"Re-living The Wright Way"

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Invention Process

Researched Flight

Tested Theories

Flight Control

Test Pilot Skills

Propulsion System

First Flight

Flight Development

Pushing Envelope

Wilbur Wright Bio

Orville Wright Bio

Lesson Plans






1900 - Aircraft

1901 - Aircraft

1902 - Aircraft

Powered Aircraft

1903 - Wright Flyer

1904 - Aircraft

1905 - Aircraft

Flight Control

Wing Warping

1901 - Wind Tunnel

Wright Brothers' Invention Process

(December 17, 1903) - The First Flight

The Wright Brothers were the first to fly a controllable self-propelled, heavier than air machine on December 17, 1903. A variety of activities and broadcasts will celebrate this historic event.

Photo of 1903 flight
Legend of Related Programs:: W Website
L Lesson Plans/Materials
A Activity
V Webcasts/Video
S Simulation


Program Description Grade W L A V C S
Beginner's Guide to Aeronautics Learn about how airplanes fly, including the forces that lift them off the ground, keep them in the air, and help them land. K-12 x       x x
Central Operations of Resources for Education (CORE) CORE is the world-wide distribution center of NASA-produced, educational, multimedia materials. The public has access to over 200 videocassettes, slides, and CD-ROMs chronicling NASA's state-of-the-art research and technology. K-16 x x        
Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) The Experimental Aircraft Association offers a wide variety of opportunities for teacher and students interested in building or modeling their own airplanes. K-16 x   x      
Exploring Aeronautics CD-ROM This software provides interactive tutorials on the principles of flight and aircraft design. A companion website gives an introduction to and instructions on how to incorporate these materials into math, science, technology, and geography curricula. 5-8         x  
K-8 Aeronautics Internet Textbook Numerous lesson plans, demonstrations, activities and information on aerospace careers are available. Detailed information on the Wright Brother's Flight Process, including journal entries, are also featured. K- 8 x   x      
Mobile Aeronautics Education Laboratory (MAEL) The mobile state-of-the-art Aeronautics Education Laboratory brings new technologies to partnership cities to excite students about science and math. Visitors can experience 10 hands-on workstations that model real world aviation chK-16enges like weather forecasting, flight design, airfoil design, and flight controls. K-12   x       x
NASA Connect NASA Connect is an award winning series of instructional television programs that are proven to capture the imagination of elementary and middle school students. This program establishes connections between NASA research and math, science, aeronautics, and technology content taught in the classroom. 5-8 x   x x    
NASA Explores This website features weekly educational activities and updates on cutting edge research and development for elementary, middle, and high school students. Each week two new articles on aeronautics technology with lesson plans and adapted activities are featured. K-12 x x x      
NASA Quest Meet the people of NASA and look over their shoulder as they make NASA goals a reality. This website brings NASA personel and scientists into the classroom via the internet. K-12 x          
Sharing Aeronautics Projects Electronically (SHAPE) The SHAPE program K-16ows students to use aeronautics to learn about math and science. It is your mission to make decisions to help navigate a glider to its destination. This program has three skill levels for different grade levels. K-12 x       x  
Spacelink This website contains a search tool to discover a wealth of NASA programs, research opportunities and educational materials. K-12 x          
The NASA Science Files The Science Files are an educational television program designed to enhance and enrich the teaching of math and science in '3-5. This program deals with numerous topics related to aviation, aerospace, science, technology, and math. 3-5 x   x x    
The Wright Brothers Posters This pair of posters includes "The Process of Invention" and "Innovation Through Flight". Both posters showcase the vital role that engineering has played in human progress. K-12 x   x      
The Wright Way Learn about the development of the first manned, powered flight from its conception through research and experimentation, to success and beyond. This website features facts, lesson plans, simulations, activities, and contains information on how to participate in the Centennial of Flight Celebration. K-12 x x x     x
Wright Flyer Online Learn about a full-sized replica of the 1903 Wright Flyer. Students can follow the trailing vortex as it is tested in a NASA wind tunnel. 9-12 x         x

Related Research Programs

Civil Tiltrotor Project (CTR) The Civil Tiltrotor Project is developing aircraft that will drastically reduce runway congestion and airport capacity issues. Tiltrotor aircraft can take-off and land vertically, similar to a helicopter, where no runway is required. The future vision of this program is to allow for greater public access to flight by creating a series of small vertiports to siphon off short-haul commuter traffic and free-up runway space for larger aircraft.
High Speed Research Program NASA is developing the passenger jet of the future. A next-generation supersonic jet that could fly 300 passengers more then 1500 mph (twice the speed of sound). This plane could cross the Atlantic or Pacific in less then half the time of today's commercial flights.
X-37 The X-37 is NASA's advanced flight test demonstrator. This reusable launch vehicle will be designed to operate in both orbital and reentry phases of flight. The X-37 will feature dozens of advanced airframes, avionics, and operational techniques.
Advanced Space Transportation System The Advanced Space Transportation Program is striving to achieve the full potential of space for all human endeavors through safe, affordable, and reliable transportation. NASA researchers are developing innovative technologies for low-cost space transportation systems that will be as reliable and safe as today's airlines. Research efforts and technological developments are aimed towards accelerating breakthroughs that will make it possible for ordinary people to live, work, and play in space.
Helios Prototype On August 13, 2001 the Helios prototype set a world-record by achieving sustained flight at more then 96,000 feet. The Helios is an unmanned solar powered aircraft, with a gigantic wingspan of 247 feet. The Helios prototype has two program goals; to reach an altitude of 100,000 feet with a small payload, and to achieve a sustained flight with a duration of at least 96 hours.




Responsible Official
Tom Benson

Maintained by
Dave Mazza
Comments and Suggestions Carol Galica
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