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Indoor Humidity Tools

Indoor Humidity Tools logo.

Integrated computer program intended to assist in diagnosing and solving problems of indoor air humidity and dryness. Indoor Humidity Tools is comprised of two sections:

- Calculations provide humidity calculations.

- Reference provides background information on humidity in convenient lookup formats, such as recommended indoor humidity levels for different types of spaces, against which calculations may be compared.


indoor air humidity, dryness, condensation



Expertise Required

No special expertise required.


first released in July 1997.


engineers, industrial hygienists and safety professionals, architects, building scientists, contractors, government air quality specialists, and other professionals in the indoor air quality field.


Windows-based (3.x and 95). English or metric units. Enter temperature measurements to calculate relative humidity. Adjusts for barometric pressure.


Provides text reports on screen or to printer. Allows saving and loading project data files. Sizes humidifiers and dehumidifiers in order to meet required indoor humidity conditions. Allows diagnosis of indoor humidity conditions. Estimates moisture generation rates. Allows diagnosis of condensation problems: relative humidity, humidity conditions which cause a variety of ill-health symptoms and material deterioration problems, humidity codes and standards, recommended indoor humidity for a wide variety of building types and activities, and outdoor humidity conditions, which affects indoor humidity, for many locations around the world.

Computer Platform

IBM-compatible computers with Windows 3.x or Win 95.

Programming Language



Diagnosis and solution of humidity and dryness problems.


Does not do multi-zone modelling.



Taitem Engineering


963 Comfort Road
Spencer, New York 14883
United States


(800) 216-5638 (607) 277-1118


(607) 277 2119




In the U.S. and Canada, order by credit card (VISA/MC/AMEX), check, or corporate P.O. Contact Taitem Engineering, above. Outside the U.S. and Canada, send order and check to: Coolsys Ltd, above. $495, plus $5 shipping and handling (single-user version). $1980 for site license.

Printable Version

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U.S. Department of Energy