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Business Development...
Planning and startup information to help you establish or expand your Minority Business Enterprise (MBE)...

Beginners Essentials Access to Capital, Money, matter how you name it, Cash can be your business's lifeblood.

Planning - Put It On Paper Got a great idea? How do you really expect to run your business if you haven't taken the time to write your plan and really think about your design?

E-Commerce Are you ready to perform transactions electronically? Do you know what's involved?
Definition:  Electronic Commerce refers to the general exchange of goods and services via the Internet.  

Technology You'll find information about technical standards and help with your Internet-based business.

Risk Management Here, you'll learn how to reduce risk for your business.
Definition:  Risk Management is the total process to identify, control, and minimize the impact of uncertain events.

Strategic Planning Learn how to build commitments among key stakeholders.
Definition:  Strategic planning is the process of developing and maintaining a strategic fit between the organization's goals and capabilities and its changing marketing opportunities.  

Business Formation S vs. C Corporations, LLC and more, deal structuring, intellectual property licensing and protection.

Employees Employees add another layer of complexity to your business that requires careful consideration and planning.

Marketing Marketing 101: Learn how to get start marketing your business, ideas and services.
Definition:  The process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of goods, services, and ideas to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organisation objectives.  

E-Commerce articles Read articles on E-Commerce business strategies, news headlines, commentary and issues from syndicated sources all around the world. Please note all content is linked offsite and provided as an informational service only within

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  • All headlines originate via Rich Site Summary (RSS) feeds
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  E-Commerce Times: the E-Business and Technology Super Site
 RSS newsfeed item... Countdown to the Holidays: 100 Days to Ramp Up
Despite the recent gloomy economic news and consumer credit crunch, consumers will still spend hundreds of billions of dollars this holiday season. For retailers, the countdown has already begun and now is the time to start thinking about your holiday e-mail marketing programs for the holiday push. Start in September and you have 100 days to grow your business.
 RSS newsfeed item... Presidential Candidates Can Be CEOs
Last week, HP's ex-CEO and current Republican Spokesperson Carly Fiorina, in a poorly thought-out attempt to help McCain win, indicated that none of the presidential or vice presidential hopefuls could be CEOs like she was. Given she was fired, I was thinking, gee I hope so, but she intended the comment to mean they weren't as qualified as she was.
 RSS newsfeed item... IronPort Offers New Layer of Armor Against Invisible Web Menaces
Internet security firm IronPort Systems announced on Monday an enhanced layer of protection for its Web Security appliance S-Series with the addition of Exploit Filtering technology. The company made its announcement on the heels of the March launch of its URL Outbreak Detection and Botsite Defense. That security layer protects users against malware distribution through Web sites controlled by botnets.
 RSS newsfeed item... Social Networking and the Multichannel Shopper
Attaining the optimal mix of product selection, pricing and content in catalogs and collateral; and the tailoring of guided selling and navigation within multichannel management strategies is too important to leave to just trial and error. Lacking frameworks to define optimal mix of resources, anecdotal data instead of actual results often define the mix of resources across channels.
 RSS newsfeed item... Internet Radio: Not Dead, Just on Walkabout
There have been some subtle shifts in digital music this year, trends that will accelerate over the next few months as the holidays near. I'm not talking about MP3 players and the new models to tempt you. Rather, there is an increasing amount of music available that does not require the downloading of songs to a portable device.

 Courtesy of E-Commerce Times © 2006 -Content links go offsite

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