Genealogists/Family Historians

Manifests of Alien Arrivals at Buffalo, Lewiston, Niagara Falls, and Rochester, New York, 1902-1954

Updated February 10, 2003

Table of Contents
Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: Background
Part 3: Records Description
Part 4: Roll List

Part 1: Introduction

NARA microfilm publication M1480, Manifests of Alien Arrivals at Buffalo, Lewiston, Niagara Falls, and Rochester, New York, 1902-1954 (165 rolls) reproduces card manifests of over one million alien arrivals. Some citizen arrivals are also included. The bulk of the arrivals were at Buffalo and Niagara Falls. The cards are arranged by soundex code and include permanent, temporary, statistical, and nonstatistical arrivals. These records are part of the Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, Record Group (RG) 85.

Where to Find These Records
Do your own research:
District of Columbia: National Archives Building, 700 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20408-0001. Phone: 202-501-5400.

Massachusetts: NARA Northeast Region (Pittsfield, MA), 10 Conte Drive, Pittsfield MA 01201-8230. Phone: 413-445-6885.

New York: NARA Northeast Region (New York City, NY), 201 Varick Street, New York NY 10014-4811. Phone: 212-337-1300.
Obtain immigration records by mail:
Paper copies of immigration records from microfilm publication M1480 can be ordered by mail using one NATF Form 81 for each person. You can obtain the NATF Form 81 by providing your name and mailing address to Be sure to specify "Form 81" and the number of forms you need.

You can also obtain the NATF Form 81 by writing to: National Archives and Records Administration, Attn: NWCTB, 700 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20408-0001.
Purchase this microfilm, see How to Obtain Microfilm

Part 2: Background

For more information about immigration records, see Immigration Records and By Way of Canada: U.S. Records of Immigration across the U.S.-Canadian Border, 1895-1954.

Part 3: Records Description

The arrivals included in this microfilm publication include permanent and temporary, statistical and nonstatistical arrivals. They primarily consist of aliens returning from a visit abroad, although there are a large number of aliens apparently entering the U.S. for the first time. Some U.S. citizens are also included. Since the manifest cards indicate the alien`s previous port and date of arrival in the U.S. or Canada, these manifests serve as a useful finding aid to locating records of those previous arrivals. The manifests are arranged by the soundex coding system.

Rolls 2, 4-9, and 49 begin with a short section of retakes (images refilmed to ensure legibility). Rolls 24, 44, and 49 begin with long retakes sections described in the Roll List. Due to camera operator error, the following cards were not microfilmed or filmed at an improper exposure (resulting in their being unreadable); they no longer exist in any form:

  • E-660 Mijos (last readable card) thru F-000 Burt (next readable card)

  • K-435 Celine (last readable card) thru K-435 William H. (last card according to original INS microfilm box label)

  • R-324 Arthur (last readable card) thru R-324 Martin (next readable card)

  • R-336 Alberta (last readable card) thru R-340 Ada (next readable card)

  • R-526 Leo (last readable card) thru R-530 (next readable card other than one R-526 Peggy)

  • S-000 Frederick (last readable card) and S-000 Gilbert (next readable card)

    Several blank spaces on film between S-000 John Dunlop thru S-132 Dorothy suggest some records may not have been filmed; see Roll List for details.

  • S-165 Igino (last readable card) and S-165 Irene (next readable card)

  • S-512 Melvin E. F. (last readable card) and S-512 Michele (next readable card)

  • W-466 (entire soundex code missing) to W-524 Jack (next readable card)

Due to human error, some cards were out of order at the time they were filmed. Disarrangement at the beginning and ending of rolls is noted in the Roll List.

Forms Used

The manifest cards consist of several types of Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) forms. Both the front and reverse sides of each form were filmed. The most common forms are described below.

Form 548, 548-B, or Form I-448, Manifest, generally includes the person`s name, age, sex, marital status, place of birth, physical description, occupation, citizenship ("nationality"), race, ability to read and write and in what language, place of last permanent residence, port and date of arrival, destination, purpose for entering U.S., intention of becoming a U.S. citizen or of returning to country of previous residence, head tax status, and previous citizenships. It also includes the name and address of the alien`s nearest relative or friend in the country from which he or she came. If the alien had ever been in the U.S. in the past, the dates and places of such residence or visitation are indicated. Additional information may be recorded on the reverse side of the card if the alien appealed a decision deporting or barring him or her from entering the U.S. Subsequent re-entry by the alien may also be noted on the reverse side. Form 548 or I-448 is generally a card manifest. However, during some periods at some ports, the INS used an entire sheet of paper for the Form 548 manifest. Both sizes of manifests generally included the same information. The reverse side of the card manifest sometimes includes the alien`s photograph.

