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Files are in Adobe Acrobat format. [.pdf ] Click on the icon if you need to download the Adobe Acrobat Reader used to view these files.
U.S. Census Bureau releases U.S. Trade Data to Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) on/about 10th to 14th of each month. You can view the release dates on the web site: the address is http://www.fas.usda.gov/ustrade/release.asp?QI=Forest and Fishery Products Division will immediately post the U.S. Trade data on our web site when it becomes available. Questions, please e-mail linda.dallos@fas.usda.gov.
 U.S. Wood Products Export Data Excel format and PDF
Excel format and PDF
 Total U.S. Exports by Country A_Vcountry.xls N/A
  A_Vcountry.pdf N/A
 Total U.S. Exports by Commodity Groups A_Vcommodity.xls A_Qcommodity.xls
  A_Vcommodity.pdf A_Qcommodity.pdf
 Total U.S. Exports by Commodity Subgroups A_Vcomm_sbgrps.xls A_Qcomm_sbgrps.xls
  A_Vcomm_sbgrps.pdf A_Qcomm_sbgrps.pdf
 Total U.S. Exports by Commodity Groups and Top 20 Countries A_Vcommodity_20.xls A_Qcommodity_20.xls
  A_Vcommodity_20.pdf A_Qcommodity_20.pdf
 Total U.S. Exports by Commodity Subgroups and Top 20 Countries A_Vcomm_sbgrps_20.xls A_Qcomm_sbgrps_20.xls
  A_Vcomm_sbgrps_20.pdf A_Qcomm_sbgrps_20.pdf

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Last modified: Friday, January 19, 2007