"Re-living The Wright Way"

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Invention Process

Researched Flight

Tested Theories

Flight Control

Test Pilot Skills

Propulsion System

First Flight

Flight Development

Pushing Envelope

Wilbur Wright Bio

Orville Wright Bio

Lesson Plans






1900 - Aircraft

1901 - Aircraft

1902 - Aircraft

Powered Aircraft

1903 - Wright Flyer

1904 - Aircraft

1905 - Aircraft

Flight Control

Wing Warping

1901 - Wind Tunnel

Program Description URL Grade
Atmosphere Applet This software lets students and educators study how pressure, temperature, and density change throughout the atmosphere, by demonstrating how those variables effect the gauges of an airplane. http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/K-12/freesoftware_page.htm 9-12
Beginner's Guide to Aeronautics Learn about how airplanes fly, including the forces that lift them off the ground, keep them in the air, and help them land. http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/K-12/airplane/bga.html K-12
Curveball Students learn about the principles of aerodynamics by controlling the conditions of a big league baseball pitch. http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/K-12/freesoftware_page.htm 9-12
EngineSim Students can manipulate variables to design and test engines to see what is most efficient. This software fosters hands on inquiry-based learning in science and math by simulating jet engine tests and the effects that engines have on the speed and range of aircraft. http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/K-12/freesoftware_page.htm 9-12
Exploring Aeronautics CD-ROM This software provides interactive tutorials on the principles of flight and aircraft design. A companion website gives an introduction to and instructions on how to incorporate these materials into math, science, technology, and geography curricula. http://exploringaerospace.arc.nasa.gov 5-8
Flight Testing Newton's Laws This workbook, video and CD-ROM use NASA video clips and other illustrations to explain the principles behind Newton's laws of motion. http://trc.dfrc.nasa.gov/trc/ntps 9-12
Foil Sim II This software fosters hands-on inquiry-based learning by computing the theoretical lift of a variety of airfoil shapes. The user can control the shapes, size, and inclination of a wing, and test their decisions in a simulated wind tunnel. http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/K-12/freesoftware_page.htm 9-12
Johnny's Airport Adventure This program takes children on a pretend trip to an airport and on an airplane. Johnny's Airport Adventure introduces K-4 students to aviation terminology and various engine types. http://ueet.nasa.gov/ K-4
Kite Modeler This program helps students design and study the flight of a kite. Kites with different lengths, widths, and materials can be designed and tested with variable wind speeds and control lines. The aerodynamic forces on the kite, and the stability of the design are computed by this software. http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/K-12/freesoftware_page.htm 9-12
Range Games Range Games presents a variety of multiple-choice math and physics problems involving aircraft performance. Students must answer questions about range, fuel usage, acceleration, velocity and location during take-off. http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/K-12/freesoftware_page.htm 9-12
Rocket Modeler The Rocket Modeler lets students and educators design and study the flight of a model rocket. This program computes the stability of your design and flight trajectory while K-16owing the user to vary the number and size of fins and materials used. http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/K-12/freesoftware_page.htm 9-12
Sharing Aeronautics Projects Electronically (SHAPE) The SHAPE program K-16ows students to use aeronautics to learn about math and science. It is your mission to make decisions to help navigate a glider to its destination. This program has three skill levels for different grade levels. www.patprojects.org/glider/index.htm K-12







Responsible Official
Tom Benson

Maintained by
Dave Mazza
Comments and Suggestions Carol Galica