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Monthly Labor Review Online

May 2005, Vol. 128, No. 5

Publications received

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Economic and social statistics

Angrist, Joshua, Victor Chernozhukov, and Ivan Fernandez-Val, Quantile Regression under Misspecification, With an Application to the U.S. Wage Structure. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2004, 52 pp. (Working Paper 10428) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Ashenfelter, Orley and Michael Greenstone, Estimating the Value of a Statistical Life: The Importance of Omitted Variables and Publication Bias. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2004, 14 pp. (Working Paper 10401) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Caballero, Ricardo J. and Eduardo M.R.A. Engel, Three Strikes And You’re Out: Reply to Cooper And Willis. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2004, 12 pp. (Working Paper 10368) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Cooper, Russell W., John C. Haltiwanger, and Jonathan Willis, Dynamics of Labor Demand: Evidence from Plant-Level Observations and Aggregate Implications. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2004, 28 pp. (Working Paper 10297) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Haider, Steven J. and Melvin Stephens Jr., Is There a Retirement-Consumption Puzzle? Evidence Using Subjective Retirement Expectations. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2004, 52 pp. (Working Paper 10257) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Hamermesh, Daniel S., Subjective Outcomes in Economics. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2004, 20 pp. (Working Paper 10361) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Hellerstein, Judith K. and David Neumark, Production Function and Wage Equation Estimation with Heterogeneous Labor: Evidence from a New Matched Employer-Employee Data Set. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2004, 38 pp. (Working Paper 10325) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Lise, Jeremy, Shannon Seitz, and Jeffrey Smith, Equilibrium Policy Experiments and the Evaluation of Social Programs. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2004, 47 pp. (Working Paper 10283) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Miltersen, Kristian R. and Eduardo S. Schwartz, R&D Investments with Competitive Interactions. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2004, 47 pp. (Working Paper 10258) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Mulligan, Casey B. and Yona Rubinstein, Household vs. Personal Accounts of the U.S. Labor Market, 1965–2000. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2004, 23 pp. (Working Paper 10320) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Nordhaus, William D., Schumpeterian Profits in the American Economy: Theory and Measurement. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2004, 35 pp. (Working Paper 10433) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Economic growth and development

Biesebroeck, Johannes Van, Cross-Country Conversion Factors for Sectoral Productivity Comparisons. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2004, 48 pp. (Working Paper 10279) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Caballero, Ricardo J., Eduardo M.R.A. Engel, and Alejandro Micco, Microeconomic Flexibility in Latin America. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2004, 33 pp. (Working Paper 10398) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Eslava, Marcela, John Haltiwanger, Adriana Kugler, and Maurice Kugler, The Effect of Structural Reforms on Productivity and Profitability Enhancing Reallocation: Evidence from Colombia. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2004, 48 pp. (Working Paper 10367) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Gugler, Klaus and Ralph Siebert, Market Power versus Efficiency Effects of Mergers and Research Joint Ventures: Evidence from the Semiconductor Industry. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2004, 34 pp. (Working Paper 10323) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Hall, Bronwyn H. and Raffaele Oriani, Does the Market Value R&D Investment by European Firms? Evidence from a Panel of Manufacturing Firms in France, Germany, and Italy. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2004, 42 pp. (Working Paper 10408) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Keller, Wolfgang and Carol H. Shiue, Market Integration and Economic Development: A Long-Run Comparison. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2004, 30 pp. (Working Paper 10300) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Persky, Joseph, Daniel Felsenstein, and Virginia Carlson, Does "Trickle Down" Work? Economic Development Strategies and Job Chains in Local Labor Markets. Kalamazoo, MI, W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, 2004, 188 pp., $40/cloth.


Allegretto, Sylvia A., Sean P. Corcoran, and Lawrence Mishel, How Does Teacher Pay Compare? Methodological Challenges and Answers. Washington, DC, Economic Policy Institute, 2004, 58 pp., $9.95/paperback.

Borjas, George J., Do Foreign Students Crowd Out Native Students from Graduate Programs? Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2004, 24 pp. (Working Paper 10349) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Card, David and Alan B. Krueger, Would the Elimination of Affirmative Action Affect Highly Qualified Minority Applicants? Evidence from California and Texas. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2004, 42 pp. (Working Paper 10366) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Goldin, Claudia, The Long Road to the Fast Track: Career and Family. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2004, 24 pp. (Working Paper 10331) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Lochner, Lance, Education, Work, and Crime: A Human Capital Approach. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2004, 42 pp. (Working Paper 10478) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Health and safety

Bundorf, M. Kate, Laurence Baker, Sara Singer, and Todd Wagner, Consumer Demand for Health Information on the Internet. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2004, 30 pp. (Working Paper 10386) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Industrial relations

Krueger, Dirk and Jessica Tjornhom Donohue, On the Distributional Consequences of Child Labor Legislation. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2004, 33 pp. (Working Paper 10347) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Wheeler, Hoyt N., Brian S. Klaas, and Douglas M. Mahony, Workplace Justice Without Unions. Kalamazoo, MI, W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, 2004, 231 pp., $40/cloth; $18/paperback.

