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Office of Economic Development and International Trade

Business Licensing Database


Federal Aviation Agency
Aircraft Registry Branch
PO Box 25504
Dealer Registration - Form 8050-5 (application)
$10 fee + $5/plane $2 each for additional certificate Identification number fee $10
An established place of business
US citizenship is required
Owner, or Non-Commercial Sales:
Each time a plane changes ownership, the FAA Registry in Oklahoma City must be contacted; a copy of the bill of sale will suffice. The previous owner must turn in the old certificate. The new owner must submit a new application for registration.


Colorado Department of Revenue
1375 Sherman St
Denver , CO   80261
Sales tax must be collected on sales of aircraft for private use. Dealer must have appropriate retail or wholesale sales tax license. You must primarily be in the business of buying and selling aircraft in order for the purchase to be tax exempt and to be considered a dealer. The Department may require a copy of your Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) registration certificate, records of your solicitations and/or advertisements, or other evidence showing that the aircraft is being resold.

Link:  http://www.revenue.state.co.us/fairshare_dir/Aircraft.html

Aircraft sold for commercial use are exempt from sales tax
Tangible property which will be permanently affixed to an aircraft, i.e. plane parts, are exempt from sales tax. (39-26-114(1)(a) (xxiii), C.R.S.)

Local Licensing Authorities
Aircraft owners may be required to register with the county clerk in the county in which the aircraft is located.
Fees may include an annual registration fee based upon the maximum certificated takeoff weight from the FAA type certificate data sheet and the specific ownership tax based on the value of the aircraft.


page last updated 9/10/03

The Colorado Revised Statutes are available on line at You can locate a statute of interest by searching either on the citation given in the database (e.g., 18-5-307) or on a keyword or phrase.

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