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Per. Review & Tech. Assistance
Oregon Coastal Mgmt. Program
Per. Review & Tech. Assistance
Sweet Creek, near Mapleton (By Laren Woolley)
2007-09 Periodic Review and Technical Assistance
The Department of Land Conservation and Development offers grants to local jurisdictions and tribal governments to complete projects to update and modernize comprehensive plans, land-use ordinances, development codes and other planning regulations.
The grants are provided to jurisdictions that are completing a structured periodic review process, and through Technical Assistance grants to jurisdictions with planning projects outside the structured plan update process.
Periodic Review grants are used for completing tasks on currently established work programs. However work program preparation is also an eligible use of Periodic Review grant funds, after existing work program work tasks are funded.
Use of Technical Assistance funds is guided by a Grants Allocation Plan. The grant allocation plan lists the priorities as economic development, streamlining planning and zoning processes, intergovernmental agreements, and updates to coordinated county-wide population projections. Compliance with federal mandates is also highlighted in the allocation plan as an important use of funds.
The department is now accepting applications for the 2007-09 biennium on a first-come, first-served basis. Application forms for Periodic Review and Technical Assistance grants for the 2007-09 biennium are available below.
The grant application packet explains the priorities in detail and gives instructions for completing the application.
There is no deadline for Technical Assistance grants, but no new grant contracts will be awarded after Nov. 1, 2008. Also, all projects must be completed by June 30, 2009.


Grant Packet Transmittal Memo Sept. 27, 2007 Memo accompanying mail-out of the grant packet
Grant Packet
Background and instructions for completing Technical Assistance and Periodic Review grant applications
Application form to request a Technical Assistance or Periodic Review grant for the 2007-09 biennium
Grants Allocation Plan
Plan adopted by LCDC to direct and set priorities for the general fund grant program
For questions about these grants, please contact your DLCD regional representative or Larry French, Grants/Periodic Review Administrative Specialist, at 503-373-0050 x283.
Oregon Coastal Mgmt. Program
Oregon Coastal Management Program
For information on OCMP grants, please go here.

Transportation and Growth Management Program
For information on TGM grants, please go here.

Page updated: September 27, 2007

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