Ohio State University Extension Bulletin

Street Tree Evaluation Project

Bulletin 877-99


406 Oakley, Wooster

Planted: 1942

Site: Lawn

1971 Comments: These large oaks are in excellent condition and have a broad pyramidal habit that provides excellent shade. The ultimate size of the trees is not a problem since they are located in an open lawn area.

1967 1968 1969 1970 1997
Height 32.8' 36.0' 37.6' 38.6' 82.6'
Caliper 12.3" 13.3" 13.9" 14.7" 35.2"
Spread 28.0' 30.4' 30.8' 33.4' 59.6'

Red Oak

1997 Comments: The planting was dominated by red oak. These trees have grown magnificently. The trees are about 36 inches in diameter. They have survived well and are a good match for the site. These plants are also excellent for a lawn planting.

Eighty-nine percent of the planting survived (16 of 18 trees). The 1997 data in the table are based on three trees.

Red Oak

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