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Kazakhstan Is Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the Capital of the Country - ASTANA. News, photos and celebration schedule are on the Special Site:

Welcome to the website of the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the United Nations in New York. This site provides background information on Kazakhstan, its policy priorities and positions on the issues of peace and security, development, human rights and many other topics, which are on the Agenda of the United Nations. The site also contains information about the Mission's staff and provides links to the Government, mass media and other institutions of Kazakhstan.

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Kazakhstan has a rich past. Its geographical and geopolitical position has played a vital role in promoting the country's development. Located in the center of Eurasia, Kazakhstan has long found itself at the crossroads of the world's most ancient civilizations and trade routes. It has been a land of social, economic and cultural exchange between East and West, North and South, and between the major players in Eurasia. At different stages of its history, various states emerged and developed in the land which became today's Kazakhstan. read more


Head of State Nursultan Nazarbaev delivered his annual State of the Nation Address entitled "The Growth of Welfare of the citizens of Kazakhstan - Main Goal of the State's Policy" which outlined the situation in the country and major priorities of the internal and foreign policies. (Astana, February 2008) read more (read it in Russian - Russian).

On 16 May 2007, at a joint session of both Houses of Parliament Nursultan Nazarbayev, President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, presented a report called "The New Stage of Kazakhstan's Democratization - Accelerated Development of a Free Democratic Society". read more

Kazakhstan: A new stage of political modernisation of the country (review) read more

Environmental issues
The issues of sustainable development and environmental protection should be among priority items on the UN Agenda. Their solution is definitely a priority for Kazakhstan, which has been affected by such man-made and natural disasters as the dying Aral Sea and the Semipalatinsk nuclear testing ground. Humanitarian, social and economic implications of these and other disasters continue to have a negative effect on the sustainable development not only of Kazakhstan but of the entire Central Asian region. In this context, Kazakhstan calls for a closer international cooperation in the solution of problems involving the efforts to deal with the effects of these and other natural and man-made disasters.
Millennium Development Goals
Kazakhstan believes that issues of development and related challenges involving timely and effective achievement of the Millennium Development Goals should continue to be the focus of attention of the international community. The view that the framework for a collective security system can be established through creating conditions for development of States is of special importance. It is encouraging to note that the outcome document adopted by the world Summit has reaffirmed that development is a central goal and that sustainable development in its economic, social and cultural dimensions is an important area of work of the entire United Nations system.
Kazakhstan welcomes the initiative to introduce a counter-terrorism strategy that provides for the elimination of the causes of terrorism and its renunciation as a tactical means to attract political attention. The success of this strategy will largely depend on the strengthening of international, regional and sub-regional cooperation in the fight against international terrorism and the growing role of regional organization in dealing with this evil. Yet building the capacity of states to prevent terrorist operations and recruitment by terrorists is the most effective element of a comprehensive strategy.
Kazakhstan attaches great significance to a comprehensive legal framework successfully established by the United Nations General Assembly in the field of counter-terrorism. In addition to all twelve United Nation counter-terrorism conventions, Kazakhstan acceded to the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism on September 16, 2005.

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