"Re-living The Wright Way"

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Invention Process

Researched Flight

Tested Theories

Flight Control

Test Pilot Skills

Propulsion System

First Flight

Flight Development

Pushing Envelope

Wilbur Wright Bio

Orville Wright Bio

Lesson Plans






1900 - Aircraft

1901 - Aircraft

1902 - Aircraft

Powered Aircraft

1903 - Wright Flyer

1904 - Aircraft

1905 - Aircraft

Flight Control

Wing Warping

1901 - Wind Tunnel

Lesson Plans
Program Description URL Grade
Aeronautics Environmental Impact Traveling Exhibit The Aerobus traveling exhibit contains a theatre featuring videos related to NASA's efforts to reduce the impact of aeronautic propulsion on the environment http://aerobus.grc.nasa.gov/ K-16
Aeronautics Kidspage This website is designed to help children learn about aeronautics, with an emphasis on aircraft engines. Lesson plans on the history, dynamics, and propulsion of airplanes are provided. http://www.ueet.nasa.gov/StudentSite/ K- 6
Aeronautics Learning Laboratory for Science Technology (ALLSTAR) Lesson plans and experiments on the Principles of Aviation, Aerospace, and The History of Aeronautics are available on this website. Clearly established levels of understanding for different 'and age-ranges are a strength of this site. www.K-16star.fiu.edu 6-14
Aerospace Education Services Program (AESP) The AESP enhances awareness and understanding of scientific and technology advances growing out of NASA's mission of research, discovery, and exploration. NASA provides assistance and support in updating science, math, geography, and technology curricula by utilizing new and evolving instructional technologies and teaching strategies. http://www.okstate.edu/aesp/AESP.html K-16
Careers in Aerospace Fact Sheet This fact sheet provides advice and direction for anyone interested in a career in engineering. http://oea.larc.nasa.gov/PAIS/Careers.html K-16
Central Operations of Resources for Education (CORE) CORE is the world-wide distribution center of NASA-produced, educational, multimedia materials. The public has access to over 200 videocassettes, slides, and CD-ROMs chronicling NASA's state-of-the-art research and technology. http://core.nasa.gov/ K-16
Consider a Career in Aerospace Poster The Consider a Career in Aerospace Poster encourages young women to pursue careers in math, science, engineering, and technology. It provides information and activities that relate past, present, and future careers in aerospace. http://spacelink.nasa.gov/products
Exploring the Extreme Poster The F-15 Active is an aircraft used by NASA to explore the extreme limits of aerospace technology. This poster includes activities for measuring the angles of wings and tails of the F-15 and several other airplanes. http://spacelink.nasa.gov/Instructional.Materials
Flight Testing Newton's Laws This workbook, video and CD-ROM use NASA video clips and other illustrations to explain the principles behind Newton's laws of motion. http://trc.dfrc.nasa.gov/trc/ntps 9-12
Good Plans Can Help You Reach Your Goals This webpage offers advice for high school and college students interested in careers in aerospace. http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/K-12
/Summer_Training/Columbia MS/goodplans.html
KAAMS The KAAMS teacher website supplies problem based learning opportunities that get students involved in authentic aeronautics-based remote-sensing missions conducted by NASA scientists. http://www.pgd.hawaii.edu/kaams 6-9
Learning Technologies Project This project helps integrate NASA research and technology into the K-14 curriculum through web-based resources, computer simulations, and videoconferences. Many ready-made lesson plans, activities, and experiments that deal with the science of aerodynamics are available. http://learn.arc.nasa.gov/ K-14
Mobile Aeronautics Education Laboratory (MAEL) The mobile state-of-the-art Aeronautics Education Laboratory brings new technologies to partnership cities to excite students about science and math. Visitors can experience 10 hands-on workstations that model real world aviation chK-16enges like weather forecasting, flight design, airfoil design, and flight controls. www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/MAEL K-12
NASA Education Workshops (NEW) NEW provide educators with an opportunity to observe state-of-the-art research and development while directly interacting with experts at a NASA Field Center. http://education.nasa.gov/NEW K-16 educators
NASA Explores This website features weekly educational activities and updates on cutting edge research and development for elementary, middle, and high school students. Each week two new articles on aeronautics technology with lesson plans and adapted activities are featured. http://nasaexplores.com K-12
NASA Quest's Women of NASA The Women of NASA is intended for young women to pursue careers in math and science. The materials provide profiles of successful women, and the opportunity to participate in interactive events. http://quest.nasa.gov/women/intro.html K-16
Observatorium The Observatorium is a public access website that explores how airplanes are used as platforms for experimentation and remote sensing. Pictures of the earth, stars, and planets are available. http://observe.arc.nasa.gov/ K-16
Office of Aerospace Technology Online Newsletter The OAT Newsletter showcases promising technologies, and highlights NASA advancements in research to improve air travel. www.aerospace.nasa.gov/curevent/news/index.htm K-16
Superstars of Modern Aeronautics Posters The Superstars of Modern Aeronautics Posters feature 12 key contributors to modern aviation, and are designed to be used by teachers to encourage students to consider the increased opportunities that education provides to prepare for future careers. http://spacelink.nasa.gov/Instructional.Materials/
The New Regime: The Beginning of Supersonic Flight The New Regime website and accompanying mini-literature unit introduces students to supersonic flight using interactive audio and graphics. http://quest.arc.nasa.gov/aero/events/regimes/new.html 4-12
The Wright Way Learn about the development of the first manned, powered flight from its conception through research and experimentation, to success and beyond. This website features facts, lesson plans, simulations, activities, and contains information on how to participate in the Centennial of Flight Celebration. http://wright.nasa.gov K-12
Tools of The Trade Poster This poster features research aircraft, and contains hands-on activities for building and experimenting with basic wing/tail canard configurations http://spacelink.nasa.gov/Instructional.Materials
Wind Tunnel Teacher's Guide The major parts of a wind tunnel are described, and animation is used to demonstrate how they operate. This guide provides a classroom activity in which a teacher can design their own wind tunnel. http://observe.arc.nasa.gov/nasa/aero



Responsible Official
Tom Benson

Maintained by
Dave Mazza

Comments and Suggestions Carol Galica

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