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NDE Instrumentation Design and Development Laboratory

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) Center utilizes the instrumentation laboratory for design and development of NDE instruments. The laboratory is equipped with various electronic test equipment and facilities used in the design and development of specialized instrumentation. A 22-kip load frame is available for specimen and instrument testing. A wide variety of instrumentation is available at the FHWA NDE Center including ultrasonic equipment, thermal imaging systems, and specialized data acquisition systems.

Picture of the Instrumentation Design and Development Laboratory.

Laser System | SGC Angle Validation Kit 
Stress Measurement | Current Projects

The FHWA NDE Center is involved in the test and evaluation of a number of new NDE instruments and techniques. The goal of this program is to work toward providing better tools for bridge inspectors and other end-users of NDE instrumentation. Currently, a number of innovative devices are being evaluated in both laboratory and field tests to better understand their capabilities and limitations.

An important part of this test and evaluation is conducting tests on real problems on various structures. The ability to work with state DOTs, or other end-users of NDE instrumentation, is a benefit to the FHWA NDE Center. The goal of field tests is to provide useful information to a state DOT and at the same time gather information on the capabilities of a particular instrument or NDE technique.

For more information, please contact either by e-mail or telephone.

Frank Jalinoos  (202) 493-3082

FHWA NDE Center DOT Field Test Collaboration


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United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration