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United States
Department of
  June 20, 1996
Farm and Foreign

Procedures for Travel by Non-FAS USDA Travelers Related to Approved Cooperator and MAP Activities

  TO: All Cooperators and Participants
Stop 1042
Washington, DC
BACKGROUND: The participation of USDA personnel in approved Cooperator and MAP market development activities, particularly those of a technical nature, has often been an essential element of the activities' success. Typically, travel expenses have been charged, directly or indirectly, to Cooperator project funds or MAP Participant CCC resource accounts.

In FY 1990, the Office of the General Counsel determined that reimbursement of travel expenses of USDA personnel, even indirectly by a direct charge to an account established in the name of the Cooperator/Participant, represents a potential conflict of interest.
  SOLUTION: In FY 1991, FAS established procedures to enable the continued participation of other USDA personnel in authorized market development activities by directly reimbursing the traveler upon completion of the approved trip.

Non-FAS USDA travel will continue to be possible pursuant to both approved MAP and Cooperator activities. Cooperator/Participant budgets will not be reduced to cover the costs of such travel. Therefore, FAS-initiated amendments should not be prepared for these costs.

The tight budget situation limits FAS' ability to fund travel that is not included in the original Non-FAS USDA travel budget each fiscal year. Therefore, in order to guarantee proper funding levels are set, please submit as an addendum to your activity plan or in a separate written request to the appropriate Commodity Division the following information:
  • an itinerary,
  • dates of travel,
  • the requested agency,
  • expertise needed,
  • estimated cost of the travel,
  • marketing plan code and;
  • activity code for which the requested travel is related.

Instruct USDA personnel traveling as part of an activity to contact the appropriate Commodity Division at least FOUR WEEKS PRIOR to departure regarding preparation of the AD-202, Travel Authorization.

Advise USDA traveler of these procedures and emphasize that all travel expenses and per diem claimed must comply with FAS travel reimbursement policies.



    At least FOUR WEEKS PRIOR to the planned travel, prepare a brief memo (copy attached) to MOS explaining and justifying the purpose of the travel (cite cooperator/MAP plan and activity number). Include an "Approved/Disapproved" line. ALL TRAVEL RELATED DOCUMENTS MUST COME TO THE MARKETING OPERATIONS STAFF.

Once MOS has approved the travel, have the traveler prepare an AD-202, Travel Authorization, that includes the following:
  • Appropriation: 1262900 (the third number will change each fiscal year).

  • Acct. Classific. Code: 601-0501-51-(Travel Author. number--the first number will change each fiscal year)*

    (*NOTE: a six-digit travel authorization number must be added to all travel authorizations. If the travel authorization is prepared on another agency's travel form, an FAS travel authorization must still be added. This number should be added by the Commodity Division by calling 703-305-1418.)

A signature block for:

  • the authorizing official of the traveler's agency,
  • the appropriate Commodity Division,
  • the Marketing Operations Staff,
  • the Deputy Administrator, CMP, and
  • the Administrator, FAS.

Forward all travel related documents (memo, AD-202, and travel voucher) to MOS who will clear and then route through the normal clearance process.

Advise the traveler that all travel arrangements must be made through the FAS travel office. (American Express on 202-863-4250). THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS.

    Instruct the traveler that FAS will reimburse the traveler upon completion of the trip and submission of an AD-616, Travel Voucher, trip report, and a copy of the signed AD-202. The AD-616 must clear through the Commodity Division and MOS.
   If you have questions regarding these procedures, please contact Colette Ross of the Marketing Operations Staff on 720-2379.
Deputy Administrator
Commodity and Marketing Programs



Request for a Non-FAS USDA employee to travel
TO: Kent Sisson
Marketing Operations

This memo is to request approval for Mr. Eric Dudley, USDA-AMS, to travel to Hong Kong to participate, as a guest speaker, in the National Carrot Council Southeast Asia Convention. The travel is scheduled to occur May 5-11, 1998. The scheduled travel will take place under MAP activity plan HK002.

APPROVAL:________________ DISAPPROVAL____________________
DATE:________________________ DATE:____________________________


Last modified: Tuesday, November 04, 2003