 1.1475 0.996 1.0744 1.2889 0.9553 1.4172 1.2753 1.7792 1.1933 1.8277 1.4962 275.1468 1.929 1.0079 1.1585 1.3247 1.7292 5.1859 1.0997 1.4361 1.1175 1.6473 1.3275 7.8095 1.6114 1.2483 1.3272 1.3617 1.3548 1.1612 1555 AI070852 ESTs 0.9279 2.0898 1.0887 1.187 1.1607 79.3308 86.4354 1.7686 1.6888 2.6289 1.6149 3.1244 1.9689 1.246 0.9319 1.2601 1.0188 1.9732 0.7183 0.2903 1.7095 0.942 0.9827 1.3554 112.3386 1.8051 0.7046 28.5131 3.4574 0.7244 215.5105 204.9792 0.9048 1.293 1.3584 167.6558 138.8067 1.165 254.4083 206.6156 5.7552 204.5822 5.2898 4.0138 2.2869 65.5692 18.7526 2.191 13.6377 1556 AI070857 R.norvegicus mRNA for membrane-type matrix metallo 0.7264 0.8415 0.735 0.7798 0.887 0.599 0.6213 0.5813 0.5718 0.6966 0.6568 0.8022 0.8541 0.5074 0.3741 0.72 0.768 0.5005 0.882 1.054 0.8766 0.7704 0.8765 1.0359 0.9107 0.7155 1.0108 0.743 1.0206 0.5389 0.7681 0.6165 0.4936 0.6233 0.7227 0.5456 0.707 0.6276 0.7974 0.4813 0.7148 0.3584 0.7659 1.0588 0.7846 0.915 1.0292 1.1086 1.0486 1557 AI385327 "Rattus norvegicus galanin receptor type 2 mRNA, co" 1.1489 4.2134 1.6917 0.8751 1.0035 68.8901 62.3015 4.077 7.4118 7.7979 6.2679 1.8616 4.5095 2.46 0.7954 1.4873 1.258 1.1255 0.7647 0.7593 0.8456 1.0931 2.4717 1.2453 62.9757 3.3581 1.5616 75.1277 32.3794 1.0922 115.0697 130.5355 1.1626 1.472 1.7812 180.1328 79.5913 1.4769 113.2694 128.5765 126.0437 117.3309 0.8336 191.4938 95.743 137.9604 107.0369 114.2105 141.8295 1558 AI070691 Rat mRNA for protein tyrosine phosphatase epsilon 0.9696 4.5157 0.8459 1.3617 1.3372 58.9251 68.5934 4.5977 9.369 4.8676 1.3327 2.5427 0.9305 3.1374 1.047 3.618 2.169 1.2029 0.6813 2.3504 1.7808 1.8973 3.8785 1.1523 64.3616 3.671 3.7531 73.9918 1.1075 7.6626 122.8347 120.3778 2.5976 10.6596 34.3394 126.4398 72.9775 4.3656 110.1929 8.3212 125.0899 25.4737 0.8336 154.352 91.8912 25.799 123.7163 96.558 7.2468 1559 AI070721 "Rattus norvegicus RET ligand 1 (RETL1) mRNA, compl" 1.4703 2.7964 2.2135 1.2431 1.1668 4.1958 46.8437 1.3426 1.5564 3.2155 1.0903 5.2032 10.61 1.2465 0.8892 2.5525 2.0642 1.8476 1.0038 1.0349 2.3749 2.1697 0.7553 1.8628 89.1107 2.4234 2.0913 128.1945 35.3972 2.5591 112.6728 110.3847 1.7024 1.5497 1.1172 14.2555 94.9686 1.1447 191.7716 161.0867 235.0223 193.159 0.8336 229.7099 5.8314 15.138 169.5821 29.145 139.3153 1560 AI071179 "Rat mRNA for cyclinG-associated kinase, complete c" 1.0536 1.0427 1.13 0.9851 0.9929 1.0579 1.0183 0.8294 0.8692 1.5135 1.1291 1.0112 2.0187 0.923 0.7436 1.1964 1.1741 1.1184 0.9016 1.3274 0.8802 0.9966 1.0447 1.1989 1.2307 1.198 1.3227 1.2039 57.1516 1.1962 228.6081 1.1834 0.819 1.3835 1.0925 1.0463 13.777 0.8834 1.227 1.1376 1.1355 1.1532 86.9839 1.152 1.5152 2.1433 1.2838 1.5133 1.2093 1561 AI071218 "Rattus norvegicus Fanconi anemia group C mRNA, com" 1.3783 1.643 1.5909 1.9926 1.055 9.234 78.5331 1.5923 2.2725 0.6864 1.3194 1.8169 2.0825 1.2655 1.1968 2.3003 1.1858 2.2139 0.5506 0.9779 1.1084 1.0291 61.9399 1.3047 85.3369 3.9477 0.8234 130.6968 3.6497 8.7006 181.707 174.8937 180.425 208.1375 2.9855 10.3784 144.8813 184.2263 132.5866 227.8786 263.4433 244.5218 2.0204 269.3281 175.7993 189.4463 217.8987 155.0061 148.5361 1562 AI071912 "Rattus norvegicus Myx mRNA, complete cds" 1.6701 1.2303 1.378 456.8873 1.9425 77.2075 81.1998 2.1181 96.7695 121.1074 1.6416 1.2352 1.4025 1.3199 1.4749 1.0893 1.0305 3.2756 1.4867 3.0389 1.9856 1.0737 57.7024 1.4559 91.4838 179.9177 2.424 125.3427 9.0629 161.4392 187.0408 110.4011 142.5829 175.7565 23.2401 232.8372 98.108 189.3403 135.4564 144.0636 138.6668 118.9018 0.8336 2.7774 125.6352 20.5648 138.2018 134.2239 174.3748 1563 AI070938 R.norvegicus P2X mRNA 1.2641 1.1608 1.9001 2.0333 1.4377 4.9284 119.026 1.4582 3.3569 1.0506 1.8237 1.6455 5.7464 1.7039 1.079 1.658 1.1503 3.331 0.6097 0.9366 1.3291 1.2782 74.3637 1.3439 131.8939 8.7448 0.8234 177.5049 2.139 22.4107 225.1905 200.276 20.5835 254.1531 2.5133 17.8597 183.6783 295.1239 203.7899 274.5483 253.621 229.6233 1.9876 7.6527 211.5099 298.7957 268.563 231.802 339.909 1564 AI070967 "Rat mRNA for leucine-rich acidic nuclear protein, " 1.7143 1.7339 1.7198 1.8561 1.5614 1.4819 1.4677 1.2986 1.6632 1.8333 1.1834 1.0586 1.0851 1.2601 1.2471 1.2911 1.3349 1.7984 1.1084 1.4275 1.522 1.3412 1.6171 1.185 11.5679 1.9918 1.3239 4.0048 1.8389 3.7245 3.9388 2.1951 1.8838 10.1287 1.6828 2.2928 6.1206 1.9507 4.7951 1.6359 2.3287 2.0317 4.4346 1.2465 224.4243 1.5885 1.9024 2.277 1.5283 1565 AI070974 "Rat glycam 1 mRNA, complete cds" 1.5069 2.6076 1.083 4.0903 2.3694 83.3441 65.4973 4.1958 3.489 4.1336 4.0457 3.4038 11.392 3.1717 1.1616 3.0889 1.1927 4.1352 0.7528 0.9116 1.1713 1.9214 4.0098 1.1218 94.6324 186.5347 2.1798 144.1133 40.1908 200.2428 198.1871 132.8002 35.9885 169.4189 3.2394 203.0429 118.9015 153.7583 152.5557 183.0705 147.9346 132.828 1.665 6.7708 152.4792 159.166 167.145 41.7075 153.6874 1566 AI071000 Rattus norvegicus Nclone10 mRNA 1.0008 1.1156 1.059 1.063 1.2368 1.1528 1.0811 0.9067 1.5484 2.3108 1.2509 0.8461 1.1095 0.8016 0.8449 0.9547 0.8812 93.4578 1.2708 1.4797 1.1777 1.0181 6.9952 1.0588 11.0506 1.4778 0.5092 29.085 1.9877 0.4834 4.2818 1.4089 1.9541 1.2809 0.9002 2.0932 30.7001 2.6528 17.0515 4.8314 1.8586 1.7407 25.0919 1.4855 169.3969 2.7465 1.3092 3.0438 1.9233 1567 AI070994 "Rattus norvegicus transcription factor Maf2 mRNA, " 1.1444 1.3719 1.26 1.9522 1.0385 2.7028 2.9601 1.2641 1.3077 0.9199 1.3889 1.9486 4.1102 2.1198 1.1631 1.5204 1.0224 1.5164 0.7545 6.3779 1.1352 1.0921 1.5589 1.4335 18.9384 2.3456 0.5408 210.9906 2.1373 4.9086 245.4214 1.5196 1.713 3.1857 1.2092 1.9408 197.9932 2.0056 2.4889 5.3396 3.574 22.5274 0.9932 1.5648 2.9976 2.0882 3.0967 2.1211 1.851 1568 AI071399 "Rattus norvegicus rsly1p mRNA, complete cds" 1.0338 0.9762 0.9916 0.8656 1.4246 1.7126 1.5115 1.0625 1.1834 1.3276 1.2889 1.2894 1.2078 1.3755 1.678 1.4549 1.4909 1.6599 1.1735 1.3018 1.3777 1.3853 0.7553 1.1914 161.2517 1.2367 0.8234 3.6647 1.493 0.7244 2.7445 1.4463 1.8505 4.7075 1.6156 1.7614 4.6563 1.7843 7.3629 1.6371 1.703 1.632 2.4662 1.2721 289.0601 1.7262 1.2714 1.7466 1.3407 1569 AI071411 Rat Band 3 mRNA encoding kidney band 3 Cl-/HW-3- a 0.9846 0.8885 0.6897 0.8976 0.9572 1.1609 1.1068 1.1865 1.4011 1.075 0.9214 1.7467 3.2825 1.1932 0.7641 0.6539 0.7832 1.5871 0.5553 1.0984 0.5857 0.6021 2.8539 0.7535 143.0584 1.175 0.3838 200.9389 1.2051 1.9006 234.9309 1.094 2.0556 2.8647 0.9982 1.0994 202.8881 1.5794 6.0431 5.0401 0.7459 2.8436 0.6187 1.315 3.399 1.5018 1.3212 2.0721 5.5654 1570 AI071262 Rat mRNA for trans-Golgi network integral membrane 1.2145 1.3042 1.1734 0.949 1.0763 1.7432 2.0823 1.387 1.3929 1.2966 1.3579 1.0986 1.1021 1.045 1.1042 1.069 1.1224 1.0629 1.1428 1.2545 1.7219 1.493 0.9859 1.1388 1.6544 0.987 0.8234 1.3043 0.9163 1.2396 2.2212 2.0473 1.304 2.1888 1.8845 1.5796 1.5214 1.4374 1.8177 0.9367 1.3013 1.265 1.2934 1.0245 1.6789 1.275 1.2607 1.2807 1.2033 1571 AI071478 EST 1.2047 1.4076 1.1522 1.4013 1.3093 6.4502 161.5829 1.446 3.4897 1.3476 1.7317 2.202 4.0175 1.2164 1.2832 1.6434 1.3307 4.9586 0.6381 1.0901 1.3069 1.2979 66.189 1.2496 87.9806 2.2821 0.5456 165.4982 59.1599 3.1018 223.4812 10.3956 199.7201 218.4418 2.1826 10.2862 114.9795 190.4044 179.132 225.3454 337.9697 436.15 1.7935 74.9084 173.9673 264.336 4.247 191.474 148.7932 1572 AI071494 "Rattus norvegicus neuropilin mRNA, complete cds" 1.5871 1.026 0.8492 1.5219 1.6008 2.6207 2.5964 1.0226 1.1061 2.1592 1.1681 1.0479 1.1783 1.2563 0.8339 1.0461 0.8334 4.242 1.1118 2.4926 1.0932 1.0079 4.7812 1.0311 105.4843 1.8748 0.6725 185.8824 2.189 73.9381 272.8156 4.74 284.0109 248.8796 2.8877 4.9416 129.5876 4.6249 126.5777 2.2204 2.1066 1.3899 63.815 1.2062 153.106 10.6187 2.5812 180.726 3.551 1573 AI071498 "Rat mas oncogene, complete cds" 1.1015 3.0545 1.1422 1.1283 1.0505 66.9018 49.2984 5.8163 8.7951 4.0612 8.2203 1.4819 2.2061 2.1509 0.9498 1.8417 1.3841 1.5095 0.7643 7.0561 0.905 1.2419 2.1204 1.9882 85.2055 2.4601 0.8234 76.3863 34.3317 3.0749 112.5387 109.2368 1.5349 2.4475 2.6187 144.7381 92.6656 1.9382 106.4391 132.2011 142.8414 133.647 0.8336 181.6888 86.7219 224.2151 110.9085 95.1108 109.0904 1574 AI071725 Rattus norvegicus tyrosine phosphatase-like protei 0.9001 0.839 0.8459 0.9839 0.8258 0.7479 0.1905 0.8183 0.848 0.8398 0.8024 0.7639 1.9304 0.8132 0.8325 0.8126 0.9228 0.5395 0.8919 0.9116 0.9234 0.877 0.7553 0.8036 2.4135 1.8144 1.9648 3.7686 0.9455 1.5956 218.1957 136.2281 1.3348 1.8996 1.8117 153.346 108.3531 0.9644 3.1578 1.7103 4.4028 1.6834 58.1816 2.0562 3.6897 8.179 13.1458 3.7453 1.3722 1575 AI071431 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for RNA binding protein (tr 0.9945 1.1663 1.4354 1.3613 1.0463 2.8354 1.8595 1.1955 1.1986 1.1872 1.4304 1.3258 2.1845 0.9412 0.7398 0.86 1.0773 0.9807 1.117 1.5753 0.9896 0.9917 1.2017 1.211 1.8711 2.3721 1.8436 101.3583 2.0639 2.4106 124.0072 3.7263 1.2083 1.3339 1.2589 2.1875 109.8888 0.8432 157.6101 215.2873 3.8753 153.8247 0.8336 231.4934 2.817 2.177 2.5164 3.9409 2.9674 1576 AI072009 "Rattus norvegicus OTX1 mRNA, complete cds" 1.31 0.839 0.8459 2.4257 1.1145 56.7149 0.7314 63.1931 6.5356 104.9475 2.4813 0.9327 1.7933 1.6758 0.6672 3.7609 2.1771 1.4469 0.8919 9.9193 0.9234 5.7456 2.7774 1.5347 2.8666 0.7319 232.6953 60.9875 14.125 123.94 164.8718 90.6144 2.7958 141.6529 6.1576 128.6074 70.8518 8.6371 78.7194 127.897 114.4539 94.2727 0.8336 138.04 81.1772 185.3137 93.0274 109.338 117.7681 1577 AI072268 "Rat ARSB mRNA for arylsulfatase B, partial cds" 0.7958 0.9133 0.7814 0.7365 0.6716 2.9573 3.53 1.215 1.4038 1.035 0.915 1.4974 1.0881 0.9936 0.7973 1.4064 1.2448 0.8422 0.9703 1.2655 0.9961 0.8395 0.8716 0.9381 1.4437 1.2339 0.6475 1.5815 2.1983 0.7244 2.337 2.3614 1.6993 2.1108 2.364 2.4161 3.0638 0.916 1.9302 4.8679 1.2951 1.3452 1.3479 1.4766 1.117 1.9804 1.274 1.1088 1.6322 1578 AI072276 "Rattus norvegicus ras-related protein (rad) mRNA, " 1.1185 6.2032 0.3269 1.4525 1.2656 81.0228 71.4612 4.5105 1.6373 3.8038 1.1287 0.8324 0.8592 2.7372 0.8208 1.7584 1.639 1.7386 1.0738 2.0248 1.2954 3.2565 1.7741 1.3547 6.5146 2.1623 2.4765 64.656 1.3323 5.308 121.0757 132.7606 1.4963 1.9978 1.1951 20.466 85.8075 1.525 6.1568 3.1258 6.0101 2.2508 0.8336 3.5511 2.1774 2.7755 127.0951 3.2373 2.2095 1579 AI072060 "Rat Na+,K+-ATPase alpha isoform catalytic subunit " 1.2851 1.4154 1.0932 0.9182 0.8817 0.7354 0.7583 0.9458 0.9043 0.924 1.0189 0.9649 0.8918 0.8701 0.8672 0.8204 0.9073 0.791 1.2352 0.7648 1.087 0.956 1.0057 1.1014 0.8817 0.8734 0.757 0.911 1.1143 0.7244 0.5515 0.5725 0.4161 0.5782 0.6091 0.5244 0.7284 0.7614 0.7424 0.8824 0.7839 0.7386 0.7993 1.1036 0.9842 1.0207 0.8958 0.9592 0.9382 1580 AI072073 "Rat vasopressin mRNA, complete cds" 0.9916 2.1749 0.8459 1.9572 1.8487 58.7106 60.2441 2.6781 8.2677 3.3015 1.0583 0.8771 1.5032 2.3285 0.8325 1.4643 1.9504 1.5869 0.697 2.6371 1.4321 2.0249 0.7553 0.8891 72.4663 4.1888 2.2466 69.2383 0.7737 74.1818 163.5673 112.0026 1.1061 3.6835 2.3214 98.0043 97.0097 1.8239 106.3479 7.1042 3.5666 3.9369 0.8336 180.8687 5.2153 2.7671 111.334 6.096 2.5064 1581 AI072089 "Rat casein kinase II alpha subunit (CK2) mRNA, com" 1.0639 1.2468 0.932 1.0223 0.9472 1.303 1.4275 1.238 1.281 1.4099 1.1912 1.3359 1.2624 1.1292 0.9358 1.2072 1.3404 1.1228 1.0117 0.9479 1.0493 1.0658 1.0414 1.0742 1.627 0.9949 0.8234 1.1228 2.027 0.9612 2.4799 1.3264 0.8327 1.0348 1.3098 1.1794 1.5452 1.1589 1.5184 3.2929 1.4019 1.4075 1.3863 1.3411 1.2026 1.4456 1.1561 1.109 1.6658 1582 AI072098 Rattus norvegicus neuronal pentraxin precursor mRN 1.7599 93.1104 0.8459 2.3629 1.2032 71.9443 70.2434 29.978 70.938 117.5691 1.3354 1.0293 2.1536 4.1997 1.2252 44.5039 2.473 1.0941 0.596 3.3174 10.0375 194.4866 1.2928 1.6806 71.9077 5.9375 10.1889 91.6773 2.1973 6.4107 113.9326 120.2049 5.5399 9.8841 76.9726 93.3704 70.0189 1.9562 88.8979 8.776 91.7858 102.0361 0.8336 121.1792 67.2054 13.0988 99.0368 86.4728 14.2864 1583 AI072119 Rattus norvegicus natural killer cell protease 4 ( 1.2772 2.7151 1.6092 1.0721 0.9101 64.9512 48.7429 1.1581 1.9362 2.7729 1.1378 2.0185 0.8575 0.8858 0.8275 2.1526 1.5081 1.523 0.804 2.1611 1.4055 1.0416 1.1777 1.1787 66.7273 4.6427 9.6641 97.6398 0.7737 2.5076 101.7649 106.7603 2.4041 1.5214 1.8277 102.0241 71.0241 1.2888 105.5781 110.482 9.9503 94.6611 0.8336 140.8156 5.6429 131.1503 112.4836 87.8486 102.826 1584 AI072338 Rat mitochondrial succinyl-CoA synthetase alpha su 0.7938 0.9203 0.8834 0.8346 0.8689 1.4709 1.5193 0.9617 1.047 0.8851 0.8703 0.9007 1.1057 2.7432 0.6458 0.9694 1.0853 0.9104 0.8802 0.939 0.9724 0.907 0.7981 1.0411 0.7929 0.7033 0.7957 0.6965 0.8373 1.5322 1.5982 1.5046 1.2063 1.5051 1.4785 1.1827 0.8878 0.6961 0.7828 0.6335 0.7168 0.8321 1.358 0.6614 0.8975 0.7249 0.8716 0.9026 0.831 1585 AI072330 Rat mRNA for lactate dehydrogenase 0.3994 0.3494 0.3985 0.438 0.4641 0.839 0.8408 0.688 0.6872 0.7898 0.8527 0.9302 0.7824 0.5276 0.517 0.4743 0.4907 0.5029 0.9791 0.9844 1.0309 1.0444 0.716 0.7902 0.4368 0.3965 0.8234 0.413 0.4598 1.0494 1.0685 1.2301 0.7488 0.9631 1.0621 0.79 0.7648 0.9087 0.879 0.5398 0.4643 0.4978 0.4378 0.8184 1.01 0.7776 0.6918 0.6955 0.7231 1586 AI072345 Rattus norvegicus rabphilin-3a related protein mRN 1.1683 1.2982 1.9954 1.9109 1.8158 2.2944 1.4184 1.8159 2.0694 2.9598 1.4906 1.4032 1.4169 1.8912 1.181 1.4777 1.2243 1.5642 1.3008 1.6332 1.6093 1.4591 5.3481 1.2394 164.1863 1.7215 1.2151 16.8876 0.9413 3.976 4.1057 1.9565 1.7267 4.0195 1.3284 1.8801 10.0158 2.2357 7.8169 1.2182 1.6242 1.4327 108.3677 1.007 225.7574 1.636 1.6198 2.3849 1.888 1587 AI071807 Rat rab geranylgeranyl transferase alpha-subunit m 0.9741 0.9747 0.9718 1.2495 1.2492 1.5036 1.4076 1.369 1.7094 0.8925 1.1115 1.4571 1.6554 1.2486 1.1559 1.0704 0.9983 3.1132 0.6784 0.9797 0.9249 0.9266 3.5745 1.0461 139.7227 0.9621 0.8234 11.6176 1.9535 2.2142 293.2642 1.8768 2.0962 27.3067 1.3098 1.7213 306.9481 7.7155 317.2456 55.257 1.9043 2.6012 1.0784 1.9788 6.369 5.1415 1.4239 2.6133 4.4942 1588 AI071860 Rattus norvegicus regulator of G-protein signallin 1.6757 1.3174 0.3373 80.2977 1.4603 87.9986 70.3076 4.5553 3.012 134.5884 1.6264 1.0842 2.2017 2.2669 1.2563 1.5767 1.5491 2.7707 1.4734 2.0085 1.7215 1.2345 53.2776 1.3493 80.7429 197.6671 1.1217 125.397 27.6851 148.3903 175.333 96.1131 149.7361 165.4682 74.9573 150.2193 104.3475 154.3032 125.4812 189.3666 119.6095 136.6844 0.8336 2.8485 127.599 211.6158 133.8879 132.4519 13.6708 1589 AI071864 Rattus norvegicus vascular protein tyrosine phosph 1.0492 1.305 0.9244 1.0352 1.1756 1.2783 2.6491 1.3518 1.3769 1.4807 1.4584 1.8596 1.9536 1.4897 1.7883 1.3731 1.3882 1.1003 