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United States
Department of
  February 26, 1996
Farm and Foreign


Streamlining Administration of the FMD and MAP

All Cooperators and Participants

Independence Ave.,
Stop 1042
Washington. DC

Since assuming the position of Deputy Administrator for Commodity and Marketing Programs, I have had the chance to talk to most of you about your overseas efforts. A recurring theme in these discussions has been the idea of more flexibility in the MAP and Cooperator programs. I, too, want to streamline the administration of both programs by reducing paperwork and eliminating restrictive policies. I also believe, however, that we can accomplish this within the current regulations and guidelines. Let me highlight some of the administrative changes we've recently implemented.

  • All Cooperator and MAP plan approval letters are now signed by the Division Director or his/her designee. Division Directors have also been delegated the authority to make decisions concerning shifts in country budget ceilings changes. However, the current policy regarding the amounts set aside for small sized entities remains unchanged. At no time during the marketing year may this amount be reduced.

  • All MPAR's and APAR's are signed by the Division Director or his/her designee.

  • All amendments must be sent to the posts, however, there is no longer a 10-day waiting period for comments or approval. If there is a concern or issue, FAS/F is expected to contact the division immediately and the divisions are expected to do the same.

  We recognize that there are many more ways to streamline the administration of the MAP and FMD. I encourage you to share your ideas and suggestions with your Division or me as they come to light. I am also working very closely with members of the USAEDC Rules Committee, the Compliance Review Staff and the Commodity Divisions to identify additional options for simplifying the programs. As the administrators of the MAP and FMD, we are charged with preserving the integrity of the programs and ensuring the judicious use of public funds. However, we will make every attempt possible to incorporate all suggestions and ideas that are practical and feasible.
Deputy Administrator
Commodity and Marketing Programs


Last modified: Tuesday, November 04, 2003