Appendix II


Listed below are the non-profit, forest products associations, called cooperators, that participate in the Foreign Agricultural Service's market development programs.

American Forest & Paper Association

1111 19th Street, NW
Suite 800
Washington, D.C. 20036
Phone: (202) 463-2700
Fax: (202) 463-2787

Betsy Ward, Executive Director, Wood Products International
Overseas Offices: Mexico City, Mexico; Tokyo, Japan; Hong Kong; Seoul, South Korea; Beijing, China.

American Hardwood Export Council

1111 19th Street, NW
Suite 800
Washington, D.C. 20036
Phone: (202) 463-2700
Fax: (202) 463-2787

Michael Snow, Executive Director
Overseas Offices: London, United Kingdom; Osaka, Japan; Hong Kong; Mexico City, Mexico.

APA-The Engineered Wood Association

7011 South 19th Street
P.O. Box 11700
Tacoma, WA 98466-5399
Phone: (253) 565-6600
Telex: 32 7430 AMPLY TAC
Fax: (253) 565-7265

Ed Elias, Director, International Marketing Division
Overseas Offices: London, United Kingdom; Antwerp, Belgium; Hamburg, Germany; Tokyo, Japan; Mexico City, Mexico.

Southern Forest Products Association

P.O. Box 641700
Kenner, LA 70064-1700
Phone: (504) 443-4464
Fax: (504) 443-6612
Telex: 756854 SFPA UD

Jerry Hingle, Manager, International Marketing
Overseas Offices: London, United Kingdom; Madrid, Spain; Mexico City, Mexico; Tokyo, Japan.

Softwood Export Council

520 S.W. 6th Avenue, Suite 810
Portland, OR 97204-1514
Phone: (503) 248-0406
Fax: (503) 224-3934

Craig Larsen, President
Overseas Offices: Tokyo, Japan; London, United Kingdom; Madrid, Spain; Canberra, Australia, Mexico City, Mexico.

Last modified: Wednesday, February 11, 2004