One of the most detailed diving references available.....a valuable resource all serious divers must have!
The Definitive Encyclopedia Of Diving Is A Must-Have For Serious Divers.
Topics covered include:
This new edition has been greatly expanded and completely revised with many new full color illustrations by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Diving Program, the U.S. government's leading authority on scientific diving and undersea technology.
Greatly Expanded and Completely Revised To Reflect the Diversified Tasks NOAA Divers Carry Out Underwater Because these tasks are as varied as those of any group of worldwide underwater workers, this new manual contains instructions, recommendations, and general guidance on the broadest possible range of underwater living conditions and diving situations.
Even More Useful Than Previous Editions for All Working and Recreational Divers
More Than 100 Well Known Members of The Diving Community Contributed to The NOAA Diving Manual Thus, the various issues addressed reflect the wisdom, experience, and expertise of contributors, including medical and scientific authorities, equipment manufacturers, experienced recreational and commercial divers, educators, and many others who are an important part of the diving community.
The publication is the result of a collaborative partnership between NOAA, the National Technical Information Service and Best Publishing Company.
About the CD-ROM Now Available for All Platforms This recently revised CD-ROM edition also contains NOAA changes and a 2002 Errata Sheet. The NOAA Diving Manual on CD-ROM with search and retrieval software contains the complete NOAA Diving Manual, Fourth Edition. With the CD-ROM, you can also: