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Propulsion Index


Here is a list of all the topics available from the Beginner's Guide to Propulsion (BGP) site. Clicking on the title will deliver a page with a slide and a scientific explanation of the contents. Click on the word "Animated" for the animated version of selected pages or the word "Interactive" for a Java simulation. Some pages are also available as "Text Only". If the number and variety of pages seems too intimidating, consider taking one of our Guided Tours through the web site.

Another method for reaching students, teachers and lifelong learners is the use of Distance Learning. While preparing presentations for students, many Power Point files have been developed for the Digital Learning Network using information from the BGP. Another group of Power Point presentations has been prepared concerning the exploration of space. Students and teachers are encouraged to copy the Power Point files to their own computers and to modify them as desired for their own presentations.

* Animation files can be large (average 350K bytes)
** Java Applet

Label for Propulsion Problems
NASA Glenn History and Missions Problems
Basic Propulsion Problems

Label for Propulsion Systems
What is Propulsion?
Propeller Propulsion
Gas Turbine Propulsion
Ramjet Propulsion
Scramjet Propulsion
Rocket Propulsion

Label for Speed Regimes
Mach Number ..Interactive**
High Supersonic
Mach Calculator

Label for Science Fundamentals
States of Matter
Newton's Laws of Motion
Newton's First Law - Inertia
Newton's Second Law (F=ma)
Newton's Third Law (Action - Re-action)

Label for Math Fundamentals
Scalars and Vectors
Comparing Two Scalars - Ratio
Comparing Two Vectors
Vector Components
Vector Addition
Ratios in Triangles
Pythagorean Theorem..Interactive**

 Label for Static Gases
Animated Gas Lab...Animated
Gas Properties Definitions
Air Properties Definitions
Equation of State (Ideal Gas)
Specific Heats - cp and cv
Boyle's Law...Animated
Charles and Gay-Lussac's Law...Animated
Specific Volume
Kinetic Theory of Gasses

Label for Thermodynamics
What is Thermodynamics?
Zeroth Law - Thermal Equilibrium
First Law - Internal Energy
Second Law - Entropy
Heat Transfer
Entropy of a Gas
Isentropic Compression
Work Done by a Gas
P-V and T-S Diagrams
Carnot Cycle

Label for Aerodynamics
Conservation of Mass
Conservation of Momentum
Conservation of Energy
Similarity Parameters... Interactive
Boundary Layer
Mass Flow Rate... Interactive
Mass Flow Choking... Interactive
Area Ratio A/A*... Interactive
Airflow per Area... Interactive
Dynamic Pressure

Bernoulli's Equation

Label for Atmospherics
Interactive Atmosphere Simulator
Gas Pressure
Gas Temperature
Gas Density
Speed of Sound
Earth Model - Imperial Units
Earth Model - Metric Units
Mars Model - Imperial Units
Mars Model - Metric Units

Label for Aircraft Motion
RangeGames Interactive Simulator
Excess Thrust
Vectored Thrust
Thrust to Weight Ratio
Forces in a Climb
Airplane Cruise - Balanced Forces
Simplified Aircraft Motion
Aircraft Motion - Newton's Second Law
Range - Constant Velocity
Maximum Flight Time
Range Summary

Vertical Line
Vertical Line
Vertical Line

Label for Thrust
General Thrust Equation
Propeller Thrust
Turbojet Thrust
Afterburning Turbojet Thrust
Turbofan Thrust
Turboprop Thrust
Ramjet / Scramjet Thrust
Rocket Thrust

Label for Turbine Engines
Types of Gas Turbines
Gas Generator (Core) ...Animated
Turbojet Engine...Animated
Afterburning Turbojet Engine...Animated
Turbofan Engine...Animated
Turboprop Engine...Animated

Label for Tuebine Engine Parts
Gas Turbine Parts ... Animated
Axial Compressor... Animated
Centrifugal Compressor
Combustors - Burners
Power Turbines... Animated

Label for Turbine Engine Analysis
EngineSim Interactive Simulator
Schematics and Station Numbering
Brayton Cycle
Turbine Engine Thrust - Summary
Engine Pressure Ratio (EPR)... Animated
Engine Temperature Ratio (ETR)... Animated
Compressor-Turbine Matching
Specific Thrust
Fuel Mass Flow Rate
Specific Fuel Consumption
Engine Weight Model

Label for Internal Combustion Engines
Internal Combustion Engine... Animated
Engine Stages
Otto Cycle
Thermodynamic Analyisis
4-Stroke Engine... Animated
Intake Stroke
Compression Stroke
Combustion Process
Power Stroke
Heat Rejection
Exhaust Stroke

Label for Internal Combustion Engine Parts
Engine Parts... Animated
Crankcase... Animated
Power Train... Animated
Bore and Stroke... Animated
Combustion Chamber... Animated
Fuel System
Electrical System... Animated
Cooling System
Lubrication System... Animated
Timing System... Animated

Label for Ramjets and Scramjets
Ramjet Parts
Brayton Cycle Analysis
Combustors - Burners

Label for Rocket Engines
Beginner's Guide to Rockets
Liquid Rockets
Solid Rockets
Specific Impulse
Thrust Equations ... Interactive
RocketModeler Interactive Simulator

Label for Engine Components
Propeller Analysis
Inlet Performance
Compressor Thermodynamics
Burner Thermodynamics
Power Turbine Thermodynamics
Nozzle Performance
Interactive Nozzle Simulator

Label for Other Pages
Pitot-Static Tube - Speedometer
Wind Tunnel Aerodynamics
Let's be Specific


Button to Display Aerodynamics Index Button to Display Hi Speed Aero Index Button to Display Model Rocket Index Button to Display Hypersonic Aero Index
Beginner's Guide to Propulsion
Beginner's Guide to Aerodynamics
Beginner's Guide to Compressible Aerodynamics
Free Software
Wind Tunnel Pages
Beginner's Guide Home Page


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Editor: Tom Benson
NASA Official: Tom Benson
Last Updated: Jul 11 2008

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