0.7333 0.2848 1.3524 0.845 1.3119 1.106 2.0281 1.2285 0.9305 1.8815 1.645 1.0108 1.4382 0.8486 1.1754 1.6449 1.0144 0.9036 1.907 1.7391 1.7528 2.1933 1.142 1.2348 0.9906 1.0315 1.3385 1.4195 1.1523 1.32 1.9869 1590 AI071865 "Rattus norvegicus chloride channel (ClC-2) gene, a" 1.407 1.495 1.4613 1.3479 1.3912 1.105 0.8251 1.3164 2.2749 2.68 1.1034 1.0774 1.2929 1.1064 1.1675 1.0447 1.02 43.2727 1.2369 1.9427 0.8653 1.0988 1.9658 1.1421 122.0291 2.5224 0.3308 265.6058 3.7514 0.5061 3.1551 0.9306 1.7286 2.9934 0.7419 1.2902 3.5929 1.873 11.3042 2.056 1.2957 1.1768 107.3515 1.3997 169.5896 1.9452 1.1327 2.3487 1.47 1591 AI071874 R.norvegicus heparin-binding growth associated mol 1.077 1.0313 0.9811 2.5451 1.3508 1.8851 7.6952 0.8649 1.068 0.6458 1.2564 3.7161 5.2608 0.8132 0.985 2.02 1.1157 1.6128 0.6189 2.6103 1.1254 1.0747 3.5425 1.3168 126.4768 2.5174 0.6444 208.9266 8.136 22.7803 2.5887 1.6503 3.5206 7.1449 1.3804 2.0644 167.8926 3.5943 0.8247 263.486 2.2782 6.7848 1.2475 1.8118 19.6136 4.9311 3.7213 5.5025 205.4025 1592 AI072519 "Rattus norvegicus centaurin alpha mRNA, complete c" 2.333 3.583 0.8459 79.3321 1.6293 54.8487 0.7314 60.6712 69.18 88.2816 1.84 0.7513 4.2104 0.8132 0.9166 35.286 2.9221 77.0309 1.8214 51.203 4.1231 1.9931 4.1822 2.634 80.3688 182.5895 0.8234 92.2425 3.1103 0.7244 247.2214 100.11 161.2834 171.6321 3.3162 132.9094 116.8412 172.2784 109.1984 138.5446 135.8445 122.2554 0.8336 191.1158 112.3202 226.236 129.9089 124.3925 4.6038 1593 AI072537 R.norvegicus N-myc gene 1.1706 1.046 0.9066 1.0397 1.6884 1.8141 2.1453 0.8453 1.0775 0.7239 1.1339 1.8178 4.3878 1.094 0.8728 0.9971 1.12 1.5057 0.5331 0.9676 0.9814 0.9878 8.1681 1.1002 87.4404 1.3467 0.5649 185.4599 1.2835 2.6751 229.8932 2.6754 11.785 18.2676 1.4079 2.2784 157.5933 241.0201 182.4925 221.9953 4.1709 66.8116 1.0524 1.9719 185.8145 2.9855 1.8888 4.8583 173.3924 1594 AI072547 "Rat mRNA for tyrosine phosphatase CBPTP, complete " 1.0652 1.1193 0.9826 1.265 1.3548 2.3367 2.1818 1.6547 1.6022 1.3267 1.0821 0.9425 2.2989 0.9937 0.9645 1.2713 1.1929 1.2408 0.9816 1.7905 0.7954 0.9591 1.2986 1.0525 165.5688 1.3971 0.8234 214.5628 0.7607 1.0618 300.697 8.0404 1.8486 5.3602 1.9221 3.6073 4.8797 1.7724 4.0594 1.6107 2.6022 2.5099 114.7329 1.2668 9.2677 2.7222 2.3877 2.7837 1.5355 1595 AI072567 "Rattus norvegicus RN protein mRNA, complete cds" 1.3839 1.2479 1.6793 2.8096 1.2472 78.4973 0.7314 1.7547 85.2894 3.3079 2.5548 34.7133 1.8835 1.2102 1.1299 2.1762 1.331 84.1947 0.6999 0.7782 1.3142 1.3636 65.6129 2.0072 73.4867 68.7933 0.9777 113.696 65.2994 260.2102 176.9151 156.7081 194.2136 202.256 2.1865 213.3112 126.6263 158.1268 148.3712 163.2702 155.5617 162.0036 4.1604 284.665 135.9226 193.4587 202.996 144.0859 146.7634 1596 AI072664 EST 1.2786 1.2404 0.6436 1.7218 1.3256 10.0209 2.6502 1.8832 1.8227 3.3724 1.2735 0.9625 1.6639 2.0526 0.9489 1.4258 1.4234 2.6825 1.4897 1.1859 1.342 1.2197 1.6602 0.7542 135.0127 2.5267 0.6686 182.7414 2.314 137.4524 203.7017 11.1003 218.9535 198.2659 3.7479 325.994 181.3996 4.2552 131.6576 3.8736 10.3236 2.3548 71.4998 1.2718 148.0318 314.5664 10.3551 13.3859 2.6195 1597 AI072447 "Rat mRNA for 130kDa-Ins(1,4,5)P3 binding protein, " 0.9569 1.4128 1.0069 1.1789 1.3123 71.2991 70.4919 1.3046 1.7185 1.9259 3.4164 2.0379 3.3378 1.8743 0.6039 0.963 1.0867 1.5952 1.1077 1.8209 3.4888 1.3652 1.5287 1.2565 4.9828 1.2922 1.7402 140.9633 0.7737 1.4261 212.1584 182.0011 1.0273 1.2551 1.5381 9.0628 146.813 1.8085 216.3038 212.3601 3.978 153.5836 9.8393 5.2185 5.2818 2.6807 190.4366 3.9094 4.4268 1598 AI071947 Rattus norvegicus cortactin-binding protein 1 mRNA 0.9001 0.839 0.8459 0.9839 0.8258 0.7479 0.7314 0.8183 0.848 0.8398 0.8024 0.7639 1.1372 0.8132 0.8325 0.8126 0.9228 0.7464 0.8919 0.5563 0.9234 0.877 0.7553 0.8036 1.8862 1.8091 3.3639 4.9959 45.4253 39.0908 204.7837 165.1446 1.3363 2.0928 2.1891 160.0955 138.1669 1.7572 4.4605 1.731 7.3101 2.2071 0.8336 2.9497 15.5011 10.0595 71.7144 5.4064 3.5888 1599 AI072186 Rattus norvegicus gamma-glutamyl hydrolase precurs 0.7725 0.9337 1.2613 0.8816 0.7254 1.6477 1.4784 0.8189 0.7734 1.1472 1.112 1.0152 1.3574 1.1403 0.8613 0.8703 0.9995 1.0391 0.8494 0.5918 1.0034 0.8785 1.439 1.1505 2.5658 1.3274 1.1465 3.3344 50.1204 1.6434 200.7736 1.4232 1.0342 1.5558 1.1684 2.6802 131.4107 0.8671 7.1649 8.9151 2.009 3.4119 6.5151 376.4508 1.686 0.8678 2.9061 2.2712 2.7259 1600 AI072201 "Rat GABA-A receptor delta subunit mRNA, complete c" 1.2905 1.4363 1.0931 0.9839 1.6436 65.1578 75.767 3.1795 1.9356 129.7113 1.2913 1.0345 178.9088 1.3677 0.6277 1.1114 1.9014 0.7365 0.7391 2.1867 1.1028 2.4286 1.3677 1.5056 80.7033 7.814 2.9365 74.6796 1.3395 7.4345 177.9292 109.6727 1.7248 4.2238 2.067 123.6766 90.73 10.9356 117.7568 3.1543 113.1674 6.7983 0.8336 3.807 110.9353 7.0175 116.9615 6.4054 6.9992 1601 AI072209 Rattus norvegicus pericentriolar material PCM-1 (P 1.0017 1.0606 1.0712 1.0973 1.004 1.3428 1.5123 1.0136 1.0596 1.1839 1.1038 1.4232 1.2349 1.0945 0.7173 1.1289 1.1854 0.9767 1.031 0.6833 0.9689 1.0566 1.0999 1.049 1.5523 1.3239 0.5627 1.9363 1.648 0.7244 1.7473 1.3397 0.8083 1.0573 1.1828 1.6379 2.0279 1.1451 2.4426 5.3766 1.7503 1.5705 1.508 1.5918 1.4605 2.008 1.7515 1.6513 2.0081 1602 AI072210 Rat PTP-S mRNA for protein-tyrosine phosphatase 1.0247 0.9821 1.0094 0.9418 0.9539 1.7773 1.6018 0.8553 0.8979 1.4727 0.9697 0.8232 0.9072 1.5549 0.8181 1.0842 1.2033 1.3599 0.9841 1.1553 1.129 0.9708 0.9752 1.0457 1.4868 1.14 2.2166 1.1953 1.8452 1.2267 189.3114 1.2905 0.8926 1.0726 1.1537 1.564 205.5055 0.9461 1.1725 1.3943 1.2607 0.983 53.4236 1.3468 1.2131 1.3198 1.2129 1.2735 1.2041 1603 AI111588 Rattus norvegicus leukocyte common antigen related 1.0244 1.1684 1.058 0.877 0.8997 0.4138 0.4529 0.7359 0.6898 1.2602 1.0482 1.0496 1.0653 1.0966 0.8643 1.3135 1.2469 1.303 1.1788 0.528 0.947 0.924 1.085 1.1295 1.1058 1.3295 1.0958 1.4423 1.9175 0.4017 0.5337 0.4076 0.2839 0.4061 0.4159 0.4569 0.7865 1.0754 1.181 1.8741 1.2762 1.581 1.6136 1.4661 1.1117 1.5925 1.1593 1.1419 1.206 1604 AI072609 Rattus norvegicus type 2 angiotensin II receptor ( 1.1649 0.839 0.8459 4.016 1.0972 47.0296 53.162 63.9923 54.3773 92.7451 1.7172 1.1606 9.568 2.934 0.8325 14.4654 5.2875 37.1517 0.8919 2.789 10.7583 12.5909 0.7553 1.924 73.8158 7.5393 2.3672 84.0595 48.8862 8.1673 121.833 101.239 3.1012 127.7487 56.0595 96.0162 70.7563 2.1473 108.517 52.9403 117.0638 163.1181 0.8336 151.9119 90.3049 4.2916 89.5243 97.2352 20.1705 1605 AI072634 "Rattus norvegicus cytokeratin-18 mRNA, partial cds" 0.6888 0.7559 0.759 0.6379 0.5801 1.0929 1.1301 1.0432 0.961 0.9418 0.9757 1.2202 1.1834 1.106 1.0181 0.9583 1.1048 0.8737 0.6956 0.4901 1.0973 1.0097 0.7531 0.8402 0.672 0.7575 0.687 0.7785 1.0119 0.7502 1.0414 0.9242 0.7325 0.9385 0.9496 0.9942 0.954 0.9233 1.0993 1.0374 0.9584 0.8565 0.9663 0.6559 0.9812 0.8715 1.0976 1.0903 1.1057 1606 AI072656 "Rattus norvegicus matrin 3 mRNA, complete cds" 0.8939 1.1138 1.2514 0.9618 1.0075 1.2096 1.4254 0.9688 1.0214 1.3026 1.145 1.1211 1.1983 2.0859 0.7875 1.113 1.1563 1.22 0.955 1.1883 1.0445 0.8903 1.1057 1.3456 1.1828 1.1956 1.2616 1.1937 1.3221 1.7845 4.4661 1.1212 1.0012 1.4538 1.3325 1.2487 3.5155 0.9205 1.1111 1.0441 1.1569 0.8432 82.7852 1.0475 1.098 1.2352 1.0994 1.2347 1.1344 