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Acoustic Resonance Spectrometer Research

Energies of Reaction
Density Determination
Vapor Pressure
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The Acoustic Resonance Spectrometer
The ACRS measures the acoustic spectrum of a fluid bound in a cylindrical cavity when stimulated by piezoelectric acoustics. This state-of-the-art measurement technique obtains unusually high resolution over a wide range of operating conditions. A typical operating range is 100-700 K and 1.3 x 106 mm Hg within an accuracy of +/-0.001 K for temperature and within +/-0.02% for pressure.

By coupling new pressure, temperature, and density measurement capabilities with existing acoustic resonance measurements, the unit may be useful for measuring physical properties and tracking time dependent phenomena. ORNL is testing the modified ACRS to determine its capability for measuring/deriving:

-green.jpg (694 bytes) Vapor-liquid equilibrium
-green.jpg (694 bytes) Dew and bubble points
-green.jpg (694 bytes) Phase boundary transitions
-green.jpg (694 bytes) Density
-green.jpg (694 bytes) Critical points
-green.jpg (694 bytes) Solubilities
-green.jpg (694 bytes) Heat capacity of gas
-green.jpg (694 bytes) Virial coefficients
-green.jpg (694 bytes) Diffusion coefficients

This research is being performed in collaboration with the University of Florida.  It is initially being sponsored by the Phillips Petroleum Company and the U.S. Department of Energy, Fossil Energy Program, National Petroleum Technology Office.

Contact Bill Steele, PPRF Director
Sponsored by DOE National Petroleum Technology Office

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Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is operated by UT-Battelle, LLC, for the U.S. Department of Energy.
This page updated 02/27/02