Locating Mortgagors Owed a Distributive Share or Mortgage Insurance Premium Refund from the Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund
This page describes products containing the Department of Housing and Urban Development s Mutual Mortgage Insurance (MMI) Fund Lists of unlocated payees due refunds.
The individuals listed in these products are entitled to either of two types of payments: (1) a distributive share payment or (2) an upfront mortgage insurance premium refund, also known as a One-Time Mortgage Insurance Premium (OTMIP) refund.
HUD attempts to contact mortgagors who are due refunds; however, HUD was unable to locate these individuals who are due payments. After a 2-year location cycle, information on cases remaining unpaid is made available for release to the public under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) of 1986, as amended.
The listing includes:
For additional information or to search the HUD refund database, visit http://www.hud.gov/offices/hsg/comp/refunds.
If you need technical support please contact the Help Desk at 703-605-6585.
Product Information:
Information on unlocated payees is updated monthly and may contain cases for which payments are being processed or which have been paid since the printing of the list.
NOTE: In order to provide the most current information, the unlocated payees listing is placed on hold in the middle of each month. Orders received after the hold has been initiated are held until the new listing is received. Once the new listing is processed, the pending orders are released.
Warning: You may not represent to the public that you are a representative or give the appearance that you are a representative of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), or the U.S. Government. False claims for payment, forgery, false statements to HUD, and other acts are subject to criminal and/or civil prosecution with the possibility of imprisonment, fines, or triple damages of the amount of the claim. HUD will prosecute to the fullest extent of the law anyone who abuses the mortgage insurance premium refund system. Up to 10 years imprisonment and up to a $10,000 fine are the penalties under various Federal statutes. The use of the mail to commit a fraud against HUD may be a violation of the mail fraud statute 18 USC 1341 and punishable by up to 5 years imprisonment and up to a $1,000 fine. Report any fraudulent acts or abuses to the HUD HOTLINE at 1-800-347-3735 (toll-free).
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Available for PDF Download
The National Technical Information Service is NOT a party to any agreements, financial or otherwise, between the tracer and the claimant(s). NTIS is the distributor of the listing and does not guarantee monetary profit.