Scientific Name
Prunus serotina

Common Name
Wild Cherry; Black cherry
Hardiness Zones: 2-8









Habit: Deciduous
Growth Rate: Rapid
Site Requirements: Sun; range of soil types
Form: Pyramidal to conical; becomes oval with pendulous branches
Height: 50 to 80’
Width: --
Leaf: 2 to 5" alternate, simple leaves; yellow to red fall color
Flower/Fruit: 4 to 6" raceme of white flowers in early spring; small juicy reddish black edible berries in summer that attract birds
Comments: Native; subject to defoliation from eastern tent caterpillars; tends to be a messy tree - use along the edges of woods; leaves are poisonous to livestock; leaves and twigs have cherry fragrance and bitter taste
Cultivars: -- 
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