Feature Articles: Diet, Health & Fitness

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  • Health Spas: Exercise Your Rights [PDF]

    Although most consumers who join health clubs are pleased with their choices, others are not. To avoid the problems of high-pressure sales tactics, misrepresentation of facilities and services, broken promises about cancellations and refunds, here are some suggestions from experts at the Federal Trade Commission.

  • Serving Alcohol to Teens: It's Unsafe, Illegal, and Irresponsible [PDF]

    A new national campaign to reduce underage drinking focuses on the social source that may provide teens with access to alcohol.

  • Staying Safe By Reducing Sun Exposure [PDF]

    Overexposure to the sun's invisible rays-ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB)-can cause skin damage that ranges from sunburn and rashes to premature wrinkling and skin cancer. Knowing the answers to a few questions may help save your skin.

Last Modified: Friday, 27-Jul-2007 15:15:00 EDT