1607 AI072657 Rat glutamate receptor subunit 2 (GLUR2) non-NMDA 1.5055 2.8674 0.8459 1.1955 1.3852 58.2781 52.882 2.6884 60.069 0.8398 3.0444 76.9955 10.1623 1.3914 0.4198 2.767 1.5077 2.1374 0.6432 0.9116 1.2992 2.5707 0.7553 0.8036 67.0211 4.7048 188.0078 71.0576 0.7737 85.4686 107.8482 104.0963 79.1896 5.7955 3.1226 81.4412 59.5908 1.4665 101.0686 125.0253 85.1475 85.4107 0.8336 124.5493 86.9845 112.3678 92.2512 77.2857 94.1 1608 AI045937 R.norvegicus mRNA for calponin 1.0785 1.0172 0.8459 1.0314 1.6528 66.9867 62.4324 4.8432 1.4369 105.6808 1.956 1.3836 2.7159 230.5706 1.0755 2.6153 1.8749 1.4372 0.84 42.2562 0.9234 3.3907 1.805 1.2078 88.0936 162.8801 8.2882 78.3555 54.9813 127.3121 129.0267 88.9005 2.3218 130.8053 3.3618 101.6777 71.0563 2.9018 103.2338 73.5487 121.2969 2.1003 0.8336 120.4299 80.1469 7.1818 105.1952 90.1709 65.1578 1609 AA998229 Rat mRNA for alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) (This protein 1.2994 1.9473 1.4564 2.8311 1.012 64.0507 0.7314 2.4456 66.8055 0.7383 5.0903 3.507 2.8069 1.4438 1.3825 9.4568 1.057 72.6149 0.574 0.8709 1.2993 1.2546 57.2475 3.5397 99.0125 4.1577 0.7033 125.7161 56.3619 13.9814 164.5966 139.1824 177.5779 249.1074 4.1673 210.3666 118.2014 199.8217 155.6652 221.1564 126.5608 136.4998 2.9076 240.4342 157.2807 225.5823 148.6647 154.5435 173.3432 1610 AI059047 Rattus norvegicus putative protein phosphatase 1 n 1.1264 1.1297 1.3583 2.1133 1.6403 3.494 1.553 2.6561 1.7078 2.7342 1.1873 1.2368 1.2331 1.4799 1.247 1.6176 1.1128 1.6375 1.0397 1.7716 1.2506 1.4162 1.2932 1.019 121.0254 188.7298 1.9554 141.0289 1.2709 26.0766 17.4048 31.5832 7.3148 4.1547 3.1476 5.3416 151.4228 1.8264 52.8765 2.7137 1.9391 140.2065 85.2279 1.6086 10.725 2.6094 13.6926 3.2719 2.0679 1611 AI029343 Rat mRNA for preoptic regulatory factor-1 (PORF-1) 1.1847 1.5249 0.9445 2.0548 1.4883 6.0653 85.1527 1.3057 2.2314 1.8408 2.4507 2.3542 6.333 2.008 1.2412 1.5124 1.1217 2.2514 0.7802 0.9116 1.5474 1.9361 5.8697 1.6723 117.9384 6.1354 0.9981 139.42 2.1887 6.79 4.9147 3.3334 1.598 1.6726 1.523 2.6692 140.3078 5.6111 180.5633 218.3671 5.1127 218.5931 1.018 2.0188 5.689 1.8503 2.1391 2.5112 3.0619 1612 AI045249 "Rat 70 kd heat-shock-like protein mRNA, complete c" 0.8655 1.0956 1.3207 2.1026 1.9045 2.6367 3.5025 1.7445 2.8954 4.0638 1.0787 1.0691 1.6935 1.1399 1.2696 0.9109 1.3475 167.6306 0.8031 2.4719 1.0715 1.5095 2.3144 1.5773 129.2436 5.3413 0.8234 156.7254 1.6521 0.1981 1.2623 3.0994 2.1499 1.7902 2.0094 214.1648 0.75 4.3866 180.4015 6.7961 193.1007 3.6097 19.9359 1.5882 4.9155 2.1474 2.8643 175.0285 1.4663 1613 AI136680 R.norvegicus mRNA for neurofilament protein middle 1.2197 1.8293 0.9717 2.9881 1.4469 83.4582 73.7118 1.3879 2.3895 1.7864 1.8146 2.6151 252.547 1.8063 1.0351 2.5594 1.4397 4.1435 0.6946 1.9452 1.3196 1.1988 4.9716 1.3556 93.0327 7.08 0.8654 145.5807 57.8396 226.8941 150.1051 20.7784 196.9803 162.8773 2.2477 243.538 116.0742 15.1461 162.458 178.4229 67.2727 219.4941 1.73 2.0577 150.8193 7.7335 6.8889 17.1062 159.9146 1614 AI136528 Rattus norvegicus natural resistance associated ma 1.1581 1.4066 1.1704 1.4873 1.3512 1.931 1.5193 1.3544 2.7975 3.4093 1.6427 1.0832 1.1483 1.7062 1.2622 1.214 1.087 3.5532 1.0004 1.9603 0.9407 1.0061 39.5318 1.0295 108.3137 2.153 0.8234 172.7662 2.9736 0.7244 187.5693 1.9991 5.1576 4.2036 1.1965 4.124 200.0826 2.3619 190.0607 2.8497 2.2756 2.3955 100.5706 1.9592 167.9337 2.5261 1.5979 3.8898 1.6845 1615 AI136539 "Rat heme oxygenase-2 (HO2) mRNA, complete cds" 1.2141 1.238 1.1686 1.1853 1.3343 2.22 3.0292 1.0686 1.1658 0.8398 0.9888 1.1661 1.6834 0.8488 1.0015 1.7153 1.2332 1.8752 0.6248 0.9996 0.9993 1.033 1.834 1.3402 107.6059 2.0958 0.5826 242.8197 2.7962 2.3023 221.4943 1.7246 3.4492 236.616 1.3934 2.3415 169.3997 6.176 217.6892 289.7837 1.547 4.5216 1.1709 1.5758 257.0743 2.0383 1.8707 2.8192 222.1959 1616 AI136540 Rat fast skeletal TnT gene encoding troponin T iso 1.1206 1.2162 0.8536 2.5563 1.6992 4.3327 0.7314 0.9339 3.4548 3.5441 1.9738 1.5723 2.1294 2.075 0.5672 0.8892 0.8639 3.4096 1.1951 2.6063 0.9986 1.0247 48.0337 1.2743 103.8232 2.1364 0.8234 140.4715 2.0128 0.4356 236.1269 5.0979 116.3487 217.0566 1.1617 167.1102 192.1868 46.3893 134.1958 5.222 3.7319 144.4275 0.8336 1.5719 145.6496 6.8359 10.1866 142.2046 2.9102 1617 AI136174 Rattus norvegicus protein tyrosine phosphatase D30 1.0388 1.022 1.0071 0.8474 0.8246 0.6735 0.6907 0.9337 0.8199 0.8378 0.9026 1.0744 0.9036 1.0101 1.2236 1.0603 1.0499 1.2356 0.7956 1.194 0.8409 0.7356 1.0758 0.8604 2.6281 0.888 0.618 1.1923 0.8436 0.7962 0.7914 0.7585 0.6541 1.1434 0.6713 0.5837 1.2126 1.0466 1.3778 1.2036 1.0507 1.3317 1.0311 0.9791 1.0728 1.0554 0.785 0.8262 0.9802 1618 AI136175 "Rat rab-related GTP-binding protein mRNA, complete" 3.475 1.8824 0.8459 67.8609 1.5731 67.1931 0.7314 69.5456 81.304 94.4479 1.5525 1.128 3.7247 1.1008 1.5923 3.1813 1.2867 60.1399 1.3856 54.223 3.2351 3.7829 79.4006 1.3994 108.6959 201.4389 0.3732 113.3969 3.5542 162.3524 176.4446 100.9499 179.2938 183.2329 70.7465 139.7556 128.2341 182.3114 108.1792 139.1669 137.0471 136.5076 0.8336 7.8086 130.3864 2.4569 130.7207 137.3491 155.1122 1619 AI136196 Rattus norvegicus protein tyrosine phosphatase (PT 1.3507 4.1886 0.8459 73.5413 2.1956 52.5347 0.7314 7.2555 56.6176 19.9609 3.641 10.5206 0.9552 1.9901 0.5375 8.8164 1.8031 68.7364 0.6763 0.9526 1.3486 2.0759 48.9004 2.4547 67.2706 0.8433 0.7288 91.7661 39.0173 3.4704 110.4362 89.1077 125.5144 157.0144 79.4301 115.7612 77.9294 136.1589 93.2894 127.0801 100.3051 58.1747 62.9952 151.9322 187.3852 122.3467 120.5659 103.121 117.5219 1620 AI136203 "Rattus norvegicu liver fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase" 0.989 0.921 0.9106 1.1458 1.055 1.9685 1.7928 1.2258 1.2058 1.5576 1.1346 1.2036 1.178 1.0187 1.1068 1.0245 0.903 1.0548 1.063 1.0461 1.0877 1.141 1.7261 1.1848 1.5326 1.0958 0.8318 1.5272 1.0825 2.9444 4.7476 2.1381 2.087 3.5828 1.862 2.1842 2.6177 1.5749 1.9209 0.954 1.1308 0.9005 1.0908 0.9592 1.629 1.925 1.4418 1.2608 1.2504 1621 AI136213 ESTs 1.1278 1.2983 1.3125 0.941 1.0104 2.3985 2.484 1.2622 1.3113 1.4043 1.1254 1.4495 1.3079 0.9071 0.6797 1.0895 1.1502 1.0777 0.8227 0.9988 0.8764 0.74 0.947 0.9829 2.0656 1.061 1.1965 1.4851 62.7472 1.6129 300.7739 2.3007 1.241 1.5988 1.8399 2.2026 7.0759 1.0921 2.1273 3.9086 1.4091 1.6346 1.5525 1.551 1.237 1.656 1.3745 1.2628 2.0529 1622 AI145026 EST 0.9001 0.839 1.0525 1.1096 0.8692 0.7479 0.7314 0.8183 0.848 0.8398 0.8024 0.7639 0.8575 0.2144 0.8325 0.8126 0.9228 1.3668 0.8879 1.7932 0.8324 1.1514 1.6869 1.0196 2.0462 1.2879 2.4375 1.4941 50.5579 2.0616 236.8387 1.5461 0.9059 3.7394 1.3391 1.7358 125.3169 1.0144 1.9932 1.2953 1.6512 1.1631 0.8336 1.3923 3.004 3.9236 1.6014 1.9482 1.5456 1623 AI145606 R.norvegicus mRNA for coupling factor 6 of mitocho 1.0176 1.1016 1.1628 0.8335 0.8042 1.5942 1.7558 0.9346 1.064 0.929 1.1005 1.1552 1.1317 1.0253 0.7509 1.088 1.0721 1.0026 0.9471 1.4896 0.9828 0.9585 0.945 1.0044 0.9509 0.8986 0.7911 0.973 1.2219 0.7244 1.0398 1.2331 1.0029 1.4263 1.5205 1.4226 0.9146 0.9759 1.097 0.9981 1.047 1.0559 1.2041 0.9833 1.0621 1.1049 0.9934 0.9812 0.9201 1624 AI145620 "Rattus norvegicus E-tropomodulin mRNA, complete cd" 0.9972 9.5563 0.8459 1.9224 1.3468 56.1919 