Sample Form 548 Manifest Card

Example of Form 548 from M1480

Form 657, Record of Registry, includes the following information about the alien as of the alien`s date of arrival: name; age; occupation; race or people; place of last residence before entry; and date, port, place, and means (ship, railway, etc.) of arrival in the U.S. This form also includes the following information about the alien as of the alien`s date of registry: name, age, occupation, physical description, place of residence, and place of birth. It also includes the alien`s photograph, date of approval of registry, certificate of registry number, district file number, and bureau file number. Some of the "Registry" records in this microfilm publication were recorded on Form 548 instead of Form 657.

Form I-189, Application for Resident Alien`s Border Crossing Identification Card, (BCC) includes the alien`s name, permanent U.S. address, date and place of birth, sex, marital status, occupation, ability to read and write, citizenship ("nationality"), physical description, and the date, place, and means of lawful entry into U.S. for permanent residence. It also includes the alien`s signature and fingerprint. Also included are the border crossing identification card number and its date of issuance.

Sample Form I-189 BCC Card (Front)

Example of Form I-189 from M1480

Sample Form I-189 BCC Card (Back)

Example of Form I-189 (back) from M1480

Form I-407, Land Border Departure Record, records an alien`s abandonment of lawful domicile in the U.S. The form includes the person`s name; age; sex; race; marital status; occupation; ability to read and write; country of citizenship; country of residence before coming to the U.S.; place of last permanent residence in the U.S.; place intended permanent residence (U.S. or foreign city); alien registration number; port, date, and means (auto, railroad, etc.) of departure; date and port of last (most recent) arrival in the U.S.; and place, date, and certificate number of naturalization. For aliens, certain "facts of last recorded admission for permanent residence" were to be noted, including the person`s name and the port, date, and means (auto, railroad, etc.) of arrival. Other arrival dates and places or visa numbers may also be noted.

Form "Spl 187A," Primary Inspection Memorandum, which was used for alien arrivals, includes person`s name, sex, age, marital status, occupation, ability to read and write and in what language, head tax status, citizenship, race, place of last permanent residence, destination, citizenship before becoming a citizen of Canada, port and date of arrival, destination, purpose for entering U.S., intention of becoming a U.S. citizen, head tax status, and previous citizenships. It also includes the name and address of the friend or relative whom the alien intended to join, persons accompanying the alien, and the name and address of the alien`s nearest relative or friend in the country from which he or she came. If the alien had ever been in the U.S. in the past, the dates and places of such residence or visitation are indicated. Additional information may be recorded on the reverse side of the card if the alien appealed a decision barring him or her from entering the U.S.
General Remarks
The records were filmed by the INS in Oct. 1955-Apr. 1956 and transferred to the National Archives on microfilm. Although some of this film may be difficult to read, and some of the card records were not microfilmed at all, it is impossible to correct the situation since the INS destroyed the original records.

Part 4: Roll List

Roll No. Ending Beginning
1 A-000A-263 Florence (part)
2 A-263 Florence (part)A-416 Otto H. (part)
3 A-416 Otto H. (part)A-456
4 A-460A-536 Herluf
5 A-536 HermanA-652 Edna

Note: One A-652 Lawrence is mixed in with A-652 Edna.
6 A-652 EdwardB-200 George S. (part)
7 B-200 George S. (part)B-230 Alexander
8 B-230 AlfredB-253 Peter
9 B-253 PietroB-300 Elizabeth (part)
10 B-300 Elizabeth (part)B-350 Henry A. (part)
11 B-350 Henry A. (part)B-420 James

Note 1: Second card on roll is Harry A. Batten (B-350 Harry).