Industry and government organization

Choi, James J., David Laibson, and Brigitte C. Madrian, Plan Design and 401(k) Savings Outcomes. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2004, 38 pp. (Working Paper 10486) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Law, Marc T. and Sukkoo Kim, Specialization and Regulation: The Rise of Professionals and the Emergence of Occupational Licensing Regulation. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2004, 45 pp. (Working Paper 10467) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

International economics

Edmonds, Eric V., International Trade and Child Labor: Cross-Country Evidence. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2004, 36 pp. (Working Paper 10317) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Khan, B. Zorina, Does Copyright Piracy Pay? The Effects of U.S. International Copyright Laws on the Market for Books, 1790–1920. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2004, 40 pp. (Working Paper 10271) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Labor and economic history

Goldin, Claudia, From the Valley to the Summit: The Quiet Revolution That Transformed Women’s Work. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2004, 29 pp. (Working Paper 10335) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Labor force

Blanchflower, David G., Self-Employment: More May Not Be Better. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2004, 59 pp. (Working Paper 10286) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Labor organizations

Harrison, Ann and Jason Scorse, Moving Up or Moving Out? Anti-Sweatshop Activists and Labor Market Outcomes. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2004, 48 pp. (Working Paper 10492) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Management and organization theory

Brown, Jeffrey R., Nellie Liang, and Scott Weisbenner, 401k Matching Contributions in Company Stock: Costs and Benefits for Firms and Workers. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2004, 54 pp. (Working Paper 10419) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Hayes, Rachel M., Paul Oyer, and Scott Schaefer, Co-worker Complementarity and the Stability of Top Management Teams. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2004, 34 pp. (Working Paper 10350) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Rajan, Raghuram G. and Julie Wulf, Are Perks Purely Managerial Excess? Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2004, 41 pp. (Working Paper 10494) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Productivity and technological change

Augereau, Angelique, Shane Greenstein, and Marc Rysman, Coordination vs. Differentiation in a Standards War: 56K Modems. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2004, 41 pp. (Working Paper 10334) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Biesebroeck, Johannes Van, Robustness of Productivity Estimates. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2004, 54 pp. (Working Paper 10303) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Jones, Charles I., The Shape of Production Functions and the Direction of Technical Change. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2004, 36 pp. (Working Paper 10457) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Lichtenberg, Frank R., The Expanding Pharmaceutical Arsenal in the War on Cancer. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2004, 50 pp. (Working Paper 10328) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Popp, David, Entice-BR: The Effects of Backstop Technology R&D on Climate Policy Models. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2004, 62 pp. (Working Paper 10285) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Social institutions and social change

Dahl, Gordon B. and Enrico Moretti, The Demand for Sons: Evidence from Divorce, Fertility, and Shotgun Marriage. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2004, 68 pp. (Working Paper 10281) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Wages and compensation

Barlevy, Gadi and Daniel Tsiddon, Earnings Inequality and the Business Cycle. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2004, 43 pp. (Working Paper 10469) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Castellanos, Sara G., Rodrigo García-Verdú, and David S. Kaplan, Nominal Wage Rigidities in Mexico: Evidence from Social Security Records. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2004, 39 pp. (Working Paper 10383) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Engelhardt, Gary V. and Brigitte C. Madrian, Employee Stock Purchase Plans. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2004, 35 pp. (Working Paper 10421) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Levy, Helen, Employer-Sponsored Disability Insurance: Where Are the Gaps in Coverage? Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2004, 30 pp. (Working Paper 10382) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Shimer, Robert, The Consequences of Rigid Wages in Search Models. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2004, 14 pp. (Working Paper 10326) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Welfare programs and social insurance

Komamura, Kohei and Atsuhiro Yamada, Who Bears the Burden of Social Insurance? Evidence from Japanese Health & Long-Term Care Insurance Data. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2004, 23 pp. (Working Paper 10339) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Tekin, Erdal, Child Care Subsidy Receipt, Employment, and Child Care Choices of Single Mothers. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2004, 18 pp. (Working Paper 10459) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Tekin, Erdal, Single Mothers Working at Night: Standard Work, Child Care Subsidies, and Implications for Welfare Reform. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2004, 41 pp. (Working Paper 10274) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Worker training and development

Moore, Richard W., Daniel R. Blake, G. Michael Phillips, and Daniel McConaughy, Training That Works: Lessons from California’s Employment Training Panel Program. Kalamazoo, MI, W.E. Upjohn for Employment Research, 2003, 232 pp., $40/cloth; $20/paperback.


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