54.7231 8.4683 58.1211 104.2652 3.4697 4.6758 1.8512 2.6541 0.8044 1.6563 1.493 2.1993 0.7577 0.9116 1.5358 2.2422 0.7553 0.9192 71.7759 4.9457 5.2455 77.2567 47.9311 4.3188 133.4581 124.2876 4.7153 2.6313 5.0976 96.5281 69.0451 2.1374 108.0314 117.2577 125.8078 124.7626 0.8336 186.4631 92.5272 18.7476 94.9579 87.9152 6.422 1625 AI136914 Rattus norvegicus neuronal calcium sensor (NCS-1) 0.9375 92.9701 0.8459 1.5397 1.3978 52.0442 0.7314 16.0034 70.9126 105.3958 17.6852 41.3799 5.8311 3.3806 0.8589 4.1492 3.2221 1.5516 0.612 0.2427 0.9511 1.3281 0.7553 1.2349 81.2423 14.7324 0.5945 89.4228 4.0276 0.7244 123.7708 106.4105 2.142 3.5312 1.8041 167.2912 80.3072 3.18 112.8944 126.9784 124.0497 93.108 0.8336 163.5545 85.8915 116.1331 107.2355 21.8157 139.2858 1626 AI136922 R.norvegicus interleukin-1 receptor type 2 1.2235 0.839 0.8459 0.7953 1.2032 67.1591 59.7876 7.8616 10.2302 8.2778 1.5402 1.1547 4.0304 3.6002 4.4007 3.0774 1.5659 2.126 0.9938 2.4114 1.784 2.7612 1.7938 1.4776 69.269 4.5604 0.8743 76.9327 52.1871 4.1045 127.994 129.4539 1.7542 8.456 1.6184 111.7959 72.9139 1.8705 90.7448 59.4879 48.3054 95.1297 0.8336 135.7611 91.6283 2.2932 84.82 3.3852 20.3172 1627 AI136246 "ESTs, Highly similar to gamma-F-crystallin [R.norv" 1.2711 0.839 2.3328 0.8732 1.1232 65.2437 43.3768 6.9612 5.6923 8.7972 96.9189 98.345 106.1812 0.8132 0.6936 1.7935 2.061 1.2105 0.5657 0.4365 1.1397 0.9905 2.3282 1.1493 67.8116 111.1232 2.4074 87.5615 34.5802 1.1741 114.2532 124.1512 1.7733 2.0719 2.7848 146.3066 102.2244 2.6842 109.5113 152.252 129.6497 99.7577 0.8336 177.7349 69.7531 128.7402 87.0096 98.496 134.2247 1628 AI136500 R.norvegicus bone morphogenetic protein 4 mRNA 1.1054 2.5519 0.8459 1.5446 1.0878 57.8254 63.0818 1.6912 2.1448 6.072 1.8695 2.5266 1.6615 3.4579 0.9291 2.832 1.7969 1.4328 0.8572 1.8442 1.6527 1.5682 2.8729 1.3959 64.7793 1.9807 2.0683 70.6452 50.7515 2.158 109.3789 113.7478 1.5963 3.3931 6.7807 110.2815 69.4238 1.4374 123.6324 136.6007 399.6747 1.7266 0.8336 181.0377 105.4954 92.3256 132.6611 92.9294 3.289 1629 AI136717 Rat enkephalinase (neutral endopeptidase) mRNA 1.2808 2.0531 1.8008 1.1776 1.0882 0.7479 0.7314 2.8696 3.3146 2.956 2.7233 17.281 223.7517 3.7256 1.0131 1.8819 2.0052 0.9139 0.6577 0.3016 1.2849 1.0053 1.1406 1.0486 83.4913 1.9077 3.4867 126.3517 0.7737 1.4286 156.9649 10.4441 1.1138 1.3428 2.219 133.8659 132.7218 1.2968 247.9762 167.5496 183.1963 159.3474 37.0964 136.4173 3.5092 134.9719 124.5175 94.0858 111.0777 1630 AI136552 Rat s-laminin mRNA 1.4294 1.5127 0.8459 1.4254 1.1711 2.4502 2.0156 1.2338 1.0746 133.2095 1.3641 0.9102 1.9345 2.4201 0.64 1.6413 1.1985 0.8561 1.5507 1.4752 1.6057 0.9618 0.7553 1.2108 3.9061 1.7775 2.5537 109.7045 0.7737 2.3291 129.4447 167.4429 1.3062 125.9704 1.5709 129.4584 88.9608 1.4638 134.1502 1.8529 4.061 1.3647 0.8336 6.8902 112.3205 4.5415 11.6372 10.1949 2.9727 1631 AI136569 Rattus norvegicus protein tyrosine phosphatase and 1.0105 0.9174 0.976 0.9706 0.9045 1.5662 1.7815 0.9809 0.9837 1.6852 1.2377 1.3488 1.3008 1.139 0.8963 0.9988 1.1313 1.9692 0.8537 1.1328 1.1376 1.0525 1.1233 0.9929 1.6339 0.9736 1.2275 1.1279 45.9902 1.1816 257.1061 1.4111 1.136 1.3942 1.4769 1.8647 7.802 0.9518 1.7433 3.1739 1.0845 1.344 1.3246 2.4316 1.2213 1.2955 1.1916 1.1991 1.6017 1632 AI136048 Rat mitochondrial 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA s 0.7793 0.8874 0.8134 0.8991 0.8676 1.7513 2.016 1.0719 1.2434 1.0305 1.0728 1.2642 1.1528 0.6063 0.4883 0.6784 0.7473 0.5556 0.8569 0.9718 0.876 0.7989 0.7062 0.9998 0.7406 0.6565 0.7158 0.6316 0.5808 1.6661 1.9052 2.2247 1.0438 1.6671 2.0081 1.7364 0.982 0.8201 0.9891 0.498 0.5355 0.4831 0.575 0.599 0.7259 0.5941 0.8253 0.8313 0.7811 1633 AI136059 ESTs 1.286 2.0624 1.1519 1.7638 1.4574 17.0308 79.7514 1.0322 1.4142 1.3595 1.2659 2.0582 181.2871 2.2041 1.0493 1.782 1.6158 1.6267 0.9075 0.9116 1.5809 1.3497 1.2161 1.4037 81.7659 5.494 1.593 134.7238 55.8672 224.1184 129.8048 9.5504 159.7163 172.654 2.868 5.1262 135.375 199.7114 173.6985 203.7444 5.521 291.9291 1.4378 4.336 199.0131 9.7875 3.4269 6.5704 168.5612 1634 AI136064 "Rattus norvegicus ZOG mRNA, complete cds" 1.4885 2.5766 0.8459 100.8667 1.3777 52.4572 0.7314 2.7785 65.3474 108.7168 6.1346 2.8664 130.8434 1.7978 1.1582 3.3752 1.3255 86.983 1.0368 1.292 1.2039 1.9765 57.3397 1.2847 81.5726 171.5477 0.8234 116.9356 51.5547 283.364 192.3461 134.3733 126.3047 174.5857 49.7544 172.1302 109.7301 181.3447 134.561 166.1306 118.4999 137.7446 0.8336 232.2219 132.8759 166.7524 155.4446 108.6509 1.3353 1635 AI136065 "Rat beta-arrestin2 mRNA, complete cds" 1.3206 1.3686 0.9908 1.3509 0.9712 2.9292 124.0858 1.027 1.2326 1.1902 0.9934 1.9383 1.8912 3.0671 0.813 2.0865 1.0445 1.3933 0.6963 1.196 1.1617 1.1829 1.9231 1.1293 141.019 2.1056 0.2911 235.3422 16.0568 4.4986 214.1096 1.4928 2.8731 2.9523 1.2268 2.7014 193.6459 3.1738 286.6053 382.4807 2.4985 4.2208 1.1754 1.7926 10.6373 3.0069 1.7315 3.1363 4.5894 1636 AI136093 "Rattus norvegicus fatty acid amide hydrolase mRNA," 0.9057 0.9205 0.8281 0.8655 0.8597 0.6152 0.6435 0.836 0.8228 1.0686 0.8822 0.8813 0.833 0.8452 1.176 0.8776 0.8832 1.0516 1.1361 1.1162 0.8911 0.8833 1.0084 0.7881 4.1662 1.0888 1.1826 1.2573 1.3175 0.9483 1.4473 0.7598 0.9566 1.9482 0.5762 0.717 1.4755 1.1901 1.3 1.1981 0.8834 0.658 1.0522 1.1343 1.9692 0.8343 1.0498 1.1882 1.1639 1637 AI136137 Rat mitochondrial propionyl-CoA carboxylase (PCCas 1.33 1.2604 1.2613 1.1957 1.0574 1.3245 1.4302 1.2001 1.1392 1.0078 1.1377 1.2563 1.242 0.9134 1.2556 1.0537 1.0719 0.9309 1.2331 0.8353 1.0812 1.044 1.1597 1.0302 2.4831 1.1625 0.8342 1.3902 1.3043 1.3056 1.3679 1.3682 1.0912 1.5335 1.3237 1.2778 1.5254 1.2558 1.298 1.2521 1.0411 1.0395 0.8983 1.3165 1.1311 1.2204 1.0072 1.1108 1.3621 1638 AI144759 Rattus norvegicus synaptic vesicle protein (SV2) m 2.8697 4.8234 0.8459 0.9839 2.0612 53.9312 0.7314 56.4763 65.4385 92.9793 3.0384 1.6423 10.6802 1.1208 1.1025 4.1291 1.8221 69.9186 0.9724 7.788 8.6585 1.8525 43.3819 0.8036 85.441 170.4845 0.8234 120.6517 4.6399 0.5281 157.9368 110.0055 156.7509 200.1581 2.6735 153.4605 151.0709 168.5394 147.5343 150.961 148.4381 117.0123 82.0149 2.2404 135.807 153.8628 138.1203 120.0776 6.567 1639 AI136950 "Rattus norvegicus Delta1 mRNA, complete cds" 0.8415 0.8972 0.7796 0.7358 0.8383 1.0976 0.937 1.198 1.1422 0.6371 1.1211 1.1698 1.6871 1.871 0.9475 0.7585 0.7174 0.9127 0.7231 0.8716 0.9592 0.9538 0.9942 0.8135 1.5421 1.0283 0.8234 4.4473 0.77 1.8163 2.7308 1.0979 0.8626 1.1266 0.8478 1.0117 3.9562 1.4678 318.7698 1.6531 1.5321 2.2464 0.6089 1.2188 1.8623 1.7844 1.3794 1.3941 1.3081 1640 AI136954 R.norvegicus mRNA for putative zinc finger protein 1.3734 1.3289 1.2484 1.6026 1.0771 2.5095 1.6682 1.293 1.5607 2.3383 1.1241 0.8907 1.0054 3.5737 1.1362 1.2889 0.8872 1.6895 1.2405 3.9522 0.9105 1.1393 1.9934 1.2692 115.8664 2.7698 0.7948 233.0496 2.3609 0.7244 212.0225 2.0039 3.2905 176.5966 1.4768 2.2803 140.142 13.8319 125.1188 2.4615 1.9265 1.1186 74.009 1.4006 111.5471 2.0137 1.7846 4.9017 2.1113 1645 AI137550 Rattus norvegicus (clones PTZ 18r 5.3 and PTZ 18r 1.3454 2.8312 1.4963 1.2698 1.04 141.9606 192.9268 1.5573 1.5086 2.5979 1.9886 3.1343 2.2932 2.323 0.9157 4.4442 1.3308 1.105 1.071 1.1649 0.8667 1.2377 1.0337 1.1494 