Note 2: Last card on roll is Jenny Balis (B-420 Jenny).
12 B-420 JanB-455 Gaetano
13 B-455 GeorgeB-536 Beverly
14 B-536 BorisB-620 Jennie
15 B-620 JohannesB-625 Priscilla
16 B-625 RachaelB-635 Jean (part)
17 B-635 Jean (part)B-650 Quirino
18 B-650 R.B-655 Martin J.
19 B-650 Martin JohnC-160 Mary Alston
20 C-160 Mary AnnC-240
21 C-241C-400 Maria (part)
22 C-400 Maria (part)C-452 Albert (part)
23 C-452 Albert (part)C-500 James E.
24 Retakes: C-500 James F.C-500 Lillian
24Main Section: C-500 JohnC-530 Arthur
25 C-530 BarbaraC-600 Susan (part)
26 C-600 Susan (part)C-623 Konstantin
27 C-623 KostaC-640 John C.
28 C-640 John D.D-000
29 D-100D-140 William (part)
30 D-140 William (part)D-240 Ivy
31 D-240 JackD-320 Guy
32 D-320 HansD-453
33 D-454D-525 Margaret (part)
34 D-525 Margaret (part)D-610 James
35 D-610 JanE-152 Gwynne
36 E-152 HannahE-400
37 E-410E-660 Mijos
38 F-000 BurtF-320 Lukasz

Note: All records between E-660 Mijos and F-000 Burt were photographed as part of roll 38. However, due to camera operator error, these records are unreadable (too dark) due to over exposure.
39 F-320 MargaretF-451
40 F-452F-616 Israel
41 F-616 Jacob F-630
42 F-631F-655 Ruth
43 F-655 SadieG-240
44 Retakes: G-241G-244 Giacomo
44Main Section: G-242 DomencioG-400 Szczepan
45 G-400 TeddyG-435 Morris (part)
46 G-435 Morris (part)G-600 Harry R. (part)
47 G-600 Harry R. (part)G-622 Luther
48 G-622 MadelineG-650 Johan
49 Retakes: G-666 Mary AnnH-000 Bruce
49Main Section: G-650 JohnG-663 Yvonne
50 H-000 CaroleH-200 Priscilla
51 H-200 RachelH-256 Karl
52 H-256 KatherineH-400 Coryl
53 H-400 CretaH-436 Jennifer
54 H-436 JoanH-525 Albert
55 H-525 Albert A.H-552 Charles
56 H-552 CharlotteH-625 Carrie (part)
57 H-625 Carrie (part)H-652 William (part)
58 H-652 William (part)J-130 Charles (part)
59 J-130 Charles (part)J-520 Austin
60 J-520 BarbaraJ-525 Grace
61 J-525 GrahamK-122 Andro (part)

Note: Camera operator put several large blank gaps near end of real, especially in K-000 section, but, apparently, all records were filmed.
62 K-122 Andro (part)K-266 David
63 K-266 EdwardK-435 Celine

Note: All records between K-435 Celine and K-435 William H. were photographed as part of roll 63. However, due to camera operator error, these records are unreadable (too dark) due to over exposure.
64 K-436K-524 Georges
65 K-524 GertrudeK-620 Lyle
66 K-620 MableL-000 Kent

Note: First card on roll is Lillian M. Kirkwood (K-623).
67 L-000 KerstinL-160 Anton
68 L-160 AntoniaL-230 Rose (part)
69 L-230 Rose (part)L-300 Evan
70 L-300 F. M.L-365 Marie B.
71 L-365 Marie L.L-520 Hung
72 L-520 IainL-532 Jusef
73 L-532 KarlL-625 James (part)
74 L-625 James (part)M-200 Duncan
75 M-200 EarlM-215 Eliza
76 M-215 EllaM-230 Higi
77 M-230 HirshM-235 Peter (part)
78 M-235 Peter (part)M-242 Harold (part)
79 M-242 Harold (part)M-245 Mary A. (part)
80 M-245 Mary A. (part)M-251 Ellen
81 M-251 ElsieM-254 Cuthbert
82 M-254 DallasM-260 Lulu
83 M-260 MabelM-265 Evelyn
84 M-265 FerdinandM-324 Georgina
85 M-324 GeraldM-400 Gwendolyn
86 M-400 HannahM-446
87 M-450M-460 Joseph
88 M-460 JosephineM-522 Dominic P. (part)
89 M-522 Dominic P. (part) M-536 Giulio
90 M-536 GivanniM-600 Harry (part)
91 M-600 Harry (part)M-613
92 M-614M-623 Cesidio
93 M-623 CharlesM-625 Violet
94 M-625 VirgilM-635 Myrtle
95 M-635 NanN-120 John (part)
96 N-120 John (part)N-240 Mary A.
97 N-240 Mary I.N-355 Vera
98 N-355 WilliamN-564
99 N-600O-235
100 O-236O-422 Papi
101 O-422 SilvesterO-650 Sheila
102 O-650 SusanP-200 Michal (part)
103 P-200 Michal (part)P-252 Vladimir
104 P-252 WalterP-352 James (part)
105 P-352 James (part)P-362 Sarah (part)
106 P-362 Sarah (part)P-420 Elefteria
107 P-420 ElinorP-452 Nicola
108 P-452 NorahP-525 Iole
109 P-525 IrisP-620 Avrum
110 P-620 BarbaraP-624
111 P-625P-634 Eduardo (part)
112 P-634 Eduardo (part)Q-236
113 Q-240R-125 Ada
114 R-125 Felix R-160 Costanzo
115 R-160 DanielR-200 Byron
116 R-200 C. R-200 Susanna
117 R-200 Susanna E.R-240
118 R-241R-260
119 R-261R-300 James

