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Eye and Face Protection eTool
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Eye and Face eTool

Additional References

OSHA Standards
General Industry (29 CFR 1910) Shipyard Employment (29 CFR 1915) Construction (29 CFR 1926)
  • 1926 Subpart E, Personal protective and life saving equipment
    • 1926.95, Criteria for personal protective equipment
    • 1926.102, Eye and face protection
National Consensus Standards
Note: These are NOT OSHA regulations. However, they do provide guidance from their originating organizations related to worker protection.
American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
  • Z87.1-1989, Practice for Occupational and Educational Eye and Face Protection. (1998). Provides a performance-oriented eye and face standard.
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) OSHA Publications OSHA Training OSHA Technical Manual Accessibility Assistance: Contact the OSHA Directorate of Science, Technology and Medicine at 202-693-2300 for assistance accessing OSHA PDF materials.

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Page last updated: 01/14/2008