5.0074 0.8529 0.9795 6.1488 3.12 1.2603 0.1252 2.5238 1.1339 1.4748 1.5824 18.531 195.5909 1.7751 367.7127 16.4463 2.6576 3.7702 2.3154 1.6982 1.4112 2.9686 3.6224 1.9215 2.8643 1646 AI136365 "Rattus norvegicus sortilin mRNA, partial cds" 1.1867 1.9925 1.6201 1.1339 1.3234 188.9546 3.3202 1.4486 1.6681 4.8652 1.7484 2.7371 1.9174 1.918 0.8953 1.4773 1.5356 1.7755 1.2762 1.8795 1.3345 1.2418 1.4584 1.3674 12.8748 1.9281 0.8234 5.4976 51.2884 2.6531 194.8125 4.8479 1.3412 1.5698 2.0989 10.564 131.2034 1.6946 3.7459 3.1944 9.787 2.658 53.2692 5.2605 3.2151 4.8766 5.0426 3.3809 2.5057 1647 AI136404 "Rattus norvegicus cytochrome P450 3A9 mRNA, comple" 2.4918 2.8659 2.7275 1.5347 1.3751 0.3337 0.3818 1.405 1.5281 1.2909 1.3636 1.1865 1.1169 2.5747 1.7211 3.7935 4.0082 4.6765 1.5476 1.5168 2.4927 2.4632 1.1763 1.2033 1.2872 1.0126 0.9283 1.1307 1.4239 0.6776 0.3301 0.3447 0.2144 0.2924 0.2981 0.4849 1.937 1.319 1.5865 3.6006 4.2892 5.7194 5.986 1.5187 2.3061 2.1083 1.7576 1.761 1.4304 1648 AI136413 Rat mRNA for major synaptic vesicel protein p38 1.1076 1.8939 1.4269 0.6516 1.352 4.6211 1.7494 1.7699 3.1149 1.8771 1.4475 1.1831 2.4987 1.28 1.0562 1.3352 1.3883 0.9781 1.5064 1.8351 1.1122 2.0274 2.3936 0.8036 2.0833 1.6728 1.7761 3.1223 3.3879 2.1261 2.6993 18.6637 1.0377 1.4801 1.2885 2.7022 233.6674 1.0769 2.5761 1.8372 1.7852 1.4826 0.8336 1.9881 2.4277 2.9589 5.5154 1.4039 1.5257 1649 AI136414 R.norvegicus mRNA for microvascular endothelial di 0.8736 0.8579 0.8801 1.2933 1.094 1.0009 1.1751 1.1744 1.1458 1.5096 1.4865 1.8813 1.8697 2.0893 1.4812 1.3933 1.5062 1.1884 0.9327 0.8205 1.2518 1.0636 1.0358 1.0354 1.4455 1.0908 2.7031 1.1046 2.1363 0.791 0.312 0.7665 0.5338 0.7497 0.7432 0.923 1.2064 1.1563 1.7578 2.6429 1.3821 1.2553 1.1277 1.0598 1.2511 1.2618 1.0862 1.0401 1.237 1650 AI137102 Rat salivary-specific cAMP response element-bindin 1.2345 1.6431 1.1837 1.3822 1.1721 2.3566 3.0157 1.2432 1.6384 2.0962 1.3499 0.5085 1.3913 1.7423 0.8287 1.4597 1.5172 1.0909 1.1789 1.4593 1.7048 1.2794 1.5064 1.6626 4.195 1.5797 0.9337 2.5833 1.9096 2.323 189.6964 2.4288 1.2007 2.4293 2.0859 4.0989 134.373 1.3846 3.0239 1.9721 3.3234 1.3104 0.8336 2.499 3.6844 2.7116 2.9002 2.3624 1.5296 1651 AI137104 "Rat mRNA for aminopeptidase-B, complete cds" 1.0386 1.2541 1.129 0.8685 1.0156 1.7923 1.8936 1.0248 1.1029 1.3603 1.1841 1.2902 1.2078 1.2266 0.8181 0.9361 1.0915 0.7726 0.9275 0.3595 0.856 0.769 0.815 0.8776 1.8247 1.2007 3.6644 1.9985 2.8522 0.7244 1.1383 1.1955 0.842 1.072 1.2155 1.3135 1.8103 1.0902 1.5656 1.587 1.2961 1.3533 1.3395 1.5055 1.1764 1.4445 1.2837 1.1885 1.2634 1652 AI137130 Rat mRNA for leukosialin 1.1058 2.2742 0.8459 1.7333 1.2697 89.8441 488.5981 1.6827 1.3423 10.7041 1.4735 0.9304 2.2265 1.5263 0.9332 1.9876 2.8514 0.803 0.8919 1.7283 6.3243 2.9375 1.8057 1.3802 104.6422 1.8201 0.615 104.3696 0.7737 15.3448 111.9247 158.8127 1.1486 2.432 2.8767 113.3292 82.4125 1.4106 113.5428 3.0296 151.605 1.5245 0.8336 156.7139 104.8066 11.6962 184.0056 127.485 3.4679 1657 AI172620 Rat mRNA for erythropoietin receptor 1.2693 1.9025 1.1986 4.194 1.0066 66.9108 66.0904 1.9416 2.6996 2.7599 1.5985 3.8026 22.4048 2.6094 0.8453 4.6344 1.1573 2.8575 0.605 0.9116 1.6562 1.2888 7.2423 1.3821 97.6659 27.1078 1.6431 154.7953 61.7695 208.6405 180.7904 179.1176 162.0364 177.6623 2.14 8.6893 120.0219 189.5829 135.5147 248.5459 162.4236 159.4059 1.3684 4.7408 156.2952 10.6899 10.8816 3.0364 181.7563 1658 AI137982 Rattus norvegicus Sprague-Dawley bumetanide-sensit 1.3107 2.0354 2.1388 6.052 1.7637 54.0395 0.7314 1.7846 81.9286 118.9071 2.1887 1.2982 4.6154 1.357 1.3134 2.2416 1.5004 108.1339 1.0367 0.9116 1.5672 2.4762 0.7553 1.3539 122.6592 290.6154 1.3216 159.7702 5.5391 191.1568 171.6805 137.2149 185.6927 342.2362 2.398 197.3879 173.1052 59.1727 187.5087 204.2656 201.8911 173.4376 68.2188 10.57 217.9681 3.384 6.7688 155.4082 5.004 1659 AI137992 R.norvegicus mRNA for Ig rearranged mu-chain C reg 1.1668 1.3831 1.3312 1.3484 1.1974 3.5882 139.548 1.6696 1.9886 0.8398 1.4614 2.0108 2.9467 3.577 1.1708 1.4607 0.9819 1.542 0.8378 2.9448 1.5642 1.1428 1.7408 1.4847 171.437 2.5359 0.3561 180.5129 5.5609 7.535 6.5167 2.0872 3.3343 2.2579 1.3446 3.4085 183.1185 8.8515 242.9535 127.3261 3.9243 29.438 1.1453 2.0455 51.5832 2.9225 3.4029 4.2993 9.4838 1660 AI137994 R.norvegicus zymogen granule membrane protein GP-2 1.2701 1.7222 1.3087 2.4079 1.9449 63.6387 0.7314 3.3224 36.4119 3.5399 1.3394 2.004 1.8788 2.3346 1.3648 1.2142 1.0707 79.7667 1.2965 2.4553 0.6256 1.5921 74.9435 3.5423 119.1029 21.6071 2.9994 125.446 1.2222 187.2696 162.5315 104.806 209.2825 7.48 1.4681 9.1159 155.8149 2.288 191.9076 212.0356 5.8023 14.6745 0.8336 1.7749 148.8889 3.9219 5.0691 157.4091 2.2842 1661 AI137043 "Rat beta-nerve growth factor gene, last exon" 0.9404 1.4264 1.0833 1.7846 1.2029 78.2524 82.5842 1.1752 1.8585 0.9429 1.8422 1.5075 7.7858 2.2826 0.941 2.5402 1.1852 6.3852 0.569 0.7127 1.0154 1.2422 2.0477 1.3648 133.8826 2.8869 0.4417 144.1716 2.0709 6.2278 187.3896 3.9631 3.1614 196.8523 1.365 3.3519 167.4294 1.6216 195.3779 270.9604 0.7451 223.9326 0.95 2.5604 204.8735 3.1313 5.4582 19.4932 7.2665 1662 AI137214 R.norvegicus mRNA for 100 kDa protein 0.9961 0.9432 1.0428 0.9625 1.143 1.1429 1.1737 0.9384 0.9784 1.1015 1.066 0.8318 1.035 1.0819 1.0897 1.0685 1.0306 1.0507 1.0664 1.0766 1.163 1.0386 1.3604 1.0008 4.2069 1.1755 1.1781 1.83 1.2526 0.7697 1.6373 1.0982 1.0774 2.2831 1.0895 1.1435 1.4472 1.4061 1.9439 0.9884 1.3747 1.0283 1.6015 0.9802 3.5052 1.2336 1.3682 1.5411 1.3496 1663 AI137407 "EST, Highly similar to very-long-chain Acy1-CoA de" 1.014 0.9478 0.8901 0.9312 1.0291 1.7121 2.025 1.2058 1.1564 1.1176 1.1533 1.2876 1.1705 1.0056 0.9647 0.8995 0.9395 1.0148 1.0145 1.0578 1.1241 1.1578 1.0946 0.9219 1.1123 0.85 0.7573 0.9266 0.8663 1.9353 1.841 2.0728 1.4221 1.7202 1.8401 1.9478 1.5616 1.348 1.4885 0.9591 1.0139 1.1424 1.0148 1.1584 1.1625 1.0844 0.9894 0.972 1.0337 1664 AI137408 Rat mRNA for alpha-c large chain of the protein co 1.0126 0.9621 0.923 0.9157 0.9697 0.9257 0.9284 1.2047 1.2936 1.0509 1.0199 0.971 1.0049 1.5547 1.1903 1.0023 0.9796 1.2129 0.9617 1.1139 0.8184 0.9044 1.1471 0.956 1.8892 1.09 0.9295 1.2385 1.131 0.7244 3.0889 1.1253 0.9578 1.8311 0.9861 0.9395 1.6655 1.093 1.8608 1.0189 0.9744 0.9638 1.538 0.9576 1.9873 0.9982 1.0406 1.0711 1.0526 1669 AI138116 "Rattus norvegicus potassium channel mRNA, complete" 1.1797 87.1901 1.3517 1.9089 1.3827 58.9561 0.7314 35.0136 70.302 112.2751 99.9302 13.3102 115.9484 3.1125 1.0812 63.8464 1.7077 2.3715 0.6817 1.3368 7.6471 1.3625 1.4217 1.2773 93.7042 2.0987 0.5606 97.6132 10.5848 2.4602 0.1323 160.5576 1.7103 1.5286 1.975 152.9747 79.5738 3.9586 146.5193 187.2953 157.2869 144.3126 1.5391 201.8153 3.5865 12.2193 163.8426 11.5219 163.7851 1670 AI138122 Rattus norvegicus guanosine monophosphate reductas 1.4127 3.7621 1.453 1.2121 1.7649 80.8916 109.7649 2.7913 2.5493 5.3428 1.7931 1.5161 4.3828 4.0249 1.0295 1.9021 1.5433 1.5576 1.6497 1.8031 4.3952 2.2246 3.0648 0.9319 4.1953 3.3024 0.8234 30.7889 3.2799 4.0796 153.1161 136.9615 1.2279 1.4409 1.6679 74.4394 121.5284 1.2052 6.013 3.0046 163.5718 10.9226 0.8336 5.6117 3.2865 2.5553 159.2497 6.1862 2.0826 1671 AI138126 "Rat amylin mRNA, complete