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United States
Department of

  July 17, 2001

Farm and Foreign

MAP 01-003
FMD 01-003


Reimbursable Internet Costs

MAP Participants and FMD Cooperators
Independence Ave., SW
Stop 1042
Washington. DC

As a means of facilitating Ae-commerce@ and Ae-government@ and encouraging the strategic use of the Internet as a promotional and educational tool, FAS may reimburse up to 100 percent of 1) Internet advertising, and 2) the costs of developing, updating, and servicing non-branded websites on the Internet, provided that the websites:

  • Contain a message related to exporting or international trade;

  • Include a discernable Alink@ to the FAS/Washington homepage, or an FAS overseas homepage; and

  • Have been specifically approved by the appropriate FAS commodity division.

    NOTE: Computer hardware purchases related to such website development will not be reimbursed.
  MAP or FMD funds will not be used to reimburse any expenses related to websites or portions of websites which are accessible only to an organization=s membership. Reimbursement claims for websites which include any sort of AMembers Only@ sections must be prorated to exclude the costs associated with those areas subject to restricted access. In such cases, please contact your commodity division for additional guidance.

Participants and Cooperators are reminded that all activities, including activities involving the Internet, must constitute a cost-effective utilization of program resources. Proposed Internet-related activities not only should represent the best use of available funds, but care also should be taken to insure that they are carried out in the most efficient manner as well. Guidelines governing applicable contracting standards and procedures may be found in 7 CFR 1485.23(c)(2)(v) and 7 CFR 1484.35(d)(5), and in notices MAP-97006 and FMD-99007.

Consistent with the above and in compliance with 7 CFR 1485.20(c) and 7 CFR 1484.72, those who undertake Internet-related activities are encouraged to make use of the unique tools the Internet has to offer (such as hit counts and click-through tracking) as a means of evaluating the effectiveness of the activity, and to report these evaluation measures to FAS on a regular basis.

  ACTION This program notice is effective July 1, 2001. This program notice supercedes MAP-97017 and FMD-210.
Deputy Administrator
Commodity and Marketing Programs


Last modified: Tuesday, November 04, 2003