Fiber Reinforced Concrete 1992

Balaguru, P. N.
Concrete International, Feb 1992, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp 64-67.

Fibers have an excellent potential to improve the mechanical properties of rapid-setting materials, and could be used effectively to improve the performance of repairs. Steel fiber reinforced rapid-setting concrete is discussed. Three fiber geometries, four fiber volume fractions, five fiber lengths, and two beam sizes were used to evaluate flexural strength, flexural ductility, compressive strength, and stress-strain behavior in compression. The details of the study and its results are presented. Polymer-fiber reinforced rapid-setting concrete is discussed, and it is noted that test results in this area are very limited. The investigations indicate that the behavior of fiber-reinforced rapid-setting materials is similar to that of normal portland cement fiber-reinforced concrete.

Balaguru, P. N., Narahari, R., and Patel, M.
ACI Materials Journal, Nov-Dec 1992, Vol. 89, No. 6, pp 541-545.

A relatively new procedure was used to measure the deflections of the flexural behavior of steel fiber reinforced concrete (SRC) in this study. The variables investigated were fiber type, length and volume fraction, and matrix composition. The results indicate that fiber content in the range of 50 to 100 lb/cu yd provides excellent ductility for normal strength concrete. The fiber content has to be increased to about 150 lb/ cu yd for high strength concrete. Hooked-end fiber geometry provides better results than corrugated and deformed-end geometry. Fiber length in the range of 1.18 to 2.36 in. does not have a significant effect on toughness for hooked-end fibers. Ductility behavior and toughness values are also discussed.

Balaguru, P. N. and Shah, S. P.
"FIBER-REINFORCED CEMENT COMPOSITES," McGraw-Hill, New York, 1992, xii, 530 pp.

This book provides a guide to various portland cement-based fiber composites as well as their constituent material, fabrication, mechanical and long-term properties, and field performance. It looks at small-fiber-volume applications for bulk construction and high-fiber applications for manufactured products. It also covers such specialty uses as fiber-reinforced cement and slurry-infiltrated fiber concrete.

Chung, D. D. L.
Final Report, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, State University of New York at Buffalo, 1992, xvi, 80 pp. (SHRP-ID/UFR-92-605; PB92-186550)

The use of short pitch-based carbon fibers, together with a dispersant, chemical agents and silica fume in concrete with fine and coarse aggregates resulted in a flexural strength increase of 85%, and a flexural toughness increase of 205%, a compressive strength increase of 22%, and a material price increase of 39%. The slump was 4 in. at a water/cement ratio of 0/50. The air content was 6%, so the freeze-thaw durability was increased, even in the absence of an air entrainer. The aggregate size had little effect on the above properties. The minimum carbon fiber content was 0.1 vol %. The optimum fiber length was such that the mean fiber length decreased from 12 mm before mixing to 7 mm after mixing, which used a Hobart mixer. The drying shrinkage was decreased by up to 90%. The electrical resistivity was decreased by up to 83%.

Ezeldin, A. S. and Balaguru, P. N.
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Nov 1992, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp 415-429.

This paper describes the experimental stress-strain behavior of fiber-reinforced concrete with compressive strength ranging from 5 ksi to 12 ksi. The matrix consisted of concrete rather than mortar. The influence of fiber-reinforcing parameters on the peak stress, corresponding strain, secant modulus of elasticity, the toughness of concrete, and the curve shape were investigated. A simple equation is proposed to predict the complete stress-strain curve. It was found that the addition of hooked-end steel fibers to concrete, with or without silica fume, effectively increases the toughness of such concrete. The increase in silica-fume content renders the fiber-reinforced concrete more brittle as compared to non-silica-fume concrete.

Ezeldin, A. S. and Hsu, C-T. T
ACI Structural Journal, Jan-Feb 1992, Vol. 89, No. 1, pp 106-114.

