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Results 1 - 5 of about 5 records found

Product CodeTitle/Abstract
Thai - Basic Course, Volume 1 (Audiocassettes).

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The course teaches the national spoken language in the dialect of educated speakers of Bangkok and central Thailand. It starts with a programmed introduction to Thai phonology to acquaint you with the significant features of the language's sound system. W...
Year: 1996
Source Agency: AVFSI

Collection: NAC
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Thai - Basic Course, Volume 2 (Audiocassettes).

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The course teaches the national spoken language in the dialect of educated speakers of Bangkok and central Thailand. It starts with a programmed introduction to Thai phonology to acquaint you with the significant features of the language's sound system. W...
Year: 1996
Source Agency: AVFSI

Collection: NAC
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Thai - Basic Course, Volume 2.

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The book accompanies the audiocassettes entitled 'Thai Basic Course, Volume 2'.
Year: 1996
Source Agency: AVFSI

Collection: NAC
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Thai - Basic Course, Volume 1 (Audiocassettes and text).

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The course teaches the national spoken language in the dialect of educated speakers of Bangkok and central Thailand. It starts with a programmed introduction to Thai phonology to acquaint you with the significant features of the language's sound system. W...
Year: 1996
Source Agency: AVFSI

Collection: NAC
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Thai - Basic Course, Volume 2 (Audiocassettes and text).

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The course teaches the national spoken language in the dialect of educated speakers of Bangkok and central Thailand. It starts with a programmed introduction to Thai phonology to acquaint you with the significant features of the language's sound system, w...
Year: 1996
Source Agency: AVFSI

Collection: NAC
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