cds" 1.1173 101.3978 1.5686 2.1469 1.0375 65.8713 53.8804 73.2903 67.6382 1.199 3.7545 6.4078 166.4055 2.7627 0.8325 2.9515 1.4218 4.1424 0.6441 0.3185 0.983 1.3509 0.7553 1.174 78.0846 3.7095 1.0746 84.1966 36.1816 3.3618 0.2799 122.8288 2.1328 1.6266 1.7164 170.0299 91.3906 0.9813 170.6609 163.6117 132.9503 121.5264 50.1087 100.8438 77.7291 184.6478 113.7043 6.7945 140.6859 1672 AI144642 "Rattus norvegicus potassium channel protein mRNA, " 1.0893 1.9066 0.8459 1.5816 1.1899 6.528 4.8614 2.0688 1.5885 1.5197 1.1244 1.0005 1.2116 1.0515 0.935 1.9325 1.4242 1.2306 1.2064 1.7753 2.4629 2.5315 1.7737 1.2193 3.3106 2.332 0.8805 6.7829 2.446 6.3401 5.9872 170.5395 0.9433 1.6763 1.817 154.4758 125.2489 1.0797 3.6404 3.5733 2.9231 3.5508 62.6255 3.5504 2.2342 2.3267 130.488 1.903 1.6508 1673 AI144658 Rattus norvegicus paired-like homeodomain transcri 0.9419 4.7565 0.8459 1.0109 0.506 55.9172 62.0771 4.1088 8.2294 6.3507 98.7956 2.4735 5.0888 1.483 0.5124 1.3451 0.9056 0.9032 0.6931 0.9116 0.4876 1.0588 2.0166 1.0569 81.8621 2.0284 6.7481 90.9308 37.4106 2.4878 0.1581 121.114 0.9238 1.1596 1.5061 8.1586 105.8223 1.1646 117.7391 172.9742 111.0477 112.9943 0.8336 10.0737 9.4408 12.3617 98.735 7.8883 3.5964 1674 AI144802 "Rattus norvegicus pyruvate carboxylase mRNA, compl" 0.6823 0.7595 0.6655 0.5243 0.5874 0.4729 0.4564 0.7392 0.7367 0.8289 0.8233 0.8512 0.8366 0.5211 0.3944 0.4503 0.4716 0.4056 0.8599 0.8489 0.9386 0.8013 0.7359 0.8596 0.5408 0.6044 0.5813 0.5777 0.6352 0.5159 0.55 0.5309 0.3381 0.4106 0.4391 0.366 0.691 0.6482 0.702 0.3983 0.3832 0.2957 0.4657 0.6672 0.7897 0.7389 0.7229 0.7806 0.7554 1675 AI144826 Rat ribophorin II mRNA 0.8335 0.8111 0.8538 0.8233 0.8422 0.7976 0.9008 0.9174 0.8732 0.9863 1.0176 0.9359 0.6932 1.1582 0.9374 1.0985 1.2406 0.9574 1.0295 0.7192 0.999 0.8768 0.8232 0.8678 0.8442 0.8158 3.1382 0.8051 1.0752 0.6634 0.6645 0.6943 0.5273 0.6838 0.7381 0.7027 0.8793 0.9733 0.8579 1.1555 1.0285 0.9656 1.0661 1.0505 0.9441 0.9167 0.8637 0.9138 0.8968 1676 AI144871 "Rat RT7 mRNA, complete cds" 0.8779 1.0183 0.9077 0.85 0.9271 0.8474 1.034 0.8924 0.9447 1.1755 0.9435 0.9564 0.955 1.0431 0.869 1.1888 1.2691 0.9348 1.1096 1.2965 1.068 1.0323 0.9979 1.1991 1.023 0.6249 0.7238 1.0195 1.3641 1.0485 2.569 0.9989 0.7112 0.9808 0.8964 0.9151 1.889 0.8697 0.9873 0.891 1.1544 0.8249 74.2945 1.0222 1.1714 1.1365 1.1081 1.1982 1.1002 1681 AI144709 "Rattus norvegicus mRNA for RGS8, complete cds" 1.2031 1.7581 0.9254 2.6065 1.6732 99.1135 82.1207 1.6129 1.801 2.7197 4.0682 4.778 186.4808 8.945 0.99 2.01 1.2055 3.7721 0.6718 0.599 0.6754 2.3144 2.3251 1.7589 175.5719 2.8088 0.6543 265.6407 6.2212 6.3826 201.1097 11.2341 2.7511 3.2652 1.9543 2.3198 202.7743 7.5175 268.9282 327.3066 8.2546 233.5706 1.2946 1.9705 6.2981 3.1094 3.5466 3.4001 3.4565 1682 AI144608 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for TNF-alpha converting en 1.0546 0.8707 0.9259 0.9787 1.0994 0.8534 0.8663 0.8076 0.9845 1.2934 1.0519 0.8654 0.8163 1.0264 0.9343 0.9721 0.9008 2.8738 1.0662 1.2171 1.1229 1.1424 1.6994 1.1534 19.0036 1.6356 1.4323 2.5965 1.502 1.2853 2.153 0.8405 1.2537 2.743 0.8429 1.2123 2.7056 1.5776 2.0777 1.8932 1.318 1.0667 2.8129 1.2033 3.4318 1.212 1.2888 2.4808 1.5953 1683 AI144717 Rattus norvegicus huntingtin associated protein (r 1.1784 180.9318 0.8459 77.7103 1.4646 58.0833 72.0826 1.5643 4.2365 0.7724 2.3421 3.1283 108.2239 3.0968 0.9859 64.9324 1.559 1.0573 0.5247 1.6021 0.7512 1.1307 54.914 2.2095 92.1566 189.2161 0.5447 113.2954 58.3162 193.5959 178.3113 123.5137 165.774 182.5172 2.358 175.9627 95.6456 173.677 162.7719 222.9777 155.875 145.6781 3.8101 7.3625 140.9969 167.3535 136.8882 138.1242 176.4945 1684 AI144744 "Rat prostaglandin D synthetase mRNA, complete cds" 1.2885 2.1021 1.8343 78.4613 2.2261 57.1339 0.7314 4.5414 81.7741 3.3322 1.0399 1.8407 2.9673 7.5128 1.1934 2.3331 1.011 76.6113 1.5103 1.8961 1.0738 7.8115 45.1474 1.591 114.3238 210.799 4.8726 119.0572 1.9399 18728.06 211.549 141.8119 203.4751 246.6509 2.0708 6.5343 118.2208 9.8545 160.0921 185.5666 192.9326 157.2747 96.4372 2.6373 146.5252 5.6771 197.34 148.6576 2.7791 1685 AI144756 Rattus norvegicus brain specific Na+-dependent ino 1.3495 0.839 0.8459 65.2917 1.541 54.4927 71.4494 1.5052 12.5489 1.1771 5.5346 4.1353 2.1841 3.2867 1.3768 6.626 2.0143 74.4592 0.5062 1.0482 1.3508 1.3758 6.0533 1.0558 111.9307 170.5319 0.5175 128.3312 4.4608 43.6202 148.3807 140.8605 154.05 169.853 2.2439 222.5963 90.4261 172.9274 147.9529 197.9351 0.6571 129.9158 5.9737 11.6615 166.8437 222.0017 148.4352 145.1842 167.0891 1686 AI144995 Rattus norvegicus electrogenic Na+ bicarbonate cot 0.7191 0.8075 0.6856 0.5402 0.7676 1.7084 2.1227 1.3104 1.3358 1.1172 1.1126 1.0842 1.1664 257.9044 0.6689 0.6796 0.7314 0.5815 0.8971 0.9079 1.0248 0.837 0.8755 0.8411 1.0811 0.647 0.7148 0.9836 0.8141 1.3091 1.6627 2.6214 1.2532 1.542 2.3555 2.0229 1.805 1.369 1.5566 0.7642 0.9788 0.7258 0.8393 0.891 1.2488 1.0104 1.2594 1.2244 1.0933 1687 AI144896 "Rat MHC class I RT1 (RT16) mRNA (u haplotype), 3' " 1.246 1.3401 1.3669 2.3321 1.3348 84.3454 0.7314 1.4703 98.9106 3.8479 4.2485 3.0709 0.8575 3.8819 0.8014 1.4201 1.0987 1.6918 0.6209 0.8413 1.0121 1.5558 63.733 1.2024 109.2339 2.4967 0.492 125.7658 2.1505 234.7783 163.6037 146.2465 148.82 193.014 1.7785 204.9858 148.8414 210.8993 161.8174 231.3772 171.3943 180.6287 1.8235 272.4391 162.5915 218.2926 215.4449 185.2123 182.5352 1688 AI144926 Rattus norvegicus synapse-associated protein 97 mR 1.447 1.5419 1.0138 1.5041 1.673 2.767 1.9798 1.5224 1.6194 1.8527 1.292 0.9784 1.9375 4.3868 1.4118 1.5599 1.5619 3.6316 0.7981 1.617 1.2282 1.6411 2.6386 1.3573 161.6615 1.3809 0.985 13.7934 2.4532 199.1895 6.1943 2.2797 2.5013 250.0258 2.2723 4.4873 207.6889 2.379 194.3204 2.1356 3.6682 2.2813 106.8109 1.5434 234.296 2.5537 2.6234 3.5285 1.9014 1695 U40004 Rattus norvegicus cytochrome P450 pseudogene (CYP2 1.3394 1.3431 1.4512 1.2168 1.1197 1.4648 1.6775 1.0613 1.1007 0.9613 1.0478 1.1294 1.1333 0.7799 0.6753 1.0037 1.084 1.0335 0.8096 0.6522 0.7707 0.6976 0.7037 0.7466 1.081 1.1607 1.112 1.2272 1.4654 1.0947 1.0146 1.4093 1.1477 1.5444 1.6589 1.396 1.1619 0.9932 1.026 0.786 0.8948 0.9893 1.0837 0.7114 0.6545 0.6823 0.8686 0.8971 0.8066 1696 Internal CYP1A1 0.9001 0.839 0.8459 0.9839 0.8258 0.7479 0.8781 0.8183 0.848 0.8398 0.8024 0.7639 0.8575 0.8132 0.8325 0.8126 0.9228 0.3028 0.8919 0.9116 0.9234 0.877 0.7553 0.8036 1.0548 1.0038 0.6172 1.6335 0.548 1.2872 1.005 1.064 0.6179 1.0439 1.2264 1.7197 119.0746 0.7306 1.5154 1.3665 3.1137 0.4495 2.7188 3.761 1.1444 2.0822 1.4761 1.2173 0.927 1697 AI136981 R.norvegicus mRNA for STOP protein 1.2616 8.5433 2.2798 0.9823 1.1314 67.5844 55.6353 2.0071 11.1326 3.0293 1.7437 2.7992 3.3379 1.3804 0.9913 1.4816 1.5768 1.0924 0.6955 0.9116 0.598 0.9582 1.4927 1.3909 62.2882 7.0299 0.8234 82.2517 7.177 7.1589 0.1947 142.7427 1.0544 2.0824 1.9806 127.2398 78.2745 1.3007 111.46 130.4983 94.8871 120.2878 0.8336 153.0196 31.8936 108.9125 85.9803 8.2153 115.4707 1698 AI137138 Rattus norvegicus vitamin K-dependent gamma-glutam 0.856 1.0888 1.132 0.7687 0.797 1.5463 1.657 1.1619 1.14 1.6855 1.142 0.9109 0.8898 1.2728 0.954 1.2524 1.3081 1.1592 1.4337 1.1629 1.0626 0.9378 0.8943 1.1379 1.1561 1.0335 