Steel fiber reinforced concrete is increasingly used as a construction material. Studies have shown that steel fibers can be used to increase the bending moment capacity and shear strength of reinforced concrete beams. A computer algorithm that analyzes the combined contribution of steel fibers to flexural and shear strengths of reinforced fiber concrete beams is presented. The algorithm conducts a systematic direct search in the space of 6 variables - beam width, beam depth, fiber content, bending reinforcing bars, shear stirrups, and stirrup spacing - to yield an optimum solution for a given cost objective function. The algorithm can simplify the combined use of concrete, conventional reinforcement, and steel fibers as construction materials.

Fritz, C., Naaman, A. E., and Reinhardt, H. W.
in High Performance Fiber Reinforced Cement Composites, Proceedings of the International Workshop held by RILEM, ACI and others, June 23-26, 1991, Mainz, Germany; Ed. by H. W. Reinhardt and A. E. Naaman; 1st ed.; E & FN Spon, London, 1992, pp 518-528. (RILEM proceedings, vol. 15)

The results of an experimental study of the behavior of reinforced concrete beams containing a SIFCON (Slurry infiltrated fiber concrete) matrix are presented. It is observed that the presence of SIFCON in overreinforced concrete beams leads to ductility indexes exceeding three times those obtained without it. Crack widths and spacing are more than an order of magnitude smaller than in conventional reinforced concrete. Experimental results also suggest that there is no need for stirrups in flexural members with a SIFCON matrix.

Hackman, L. E., Farrell, M. B., and Dunham, O. O.
Concrete International, Dec 1992, Vol. 14, No. 12, pp 53-56.

SIMCON (slurry infiltrated mat concrete) is a non-woven steel fiber mat that is infiltrated with a concrete slurry. This article discusses how SIMCON is an improvement on SIFCON (slurry infiltrated fiber concrete), and also discusses SIMCON properties and tests. It is shown that the SIMCON concept of reinforcement represents a significant improvement in the reinforcement efficiency in high density, high strength fiber reinforced concrete. Comparable levels of flexural strength and flexural energy absorption capacity can be achieved at greatly reduced fiber loadings relative to the short, discrete fiber reinforcement approach.

Proceedings of the International Workshop held by RILEM, ACI and others, June 23-26, 1991, Mainz, Germany; Ed. by H. W. Reinhardt and A. E. Naaman; 1st ed.; E & FN Spon, London, 1992, xviii, 565 pp. (RILEM proceedings, vol. 15)

This is a collection of papers presented at the first international workshop on high performance fiber reinforced cement composites. High performance fiber reinforced cement composites include materials such as SIFCON (Slurry infiltrated fiber concrete), fiber reinforced DSP (Densified small particles systems), CRC (Compact Reinforced Composites), and SIFCA, a form of SIFCON particularly suitable for refractory application. High performance is defined not only in terms of strength, but also in terms of a combination of desirable properties such as toughness, ductility, durability, and the like. The papers include the studies on the properties of these materials and their behavior, analytical models optimizing their performance, standard methods for testing the composites, comparisons of the reinforcing performance of various types of fibers such as steel, polypropylene, carbon, aramid, and others, and the structural applications of the advanced composites in combination with reinforcing bars and prestressing tendons, and the interrelationships of causes and effects between tailored composite properties and required performance in structural and non-structural applications, as well as the future research needs and directions in this expanding field.

Naaman, A. E.
in High Performance Fiber Reinforced Cement Composites, Proceedings of the International Workshop held by RILEM, ACI and others, June 23-26, 1991, Mainz, Germany; Ed. by H. W. Reinhardt and A. E. Naaman; 1st ed.; E & FN Spon, London, 1992, pp. 18-38. (RILEM proceedings, vol. 15)

This paper reviews some of the essential mechanical properties of a high performance material called SIFCON (slurry infiltrated fiber concrete), which combines simultaneously a number of outstanding properties such as strength (compression, tension, bending, and shear), ductility, toughness, durability, stiffness, and energy absorption capacity under monotonic and cyclic loads. The properties of SIFCON are achieved through an optimized combination of matrix properties, fiber reinforcing parameters, fiber content, and interface characteristics between fiber and matrix.

Nanni, A.
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Feb 1992, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp 1-15.

Experimentation was conducted on the use of a new aramid fiber for the reinforcement of portland cement-based concrete and slurry. The study showed that synthetic fibers manufactured by cutting an epoxy-impregnated, braided bundle made of aramid filaments act similarly to steel fibers in reinforcing both portland cement-based concrete and slurry matrices. The advantage of epoxy-coated aramid over steel is in the lack of corrosion problems, and over polypropylene in the higher performance.

Rabalais, N.
Final Report, Louisiana Transportation Research Center, Baton Rouge, LA, 1992, xiii, 116 pp. (REPT-261; FHWA/LA-91/261; PB93-136646)

The study was conducted to evaluate the physical properties of plastic and hardened fiber reinforced concrete using three basic types of fibers: steel, fiberglass and polypropylene. Fibers have been shown to increase flexural and tensile strength, ductility and toughness of concrete. In the study, air content and water/cement ratio were varied to keep slump in a workable range (2 to 4 in.) and air contents at 5% +/- 1%. Mixes with fly ash and superplasticizers were also tested. The same cement and aggregate were used for all mixes. When used, fly ash and admixture type were the same also. Both 6 and 8 bag mixes were examined. The results of the evaluation indicate that the addition of steel fibers, especially those with a high aspect ratio, in concrete improves flexural toughness, an indicator of ductility and crack resistance. Steel fibers also increased splitting tensile strength. The addition of superplasticizers enhances these qualities further and also increases compressive and flexural strength which were not increased through the use of fibers alone. With the addition of fibers in concrete, no physical properties were adversely affected but no significant improvements over non fiber reinforced concrete were noted in modulus of elasticity, Poisson's ratio, shrinkage or durability over non fiber reinforced concrete. A recommendation is made that the department continue to use fiber in concrete in thin bonded overlays and in structural applications where crack control is desired.

Ramakrishnan, V. and Lokvik, B. J.
in High Performance Fiber Reinforced Cement Composites, Proceedings of the International Workshop held by RILEM, ACI and others, June 23-26, 1991, Mainz, Germany; Ed. by H. W. Reinhardt and A. E. Naaman; 1st ed.; E & FN Spon, London, 1992, pp 271-287. (RILEM proceedings, vol. 15)

This paper presents the results of an analytical investigation to determine the flexural fatigue strength of fiber reinforced concretes (FRC). Four different types of fibers were used: straight steel, corrugated steel, hooked end steel, and polypropylene fibers. These fiber concretes were investigated for two different fiber quantities (0.5% and 1.0% by volume), whereas the same basic mix proportions had been used for all the concretes. More than 300 beams subjected to flexural fatigue with third point loading at a frequency of 20 load cycles per second in a range of one to four million cycles were analyzed. For a better accuracy in generating the S-N curves, statistical and probabilistic concepts are introduced to predict the flexural fatigue model and the fatigue life expectancy of the composite. It was found that the fatigue life model (S-N curve) was more accurate when presented on a log-log scale than on a log-normal scale as commonly assumed. It was also found that fiber reinforced concrete reached an endurance limit at about two million cycles.

Reinhardt, H. W. and Naaman, A. E.
in High Performance Fiber Reinforced Cement Composites, Proceedings of the International Workshop held by RILEM, ACI and others, June 23-26, 1991, Mainz, Germany; Ed. by H. W. Reinhardt and A. E. Naaman; 1st ed.; London, E & FN Spon, 1992, pp 551-558. (RILEM proceedings, vol. 15)

In this workshop summary the authors discuss the various technical issues raised during the workshop including the definition of "high performance", production requirements and techniques, standardization of testing, design principles, optimization of composites, analytical modelling, interfacial properties and bond between fiber and matrix, fracture properties, long-term performance, applications of SIFCON, and contractor's viewpoint with respect to fiber reinforced concrete.

Taerwe, L. R.
ACI Materials Journal, Jan-Feb 1992, Vol. 89, No. 1, pp 54-60.

The results of loading tests on normal, medium, and high-strength concrete cylinders under axial compression are discussed. Special attention is paid to the descending part of the stress-strain curve, which is known to be very steep for high-strength concrete. Adding steel fibers is shown to have a beneficial effect on strain-softening behavior and significantly increases toughness, as measured by the area under the stress-strain curve.

Wecharatana, M. and Lin, S.
in High Performance Fiber Reinforced Cement Composites, Proceedings of the International Workshop held by RILEM, ACI and others, June 23-26, 1991, Mainz, Germany; Ed. by H. W. Reinhardt and A. E. Naaman; 1st ed.; E & FN Spon, London, 1992, pp 248-258. (RILEM proceedings, vol. 15)

A series of direct tension tests was conducted using a tapered tension specimen to study the tensile properties of high performance fiber reinforced concrete (SIFCON). Hooked-end steel fibers were used in the mix with fiber volume fraction varying from 4 to 10%. The water/cement ratio was kept constant at 0.35. The amount of silica fume added was 10% by weight of cement; 4% of water reducing agent was added to improve the workability of slurry. The compressive strengths of the composites observed in this study were rather consistent at about 80 MPa (11,600 psi). The tensile strength, on the other hand, increased as the fiber volume fraction increased. The concept of normalized stress versus pull-out displacement relationships proposed by Wecharatana and Shah, and Visalvanich and Naaman for normal fiber reinforced concrete was also found to be reasonably accurate for predicting the post-cracking tensile characteristics of SIFCON. It is also noted that the casting method, the fiber placing process, and the specimen configuration significantly affect the strength and tensile properties of these FRC composites.

Zhan, Z. F., Foure, B., and Trinh, J. L.
in High Performance Fiber Reinforced Cement Composites, Proceedings of the International Workshop held by RILEM, ACI and others, June 23-26, 1991, Mainz, Germany; Ed. by H. W. Reinhardt and A. E. Naaman; 1st ed.; E & FN Spon, London, 1992, pp 259-270. (RILEM proceedings, vol. 15)

A comparative study was performed on the tensile behavior of steel fiber reinforced concrete (FRC) measured by three different loading tests: direct tensioning test, flexural test and splitting test. Experiments were carried out on plain concrete and three steel FRC of same basic mix specially designed for foundation applications. With regard to ductile capacity (post-cracked behavior), results seemed to indicate different response according to the testing method. This apparent lack of agreement was analyzed, and it seemed that the flexural test is more appropriate for characterizing the ductility of FRC.

Zia, P., Ahmad, S. H., Garg, R. K., and Hanes, K. M.
Concrete International, Dec 1992, Vol. 14, No 12, , pp. 48-52.

This paper presents the results of a study, examining the flexural and shear behavior of concrete beams reinforced with three-dimensional continuous carbon fiber fabric. The test results indicated that the 3-D carbon fiber fabric provided excellent bond and anchorage to concrete and, in the post-cracking stage, the beams reinforced with such a fabric showed many small and closely-spaced cracks rather than fewer widely-spaced large cracks for beams reinforced with conventional reinforcing bars. The closely-spaced vertical carbon fiber elements served very effectively as shear reinforcement to prevent shear failure even when the beams were loaded with shear span to depth ratio from 2.1 to 3.6. The post-cracking behavior of the fabric reinforced beam was elastic. Since the apparent elastic modulus of the fabric element was lower than that of steel, and the reinforcement ratio of the fabric reinforced beam was also much smaller than that of the steel reinforced beam, the post-cracking deflection of the fabric reinforced beam was much larger than that of the steel reinforced beam even though both beams developed the same ultimate strength.

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