The first comprehensive atlas of population and housing produced by the Census Bureau since the 1920s.
Price: $165 (Price outside the U.S., Canada, and Mexico $330) Order number: PB2008-106035 Media type: Paperback
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The Census Atlas of the United States is a large-format publication, about 300 pages long, and contains almost 800 maps. Data from the 2000 Census and prior decennial censuses support the maps and figures, providing context and a historical perspective for many of the topics presented.
The maps do not merely offer graphic representations of facts and data. They reveal the relationships among our Nation’s people and the States, cities, and counties where they have chosen to live. In short, the book tells the story of our Nation – its past, present, and future.
The Atlas is arranged in topical chapters, grouped into three general themes: who we are; where we come from; and what we do. The topics covered include:
Reference maps, Notes, Glossary and a Map & Figure Index complete the Census Atlas of the United States.