0.8994 1.0683 1.5406 1.5478 10.7817 1.5375 0.9921 1.358 1.3626 1.354 2.8274 1.0081 0.9574 1.1562 1.3713 1.1117 78.4188 1.0341 1.1396 1.2176 0.7651 0.9503 0.7983 1699 AI137246 Rat mRNA for 140-kD NCAM polypeptide 0.9883 1.157 1.186 1.0693 0.9562 1.6033 1.7864 1.2286 1.1867 0.9225 1.2104 1.1935 1.8397 0.9737 0.6533 0.9608 1.2058 0.8878 0.8623 0.5481 0.9929 0.8103 1.117 1.0259 1.0957 1.131 182.2269 1.1594 1.1582 0.7244 1.4807 1.3527 0.7975 0.9645 0.9926 1.1603 1.4533 0.9185 1.4041 1.0325 1.3286 1.2758 1.0456 1.4971 1.1031 1.1481 1.2532 1.3174 1.0277 1700 AI144577 Rattus norvegicus regulator of G-protein signallin 1.0609 1.4714 0.8821 0.9832 1.2891 2.0444 1.2165 0.9809 1.0162 2.1407 1.127 0.7347 0.7894 1.0895 0.9272 1.4978 1.4616 0.8825 0.7077 2.2969 1.0118 1.2506 1.1815 1.294 2.3041 0.593 0.6568 1.7199 1.3605 1.26 138.9014 1.4833 0.7366 1.3735 1.0122 2.0987 176.7045 0.9464 1.794 1.146 1.322 0.91 0.8336 1.4943 3.4239 1.7573 2.1512 2.1062 1.3877 1705 AI136637 Rat mRNA for augmenter of liver regeneration (ALR) 1.1143 1.2077 1.0636 1.1273 1.0102 1.8519 5.6884 1.0415 1.1251 1.0335 1.0114 1.629 1.6475 3.5907 0.9752 1.2659 1.0129 1.2951 0.7409 0.4562 0.9556 0.8296 1.2199 0.9698 156.9109 1.0759 0.5888 56.5461 1.807 1.6728 2.2686 1.4748 1.5091 1.9728 1.4962 1.456 2.8223 2.4706 2.5379 2.5566 1.1004 1.3442 0.9828 1.1808 1.7832 1.6807 1.2657 1.5989 3.7092 1706 AI137331 "Rattus norvegicus Rho-associated kinase beta mRNA," 1.1605 1.1379 1.1071 1.1982 1.3976 1.5854 1.6188 1.2562 1.3344 1.539 1.2224 1.2153 1.4585 1.8631 1.461 1.3639 1.5278 2.253 0.9981 1.2567 1.3137 1.4416 1.2499 1.3263 8.4822 1.6001 1.7211 3.288 2.8229 1.7047 1.9371 1.4511 1.4571 3.8369 1.6017 2.2194 2.2686 2.5023 3.5652 2.5146 2.3316 2.0885 68.904 1.7216 5.7584 1.6873 1.8955 2.266 1.9994 1707 AI137451 "EST, Highly similar to peroxisome assembly factor-" 1.0388 1.3024 1.1203 1.5343 1.2391 3.7534 125.3829 1.426 1.6792 0.8667 1.281 2.4908 5.9843 1.5514 1.236 2.2543 1.3104 2.3245 0.6277 0.8933 1.1027 1.0651 3.0149 1.1756 119.9579 1.9142 0.4319 168.0269 62.5741 4.5325 99.1764 1.5603 14.6106 275.6742 1.2305 2.1851 156.9131 3.5884 6.489 250.8822 1.8864 2.3995 1.0081 1.4814 6.4177 3.1094 1.4929 2.2999 186.2563 1708 AI144588 Rattus norvegicus ankyrin binding cell adhesion mo 1.7361 1.9595 0.8459 120.8081 1.381 61.673 0.7314 3.8983 74.5905 8.6836 1.4615 1.365 4.1507 3.8104 1.0222 1.6011 1.6537 5.1331 0.9792 1.2039 1.9034 2.3251 2.8832 2.1266 73.2873 171.5363 0.8234 0.7521 1.8698 0.7059 116.6791 93.9632 119.3946 141.8946 2.6775 121.6662 92.6791 133.8681 114.9498 121.542 123.5198 127.4682 56.5361 170.0185 90.6253 141.6832 134.3013 104.9203 34.2054 1709 AI145353 "Rat c-erbA-alpha-2 protein mRNA, complete cds" 1.0805 1.135 0.8738 0.8475 0.8161 1.6147 1.4033 1.953 2.1806 1.5987 1.8836 2.2729 1.7261 0.6516 1.0077 1.8682 1.6954 3.0206 0.704 1.0476 1.3244 1.282 4.4897 1.8272 94.2989 1.1081 0.1964 179.0038 1.273 20.9995 205.0592 1.5453 3.9502 229.0472 1.0737 1.6005 268.1201 17.9552 349.4366 310.2001 3.3942 8.6002 1.3668 1.9279 283.2539 12.2713 1.6273 3.4265 210.0299 1710 AI144952 "Sprague-Dawley (clone LRB2) RAB16 mRNA, complete c" 1.6166 1.1147 1.651 1.4671 1.4145 3.8994 3.0204 1.4892 1.5111 2.171 1.618 0.7775 1.0191 68.9464 1.1944 1.5639 1.0075 2.0344 0.7359 1.7633 2.0283 1.066 2.3379 1.0346 109.5904 6.0947 0.9577 163.8521 1.7208 0.7244 266.5165 6.1555 5.2958 217.7997 2.1283 1.2963 150.7155 4.5741 153.4986 2.3025 2.7895 1.7014 72.3135 1.4389 177.8631 2.5585 2.7639 6.3714 2.2481 1711 AI136606 R.norvegicus encoding TRAP-complex delta subunit 0.8917 0.8954 0.8089 0.8482 0.7993 0.8687 0.8738 0.7787 0.7576 0.9739 0.9211 1.0476 0.6154 0.8649 1.5286 1.2251 1.0786 1.0663 1.0028 1.0201 1.0168 0.9364 0.9807 0.8637 1.0441 0.8862 0.656 0.8901 0.7658 0.68 0.7515 0.7031 0.6556 0.9596 0.7248 0.6699 0.822 0.895 0.8181 1.1551 0.888 0.8591 0.8421 0.8953 0.9898 0.8718 0.8394 0.856 0.9418 1712 AI137141 "Rat collagenase (UMRCase) mRNA, 3' end" 2.2538 1.4293 0.8809 35.9134 1.2112 80.4872 68.8171 3.4245 4.674 121.4192 1.0699 0.7907 3.0783 5.7396 1.4676 2.1741 1.1572 5.4356 0.8919 1.0732 1.6131 2.0638 15.2264 3.1494 81.219 2.7774 0.6953 129.3295 2.7497 238.6036 171.1857 171.8085 164.4032 150.6255 92.6238 161.6339 93.8819 175.0979 99.8276 161.1241 148.3203 164.593 0.8336 4.5255 126.3844 159.0369 150.8356 123.7349 3.7953 1717 AI137498 Rat transcriptional repressor of myelin-specific g 1.2934 93.4611 1.5631 1.0276 1.1679 61.8445 65.5698 8.358 8.9474 105.54 9.9419 14.8316 7.8393 2.9647 0.7331 2.9795 2.3219 1.3345 0.7042 1.3923 2.2556 1.6928 2.5489 1.0477 74.4013 3.4998 0.4927 76.0151 6.7525 7.73 0.2045 123.4962 1.4102 2.009 2.6078 165.6615 97.1076 1.6991 131.0042 155.3522 137.1015 108.1254 63.3353 176.0634 4.8251 119.6335 113.3707 23.4956 124.3061 1718 AI172612 "Rattus norvegicus tenascin-X mRNA, partial cds" 1.1153 2.3059 0.8459 0.7709 0.9883 89.0342 81.6458 1.413 1.2046 5.6967 0.8581 0.8887 1.9364 1.0983 1.1387 1.131 1.4383 0.9091 0.8919 1.234 1.2008 1.5484 2.4918 0.8713 4.9226 1.7341 4.3287 5.371 21.4872 2.2798 146.1024 2.7583 1.0471 1.3758 1.0938 5.4357 106.9678 1.0412 5.2023 2.9038 2.1542 1.2659 0.8336 2.7965 1.947 2.9954 3.1355 2.1062 1.7411 1719 AI138071 Rattus norvegicus mRNA for Sry-related HMG-box pro 0.9986 87.2923 1.3129 1.9247 1.3003 62.0519 48.8006 3.837 59.533 3.898 4.744 4.0907 105.3351 2.1913 0.8325 2.0828 2.8659 1.4211 0.7466 0.9116 0.8316 0.9323 1.5885 1.174 67.1054 5.197 132.6705 77.9376 0.7737 4.5224 0.2002 119.0963 1.8286 1.6163 1.7746 127.6562 138.9247 2.0153 125.1244 146.4182 134.5858 123.2216 0.8336 168.9126 9.0924 176.7351 95.2056 10.7687 123.4863 1720 AI144590 Rat DP-150 mRNA for 150K dynein-associated polypep 1.2102 1.2123 1.0072 0.9903 0.9261 1.301 1.5449 1.1442 1.1384 1.3453 1.1798 1.1783 1.1877 1.1395 0.9104 1.0706 1.1623 0.9959 0.8479 1.2943 1.0384 1.0279 1.0325 1.197 1.232 1.1395 0.7479 1.2295 6.6704 1.2915 4.1133 1.3129 0.8604 1.2173 1.1347 1.2271 4.839 0.889 1.3004 1.1885 1.0868 0.7754 60.4739 1.2346 1.0464 1.307 1.1206 1.2272 1.1536 1722 AI137269 R. norvegicus mRNA for 22kDa integral peroxisomal 1.036 1.057 1.1137 0.998 0.9712 0.9556 0.9663 0.9287 0.9754 0.979 1.0014 0.9548 0.9279 0.8256 0.603 1.1241 1.205 1.0733 1.3192 1.4299 1.0821 0.8986 1.0582 1.4206 0.8414 0.9337 0.94 0.8839 0.9006 0.9343 0.9764 1.0314 0.7493 0.9439 1.0147 0.7916 0.8883 0.7557 0.7127 0.62 0.833 0.7721 1.1237 0.9399 0.7902 0.912 0.943 0.944 0.8558 1723 AI144692 Rattus norvegicus ETS domain transcription factor 1.0247 1.2525 0.9715 1.1399 1.0928 82.7702 67.6792 1.1366 2.0584 2.7791 1.8023 2.7385 1.5515 1.7278 0.7879 1.1012 1.5378 1.6218 0.872 0.9194 0.9979 0.8677 2.9393 1.0878 14.6157 1.5988 219.1144 99.8359 44.5443 144.813 120.6887 3.0408 1.3461 1.4942 1.2853 10.8231 81.3894 1.0218 134.3661 145.1843 37.7948 148.1028 0.8336 199.7014 2.7376 3.1986 142.1343 109.6961 142.1023 1724 AI145277 Rattus norvegicus testis lipid binding protein mRN 1.3135 1.6018 0.8459 0.9682 1.3661 0.7479 0.7314 2.4135 2.2196 109.045 2.6715 2.1894 2.7611 1.5907 1.3494 19.9217 2.471 0.7905 1.3326 15.0658 0.9234 2.9611 12.4236 1.6111 92.5556 0.5343 0.5846 62.5805 17.6367 3.1059 137.6614 84.0183 1.2543 523.6875 6.6349 80.6911 85.7532 2.0531 97.3388 6.0492 139.3609 1.7136 0.8336 136.5984 84.1775 21.1484 146.8025 81.9629 29.8511