Note 1: First card is Lilly Rosner (R-256 Lilly).

Note 2: Second card is Lillie Rosner (R-256 Lillie).
120 R-300 James B.R-335

Note 1: The camera operator inserted a long blank space between R-324 Arthur and R-324 Martin; records may not have been filmed.

Note 2: All records between R-336 Alberta and R-340 Ada were photographed as a part of roll 120. However, due to camera operator error, these records are unreadable (too dark) due to over exposure.
121 R-340R-423 Isabella L.
122 R-423 JacquesR-525 Robert
123 R-525 RobertaS-000 Frederick

Note: The camera operator inserted a long blank space between R-526 Leo and R-530; only one card is between these: Peggy Ranger (R-526 Peggy).
124 S-000 Gilbert


Note 1: Long blank space at beginning of roll suggests the camera operator failed to film cards between S-000 Frederick and S-000 Gilbert, if any existed. Note 2: Blank spaces on film exist between: (1) S-000 John Dunlop and S-000 Mabel; (2) S-000 Margaret Wilson and S-000 Marie; (3) S-100 Lydia and S-1000 Margareta; (4) S-100 Nissan and S-100 Paul L.; (5) S-100 Ravha and S-100 Rene; (6) S-122 Ewald and S-122 John; (7) S-124 Yetta and S-125 Becky; and (8) S-132 Carrie and S-132 Dorothy
125 S-135S-160 Hersch
126 S-160 Herschel S-200 Josephine (part)

Note: Cards between S-165 Igino and S-165 Irene are unreadable.
127 S-200 Josephine (part)S-252 Ludmila
128 S-252 MagdaleneS-315 Alfred H.
129 S-315 Alfred J.S-324 Luella G.
130 S-324 Mabel S-350 Wilhelmina
131 S-350 WilliamS-362 Frank (part)
132 S-362 Frank (part)S-364 Martin
133 S-364 MaryS-415 Janie
134 S-415 JeanS-432 Juzef
135 S-432 Karl S-500 Annie

Note: See Roll 136 for additional persons named S-500 Annie.
136 S-500 AnnieS-520 Maxim

Note 1: The first 30 cards are alphabetically disarranged; this segment includes Annie, Anton, and Antoinette, and others.

Note 2: Due to camera operator error, cards between S-512 Melvin E. F. and S-512 Michele are unreadable (blurry).

137 S-520 MayS-530 Edward (part)
138 S-530 Edward (part) S-530 Myrtle R.
139 S-530 NancyS-536 Azile J.
140 S-536 Balino S-550 Mabel
141 S-550 MableS-600 Owen
142 S-600 PaschalS-630 Grace
143 S-630 Grace E.T-126
144 T-130 T-256
145 T-260 T-455 Matilda
146 T-455 MorrisT-512 Clair
147 T-512 ClaraT-520 Vivian L.
148 T-520 WadeT-610 Evangeline
149 T-610 Filippo T-636
150 T-640 V-126 Edith
151 V-126 JohnV-416
152 V-420V-536 Edith E.
153 V-536 Edith M.W-123
154 W-124 W-241
155 W-242 W-300 Hyman
156 W-300 IdaW-325 Justin
157 W-325 KarlW-366
158 W-400W-420 Virginia
159 W-420 Wallace W-425 Milton
160 W-425 Nan W-436 Mitchell
161 W-436 Molly W-465
162 W-524 Jack W-623 Margaret

Note: All records from W-466 to W-524 Jack were to have been photographed as part of roll 162. However, due to camera operator error, these were not filmed.
163 W-623 Margaret H. Y-250
164 Y-251 Z-122
165 Z-123 Z-664

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